Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1875, page 1

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; u/.r :- 1 ,1mA- -m ,ru **. r. | 3W 1 ;,f'3:i! * tM]R& ADjKERTISEMK^T^ "]jk shah*yoiTii, Willing to iulM- liiiivselt useful, in a g- .era! sU^ro. Apply at oftec to .,' THE IEASOK WHl J. J ri CHRISTIE, HEXDEliSOXI* CO. Acton. TH1NG3EV ;RY PERSON SI KNOW. fjyo B> Efijl'AN.'K *JIJRL; WAITED, ,,, V- / 'I fta* fc Be&tft, F&r jjijueral Ihopse work. tunnl; wages will; hi paid jto .1 suitable, person .Apply to - ,'.'{" . :* . '" .. , ono Of. the stocks, and y I\VO!Ui.l>J.IKE TO ;HAYE ALL liehiaoiit :of: '-mmceoituts uiut ni'lcs raid-In by ., . U.e flr-4 day of September mxi, beioro 1'ODtO. jxtotAluiUie cash6iltlij. t . :> = i J*S MATTHEWS. ! !>*'*"?" j ' ________ ' 1 :-lj? poGilds QUID r.iiAVD think riiije rtuti., - Trains leavii AtHi'iias | follows :~: (lOUSll W1'.S'}'. - ' [ want Yoir siiouf.p tt,\ow that i to get the cbaicest goods, ian^j save njonoy, you Bros.' < 7 , shbulJ go i to ; Jeeord Voir buovli^' know, that thejt have largest sad IcdJotccst. tho handsome*! j>stab- tU<? iiud west flf To- LISTS. Koilceil* rieretjy irtvon tluit the llt of; ,-* ;--* W:-. y *mm - m\r : J . - m -j >;'if sow that thejr give li>af You hey/give} Al,.12, djad.,13 ondid' sugars I'or . nfj ivliito Drokeii or ground ;st;gur for a dollar. should fcno^v ________ ..." irtvcn Uiit the ' 11t riD0urKl.s ot- l,y A)trnK>iusaPP1ng!by~<u l'st-revisc.l Punu3 oi ^ A-es>w*i. ttdU'of-the Muni.clialliy <?C Jar, j. the VillagC-or Acton, In tuu Coj'ity of - MrUtbo, to be eriiltlec |U}..v<Ke lollie Mild, YtfU SlIOtJLU KNOW that VCU cain-CQt ,Munitleall'ytor.lH(-.VerUcitiof Me!ui>i'T3>- p< ' .- . F ^ ; tOMjrveln tu> r.^isliUvti Asseui.nly and a aiddfS^uf five pounds ot tea tor "House of^Cpnirlwa*, u-s tirst, ixi>ieutip- oo"?A "" "'- Jv Morning Mtiil l).\S:i!xpri.'ds 'Kxprt'ss MiSci : - ; - . :; Nigltt Exprod.i - , i : Ooiy^ EAST. Niijlit Kxpivsa'f- . Mi'iod; ' k 'p. - . I>av Kxprvss .- Mail. -' - r - . - Mixed . ;,;- 0:iOn:iu. l:f>Op.iii. - 7:1|) p.m. 12:40 a.iu. i1.-f0a.iii. 1 S:3f) a. in. li:3r>a.m. .r>:a(lp.ui. 8:40 p. in. '.- X<tT White .Wheat Trujuhvell.. . Wlioat > MtuKtrrs, .......... \ 05k( ,i |t ~ln mj offlcf^ju thesaiit iluincjiiiJUy, un iae twe"|t 'lay CJnljf, tola.-; ; Any j.<rson<,5uiprattilni;0f jinj! error In the s.%idli!s;-. tnusi deliver tttip^ vrliiiiu . thirtvdat-surtcrthe said twenty i3rst lay ' , .of July, IsTi^'a writttn noticeofJits inien- - '.lion to ^ipp^y. l'^ tiif* Judge ,of tl*t' said ' Ooiintv iM-resptet'lhetvof.- ' , -: ' - \ J AS. . HILU ! Vrllm:e C!rk. Acicn. I>rt(>tl ttilk i^nd day yi Jijty. 1?73. tha.t ><ru."uoqIU have tj> pay i3.7j('or in G lelpb. ' \-' Vou >bouldi mow that you cJn get two ppunds'aiDre libo for a dollar than you'ean g Jt'in Uuelph. ^ILIK! : MILK rvJ , ne', tier uuali. per lb.,.-. Yoii: shoujld tiipw, that ........ get iv>&t of cl ina fo'f $u o$ that \fS\l woudihavo \tot pay fcO.50 fpif ih t?uelpU. ;kiioJv that yo te grauitis H pie : Vou should get a Set of ivh The isijbseriber hasf corhmcuet'tV.tha' dairj- business, .and will deliver uiilki every lmjriiiiia. aaiV evening at the , .^~ - .. - . . , . v ' tj youi-woulv u*ve to - houses in ihe--yiija^e. ^ - AruK -vrStrrance.d > ,i .... j : ' .. ^ . _ ..j. *^.T- "-^ c'*'75 for iu CjuelX'li. !>prm 0*ti !... Pe:Ls;i. . . Pokttoos, Wool./. Bntier.. Kggs.;! . . [ined'A'piikvi, l> Pork .;.. ,":.. a'. Cherries, per j>:ki).... Krispliorrics'; per lb., ItfeeilllVilS, per b.-ig May, per. ton) .1 . ..'. .- ,'OUELlfH MARKETS., . sl.ll.">to.S1.15,-rfii)ring4lieat, ((jla.^i'i^v.*, W><1 to Jl.tR) jspring Avheat (red c)ilf), SI.OS to..?1.0o; batH, 4tu: to 47o; jujas.. o'lle to ."oc.; harloy; oggj, pci d'o^en.l'JJeto i'.i/; butter, dairy pauked, . llii; to 17e; j.Kitat*e.-i; per bag, 1 to -?l.oU vsaiol, 33c to ill. J - '; ' . J.. ,.L.. It) i o:> td i 10 1 00 to' 1 Of) a 50 to'o-oo 0 73 to, 0 00 0 7D to 0 7-5 0 34 to o an O lli toO (K) 0 1'jltoO 00 0 OS to 0 00 0 li'A'toO'-OO 0 40 to 0 00 0 05 toO 00 1 0Oto 0.00 14 00 to lli 00 a young \v ..... Btreut, and looi nipruing, oi the sanio day] a yet:(Iiot of deatjli; fio'm foiil- plav in procuring . an HOQrtioii rotiiri'i $.. 'J'lie .unfortii- nato giil hda s Jico hejinidentifrixl tti tlje .datigiitBiicif JMv. My.