Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1875, page 3

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i - ' *$': < s-" - >'; ;:fi 0-a\c>i!<i' the spring.. - |arl,l Wir.their, frsafc-. y iisirksJ *J _eO/Vert><l' nf 3 >re"q efccii in :!x?auty'. l&iA 't>c_%y wiiMf / i Ifcdjre -fcTlScittairtS*r' lriAt& wnl pijpj}ifi Vt - . I" ' '" |iV~s attstnjjww their pt5:-w>n the raid ori-tiic <"iii*--6wt><:V: s "d:H.--t to rv^t^at item |Ki\hod thtns l t' i^r. $aa rostli's dear l:Vk ' airsY s<: ripenoj tie ; '.:'? . kt&i .luoatt :$fff iri "j:.i <$j; ~v c-jv,"'and the blithe. vir-.c scar. lir V t '.7v=5rf 'i !& dove is lowl .;5a- ia .the season r jL . i rx r ii.i- liuk: ts'Siayr. jR-sa-.-ai!1 -Tilled irith T I "qo 70.U.. >,- ;f- ibi lii/ry." said.a. -:i:c;. an -uefeni|ui. wu$r v^a-.-g-id .frith' .'C'f-*R: Ti/ FJihi :>Zii -^gfefe-ijjxf;^ o sttsi-iaj 4 :LkiJk G-rtllieJlHe-a.^lc-tLe s:\ nct.-at " 2cy."_... Tony' .^fcntlemvn,/-. 'us Firuu : audi 011 ' *-4'o you/7 ^:I.-'_ reckfcu; not. ' Wi.'v, gi eur sjsdces -'-::i' whole .- ii,rtxk,' a isa.ctee- to i-ii n--:i"Lk L!r/>i -w.eak jiti-r. .LaKkciJTafiihs u -*v: -.'U. nen.; I rs-okou iv:* ti~ c-^Kexiiitky, iir.d - Ji-iiufiiilf' t';K.ladies. ' c-Ii"tle- 3ilTv 'oi Lookia"- :lleIra^-Tintt if'"iii- niikjs.-COtting'J-JXii J . pJitlfiEien.-'"! j-^ckoui -iii." Tiih: Fliimi, i-ck-52T-I-.-knov ^-lay _. -Kina ' -' He s ^o't nXid ilift p^rtiest. : rj:", in. ill.' Jtluddy fijijicJ^Hjat gentle- .r Yoc^iM' +t !on I: ^Yes,'.gen.clen^n,' r. bones : c|a ' tiJaW^'" f arfe.guUtv:]f Gen- not 3-1. s'pose hot. fs-ei tijJS jury, my pjinn," p.ta lid more = ihzi are : cank 6$ " Isii a toad 4rft,gyt a^- r-ca3ei Er5_adioiimed. '. I.- THROUCH EVIL AND COOD I REPORT.- jl .jiefijiro'l mis map'nedv iuv tiaiiio .w:isv ^argnret Kstcpurt.1" I wis an only iltiklj -and' my hiotber diiod a /ewdaji's aftet-itij'birth. Wlien 1 , was s/Uovit si^x years'old, niy father, .CapSiip Estcourt, It'Ct the Army . .and-feline to ln-yiiv-GIiVsgawl' He *-*vas a (all, dark,steru,iaoroa3 ian,_ ^vJicMifcvei- evhicetl ixriy jviterjiu^ : |.t>iHlfcruci>s - tcnvanls me'.- I Often i longed\ip thi-ow iuy arms aroiitid . his Meek and fondle..bitu, as 1,-liad L'see.ti otsier girls _ fondle.-, ami - c. ? their, fathers, butJie aljrays re or rcceivoil niy adv'^uee^ witlr-sueh.a p;i!pable air of, bore-' dom ". ih;it it was etjuivuJeit: to a : re{H!Jsoi - j > :-.'.' " /- V\it> ;lvei not '/well' i:off as; far : ^>e^iuii:iry matieirs Avei-e: eoaeer: ; iriV , fu'Iier having rim f lu^Dllgl3 his . means. jSvliieh V.'iroirmst;tnce had in- ; yolved jlds selliugionE pi tiie army : ; and he ih^id tlfex'tbre ; been gi;i. to. aeees't a situatjfbn'ivs dishier-inl the .great iliii*-6uiljMng ih'm of t'atnp- ...; NVest^ybd. We Hvl'duilyi I eo?tiipe jby pri'tty Dunoon, wlu-nce ftlter'- weiii. in,'the,:steaiuer i tilasgow ; .and very : sufiuotoSioUiilv the'time pasied until I. wa.-i.qiii'etei-ii. : . .:.- ' Aruoiags? "those who iiscd to come "Ow^neiitly' to (lur house was -ailr. George:S:itdei:8oiV, lnaint- vger of :j Gl:is_L'ii\>"i b;uik. | Jle is ned, : 'but-I caniijot marrv Ml son." i "We Meet, not tliscusi the mat ter any fur her. You -'-know imy wishes, and out. Stay,/? ft . letter f 1 bi mi inVitatio i I niean to "entry tlieiji'i ho licmtmuEdi. taking i his'pooket -" lieKi .it! 1 from: Mrs. <i'impbo}l for "vis both logo >to a l*ill whie'h vo bu tho ^wen'tiqth, :'ce'pt it." /': ' ..,IH -; night. Mr. Sauncloi'sjoii iiOime inoru Irequentjly, she ia_ to WVito and a .