Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1875, page 1

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H- f V L'eS . Slia&s* .J CttUv>*te, 6{ Trinity College 'i,Mctpbr of; t'ollajgc ->f Physicians am .sjurgoo i.-^Mm.jStrk'ct, Afros, i g^ttyABTr VIRL WAMfED t -Sew. v-.Collej Tu 4 p.m. Acton. TVtyjt MOURONNY' V)>>*f<%riiSuf >\)r general 1 f je6u,! *- '"' "-" --- V ----- ------ , DeUeyac CoUcg, MjU be jwuj Y arki also Graduate oi % ictoria Apply to lieri Ctiuiada, ;' .Consultation day* ' eidsiys snd'Friday*.: from 0 *. m. till "":- .Residence-^'.Vest Boiwor street, y- vyquIiD ..'"' : ' JL ii>v"? '.. ' - .' ^. (liti rtnv* ou^se work, Good wages to * -mtAblc (person:- ! MBS. tt.AuXEW. Coitv IJJBJ: 10 HAVF. ALL mtiUunii n'.'leit jltl In by v..o flr*t tiny of IHeputfnbcr ntit, boioro silent tin. ;V ' adopting the I 'Ml Aciit Foartb' Divj Court, Com. in'Q. B.;' &a, ' Acton,'Ont, ' . i - , i ;:... r . . ' i. ' i DitEKDERjSON, Conveyancer, &c. jilso "A&rit' C*aa4A'I^fr Amu* ii DeoOs', Mortgage*; <*..' }*- ' -\toTERJ * [LISTS lv. uruinoUv. correctly amion:.. V^ " . -:-'.- Wwred neatly. yaxungjUyico^recUy!aniJ:on -. \J ^ .. . , . . . . , , Lryasowftile. terms, T^oney tV;Wn on-.} NoI|C,jish<'i6ty'p'AXn 't}itjhi Ha of !Morttnuhs securitv.- Officei-^t.laagow !-n pirsonsnp wnrlirsn^ilin 1-tt r^V^**'1 iiouse. acwm.________ ' iiw ViliHg" ifJiOUin, in itno Oo.i-lly of ' i. .-j - - - .- ' -i . ~- nilion, u> be fSntltleU lo vote In tli sflfd 3*. BALt>LA\V, Barrister. Atfeff} .Munt-l -.all'y f<>r|tho election of Membfcra v*n :_ - --_:..._:.ri'>i.-..~,....' triKPFvatir'tl' W 1 -" . r" ' ]: JA8 jUATtHEWS. T^rANT - fif EX IIAN<*E, I A TOP BVCCY FOR A HORSE. I .L^yto^J^IA'rtl'HKWS. _l_ =o~ Morning .I'ay'^xi Mail' i'.ixoil Sight K leayp Auton na; follows : ^gi^oliwierr.' a Exerts* ' row : -" i fct>le toi ascertain, tlio hanost on tlie Arrjol'ican continent iipi>eiiift to be a very proljrjc ono, tlioi accountM 1 :B0p:in-j to band;do not giybxequa|]y cIippi iw in Kind ;j)rt's Jilfip.m. l'2:45.m. VOIKO KAST. KTght Kiprcst . MfittHl l)ny Kxjiresa Mnil" - ' Mix<ffl :' Mails tioilng ;it Kii.itchl Kegist nil mi tea lliitfa.'hv fi:\ v8:40i>.n'i etc. V-"; .. I - i '-'J "Milton, Miiin *tro^t. Ft , will IW onifcr the tfianagement of D.'AYf "l.....' nuttend t t>flM: rlaiiUtoh, 10 Kilg atrr|tt lt,'Vri^ "oiOc^,^iVi'iIk- *uiaMumj-.liwllii', on , Any Hereon jn|>iuin1UB ol iiiiy errOrin jl- wi'll attend tlitKilJUiBi.'iinit'.Uellvcr to mo. wltnln tainnbolt And Mr. U-uJUn. *"' ar"cW thlrtv .! *t-the VMjlton1 Ofiipe: on Frijny of ea4b of JiCly,'5..<Ti, written notice of l|lijltn- 'reck. : '." i *' utoi-.'to niwwy ti tii Judge of ttlie Jukia- ' !l^-----' i: i ,Connty Hi rpsitcl tbf r<-or.. > OLIVEE UJZIEn, PI.ASTERERi}. uj' AcjriJJVO.yr. Erery descriptipn i-t] _.lffi*l tbU | it ^iiy.uf J_nl>- J 3 laitenna; 'and:. Rongh-ta3tinjt tlone ;dfl j - ' t le not reasonable terms, and aViMi"".Af T T V' ^ngurnwba, '-Ay.|lUlLh Ct rcof. AS... hli.. Vllluee CIprK, Aclon. J!<JS. HILK 1 ! '" The suliscil^r lia^'conune^r^M the ilairy ;lm^jne& , "ami- will ilelitfuV. milk r.i-'RtCrlAUDSgjr, Iain'tsr. j rriaay, House/Sigiiiiuul Orna-; , _ , ... frndntatPaintiug promv^i-ki<e' ir eyery niorui^ ifm.l ShopHl>Yer'Ryae,r'8-t>jffiiagej Factory ^IilTttect, Acton. if ICTON POST OFFICK. ng \Vekt nro closed;at 8-AS aim t ntp. i(i.11- 'red Letters must be in fivo joforo the fkbove jiouni. ill nVail, TuesdAys'nnd Fridays. heat... White %Trenllwe: 1.. Spring :V-'heat '(teU.. '"' Poas.. Potatoes, ., IhitUjr.. Kggs.;.. . Dried Ai Pork i Cherr'ie^, .-W- A-TO\ MAUKK1N. new, iHjr bush.. '.'. .... Jtr. . -, i\ . plus, jr lh..:-. pe,r jiail ... ltanpliurr es, l>er 11: tireen Pcm,' , per ban;. ;..,, ,1 tx) to 0 in,:.'-. :*'..;>.,'.' .lit ,oo t is l or. to i no h oo to 1 'or. 1 OO^o l 05t o jix> to a oo X) 75 todob .,i 0 34 to 0r3l> 0 1U t<f 0 (10 0 12 to 0 00 0X>8to0 00 Oll'j to (UK) , 0 -10 tv, o 'oo 'o'.os too'oo 00 inff proi>octs ,of tlio crcjw poin cqiihtrieH. Witlipni pi^tend jing to spniik nuUioritively on tint) pcjint, it fnaj^ iv$ Uiink, bo conclud ,ed thai ^liB' fiupp.1^ of w itcit fi oin ^i^aia will not be at nil 4bov3' the ave,rflge. : In EngJnna, AW ,^o fiSur larger1 extent in Franco, jtho gr'aia oippit liavp fiuffei'ed ^pSt d|ipa8trojus-\j ly from flbodfl, arid the weather hau also been "lately verv unfavorable Tlieso cooditions point ijafher t(> fair jn-icen for' Ayheat being main tairied tljan otherwise. The quan "Ot JJTeslein Fair, ]x>nflon,f on 211 i, and 31 Qtli fye Heinbei), and October A Bhirgeon vti\h finogift .n,t II ilton on Satin day weighing .2)00 Jiii Iftaaft f?mgor, the invemor of ^ib Singer how wig machine; died, on Fifiduj Juot h, .Hi , TJn Rpeyo! -of Jurrjei Galder,.Hftw. ligorod ki^. S. C'AKTtlK. Twdinr *rXul(. Djrmwl^ ** Church street;) Aetoit I V^tXXiIXIIAJi '.TO. si:!