Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1875, page 1

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Ml ^2^ vm. ,:,* V r^- -AM , "j ' > .-; v- ' W - ' ^- .-.-- . . " - i: f ;.] tl j giy,e*V saicU us 'r:| H.tb\v^v. M.-1V. MfC. 1V&, 't-irninfit-o yif Tr-inity .L'ulU-g& -Member'.of .College of \Phy-uei.-vns >iulr ; paOTOURAPMSJ PHOTOCfeAllPHS t -4 Han. j. \G SALE ii>'R, 'SIOltROiV, Physician, Sur- I | coon, i-fco.,' of; iMloyn.e^rtujige, * " ^evr- York, j also- Graduate of 'Victoria ' iVlkcs, tlJ _ lINios-Aays anil PrWaj-X; troiu?J'_k. m> till j- 4 vent; " RtiaJpice tVcst Bower street, ! Act-oik :"; I ' -' ."" :'i V!"" <Sk AC TON, I wpui-i rcsrcrt fully .-T-feHK'5 . MATTHKANS.-.fonwyaneer, ! thin witMu the pa t u-w v. *J v Km -:' ' >t: -Marriage* lJocnsuW Tost- tmd g-vat liniNrpv- meniN [1 JH%rrlyiw; Asent^^^^ey ^m^urnKU,^l .10 ii:->is. -:\-ji.*~ Mv'.itroaa Td. Co.. ( lerk .-*. "FurirrS l>iwLii>x:r;, Com. iiiH^B., && Aetou, Out.! " ( u ST H|. srroundtBg ootinlry '$*$ 4 Ig dale of i .;': tt^V Ji'4 kablishment. | . v* f ft :! Bargains ta **'4 I MilBnerjEstaliishment, c T\ Hr^lEKSOX', C^vovnnecr, St., -JLPV al-SiS' jAgcat C-inai-fci la ftp Assur- cuee. Co.; .Deeds, -Mortgages, So., pry. Tfiurii Out, I'irstK-IJi rmrlc^-aSy piu-t't f S P^d neitlA jwmp iv.^rtlvj^oa ^^Co^.ylSn l^hlU'.ifS'i.'iln, " ..... ,,i .......... ; MiTirtj^c. wourity. .Hcnse, Ac:<ki. ;xvy to 4">ai> (> ! eil. all wotilil <to \vc U.ti. call OlHco^Ailasgiiw ; an- ile-lroit.^or oliu Irtlni; ill ;irr uiU'qiuOli'il on) OLIVEU.1 LOZIKKrHH.ASTKUKSl Aeri>N",rOXT.: . ery tU'ffrijitii' t5'e.tiTV't,riMfe.c>!e*tj?ruis, .inil'ssatisfiw- tlon cuorAutwoiL ' i . -f :' ":r>r'.--'.}ViTi=Kyil.".*'s C.irri.'iLjo lVu't.iry, Bif^l7 tTViTTEK. > iTeaclwr ofttuUc, ^r:ninK and T'rrnrli A- CV>.nah strwt, A'ct . Ac;,i;!. Clos, sy.- s-V'iti^n. K>: ;i f.-r i'to "i:prv.:liiiV at rLV-thy'T.jT. It^iiv luiji;. t.(os. ca: r ^---------- !,- H'^.II^ItiX HOTXL. A:.Tis, Ost.. i,r..r..:rt.-t..r. tk;< r up :ii UrA-cli;;; .-tyl'-; "v>'";th':ll~^* f'lb-.iitur^. v',j:u'rUL-ro::J 'iVu'^el^ lcrs jjLnnL4^ouiL_a.-rt;:r.:ii()iU:L-'i E.111I c-Tiii:ai)l;iuii! S.U".(;)i_- K.i >m~.-' "-SjvciKl a^ciitii.i jr.iil": to thtj .wiais ; ot. the .: J1j i-i^Vii-.-nru-idj the bost fci-ia.rriaii'.Usfc.iri.- ;i*jj.l S:JM7iiij li.'W H-.-t-.'J !8 SttO.hllT ; =*.- ir?=tLri.-" ar;e;pr;-;." Inform I. "Ej jLj ilio puolle rojjs lio Ims ukUo la 4""i ml ho Js nmvi tm> dayi k>t w jalhcr. I hnvp securoJ UJp st-rviefs ot'>'.r.\\V ss OT Work ids In ajltl .1 <>y iL i:';Er:j'ii . Hithl; ." - S^:rrr><tr II mi:o UtuL?. ": >.-<. "iB.fiv^it-l Vr.y.-e":-.r.;.. G >OL-lace -'iji- ; hi'.I t;.:7. fp.T Travellers n'l'i : Giiesri. |" [, i -iB;st '>r:-nbV.i Lic;-.:.