-. kftorjliat came to our He never i~ei ewed his pro^iosal, Uijit uvsf-.;-he assumed a kind of pix>])iietoi^iliip mlsfA'rovor-. me which was exeeediiiglv .evpry-iuiy to Oivj.tlie ei .sto.xl before. |.lib lobki pleting my brouglit me of hothoUse f '.".Mr miss ;" aud1 h soon as you ein conveniently come down:'" "Lshall et and no.soonrij'.'. eionsly, ;vs Whether sfjc ening of the-ball,: as-1 lass, com-. tjil.e(, our old servant ' (.magnificent bouquet. lowers, saying tliifi, i islies to" see von 11a ine wlicn I am ritdy, I re]>lie(i; njigj-a- . Fane Jeft 'thb ljodiu. ever delivered' Vtihe i 1 cannot sa_y: -f / I I ' procee.^id leisurely with iuv Siiundot^! Holding out his arm! for my accept ance, lipsaid-p^ _ rV "Btit I amiengagptl to tlio young lady for life !;; A'ndT- object to her dancing round dances with ojthcr liieh;" . " '.!,' I felt my cheeks becomo ci'imson, iind I know lny eyea ilaslted. I. almost instinctively tightened my grasp ujion Archie.Quiiflpeita arm, as J, exclaimed - , :..'.'!,. - "I am not ipugngod to :'youy IMr. Siiunderson ; and you have no i'lght to control my afl'eutions. ' I shall danco with nriy.ono I please;" and, Alilli levying on "toy .partner'ii urm, I left the congervauiiry. .. Arc.hio saidj nothing as tlio dance proceeded out when tho muiuc! had eeiisod he gave,one look.into -ray facc\ silently placed my hand on his ami again, uni led mo. to^itsecfluded recess. 1- ' lb was some niftmtes could coiumilii to aaV r "Mr. Camr jiletiiin you hei :iny father Don'tdisti before >T 1 my ypice stttbcieutly laughingly bell; do |lot I )leasej:tiiki, let' rne .rue. to . "Mr. CaijipbeH has; novor/raado love to mo," 'I replied, %uiDtly nhd trothfully. -k ' -,'.. -. .-:. "It is not Uu^ijmif'yoij.liaye--' given him : opjJoHiinities 'enough. Eyory 0110 is bilking to mo about you and him - Hei is looked upon as Sanderson's rival in .yout4 affec tions.'] ,.! ;;. ^i t: ._-' " I am sorryipepplo haveclothing more ii important !to: occupy their minds with]" I \ exclaimed. % "I ha^o so few friondVthat sorely, no* one need grndgdinp tho companion^ jship of one intelligent mind." My father laughed ironically. " Uh,.yes, the old story similar ity of tastes, "anil all that! /By Jove ! " ^'ho exclaimed, suddenly ^starting up, " hero's the sU-'iiiuei--^' and I to.go back to Glasgow this evening ! " I sat at the window, feeling" mis- dtiblo enough, and watched the changing opal tints of the! clouds, faintly tinged witji thV.rosjy- tints of the sun. which^ oyer Ihe hills at tho bafk of the liouse. to ;toilet, secretly delighted with hav ing received, t im .Howt-rs. to'.cpmplcte' it. yet Avishin : (Hiey-La'd come iVoni ! some ottier source. I of w.lritt-. silk, W;t i "',-.- . . 1 ! ovf>kirt iiulte.-us: olii as :;iv tataei". .iiiinia-i'- , wed :Uli n-aii; and g.-tv ;uent,-vtfT-' is%- uiid Jik'e m.iu b'otti m lia bit blue for; I- i-Mth lal:ter 1- ,1111:1 >er>i: in ; Ud:'A Is Avki^^ii!-; in] fiia'rivi; ar?cf.tiL;h.< My ilress vrs. witlra' \yliite' tulle ;ui!y looped^ up with sprays I saw tho people going backwards ens yourself," he said; [ and forwards to ' saw them as ih a panorama, fgi- no sound reached ime to break the ailence which seemexl to reign around, flie twilight deepened^ yet' still % sat thihking ^thinking whether it jwould "better fdr ime tptgo away Siomewhere^ to . gb awaj-, in any B'.';itp}g1';hiinsi>lf beside iiu-.i' "I like 1 icing ijere, and as to your father, goodness knows where this,throng! Miss Es- oing to ask vou r ":/: J..-U; i .-:;. ,-- ;;,-r. ;. . i'i.irkrd i is e tv. i '.- /.. i 1,-fi liel if (,;iL.;i:.;Uv -.. '!. " : .4- - . Te s 1 .': .-iu'di ( in-. it vi-V/-. 1 '^OC'ii. L'U^i ; "! :.