>l iho rc-.t. ~tW*-i~ ' & DRAIii^ I\<rHA>TE -jICE\Vm.- |1, ! Office I toTer the Bank of Ooi^.eye,- / Jiiielph. ' j- ". -AVe jare agents for several lirat-elaas st;k and mutu^al.companies. ' Orders left"-ait the Fbek Piif- OtSce, Trill reueive proinpt attention.: ^JoBT. CfN-vSSi:rAsFrHPNi:v. I- Drake.j ' .. -: ^ 1T>A#H>S>, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Tr tfce- <"By r Ualton. |'i . . "j h ' - .' , '; 8ale attemltil to in any. part of the evening.' at ; th hjnisfcs in tht villfi'gt'. .M ilk warranted jmrej" 'TweinyT^fe ' quart tickets for Si, if paid in ajlvaiice,--'or twenty -one pit tickets f< T 36 ointa. f; P. S, AltMSTROKtl. Acton, JunJ? Sjth, l^ip. "!' A 1 Jay, per U GUELPH MARKETS. . FalkwIicat'.'Sl.Q.'ltoSl.lO j treaAwt $lto $1j(o; spring wljeat, (Glasgow), *i to ^l.0.r>; spnni; wheat (red chatf), il !to Sl.tWi; oats, 4ct<r4Sc; peas, (iUc to,70c; larl.ey, 0' \o to 70c!; eg^B, ler dozen, -lie to 13e;.l> rttcr, dair>-;|ickcd, l(!e to 17c: ' ' ' iOCCf COBB'S $>! G-OQi ICcmlock -Barlj: Por \vlich I AT THE ^TILLAG B; potatoes, to 34. perbag,1Sl;to *1.50; wool, 33c J53.rH. ^ACKINQ. EDITOR rnv -FIVE XXlLIiAKS per Con!,' - . AJi'ToN -TANNERY I JFRiDA,V And Mbl^JijlXO. IS del yfr*\ in Kumrner." j . O. I- RKA^UMORt-% l-roprlelor. ,+ Z. AillAl'U/ V !?"oi" Acior, Juiy I, l-t 5; ' : ", j ,r LOT f$R SALE To l>e sold by private sale, withimit lelay, the (vacant 1"' JtiiaOHlii"iVTffiii t{'ou'nt}j. at reasonable ^ "t s ' ^ |LE OF & Co., Addjeai.: A. ^A^lTrfOX, Catapbillvd!'-, S-^- lejlent .public HOL'SPf Acton. tV 'tije.<?.Vj. ^aitUay Stafoii./ "Fx- .eJ<">Bii1:rUati(in for'.the Jtra veiling Tuy?: rxJAMfftt'LI. (.'lose t> 'Vrorir, |OMi.V10>;. HOXEL,- Ac-ns, O-st.- F JK*k*-'. ' A'jjNEW, Proprietor. T)'U ' VsewHiAeU* BtSJjf % in.rirst-ielass st/jic, With'new furnitur^.^^iimerc.iarTrasie,/- Jlers willftnd goot! ac>fnrfctLlation:'antl ^iorBrmllious Sanjplti Rt<jmst. : !*pdal ' atUntioji paid to" the wants *f thW "travelliiiig pabiic. Bar supplied with the Jo^rt A^qja6rJ*o<* Cigars. ; Cood Stibiifig sno! attcintfi-e Hostfers. ' -. ' street, ActonL lietween Dickie's 'aid Agiitiw's hotels. | ..' TfhU l one air the, most rllglblr lot* |B Acton^iUrl BnlBrmj pnrpor, " " I - ' ' ' ' Atiply wiUinj the next-few day,l to MR.<. X LYNCH,'uB', inear the village. at Mr. J Actoh,'.rt!ly Rd seourjSxtares ley," we' nae is into; Cash. ; will a, second laits^:-.'.: I j- -.:: ets. mpwurrds: " " '" /- vSfJLS,.. lars&: OYAL- EXCHAXUE 'HOTEI./ Acit'Tri, Ont EobT- DtatlE, Pro^.'. .Simple 'Booms large and conimojious. Bir Comfliercial Travellers. U-obdaccorn? raodatioarfor Travellers -and Gnests. -Best bran'lsof Liquors and't^jarsjat the Bar. ,- Oood-itabling' aud'3:atte.ntivfe- :Hm': '- d F, li7i>. -1 nonnceu Kellar lias -resigned his position as the futf. that theharvest^s li^' 'Prpjiycaal Secj^tajry-. |: . His ancles- Wood, It Ls mi lar will Shtirifl > I; t>- ill he wi t: A (irrbX fLOtJB MILLS, B. &IJE. XICIvLlk,: Proprietors.-;; Flcrar jaml Fe^ed -alway* qn ha^i<l, " wholesaMi and retail. firisiing _ a _. phopping Daily. j;Cakh fpr sMjiiz^d'of 3 > j'DRttLSrana l: r. ' , -.- ; [ale price L63 lorta, ^1 Jc^aifei ' '"-'.' '^! ilS we ^ave lome uilt ?nd be. fartinents I >" ' f" lf-?.5ie kind Vest -.V'-l '-.' py'iasacl co^- ^rGeorgeiown. -i.-.'^ . ... . - tJiiB PBI\TI!V of alf kinds /V*e*iiy and promptiy>ejce!cnlcd at ttie ' "rr FREE PRESS.OFFICE, Oter tpie r t 'Mini^im' ftrfft./ -: T>HQTOGRAPlIS f ] j i f PHOTOGRAPHS T s & CO., a-*XDHAi JSTEEEf. GO;ifcPH. iviile, is to:lfc.ninetyr feet long tity ibf barley ^planted ijhis >'?, both. inCanada and: the S(ates has been |largely prpbahly forty ot fiftypor cent. 