^jj ^ncl Ci_-.irs ^t tb.- ' "ami attouti've : Ilostler'f : ^it7"M- tAlDLAW, Aitbr vry,i.2v.aj W-M""-.;-7" : ; J FAJ>- S^LB OF ^5 |C9i- il :-. M '-, ^ k : i rsity i<if tnctoey, vr*' *$ '*%* y-at-Li'.v, Siliciorin '-.^^aoery, ;;.4.c O^ xi H i:iK::i-iJ 111 Kin'L-.3ir->Jt. -*-LU 1>: -rliij the -Vi.-.r.r. 'inirc f-1>. AV.i <:-:c:.l-rf;_.ajiT Mr. T.V. U:.-.v <~i: nTUruV &': tire ' ' uj T'ri.i.v.- of each! Jp--3('c-~^. .I': " . '.- "i - : >V ; I\Sr2A.\rE' AGE\T.^i . OSci.ovc-t: the Bunk of Con!2: " We dre Ksents: for ?tTt-r-l tiiat-tiiSd ft<cii i^iu aiiivtial toiiip^irfef?. JloDT. Ci-ysisi'iHAjp. H:iy. ]L T>rJ\^n. Xraiim leave . 0( Sfomiiig UScgrcf 3 Dayl Express' Mwl I. ' nlixol : ' - . Jiight Expivss t;itAM Tltl \K Tint. TAKM. Kf"ht Express Mixed I'y Express : Mixed - ! Ictun as follows : ikq wpsr. ' ' *> 5 5 9:10 - 1;51 Hi J ...0:20 j Ui . 7:ir>i in - 12:45 a. m ,3v40 a m S :35 am 1 lisJiTi n in .'fsSO p in , B:401> m iipisa F-\ST. -|.?f '" ' Lvcton^post oFKi'i:.. , Ntads going \Vji'St-aro"-closcj-at\:4S a.iu Goiiig ICast a^fip. in. .' *"' . Ri>gia't'cro<lf\)LictUara must bo/ in fiyu miniicui.'WfoiH'tlic aliovo hounf. i i Kiiitehbrill luriil, l\iusday alu^iJrWiyij. acton: )i.iiturrs, 5 j WhiTu Wheat.!.........'.' O^i.1 to 1 (10 Trvadwull';... |.......... IrOft to t (.". Spring Wheat. .... .'.*.;.' t)?S.1to 0 iO tla'ta .... .-'.............. 0-otf to 0 ( 0 l'oas.. ..... ..". :,... 0 75 toO W i'otatocs, newsier bush.; , 0 7(1 to 0 7^5 AVm>oJ.............'..:i: .. 11 34 to 0 .Mli iiiHtcr..; . ..'. . ,-.0 lt> toO (K) l^ya___;.'.. ........VO 1'JtoO qu Drjoil AviiKa, i>o> lb. . . . 0 OS toOOO ;lVrk ..-......./....'.... /,' 0 11V. to 0 (10 thcrrio.-, \>cr jsiil..'.. > I .. 0 40 to .0 (H) liaspbcrrios,- per lb.. f. .. 0 05 to 0 00 ; j GUElA'ItiMAKKKTS, ! : Fall'Vyhciit, | fce' to 1 J tr.e:ul\vell,S 95yto CSc; spring'wheat, ((Jlas^ow), '.'.; fo iiSy; j>riiig Vhnit (reil Clihllj! STh; t'"' ..')c;;oii^gi;^;to 4Se; pe.-inj CJe to 70c; i)irly ( 71V,; eggs,-per ilbitjn,--1 Iju to lSe.1 butter, dairy jKicKod, l(fe.1o-i7o; p.ititl'ois, purbhij, UJe to i:100; \vo<J5,>35<; 10 Uli. . ; , , . i .. i ,jos. h. kaCkinq, Eaitoa I .- resign 7i ! ? '^'&&u4QiMi CTOJ ?LOtit 32ILL8. ^'TElJXICKXrX', *i-oprietorlV' Floor cnil Feed aSwaya on hancf, -whole* ile 'iiud rftaH. Grilting and ' Ghojp-ln^ Da'ly. "Cash-'fpr afi^kinds <k .Grain;___ OJJ.PRIVTI^fJ of a!I kinds n^-.i - j.r.-f promptly exocui the -:' "-: ;^>vr- iiii I4-l fsirarc. Mill Si'rcef. s^rntehn!;: Tnkfs'tUvnr.lrc.v Umljir " 1 j*" n^tf Aot n'inS H'.air r licitsaiicoi.tlnuacc: . G-. D. I', also he run^ement.s where rjf may bd sont to sii'ety, and wi!hoi to.lji^ cosiointrf.