-':~'i ~V:,.j. ' ->;:: . ill |. ii W.I'll i. C ,.;. .1". : -." i. .s i-ji Ill '.'. ik :,'., ;. i-i -- J. ii-lb^. -. r tlii :;k. Vu.l: ! }" i i'.' h:A or vu'.i -i'l.^- -I1 ..i-. :ii-.: i'-.:':|.I via t ' :j-v-. i ----- -VI ' ' '^*.C.v ^1 ti :da> Xt it. and the vi-ViiS i.-it-Li^'i'):!,- rigid'iv-: :::'.s .'-K--T);v-s - : ,r ..-- - .eves IiLi>i+-.-.I, U3 Cm v. rjie !pe U'i out I .li'lUe'k 1, lir.ji s[.iiMys of-the 1/ .my-' hair. v.'hicii.I great ni.iss . of. iiurls ' i at" the top of inv 1; my iit-ok 1 wore a bbinn. .fn/ni wJiich.d'V :iil turquoise locket," rtiek-3' of 00k up : liie o'uiiu-x- .-ssary tlo.wiri*-, my liaii.Il:ei',cliii'f, and !< sini'iig-rv^ui.'wi.ei'o vuji'h'i-sof!.; ivbo, to :' -..s':|si.|u.i-vcn- 1 ^ik-ed At-nU' ifov a 'Olte of fcy:>p-rc.-;!i~d r-age)i~5 . vM, spolf ~'lf, ri'i.j.arnl'aToiuul uii;, foiehea'd.J. you <" I kx'ci.tniied, . 'in linger? ." How ibrrDW> _-, - r it" t;a~a!-.i<f.morrp^f. joy any diijr so ihucii j " j.Ip-nioiTOTC^. wb^r. ssib'iiifiej of life ftfl- iiSpeptic people, oj ? in. almanacs, aod .. ". in weaiber"]EijnS, goipg 'to rain -to- ' 30St"-';of'r/haa a *'_. sucli a^ blue pool < ire- going . ioj" Jt>e :'_ lr.':- Tbe-BHpJs-vgo'",? \s letter-^filljbe hare, vill coins off. /TfaQ a,t ^otir welcomins : man will begio to ^4 ^ns'to-morrowi' xpects his "lnck:L^^ Ii tbQ cOnyict hopes ; The aootped man. for |ieve. ..-The' gambler ] pr -i-cttsts-- of dice a^ |er oi bU.brain.-- ' : fiay.e "yeB" tp:niorr ud's beau and the te lpve aie.tb.ccme ^;Gjenin3 i|'4o be: ... lierit1 rewarded, anjj. > Idone body \.<i':~ there is a .! fineif-- ^peopleiri it under E9P Tiseiv but al- iJiaHive ca^i^Iby this . pus, Heaj^en bless Utes^ay nrji so bad, :" Imuch worse';zfpr so ., ] poor .childripiij that [ I wbiit they nkighCdo. . [all. these- truubies ^haf'-bright Jack-*;"- 3W. - L - ~"~ - a Sfiaflners try. thg yi. ed. Jsarputtiog soni^ 1 and heating it over, |ip. Tbe goiod see(^ 1 gpor seed burns 01^ Jj'jnit Stains. .Let lot the cloth imbibe, lihput dipping, and |eria,iihL^d-common at, si distance. The ' gas which'.is dis*<"r ses the; spate'towd is- I. ^fespot*ysi tb^chlq- v:l set ~'inv lieart uponaparryinjj;'yoii a^4 Lave youKl'\vi]i 'wiietl:2!'lyi:ir like it .- 6r not." j" ' I confess!'jr frightened ; sitting tJiere alone" withltnat des- :. jierate-looking man, J,birt.-.T said^ ' bravely Jt" eves^I' many ,,, it .will, be fp^iae sake of haying u, lit- \ lie peace|and liive"in niy H life; }. I know 1 should have neither with you, an(j( it jc ;iseless therefore- to ,drwell further on the subject." He laiighed jeei-ingly. ' f,. , I: , to' ' get anyisprt of a h^:?t)ttcdi Ifc is pot every one who won^d inai-ry the datiijhier of a man ibe^rin" the -, ... ^Oi,- reputa.tioa your father do&s." . ..'.J "How,dare yon say so': " I ex claimed, i ' Hois'"my. father, and ,' ncr one shall speak ins./dtihgly; of hirn in m^preserjee. " If yeju drag ged me to the tiltar - with' 'youy I then." ! - "Al'taii? Humbesg! " he eja?. culated,;- " I ct.=an to rnarry ypui, -Maggie, uidd j' will do so?; 'aijid"; ' what is , more, I "mean tb;:iiav0'.-d; Sedtqh rniirriage. !We sh^ll- take ' each ; other/ ' for better, for! wors . in the preB3p.ce of witnesses!; ' Iwas U>o indignant |to,m&e;aiiiy . reply,-so'"I. left the rpoihi; :jjj " Thafc.jnilght^it was hi February - my father aid nbt cords limine on- had gone: to '"'bedyjand ^as startled- by"A\ knock ; at'triy bedrroom. duWt, iwhils^a per- 4 ^em'ptory Toios-said ,_\] '\\ " Maggie, come dowii stairs^if- .' jvant to sp^eiik toyoi." f'. " \.