Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1875, page 3

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/ hptnlocks l TSfth Mid [in r *. |~>uut hidt po ndc, Kwhn. tasfwa* .dcbf* l nun. i [he J troe, I' 1 im. pi mw, i-Hare li rvaehuT TiU | n got waft mean oirf km. li to tear iidlv cried, n.enntain hat. ~~- \c star'ess patioo, * <j !v>os *oal, hiaHon. i-vpped Vs :;on. J-irel s head. til' . -o Gosnen. aaai do 113, fin w-ner, ( I'ovrer. __=L as r is__n I was seen, "* \^ Ian s Kav~i.e |er liowm , < - waw > wasgotn : 'ta* rattLn L' ome ^rav jjl c as Ta ti side, ^a-wlui nie j a^L=d till I A^ U.* ppspsrs- oe"' -ia.ys of. &e immense__ 'laaiet -as'antiquat* |b and witch For yejars itodlsiavor, 1 soen green- oady ebows kri^ued Jor a soon mo, mtrj fairly \Vhil6 irSling head- fes and great Ibojgbt and tail over the Ull news- Bu* no^, > wastelioars hns of conjec- lafid personal lea or a bit of Idected into a of time and < tnrpipg-T-tbe - ; lore- eubtance - ieneral thinjr, fiind this oni#. ' ;wbicbba,ve\ ; '-, iin the. fewest --J't Jtndsl'popalaj fauL In Che If Arherica re j.' (stages' new** -_ expected to 1 peek or ^-V? / j'copditiorj of iy ^jQf -sailiFg - "-. li to/sjt down; llantfej-^heet, '.' }ut 'that has 20 \A a man . Tnfit <tt once, 1 pre#rnble:oi' kati tbe same |pers. '.:- ' v. . "V ' I THfiHACTON FIJEE PRESS, AUttLST ,:.C 18it 1 1 1 r OHRISTIjB, HENDERSON Ac'oiij Jfily 30.|lS7o, rBE Poaft Hl> AT TliK r%Buti>i!E. Gin* or / V poor oldmn aiisil on. bittor coW 1I1V1 Anl directly to Firadisi- %\<.nvl(xl hi* \ , ' Saiftt Ptter he met tis a liixvu I ro " late J With his great Rliining kejs keeping KTUjdjit the jT^tc J\ow, while st*nvlmg hen., with the __ Apoitle conuirsing. Tin. e^tnts 01 his journev to hca\ e-i} re housing ii.& ses a neb torwnsraMi the gat*, is jar Slip quietlj b\ tbejn and -ni thiv< lgh the bar "How is thiS-J ^tnnuag.Kiik to baint Peter, his gnide , In accents ol woodLr the poor van ened, i ' \Vhenm\ neighbor ncnt in, avrc.U'-t "\u31c I Eeard , VThj is not the same honor on me vow conljerred T ' D\e keep up the dutim.Uoii here pl&ase (di me knon TVixt the rich and the poor that1-we had doura below * ' r* ^ ox at all, said Saint Pt-Ur, "oh, no, not at all , ' Jnst as brothers w h\ e in xiii* >>anijuet mg Itall, ' Bat poor folks like \ ou I *un happj v -tQ say, Bj hundreds pass through theg-itt nerj ~ day , * About onc,m in* Jtar c^in a rich man aloSg _ , Tn.n all FiradiiC ruigs with a g- aeral soag I 1 mm T- A^vdajj revoking fresJi Jincs. of NEW] GOODS at prices to suit the times. To give visitors to next Monthly Fair the privilege of Grand Clearing Sale diiiTiisr the First 4 still farther redaction >>ill he gixen lt^cjlear at several liues*. If you want goods nt bottom prices call early. &p CO., AOTDN Chaho Bi usijtn, I enter .d 0e white waived collj occupiad by Aichie C.iuliiIhII - j ' 'J^ln.