-'-GijI- niore, a Baptipl. Jroachor, at Siuiti- ointtiid pii' the ' proiito and Nipifi'-- Bipg Ka.ilway.: It is Bald that shor lnjidi -Ibeen u<Jd|ii|o|il' -'l>yj a young mt neighborhood,. sdlioblmuster iiJ ; uikd that sho alii \ ^fews Iteme.;v - Tlie crops in feoveral parts of tlie; TJiiited Stutebhavo been to til ly. jlp-i Btroyed by rain, ' : j, Tho t'cfitcciM Ncir.i'hoa fecenliy changed haiulsj: and" ia now.pu.b- libhodby Mr. Gl T. Ifugy*vd. . fr kMj\ Phjilip Curry was thrown out of his bit^gy at Wingham on Fi'ii day, and ihstuntly lcilled. - , lix-Preuident and Senator An- ilww Johnson died ntlnilF-paat two on Saturday moihing; i The steamer I (Dominion 'avIis burned to thowMtov's edge, about jfoHind employmk fix miles below Clwthain, on Sntur-" a jenUeinan'H fim day night.; | - ,j : i " 'U* A youug girl named Newbigin living nt Nepi-un, is reported not to Jiave eaten u spooiiful-pf food since February Jast. . '! ' The mail" steamer Quebec, pf BeStty's Lake Superior J^iue, sailed fi-oin Saruia on Saturday with 400 Mennonites on bbaj'd^ . - ' ' Francis Gibert, a Fiillittkin fi|rig.-. ij.r; has been linecll .f20 for/watering milk which he Idelivered""; to the .Mijoheil .Union Cheese Factory. The body iltan wj found ,<iu jtyrqntOjj'orr 'Sunday. f. ,thd inquest bold r Scton& Di H, HACKING", EDlTOfl ! ticliets ft. tweiiiv-oiie ^L Hbrrsl pauorURB '- Vs'-j j .->iiiBi,"iiiij.-*tf**'. .'. i ___ Hid~= deVi-w-re- -: '"" : V'f -It-..- Y: jHufft, ^w-cutVKKic . quart 5l,;tf.p?a<J .ia adyaijee, puit'^ckela for 50 cent*. " :' ^ :-^Ax|n5i>/ :'"', _. Good Hemlock Sark ?orWhtsih ll win .pnr KIVE UuLLAHb I ' ' ., ' : ArT^E ACTUN^'TAK^'EJtY' " , ' if^eliyereil Ji suir.::i"er> <^rL HEAIilijIoRE,-i'rui-rieior. Z.A.HALI., Ar-r.t. Actor, Ju;y ), Hi payto .. .., - i"ou shouM inow that you can get to^-u two i F1MPAV MOU>:iXG, -One dCzl'u"oire" 4iiarL' y>'c . 'iO(.1.5'.> And a i: ""ToFjtf-.lJU, -that pay s^-LJ and Y-.u should knuir that'.yOU .aaft) iiona'lUJ i j >Dj on hay forfct ail fcndi. into ; .I..T11E foliowijig coinuiunicatiou in f'ftfreiice ti< .the . two individuals you wouijl havje to 1 wl.p1 f;1voivd jua will tlieir ijlcas -" wr.i{rcJu4lpU.-.|.i1jc,yt; .party : Liouni:|-ii.sui can AU(;.G, S7'. Weaving Fae- been destroyed is estimated-at are Msi ils going Ay"est are closcd^at 6^5 atm. ,<?ping iEast at 5p..rai' I; ^. ". , .,".':, . Itogiptered : Letterk muBt be-^in fiy4 rniijutea bijforJB the alioye li|).u'ra^. , f Kliatcnliun iiijail,/ruosday!and Fridays. t two {were candid^Wi ' 10CAL MATTERS. HVBsvnimzRs Wjio Jmyo taken tue .Fceb.P*esb frSni the 1st; of Jnl|' and not yet paid,, re'spectfullv'- reminde'd 9 to 'JJ01 onto and ' t^iip thfr limittkl tirnejj'fdf payingaf_ ijfc as aj servant in iiy,.n jfow .'weeks.: X>r."|])!tvis has been ar retted,on ufi])icii>n of haying mur dered her, in tying to ; procure alortion. -Tli9 evideiicel against hi 11 appears to' b Btf<)iig. 1 i v /*'?, ' . M Li ^ed On tbVTHh CAlsBitJS-. _ yf Milch :;0~\r jhatyou cin ies't:!e'oyi(ics 12^' lli.siii, thuugh ra'.hei: lufe, is worthy of publicatiipn. i*E - :--r~-- H .- T7-ILLAGE "Liyt EQU SXLE. To be sold by private sale, without. " <lelyr-the ' yatiiiit lut siiiated ou^ALiiii- street, Acton, "bttweiu f Dickie's c^mi - -Agu<w*a hotels. '. , \-. mo'<i rllsIMn Lot> .-. '% la Actonifor Baslnci*; pnp^ipscs, ' .'Apply,' wlithKitho next fvw dr.'jfc, to !j".-ME.S. {. YSCH~! at M^r, J.; Gibbonaf, near *he villagi Acton, oivthat you ] t^ hanitt-opiniiiu as ourselves in hinges,-hails, oils, low, .Hndj in .uioft I tr, J.; GibbonsT, , 3-cJy' 29," ISTb. Yuu shoul j k: all iiiu.ia 6i' the ' if-' . ' low uuf-^ph. You Should kl: all kinds', of loc. gl^is, &\i.,.-JZ\i.; : cases iovv^r,.tbtin yt>u uah buy, theia iu Uueli9h. l - \o\x- should know.ilfat tii&y have one of the. largedt s-iocks of tea! held l.y any leudl house west cf Toupiuo. ;Tha ie.tson jvliy .tue poor man '. 1 .- - . : -1 sajes^ money ani JiieU' e; by.:. fjro's. is bBcao.-e ? oj ;. VDiile we -liavo x\q_ need of jany apg'.uiieiit-: to ooiivj.nqc us that jour p'paition-isicorrect, it gratifyipg ; to tiinl ,t intijoritv- of s<;';i>iblo IH-oj buy i be, s iRivertiuilt'sa tat the ldi-ire ailu of u;d to tl|(? conjiuct of loc-al- i>aijieii Ou'r tht XiiKsagaweya,. fi;:k>nd puts tei'.;e itnd KenaiLle styl lS -'"-;;'m.- |SALS OF; / cf *ase pur ttsturefl Itoorney,' wfe &"* goods, into tih. . .- a*e "511 a econ<| -.<. [meats: " .--V-v . |ifi; 5 oti. up-s?ar4f\ " tASOiS, lar^e Nl-50,_ : m. . [^", DBttLS, and Wesale price 1.63 -^ Worth 3*7 Jc. and {GAINS We n*T, K'comb iiilt and b*. :'*. .fi/kl* ?