-'rI am in "bed; father." " ,.ii -dfr'ess ypui's'elf and " :l 't - -I ol>eyed tremblingly, and soon joined my father in. the'sitting- "roprn. l^e looked" au. like, soswbh' derfully like 'fieorp^ Saiinderson that at first Iiwfas. stactled-!: at the .. resemblaiice. riHe?j:aiil angrily '. "Maggie,' Sannderspn tells tad _that you iiefuse io many Him. I , wish j-pii tojjecbine Irisrwifej; so ro- member, w;hen he comes agiiin, thjjtr you receive/him prpperMJ-' ' j "Father, I cjiiiriot .marry", him." -' "Ypum-agt^'jie iexclaimed, " I ".! j' ' '" : . "Ican&V I returned'; ffI hite the very. s%|ht of him." ; .-V . _ V.^hen accustom yourself tp.Jp*Ve : = it as soon as ppssible-^ourarMnje-: -iflen^are not"goirig tpJ be \et! aeide ' -., tiQ pl&ise si chiti of a glr!.";- 'l r ...' :/ anythin|j' else ,td ' please.-you, father,".;! Meade]*'/ ^v-l istt e,t-iui ionte j ^r<> in .one ;d>'<pVf!y. gatht<r ;>ii't.-ad--../ Arouu ' Vilaek velvi t 1 . it-ji a M11. ' Tl.v.f u.f.iivil, j i.iiii : 'ij j nlov^s, fan, ;'il! Ide.vj-AnJed'-t.. . L'four,-:. -Mr, : i:iy -i-i: ^' I'ing d: '. ; iui:;u:' I you ip..ik KrtS-1.' '." Ax I i-in:i> ovt.;r. p(i 1: , - '.,.- aud wsieU.iuy { -. ," How da) suu-tiii': ,iWi> - 1. " dare you kiss ikie .-'-, " I dare jbec nise I have a 'right,v said he,./ ..laiij hingly.,. ' bu absurd, zMagiie epirie here^aiid, see Vrhat ' '*.." He opened*. .1 morocco.< iiiKl' displayed an e::celfent.sef of pearls. " I., am very niucii ijb'liged to you," T retur led, coldly,'"but I bouldnpt think of accepting'them.v' '- "' "Yea, you 5-ill," said hei coax- ingly, "Come. , let me put'thetri oil. Yorfr fathet git ine.aii invitation to" the b?31 becBiusel waiityou and me tobejieeii in public as,an engaged couple." . i ! Ho.w enrage. I I felt! My father entered just tb :n, and as he insisted upon my w.eaijiig the pearls, I had no alternative;i mt either to do so or to be obliged to stay at home, and girl-like Ii lid not. wish toJost the aniusement It was the .fret ball I had .ever been, at, and^"I entered tlierodm leaning on iuy/ :"ather' aVni,. I felt almost bewildqj e^l'by the gay sqene. he in ijmon-gst court, I uui'-'i ffa-vcir:". ;^|: V ^._ ' i His cheerinbss affected 111e^ and I asked', tdinoijt'-gailyrr- i . "Will'vou allow- iue to come and :see you /" / ' -.': . ..-.'.'/ : The. thought i/fijiy father made me hesitate for a moment; but then I'.said ' '". . "We live very/qnii't';-, anil see few .(people;-but I ain er \yiii l>e very"!l.a]ipy: -to se'e^you." "All ri^ht.' I I like: quiet JR'Qjile. Wju'ii may I (Joiiie-"-'rto-moriowt" . There wjis'a'movement of :;t,h<>" curtail! .witiiin which *e sat,' and -Mr.: .Saunderspu stood before ris.- As L if uoiliing had Jmppeiied be' -Siii.di !." '. ; "ftlaggits.- will you give inn the pleaj-iure of dancing this quadrille' with yvii'l"'/;.' : .-/!.' ' -i .I1 had 110" iejisoiiiilde pretext:for' refusing, so I joined l'rini, , During the 'pauses of ] tiili dance, Ij saw .Archie .Ciimpliell sitting where I. lmd|leC.him.- i , ':, At length the eventful,, evening came to, ah eiub. As I- stood in; the- hall! hbbdud 'and slyiwled] -Svaitiug for. the, hired carriage whi4h was to. take us home, Charlie Ben'spn whis pered to me- 1 . "I say, M^a^J is it true that you in-e engaged to Saundei'son;?" ... "No, no, Cliarlie ;; contmdict it: wherever you hear it'said."; i "I wiill, Mag'jlani glad to heai- you say so." " j..;. ; v : , My ftither slept'dui-ing the drive' home, bo that I \vaa free to pui-sue my Smeditatjons undisturbed. JA eortaSn tall figure played iv/pfeas- antly conspicuous part in the pro gramme. I may.mentien/{that the figure was not 5fr. Siiunderson. *' i' *."