> he lit, with hiJback. tol- \\ u'cKjiis, his bowed ho id resting upolii his oJasped httidi; byl he did iiot|mo\e u> the dooi |wis openod I trjombled \ loleuth fijoin he id to foot, and had to- thro> batk m> tbicjk bl \ck 'V eil in ord jnore eisiiv Dt Charlie stned no 11 *h|Wt j nd\iu}c?d, ni'd 1 ivirig mV li md upon ti,o do\\ne;3t hoid, s.iid, iof8lT , ^Aroliie1" It v time I had called Christian n^me, He looked up nt jie with a. be wil^eretl e"xpresion, like tJia,t of a person suddenlj a\yiko"Cd from bleep, ljt he niadt no ge&ture eithier oT"' v ercome 01 recognition I Ult'a little -iluinicd it the im pis^i\ei>es of his n annor; rend", gepth" jva.oothmg tbo tangled curia r to breathe iVuIITce nn I th6 door. as the fii-at him bv his fron^ his diiup brow, '. nsktd " Archie are ydn glad to see me "' Jl great sob broke f -oro him, ami, taking both nn h.ui Is m his, ho kissed them, v. hi 1st hi> tears rained npoti them thick aiii fast I ne- sti uned m^ t;inot|ibn as onK a wo iai| strong in hei h\e cin, and - knetlmg down be-ide him with my around his neck, I told bun TH33UGH EVIL AND GOOD REPORT. (ConHnwi! ) For th-* fe<r di\ a following I -\>nvjib>out in * state of-s*iipefic tton waiih I behe\e s^^ed me froji going tn vi. Aiojh, a. in nt d^rer Tne idea was too prepoa_ lerous *o pe entrt uncd forouo mo- ni^nt, and I ntstrl\ lust mv ri-dsoii froai tjiilking th it I v js to be ^ oae ot iha pnncipA s nc strength 'e^in^ th- iDsaid sii-pieion t>.r on lj^ Oljlv I^CJSlOIl upo i Wjll 11 111 I a-^r 11J -^jtt.-*!! ta 1^^ 1 ir j 1 n )iJ3U L it* bJUj c. ho hal bi ( jjaun lu>.ciLi)t jvoii gmug \0U evidence Ptobiblv 3011 will b loyru n-<tt{ m h inji 1^ mm ' Fun tn i mj'neat on^ thXaii^ht 3'oaa tjjk pjaae&aio 1 of mv mind ilxo-'Iv, tu* to a\oid ^i\iag mevidence I knew uotiilu^ about li 1 , iuS \erv luaif iarner ufepntd nie w uh tenor, and I had no one to lotk co fot jJnue SaJlnh, la I sat one day \s ith a sjre ht_irt and 1 throbbing brain, I VthoiyUt ine of Cnarhe Benfeon.^- An tuur ^.nd;a hifTl^ter I was kajckia^ 1. nu otii djjrmdistv I could not see oice w^s \ ery odd arm, why I had come. his (face, but his ^ an.d' eonstrifned -v\ hen] he said 'IMaggie Estcourt, I w ish I had never isked j ou to bee ome my w ifg , I h]\c since then reptnUd it " Ijsjowlj dreu mja:mwa\ We spoke in whimpers, t,o that our two iijtrda mil the p-isoii warder bhoild not hear, and I am siure mj \oiti w is Ter^ funt r hen I asked titiiiuloiish ' Tliti, iou were tot in oarnest wheal \cu iskcd 1 je to ucjconie voui w ite I lit. b >w e 1 bis li 11 ujr^n his mil- ijriin 1 rpi.ittil m\ que o 1 bit 1 cli\c! no ifjj\ I u_ln d him but h( ibiJiik from in , i-> I '1 iitcu d, Jo..tliin3'K So m jitifie 1, vcunded, ind liuiii\>lcd, I io->i- from m\ kne s md Itft tbt. pi icp W 1 h instiiii. n ^ood ft el mg ' Dr W11I ice ami C'liailip did not ^ question mp up( 11 fchp subject, in 1'I ictuined home wrthahta\i r-r li't'it thtn I bad felt since the of the mnrder About a week nt w is list and ' lookxd ed pnpirjng mj Lith^r's bn-ak one morning, Charlie Benson Dr Wallace called The} txcttevl Charlie rush bp\z< <l ihy hands, and oil Eist Cour T briefly btatcd . that I had come to know ri he, be 1 ing a lawyer, could tell ms of iny method by whicii I could a\ old be-< mg obliged to attend as a witness at Archie Cmippell's twal for the murder ~of George Saunderson. I long and earnestly wnl talked the 1 ' matter o%er, and Charlie said >$01- 1 Docor "\Vallace sJid rowfully ] " Sir Estcourt, ttitj you ever "Poor little woman' I cannot , kno^Sf a person of (the name of tell you how I feel for you^ Theie W llham Kmiaall ? is no way in whiclbjou could legally 1 "Tps/ replied mf feitlier, " Ire "ftvoid giying your evidence unless"was anoe a clerk unc er ma He ytia were his lfe V N rmbezzkd monej, aid was) trans "What'" I exclaimed. ' Should ported fo tho offence Ii his I be abaotved from it if Wife J' "Certainly *' 1 ' Then, Charlie, I'll go and ask him to mafrry me I hav e told you he asked" me to share his happiness , I should never ha-ve l-een a true wife if I were nof willing to share ins sorrows.' ' Come, come, Maggie, you are (excited," said hrlie> gravely , "I Rfiould never iaTe told you of this if I had -thought; you. would have taken so'absurdla-notlon into " Well, he came ba:k latSRy on & tickrt-of-leave, vowiig vengeance against ) ou He di rd in my hos jntal last night, and ; ust before bis d.eath acknowledged tohavingmur dercd Mr &aundcrso 1 in mistake betghl for you, jyour appearance being thelsatne How fervently I thanked Hea yen for Archie Cam pbell's relca4 none but mj self cot Id realize I praye^ that he might have long life andlfaappinesjs yen-rn6ro abundant ly than he could hqpe.fotC. In my. your . . . , ..,.. heal; .you.certainly are the mostideep joy I forgot^&a 11 tad important .witness; but in, any case I cruaHy deceived by h ni. '7 ,, 1 ,. ~ * - will goh'arid vfith, jjoot Archie,"/ jfc was some little^ime'b'^all _,.aud the bears." came i^to the:"pooi-j legal matter^ were finilly arranged, "Telhrw's 'eje$,L i ; IV F ' : 4n&\ in the mearj, tiiae tnyfather, |iB,rs-^in Engi~- fankfnness, by ; tpiave be^n .t tmoi.vek. Itii_ ^iS;$regruuj "imti; spirit o| jVday. ""n2 [gtininlarit and Lies tbepjace<5f hi preveflta that': Iral ptortration 1 "' ; from tbe I :;:i-v:i ^ .'" Caadiei.yoii Hfeed not try to dissuade me ;-it -kill be; useless. {Will you try tojprocuie.ine an .in- -terview with-A^ehie ?"' .. '-' ;; "Maggi'e,:Maggi^ ybn; teiiist think no mbre1fboiit'tiiis.i I d^ not think , ftwoui<i;De possible. :to^^ "accomplish what you vmE/f: . " ' }: . - r " It must be ~ possible # 11 ex claimed. "I shallnot rest/tiU I see him ! ' Do, Charlie, ;for| the sake of fiur Old .acqus#itanee [tcy |o help J_, I-kriew'the fcworyQui^gjnieniidv'- Sd.'eabh:bther diarly. Siii&ice It to $y/ yjat I ^iuojphefl over Chai-He's seraD(es:80?far.|;bat two c^ayB afterj- if*riii IdroyB tjothe prison in eomi Pany with , h|m and a mutuar . friencj, Docjwri -. ^ftpathids ^e.iad also enlisted.- :.. -^ If'*8 "dresjsejl plainly in black- ":"t.'-(J^"?u.8: attire jfpr a wedding and- w#86 closely veiled asctb'defy ref! r.<JO^nition. 'Wei were.atjbnce icV Jjutted, and, tMBing.^rth|e arm rif --:.K-~r. . i- titians weio titoiinpted, for ' ".1 hand was on mj slfOulclpr I know tlio touch was kipd I looked up and Haw Archie Cimpbel| standing befoio me I \\ as the first to speak s " Good evening, Mr ^amjibelt Allow 1110 to congi atulute yon " - "Mr Campbell! Vo^ once calkd me Archie M^gf le, I havo come to letiact t,he uoitlnl said to you on t)>at miserable d?ii\ Wtll \ou forgivo 1110 for tho piiui I must im\e caused _\ou t In you lovevoucftiuo tome, and great lo\eI btnt jou nwuy. gitat n_ my Mag gie, I have come again to" csk jou ' tempting to draw licra littlo noatci 1 tho what M ig^ie^ I vv as to be kind I would not TheRinprDidlt A young couple were occupying a rustic seat in Union Pui k, Chi