Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1875, page 4

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vf? wr^M J'u 'ikfr. Mj:r if -14-fgp ' ii 1 B*^- -.'-:' >J^wl:^^^l^'g'-iJ,^ i.yvjja-ryrffT'MBT' -a THH ACT014 WH 5,$$- n;>;-=_ iGl-*M '..-- vm: ADta'bolical.-i.ct. _,- " '-'-' The Huron yK>/>y(7(i;' I : outface til'..tad VtUist n*vi Kill .1 l>:l.lli'S t-i|T lit.- ti i/l wlillr y.\ (M-i-l tti."-ii ,i-y'T10r>;rHJ UlYptuii.. VtlHTIiil Vli - rfclii' uik<'> i.t-! i'il|lnH hoi'NVM out to p ; ii,ii <.- l i rliiivo i is' l^ifcijt: - .-IWu.-j- ' iii'the'llirttiiiili*. lid lloli 1 ie";. : I f .rinrf i nr I- <>r . ijitti :Hti** on . **iii;ul'i A .) says-.: An tilting oliiiV ' iM-n>- WH.vpefjk'Ti-nU'd (in h Valuable { A i inVitixyig, j6F Uhvoti night ^f.iluUjrj 17., 1Ubad, o,n Uie-'jnjfcvions ov r ._/^~.: i : ! tOUgUC 1>1 .-;.' -l!-!^rttl ' *'. J >V\',-._* Ill-^,; ,-^.rJ'..->>_ a (v inlsomi-iu.^ *> ('iiii>^>rMiti;*Cl^stvi l-ons.lnSfivi-^ 'till r-r&td, onarrliMv ,v,Lft nicirnihg, ho noli' tiiti iuiiiv v. outof tlit sidij-of J.or in cltiM-V tivs|Hx-|iiiin' he foi i,^--.rliu^.v. .-'."-' | i-Hlglle...... I* ;- iniiiii'ii'o t >.p jV-i-.mi>iiri.* - j-rtl" fit,.sny- Imd bi nii-IH ilea t\M .-A - ,<r ri *. . -^-.. itlioin t'u'fiuiv' ts .n t'nnii'iici-'p fmi>iii'rvj'i'i'ii L;.inv-j . . ' i: ^-vl-iMii!i-.r i-.mi4U.y, m'lMf-I'l.iishS r.-I v'1"' (KHir irtiit^a l.vt-r:i>-. rw.u. . " ' - J V.-viu" (.lip.nio'! ^ > nVv.vrii'Pisl.: All viirt,iKlnfc jnyoumn! oil' lii!tIvU>i sfc -;prlwwit mi rtortv. " I ' ,.. ,. \J'- I- .Vo<1r>*J rMHrriitj*^ -ikirltir n<idTipntli" " " "-, >vax lV . i.i>upil (,> .l'tli' - '.'.i-.II. }1.^0KilN"<i, ter.i!snv.i;,.; Vju^oIW^I act ^-- - \'-1- -__.^._^ ^^1.%T... _ '"iu'tiiis place . ,' T^eFutiire cf,Cnr.t>dd-i jWiii^i!* foet; ?* ?- i^-i'-'^r-' _^\-^l ; : i -'>: ""'"' ^-iv:-- - \ ouft^ JiUvaniiioTi'-Juiv< '\1, itml her jitvseuf cnurve iVs fixnii itiiiiujiil st-i'iiu'il t intt'iiKC' ix-li*"tlivbi(: nul .'in?i:.* uiaite.xviiR jc-ti joiniiiittwl. jvus Kim uul tlu'ix fallen k vmi.vy-6f .u, icoui^tel osvk^^he^ii,- tlmt ^av'pUwffev^ris^.nkiriSjnrul!aim'1'>1,,-tl' . U.iriiio. in .i.W^Kf iiii;tHi;iw> i..V-i "1,Uerl -*l,<? "Lt il,e f?-oilrtl nilxiiih'iririi'iMit. Til** lik-k; .. . . tl.m\t.^r.ti^ safefV oAl.^f^Vt"<a-?">W.- lMn ..vUl- r iiecteBao' to niti .:,,^ ?>... to.". aiiii wh< in s-mooth Wtitors, vcjieiy (ini . ]i iiK-sie (Tenling, e. (iiitie, 'sfc\ ^jiislics vc ui it \x'lbw_ tlitS >>oinii.w Ixt-n cut (il; i 'i'lhc .It* M K-jfi*.,->: .^ ir'y.'-ii:'. U:-'.f !'- : '"- t s 'M ^^^mirm^ki ITfflWW ^ ^:f^G^^;;;' KilfN?: i THE NA.CT0N S?^fi|te^*i*.sg^#j^f!*^^*^ t>. Oil |tlill Ai'piitiwiig 'iMiVji,' turn- i^stui.v in B j riu<mj in, ( tj|t> is lutiiging nith. Afti'l- nit that the y .through, the tip, nnd to he fllt- paiti. U|i-'if tiiihl. it is ' sup- jlht siiul till! The tiixl uiv hv' the woiv otlii'i; toriiUlu iciwocn tho iio hail com- Hlliuitil. W:ia xunTiiietl \>$ Lt- was (MU- rV - - I IXSl'RBM. Wlilielby tlie4r pvtinlng itro A tni*M mill >vtfo in,l>l4**nt TJliuo pjioWo th |.rUciU :...^.. -^.j i-iuBO wero jW thro Ut AM.'" rtakio i fipW'oi*5 >"SAj'|<OS0 Otit* 1^>U89 "' -' :li-(V, '"- v.: '3 W-.Jl lielp.i njy iltjnr, slioula ^o '- :fiinw'-: | ' , I: " foqUiiieh the ijnging fliini Moojdy aud SanJce^ Tho TfoHowirig i tjio n-litoiieVo^ lncisti^i^a hold b^: JMessraj Moody and Sunkey in ^lOtvdojn during ;tho juiRt^.fpiy tuontliH,; with, tjie ngwe- ..... " " " >oiiviUe, CTON BAKEK i^iite nUondnnc^ : In jt.'ivm' -,.,.