." Archie Campbell v^as the nephew and confidential clerk of the senior, psn-tner in the tjrm pf pampbelli Westvvood. People' said that ill My,oyer\vrongbt- feelinga could bc . controlled: no Jongei', Nand I hv vat into 'a passionate lit of) woen ' "' : ; . I Tendorl^y, lovingly, Archil tned soothe jtno, audfjed tne down the clftf-path.t, Ibeliqve t said j" Yes " but'/whethci I uttered ; J;ho monpsylhiblo 01 not, Aihio sepmed to bo[quite satisfied An we-approached'the house, I saw tint ih'elhjiipds iniqur sjttvig loom, wu-a drawn do\v,ti (and--the Jump ligjhted,-. and .therefore concluded thirt [my-.father had come back un expectedly. When th.e.dpoi opi 11 ed I hcird the .sound of loud vouas anl lenew that ficniiu cuitijniary boiitproi: in; king ii'ierty withi .ly; 1 whraiik' cio.-:el"< wl ispered ' f I think I had (icttur not s tv an /thing to your father, to night ' -l ' He-had hardly uttered the voub wlien a voice behind us,:said, men ..'" ' Ulr. Campbell, tlako youi 111 froiii-arouuii;that yii'uhgi'lad\ I Vei iit'st an explanation of voui con !ttu>t.!"' ;. : , ', j ' ' '" ' ",fQ.r answer, Archie stooped and kitsed my forehead, and then, turn ing to -Mr. SiiUiidereon foi is was he - . . ;-Ther.6! is .no explaiiation neces snijy o,i- di^e to ypii. Miss .Estouit pf f nh( 1 s guest 1 \\.1() ; invc uut 111 Archn. \s 1 > BOG. TEJ^u. OHBISTIB,JHE(]SrDERSOJ>T & Co.' g^NUS tv aianufn<iturcrs. rHE VILLAGE OF ACTON i h ivopared U> eroat 11 lionirs 10 vsirltf-H |Ui I'HliitiK miy kind cu jo iiiufuetMrilii, puhltHKHcmpiojIng UiiHklHc Hiri (Ih uu3 ipwatdR, iiiid l)iis i1l biisliicus tlucH 10- coi flirt Willi ui/y biislnrsB ilr^nU-y stab Inli(Xv|ihin i]jb rnr vmilldi At- loti ppHHeh-fS g "ii I lalltvuy tnt\m\i *, ?cli)!,ion tho urma Trunk ItaiiWitT, 1}liliiv ll\o mllpfi wnbt 01 T0101 U> in In n tteiKuliul anl iralilb Kxuilon, la fr^e Iiom inimlclpil debt nnd property can 1 0 tibiu 110U on iiusiii 11b a terms J"Ailfc,S 1KJA , tv,. ! filiate Cierk Actcwi| JuH 1, 1S"5 come'the wife of a;niaI loathed all my womanly instijtets revolted ;ij tlio'thought; and |l'had.had so little love; so little[happiness, in my life that I could not run the risk of irrevocably/completing 'myj ihisery by mariying GeorgbJSaunderson. I left the house/walked bare-l headed through the garden, and' wandered, off to the cliffs at the'j back. Tlie.y were my favorite re treat, to whic^i I' often carried my work or a bodk,;and there, sitting! in a sheltered reiiess,'I could look ,._..,. down atthe 'piers... with their., busy -0P}ifee path.| Theiinoment pallet ci-bwds, and at th'.ei'swift, scintillati: 'I^d the door I-Jieai-d'one of the 'ing; Clyde, ujion the' broad bosom )me:l say ^ .-/ [ ;of which thb river steamers land '" honest capacity, hither : than be-. is my proniise4 wife " i All'. SaunderspnUttered'some im pnca,tipn; aiiiib: advfinCBd tow aids me, the way., and said :', j Go in 'Mi'iggie-^-tihis is no placa for you j*' jiud iis I entered the h ill wii h Janets te shut the. dpoi ll- looked through: the hah! v in dow,aiid saw the. two inen walk ujviy together. ' -Vs I sat at work the^next even ing I wiia somewhat startled to see my father, accompanied "by two olppial-lobking men;come huinedh yachts went gaily to and fro. Pre] occupied with my t|ioughts,. I wan dered on, tlio copl'fresh bj-e<ize_fr6ai the river funning-niy- burning faret head. The t'.yilight deepened, aridji as I saw tho pier-lights u-.ero being lighted, I retraced my/steps hoiifjo- wards. .: The/...cliff path .jvas n'ojt much - frequeuted,; ponseqaiently felt a little startled aTthe sound Ql) a. man's; firm,., lig'it, quick step