cago, one oyonmg reoently, and fiom the expression of the raascu liny l-epresontativo'e face, it was it was evident tlutt he was "agonqr" drifted, us it wfe-o,over the gieat llsycbq,logical Niagara of affection, and Was even tlien being diyzily whiUeu about 111 tho whirlpool of eent^inent The iwimmuij swans had no chann for him, and the eagles weio as nothing, and ho did not oven notice the big white beiti "Ou do be mine," ho buuI, at- to become my wife " \Vh} w ero v oil so ci uel t|o me t I nsked, still fociking uw av oyei /Chdo " Because I did not know the end would bo only ciue have bid jou i>omttd out as tho wife of a reputed murdeitr Mum I go awn} fiom }ou 1 ' I laid liiv hand upon Lis out stretched one. "No, Arebu? But, if J had thought then that yqu loved me, I should have insisted upon the mar nage, foi I have loved you ull tho same though o\il and good repoit " his end of the sent Slie made herself 1 igid and heav ed a wgh " III be a good nmn.nnd give up all m} bad halutV he mged "111 noser dunk anothertdiop,' ho continued . Still unicjenung sat the object of his adoiation "-Vtfd give up chewing " No responRft. ' ' And (jinokmg " ' She only shook her head , "And indgive}ou a diamond engigeiuent rung," he added 111 d< s poration T)ien tho maiden lifted her oroopiigeves to his, and lean * o ' " 1 " * * 1 ing hi>r fuzzss on his shoulder, There is manv i">ilver streik in tremblingly mut inured into his my dai-k bauf now, and ijs for, ravaged car^ Archie, wh}, he has a aiost undent-1 ' Oh, E/lwurd, you you are so abl} "frosjypow' But the frosti good] And theie they Bat, and nessihas gone no farther . is j ust the same had slyly telling our g,rls ihai their folded them from sight,; Wondering, going *' mother 'Jius once to' insist planning, thinking phe of tbe Upon in iriymg liked it or not hup. w bethei he The Schoolmaster Abroad BRILLIANT ACHIEVEMENT OF ING----JOSH BILLINGS ECLII LEARN SED Tne following >ip n fi answtis.given b} cindiditi" of tht Uceiit ex imiii ibiu is fui tcaclms' eti tiiicite1-, held 911 this Piovipce, which 'if tluv do ifot dib play 1 g'e'it dill qf isd diamond ring, Cartl) to get it and he of how on 1 Dominion Sad&lery ACT6N. CnXttLJES pEAN Wholesale 11ns muph iilqaHurelh a^twunclng- to tho peoplo of A<"U>n aDd BUrroaniilng country that ho is now prerarert to bupi Ij eus- tomers wlib cvcryitim^In j.hv lino or ' i HARNESS, S IDDLEb, TRUNKS, WHIPS, IfORSE CLOTHING, Cto Prices to Suit the Times, All \Vork Vnir nl> i ^^ follnr^ m ide fispeclai'j Olvthlm acpll nnd he wilt do jou good Actoi), Jul> 1 ISio. 1 '1 VVOQIj SIvl Acton, Jn y l*t IS7d ri 1?. Phenii obtainirji^.Greati Bai-gainp, tiiey haye concluded to cotiriqtte'tti^ir Wetb of August, 500. irE^.. j 0HRISTI1!, HENDERSON" & Co.- tf STOREY & Co*, CANAIA CLOVE WORKS ^tiinufactiirers or every See- i i ci Iptlon and stjle of I Leatlx 1: 56 Cloth Q-loves MITTB AHO CAUNTUT3. AL^ 4 j Dressewl bf Plair^ jfind Pai^cy Ijjid Leathers. ^ Market Price paid1 for. V, hw of tb eeiimih not wanting 111 a v f erwai els as I culnir oi^er of ougiu iht} a^id ndi culoufeiiess In aiihvvei to tbe qi ' Sketch an object lesson Camel,' the follow uig1 aimw gjven ' In" ordt r to pre]are An le^on 011 the cimj)! I tl light to give 1 would be I beast grew fiobn