-, Kixt};"intiettngB, nttontle^" Ky 180,'- OOtT |>e'o)ile ; in Victoriia, Forty five meetings^ KtteiiclwV by 40,^"" "-- JUtY: 3a ,..; Kttendwl by, 40,000: m "OwrhouM on l.m.trt surl, ^lg't.. ^,e 0lH)lU ^0^ Mxty li.^n^/ht Wouhi be, my dear vue. n woful , 4 '. . i i <.t,.t,.' i VijStit' ' ' "II ; ... tended .hy J3V,0(0 j iq JJowf^ixtj voui" pi lyltiJ do; .our ly reinove i this vns I ,.. ohseivi'd iei4 it h.iid ml M-ns- in killcl1, Tlmt Weft inight cnuafl (lepi}r| So sttrrtiiB ri iviid. jpu-kren li Irosi, Uiir lti't nil VfouHnoan he loitt f liuV|>uu tak'tfbrtfcr'cnre.';' "Mv tlrnr," bJio inid,' ' -, dogv j , .- To.rlaif trw|<}j r Inirninp^o^, Auilj iiinrt*ii tirebriuul 0V, ll #ould liav<'eet'pii|tlre.rtu^ enf, Ami-RKil imiewt hsvo nimie jur lot, ' lliiil 1 not'tlieirboen liy.-'/" ""., Fory^wrs yotj'Teiproniiueil lo Insure, And bucIi itehty L U not enilurfei'" No, notanqOiprdsy J: ! i j'" , < ' II you wiifnot, the 1 Bhftll ;p;, '< however iljiep may be t.h*i>kioyr., j iiiph : ;' AlnlKiro insurnnoo pa.y.'| */' : ro' "My kienr,;'jlio s'uid, '*4 jown I'm - . Wl'Ollfl' :' -: Mi"": '. ^~ In hnving tinis tWlnjed io long, _ And tunt >iiiruvly rat'." .^ -' Nordiil iinottierMu^ expire?. ijre he insured "" loA liy tire, -meeting, attended by 600,000, and in itjjrienltunil hull, Hixitv nieetJngS. nttituled by 720,000, IjTliijnmount of uioney <<x|ieiided for huildin^R, prihtin^ ^texvnrtlH, ttc.i'is'?140,00tt 'jNlos^rk, Moody lin'd ^ank<y. Jmyjf ilcclined 'to " nocep't tiny c/-----~...... I tioii from tli'o'couiinitti iiupeiiRa- ThPiinbiirplber.Ueit^ to Inforrn I li bnbttmtlstir AoUiiiiind vlolulty \ mt U (jreiiuAiWtoKiirnly '-"..-'.'. '"" " u Flrst-claKs Iti-cnd, Bnns.jfJalijcB Biscuits, cefc. I A)i AKtiquarian Soil: ..." T2ie:wg<! of tho ko)f:oJh"jiief(irm- .< has bijen'thi! viotiul of : nnti- pmriim'joke., The hi^t nutiibor of the 'lt?f\i>ynep 'iiiph -l.v'l tv-r.y tiia i K.hi>Hlll do. ^ ^^isU-frfU;.^; and tvLiiiA i-"lls: ' e ^ood; \rhilst ;.nMictiMi; if^ \J*i^ \*.':. -T *.tn E -i.Ajj itLe uoinV- vrliilst '.nyvSo Ovils of European' socitBy.'-f ' 'vJW-V.f iliolibrae of .4"-ni(uo:'i rif:Uii :ind energy xvilj Hild'struik ! !tl.e ]iaret stb<CU, .r::d \v!iik.-J iiciterjttion and si>nnd s>l'Ksei'\vi?rivi ti "usoful counterjHiiJ.e'to'.tTiii^-'aliiiiist ] t vU5<-\ taieiw and'T-f'Sti.'.-.snii:^' '- pojmla.tion 'f! ": " IXrn^ri.caiv Union. ".' For., silon t'.re't!!padft V'iil lie c.>ute"nt 'Chiit. S'.ii-V \mt"1>e :i no poniiiin.nityjis Mfp >' . i\ wrtUi;hi*5i iunniii'j tit 1 j,. i Aymstivng is .totally l having; jjiveli -wilcll oHi'l Jitrrebiriih wpu'lil c:lU-'6 t iiiin"d'n injury., j ,'.-" "^HRt.^'ietl vfi:!i her ;prf.M'nr. ].o- j ?iv;.i>. -^tiid retirernlierji v't'-vt-st^'-r j\vih snii grn ^:v : tt:! stit-i-^t. ii'i-1 i:ciT:th-:!"i---natibifi,jJw'hi!st ! \ii:\:- ntJiei'S :".a tiiu.vir;ng i vv.r.v, h;-(vf :n tLc-i- imty. /Crime>' ";' [ 0ii tlin-1st of Julio last, a.ypujig ,0 ', AiiiiM-uiip .-iiriviiil ii; Xli'iitrealiiiiltl er.preM'iu. ].o- j t p .,t-ti,,V'.q.ttawji. ijotel, reii: 1!n ,,,:lt t!l,> i ieriui'h'is name ivs It'.-Morgan', fl *dual pri-.^v.^.-; j...,,,:,;,!^! j,,' the;citv. l'ni'a- fe liscove^i-ed, \vlth siich lIil^ Air. uoitiut oi 3^to any i'".!i to do tnev ctmtnif^R -tin* para- , ^....... .qi.'