*i>r ' "' -W: Wffc goods from them be bought el=ewl|iere, The reason w cheaper than Gu 1st. .They h*v Guelpli thej paj|t tics.' ' Wi-U, we the 'rich ndJ>-io4.'ollcf of tJ,rln'. uivhasing at Socor^(:"jJ;lj^1.!j.i,t.L.aUio they can buy thefs;;! but perhaps (( lower than they can j the difference. The Brbadwood toryv'.llcJfasfc, {lias hy.fiVt*.1 I The loss 6750,000, "and:,-- 7CI0 pei-sons thrown out ofjomployment.' ' A grand ball: wis given at tlio Guildiiull bn Friday, by the Lord ^.Iiiyor of: Loudon,; to the Mayors and othw dignitaries from.;" abroad. Nearly 3,500 persons were-present. . At it nieetingi of South; Oxford Tworniers bii Friday, Mr, Adam Crooks was nominated ; as their candidate 'for tlio ;vacaat Iseat in tluit constituency IIr. Alexander JJ^fTl, of Mono, iwbo died recently oX lieart disease, was interred recently b.v-tho-breth- p-iiflf^Harris Lotlge, A-F. & A.M. of/OrTlHgcvilh', wjfb Masonic honors. '"i prud Bauina.11. anived'-at San' Eiitncisco afoot and;"asserted, that lie had walked all ; the way- from "Xw York, at an; average speed of forty miles a day.; : ., I Mr. T. IJ. McM^ihOn^ of Drant- fui-d, has be;en rewarded for his faithful -jsefrvices i to i tlie IWform party by licing appointed Judge of .the County of Noifolk. .,:' 18747, bant of -. P. G."Whit>,i a mei'L ckiibw, left thurc/ibrjthe avow- imrpose of me;ting his lireditprs with u .viftw toj myingj tlem up. Ho took aflarge.siin.of money witlt him, and bas tip , siAce been'heardi of. sHe left! aim iug-vrife And four suiil,! children,'vituiio airruTtge-j " "' """ Sustenance. ' The ife has been On seen in.the lead- bi|t wliether it is t hasnever bee'n lasrisi'tainbd. Alii intelligence will meut for tliejr name P. G. Yvl se\eral occasions newspapers -same one Or 11 ;in Iths tbe ly w thankfully received by his Jpne-; wife.' AddreRs, .iltfrs..'JViG, i'te, Lnckupw, Ontah'io. he ibejrate ofo.v^ DOLlUii a yetff;, .ie'^ul caudidatea letiily expired, j '-Thdgejvhoiintiend ,0 .take advairtug^of the adva^oU Tli are requested to do ad without el^Ly. Parties in the village who o riot find it all at office \ -riiay' hand their dollar'tO le carrier boys wlien delivering: e'papers. . ; . t - .Teacuen' fi;>|l'1i?p<i Atth&;iaif>6*iurti; for eertificai^*:W Oua ftcution a Puplic iijd lfikfer *-agp O.I..a 4*^^M -XT..1. L^ H-----ij. "?-^i-i.- * - CLrir^*tVatn*t^* n- tioh of eahdidattes- ^eretowijs-I^ems..'; hi -Tlie'rirc'4epartmejrt liai' i anew ijwlc >ol :Teacfie'*, H4I1 in County, TortyW'-. Gfearge^m-n an*>?fon:'al' ; .appji'carrfl ;^r . preaent^ekvfen f keett ^HVth!'r BkW1' ! .i*-r~r*ri.- .. JV. ... ;. , ; -, . - >nd classl dad ,; .. thirty-one Ip-^thMid^ law-.eertificatv*' l; !iwa,ecoai;<m8s ><iai liflites wieresiic ^essfrd in obtiiniiiglfil y p^r cent.: of|the marks assigned ip 4j*4 of tf/e ptipers.ion grarnipar iuii ar^tlu leii c, and,!als.o fifty per .int. \*>i 'th'e,:t kit ivaluo' of all tile jiaper^i, iiftd w^rt s *i riled ^coidjclasa cert&iiatea. The ii ll< iviagis the a'pl*a- ieticki lisfc.efthe m crjtk rut the, sitceess- The first now wheat was brought to tile Acton rnifis 011 WeJJneBilay, hy Mr. nlrew Itoss, oXasBngji>vcya. It. is a "vt ry fiiio sample. .. i ^ ... . ,~ . A son of.J/r. Alex. ifuDonaJd, near .Ti lton'a. mills, fell front, a cherry tree, la, t w^ek. His dislocated:wrist was at^ te: idea to by Dr. Eowry.l 1 ' | Mrt. Anderson, of Nassigaweya, killed a ^'4n 'a 1 few dat-a ago,'. which rwljeu opened,.'Wias ifoiind to contain : neiriy four hundred I grasshoppers. H< W-& 'that i . '. Last Erida'y eyeaintfj. some epiou- ria is j entered a cellar near the outside, of the. corporation,. '&ii(l helped.;tb(ru- scl r&i to its content^. 'From pie vp- poi raiice of the fp'otnrinfa there Bpenjell to jo jthroe perdoasjof various sizeii. ::' N"-iX*i'.u:.vWEV;i, July 2il,'. 1S7.I. ' . j So'I '.see, Ml'.K Ijjdi.tor, tJiat J.J N. ! and;J. IIF ol/jert to" your"pa.iu;i'!lier it does uc t ljifkc|.sidcs,in .jibli- ihink We resiieinber eudiaj' (jack soruD . ,-'TMr. . J. . It, Miller,', Public 1 liey"did take sides ; Schabl -Ii\sptctor,v; [bas been iij)' fiich tftlii lua'kesjull l jKjinted^by the'Pepaj'fiueut of Eub- Aye, -there comes ' lie. Instriiition. to-%'isit 'the" Schools vLjy i-ou tlie north sboreW Luke Huroii, i , -v -,,, tiai'ticular m those-* mutters. We ! in conjunction with Mr. It. Little, iv' record, Bros, sell " . . ^ ..- |i remember, an individual once pb- \ pi Acton... ~^- J' ' '.:" /1 it a 1 no rent.lopay-,: in :'>Mond'.s "fuiiferalj"because he wusipii thousands';- . I the. wrong '.side . .inl'rpolitics. It A valuable watqli and cHaiii v> :re - .- 1 . _ _ " :..- '.. ed that , .-,".' ,,"..', .j, .r-'/v and Wldjtforia stoten; from.the pocket, pf ATr. C. - Itiihardiioij,.painter,. ft fejv night? " Canadian: [Team has idbne splendidly, at Wlthbledon this year. In addition to .