first he was j into the woi Id Now Itbml: begin and waite something j this being the first object Evehlastino Fsnck Posts I dis covered, niiny yeirs ngo, that wood could be made to list 'onger thun iron in the ground, but lliought (he process so simple nnd inexpensive thit it was npt worth while making' any str about it 1 would jw soot nt one |me pop'nr or quaking ish ns iiuv other kind rf timber lor fence poot< 1 have taken out Ifa^fa-jyood ppstB aflpr having been set seven jeu-s, wluch were ass-ound when taken out ns when they were first put into th" ground lime and weather seemed to have no effect on ihem The posts cin be prepared for Jeas tli 111 two cent?apiep This is the r cipe j' Take Loiled Inw eeed oil and Mir it in pulverized ehurcoal to the consistency of pmnt Put a coat of this over thd timber nnd there is not a man that will live to see it rot " t-i v pe which I evpr d{d give , Fioti: Ifat it comes small into but the w 01 lil it . a v er} when hel ate tl eslion, pli the r was objpcfc ljik it H|aw the taken 1 ,vyill about le^on Truit V>biph is there set for'him hi grow to be a coLumoii sized i.iumal Wheat and other grains were sown this gtew jijso but in a dtffeient (Over, shaking them, be vrtily, excl umed He's all right -lies a}! nght ' ArpliLe'8 safe ' ' And meny Ch .r he, in bis ltrtpress We jefy was about to gue fpe a h ig of delight, when my father enteied , - , Al ., . , After the customs ry greetings, ' um c' f" the <<?,nf *hic|,g,ew .1 j o o %ely ^nie%pi m t[le back " 1 In1 answer to "What is required to teach Arithmetic successfully ? tho ideas of one w ej e as follows "In order for ~~a person to be able tQ teach arithmetic thorough he must be full master of it him self piepire the lesson well every night and be good at sarcasm and general at hiy earnes'ib veaiifcat/'riacl"'given his consent to-my goiiig/o;* a. visit to. an aunt living i 1.'the spnth"of England!' I felt I :ould not run the; chaiieo- of.;.me(ting' Archie Campbell;- njy^'assnri ed < stdictsrn, I knew, would' give way, and I was too proud to allow hi b' to see it. | "My preparations f< it my jourqey. ^were. all .completed, and j feeling lonely and. dispiritec , I thought I; woiiljji $ake< an ev jning Trimble along mj 'fl^Grife % iS ' wtfllc. -^ sauntered, aimlessly.';? long, and at length at. 4own on a rustic seat cutjirtthe side^i of tie ipliff. jV^? oriaison gloty of tl te (setting sun tinged the waters of heClySfe, and. I tbd Wallac^,i whose and pii^aeure. boats. : ^1 thought of la^jt"; evening. j ] i^'dheen there ?ATGbi6 Campl e|, i ktid how short-, dreara of' hftppinewJbad b,eep"Vudely dlapejed. A'All the events of:the pa|t few_weeks rose. lipTiyidly before rne-i -but my medi ,.t... .-,^. ...... -,,r. the; witu. uiy :V AMATEUIf PHILOSOPHY j The following aie answers-jto the question "Describe the common pump?" (1) The Common pump 78 made qf a hollow log with a lotind pass age passipg through oen'ie of the log with a tightly fitting piston passing up and down with 0. j valv e to open and close at each reception of the water ' (2.),The' common [pump id: com posed:pf a' hollow -number' of.'" bent tubes (three at least) cohipoiied o woiSd or; metaj. ^C'he main Pjirt of the cylinder.' In thjis^cydijiderja' rod will a