Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1875, page 1

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^. * *>, IK IN Volume I. Xto. I?. , ^t*. Xn\v advi:nt^skm rxth o tiRlOVT JU*T. En On. it v uMrV *,\J >f \ttofi ,on Moudu Jul\ 2dtlt h fjlt io'iii I Mini Bit 0*r> *t- 1 in liu h>r \jilt Ix. n wrdvl 1>\ U um_, it it tl minx c _ __ -X>%lt.iSOL FOtM*. V silk P-u-jiil >v s 11 i \ < i the rn*i lv on .rdi\ mi- Mn-. \illige 11 o ontur mn _tt t* i* tu rt-ld in if Mr M bpt Jit. l\ j-n iu prtpirt} a*.! pi\ i i t i tta wnisi ii mt - I i AOTON, ON^.^FEIDAY;i ' ATJC^S^ 13, jl87 3 I o i THE REASON WHY. Tr.nlis Idv o Aotoh lis follows < THINCS VRV PERSON SHOULD KtlOW, ' Yon shoci u ksc w that if you want to git tho choice : . - * F OK S1LE, V de^ r-ihli. r\ -i< 1r~ i ii fit Iran t f \ctu-"<. iw-tt^n *^_ tin* it lint n tcnif rtiMt l^jt.liti_ Hot -l -i trat u Kirn ui\- >.i) ill or\'|.iM it t\t '1 ! frent' iW TVrms reisim.ible. Appli '<garii<><3,>e".madt> to 'l . r- ' y; :,"-'- "s . ,; . ' RillirklePiOJi mouei, Bro> \ OL MlOCl I> KN one of the lur stocks, and tho lishnient QT tho ronto You S1ICU-D K JO pounds' of or gniuiid sugat Bhbuld know iliei you ahi'UU' go to fcecord ow t'nt they hnr\e gost And choicest ha.nds.omo*t csUb kihd WOat. of 1*0- 6w t,hit thoy giro ;v'hjte ..olraken loaf f6rr>a dollar. 5fon give. 11, 12, and 13 I ~Z_ * '8--];; Qf ffil Lso- |{Hft430Rl of ' Ipoisifi Buj*i. Id oasr ii^*ect&-' ' /' Is';ieitira his irianlc^ I ApianandJanoataJt Ht>tra^ |.u> tiiift,' anfl'aX the - fc"rther:sappprUf" brlHidg*. deUxere4-', " P. T. HIIX, Si ii i-SEBVS- MarMe Works, pppvis'Me Isiile"fr>>m'. Mill*-& |".tio<xlfeU{iM"s Fesmxlry^ ami bfcar Eraiuosa 'Bridsc. AtL'Sli'ljS OF MONUiVIEfJTS ^oaib iStoiies. JiTaiitl? Pieces, it, maile;to any size nr'ilosign, and p'rt v.p in aity part of the \ -its' Scotch'.Graaite MonB- Snents imported to tinier. P.. P.iS;=-A.'Kenue'Aj= 13 a prac tical maklile cutter.. -~ "' / '~ZV M i m I id ' ji^HART^orTja:. ' Willing' to.: make hiniielf nseiul in a gen eralitore. . Apply ^lijoncarto . "| HlferjSTn^HEXfoERSOX & CO. :s^ ;y^x cjibl XtJkxjhp -JFof 'general- b'oa^a lircrh. i.-Good irage , -n-iB be paid toi a stiitalile porseii i^pplrto, ' jlRS^Jt. ACXEW. IwpfLi) Like "to ha%"ea]1t). -wry r,ii~nv!i]ts nji'l n (es f-ajd in ty -> " ,- _' J AS MATttiEiys.' *v.- n. is I i9ase our l^itare* ' n^jnej, te tiftT^ 1 >r,- M^K ! MILiv ? TT.h? .-;P"ali:?cri:^er ha* ^coinTnencctl - th- <tiry IinsinftJ;'. an V vfU^'-dfliver 4nill- 6^-ry in'fnin^. airl -t-tt-ning at th> . h^s-s in the village7 -"Milk warranto f>are. ^T^vciity-oiie cj'usrt ncfccta.'jfoj- 5fl, Si pa; I ,;n advance, c-r; fw-enty-on pint ,tifk-;ti for .y?*^Lfe. . ' - ' ' .fVw"'.' Y. S."AEMSTCOKG : |A?ton.;jKi:e,StI), 1ST.".' - G-ood Hemlock Bark ;For>wmeli I wlllpiy'FIVE DOL.LAK$ pe* C'ln!, r [AJ TS:^ ATGTQ^'fAlTNrER^-; j: ' ~'\ ' JrdeUveri'JIr! Eiimmer: "/ ^.;"";'. diL REARDMyKE, I'roprieto^ y^Zi'JC. HAlii,, Ag^nt. , Joli--1, 1S"5. case will a bcodcaeitW: ' l-TW /- Ironi 5 cis>,fl 1 p-^P i:^'-,' I l ^faolesals price^jfl. 6? icj ..worth: '3"Jti -Sid - r'HS s' of tief : you Guel -ior $3.25 that t gowlsv an<l savo I pounds .o:\spienijjid eugirs for a (lol Ycc SU0Ut.U KX( TT tbt ycii can, get poilndt of tea for wou-ld^li!>.ve,'to .pay-' nrrtliat you ian get ft caddio $2.50 ; that 3..7-3 -Tor in Y*iu>hould kij< two pounds s&or^! than yb'u can set You shoaid k get-'a Eet of cliiii would have to Guelpli. :" You should know that 'you'CaV get a set of white granite 44 plieees iipe.Tor a dollar in Go^lph. ! now that^ you ;can . for S"> 50' that'you pay . $0.50 for ^fnrn<lng Nlail l>a\ KxprcjLi 1 xpross l- MlMll - - >ught J^pJriw ooivo[wi_sr t toino a\tt Nigljt l^xi^ross Muiil Da\ ' t.xpif as Mail - I MixeA I ' 0 10 n m 1 TO p 111 />20puiJ 7 lfip in "12 15 a.^11 "? 10 a m 8 35 n 111 11 11 a 111 ,\ 20p 111 8 10 p in f Mails gom|; tlouig E is " I ' ItTON 1H>HT OiHtl Wcbt m at 8,45 a. m at 5 p in j Hcis'ttrtd L.ttci-t_ must l>o ut h\o liimuteR Iwforo tru. ab^c himis Kintfchlmll mail, TnesdilyB mul rrnlaj s jvrrov MAitKirrs. AVhitoiVibatV'i:"..."-i:' Trtadwcll at you wdukl have to pay $3 75 tor in Guelph. .