-ev*ral other prizes of vlluj^they littvq iignin WPn the Cup,' nrap&ted by the ll-'jdi of Kota'pbre : -'>iii (je remembei lT won this cuj. yeaf." When we t lke-into account,! tlielfact, that iu cp ilendingdor^rthis: prize, this Canadian^ arq opposed: by the best niark^m Mi in the three Kingdoms, it seems surpi-isinL' that : the; "'should succetif under the ;Cir- cun8tiinces. The Canadians won the Jup this year in a very honorable | on thi farm of ;!Jjre^ra,| G. &'A-. Jtfc- mattner. Having been declfired J.he (jp0I _>Y 1 fro: wlole he waslyirig dpwu wa ting for the lniiliiicht To :onto. . TN'o trace,of ti tides has yet been discovered. ' ' ,"'" 1 "' : ". - ~A\ very rare exhilatidn. ru^y ha se winners of the fii-sfl match, they re fusejd to accept it as tlieiropponents weri a'ose.ut during part 6t the shoot ing.). The taiatch Wi[a therefore shot ovei aguin and again tlie^-Cahaniahs wer.i victorrouV. ['The score was, Canadians Q35, .United Kingdom (301. Oi. .. > at the sfeitibn train gohig missin *0 IX- It'he :rul). Sonic ^people are> , ' tiai'ticular ill. those; mutters.. & CO., J]FlLXDnLAM S?KEE-I} M 2nd. Salaries ate ttOthrng in opin-! seems not' enough for some people parison 'to what tjiey ar in "'Guelpli;.- I -thift we ba.T,e two pr tbree electipiis OJ _. " - ^ -' ! ana us many prqtests. d.uriiig a year, 3 d. Taxes are merely nominal; in ^ e(Le, ^'the eleotjoa-of Town- Guelph. they are f utrageous: : j ^ o(ii(.erSj;. jn-epaiytioii of voters' ' 4th; They buy wood for %_3-25:p'er j lists and appeals1 agilin|t tbe sauie,. 1 cord ; in ouelph they pay frbui $5 ; apj)pjntm&nts ' uud; dismissals of to ST per coVd,. . I , ', iiostmasters, itc.p also tKvo pr threu 5th." They.p>JnotmW for; gasj loc:il V^s whvJtXtake tide*: All tuxe Mvibg Jfi lly supplied then,. ! tbese tfungs, it tqems,. 'cannot stii^ ' -. 'bl.up strife euouglC lor some people,' T^rpayjrtbjB4Lfor waterv Jf0>-they cannot gather-in'd' social cmdeLand pick tfte leg e^f. >a turkliy withourTirt^'duyirjg politics. AVe Othi in Guelplf ft test I 7tii.- Every; rea^ oiji^ipai ! must'be added to a large itein.~-4 unable nmA musf know that' all-tbise vast 'experisei doiAt not spmo havu^rejected the the price of their ; . :" >:' . ;. 'r--1 '.', . | 9th:.! Ttiey tbon ughly understoiid! j paper: after Are now selJipg;'t3iir Spleridid Stock of;' their' business,- kfiow whereto bu. Igoodsin bu'elph, at once. i i ; ' ' '! S|b. Tiiey do rpu ite as large a busi- "itiesi as acy hou$^ of the kind in Bible) for thesaJUD rfcason J. N; and J. It..; obje;t to^ your.pjper, viz.: tuurit-does not tiike^sides in iiolii- ti'cs. tj Vfo are ^lad, Mf. Editpr, jlityoU bad, cdui-^gd enough DPj.y.lf-fGQDS.-at ': hoiVj to buy, an 1 tbe^ t;inie to bu; ! are wide awake to ;ake advant^geof copy of. your i [taper: alter, such "u whack, arjd| j we. have no ; doubt if . yJu, ! continue to mjjkejyo.ur paper as i|l-: CSlAfLY any favorable ,turr j^nd give thei,rcust J f Ypti sljould Xnov V of the;jjnarketls, jnier3tlie benefit, that they 'are der ;,t^rmined to sell'gc&dsnt such prices , as will ray to the p !op,le: Yob; must [^nCcoj. .""" ' * ujsf, Geor^OTm. '.;i PRICES of a person adve thing iicd "not do Office Store, ad'ver ceixt8^ discount, on ;i cash on .'-all terestjiug as it has been."heretofrJrjgy there are seusible men encuijh in tlio county to support it. "\\jic think wo know your side in poli- tics, -and are. jawiiro it is antag onistic, to ourib\yri. But what, are politics,' after-all, in Canada^ "but ;a mere war df parties not of prlnej- ph;s l~ An.d( altbo.'ugll :you ^und jl iuiy drfftr in our opinions of] ipen^ and in an election struggle,' may honestly ..Iarbpr on, opposite ^sidesj, yet wejheai-ti'y agree with yoii tlttCb tlie're1: are Hi'nies and.. placerf "ivherij1 ,we. slidukl 'lay these, tilings asidej ?"ial" .'G-'J_iHid' honestly and heartily erideiivoi;,; u'l^ticles ou witli your paper, and we by) 1-3 aye '.frequently |oul. example, to iuijirbve the social} Ideal it Secord Brcyj. if you want .to save money". .'~~ NO I S 1 rtising to do ! a it. - Tue Post ises.-'tb! give 8 tlie: dorlai" for Win. Cole, wbrj has': been doing business in Owen Sound forunum- b'er of years, absconded a few days- ago, haying previously* victimized the bank, and suliclry merchants and traders fo the tiiiie/ef S5Q.000.. Ijefole.aiiy suspicion [had _arisen ho wasr&tfelv across tbeilineS. -' > - " ; On Friday-evQuirig two young ladies,. Mjss. Murton,,of Hamilton, and Miss Hamilton, the adopted daughter- of Mr,, G. JfT Waterons, were drowned while bathing in; the river near-the residence of j'Mr. Waterous, a little south ofUriint-' fol4_ " ' .' * ' ' A romliutic. elopement has lust taken placo:"at Montreal. Afwb-, inait there, forty-seven ; years of age', and-.who has 'been married twenty-fours yeai-s ;iirid had niiie children, had just discpveredHhait she' has ,rio 'itfUnfty former husband," and eloped with; a boyaiot nineteei}^ She -carried away property belong ing" ito her husband to] tbe amount oi^r,o8o.",;. y .. :; .:i. The Elma an<l Wallace. Agi-ictil-:' turiiir 'Society's1 Exliibitibn will bo held at LUfowel, on .the' 29t,h and.. 30th of '".