'm excess-pf fonncif years, the cause ,heihg the high, priqos .the crop'bf last HoawfriJVcaJ] ij:ed.: ^Ti-otn the nature ofilie-bar ley market it is possible that <it the/ first riiRlr some -lots may realiz<i fancy prices, but the natural tonf denc.y of'a- greatjy increased prol duction and prolific yield, will b^ soiiiewlmtjto induce the xvaluo jiv coinparis^h y/UliJaBt year's quota* tionrt/'- :.' f j TjnnoWffown to death by mrl A,hcaiter, .J' os Friday night i vicious bull, Itiill at Oranie >y AJ despatch ii-om that IJeocKe'r l^ to vJaitL land's Cain'p i Meotirjg, TU We jvf ng i\l Kingacon aaya Me it ThousaJid Js-, Adv en.tistH nfe ){.observing o Western ... mdv^rig-'in. tlip' iiiafter Saturday as th^iu-'^abl atli, have oblisated thetoflel -es to ... ... The geologists ofitlJe kVheeler Ex- ]ieditipn:"ijave disc(|ver( d in :,8ont\y' prj^ j^tali 'irfeid ot ,lajj i fifty ^yb square, ntid pneof SW (miles s/juare in'^ekv'Mxico. v I i Stepsm.v- Duncan.,"BIiennATi. Co.'si-Bank, New'jYork, failed; fa Tuesday. The liabilities1 are-; rA ported^'Ip" bo Vetweeiiitiv^ and s million dbllars. > , Busjiess ErospeotE[. ,, ' Tl|e / npw^inl tendency -of tlid jjKjy.iL-.inarket. would seers to 'bo-put- J-VLYW i87o. lioW it i's ofhciallv. that the Hon. Mr. nn- Mc- i..WS good the; whole community int<> spirits. Within tlie-jhuit four , 6niSaturday,^wbilp;xs)<|sti.nst "i a biirn,raising in Pilkinp;ton, Mi-. ]>.; Bljncp had his le^ |l)t,-o|ken; in Uyo pJace'^ by.thp puTJoin plate-- fatyiiji in it.'" In punjuance of the postal con vention between Canada and the U utedJUiates, money orders after) th ijind-tff Aaigo^t wiU pjuv 1mj-1 twepn the two ^wintnes at the fol-; loyiri^ '.rii^ejS^ For iums not ox- cet ding $i{0 Canadian currency 26 /cents coipflussion, not exceeding $i), pO cents commission J)nlysi* o^it $ tt)P 1^2 milk -be! opging to-tlive^jpL>y,er:at Old: hai a, Engl |^nd,fare worjeingt Thirt^- orii i. mills ;iVe'olostd at Dunclefvand' 1.2,Odd- persona are outof amplpy- meit; boili- ^niploy'ers and, pjiera- toi-1 liave lipid meotings and readlvf"* ed tyb ,ty iyleld.' If the Oldhani str; kei,-' ,l \o^ '<V<ct^rj^ -Up' M the! mill8|n tl;ai district! $^,9(0 per? .sons h all t e out of employment. " Ik Montrea} Star, an- fiideptn- dert orgai] considers that ".the 6o reinmeut'a immigi-ation policy, hAs, so fa:, i. proved nothing betw thai a very jcostly failure." It basis' its- Dpinipn km.this ground': 'fboGlobt! Hayflith-ep were 24,000 I'miiigranfcrsettjled" ^Ontario last year^whihi jt/b|9io^ncial ti|utjes show tha; there ]i;e,fe less than], 24^000 can e, to the; .whole Domifiilo^ apd, of these ;'Wljy ,0,022 w<yje . iUrm1', hards or , (ijt^ers. The] wst -laat yea r. \ for : ipnpigrrttioh :(w.^fl .^511,- '2-51.78: ; These 'iigiires'! give lis palish. >~- 1 'hey;have started a T implranee Soqiety pf a novel' order in W^l- viUngo. -'Thife"-nwt We shall be glad jut illtimeg to re cei,ve items xif ocat news, re ports tq( mefin gn, accidents, or any ljMsjdpnt of interest d < ther iff. ,$e Jqclitj Vheie U occurs^4-qr tp \\a comity ajt hirge Sqqh Up y may be? sen,t ftfi ^1|P h^to M ^ (jent jt(r ,9,'ySPe if mini :p<I 'jPrintVr'B t Copy and not wajed To-tsu jiorB pril^'jC^t^n ^ , pap, j,ar- tic.uLir issne. jit ^Hqiidd .peach; .iiig.aftica not lat ;r Qiun Wed '""-'"-taqrn^hg. ' .. j . -^ fiufr 33*y ^ v .^foro of th? old fogy ered)t Imsm^X at the Poat^Olfice Stpre Acton. Xm people all say t"hey are ffindjivr tli^y wobtd mth<jTJy tljje1(-tU and ^et tic 8 pe^ptjat discount I j Mystfujous It ^ei lieen o^neK-jed tlij^t theic art to^e eea m^htiy m- if lpost evlery Ijouk* |n the co uiry, oiifj^ here a li umber of iiihts vuzniug *nli siinis of'a g(M>il deal of tohvivialrty, a id I Ltl} uaqry jjs, JVJiat Idoea -all thu .i!- y'*ai4Bj^4ncu ct tutu uBujiual hOi^v* Bc'iugjsiotueWbat iht*ceted, ni. after- *onie .lfiiiuiry, 'w^have ldUcov<red it hit- -.- it is p^ople^up<djKBilang: >wsfcoriiBfud./ ', title, liefer Te^prtrnWuced by.experi^ i nf^^y;t?l'9rn:^F- '; - : {V Ve. llet^rf-Te^'p^tjoBuced^by^xperif; ,: :- ;- ji i -' o/^r. Remember,th'p 81 pe'i' cent discountj !J*pW W^^t^P%?t!"3i^f*}i1r^Ji atilie Post Q*hct"atiiitf- r ..; "" Y^^4v.e: ttu4ed:their grand'eW-i. ' terns'einpty i <ai reapers buBy. :^. More clothes-lin.e t iicyes jarouhd. Watch: 'em t -hifts |_-W.e rei stolen fiiom Mr7Ebl>age's->Srtl Wcfli eiidiy night... :f* Telegrams ..from 'England flounce"'tlio -deatlij 9/ j|Mr. jjrancis Bond irpnd-.whodiirihg tlietfpubje- sonie tirneR of 18t)5]8,waa Go.v^tj- weel^s fjour has weut up from 84.50 to 5;50and even.,5.75; and the , . prospects., are that it will go nor df L.pper Cana^ still higher. This, combined with Mr. ^amuel ,Cas?>y iieniber for South Victoria, lerstood that. Mr, McKel- at once iiBSunis tlie olKce of of .Wentwdtth;, and thus tjeqeiy.P tlie ijewai'doustly; tine' lot liis lonjg aiuji'valuable pub lic services.' Mr.