- "You ehpuldj kn jw-th'at you.cani get one dozi'tt one quart GemKrnit Jars for $1.15i) auil a dt zeu two quart ditto for $2.00,;'that ;bu would hare' to pay $2.00 and ; $ J.50 for iii.Gueiph. You. should 4no^r that you; cap save from 10; to 20c on hay forks of all kinds ' You should know that you cinjbuy alMiinds of the b ;st scythes 12^4 be w Guelph You should knbw tha* you can -buy all ljiuds" ofteck!:, hinges, naila,';oils"j glass, ic, A'c.; ai; low, and in -most cases lower, than you ca'h buy them in Guelph. You should. I now that they have one or jhe larges ; stocks of te^ held i>y-any retail; house west of Toronto The reason ?:hy the poor man saves money and the riehr;add to their wealth by.purchasing jxt Sejcord 'Bros^ is bscaujee tbtey can buy their goods from them lower than they can be. bought eleeirhere. The Treason wby Secbrd Bros.stlL cheapec than Gu elpb is 1st. They "hay t 06 rent to payij in, Guelph they p'ay thousands 2nd. Salaries, ure nothing in com pariEon t6 what.) hoy ara in Gue'lph, '; .Vdr-Taxfia are merelynomibaJ; ip Grielph they re aufcrageous 4th. They bu;';.woftd- for $3,2.5 per' Spring AY Oats, I'eas. Pi itatoes, klew, per hush.. \v:oiv. "flutter l>ned Applet, per 11 Pork';:... \........ itaspVjerrita, 5>er 11), Green 1'eaji, per |i,t; liny, per wn..'..'... -; KiUELPH'MAtlK'ETS. ; fill Viitjat, .Sl.SOto $l[-25:'; treadwcll, $l:20-t'?l-.22; jspriiiu v.lijeat', (Glasgow), ia j$1.20 to 31.22: s\iritijj'wkeat (red chalT); - "TSl.2Q.toS>.2V;'oats^ 4"u:t6', 4(ie; '{>oa.s,; G9e to 70c;>liaj;ley, <;';' W70e; egg?, l>or dozen, 120-io. llc; liutterj dairy pacltedj- 17e t'19c;fpotatoe perl>ag,$l to $f.25; w"o61, 33c-to'34. " :'. '-xoIronto 1 10 to 1 21 I 18 tirl 20 1 18 tol 20 I)" 50 to O 00 0 75 tid 00 .0 70to0 75 0 34 to 0 3(i- 0 17 toOlOO it)' J2to0 t tl 08 to000 .012!, to 0.00 0 05 tu 0 00 I. 00 to 0 00 14 00 to 15-00 5^atcliniiakcr, Xxuclpii, -> -:!. to submit' {o tho rftctiitjon oft a oliquo feel tttemselves to be unsiifen nnd consoqutattly tnko measuicB to pioteet thernsclves " Tins must bo an n>te,reBtiug Btnlo of afiiina 1 S 7ood! Elect Hon Mr Wood BleotedJ Tho^eontost in feduth Viotop^i has chilled in tho re < lection of the. Prowalcial SceibUiy by u majority. Of bevtnty font over Mi Hnd^etlj, tho Opposition auncHdiitfy Tins Oikwlle people ha>e hoeii, t logguuho ids uov eiiil eeks coti- cfnung ng^jint by tho 'Jfown Conn ctl of $lf)0'to the btass band. Tho iv. few of tuir- rCphncil- voted wejfks 'ttgQj and la n that. Biwh; her ^ VbiiledipecplA Wave been J'.kick- itiij up a this't " ifbout it ever since. Tlieyt rti'Q petitioning to have the resolution rescinded. ' " -------:---- f :.'- -(t k Sri^ipouhcil. .' -s ; } Pursuant' lift):} adjournment,-iflie. Etiti Tow*ri8lii|);|Coiiiicil tiiet at the Town Hall on'Hie 26th nit;,-at ten o'clock.? the Joefevb'- in" the clwiir. Members' nil present,," except Mr. JJurt^'vi-lio was i),ed .by ail He-' eidi-nt,. Gn'tiiotion o'f Mr."Barboiir seconded by Mr. Rcid, a by-la\y was I iirti'ddiicedl. for the pur()ose of levying the r.itefor ,lB7i>j'which re^ ijSfewsii Items. I Rt. ilkpfys hia a holiday 01 18>,b-nB8Jt.|!: ' " .:. .,' ThO'; nciw j hbapitaX in- Xoi Out", wijr B^Ortlk" be -opeiiod. Wright & \y idgery, Jmi Toronto,; lnivo beooino bank'rit The Montreal Centre el ti ml conimonces on liohday. Judgraont in tli'o Montreal ^P5t election pijisp lias, beoiv resprved.lf Spring.J.jrlieat; wheat,-^1.2S to $1.B3 l,ey, SOc. MA>vK;FAS.;--. ?1.2k;"iiew wliitc ifiits; 4ic; liar- celveff itsfet-Ht.and On (notion tS^Mr. by Mlv Bf!id, tlie the' paymeqt ,ot Set i Becoad reading.' r, Veter, -seconded jjteeye: ordered. iressi-s '""Lemon, ios- h. wAgx::(G. eojjxir FKIiJAY rt^ae^ess ifOr.XlKG, AUG, :13, )87 in price for. several;jkeeks-past, and it is now quoted in Toronto at $r.25 to 1.30 ; indeed one or two prime samples of new fall -wheat sold as'Jliga nS 01.35. AM -ac counts, jhowever, wemto agree that there is noi.hing in the aspect of the foreign ini^rkets to -warrant any expectation ifany further ad vance' in prices. . -Coinmercial men ,are-of the opinio athjit the present . long after ihe ;ue-w crop is, fairly incite "market j It is generally thought riord ; in.Guelph _ they pay from $5 ; that .syheat-is being bought .now ^o Ye1?teiWay's\ Gl.o%c . devotes , its leading, coliuun to jmfling.Hon; Mr. Crooks^ who is announced . lis the ciiadidatJ for Smith Oxford,, ren-; dered valcant by tho unseating of, Mr.'Adkin Oliver, The indications .are thus that Mrl Croaks will at last fin^ii-esling -i^ac^tt'ri iboutf time, forjthis,is||s20Gth day'out-' Pjaerson.. mid ^IcLeaiiB'.lbills'. for dm wing Up two'by-laws, tbmmuni-'. cations with tho Reeve nnd Ottawa in' reference to the Municipal.Hoan': Fund, | advice,' <tc, anionnting to .