-jieptember, w,ben -?2,000,' will be oliered In prizes. Tliis-is without "doiibt onfe of the: raostj nourishing- Tbwnsh'ip Agricultural Societies .'in 'lfhje. Iprovfejice, having, been built -up, tlirougli jthe indbm L II. akd B. 1^ Up to the/ pr2Ut time ; for.tjyTniHe^, miles of rading between Lf ndoii'irutrrt'ing- ham bave \ been satisfactorily ac- ' cum dished; and ai there are how 370 loi-ses and 1,0(6, men at work bu the line, it is set down to be iiuisiied ai: far as" Exeter by,1st Sept-nibei-diext. The whole line,' it is coiilidently expected,.will be iinisiied by the Is^-iVoye'inber, in tijnejf'orthi fall trajle, j ::: . Tbe G. W.' o; laid, m Esqueahig^ about two mil :s oiiJtliis village si ypuiife apple tree, in 4>loaoni.' - The tree, was1 j.jdrdjr platitiil thii past spring, and a cjiiy br twp.a;;o win fairly covered with blossoms.' --Wi are glad to geje-thjat atj:. the irs- cen ; eraminatiou of the Ontario! Cone, [- of Pharinaiy, Toronto, [the follpwiig cm lidatcs ' from this district- pais^d rejeeiv-eet tfSjir idiplomas : H. N. fJuelphj, J. E. .1 McGarvha, 3{al; ' ' and BC0Ko. Ooates, feo i>ouglas,, J thikd ii. -i. Bray, H : 2.. Fleming ,3.i Fletniiig]';!' -i 4.1 Gray, Kob ~.r>., Hall,' "Ec btjfEuierjr ,.; C. Harfiseu, 1 jobfe.r,' 7i" Hauua, Sard; ' 8. Xyall, ftbilLsE.;. ; 0. McMiliai/ ancan 10. McPhee, C-Jji U.'-^IoTavisli," 'hi.. , - lAVolli<jk,!!ii id. \Y.- ^' --, trzyjii.E! '.: '.. ' -_; 'i. Boiufleld' : i2abetli 2. farter, S it;,: 1 ' -^ :"' '- 4. IJarper, .'"iii ly.JV. -5..H(intfer, :dit (J. . 0'. .Jarv^Sj J:'r ,7; Jarvts, S; i ili. Ann' [ S^ll^anV.'MartJ:', . !", 9, aje/die; J< s iijt !';. -i: ', { vil.-Martfc; Jaii E. ." . li'.Messaba.r, ii. 'E. M. 13, McCowel,, it sry J. 14i McDftivel, til aLella :!- jCtllOU fl#fi; m -^Christie, Henderjs *n 4 Cq., - i>emg desirous, o| adopting}!li| f.~early -elosing movemept,1 would refej lei fcfully Te^ues^ theu- customers v^ff b, ,jrl ^evening -purI to make," io] Call ;e| dyj'enouglij t<| enilfle* them ^'cl^sei; tit at 8 o'clock ihirp^iiaturday.eveniiij i always ex- Insurance. .-."-.. ;. t^^lessjrs; Qiinninghaki, I. nd^ Drake, of Guelph, ^the; well. i jk ii rti insurance agente,.'. h'ai'ej authorjisek '.u& '.-ip. take icaorge of any applicotai ni in. tlu^ vicini tyi for insurance, in aoy||if':&e several first-class' companies w ^ent'.' Eersons whose b)ii ejfpire, .or who, wu^; 4| criptipn df' property: w< *ti calfat the Fuze Bksb!-P' their order^ whicjli wil 'attention, without any at baie .... .. Gegrgetdwrj, _ lF.' '" b^at'^nbaitTraoey,' of iSiit'er.yreel?, at;. S^ ciju'tiifia-h ;, j.-' ;. r Mrt'ji Bell's stiekm,^ . .. , sliingTejfactjlry ere eony^etely destroy- ' , ed 'by iireioa Sunday morning, the. |fcth ,|.- ult.' Origidjof the tire;;,is'.; unknown; : j- Los^fabout ,S4,Opp;.'..'.'^.'""ijJr..-}-.:'; ,t^ A litfle'_lJUy, sdn of,Mr. 3ai, 0'Man, r:f -was.ifererely kicked 'iu 'Jierifaeell^t'ii' \ \f- horse|n Suadfl^:^loming, is ree'eyering.: " ".| ' - '" ,r 7" Lot No. '3j atnd two Jiiied 'Jiisir, gatncireif : c enough jpota io bugs' ia-nue day to':fllL i; sugar ketll<,- ode-that- boUa-let-L - three andifo ir'tushela. - -I [. . clr^ngreyille andifeikhborbogfl. ; jMr.'Haihasj'bf Melanctto.n,' wasioui (Jr.;.', on the roa^l in Tuesday, 25idi nlt.,a}>t>i tv-- mile northlot Shelburne, inari exJiaiistetii" ' jndition;^i|d died >sopii jjfie'r l^eiagsdifti coyttjred.'. - - from-heart! . ifc.-Ale^derNeiu;'Df.p,iono,'^ecent-.! , ly died very Suddenly of heirt disaasfe. ;- ' -~j, \ Thi! e4^ime% for" the ereciion of *jwsjugpn _ .to'tie (^tr4LSchcwl in Ojramjevillb %s ;-" beeu givear.t*31r. -X.'; Bulli vairt, Lis-iin- def", ^,oo'(t'"temglffle^l(r*2sfc- , ^r.f v' , ' Great i.mjtw^ienfa-aie'.lieirig trcwJe I , on'the e&eeat ssiil^dtiii^SiS iaVrsuajs^:.. \J ' ^ '--."1 Tae'en;..'.tiioliiilebT"Vf ,it wiesk^bifcjj-" '] ' iwho bbtai ns entrance 09 bonis' BnT^r pretence of) tHendingigSwirg <r#i- --.". ehiries. ; Hi niade-::o^-wrth 6^/" worth of valuables froui the. resi4- " ..-' eleriee of i M -s.. McClojskey. ^ S.oifie"" parties it; jM^ilton have probably': i -y*,^ bfeb .v-isifced by the salueuiaji,- birt-^ bis apparent igTioraiica Jeifj his^ pi^ fesion anil bis siispicidus rnanner":. led them jto ^yatch brm so'.clbst'J/ '<_ that he", did rnbt'-gefers^ cijarice' to; steal anyt^fM^.-^Miit^-CJiavt^ioi^ ' rf'n'.t-W are^nfornied .-~r that/the; recent jiiiihj bas revived, ' / the iopei lofbhe jPusii^ch furineip,' ^. their crops beginping fo give proiii-;..'!" isUof *','filirIJieldT Especially', ih- this tbe'eJisel wifh itue-, B>jhein^i[ii.: , hillh theyrepre. ou^ in^^ tber^tbii^s^n^ f r" and. .whicn.rproraisea'.jBO: aAupdunc .