|"\Yood is a native Caiiadj?n, havingibeeH.born in the] villijj;* )f 4ath| in J|30. He lias beenvCc unty ' Cjlerk and Treasurer of Yiitpri* binkie'ilSGO.nhd was el ected to ay/erage "/jne,, e {ledplo jfiiel the Sbhool ' Inspectors'.! as' their representative, in tlie Council of Publj cum'e |: capital ^i>.rget|c more than en m?y .well make *#-. ^wf^ rj:. hoiK'f\il of, brisker tuiie!) in, fjl cie- partmenta o\t general -business. It is an important thiflg to' ^rpmeinber, that we aref"dbo);e;.ail" ;ai) agiicul-- itairal people, ;a^^I: tha^jj.igoo^"" ;icropp and good griefs fpr grji^n are of fa^ more impoi-tance to fa\' pros]>erity than .protective tarifi^knd the in-, stitution of nxotic indnstrjeR.'i We ^ongi-atnlate'thejigricnl'tnral'.ipopii- latii/n on-tbo J^.rosi^ci, and iilao the. business pojiuhition as ^'ell, fov- tf\e prosneritv of;the latter is a sure coneoinitaiit, of tlie'p'r>g{>erity of the foryier. ' i - " - , i : 'v (' '. .i-.'" - . sle^- ...._.. ^..... r., or piiRswdrdR, and the pledge, yn a:; licit le't^Je fipf^mpn or der. , Each" niVmber Rolemnly plelges hiniKelf on his word pf,hon- lot Fashion p-.ipfirsV ninnounce tlmt ..there'.jis voj-v jlittl.a cha^e 'jp mail's pji,nts. WiV; tire yo^i^jr ^laUjes at baiiars, und such like Affairs make a. note of irt j I ? seakon berji^es from the ic Instrjictioh !in 187:4..' He to ParlinSniefit in 187i,;isa. >peiiker, ;andihn active,^ en. business maa. i ]i HI. .......t ver $1,200 ha\fe been pajd-tliis on tor express charges on."tra w- ^aepibef KM'iaeV'iina ffoin; any oritiot toi ffj/if .a^>7 p$}eF in| iny sklyWor public'In not to flccjKijt a " treat niemljeK(Ty '. \ , ' Thp^fjjwpuH Iwulderiin ilje niitt die] of tlie-'Ningaifa river cMnue), jhelowr tflfftnain Gpafc Island bt-idge,; lies aJaMrt-thirty fp;t:further jdow^i the istw-arii Ithjs shrajner1 jthan last fall. During the heavy flow of ie^. the huge rock-Tfas moved! from its. Oakyille station. for 'V> i"M^t .situiUiOn:' ihoqmnt\tyi-4^iin th^t yicini^ W^^J^-'^t^^^^i m^tbe^E^, y,^ng^?inV.Hr^no^lt " verv conspicuous por- Near Newmarkikt, Ojx t*in eRtAte! Yion of its' ragged surface above the ,."(,'............, ., T !, ^C'oWjS and pigs sh|oiiI I no^. be all<iw> t <kL.tfrruin at large;in;ibe tillage,* -i^sey 4ra.a nuisaWipe and should be impounded. ' -'.'i - "'**" ^-A .watch andscjiaii were Mst.on Main1 Street, Mo'ndaj^n ft^rnVjou. f-Tbe ffimlerwill lie liberally rei raffled by lev-; ,i(^g ifcat Moore's shingle factorjt. " ;|" Mrs. J. Lynchj of t'bijaigW formcr. lyrof Acton^ whQ .is. now < n^i visit to; her ffie/iisliere; advertise* t > sell that eligi-.; blebuilchlngJot adjoining Dickie's hotel- Farriiiers i\\Don't jfo g^t the Acton Fair next Thursday. ! Br ug out all' the j stock yoii have to span i and enxleavor to Iiaive these monthly itai^kets estab lished as successfullyj.a's ; tossitili.-. - ', ' that ftunous 00c. tea j ost to ^&.^)0i REW-ARB.-^-Loet" wn the turning- the sajm toj.tlijeidwiiir^JJijh; ;.St^^> ff^&it iwilliVwfMve the aboVtt '. jvtratj^.-- ^'\':"";p'sr" '. ' 8,?per cent, jivikie -by Tbujfing^-f^^. caaji at:tbe.Fwti0nie'i5tOFe; A ' -:i' ymtf i mm el''i -! , MAK(tll4>. ' Ohitiie ifst inst., at fibiiest*>el'sTfotal, Eriu VjilsMljyjth* lUv;,H.^diirft;J,' (ieo. MclKan, ojf-^e !pcK?tdwa,* rJ- IfiiJs Ellen I^ej^r/^e^^yplace.; ' ' yon's JJptel.T JfssftgaWeys, V H !- Mr. Duncan' Mql^e.-i n,' an ollb and' on a visit to'Od^ingw-oOjll^as! -w'feekj. where he Warf taken suddenly fl amrdied.; His reniains w*re brtiught t i.Acton staHori. on Tnesday, ;. V i . J 'ij , - -r-Xlir. Ijeteii;S, Anmstfuug sent: us a HA" ^VESTj. PROSPECTS. A d-ive through the centre of .* J"* :-' - -i : ' NassajSiwera; as far as '-Campbell-. vitle oujTiiea^rtj', gote~,Vs ,','- &00cl i^ea of the state of itlie: c.ropi ij> Magnificent "fiplds a'ldoats were to be that township, of wlipfet, peas Areftaw selling .:' ., ::i 1-! ;DR' their Splendid StOfk of GOODS at I . -SKftn all along theSwiid side, g^' 'promise pi almost, bountiful har vest. is ,l>eing reaped in many placfa, jyiad from all we coil Id learn will kve-i faicyierdj though not *qa)l-.tJp 'wlnt tlfp 'spriog wheat is likely" toj.fttv Hi)" is jgood, ,but shoi/t and:{thin. ^^eas and oat^s yrobailly never, ^owe'^ a prospect of a 'inovp bountiful .yields Al- tT-o'Mjjh iherp:.