$ 40. SbJved >by Mr. Barbour, s'jeorided-by'Mr. Tedter, that iftinies Airhari be p'iid' sefienty-iive cents for repnii-s to a- ro^tl jscra-jier. 'ITlie 'Reeve' toidered it-to^be'jiaid..'.On ihotiohl-'pvi'iMK' Barboiirj 'peeonded' by Miy Tfeeter, Archibald M^Gill was paii\ S4;iJ5 for: the .land ; .his plowf which, was, Lfroken ^rhilo jierfoiinhig; sUitute lalbor in ail ad- joing division.-. LOniiiotion by Mr. Teeter, .sscoiideoV If Mr. Reid,'tlie Council adjtiunifkl toimeet again 011 Monday^ the -20tK.; of September next... WM.TYLEK,:Clei-ik. to $7 perjeord. 5thv-.They ply notliinjs for ,gas> nature, having :'ully supplied them.' 6th. They pay nothing for water; in fjuelph. it cos s a larg'e'.item th, 'Svery rertsonableVman .must- know/that all tiie^e vast expenses .must'be added t > the- price of their goods in.Guelph, or fail at once ; 8th.. They doriiite a? large jilbusi-. ^ ness as'-any house of nthe kind' in j itiuelph; .-'9th.. iitiey'. ^hdrotighly understand their business, know when? to buy, how, to -buy, ,an I the time to btVy prff.wide awake .t> take nyTavorable turn of the markets," and give their custbineri the benefit. 'j^cS should kn?w.that.ibey are. de termined ta"'seU{!?oodf;at suuh prices ' ag will aay-ito'Jthe-pebpleV You Jrnust Taxes dyaatag W.the ydu .want to 'thank Lis: ^cosiemeis In -and arouni p gave money Aeton-for Jhejr 'r^it-jatronage, arid sy- t'leiUjaconttnu^rjc^. i $-p. P.'also'-hopes-EOon to,make nU| - The ABORfro^cCASr,. Tljipjm^t- - they i have an opji6rtuhity-:6f retiliz- -vA, :rans?xerii3 wlierebv v7ateiKsariri^w(ii.Jj.ter was on Saitc ay made the "theme ""' ""'of cbmme^tatS \. Michael's Cathe-i 4 \ lymay^na sp'nt tofand Irom-Orielrh HrltD :saf?ty, una without trouble and fcxpeiise ^W^Ucnstoniei-i.b,'. " .' '.. ,-i < r On^lpb; July 15. 1.575. ' '-.: ^ 1 Jljyi'O^ B,*KEy. liiing of Uie, kiiid'tVeirt. ' 1 :";' - JnTy an4 eon; 'iEausef Geqrgetowiv. - .: u..". V-ii. si IllSfe -' V' ;.;-- - i&>! - Thpsntworlbes-begi to inform tlie )n - pbtUd!itsii)AA(fei>niiLri4 vleiolty that he J prepiVed to tjipp.y | Flrht-cliass Brcad,TJnng, Cakes' BucnitSr tc. j Fr-rnb b\ery day <l<>Hvered at tluotr t 1 WEPDING CAKES Jiade joonlertn tJ>*!itft stvles and sh -.Ireaton iWe charges >^a- Highe*tpri.? In Cash paftl for l'ggal , H GALLOWAY Acton, Ju'j-1, 1S7*. ! *x 8U]iply tlie local iconsumption, and that while constimers' are wijiing tp pay the liigbef prices ill order to encoumge ' sales and. set money afloat, the quantity'^pni-pliasecl: is eomi)aratiyely sriiall. So that-while jirjcfes arte 'nominally.,high, there is really but very little grain being marketed'!' 'Tit is'ii pity there was a great- ciea} "more, and tliat farmers The 0-fasshoppersin Pusliiich. WP understand that many of the farmers fn PualRich^have resolved to^ petition the Township C0UI191I to compel nil parties having waste and old pasture, landsj to .plou'gh it. up, aa these landaTii^' the breeding grounds:of the g>ass3i6j"pers".ajlid o: 'long-as. they-are allowed .to'lhy in the condition they are ijow m,'these dfstriictive insects-will: conjtiniie to ^reed affid^destroy the 'croijig. , Tlie movement is a, very necessiirj'- we might say an imperative pne, for tlie grasshoppers have now jgbtsuch a lodgment iuj'the Township, that1 unless some such pieans are enforc ed as proposed:,-'farming in^iislihch Will become a ruinous alFa'r.f ;Thi; farine'i-s, withoutarty exception, for their ow'h interests oug1(t't|o unite, lii this, petitioni-to the Cottnctl, fur the remedy while it can do no barm 'to.nny one, wjll be adyaaitageouain other, respects: ; The mutter, is; one which- the JlJarrnerS Club ia. the Township should'take tip,.as itj'is one of vital ^mp'ortahce to all. Wo learri-jthat similar steps are being taken by the fiirmerR in NaSHiiga- jweyii', aiid our remarks in reference G'ueli>Ii| has a civic holiday ttexjt Monday, j-'j-.f.