.We ii;>; u eoi-ivsiibntJeVit .tjtat Av/ula SojAO bi- Viiii'fVs iw'eioniiaUing exfluvuiion on ; (lie-PortDover mid fi>tk.e. lltiron: Kiiihvuy, limy lUteiiithedj oiu. the par}, of! tlie road betveefli Siimcoo |iind Adtj& IjiJJj- a 1 urge' fttonu; bear ing tivp j foHo\ying ctirioiis in'sonp; tioil :-^'i' T1I-1K8 'fO^eWA-SPUTK-ER--, KFO-R'^Tf,KT-OS(:i<AT r.H-lihu.JJU'llA cksont. j i)^ v-Kt.-Kij-o.i-' }t is mTeesh, every til r "_ WEDfel y <t llvorctj at 1'gunei, .'.' J' # a Mn<io tohnlov In ^jjjji, Illyliest prli r-itHoii ib'e i-htirff-fi -' ' if __ . c In Cimh jliilJ fy -.lC$jfi. Acton, July ], ltTfl. . i.______i___,____; tlir :;pic *iiil b-aving a tjjitiiti mn 4 mm .- ti:e >:ii,: i' si pr>^i.<ind.",tMt-ii!^ ij y-..i-f.-! -str.-.i.-Ti of ,-,t ,\j, the v.or!,; izirc.1 j. .! of p.-iarcre Ne\c\York 5ilay.- T io- the hiirel.- Ly '.. Mile 1 <eam from thro tgli itlte lianlc in. Tiiginiji, who Montii-sil -oil Savni'day w teh pixler for litis trliul l^ing. oj>eii;il; wiis found w titV of fiii-s f>:-r- in set cut for the ;.cst -K-? lii^n :.'c : tionjf.f. ^rhrisuli fjr;,il;.'},! ; -*1U"'>'0.; It appears that :' : a^b'y.orgiif^n-lipse re:u 4^-.n-i^.^t lf..M ^ig:!was mni.rq.yed iis t !.v P>um-ii!. Siiet--1.,n a Vtnk',n *^eI\t,Kt dav.. being- ejitrajsted wi ox-u'ntrm- ] to,jlf*liyer, be'riin.away ^^tli it. It | is'-sup^iiiStd. that, he- want first to f Xew York und irom the -efto Mont- < i-pal. iii^l tlfen'-on to C i fct.-J.-oiiiSi 'to (J-aliforni;!, hic^'go aiid srbere,|be-' Mm. ------ - 100: %-?V^';;H :^ IIPv r-. i.i Aye -'-- :-:'A our bnsme's ::.:vi St "jnost -.hoexp^-teiiiJ thii:'- IbsJiPS 'and nii^f.jrtnije invr asFets ar*S sr>. rriiri^-.l tii.-J-- - we- rB."if5njp?nd ":*!fi eointo li-rii.ia-, . .-,,.,.. - . Z~7k_ AVe -i-icbetli tiiis.condisi,.,,v wnah^Tepj-ntwit.'-be vrrbte to, -tlie tvhh . Vie :de(ipest'i'itgret^--1ii!r tlif> ' n.ianagl fuL-t-lI-.k^ ^tttb the JaWt "in-.mejit H-ie:^ail, J?1Ft 5),0,,.fc se't] our^.'.-sau.pled crr'dit h^ing re- i Australia, and.tliat >o, Wiim-i. tmitBJsiwwl wouUl liaie ! ^0"^3'?s (]{>9at(1 " t-r^n-.p-.]i(:d.: lis jf wV ron'iii-.fe Im's-i- iic-RS**' ^w wc^.?r'.iiaew .scoifiachcc. [win'aji w| a <irk. atid about S fiora'filrs and feaggageTV >-ere atl the 6itiwji Hotel in. this/city. | He "Now then, children," nAid'.a pair- isli mistress shoirihg lier eliil.iien <ffl on examination'rlav ; "k"boj l.nyes an men *V "Ypii; tuisbus/j'.-Aittii the un expected reply.'! "' i j r -' i | j ' " Is:that clbck'jrigbt,lover t.^cie-t" } U.ask-eii]H vyitor tbe ot'lierilny,. 'Wijjit. j over thei-e?" sakl tbej tiviy, I' 'thiht nowhere else." - j - M-i =. " An instruotc.r1 nsked a -Jii.tle girl Whv/-bepr ;n "J^r'encli^ vjjas )eraf;iiiie? fbo K-J'.llbi'l it'"^ifi' pFoh^Viy' bwit mg on this sijoiie; or m'ako, kliown^ the inteVpn-taVion thereof.) J^.. ga in', it iflih jialf iin'i-yi!.could r.eail it : Tliif t*lun'f '/' ^a^hvre}l\ir co0e to tttVlJlttil /..' ____ Ukl;f Youi]< HQ CAKES lip inn-Ht-'xiyicii n.'OAi.i.otvAY. NE A^LL THE |jaiK<js' Jo urn a Jx :\ew'Th3ory jiboiit Donaldr son's Balloon. Uiyh linre linditirini' r' - iiic.yoo.*.? uiy,;-24.v-Nuie < More DoipUl-yn iiiKi-iTrini- xl J-MJIe'd away imiwimunVK bnl- n <i * 111 -u t I I I . I l./i,-/> ii_- n/i /lna-- -t s% .vi.. i> . .-, ... , i.-,.,'- ,... 'p loon jiml siili. tbere t-i no clt^xto l!L^V^ ' :-^<^\f}*H^ rt-" Hi'i.r-1 ..te':-;.