- yield^fur irf UceSs of'itbejjtlier' _vk.-'j. netjesrgetterally-'sowi >j ""[-Hf .Fv-I A ilbu ; A.' J_ Peterson, G-^dt; and 0. Ii. iru atfong,' Orangefille. '- -C. ;C. .Richardson], who has h^eh O rcsiilentl of pliis towri for spme time past, enic rtaihed a number of' I113 friends last evei ingriii h te,nt 'erected:by hirn ontbe farn of {Dr.-jJ/brrow', near: the railway rrac t ' JWe understand a very agreeable evei ing||was'spent, highlyjgratifying to :the j fiie^ps. , We beliefe Mr. Eicliardson intei ds regn t of ,' Prepaa-atiory .fo removing , to more pxtensiveand[gprnmodious premises. Their old Ifriends-in Acton^ftnd Ticinity are^-siiecially invited to call grid participate iii the bargains now rfi5ared, m j ';]/. - " .'. ' . ,ji:ffW.^TEWART'4Cft, sugar. ! ispw ^ ___ ____r bought postage sfs nps there to the | couditibn'of our feliow-creatmes, ainbunt of one ai|d two dallarsat, ','Youl-s most respectfully, a tinie, and have biten refused 'the -discount/ ,N.o' -idi mbt- it .was-atf oversigb* in his at vertisement not ezeepting stamps Hvith sugar. ,:.;^UJ; in justice" to - tlie; F.; O. Stpre, 3 must say that you i; ;et gooua at !rea sonable terms urid the discountioffj: The teas bougb't tl ic-re at 50c. ant ^0c,:aud?.$i,00,' 8 ocn'ts- off,- are1- really excellent valite^'^fcid to se^ 'jthai; he'is""g ting to take tjhe right way of dbin;;.* business after the?:.\s^\ " Sejitembe: "'is th^ rea'dy-piy :2ydem.. I die L tells. ]tb~ |his cashj^'aye lflarly^ vdpubl|d lunder tlie cash ' ai d; discount ,of[8 :cients, aiid ,no doulitlwill continue, #> increase, c as; tlie iifblio are wi(le a^ako ip the Sav kpowingr'that'8 pe- eiuaVto-tbat ITnuch rig of money, cent' saved is mOfde. i .. \ T>. Suits. r ' ., . \". ...NASSAtiAWEYA, L . ' ' ' DEATH OF EX-PRESIDENT |. j! '] ']' Andrew . Johnson, President of; the United States"previous t6 Genii Grant, died at'lh'is residence atTen^l nessee" last Saturday.; He was s;t|icken l^ith" paralysis oh tbe Wiedriksday"' previous,' and 'iidver rallied. -.! Mr. Johnson Was- jfor nj'ajiiy,. years, and especialljy during: tlie!1; late war, one, of the most pro- .miiient rueri iJi the United States. He vyas'; born i at ^aleigb, Kforth Carplina,! in the!.|year 1808j! and WaW' consequently,: at;:the time* pf bisdeatiij sixty seven years of age. itable exertions of it t^itectors"' and offjpers. j- ,;; . ) -j "'" :. j .: Mr. Hlohn Petty;,;, whp.-jives "hear Ark-elljin tbe.tjow'iisbip of'Puslincb, has during ;tlje past 'veok far two ?S: ' 7-B'iteTii's. - The wife of JMaico&i queaing, of a son, pn^tlia ;- ' r, Int. Guelph -TowiisHi jlugust, Mr." (VVntJ forty-five yearS and; tnri jKTear 'j4ctbn[ on in wife -of, Mr. Siihoh j^lp, GO years. . y is'abo^t to ure iuiy ,dea, do Weill to ce atfoVlEavei fceive prompt; itional' cost, ; m ;sholm, 6th ,ult< Es- ithS.3rdbt im,; jr., ageil ^olitlis.. -'.' 1st ult.,-the /^d abpiit V ^ The ciip thatleficers irltoxicate^-Christie1,- Hi h< ADDITIPKAL Tltip E. ajuthorities_ havii put an extra train]'on- the W, (1. ifcB, branch, leavihg Fergus at 6 a;m.,.ajiid G,uelph at 6 30 for Harris burg.' Beturii- in"i',' will leave. Haprisburg at G;30 p.m., passing Giielpli -at. 8 and go ing 01 to Fergus. - ',,' liirtox^ and Quebec Railway. At) a meeting of tins Directors of the Huron and Quebea Railway;on Friday evening, the following olfu cei's; were elected ;'. President. W. Ciujctonj Viee'Presld;ilt;' J. W. Glen; Sepretary",. Wj Veal; .'Treas urer, \V. Oluxton; Managing Diu- ector, John Fowler {-Solicitor, Wi Hi Scott..- ": .':,-; " ' A fi rm in Chicago has, received 1 tenis_ ^ amomit of Jlo-B3;or msurancfr an order from Glasgow to sendto I ... ^ ^^a. Mx. Sibbalu 'is well that port -sixty hea'd of- cattle l^er oOe, tea.', New Hats.1 -Latest styles' in Men's. shortly to leiyeitowhy-tb the his numerbu&'friends. ' {he_ extent.- of about 150 by.,(tc3troyihg taiibark, tim ber ud fences on the farm of Jf"r. IDun- cju ,1/lpGregor^. 7th con. Kassagaweya, i pn.-; ifonilay" evening. The same', day: Vo'usi lerablo damaget ..was. alsfi Jona on the f Irni (if -'.ifr, Jas.. J/atthews, adjoin- uig ;hjs village.; . ram Tuesday linorning ijtopped its further progress. . ', '-'. Ye are sorry fo learn: by despatch from Palnwston, .that tle ;store: of .Vr; D. "W. Bilibald, hi that pliice was de stroy, :d by fire last Friday "eight; The .fire 1 >riginated- in the ad/phiing store, I j and bjfli were consumed with their; oon> Youth's and. Boys'! Fd t:l l-fats^jugt. to' Hand, antfwiilhe sold 45.J o^e;i)rice:to suit the times.' : Christie J ^endors^u. & Cp., Glasgow House, 'A tot," ' : '.