--^'-;' :'.' ! .--..ij/i' Theuioiv, Insolvent Act. cbthe'9 nib-fprcbllin, the 1st of Septemtert Tlie!"water- Lelo\y Niagar4 JinHs is now-/oWr than 'Jojp .many yeartj past,- "1 j , .-.-,.- .: -!'. ' 'The HaniiltoR S/)ec'a'orpiibUsliefl, ft sensijtional ghost titpry, the a(j|ne' ofwhiili ia laid-hear'GriniBby. j: :'. Mrs,. iAbsolam, Jones, aged 60, lecehtl ^-tfell in to A well near Castpr- -villo and -ivivs^inatantly drq^vned; .--,: , Tho Hon. Lotellier D.e St. Just, IDominicjh Minister.of Agriculture has gbiiefito Manitoba. i Joseph A. Young, son of Brig- ham ~fqungr. died suddenly iafet week cfjhpiirt disease; - ;-;; Tvord i IDiiffer|in will probably sail to Canada in the safme ship with Hon. Jdr, Mackiniioil .1 J' ' (The Dominion "Telfgrsph Com pany ,h avs opened aft bnice at 13putli- aroptpn. j . 1 .' '. - Post f4 Bros,', [carpet deal ?rs lof* Brook have -failed. Liabilities, 26,3i000.- ' " 1, ' . The late floods in' Ohio jnd ad-' joinui:; Stiatea did,nbtT dn sb much damaga ki. was qxpectetl. - ' - j.-.' A Craiige store ik to .lie. built in. Kincai-ditje for Jthb: benefit of^the' Gi-angn? jin the township of that name. -f* . -. . 1 -;.v; "^.'..'v .'-, An pxtep'siye1 stjrike '-.fa Vn^ gross - LtlJ jPunSee, ScPtlana^ bver seven -^lo'ijisartd men being._assisted ;by the Relief CojnmitteeA" ' Pour pniksels nien wereSjned tld the tune of 5 each !'and'"^sts, fori iuespaising on the JS. W. RjprprjerJ ty at'-BriisBels. '.-.' The! drill-fihed at , Cobonrgi has been de^tr'oy'>4'iby fire along (With the. tt^oiitrem6|rts,-of Hue Ccuifalry trobpofLthat town.; ; I . ': ..: i ]'.. At a nleetjng.of the shareholders of the Jkoques CartieV Bank,. iheld .oti Mc nday, it was qqcliided that .tbey coi Id not rp-open its; doors. A Mfintreal tjl^spatchl says'that feiliirtis bir - -ir,-f' "/". We e isjl be glad at all times to re" ' ,!iy6 jitems of local itewa.jre- .-' , ' K>rts "or meetingB,^aex5iditB, '1 >r any: incident of iritereBt ei- ,heir in)thei locality .^liereit. iiccurs or ;to;' the/cqrunty' a,t '.".!! urge. '.' ^ticli copy nia^ be ^eii't " ..:|it thb, ra^tej-oj one "cSnt iper j ounce; j if7;[paarltedl "P^rinlierfe . I. ; 3o|^' &nk nbt ieafed. ..;a?o[en- ure publication in aiiy par-' ' J f- icular is' tie' iif': shoiildf teiacb : ' ^heofcW no) later than: W& f ^,: ju^drht iieX . iiesday'evening.;: ; ;:, ' 1 ~" lmi-<--+ lj^l jOdAL MATTERS arr e BtnIK;..- !.;:i [.._ Th 8fa8tinie;l"a^7Etall Jay: a return t^iteh.-.^ h ab ofiforont^ at'Cia^' the'l"fth mat ' |' .I" Float! ac . ^Hohilay talkid'of fof Actoh.r ' : ^-N atbing dennite yet. r-^, .y we have a pip-nic. ^V'hQ'Uvoto?- [.'""' ' ^Sidewalks filthy. : Hang-those cows} ] 0'. ihipbund then". diiy. <! vie holiddy* :in Georgetown i ott Tuesd ty, -ZA-E cenraioh to Toronto, and picny; to' the H lnfber. ' ' ' K-"M"heat$1.2b per Wshek :: -i-r-N jw, . fkrmera,:! "'thj^iah your grain and st ll it. .' i ' P lyjyour store billk '-rS' ihgcribe for tie Fbee Pii^s. 4-G 3t but of 4obi, arid, feel happy; Lst jthe eountry prosper. \y '{ A ail all hail the good time Mining. hole at ihe.. crossing . opposite the Pat (Office is iieither:n8efal noripr-. nainei talJ, . ' -Lit's.have it fixed,1 -.. ' - , " EithfT- too -many shower* Jto ftiit halve; teiJ. A few complaints-of wheat sprottt- 'S- '-1 '- -: ':/:- i iBops are a splendid crop, B g job for pickers^ soon. : IV ornotico( by the, Mjlton papers that ] tosa D'Erina is to give a musical entext utment hi tiiattownoh th6 20th init. She is- a fineamge'rv and\ "vill no iloiibt attraet a f ull.ihouse. A n iron planing machine, -manttfacv tured by the Hamilton' Tool Gompfihyi was n ceived tlie other day'ibr the,Acton Plow ?ailory. I -Thefactory will sjoon be in fall ^operation. ,- 1 :ir-1he peorgetqwn .Base Ball, Cl.nB- fsttcce, :ded ini^gefcting1 ahead of ;t ohr ginioi^ yesterday "by a score.* of, 28 to 26. "They liad a better team 'than^ when;! our yoath i Vhipped them sixhadly, recently1 Dynes. Rudd iyj,iu/the'employjof^Mr. jotm Lee, ire numerous, and gener- pambr.jwAaccidently'shot.throiig'the st is beginning to iprevade | hand on Saturday,,at Qspfiiige;- uhile nl.distrust-------B--------D..,..,.