--rij6,T:i>1t thn"neitheT t>otIie. i.oiLahy ipatt o! t.lra wreckeit bafloon has been pick<(.l up on (rrp well I When a boy fdin alnd ppeU the skin bff bis nose, tbejtirstlthing he dcH>s is to get up r.pd yejl- !j Vhen a girl tiirable:; aiid liurtsherself lu'dlv. was' next the rirjst thib(j^ shfa dbe^is to. get up igents.fa arrivjedi in tth a; 'writT which, on to contain sorne tinie name was messenger, y, and one Oh ?10,00() ting t'lat ig out-for 500 of the >\ bank Jn OQySvith Li-oinc- fur'tb^-pro- ! a&o forwurded.tbe.ordejn necessary trci-editor? ^itjiout'* io ',Jt*fn 'th'fe' 'money* 'tint ; gobds ju Ve 'bare \hik 'day -j 'i'^ticjr in'atle' fi ^enpjtu assign ij-.enf to Hon.' lM,""lsf,st'? AVmM). Sbiproan." bnthtsT ciiv. 1 hh:xk- ' nerV? willing t ^r-tioflrdf illi oi iistinctSon^':7 5Ve p ijestic|!i,"' \Vhieh bave : I een taken " ' |i=isf>s!abn of by the agents ot the whose address "for Jsll ' matter?: con- I ___ wU^i V^ith 'onfftfTait-.s' Will 'Tie -at! A. Faithless "Wife and> fioison- '.(ir l:rt^H-\'nkirig house, II Ivass:iu street." V /Signed), | - ing? Case. ?..' 't i ' I The fuflloYvinjj are of the hermax 'i Co. | particulars of a most |wi' l'ful occu'r- _^L Siuple Filter. o-x(- latj'goycives t^ie 'derirription5 nf a -s-y Simple Jfjiter, callpd "TbePo<-vr ]T>rfce which took place ' weeks ago in the towjishi ' rnsjndy. The parties are i known in'Waterloo conn "u-an's filter." It. <-onsist.s >-:of a ,"Pw]ineh;'Mr. Michael ilartin was -K ' '.- n - , .tiiiimori garden-flowrrjiof. of.snnie j a moderately well-to-do: niiia. inches diameter and ten iiTt-Ih-s | middle ng'e. His wifeati The di-a'Siagr-I'iole!is'stop'ii..tiii V>or rallied Peter Beaver Ar)\\ time, been in the habit of tnk iiig pleasure journeys sometimes for Wf*^8 at Their actions became so jingitard.ed that Suspicion deepened tuinty. iitnd"at last ;eyen himfieljT bad to admit . H.ecp. " ^f;.ot: tcO -tightly), w^h a piece ...'cleaif "spanie. A-.fiyer of aboir T^vt?-i'nc|ieS 6f.c;iarcb:il is first placet -in thej.-gtrtten a second' layer of e!e.i:i s-iri'd ..;pOn whicli a layer of thi-ee iicbes of clean i i-d;i|ts 'gravel : is ylace'rp!' T!i pot ran he set over tin' PArtheft- jiir, into wliich an ;'. atinndtrat1-' snjply -of Ipnre wat.-r w;i!.;.'i!tsr fer siX'drinking wnrfl<fc)?s'. V - - .- "Potato, Bt;<53, ijooMEn The - 1 Y^rrdfir Record_&iys 'that they in re "y inftjrrned :by Mf Moi-ison tlmt. in > -;.^iref-.d ^watctting fi.r^he hateHing j:t,our8 Juspectetl foul' play l: tii-: esgs of;thepf^,ro bugs. ,vitb ] onVl^liiu-v had-".'their. ; - 'vbic!fthe foliage qf' the platit.s) - .... some six p bf Xor- all well? ty and .in and' look at her dress oui ot afrakl T" to of/ roofbT Gems of Thought. - L H3ifthe vices id the wotl I rise cowardice,: imd onej-wtjo ;'ii~ Of lying is iusuully afraid, ot nothing else. ' : j ' ' - I ' A ci>J:ibsity hunter wbiplci like get s.line"moss frori> the. rtjicj: crad'.ct iiii'd'a" Rafter from, tlie'i at moJita'. ;.' V;?^1 , There is no'parliqnlar advantage in catching a weasel as I Sep. A go. 4 wri.'e-aivnke weasel .answers' every pprpolseL'. . I '- 'ThejiSis a decorum even in grief; for expess of sorrow1s~as fcoliwb as proluseilaughter. i ! - ./-' - Ileivlio r.eceives a " good turn '! fihr).ali| pever lorget it;-he who dues one should neverremember It; We !are not merely working, in tellectual machines, but'socjal puz zles, v.hose solution is tho vrbrk of a life..-- t' ' '- Glory is well enough for' a man; but it i.ofveiy littlin. canse- quencj'to a poor mau .-fcltta lai'ce Eli >FplfI.