be hind ine broke-upori the rtillnes.s 1 HVas Mr. Saundprson Oeorge h^ijelas.t night?" Yes, sir, but he did: not come in. He went away "with Mr. Aichie Catuph.elJ." : ' ; .' ; ^Gom.e in, igenti'enisn,"'.said my father, in an excited ; voiee "I dbrft understand thifi." They entered the sitting room, arid he introduced me to tlie st'iimg- ere.l ;.':. . - Theteri/ible'^tory was soon tbld MrJ iSaunderson had been found: The'blazp of light,the prettydresses, rtitutj he would! be a partner also ; the cons'et'vatoi: r filled with choice - therefore it wad only politic in ray plants ampngsi i'whi<ih the jaraps jlittered//with a subdued r light, seeme'l /like fairyjland. Mr Saun- derson claimed me for the first diince,.and, as 1 mi. after it in, the cool anteroom, Charlie Benson, a young lawyer, slid arj old friehd of mine, _came trp in company, with ariother-^entlen ?n, and saicl-r- "Maggie, allow- me. to introduce my friend Arch e CampbalUto you, He has asked rie"fdr the"Jittrodu<> tino." ;- . . People> isaid jArchie Carapbell?s the evening air. " It came neareifj foully murdered on/the road between at last the footsteps halted beside! j Dibon and Qlasgovi AfJne me,3and a voice said : " Miss Jistcourt , Is it possible}" !lis P^'1 il}::ln1X >ffectjona--liaving It was '-Aiikio Campbell who ! htee^ seen. ^ ^..fom^any late on spoke ' =' '- "' ' ' ! * e evenirlg <^f the murdei, had "Are. you shooW- %6 find rie !:^ei: arrested W suspicipa, and: wandering about hekat, fhis "holr Janf t and I were summonetl to at- of the ovening 1" I Lsked, trying to | i^ -WtneBsfr at, Ihe tujl, speak gaily 0| .whenever it snoiud take place " No,,indeed ; ypu mustbelone-1. : Concluded next iceek. ly enough by "youi-self^ for I sawl . r your father "just'no* at vaf uncle | \^i,ich?-A^ tall fellow-ono of LAndrewk^j.) . j ! 1 those ,long, rlab-sided-ones is in ' " Yes JlKnew myifathcr hadgOTiB i tiouule; He'wanted to know wh&t to Glasgow, -but I" did not kn'Orf'-i chai abten to assumeat a masquerade ho had gone to Mr. jCampbull's.? " A. k'^Jy .dSP"??" journal1 advised T T , ' !, ' him to braid1 his leg.i nnd go as 1 Ho nnide some cbmnioiiiflace. iiv, lvhii-lash ; swallow himB<;ll round and round a few liozen, times, and go y-i a .role of tiape j wrjip, himself father to countenance his .visitf to our'house. Upon one pretext and another he cainb voiy often, so'-the [ long ere'May-time cornel felt^that week that I dill nbt see' him a very long1 one indeed. - rMr. Saunderson still .persecuted me with his unwelcome attentions/ I persistentlj^denied: the fact of anyi engagement ; existing between u.s,j and irJy sph'it often rose rebellipiisjy at ihe cool niaijner iri wiiich my fatUsr^-nfl Saunderspn .seamed to ignore mw'rightjto have any/voice mark,, and we j\valke|d alongsidi- by|: imil side, making spasmodic atteiiqKs af' conversation. Presently [Archie stopped suddenly,' j ivud, looking l-down at nie, and, .said abrup/tiy- in "tl e Am* efican flag ami. go (as a bar hair was red^-I maintiiiii'that bothl ln -the ma.t.te!rJ.. - Woman-like; I his hair and biav:d: 'were auburn., l>a.fe4 agiinst^ch i.reatment^ ^nd People'saitl hia iyv* were gi:een--I atlaSf.-when Jbhe day my- fatter 'say'WieV Ve:re-:JikeL- He was six ^id|he wi^hedJiDe to be, married feet'high'iind le danced divinely. ^unnS tf! coiu^eg summer,/I re- I promMd to'dt hce -with him again :{li^ dey.dedlypo comply. -- and again, am| 3 did so. ". : '.- " [What "reason,- have you for " I had* danced : with . him . tbre.e fishing to break \ off this engage- tiine's/%nd/ had? promised to dance ;mebK After all j. haye said toyouf" again. 