--.------, . ---. the.' me'itciui tile' community. ^i handlfng a Revolver., :\' JThej Milbrook Messenger Isaya there .fori iS; ii shower of very small l)lackitca<js.;iii that place lately. -A /very artptjopriate plape^: we shbuld-^ 'say'-^-jijv. (Mil I-broojk-'.'-:'.; ', At a meeting of Liberal:(5onser-i va tire's] held "at^ Mount. Elgin' on Wednefidiiy,^[r. geiljaniin Hopkins tered sell/bfT their : more disposed'to I jto' the damage.dohe iy jthe ghiss. 11 i :i_ (lioiipcrs there apply with iqual force beir last yeai?s-crop while., t", f-y. I , dond lit Puslinch,-J-A/w- lngigoodlpaying TUE dafe ville jirices. -clrai, Tproiitio. ^ His Grace;," the^ Arclibisb-opi fctrfrigly denounced the! Ipractico of "ibbviion, wb'ch 'hejchkrr acterjzed as a; fo ni blotpn ^he char- 'acterfbf.the peo de of thiicountry; The crimejitf^f; was nothing less ( than mm-dfeK 1 ' fie pagan Ciiilnese epsposed, sold, and too often drown ed their offsprin jiwhenfthpy became tpo.n'umdrbis. or -too burdensome.;!- bnt he-'had., -to cpnfess that jtbpse. caltin^"theniseil es^Chri'stiaris. jpi'teiL" riiurdered.ip!'colddjlood, then-hewn cinldren, and oc jasmnally defltro'yed the motner" T.10. practice to]*hich he alluded was exterminating the people ot {,he ? ew England Stfttes fi om the Tface o( tho earth, and| their inheritance was devolving upon a foioign ifut cha; te-aml Godjparlng race He regre tted io find tl)At the enme wis spies ding in Cinada In concluding, lie appealed fcb the young womeii p regent tp det^l mihp that the! punciples taughf by the Church, would >e observed by them in piiv ate life, < Ind reproach i^ould then lje rcndeici fmposlsible 1 ^ Exj/rrMS Algoea-' for", tbs Mayprof thai, towti|-^tlier lively^ in its last issue. It /calls' 'iiinl 1 a, string partizanif the' i-owdv )e- ment, ahd -.says lib acts, with, ui?d mskes excuses -for the rough's, wlifen a'case cd\ assault is brought bi'fotel him'for adjudication. An instance is mentibned of a gentlenian being .brutallyi. assaiiltpd, and, ; when ' he soUgtit justice"'lit the han'ds 9^-tbe Miiv'or Iwtis' grossly instil ted. The -". I^f/ress^Bays -^ ...'-' -.."" "'Ouiv town;ekeetitiyo d.os^ not eeem ,to|cure a Ifig,'whether those who are entitled t .the vprptee'tiori of; the faNv%re iliijj^reated i'aha half- killed /by rowdieS' (ffi the- public cury. ;A despatch frotri Wiiuiipcg to 'OtfStwa.v'iSiij'^ that,tlie' Piojincial Governjnteut :liuye'TfppHed to., the- 'Pederal Government for i/iid to the, settlers whp Jl.ave been eaten but by the' grasshoppers.' The sjubject has now been discussed, and it [seems tb'pe un'animously felt that to allb\v the greotrstart in Nortl.i-West<jiii im migration to recede foi| the \vjapt of a'little.timely mistake, ' - i'tid woiild be a serious ,Pire is GSonGEToVx. ,pb. Fri day morning, 'about three a clock) Mr.-Hillock's tannery whs^discov- efed 'to'jbelon nye;' TheengUewaB sobn on th^.spot., and did,(great service., ^.Forttinately,there \?as no ,wind (it'theV time, anditate' fi i'6 was confined to the takiper/ iiself, ^hick, was' totally,consumed, "j '^t-v^ftSf in-: bigh*K'.orn4--nath6gh ;'e bf- ,e.M M ,-** ^^. ^t ^ fft'^dSS7 ^ * *^ *? "* m&s Ire! .wMnbwfa tp; theiti. ^^00^ok and^te ^if^ Bye,TirosecuJonl-f0r .issault tlTtitl niabh^^y.--ail4 for $488,1? the. .T..-.d. - .- --if ir ;J-: L_L -__i,.'i..i.-.-i 1 .- Insurance. '. ' - lieollect,' I wsja instituted by iririvate; jhdiyidu{iii.ancTif, the de> 'feiidanti nappeued tb be artadherent pf the faction with wluoh the town js curfaed, the complainant has had to .conteud w<th a strong bias againethim ' We have seen peace ful meetings of citizens foicibly broken up, and gross assaults com mittedIon the pei^ons of those pre sent, witliotittho^lighteBt provoca- tibn Peaeeful*iiti?ens have been attacked nd beaten repeatedly in the public streets, and pupate pro perty has been ' destroyed^ the re BultVittirally" bemg thatl resect able p^oplo w ho1 arp not propai ed I 1 I v 1 l l Provincial Insurance. ' FibJe-ti}*' Amaranth1--^C1 y resi-. dence'of'Mr James Stil^ lbt No S'd^concess^on 2, in