-h\g been a want [pf rain~t^ie hist two. or' three weeks, stlflering ;to J". i :j v-i ""I I 0~:^mp ^PZj Woold: rieeperjiitJly Inform the .juWJc thaturft'Bin the yalst lew Ufefcuhu njik liadjfreat! Improvement*! made Ip tne nrthgeta6uv ot iipitrnnd thai he }s no-A> prepared to >" { {, ' ' - . Turn Out Fii^t-vlA}#5 JTojrjb. . Daring aDy part ot-tfle.iiay, In air kinds XbaVelwicdred 4be sprvlceR W, Vr. W, - HiJKAHK,' a'Ofkt-eliMif'artist,-lata of Mew VorlcClty.ana'aif MBtlme lslimltC ed.all Would dowell toe&iiai ice- wbo ^areTle'lrouiiof obtaintnjr pii-tures, whleli (oranUUellehtineand brilllnribyof ffnlsli are unequalled outride lf "tile ttfil- c I? IfailerlM In the iJqmluldjM ' _ *j*tPk1*tfly n**bOKl arotbir very . .vataabl* Instrument (Second U> none Jn - i^JLJcn^r^,' l ?"* enabled, to proilnpe - ' SSoreJo^JUU' -miithP o""1""^ <ard v fv'.C*jfeing ank Enlat^lnk."' Anyslz4'e$p be ohtainert:and flftUhPii'm L(nk,i,'._5r)ter| Color^ crayon iiir Plain, farialn tjie (MgUest. style of Ibe arc.: ""' - :. p.othing, aT^iftara any I jippreciahle the rheavy night two places, hbv - fear expressed t ^at the wheat wnpld be effected somewhat, with the rust ! The World's Crop. " . i Ijatest Eunj<a$e.w.atches-_say: "The partial i-eiajfetji ki.corn: mar-' kets yesterday; foll^w.iiig the: corh- plete1 Change of weather, ijj'dicates a reyival'of hopes respecting thp hitr-r' vQ&t, which the persistent rain, of the- prpviajiR .tlii'ee weeks' aoemed wholly- to forbid." The Murlc}jAive JCxjrrcM ot; tliis week ..piiys.: |"Thet average rise ip wheat' since last week haK^>een>fully four shillings Jrere and in France... There >'nnicu grain' "ha^.' been prostrated by I the TieaVv'wintJ find vain. Should the iweat1)e.rj cohiihiie tihe.r crops: may not:-suffer so much o i the.viehl, white ver may be the1 i isiilt as t<] quality. A.return'to the fotnio'r I lowj -'rates" seems tp b)'jtripossibie' "with the stacks so neat exIiiiUHtiop^ biit ii^l'e'raiare.'ihot hk'ly to| ,])iii> cjiase 3"reely at hi?h rates while a possibility of Jiiiproveli prosp^ts.*","I > \ .' ~^'.",:. - Mi4.' GpJdwin,. Smit h-^we bqg pardon,- the s' bo -eon)- pletely overooniHliy the ppraisteiit of MK Nelson Gmham, there! is a springiof water ftfcm vhiph a ipaa' lijaa, iKuued fornipiy fa irriifty years.- ThejSaJt I^ik4 Wrilivne chafces. that li/igliam Yourig and his Mdr- moiJ followers have stolen", lun^her to the: value of !?3,Oqo.-O0O frim. Government lands Bince the.organ- ,iz;ition of the-Territory. -The Atlantic .cpttoji'jtiiUs a^; iLa.W- __I _J_ ^r_-.r. '] It /ln'tf1 ,a'OT*H ' TlttT tock Of maiinft rapids. 1 A new^j boidder was bronght dp*ii tlie riy.ei bythe ice during- t|.B ijiast winter,' and nciw lira, a very :jfjrominerit<ibject,;.a few, y,ai ds. south.'.of its moij^ fU^nouB com-:; l-iauion. Ov Br six hundretl' Mennpnites Ii Co,,*;^ ,0don Fridtiynight bytjhej '-' hprlnritli *pn~TOut$ for Manitoba .isia reride, Mass., have RhuV, dow^jj\w{prk. They are a finei healthy One! ^lijiywnijf..'two hundred;.. n^id hpt of iieopje. filly nj>erato'n are thrown^ oiit nf " large for the de- dews eveiv In one or we heard a ect caused: l>3* these sun daring the . to hie I ffrain i . PRICES : Prep^iTaiory ^o re^dvfn^g j*> more e^tensiveand cc mitjodibiis premises.. I WonltJagaln remind Ibe pnbllo tJini I haivncon*j.intly lustock a Jarte assort-' . .'mefltor l-,^- | r ' ' t>?^ ^ ^aaw: Xldtur* Praayss , which friiibe soldatlbnlowestpflees. ; ftt" Partls anxious to seetire a reAlly BTtlslIc picture w'H pleasfl bear -in^mlijd . that,.ft,ijriJi; oe^to (heir interest to call early, aslifi. Kabrtw.Hl bennaMe.; to re- . 'main in &#ph louder than 'd'few'weeks.. Jamksg. HIU,r I udtJd to; j. July kffir Phpto. Thfip <0: fifyijii in A#o.fjid ... - -" ' I h vicinity ;as spe< {aJ^y invited j*> call and papticipate: .-; : n the iargaina now SIEWA1XACO. 1-D:- i. extent, owing; 'to j attacks pf the (Jfa/iaunj flail 'that lflWs. "in :ono or A* candidjy Confeasesjit^ inabilityto cope with tlieirt,; ft says';-? Last Saturday,; they pi jired nut, in concert, s'uJh"'- a'itorreSi if theiif usual amenities, aud,o e.xhniiBte t all tliu foniiB of" courtesy, th^tiwe really do not know 4'hatfci'leit ub by^waji of retort, innless it be > 8ay'tlmfethey haVc bp'llir Jobbed banks!'tttid ^*t.; theijf'ti mtheraj". stojb clothes from tlfe w&sli. ; f """'." ;+>""::'" We tiink the JVcr/A; n is I fairly- entitled"toitlie.champion jaokrknife after this elegant"fetori dewls and' tfie hot Jay.v| This appears the' chieij dagger which .the is now ^8' exposed" to --tbeie. being "no dnsectl drJ .other pest to destroy it, except ^the