pieoei of wood orj[metali with holes, placed perpendicularly is fitted on the of heavy leather ron the rod. d otr-same pieces This jo worked ^y a leaver onJ^e top of the. pump. " . -"'.:" point among ^zoologiiits bas long 'time, lip>^: manj are in an pvai-y of a terrpine this; e- G^fmunlnaWfraHst a short time since ins carefufci ayeatija atjonsj which ehowed't neovftty of a Britain about 8.0D ,e^)bryp| Se" also found that'pine " tfiese are matured the firs about 120 diiring 'during the third, fifth, years, etjftnV""?^^511^1 the hum annually ; it obm eqju fsui -that after tlije fiftl) yearj the leiis profitebte.-asiJe yei -s, be; in exceptidiial '- 'bf: b'eett, egg* Henf Itquiry. (for at there To do titjite 1 jer durj^lst and lnstinccr. An elderly gentleman, returning home from chinch, began to extol thp merits of the sermon to Ins son Said lje "Jiek, J have heard one- of tho-most delightful sermons ever delivered before a Christian society It earned me to the gate of hea ven," "Why didn't }ou dodge ip,?n replied Jack, "You willlpevei have another hlicLi chance " No two sides of tbe hiunan f4cf> are pie/Hsely alike It is the same wjth ev>ry linib, no paiv qf limbs 111 p fashioned alike One hand is almost alwavs largei than [the otlicr } so with the foot, tho leg pnd the arm But the greatest of all marvels is this nev-cr were two hu man faces alike LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALLAN Til o p ensure In annonnclncr to the puhllc generally I tint-he U prepared to furnish ' First-class Sorcos an4 Oarriaees At Keasonaalo Rates HJf Rigsnnot Hones nr? tlio bi>st,tlnt cfcnpi In 1, nnd lie ti determined not 10 bn ki'rpass d b> unv rity tetable Acton, Julj 1st I87o _ Kor meBtio Medlol [clans Prescriptions and Do ts Rec< ipte, nnd Horse and. Cattle lines, e urefuTly compoundpX - I G.E. A cum, jnlr, lSTo. EAST ENDI DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING STOEE. u The undexilgned-b*g leavq to cS'l tho atttintlon of the elnliy to the well iissort- d Sto iK. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Our Prints, Dress tiootfs, ind Dn^s Trimminee, 1 I Are nil of best materials and newesj salterns, 1 L .-Jjl-r 60me tna rc^nlti' of [ eggs. i$0 of year, secow, -1351 Thensing genet ation Tbe erops A western settler The contents of a six shooter Sure to procjuco sb,ort erops The barber's shears Shakespearian motto for an ex shoe black "Ihat's the lub V 1 If you aie put in a driving sj;qrm, don't attempt to bold the rains When doest a lawyer wqik like a horse? When he draws {j. convey ance. : , . ! -,-'- j". .T.' **, Can anima|s suffer, pain 1 *'; is ,the jatest question). Stick a pin in a mule's hind leg and see.- - : : Taine says: "Four varieties in socie'ty lovers, the.ambitious,.' bh\- ,servers and , fools. Thp fpols are the. happiest. " - . . . / ' Query for'iiattfralists-^-If a bird ip the hand is worth".-two in the bush, is a mole oi."the nice worth two in the ground ?.-^ : } t -Yon can get goods at tHe PostA)f-. fice Store as cheap as any plaice in town, ahd 8 cts..dkeouutbn the dollar for cash, (excepting sugar_^nd salt.) Cash buyers: "Uuear in;mind'-^ L,_" ~'~ OUR STOCK OF TWEEDS IS LARGER THAN EVER! 1 Comprising (ull lines of . Scotch, English, an4 Canadian ^ANUrACTlKlC Ai.d b lnir rricllcil w6rkmen, fpel Fntlsfittl In *> t t r L\____- -......