the Tuvnship of Amaranth, Was with its cc npents destroyed by fire recently 3f e file originated ft oih somo hot as ie3 de posited near the building, ai .fl'wns not idiBtw ered 'until the flam w had reached *he a])artment in winch Mt and Mrs StUrsle-pt Nothing wae-saved, not eveii the clotl tng of .the famtly/wlioliafl hardly time to' make thenvseacape'" from tht burn ing building in thpir sight clothes. The loss is estinjjated ut $1,2 JO, no irsuianco 'wasjciuitien candidate pf the'party tb'-cbn'tekt South 'Oxfoi-H. '"'" " " ' - J5ighipeDi' additional .cp'tton mijUa, invo'lVJsi inithe Oliiliamy' ^nghint^, strike'C os'ed:their 'doors last", week-, iinii tlib nunlber p'fv pperatives idle is incrjaised.tbtwetiiy thousain.jd.i ' The I evicleijc? in the! recrimina tory "charges Sil thb-JTorth Vic'toi-ia election ens^' '^-as. cloRed on Satur day. Judgnieu^iils been i;eservebl uutil,tjiel8thiiist.v *" ^ : Mr.j A;'G. Ramsay of Hamilton, has'bee 1-elected "-President of the. Canaihi Life Assurance Company. The: ofii 3e' was.'vacateid by thb'death of Mr. |h^Hff.TlioiiVas. .* ,-_, It is ahotincr'd,.tliiit tlid atfornpyB" of Rev.i H. VV". Buecher,have been, served J>y Til tori's attoi-ney "to ans- "wer nrgii inentf. for a new, trial on Monday, 6th September. "Tdie chiirge'this: time .$Tto,:be ailultci-y. ItJisjsa^ that Mr. Mo^b.t's numeVd&fe friends |in 'Kent] i.iid Both'weili propose gatting '-ui'i.% de- ihbnstratipn.,in a tpken of reilpfeT, on I his retirehient.jfiom; public;life;' ., - " '-' '-i ' : " '. ' Th'ei Peterson divorce, intitriled "An ^clt for the relief of Willlaui Henjyf'l Peterspn,.; of J3ttelth;". whifch j ^afi passed^at] the lii&f sesit ion; ofstlib Dominion Parliament, tms' i-eee" i-e^l^Ler "Majesty's 1as8ent. : j. - Mr.iMrtJnhan, Grand, Trurilf sta tion pastei-lat Gilfc.l who fell fifqni e.-tlilidfst town ji Weekiuizd,. died Tuesday,nibrniKg!fi:om rtlteinjuries be- reeeiyed.; ;'"; " ! :"-:^'"^'s ."".: it iitrj-reported ,from..TituiBvilie, Pa^ilitbatik-cbmbinaltioh'of .cajWtal- "'-" l ibeen fpi^medit'q> buy-1'ji ? iifl ^ieuiiv;-^."^g",:9U.-.itli8ijict,' jiool itjiand th^Sk1 buA'-tip-'omf-1 wilf. Im ardor to obtain ad^i m ced ^rth^remadndler. . ( V :; i,jlH-.GABAFBixA.'-lj-M*"'-'.' Bp-"" inson^s leajdencp,'fii-' 1^ 11*-, out.jh^l.f;a,.mgff!fWih =J 5dr. burned doMa on IffOj ic tiy; ii-'6r'i|gillafed.j W^af^r'iq! iiti kfity lApBfoM ^mr'^W^y'. M*4 9.;bliw.iM^j^la;|iS:;tb&|^.i^ ip that itjwas impossiblet6saeplich of thifivrmttW- Small inattrai ice, * < 4 f it [ 4*] ^ '"^l* tri1'"r- '^^ '-< Sldbr qil cloths, lpj^n moVera, goods and bther'specialiCies, are 'ajtyer- tis'ed on the thiriijiaige of the ]!*bke' Pai^'byAl'McBean,'the newly estsb- lishet ..Guelph hardware merchant.' [ 1 .; T he hon88 f"^^[.Jo^K.Wcfcp,: at short uistance from;this viDage,-wi4 en-' oq ^JOnday,!) during his ^absjarice, and s jvpral articles stolen, among which were JJlS'n/ monfey and, a watehland chain,-',.- \ ' V" - .- j -i ~ i-. ". : 'i- ---. ! \ - " wondertul John .Hogg,]' .of Gueljih; returned., 'from' Esglinfdi'lart wieek tyherfe he has made liiffiense par- oiase s of dry goods. He.has aometfeihg to" st y! about it-;.to -the people ofittiis -i!"- ty bn the secjjnd, page pf theTFRKB, 1 i %\i s/nexth-f gi\iar meei *' Igj.ifbi^I.iwill-De' evfni BgneXt^ 16^h inrt. sUllttioh. of bffioerStdiy Btrile f, and workingiui t: {ji;0 ^tfjpr ^nijLiiijin . The. S^NaEBFfeirA'^BKBUii The: great S>ajiiger|^8tii/fiich :l plabg, ut Berlin ohj^he> Tftij,, h (, .and^^l9>fi'pfAwtigij)$fcyr^mip9M' 146B;;,' year tobe gft"^hii^a^ briifeanjc^. Theire'ttife^i * - - *y"T fjnBuii as In- 'Xfi Degsee. v^Ttf^^yafterij^J.WiilS^vG^ l^isi n iwas' drawing iip-| grA^,;. 1 v lost* hold, of the laws a^l h^ 1 ;^,^|: wu op |he t >ngue'of.tlie wagon to. -epaal-thenL wbei the Boraeaigot friguteied ind rah I : 1* - - - -' -J-:- P TT . , t : awajj. Mr. Mason got entanglei air the itreesanil" wna dragge* w io dft* tance, iii he^, striking ttefeno^ a, nunf- After, being picket i up lie only breathed a' few,tiniei. 1 Hi9 head ai^ face were fearfuUy m ashbtl;,; Masbtf. wait' abodt thirty-five' y'sars wrell-to,-do farmer, and,a' small family. He More of thelold' 10^^ Stfeditihnsiness at the Post. Office. ftbVc, A^fctok. The people all Bay-they;^re filiwlj ftr they would rather pay the; ca li and jj [et the' 8 per cent..'discount. )' "-.