grass- lioppeTr, nn.d--we-fancy i^AvtU, not prove nearly as destructive as was imagined. On ihe Whole, we have fvpry reason- tar expept this year a harvest such as has not'been known v +J , . , . ,, _,, . .. . s ,. .? r, I- : : > ., Jpdgraent in thei Mnskokal el /or mirnyyears, and tlje probability {^^ triftihas been poktpoheji "fanj- :is that prices fm wheat ^will be con-| til Monday the 2nd (of Angust. ,'! pn^Joyment, tnj^.'goods^s too niftpd.; I'M shrewd Tennpssean1 haji ppfc ohlyj cleared .his Qwrniland of the d'tWjdeeL- grassliopperM by keeping a litjck ofrturk'eys, but is now do ing, jithrivingj business in letting rint the birds to hif neighbors ut a (lollar a day. ; .; . With the departure 'r>('gmRRhfjp- pers: from KansaP, tlie Btate Relief. Speifty has 'Viee'n .dissolypd. Tjie fiociHv expended iiboiiti $13/5,000. Frpiij "otliei- snurjjef i abnii't $4dO,(J(jlO inw) wH.-i^ontribited far 2O,O0Q gini's diopter sufl'erer8,;6r jiibout S?f| n held, i .-'! i:" liayrelB'-of -flpir boxes of cheese. M: ^i*;t^i.-'iust|,^Ir. SDkvid tosu^iraged c^y<4if5t^"^ .. . ..: -Kear, Collingwookl irtij the 25thi iaafc, - Mr. DuVieaii McLean, of .Erin,' aged. #^$#*r.-. :'. Uiy 'TVv^- A. twp'atbry- ifislme' dwelling' Ifo^iksin; G.uelph, occupied,iif 5fr, Tlips.. jT.ewer* was-jtle8tr6j;e<tr';liyi. ffre, Sith ki neai'ly all .its cqat^ntsv;; liiRtJ^und^', evening, ; The- hoj'iK^; W^s'jijwnft^-by-^aujleS Kennedy,uliili: ;1 lv . .insured"Jbr \$WJf' ;Mr^He>ei;a i < | \f loss is"estimated Hti'jjb.qut SOOj-on1 - -1* which: thei-e wart \ ipf>!; insurance. Why will jjepple negieefe W'iilpuft; tjhir property-whep il,'o>itB % r~-rH;; hieh's ,eggj;thB other diy, whfcii *;we fancy WiUi compare vfry favorably with ',..,-.,>- ,~>z. - j- . '-'. ii'./- "ii:'"?'--"-JliiT* 1^1. i."'-'--'- tleff*lieader, are-yeu-iusurwW -: the big eggsttyat anyjotqer henua ca$!^\ ,> f . ' - ; I L- ". .'r*?'. ' measured "J i '..' ?)}?> -Abe.rfolle "Town; Hajil^w-ivp " '*"'" '" ^Rtei-e^J^'Tsotfie^evil djsjJijMeiLipe" sons' ton)rfrSine" ifjetwiMi jFriilt :iv-*a hear ble ibf prpduping... j It -inches ;'hy\ &f inchesJ ji ow let's from the next>ambiti<)us' Jiddy; J. - Coi V' new tannery bUj^dinc is projressiiig fayor^ ably; ( Tlie stone baspnj.t ^t is completed And the tifo storey ftanii is about ready for: "iaising." :TTierta inery,isi tojbe used exclusively ior dr ;ssing thei'SuF leathers required.fprthe^ r'gloOe factory: Ieft! ' ?an AxCkIstfji iKi'irjrisd jF*c- Tlie ^Hltoi ftuired.fpEthe^ Bllton ^AVirs a ... ... . f ip-if-jEte?*^ some fallow lyhd ci:eaKd an- }x- citemexit in ibat tovsi ti e other:day' by : 'Irii'^'i- _ J?i *1__r 1.L.L.-- . T\~l.~ Ttr.'l - iniiyng aquarrel bet|-eeji Dan Wason's:[ Wel'JUigtoiji, retarpe^j; P? ^"|l^ cray cit-and somebody's black dog with^f1'01" J bia^ 1 Okie thousand and fivf hundred made in %ho op(unty together pf Water- ithousand- Ay^mi)r "OtU............- .....w; loo-, together .witiu ,jten bpsl els; of wheat fr^in were- sent '(to Gli sgow, Scotlan|tl, last jweek by|.J^Ir."1;,odd, of Giflf, Mr. Adam Hudspeth,; barrister, bas >eeii.nominateil by: the.Libeml, Conservative Cluh ot",Lindsay, to' run is a candidate in South; Vic1 torin iff opjiositio i to ^Ir. i S. '?. ^VoctJ. The . Jijonj nation.- fojrj tlie 'ndii g takes phlce on jthe 3rd of Aug list, and thetpoliing |on'the! lpt tit. '* M i-s. Lihcpln'a n ie#al (conditic :ii is l nimprpvied: -Shfij - regains p Political jlte&s. ; ,'" the, insane ,*jsyliim at j^atavia, H., .Mr. Johni Buck; has bWnsdected'.wihfire; she has Wi4fulj attend rics, as tha Reform candidate, in/ East Kejtt. ' ..... sideraJbjy higher than they have been during the past yeair. : "'^The; GUjhfi of Wetinesday 'pub lishes! reports of the state! of the crops ^'ll^rt5'^ Ontario apd^ ijnebec, the whole. occupying over fifteen;'colutnW We notice that 1 frpni apj quarters oj? .th.e J'roViince ^l'eiprospegts djF.'ati excellent [haur *P'.Wf{?Fr~ Tf-^i, i : J-"/'! veifci are- apparent,:and there) ap-1 better times "^re-ilose at haiid.- SpWkingof tbe| prispect _ofi. the ;crbps in other cpuntri ea andithe pro- babie effect on nricts,; -the \ Globe gayB :^_ Whiie/ so |far as; yr4. are The petitions against Jthe return of. Mr. F. ! MaclfenfieV^ Mrip.. for Montreal Wesfci and Be. P'Sullivan MPP. in progress, On Monday the Honj 3tfr.