-ii#tl ^ s at lakes,; iiivea-eblor to th * theory t(iat they -(lid not jierish1 l< the waves. The theory now generally adopted. especi)dly by-lake raon and'rfiose 'vers&^^jn,.'oiiarscience.j is- that they iverG^jrobUbiy carried far..ubr,tbivard, lanSidg lii the fofeste! of Northern MicWgari; the "IAbe Sup'eribr -region or taha'da,'1 tf to'we will doobtlei* .hear of them sooner ot1 later whether dead or a]jv&.' fThe I'lallooqists took with them rib fond whatever and: no* clothing. Mr. Grim wood's, fu it concisting simply of a thin siimtner 'pbai"arld woolen pants and vest. I If < tney birided safely Ifi tjt^'forests they would, it is belieyofl. Jie'nble to sub - sist.until they could'-readbcivilizition upon wild berries which' grow plen- " litully -in that I region and'-upon Siuall game which is-also abundant. Ji-^li "IVlnijria'zi Anderson^ Bpokstp^e, On East Biil'o Wyndliasij ^trttt, i:=- _ . !! :j^"'-Vrrr.! GtJELPlf. - Price $11.00; Ueir*. AT,*"nll-KIndBof ImplementK for In? pttrptwe*. Jleontt-iowm, Juij- lVJRTS. armcr, ot i a? neigh-- had, for a woiiiaii-Jie still fondly lived, was fauhl ess. - He. seems to donwl tjie. ofFericei howsver, and It'.ie; guilty pair .'took-' adi UWgenerosity by cpntint eyiFcorirse. - On-th fit's j last, Martin died]/ and __3iis jcarrlen if|U -.very -'-iiberately J- flotif-d over, he" hti? dis^OVi-ietF .1 strengthentid-by the piw uctibn of h-tteii-Written to Slartin ch'ti tei- l>ftptle' incize au/l oTher ciiai-K ist'53 cJ.o^eI}' resem,b!ijig biitidiflfe;-- ;iQ1 from the - well known ' l>ird,"^faedingupon the eggs n!i appetiifl s^e;minglv>nevpt- appear^, :iiid whipti! is .Tnos4-'*,ffectun'lir de er4s request, warning him 'that, his j wife ]iad been 'tooi'snbaitt together, a time: into cer- M^artin tjmfc the have con- lumhy, --,-.-.. ..... ( - We ItSarn to climb by keeping our ey-es rot on the hills behinjt, TbtTt on thexaountains that rise before -you. - . . \ ... : : | 'i .,Theihuman heart is.made for lqvc. as tKej h'busbholdV hearth fori. tireV and: for trbtb, as" the household lamp for light; ' NoWhere are our own corruptioris so manifest, or.our grace'gb'j'sliiiiini!, as uncjer the rod. i ! " '";'! The On^arraedBoy^; '-. A.male child was Tiorn. toiMr. and: ! Mrs. Pierce Coonrod'orll-Ort Jervis, N. Y., which hajlnaarrrt'ph.liis left j CI R side. Itiwasotherwise fibely farmed/ ^.v\'7 Connected with the birth bP thi \ ~ malformed child is a singular ineU dent.' A white previous Ito it* birth Jlr. and Mrs. Coonfod had visited an industrial exibition| whete they sarf rich ^ OiieVarpi**! m^in at wdrk turnkiir i out marvellous menhnnitvil' contriv ances jiMrs 'fjooili'oa-rt'l [ once be came deeply interested -in! this"work- wan, and watched bis eVery move ment. | Although, * ' ' would go to other, p'lirls of the buiidipg and ex amine the jttrt wonder?, y^t her mind Mielr ind -.[!- * rpnE EHt>oBiiii iHiiiineny, j, UlnntlcpL Bros, on ffnncy'Cojpds, ' - .- I- i ' Jewelry*.; Jlnp't !o'llti>i . above line/. \ -. i o^: to The itrnpOrlpim. Tbo uc/i'rou \rill..liildnotn^>/cti>. 'i MILUNERY Qall and exam \S:xr More Folalo pugs Ir you not '" Ely's Puteat Hug -Muclt Whlcri oolle^to them with little 'it For Kile h> C. DEVEBKAjtpC. tnwn. PRINTING antage of ing their' of Jun,e i}\(i lieigh- A' cor- uspicioi'LS at Peav it-, for ' him piroyi'nr tlie; thp.tway.r. l/i'a i\jin. iff I > ifo-i';-'! - ' ,- ^a^iij;^ V ^#,:.i^;'- . -i few hpurstfte-Vif these'.' i'ndi'itt ri Ptranirers cOnsnnies. ninltitiidf'-; ' *-3-r :':!! J whereas n-'wpek'h'wc ; iiidicnHorjs^we'rfi. tiist- Iuk; ]ioto the 0"S .. wonldis'.varci-' witli ".he: bticj-- \vlien '. t!je hatij!i;.n.g'-pjrioi!iai-rivwii. he nnv fii^ie.vfi.s- tti':!