-.-'. _Ji \X ' - 1 ' -i1-- " .... ',- : ,' i v. rliemembertheSiPer ceit d|scbnnt at the Post OfficJB Stofe ". ^-'8 peri cent madel^byfbnytng for cash, at the .PostjOffic|, Sft>r4 Ac^on. 50c, tea.- IsfEW, HA-ri-^-Eatesit s yontrh's and- Boys'^F.elij-'Hfhr jjastjib 'haiia, atidwillhe sold & okaejiifieesito- suit the tiniefc ^TCorists, Hfadiraonoi Co.", Glasgow.Honse,"lAelon. ' -Metjsoe. Seiori Bros'J have just received a con* gnnjleu; of that celebrated fifty cent lfieteor tpaj ;hat bei. came bo celebrated last'. lii.'] ixfeis ..tea] is, said by^experts anfi ju dges"f4 b^ the best" -tea grown in C[iin 1 atltb^ i price, "....... ~ ioi'Jie'iotri'.. . :butft is rareTanH] pM4 ; vi r-.- i-'jJ.. Mvaaat. i-auufr'- ^lltr^Statea ^ i^ttu^m&: . -t&ke ,w^^y"*,8oloiti;ai-eltp;be *r" " ^ "' " -.' 'Ii - Jnle : .- it-" Christie, .Hepdereonr &* CqfP being desirous of,_ adopting ijihe' early blosing movement, "wo'tdd respectfully reoiiesf !-- , V^-.. theircastomers wht,; havfe eSigfptir: every AoiiMJbpldj -ffenmgh ybRtrfefe ^ chases to.raake, to ca}l" eirly;-, en j^igh to dm of, hw focinating WMting8.\J.> -i ;_ si enable them to clese upatfiS p'eloick . , and.fconfessellfto' ttiea&ig-ctiie'. na^Er -' : ' u . Jt. hitoxicate^airhialTetds^i ^.Cq.'si #:_^ 0^t!;;.?i^ PS: "r.?^^8 wjiici: dLsjqipeaeeJd. f 1 -lli li-"-' L' fromi!^ the! Treasury - l^&^M Wki.irirtnn:"-i:bdtf&: On |be.'^!th.;iilt.,|ne wifjbij ifr. El Richard Bedpatb, 1 isaagawejti pf s, daughter.,:, -', "'l j ::-. !. ;| . ;( .; At iPttslinch, rieaV 3 KH i'an)" m? $i 28tb. of-July.'iho wife if IS $.* &tte r GSlchriisC ,of a djughteif..* [-." ':.; p.,: ' l'-StlLB^ii3l. ' At ^he residence Of tlie brjqe,ls|m6the, itfEyertoh, by thej-iv. W, ^.i fedlj ah thj r 5th inst.. Char' ek Mac ke me,, pi Gi elph, to Minnie, s ejeb: id Ulat^ ;hter Jof Bra^- Ji^ttiefeiri^,'?of- fc sotu '.- ' On 4hO fS^th.i nit, iti o^- \vjifb Moran Motmitain, Ke son ,5'of is to,. "j On'liie' 3dt& ^uifcHthBt wife' pi] Mr. Richard Corrigan, 1N( lao 1, of a son. i On the; 2nd :inst. thi late Jilr. ^'he^ler ] ^veirfeoja. . Suddenly of; hear j 3 s^Wft W Jnly S9th, Jane,: wife o ,VI 4lii ini Mpl jneaux> ^felsoni in herfiSfliy sari " 'r !' ' It,. WAS; anncriin tifcti a'ieU -4ayi; jlgp,th:lt;pfi-:'; W. f]fr Mnirj lider Genei-al [TSt,inerinl efht llent j^.; (ft ^he vicin PBESp. ii "lib' Actox Free Press . gives * efedi ;fora story of,a cat^rfd d>>, figbjt. W.el itrctuld infomi that paper, tat my ihiist hjive taken that'choice bit 0^ neWB from tlie Clihmpion, ki that paper takes ii- liv ely interest in [the doings of, Dan< "VYils mi Tahby Cats Sn'd Cnrs.T' Tle^ittboVe isfrom?4he MfltOn, ^Ve latfei't the papers now io, refi bat it iB^ossibW va hiatle the mil It sc, we owe ai .repolbgy to^th the; lATeir :rahcl, the Cluimpiqn to the. latter, for rittderihgnbtJinto Sejzer whatwa] due tql'Sdlzer, a id; to the 'former foij placi ag It in the wrong ,oa<e^ovy. -We trust it wil not tie::the niea^s-of creat ing thy hara.'/e?ine^,- or: that either of the ] laJties cimeeiried will grbw(i}- dog- lijati jal aboui' it. Because ifi f^jlpes, it wou^ d^are been "bbtter th^.t;tiie whole ahaif had. been T^blioed iroib U*ijd 'Mil waiik 3: ftbai ceptetli:: rtjibv' pbaiEi bn jl1 Of Miuiager/ of. the^C ivai Xl rl yhe arin'oiiUcenie'nifwis'a] , premature-,; and- at 1 di evej > "I authoritatlyely: co itr idicj m 'l..f .': i- :-T - . ., ,-; # ew ^e pf llii Gi^eut Western Ra tlway,.firlji ub^ f.'""" "JT r~* 'ffVj;117Ji-i:riiij-iK'ai'"'^;-'- '-- Pi reiiia. -lan'ds^ chilojreji are^ .r^mWded that tlfe first-jandaespnddepstrtlriBrits of: ;the. Ullage, sehbol re-open oil Jfpfl'tlay. next, Ktk-init The [thirl deru^eft will nq>bpeauntil th^lfpllawh^.j'ilbn^ day for the -reason. that 'the raSwieata aad Jepfci whichjjare being iuti^.