|.;. J;ijs tic9 Wilson delivered jiidgriieht in the North Renfrew electibn.j case; declaxlpg Mjr. Win. Murray, Rer form, unseated on account of sevep. S al corrupt practices by his. brother,' A.; despatch from Wesi Wellihg-- iqhTinfprpis fas' that at the Reforni! convention held at-Teviotdale Vonj' tMonday, Mr.! Thos.! Garbiitt; jfi the! township of ifeej,' |was nomiaateifl- as the^candidate tp oppose Mr; Mc TOi iv.r tht t from jirpRfipt indicat^mi- it. is no pfofialble that (this factory will be ,1-ijbiiilt;"^' AHcasfier.. [Negotia-. jtioiisjhaye "^^ M?"?.'^6".0^1 i^8*- tw^n tht !ompanyj.a,iif i.t^ie Couh- cijl" of StrithrW concerning I the re- mr yaj pf their wbrks of that place, aii! I' at' ji'. niaa's; meeting j recently he! d'. aVioJHltfeff' \w-ft?' PttW^ catrieia bv the meeting rj^ue^tij^ tht i Towrt Conncil tp iS"bmi;t a 'by- lav' granlingitne company; a.lioniis of ten; jthoiisand dollars on the toi nm named! by tliepd. J :l ;: - j. ':-. BCous'b of lNm78Tiiyi .The Sp ?cial |.[Committee; apjiointetl by tin i. Wellington County Cbuncil on! thi! Hoilse of-Industry | f<>r that County, ire advertisingJftjir a suit- ahi.ep^ai'fft; fo,r, the ]ipq>oa.e,';for ^ till ^ tho'Stih ^September. "fj |. gray cat-and somebody's black dpg a white taiL Tabbyjtibting!Rover-fcii mtie^i f^r her, jumped inio the seetiihg. pqol,^>el6w')the bridgef ba it thet dorg was; shf y(ed in afteiS b&r a^c -the brutal:at- - taph; was renewed, sfith puss upto.ilier nepkiin waterr'."^^? -a, Bftiigiiiriary Btrbjj^, afroi . was')iina. ly, (TCScued j by some . humane ..indrvjidu U.-vTlro other; fellow should have: beer dicked in the ^ -T7w * , il 'I'- . : . v " ' '..... ini i2 he proinispd, ind: WW |be,tw^i _ Jpckf on;the feu^bpHrd litlo^igujgj t'.v tJief Abeifpyle "iDivisicin^^; Spa^Tif;-j Tempenaiice forcedlpg' ihdall then*, officers' eniblen)S,;r^gityas;atid oilier things, Viiltfe<l at^50,stpleii:' 'cbnifnct is wpi'-se? than 'disgrttoefu^ r and'we hope thwV jh<{l%ir|-F<ViL0W;i(i he^puiid and vi-ntna with the'htai'v? : ije^fi pe.Hidty <^tbe law ' " " ' Mr. D. Stirtoo,; fif;P., jfojr go^Ai. pond,; and held ftv-f? to do,so no mora,' Tlie Owner Found. The stwv^aheen th.vt j trfe attyerti^ed by JNiessrs. Wlasser ^C-j AJi xandejr, in Vurt issue, of the Fh^Pbbs i, 'Were claimed J?y their .o^Tigr, thjp otfi? da-^tl)t' -kertisement'having ilad the desired _ f|ect. Thns'; do we scfe the bene|k8 of advertising;:3' : ;v ...- r:.|'"'" GO wan &hfr is ofteij ykited-by. ljer. rejatives, Altlough she dresfes shabbily, h'r mint! is'^pnstantlv ; o6upied I' plan j for lie W clotl ing. At the examinaiion; elf 'teachers at *Bramp'toh^ere weresi-<ty*ight: fCandidatea;." for isejond,. and thitjd class certificate^} of wh^m thi rteieki _ .. _ , , . werel for the'secohd, and! tifty-fi\e'fori P. .forEast Peterborp,are now ,^.Jj bjJfc ^^ ,f ^ t^fmd q1iiL| ?gresB-: .; jlh'aiviig failecl'in bljetr ^thmetf6: jewit ^ej'ifi<eicl.ijra'i}^.'. without at tempting:'to .wrestli witH the othur * Ml VV i .. i-' |V|< ii| I IN ',: t fftP6^ ";" j '- , Yl'X \ - 1-The Connia- Ct vAc$ I ofrjBjai ittfe has <epided by a vot^ o:: eigl t "io j^ six t) ipurch'aie an ^ndus ii^al" fan ri and house (MP, reiiig^,m tnd hw chosi in a farm .vnd i:esj'd^i-oj i tl e ^ Biu-fprd road J within thi-j^ j^iles of Biiantfoird. The ")" itiinf 1^4 acres,: and, s $12,000, of **ict, sun> #|,000'js to .jbp igivdn ':by: [Brant ford' a i a, tAinui. iBimrtiiire Messrs;^ Cunningham Larid. Dnlke,:of- GuSlph, the-rT-relT ,kuiwn ihsiir^nipe. agents,: have^.autKfjrize I us: to, take charge of ahy. applioatioi: s in'thisvlcini" ;y, forinsttjraB.ce, in.agy of thelseseral ijpst-pbis .comnaniesi vh ch tsy ^e^re_- trip- to Mariit^oii, f**j Mi Moinlay morning', j. jvHo caVne i>y; ^J ,the Ontario from DdKiih to::8oiith T!: aiiiptoh arriving tiiem on Snila-4-\ { inorrnnq;. Hiirhw.kj^ahjaridiiejirty; 'i.' [ and 8|i'elaks'hi!*hl>^pij tiw resotiit;t)?t b;' and ^capabilii^ja-; ofij the^coufttryl |f^ The;;g^isslioJ;^r8 iliaVf, Koweji-erjll;-'- Wrourght ter^nfie M^t^ictidli-piValj^i: i:. grow.iu$r;c.iTjJ^ ' He ' r)VOHg!$t. .wijt^lV,^ him : s^yWraJ CurKtsitips fHonr ttiiJfe! C^uatey, .anjpilg; pthena a iiiaminnth- j ; ' wficari|hpt by -Mi-.l]BKi-ch>"y. :Hf$. j'.'. re,fjiiia;'jo.ui-n(By- cpcu||;iedtjust 't^W!* lf-j; ..-J week>...-,:"; ; .^|.'; ^, ^"-^vij'^v; ^>J 31 A daring rohb^ry/ tobE "j-lace>oil ; ; -' ""* ;Satnrday liight oil.:earlyr .Sunday; j' dirirhingai the stdrle jofjAft'l W. 'F.i'|-t McOollutri, :of G^irge^^n/^ ItajHl fieaj^ the thief or t^iev^-Tmnage<J~ iojnpake the^e way; intei tfo ^ellaf dunng the foi^.paft df t^^frnimj, . bfifpre; the stiprfe Ws^cJoe^d; }}'\P>'-H" served, wijtd eiii^et)1iii| albha^ ggntt! , home. -AWfar^califeasce^^^l;-!