-e wiHlhurd"<|v .IjCi :<n. ej;g' left, Itr^iiatch.1' Spt.-cirtiyiiS" of tlirt 7iT.yj.te.rloiis yet weic.nineVisitor yiije to. be sent .to ft vffll' kn.fiWrt; ento? ihologist.f-))- identifio,'.tion, -t '7^,| ' 1 CREpiT 'VADfcer- ?ATLwi.Y! 3rr. . C A'l t>awKori, C Iil=, of i London,- "iSTigiand, connected, witli: tirirmi.of 'Jlnancieps^was at'Ayr on tlie 19th ynt&., Kceorbp?riied|'1t>y Mr. -George" Tvairllnw; jbu a tour of-insp.eclfiiTn of the >-o>-l:s on the. Credit Vilfey jRailwiy, abldlof the' caunt'ry and "^jtrpmise ot Ctisiness on.^ts ront. Mr. -Da'-vsonl-repressed'; "himMf r highly pleased;-with -the1 iritry' - aftjl ability of tire bridges iid works' 1 flf tie railway.- ' - -"; "' '-..' -'* ' h'd"thki:jia.rm was likedi. id come . Bea'Ver diHappeaicd bef ire the ih- fjupstvand has not since\bVen founii. 'Jie jui-yibranght hn a-Verdict thajt rtin came tbbi& death by^ipisbn- ..'r,n,d thatM-nc>Aliriiii and Pe- * f.t^r Ijeh.yAr'-.-^ej'e the guil:'y parties. T'ie mifierable'wbnian' is' how c'oii-- h'jied in/J wen Sound go; 1,,. and a mwnrdj of .f'20Q-: hns been offered for tjui 'Apprehension i 'oi Beaver. He. is a mari-ied marf wi h 'a-Tiirge family.. '"Both families ur; very l-e- A Mbxsfiit"SEAU-lrAI'. nionster seal, bfelieved'to he one o' the. lar gest[--vj>r "killed'in ihe north of Scotland; was^slioi (by 0> 'pt. Mdc- dr.n^ld, VVaternish, ^a>o to' of tie ijslands'J ih'-'Lo^h ; Duayejap, lafat 'week. ;; ][t. wSfiVksT'Iir^e . is a gopd ifarm .woik^noree.^ Ifc'lwaii sent '(c) -Glasgow,; plir TAuriaj-a fs ;le, tb-he =rstnffe<L i'-. =A-]^.j The Ontario Dairymen's Associa tion announce that tin exhibition flf chees under: their huapices. will be held i i Ingersoll on Wsdnejsday.and Thursday. i6;th and 7th, of Octobefj when lover $700 will beT given /m ijirizes, . . .-' ; T- ' New England i< infiesf'ed. with trampp such fello.wc eati atj the, j sriup bouses and sleep at he police stations in the citie? during Itbe V.-inU ter. They will jiotnork when" Ijija, chance is offered. In sevei^} blab- the authorities set them afeVoi-W paymtnt for lood and (lodging'and the reisnit is a riddance] of yagrantsJ' Mr.; Wm, Martin, of the Township ot tirey, Gonntyof Hurbn, is sending to the; museum iv Paisley, .^cotlandj a smalt tin j"box of preserved iiotato bugs, j They we're ckiight l|B^t year ami Boaked-'^n nlcohbl.i V They will astonish-' trie natives, i ' i ". -| i'- i'<- | t i A racier singular scene occured at the? depot ifridaj/"evening, j'i'A lady was" going by ihen a gentleman stepped out and|said to herl '-How d' ye do7"'extending his1 bland and. smiling cJieerTiiJlyJ' '-I beg pardon," said. sh'e,"T6bkin'g bard at htm ;:" you '"""im'-'.T.n,.-! thatMrsV^artitUna Pei ^^fe.B^^e5if , e:"l' iW7' involuntarily, was fixed upon this Vhiin an|d bhe would bud.herself nn tiering to'the spot where; be was lo-. qa'tod and 'greedily watched, bis every mjo'vemerLt She acquainted her hus- J band with the fact of tbestrange en-' tranceraentj'wbo watched it with not I a iitile'ctil-ibyty, and who not unrea- I .sonablyj' jthitiUs the- cii-cumstahces mayhay^ had"art infliieriil6on"the lorraatibn of the child. Such influ ences are known. , . Of every Jtis In tliehesi ^nd mo^ jjjr- 'tractilve. styles; amnning :: ...r.-.tng at times xo oliserve the .'