'iOnee C'liad danced with !>,"" JPather, I can only repeat what CJiiirlie Benson, and thus had been \ I luiveso of tern said before I canW- able to avoid : Mr Saundei-soh. , not : Archie Camphel! andrl were^tend-.j you ing in. the conservatory talking,: \yhen: iny hcte y noir entered and said4-}-v- .-, r- .-"Ahj,. yod are here i^aggie. I have.bgsn looking fo ",'you '.every-'1 J< I f/ell you, I w;is^_ wheri.\, I .want you t b" dance this- " r' --""1 ~ ~ walt2 with'mel" . ' . ", "Miss Escouwr/isong^ged to. mo Tor tbjs jdapce;" interposed Archie _, . ' Caliipberl,^^ quietly, placing his liand the. wife of one'yhom I know Upon dfy arjtj. :' :. - j siinctivelyto be a bad mani marry Mri Saunderson; and. know ! I- hiiVe never acknow ledged to.there.[being any -engage- memVbetween 11s." " Who careswhether you do or notl" he exclaimed, wr&thfuBy. .^-it'-",. f "-I will rieveri many a man I do not care for," I r/ejoined, thorough ly exasperated ; " it. is unkind of youJ father, to- wish'" me to become ., . ^ Mr Sauiiders >n smiled blaridjy, }mp Ijfwhq.liad the. maii's tenipsr, knew. what a volcano of pais neath hia 'seening' equnanimity. - the experience of on slumbered" :be- " Ntinsense V A he- ejaculated. ".Do'.you thjnlc I don't seej how things/ape-going on 1 That. fellow Camjpbell' has been making love to you, '. 1 rz . i- !. -i; and turnirig your head." j Miss Estcourt, I wish distinctly from yoi r own to hear lipa . if Sau hd er- ber. pole ; bristje his hair up and go is a iThite-wu8h, brush :: swallow a feiK Inarbbis abd go as la'rattle box , an insuluator in bis mouth and . j * .. ..11. '_ is m PUt go fi iri telegraph pole ': .or .walk on his 1 finds as u" pair of scissors He worse trouble now t'hu'p befoie, but Will probaTjly straighten himself you fire -engaged to Mi-. son.": '/'-"' ? "I am not."' ., . . ...,-, "Then why does' fpur father ^ay j out irtd S "':'Jea*uenctl /M)?s 1 hear so many contradictory j " rumors, and i I have a. fancy tot know the exact truth." .' i '-J "Mr. SaundeWon. has a^ked me to marry him, and my father wish es it, hut I w.oiiJd dip rather Ljdhan dp so \" I cried;, vehemently. ,"0njy this, evening T was'. thinkirtg it J would be better for hie to go Ajvay from home altogether." .-'V !' /"I quite 'agree with you,"Wid he, drily,<'-fbr some time.past I leave ^2xeiaist and Druggist VGTON, , I-tl 11 Lit 1? 1)1 I C1- ' HLMICALfe, PEJRFUMERY, PT.UPRIETAPtY, MEDICINES tin 1 lir anj well-fielect- D|70-St-uff3f liiquid D70, Fancy and Tollpt 1 i eaps, Bruo3fos, 1 ' 11 iSjonjos, Trusses for Cail- fir?jj and Adults,7. 3]iouldcr Bratje3 for Mon, "vTomon aud CMldrca, Pain^, dry and In oil, Boo^s, Statioasry and Fancy CfOods- PjTJEE WIXE3 a!x\D LIQIT0P.S Knf Blediolnal Porposes !ga. Ph^ .^ciflns Prescriptions and Do- ;Kfc Receipts, and Hoise and Catjile M ;dtclnes, carcfullycifinpoundaJ. ' G. i\iOBRO\V( 1 , . , WWica1 Qall. Acton AtAn, Jtilj.lsro J ' "*^y^ H. STOKliv & Co., CANADA GLOVE WORKS ACTC1T, ONT. Wholesale Manufacturers ol evcrj d^5- orlption ahd sijlc of ijeather &"Clotii Gloves MITTS AND GAUNTLETS. D: -essers, of Plair. Kid Leathers . - iehc-t, Markc \vpo;> SKINS J ffcn, ^ulj lbt 1S75 t Vrlce pMid for If- A0TO3SP and Fancy A Tq> lStEHV Bl sale stable J. V. ALILAN Tiios p^eisiiro in annonnclnp to'trie put ltd generally that fue Is jreparod to furnHsh 1 1 I Fif3t-olasa Sois^g and Carr^aErosj At Reasonable Rates, 1 ' lils ItlRsand KorsLs 1 re ttm best; that ir b^ h 1, and be W lej'imuiel uot uo be : u 1 u<.scd bv an\ Plt} Stable cton Tn1^ 1CL fS"1 you. have,; thought; home;" ' stood th^re rwith a strange little! pain at my heart at .hearing him speak thns unconcernedly j evidently it was ' o'f ^ no consequence to him whether I stayed or [went. Bitter, regretful tears .gathered slowly ih my eyes^-r" tears, idle tears," the" c^iisp <?f Trhictt/I cdujid not account for j,'and-I was glad [that the deep ening gloom" hid them from "'iuy' companion^ ga?e.