-'-if , ! ' .', ,.Orily'LM-jnjiyt . . ', '"' ' More, of" the old fogy icrf ditfhusi'ness at :the Post brBce : people all say they Would rather pay the 8 perl cent, discount"?. Remember the Q lit does' not ir^on & Co.'d at the Post Office Stor i'ent.' inaje bi ost Oflicej iStof ii^Iictin.^The i'-f. ladjifor they Mh ' uui, uur ?m*j 1 aiid get- the" ?ejr.tjnt jjliscount V- S' per cent.' inaje calli at tie .Post buying for 1, Acton,; .. AccripEifT fif EaiK.j-^-MK Arclii^ ; .' baldiTboi^oit.vboot aikd,sboe'de:}il':p:' , ei\Erln-Y^|bundinga. larfe 5'i . bank;; Iiarb.- idjpining."t3ie .villag|', j . lOii ttemclrnilig of th-s 3rd im^'lie" ': - was (frying t'd|8^J8fc,":ibe t^ottojiii -i^:.'- ::i one orjtbe snipl ]iwsts insid^.if.tbe T -harnSitb a chaiu.':'and;Ievr; .">vhek:. c ". I the lever lolt lite^eld^aadlyMfe;^. Tliomsbn w;a's".kbrownwith bis whole- \.: force' jritor^ifij MllaJ-^iV'.'djstaurjtf^' f pfnine orjten ieet^kijp|pil liiibeaU and^h-bulujel'S. ^|A;!tli?ragh nobone> -", ; were broken, ne.i.waa '**&J~\ badly., i; "stunned. Dr/1foNiiUjghtioBFaifas call ;;, - ed for iinniedhitiejyJ/nrjdarpjioun J.." ;" liini'not ,ssriop8ly: huj^d^I^vcwg: t^ ;-: he ' BtouiucVai: di ohe rt.his.fjeet. J 'W -. trust he,wil^jspbn b^irqnndrtfgain] , Also, -Mn <3eWe -Jffui-d,- iartuei Erin', was'-J tteridiurfa sawati^ iiiael: iue. Thesaw^beiriig.riifee^.Mi-^.itd \f as clearing aWayfBoiiie. diisfe-,jroil: $ -^i tindernWtltH, when/- the -prbpLa,_v^ .^ .;. f way and ttie;sajiy ! fell vvjitb- al.V- it-5, v. weightlupon h'ts hand in air! angu ' :' } lai-?direi!tion,*<nuMng a fearful 'gHsli,. V - whicfe will^ di4ble'. hidi 'for-isprnsX-;- -time. Cfitiffljiieiir The Dagger bfPAttis.GREESr- PiiisleyjB,bok. these died .froth inflaniation. The other "met its, jleath. >ery simply.' Mr," Petty was scraping the aninjirs leg; with a' khife, wheu it kicked forwai' s'ubb' a mariher as to seiid the knife into jtjs abdouien, Biakingii deep.gash which allpwiid the iutestihes to come horse died shortly .after week, via Montrea , (during the season!. The first lOk-^as^sent for-; ward in Tuesday. A few days ago -j' a curgp of:Wheat was piirohase<jl in 'Chicago and forwardetl yia Antwerp 'on aclbunt of parties | in Euijbpe, wlio jil-efe'red dealinjj direct with that riarket to pur-jQasiirgtbrough' j^ew-Ybrk.: [.-; , A very serious fire;- bceurred at the C(Jeji-nian,dlill8i in Waterloo .on Fridavj' ufght! las.t,.'whereby the' saw -m 11 and barrel factory, as well _ as a very >rgB,qu^n^y of stave: ij^ a(lapt(id: know i "herkIhavihgiresided ih: Eriii, fewm Ids'fj-oin Acton, :Untjl:aboii,t,year -, ah(la nalfjagp. .-, | ;..".':; ',( v -, 2> earls 3,000 have, been expended iu thii; village;',. and V|icujity I 'during the ~ past i eok by Mi-. Charles fiSynion, for-. uierly of Acton, for ten; teamajof houses, ten-s, its of harness,; wagois^nd cither outfiti to bo us,ed<by- the duc^li Lum. her Cdmpany at their works iiear Parry Soundl" , The harness were inanufactur ed to order' by Mr!' Charles Dean, and Mi. It-Creech, id the-wagans by ji/r.r Jas. Eyller, bcutig j -, ,- -. 1 , ; ;-, -v A 1 specially adapted, to the lumbering ^ItsJndJumber- were; destroyed, I ^ K I ^ kfew ^ ^ Ttfe fiist fire was discovered about! ,t lest three finable hordes.; T*oif% -rfjook, and had then- spreadsoj,loa* *^nc* ^e,; just where to. get "" " a chance of extin-. out, 'The re exulting Tbe Irish, farmers ; in the richness bf their" crops ns they stand,'1 - With a reasonable | ."spell" bf propitious wiather they, expect to gather in a harvest abuu-' dant *. 'beyond r'ftll ' | precedent. The fiHiit/itin-H, tegetable./gard'ens are piptiires of plenty! 1-All small fruits are plentiful1 and beautiful.- strawberries were . ne vet- so abuii. dant and S.O gocjd.' Aprjies rjrbniise to be an immerise crop,; kn'd. 'as for vegetables.ofall kinds, | there ; will be enoughi'to supply thta -^lertiands ofuiarkcts everywhere, I ; as to' Ipreclu'de g.nishiijg it. SO that all that could'-; be doiie was to"savje.' such of ihe^ materi|l that could be got at. Tlie . iirbpnator of. the. property; Mr..' Elias'lj. Suytler, ^}11 ibse ; heavilyif tbeie 1 eing no inSUi-ahce. i ' j; A w iraae, i named,^otvin, resid^ ing in 1 he county of Riussell, is suid: to have lha,d jthirty cjiildreu. TeR of'then atel-dead, IjUt tbenot^eiv' twenty are alive- and-iiiost 6f5 them" mamec.- ' ' ' - - ' .. -.' A bici, -0 - --..