/ stores of the mer- (bants" \'vho don't , at; vertike ';' to iee the nnxiious p.rci^nstoi;s)ot?k- ing'jiuto. the' Istree'ti and see j the'" people go'fiy, wpri- deringj why they don^t'cbni'e'ki, while tte^stOi-es of their neigh bors who; do-advertise are thrcjippd 'with customers. . Some . people will leani by otlservationj and ' again) others' ". willj inot. . :don'ty6'u kriowmfe?.'! he askeqi am' rtjed.- j;" I cato't;remetn6er jiou,"- she gjiid. 'j'- Why, I used to be your hug. band j Jbttn.' Attgustus' "Anderson, you know/'-' ! She rQme'nlbared him. , The in', do California .GrTanirers decided away With middle iMn,-land icbarteneil," throtgh_"their'j"A^efi'Ui- i, eighty ships . - . ~ 3urop*. They are.sbr^y howjthat they had riot con spectablv and widely conntcted.and rMel?^T*- Mor>;an"& Son, eighty; ships tlio; m^enabje end: and; criminal- f^^^^^^^j^ Ity cf t^ie guilty :.pair,iavolyes.a score, o^ families in.' shanioV ;and at Isast two in 'ili8grace"'att yutn^-j. WaterToa Chronicle. Btenine were" - the" rates at' which ships Wfre charfceVed.1) 'Mearitinie the price of grain'has faljen' Ho much iri. Bn'gland that it is njtt jd<li>irabjW' tb ship tljie grainjust noWr bnt iha ihipi tie .waging for it, with soiHe 'demiiVi jage expenses itecuaiulatin'g] 6n'4 'the agents feel badly b'ebause.riilps can- be 'cbkrteredr ^ow' for ;froni 3 to 3 10, a, matter o'P810'.AJtop. differ- enbe;--iamouiitiijg to 915,000 a ship, progeria million dollars altogether. This mpdest', little sbm woiild'lhaVB Batisfied the: greed of qdi((lanum~ tn?r of Iniddlemen.';- '*" :A i?,ip1|fPt!7 f t FEB13 G. D. PRINCLE, F^tchm aJter,, XJiieip h). Takes advaatage: of the^FKEE Pbess to thank itjs jpbstomers In and around Adthfl for their past patronage, and so- apttkacoBUhiiJince.' <?[ . - M . Q. p. P..also hopes soon-toj make ar-^ rnpgeitenta whereby watches and Jew^. rj^najr -i?& sett to and (rem GhelpU'witb iaftty, aha without trouble and expense to UU coBtbmert. , Ouelph, July 15,1875. (Jn Matthew )J.:-H.; (lescript '/ fW-te4:n* *i v. .' ' - , - QGBtpiCE Actoll, JuIj-Th n <nr s(ock bnfor'e. pur- fl'ng blttsVliere. ~ r- ' _ j ' ' '- - - ,i87L4m. v- ' 2NDHD 4f. complet Malleti^ Balls; ^he-Game;, si Day's Day Sells <iiV 'Ji'elph, July ': PLAN! Y-. the Buildingp) PtojU'ietor, '>.& 1 m* m WholesaH . ^nufaeturcr if..-- - * Saddles WHALER ^S -'; . W :,' :. I. a irness, Toys,&c.. ' &*, Z-n:>..r-.-'-r----r ,r ' '-IJ m :-Y0y^^sflAY - :..;; j-dom^:i...-. 1":... __ . "^OlrslsjiIs All orfleri_glven fiitoonti'im'ridH wj sirlcily aiWn-eU- tpr^iit.dJiwiwraut Klv<Jatl8faci)(m. fcs vri'.emjflnv bon itie best wbt kmeiPHiw'njai^rla|. COr.L/1 KS wnrrnpted .to gl*(i fiiiitoer Hon, us thtty arte ol.our own 7ijafftiir^4(ureV' REPArIKsdv-i"' -.. ~ n Of all klntlK itonerHh neattteKft all oa * . . '-* All who fttiulre goods fn oori.tine do.<r<!ll n>|lve unu'tM beforr'---- ink eisewiFrc.' . : " ,' Kniemter the Stabd^- |; 'i'A'HJE IS ".; at DAY'S .0OKST0RE. s^ , co^ajning, ei^lit Stakes, with '. Jool: of', Jiistructions <>f done op in strong ense ^?c :a ^^-ep' ?,.: : ri .% Bockstorc. CLiiapi ! '/.- ,187, H. CKKECHJ Ac in. if EW ii-m of mmmmu "- CnARLES DEA^- : : , ' ... I Hnp much pleasurelnonnobhcJng'4 the ten ;,ArCheS, - tWO onnlW*>f AMnn nniliiiirWirin.itna^ri nlria people'bt Actpri andtJUr^ounalnjcb ntriy that he 13 jrow lirbritreo-qo supply toilers wltl\.6Veryiii/i>i; in'ifieJIne'i IIARNESS, \X - SA^DBLES; TBtTlvKS; #Hi%;Ui' jfrfctisii.! Mm Will be Clear ed out-at Kpecial iow Prices So^'p sr cent'Jjefow. the old fashioned iiig li price.. ' .,-. AT DAY?3 BOOK STORE, HORSE CLOTHING vr - -".', ' -i. Prices to Suit;:; t-hc;. 