<!ed; will not b&^pleted.iuiltil thw.t :-W*' iear ia^atith^new t^feraifor.jBwbiid ' ,*^:^^,^ expire, oy who Vu fp call Btjiha gBM %OBjl, tbei: drder, wh.cb'i^U j Q( itjon, Wtthou^tfjjiaia , Jr:; ^hile M^tilfe *b^d| fof T^vfd;;^^^ |and a-t^Wjof hef^e |^3 j w..Jtb+ in^ini tlie ^ug^eh^ ', ^fonoltte lO&v^tr,'ftlie ;'fefm et)p * ^rp53 her depth^d^wsfet^IvbWi '^r ^^ rjp^^ttk'fecove^^ i |^, I?e r-y 8opriin,:HeV^ pirvtoe'; ~C~l }'-^; v.iplincdio.; virttisb[|tO- t^el'=EUjpe|6r- ' ^ of Brapir-ond M^, JJ., W|; 'fea*W*Bn, ^-: -* ?' I the w:ell-knb *iir JfioUnjjst- | .4 - >v j#iil^Bi^la^ ':y^. arrangemente,hay,| l^aImadel^ttu ', rf-'X .tbe'--My"ertl^ilWt,"co:w;'i:"'"""v""*'":~"' ' '-'"""*' Excursion ttcketa f' .. ;". ;:!:- '. . f-njii. - EXTENSIVE|ST|(ffiE',IK'iCiaidca s4 j .vSETrstrT-rA despatcfii;pn '-jihe^iQ-s6fc: inst.i, from Fall j^&Til; Mass^Bayjs^^ ^STearly fi/teen7^pHBa"r|id nujrbper^- i; tjve^a iire qn' strikp agstshfet a re4i|-" :; #- '-H4" ~.M and al! tion:bf ^eh per cent 6njt|ipir;^'UgtR- lea^es m^nUfachiwrs'aW^wiJljng;"to. keep. the TniilslidiB^-, Thre ,Bfarjkers[ are iii j :^t " ^* erjj are'rftterinine^ ;tb:etfbr^u,Ci!e-'-'if ^;.-*:-t. rdtietion.:;.;ThB iniiPhirnl^'rijfiise',fcl:'-?.,, .r:.- :" much'suffeiJBgjB Td^eJljrJ,^ :fpliq|g;;;, . - \y to thMf!families rHi'esfif tuey 'yibl'd' " "-- ?XM ",-..-' W * -.-. ---Ln ' despatch : amipuftpesg the^^[death fp, .! the1 g^art^-ai'isii npyelist aud|PVftj .. ,.,.,,,. * Haus'/Cnrtf an- ^ ndei^nj';a{;naBie -f r. . l| ^hi'eh bag^^^ie,fihil?j'r in^Jinpfefr m if Mr.: jbyste^b'usly: ,Waabington_, ubbtitHa-;uipnth lg"-| -,- The thin* was iGlerkJi'a'.tJje officei,! f"T. lltlPf-: "- , ".! t"y M . :. iThe'JSfe'w Manjagjrj tif. (thfe'^re^; ,;: Western Railwayi' Mr.'rBrbuthfe^nj",; biia discharged': the liHain>ti'tti. sfci- '-? : t*o& piast^c^a^elrySau^ty^jMngH-: forja|managerjtbl^dp,j arid'bev'iriay^ % look- ;!bat for' squ^lly;(iit jsoqie of the 'ne'wsi^apers). t^,.:! ~" ." rt"i iMe&ifcj: B.j4l%isi^g^Gaj[p*-f;' ;;-'l:i nelptnJba>e jusf;"l|lir|0a,'oua^of V\? ;, .r ' " light buggiet8;tr x:w -"---^ * G' ._ , . ____ t}ieii; liglit buggiejs toj'EiigjUuKji fbf Messtf. Isaac Jen|k^ifeiC^,;bf' nW'pl- vetbnqjiptpn. 1> Mr.',Jenks'fiat$fe$v? ' elleil^ll thitiugB ailed: tand^iriada. pn lijasiness-: cpiipfwtfeit,' with bis;firni,daiiyig wfiieh-dibe'bBl.|-4y;s bti'ei.pri theJwk^iiifcfojr a iiglrt okrriage-tb sew! honie f6;hif( "'V ill anything suited)to ijis tasti 4*11; lit}*i. ^- ' bafne:;tp *AriBS&ni 'i.Co^ieistab iifw^sj.--'.-11 p;,^|;-i"v:;*; \'M jtelegr^m from?-^njSwjBasr^ that M<--; G^dfe|n^:h|i8' paM^e^^,-~:,l:p:: another paiiiphle'a in '^hfcli^s^ilpf-?':^.-V'.. Hi ciisseS anew qnesthSn-to t\tejiA^:y^W- whfch" f*3ne^thea|ibjeet of hii^J -' ' " merpprnpillet on ^iticifB^i^.- preseni j. abl ic> tibnffekes, Itbe. 8tanxl|agiiist t6ej pujpaey ,;.apbV dicta tapublb'-inTotat^, Jxtfe'iiif tdin nd fpn tlie Cpntinerit,' '* lb*at>riree;t .OHiirpimjililel that tlje papapv 1 j:i|l j*etaa maintain its. rulej a^i wl^,|if|ne*^ The flwy dbcnnieB sarv?: plans' ^eUJftjfld ^td^Wa^C s .....infc pftbele>-P-y:-; iWnisd Qo'rg^ ^ini'stiejE^i ,faipi|b^pf b^lli^rV : fes^hij.t;^KiIlbpvh)bj6 t * ti6a'#lis:wbtiaey^i"l|.:pj f^)!v.incliesl{ti .L~r-**Zi-.ft~*7. -3" -j'" ___j teffe: tOi:' had ac general tgeral" reniiV it'was '-Not- 3*itlrstandipgT tl eiti ' "eb| fifcting statements, howev e r, Wis^ a; hiiii'its- serted on good' ijtii i 10 'it^*1;! Ij ]t jJjjr Mtiir has conserltii :tb'"iU ler^ke .... .c.-. ... . , ^. in-tf'Mit > - the ! nianagem>ii: iotf llthb) I bapauV the phrcltasB ijf "4 So^f^^^^ttWii;';' Sbrttlrefn, aiticltliiiitl 1jEin'S Ciillr"1 tO;^ ba> R^hly;-r>nl'*v*a '.ftb^n4!-,Sfe away'^his-Aa^iBtani'SiipeiiiitIndent;5 Beiib^l Bt)me>haj'twfijll^wfci^^f^'J j W;M^M.^ U;/ i: s Jwml ;;by thWT^wp>4if propiiiteb1to1 the JScberal ^ >tt>Wi^" tbi? large.Bt ipri^ ^iper;iInJ tendency of that! rpad:'"'I sl tli' nSfify -RVa'",.lrai^.^-bps--7l4T9.; y are? 'jjreir tniwn in aoat ii:ri raip\W. A^Y^}^.Q$l%.. H . t, !;way-rclesi.4'-JSpi':Ca;Ua>? V' bbjn.4Blfcte :dbfeii^.r^^l^ar^BT.1;ih^-;3j^fc i.ineac^\-^ori'r.^{-m^yrl':^'Blrf Ja^^ ^P^^^-^i^i^<^f, 1m ifa^ne'-^'tliprni&it; Bipitdinaty ^.S^Bt^^^^l^^^^^-f'Jll bj^Qn;tlfe;:$^ T^^TowE]fe.,-f^AniQng-!;:tte"_niian^.;; - .i^M attt)a^iaitt'.t'o.'iM;p5re^ coife: " }-'ria ins Ball Eichibttioiit^piri. of-tjte .towivI.dQnatibn^ia tobe>apiiJ th"e'f)jjW3ltate,iif.:'ii J^pif^:"D' "*,^ ito-bo) pIitobIy;43nj5l *- nipt* Sift 4 -Gat m

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