- ,, treajl. tit'is nearly as fajrge as a, 'tije.'outfits iaquirefl i orhis purpose^ and he is t >'be(fc6'iumended for thus e:tpendr ing si nuroch I iuone^ amongst hi4 old ,'l TItc 9libiljy J^uih ' . "-. '[ Farrbers; fere now too busy in their "jhai'ves 1 jfiejils'-to leave home, and ,00^ ' -*equeh ly the Fair, yesterday was hut thinly, attended. Prohabl^ not,more than fifty liead of cjkttie "were on;tl)e ' ground rtud buyers kao\viag tliis tbe ,t'bi. po )rpsi montlj in the yfeai, did not tijend ii! great nunjpers. \ We. heard; bf - 2uo old Main street bii placed by a new one,; aiul.T menced with a;J)Ue"l drtvsr, Main streetr' is nearuylyi icked iip^th. several places : with bridkaj jlraius, pile drivers,! &c, wuted. Wtl is,.building ^-'iJiV.r tliw nvtifU ' operations .of,Messrs.-"^ pH .nsot}, Cart- p*$mS X\m Jlt*C fl j mex, antl.l^obsbni ar^d th r'wyr bridge; eistobere- lust ^el lbstft yaluiAle-1tbi'^'3?5 " I j] irltfis com-^its, c,>hiihg;;iu: iontac^ and l^atinj;" ;A '{ ' : ' some Paris [Greerj twhiieh bad been .;, % : i left careless)y st indirig' in a Wagbtf.': ir v ' M .jful v- 'ill & ii Peojiltt ciiuuot be tbo... "cat; (. jl pusiiies8 for their We uivderstanii tluit % ip\p- Cbokiqis bouglTt the Mitchell jji M 6f; tWpiv! and that"his;.brot^ierj: $1. S Cook, will undertake, the.' man^gi mept of the Tborapspn. House, f. .'AJH With .of.fthese teutlewan underattind'tli tit toprongldy,' we liaye ao fi saqoesarl . -., ... ' , ! Mr. .Rijbfc.. Hfip4h|oriie, oSISfiltoh,' has said his biapksmifliiiig T> ii ess to Mr Molfair, of ;Lowivn]e5;'::> >..nlf-i.~" taras the woodworking, di p; A- few j days ago. jffliei: McMillan.arid bis BUn^'e -fe ,. . . _ , 'Mijton to jjqriiby,' thjic nift became uri= Jlianageable and ibrew>tn anj, Doth> out ojf; the "buggy, rhfiicOTg gar odi .iujpres-to to:each. Mf. McMtlr^it im4.his arm 1 broken, in"two or three'p adf ' apd con siderably bruised, besides ba er fiijjipes, while the son was h"urt: al <iw' the head, causing hiinlto"Be? insensi )h both getting better,1 " ' ! LoliTpy. IV- tnieiit.} f' Y- Mr. "Jpbi^ "ving froitt ' Jh 1 I "Ai'filybii insured!" Awisekagi says $Uere;never^his.i?een in tb^e) Ijistory^lsf tue w >rH ai mprb pbilaii^ ithrophii'scheniei desired; to.Juen^&tt' . rruuikiu?! thatt Jf siiwrice^eitn>r| 6/rj . fireiprr'/ife.; j~Ea<li^jiutetrdiiig' to; ip-M f^HUie si&.uld select, -^he best ooinpajir J ljBS distirigwslljel'I'or'fhj^pro^ipV ljelssf and libesalityt1.of tbeirjjettje- luenta-rtbeir ftja iciai^stah^fug.^hd, iites lcnafg(|d;; '.^hW^bnipatiiea! &t ^hicb " ,dutjhirig|iam l&Deake ;ai igeiits iii^Ginelph posses"all[ihecie qualities.ind1:. ias piofewbVi^ra^nd tben\i to thej ptrblfe hetW ,Y; 7 ;:. '. ! Icohgrfe- j - , ....... but a va-y few sales.' 7 Tijers w6re three frog is reported from Monr- or':fotJ; gobd yokes; j of'oxenand sonw SfCow s - head, iid has made ^"appa^-J .'^^Hjtt*;;^^^^?*^0 ^S? severaljTtimes. at the] bao_R:' of {iu;!^reinjv|erv infenorj.condrt|on. , brp- Weare ^trying of-vacant gations, tbds4 yi rwan.t.ofTiiif^sier^V- They; are j ju ^Ire bounps.'-of-Hail'iilian Presty- ,:v- ~f - x isisoiiiei.^ ton and the ^nioa^.of (Sdfciri i isViHe, oki the gnmnds,of7tne.:;.la'tt shows -41 .for"' Milton minavilje- V' t*evej-ai i,iiuo- nil i.t*o, ^tx^n. ' ..J - v ,, , Helen's Island, It's fcrpak is as Jpud l.peiis- di bot caw'biAaodle; cattle that _ ^,ii^lLy as the b irk ofj adog, and.when pb> , -araj;^ .-k reasolu^r'.:^ oouiiitioin, ^U^'InJife de^irid itt aV> -&W$ sued- it rjakes- or deep water* a pd;. ^.^ hU B>Jbuld^dgjWor -to'.m^t Btore, I London, "receutiy,.!^ r isulteu in. | .; &JW Tl#TO lVf tS'rf3;:^ & remains perleWly; o"'^J?>" JJ. ^ t,^v r, iL*Mlj far,|'possible,a^odginsapa-twpVQtbeft* , puuriitt^pubSo com,fl;rW;;d,a%H^^^M." ^ kTi^'S; If^e ZAeen Weh^^ofathe; Sep|mber Fair ^f<^, - ,^7 ] ^7- ,j .-I V ='! >W+? *A *&*** -^^t^^ri sp6 thi^ wonder, if he j. toj^seen. J ^,;vJ^r^Ai!afiv - ^Vmk ^V afraid, tliecorrfespondent' Is, .[Wdlpe rerylhtrgeiy. atteudcgl by "both itoii."; buj[C|s ; ntV sellers.; I The sSorfi ^t^ ^-i^Mf^i ^#L^mgr?^ follows'-^tB^r :Binbrook,7aud.-= y Milton on their 'return-ft orA Cummins- FO110 --^ :H vilie, wheh.-:the!^ b.ree^Hii;. Ijrpke," on Saltfleel {h^Ve.fStdJe?!)., East Senacst, . ,-r ; which the horse Icomme ici 1 ..'kicking. !Bbicfchea't!Iiv|aii^l Gaisti)r!j Wellahd, i "M'j m feet ^ent rigivtliriigli ftli4..da^r (j1.owland,;fortHobin;sonASt:7eaih-^i-llfl;' beard, ndstrndk yJ&. ^i/pti tori tfur ii-^i shin,'driving the cprks p iiiflicting an ugly.wbulu" wj wek! betWeen'tlie ;In^ei r>uuayill<i,Fprt ^JM EH%%i(fee^aiy,. Delhi^;W^^la&i)Ltf 'vWm y.f j^nirc* and^ella nrfCaiial. -; ^ vj .i,'lX; -Xpio"Hr43a^4aJiiy fifteen eiit^ps;. *aae ibfift. ;A^i0;ICmgfrim)Uf,by showr; .;7 7' ,;;! ^Odo'iMtaM^t *'&i">& l^l^^WE ^ :V#p-onViiafpg. 7 ,*TT; m< jjoW'^.^ ^ V :^l>-:.i ^'-;-..'VV{ri!: - 1 .-I'-iJ ":y, '.. = '!lflud bread IoUbis^iu1^7?^?ffv^tJ ^ !0$; - *- T' ^iv^*ritt5i'- '-'-'f . m^M m-':;::b:0Mm u \* li JO ' i! !:.'.' m 'r n. -A. 4,; ^'i~ "i'1'.;":iSi.'7-'>-;!;HSaS

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