3^iii|esi ; All 1 Work ,W -irrj^erf.." ^' ' ^3U^^I'ollHrR mHde-a;iipet35ati.y. <i)m lnm a cul| umU hewill d'"'ybo ^ood Aj;'tpU, July.I.'i8i5-/;' ' i !- -' 'I ;-V, 1. 1K75. GUELPW. ^pi; ;M?, a>i>'H:': r Pump. Snsij, poor and Factory. ifcsi Blind & CAMPBELL, Mn. utraiturers of - v'WiadoTS-Sbs^,, :-J /-!! 1 "* i-! ."* ' D6o:?s, ' "' - .- .| 'Vcnotian Blinds |ffpuliajg|s, 1 And other building Requisites ' '. - '. i- *" ' '-'! Lumber Plan sd and Dre.ssAd toordef in th 3 ibest manner. . i > ! WAGON AND CARRIAGE j .. /!, JAMES RYplSR, Proprietor!. Acton,-July Ist.jlStfi. .1- Mo. DE.iLfea U- V; ir ' 4rSiio6s;J . ' . i"f i :iki;..t'!r ^.. j. >}': iJjcckerj-j.1 -: * Giass, Linseed Cil, Paints, ! ^:;-:'.' 3 ca*r- \- -^ ')'- - BU*| Salt, ^to, -Also'l V'i Is-- PAi?i^ mm & HELtJEip; -Kor the nytifrnctton" of' R.^itfb B&j ' . pa,u rplHura ami tH-ber lusic'u. -.' Y ' 'The SDbsrTlberjbt>gitoieturn riln ttiafiks.;', to the lritiabilaiils[oI-Ac:iiHnilsunband ing' -country-- for IhsJiit^-ral pflticutago' hf.relofiSre exfettfiftil-Kf lilrn, aid' at tB-j bu.mei.iiie solcilfiheir f.irtijer sapbortl . .j i iui-i r--^ r. XB. Wti " A-Ctnrj, .July 1st! ijsjg. Ys4'- .. . ' '-r I- :!: 1-1 -(pashfraldXcir Hides deUrered.- i n ,(j.^.ajLL:v TO B&'GI^JES, ^*/.-T*^.:'.f^I-X2^pAt ;SAlEi"pr 0r(:] \-:"i.' *M In;order fo make room for bar R-dl ilmportaioihi!,tvo "ase-ouejixtares' pfjlo^ls of Dry Gpods^andon aswbuoi ot'th^^darcity of'mpneyl we-hase determined on iamore (sweeping ^hergeticaiidn ". "(.-. i,. m r^it M Kent In stock i nd niade to Order '> /; ' Strict i ittei tlon paid to Itlslm^sslble'fpju^ennun^i, all tjhe QREAT BA|^3A1NS We hive itponer.but we t^pecialljl wautito meetithehaJftf tfiineB, so coibe alt iand. t5 convinced. .. v., .; ><.. v JV^e again iisij " Jii 'Cjir^jek, -!' ' { " -;' v' /i^j'i'4 e Sale win contmencel i in J^iei Pirst of tiouef 1 i *--sx-:. weeks; - July 1/1875:.;, PEIlTTrNiitM; ' ."' . ' ' } ^rT'.:..^*i?*|ffiS?;37tir-V Orders for |}1 .kaj^af^ S; ;0v i l'i>.:iy Than .hitherto a.ftenip,ted, a3Jjj|e .mns<t;convert; the goodi'jitjbto--Gii&;i\"^-.^ Reme.mber the Salerre *P t VAm', and' i^no case,*iti a second t< : J.'"; ; V- _[ "-"- " i"-7 T'i ;We- ennunitrate jo ir teatding Depai'tmen cDB.ti^| GOODS frei^ifiVe ceV :3,'iipw5rds.v _^ PE1NTS; rfrpmr|fiye^^ cen^ s'npwarda. - . ^.US^IIfS'fro^n Hve cents upwards: CPTJQJS ,'Whiite^nd G^Avm 5 ^ upwards MTliLIl^RY'VMA^Lfes,?) fecAWLS'; AlNb^P^Asfefllrge . .'!' ' ' ^eci?} fJJ^ 9$SIl$. iMAifT; ,m' fb^ S2;O0i worth 6.5iXJ -; " ' '-:-[- Special .^argaiMia QHE^k'.S fflRTTN-GS, TJENpH DRILI^-and ^TjnT^i^:G9pbs:: ;!;'" r. -*\y- \^uv.- ASpocial l:a?btiAi>)fe^pL;t \M^^JffS~^h^esa^p^^^i Special linos ^LIlSJ^ J>REgg f o(ms, fcrlScanH ^,-.wor!^^nc aadl ' " 1 '. 50cn<iryard. '; "' -; Y \lt\i ".. -|- / ' -^'K.kI "' ' " """""........""*'""" ' 'll'-"""" "":" ^wiff^'^tOvor-.^eP'aiiS d satltfict on.Ruaranteed. I -.' 'Y Ina th* pu|ille Jjiat oil Millinery^and Ordeft- id <m6||]iiigl)e^^n^iit& Are second to -nbaeja the ***!&' i^aiv^outetrip a'n^thinff, ottxijktnd'-iy<Ssi ialylWid* e. C<CUS /.'--I ', -' \l."- ittcidspi),- j^)mt^;i Co.^;'; -a j:j Mammoth.' ?ope^G'(Wi^etoi*B. ft^ - t. j. -^ L' i '; - : Axe t'JhlSP : t YYS^m 1--R- -T3> -">". Y :t:- <#* 1v-:j-" litt :~i-ji mgprbtnptly ill atteiiifed^io. - 1- !- * - *-^ IK [rl'Iji^i^'^ L'j'.-iilX-.^r-ir^.--: i'-.a--

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