< I 7i ' Silently T returned hbmeAyardsy when Archie laid /his hand' !uppri niy shoulder, and said, with a!wori- derful. tenderness in Ms voice, so different from the tone in .which .he had last fipoken 7 . . '. ."Maggie, will you! share my home ?', I caine here to-aight $9 ask' yon to be my jy^e/l ki' Steam Carriage! Afacjon Works 1 MAIN STREET. idHMtSPEIGHfT, General Blaplismitli, Carriage and WagoniMaker. -; 11 " "',- ' ' t Hest Horse-Shoers in the County 7, Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no pTico oharged. FIRyTr-CLAS3 PLbWS Cpjlarci^^Patent [iron Sarrow^ 1/ ^x&i./ ^M^i2r< JSP? *,---( .ft it*- E: STD 1 > - - 1 /> Is the? Pia^e io^E<T*EC^ IL-'tfe r ' 1 ' / )onr jloiiey m GSJXB8S2. 5J= S^g; it A Provfeiois, i Crockery, Glapsware, Stationery, Sc-liool|llook^ WaHvPaperv5raut> <.cc^s, v Window Blinds and ijollci^, tiiiute*., e<f. 1 I embrace tiris |opj OiUiAirv jaf. tender ing U mil to friends lor the Iioeial pmoi ige bdstowed by tii<-in jjji t jeai-s, and as the ij euence oi tlh,i enabled me to pi'oSt t liti cby, so %b Y a.\a of niv nun e'e *-v, the. i -st twtiii._, tunc hd-s lad l^s U -= 115,, tti 1 L^s I am now tcquluuud w \h 1! e bo till- " - an X mi a maikets tff> pmchlise in, and ajs uic ciieipc*, mv customer* m-relyuppn getting! tl fe Un^t if sml Eiiu,flt)! In former 4^r. .it has been4a' matter liupo^ibie to do bpMness ra fu stilt J, cask id But oui county Lliw ig prospered to m uujji, '. dcitled rf>.riee the last few yeait,, |I t|unk 0111 people ait now 11 ^1 psmen to Afeandot a [Systeai go Perxlieiecsf That it has id crpat^ m irgms for bid . ad xfoiuttil debl when tie cash customer bis no tight to bear md which liithertol o Us Ji. t tp CAS?: JOB iJRADE ONLJ^ And byjadoptm/thib sjstuin I wi'l be W^bitd to | REDUCE PR2GES FROM |X ToE^GHt PES SErTf Until the ubo> o tiu 1 , . e amies, custou eis puwiS-f_ icjh will 'Pc-ne t a above discount CJusijpmeis will no douLt see Sm advantage h indited is. the ONLY UK -1*1 *lie Cish System, Vrlai which bdetues advajnt ibes-toall not to he kst -^ht'ot* Gksh, for lall! Kinds of ^ q> n dj t, >g S^ ^JIM ^ d t T I I oduoe." romejam*r,.lE45H'r fj itfarrrs-Kf* I-ieens-c <vIiimsi : rte *f<, <, Ajfent Monej]/< jLoan. Ar< nt Montrml lei. to. Kdnrtli Di>. Cot rt, o^t. m ft. SJ., &e. i tHth Acton, Julv 1st, lS"o, JjLMBS MATTHEWS. T**-"* EiAST, END DRY GO 'Thoiuid STOEE. T4lsii3tl,b(jteaVetf c\ i llm atir>iiH n of'ibp lijiT I <Jnl i lo tbc wt lasojt/d -sloe ' Staple epd'Paftoy.Dry 00o4^ rcsj. }' Our'Print?, Drcs|> 4Tgo1> and Dress Aie all of best mateilu s uid newel ja llto-al: ;o'A tS3(Uj.\l- ^N, I Trimmings, tern}. ' J OUR STOCK OF TWEEDS [8 >L&fiGEB fM MR! 1 ' iCotnprislug fan ime of Scotch,' JBnglish, and .Cank^n miNUFlCTtSE Andj being prseHroJ pjknien, ffe) Fdtlfind IK a^s rtnrf our i>iiiowr ti'ai cbeopne^Sj qtjitacssu-(ildariUH,ny our uo,k ci 11 o^ bet eui passed Good Stock RfcPAlKIX promptly ana properly attended ^oJj A1 on, July 1.1875, Always on Band of Carriages and, ,"Wagons. f 1 \cton, 3\i\j 1st, 1S75. DICJKS'ON jfc. -/ fr > j I t r ,, -------------------J ALL KINDS, OF'i I JOB 1 ^ r 1 1 PitOMtTTLV EXItUTl^a TeB/F#EB.iPRSJ33 1 1 1 1 ( M T : T 1'-'--^ II

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