-,. . 1.1.1- .1.11.11 *\ 1^ i. clieapnebs, ncutuossa 11 duribllil\ o ir, vWf'U < a blOKSON * McNApB ACtO. J^i|y 1*1, IK'S 1 \ and.Druggist ACTON, t DL\LEB1N DRUGS, I I ' CHEUICALS, PERFUMERY, PATENT AND | , I'IrOPRIETARY^ ' 1 i MEDICINES. 1 1 Alkaya on h ] nd a largn ani well-select- rv ed Ktock of 1 sirs-Stnffil Liftuii D70, Faacy and Toilet oapa, BrualieB, Spoasri i Trusses for Pbil- dnni t^ii M'Slts, 1 Ploulier 3 ijacos for SCen* iWomn and OMloroa, t4^ dryaa.! ~ iu eil, Soaks, piatioaery aa I Fancy Spo4j. PURE WLNES AND LIQUORS Mediolnal Purposes; 1 MORROW., I rledlca' Half, Apton 1 r nnabi(onts/}f 4.otonandvt AT Oil C I0U1, JUS 'I fi, RECEIVED SVlCBEAN' V ^ s r\ I SgQtcli ^loor Oil Qloih, 1 . Hor^e Pokes, * Paris Qretep* (Warranted Pure^' Cro#ietSks, , ^ Befrig^rators^ vJ; Rubber Door Mats, JLiawa Mowers, ' I >awn Scythes; .'" JPly Traps, " 1 j Garden Tool*] Wire Qd of all kinds, ARTHUR XcBEAN, HaVdwaite ijercbajnt. -, ^tma Block, Quejph, Aug I3,j 1875 Is tbe Place to. SECURE TALfJE for1 roar aney ta CHOICE 1XA3. c-nccEixEe / Provisians, 1 I i>!nj-jiis 0111 ', u ot bi < llrtl >TT1 C'B tht for bUrpaMiod vyiU.1 make the 8 -per the eight bj-'JIP. {illows utgtEe' ] onget ii may cant. . - -.'-.( -S\ . , A. bashful compoHitor.i'efaspdpto; acfiept 4 Situation iP aneffice Vfoere girls were employed,' sayirigi-lhe never set vy with a girl Jn; his'ljLfe; -A RiiSBian proverb'.sayjSy r-':&er jforp.g6ingta-wr,-ljray:ott^;Vb>fpf8 going" to :sea,- ptAy tw-iqe; before getting m&rried, pray three .tioies. ."If Sniitn undertakes 'to pf 11-iny ears,'! said JbheB,;he!wjlI just hive hiff hands full, now.!' Thd crowd l,ooke4' at the- njan's ears, :kdd jthoughtstf to. ,.' '.' T-V' Steam lyiiDri^EL. i General/Blitcksi Best Hoilse-SJioers in "*"' '"&:.- :- t T -.-.' ( t.'".' 1 "-1 Tprfect eatia&Otian giat^ntpe<t cj: vfk Crockery/ Qlassware, -i Stationary, Seboo] Books, Wall Papers, fancy oo4 Wlndof^BlUds and EoUers/ Fixtures, eto ^ j I embrace this opportt mVf f>f tepdevipg thanks U> ruy jiusetwtt friends for "tho jhbertd'pai -oHage bestowed by them fon the ^ast twenty { years, an4 as thp experie ice, of that time has had ite lessons, and Bw .- enabled me to pro^nt^ejg by,'so jjgj^iam new ac^qosmted wth tbe beat-t _ markets to purclraSe1 ip ind a^Q thp cheapest, jmy Wstomers majr^ rely upon- getting the tfenefit of said exnerience, Ip jponner -year* -v it has. been a' matter impdssible ^0 do business on a strictly ca,%hXai*.^ gbt our country having14; rospere4 to aa upprecedertted jhjgree yith^a '"' the last few' years, I ihinl: our people are now m positit|h t* That it has to create margin^ for ;bad and doubtful debts, whicii HuT cahh customer has Ko right to bear and whtch bitherW he has- had- !ft do I am deteiuiiPed, therefore, \)n and ufterHheJ FIEST DA^ Qfi, SEPTEjIBEE NEXT'to do business fer ), ~ | CASH GB ^bXbEI, ppn(iT. .1: H4 i i BjEOIff tTp/" ab ^qntfhg this system J wilj hp PflakUS \q^ ,, { ROM SW to EiCHT PER CENT es, ejistoraetsrhylng Qasjj jr)l taxsvtj&a 'illnp_dojib^ E^k.tue.4yantagejof adoa&g A i*Tthe &LT 181QIBT gtfBBGgpfip ffiW^te bitlpBti sight ' ' """ " *il Collird's A Good Actop;

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