^ "^ -.j attentioh, without any^a Iditioual ctiatv! Tf-^ ihe Bominion of Canada' Rifiel^*- ,?SP'wwhose pojicy:nrabtmt,to, ociationfB'flnnnal prize meetihg expire,, or who .wish to; J isu^ny des. wi I fie Ottawa on/Tuesday, ftription of proper^ woi Id do.w^jio thi 7th:Bep't:, and following {lava, f call at tbe'FRKB'PRKss C itice and l.feavg Thepriises bffei-ed nmmlnr,. j/y the their oftjer,VHioh _will/receive prompt mt gnifirjent.annj of. #4,!50, besidesl*"""*^"--- +. go d,f'silver and, bronze medals, . .. \.ti.inimp4^P phir'fc fuotory-is! be- in? efcc ed in San! FraiiciRcp. '.J^riir himdrfii perbons wiil be femployed,; ha f'of. jlthonL wji!l be MongpliBiis.. ' -^c fvynjtif to Jroise .^OOJOO^to ijid'^M---' Klunard,' -Sn^$ntf=ndentS of ths Hilhjiton land Sorlh-Western- Rafl- wa f, Si-ill' be ^.oted on in Hamilton i^n tht luthbf. August c^unilotfjlfe too ^ifulfwienj|ocking;,- I'jKs?. 1 iip atktfgt)t,L :_'l^-li..;'-, ;<; j--;i";'>J.>l-f-"|| new Jlethpdist Cht^wh 4n 'JGueJptf^ -last-.week.' -^A greeted .abf^it $ \i Augtii Thk Aero>r: Free PBTOs.-^NVe hive ret eived tne!thirJ hulnile'r'pif thfe Acton: Fk *k Piutss/itiia^ thirty', two colujnmi, is i eatly got upland ^t^peiis.much crejd- it i ii Mr. Jos. H. Hacking, the p^oprie- r I Ths paper^ we hope; will be Uber- ."] supio-ited, ratfd"w*-- wish oiir. ca- 'teii iporaey airth^ s^c^a. Jtls' spicy pa-, jpei WUJmerits,-|=-^a;ii?'Ajf Jfirtf .^Pi^tD.] "i-is "Acton! Free Press">['hi"the titl f oi t! le first u^-spaper. published in, the ivilWe' of A^&rf'-' itijs'Klie Ofthei hiesfc-'lMl^d pa^!rs1"in the Ctuntyv of Ha ix)u,',i^ntainsj3^ columns oflr^idiiig ant /adv'iraBihg Wtter, isl indfpewjent >omdiraio\S verttmiVctHmto 81 fisiejCof^ DaUyimfjreeBy Ad- fj,. "Gaelpb. ;We welc^fee iMr.i '^id^'Shfl("^Sifcef%-Stl-f the' !ufe Enterprise 'deservek. GaW rtiirf'. .' . * :--.. -", *' . - Ipie Tilfi On Friday last/i-tlie' mem:l>erV and: friejiuls ; 'of- tlie Jftiesby aifian Sabbith School,:at AfDnhliii"' in ,h><jiiesi"ng^ Ilheld a pie^iciui|thi'.:ben[iWfuiUi.ovc of | l^eiv^l -s^/jipci-ylBqiar liiinijjesV ibrpkeii. .."'S^lg'"' scaffiild had liPen ? If if; eigVteen .ti^t;;in;""* '-' height,^bn which; foj^r';;rii ^- wfre ^working 7-yhenjit igave. way,!. aVitl precipitated, thptii' *Wy t!ie/_ fi!;otnlf<t K Tliree of themiificeived si-rious in; ^f juries.; John :^e4i*ph wa| lia'dLy..; hurt.;"Pntf.he inij-k.-l'i'ank Mc3^|il-:' the School.j There wereibc at SQO.ipersoris.; presenti quite 'ii iniunbei sof theinvbeing from.A^tfoil.t The ^'.eatl] eir- was "delight-' fill, ai(d; a most enjoyabl (day Was spent ^-alt' partiei, and denon iiiatio a kindly partic^atinEJ^^itA|:^winga' a: id 'other amusenSentsl! Approprii teadfl ress were Jgive'ii 'by.lirwvV'iJie, flcl bol teacher;^of Stewartoxpi, arid Bevs.J of A^ton-it: Mr. Arehj -Ci the,ict^r{: Mr.: Couijcillc* ;srs. Came on and Calvert, chairt be pbelk jScSeHont-muBic rnisbjed, d >y i tin choir ^f *bytt|naB Church, under. the |TeAdlrsEi|' of Mr. < oi;dotf,^lent ad^f- dliti^n*fpharro to the/in ertainincnt. v ^ydnjean get i tO apjwe jciaie^tht casli system and disconut.-*' ithe Boiit pfficoiStorb, Acwh.:.' -1 ' ' i*t ...... K tJEie Ptist Of fice Store;w cheap as an; pl^iie ia town, hnd 8 eta. discount on tbje doilarjfor qash Jeicepl" rwfirr :e"nt. ^ sugar and salt.) ipapli. buy era m mind ah3 1 take; itIiiV3' per .. PerpetuaL, motilon-^JGhri.stJB', ".'-Hen-i. derson-i, (Jq; VeighiBg-io rt their famous -S0cvMa. ',! im'$>] pthin-- -nwnTTw)TrHs. fPotter lv -njHn, iel L by j iluLpiiig,- sthd'| f.s.tiapwb; !. t^eqrangaraf.Toaf Bi-qs., A ctmi,' ' r ^ i- ' ,i nisei Innhui-t. i Cfiors-.:^ iPiJsLt^rk^'tvitv!: nm -pteased to.lWaniit'-^fhi PjiMuiijh" !*>;- ^is thai ' thl^'^^'-"'ri^'fiijBi7i.- wheat ciittirig iii th^tj'toWHshipiias . been in,fn^ blaia^ffi^ qualityI'BnfJ^I^ yield of [which promiKJmi'ty.iv^'toH^^"^ ^upiedby Upm :ii?ually rf"^ ftiinga-'we hpipeifirbe 'irtl pa ehtfiH- ^ icle Hll\tlirot^h tlife cdhiirig fuil.-=f- \- GMj0Berpml j .,'--'l" ^J-'^'f^i teenfqniiliea "of %e poojnef ishws -qf' ! 4:4'^ *hesei peiiple ri5^ed' Jatkterli!B.;!vjiL.i:'T5'>!| SatOftfayl>Tlfe/^'W^|fe. noiij^i-iU'tnMri-^! tjie !dnii; .iAejvHiU .^li^rc^id"^"ff;^ pruvid^:*;iW-wq--k hti^-fcrw^iit. K s; ' 1 Mm r^.^l-fi-^s'.i progresa and enterprise, .1 -Sy.'l zv* M " --J ^JHMt'iM^ftlif Wif

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