- Gu'elpii, J,aly 15. of Hip Fr. in cms rik.; i>t ] apori pps soon tq mate niv bv vrMclKs nml Jojir. iu<l !rom Gmirli uiib I troubla kail expense -A. LL THE r>T-Ji' ^rt th&t goods ijito: Ca^h-y in *l4 case wilT a- gect^i%; I epartaients i~' t 1. :>; i i'- ',- - K ! aids.; ;:-.' ' :-.-. - IqAv; from 5 cta-.tip*^^ I, Wortfc $6.50. DENIMB, DRILLS, j IWOUI.P iilKE TO Hk-VE ALIi: my >-c-;vi5i ts.-inj] n.-lea *paiii in *>i: r.ipi ts.-iry] n.-lea "pa A e fir^t day <s Sppt^mtier -n^-st *adi)i>tiiis liie cosn SjFTein before J AS .MATTIiifeW?. time*, K> eonieL ; ihSt~onr" ill aiw*^ ei jtirff of t&e.?iBd yte st -of JfnJT an* 3 th BLoosej Georgetojf TVTA\T:-TO EXCJ1ASCE.: - ATdP BUGGY F0JR A S03. ; ,;"" . -Apply'to 4 MAT/ltirEY^S. s: illEEP FOrND. ~^" CiTjiV-mto the pren&es oTTie 'ealj- Eeri:*rs, jjn 2<j; 4th Cf>jiees?k,;i, EW;ues- i:^, oa thfc'rlt,Jiily, 4 pi-te anda&m i.-m.i. .The ov.-isr ]s r&iut-ited to , 5"""Ve property, iy;c:xi.e:i_t<, and take !- ". '.. ,\: ALEXAXX3Ei^: SLASSEH. \- ^:|aesmgrrJuly'>, ljS7o. .. . WkGAZlNESi Yiiung- <~y-> TEES' LISTS. .hotSee is hereby el ven that tue Hrt or Pllperson^ajipr-aijodby t)w li-at, tevised As^es^mentltoll pf -vbe iluninl-i'lility it Ibe. Village of Aon, tue \CoaaW-oX Halton, to be entitled 10 vote lo ttie ud Mdjd^py for the c-lectjori of ^reinbers t-. erve in ta<. T> eiaUi,v.AFt-m)ily and" Honse oP Coram ,ii-, um oret potiea uii in raj office-,-In Wie saia .Mumclj.alifr. on mo twenty-iiiBtriay of Jujy, is7^ 1 Any.t ersoa C}mr>lalriiuB r.Canv crfnr In tUe said IiK, must deliver Wmc'ffln of Jaly,H7a, H B-ritf-n noHneor'nTs^np.^" tioc t,, appi^.-to- tn ^Tud-e of the k .m County in rtSEKmbereo'."?- 1e 6a,cl l^thiK^d fey-orlLiJP'^:iACU,n- !S^ i)-:. #p Jtfoire P.qI-ato'-Bugs r ^fyoa^et \' Ely's patent Bug H^jjd -; Price $lL0d. FOfsale by Ule trouble. Cfeorgi.-towj,; Also all kind^orirtplemenu fi?&>8 lngpurposes.j. . : . ; ^i*"?" I pfpmptly. atten^^ *oV .-' 1 ' ll^y^ iT^ the Premises'of tie 'sub- waaber^ear Acton, on the SSthlVJnne Pou^^and Three Eam Lafnbs, . all leadtf^V SI ti<w that Will ' - "a U ' -r', V & ^- ARilSERONG --^' - if for Family JEe Anderson On East side- <fU ut. IP. positiOiV in jthe Miiiihbryj and jpt the SuiM-ivivify>ofl \Vt'iit- , ',.,; .- u .. -j' , i cr, ^Gicijilli,' l'RnJAVl'MOV.XTNG, ^UI.Vi1.1S75. MjR.. McKBLIiAR. TIio report husrbueii cnrre'iit toy somo .weeks" that thb lldii. 2i\'\f. JlcKullar- was 'about to his accept the Shtirivukj vvortli. This, report .si-em^j. to^ \>& coniirnwd. iiyNiLhe fucb jhat a lifcw .<raiKluiritt! fCir<lifj representialioiijqf Eimt Kent waH li'ii-pininated, bv ; a llefurm co,uveliifoii on Friday IhkL Mr. JIcKelliUj'ij .lolig. and !devot<.'d service to. tl>ft!-;liefeu-;>i.'party der serves to-bo'-.b^iiitsoinely : tswar.Jed;, and-' r.5"ibiH6t|iei|;of is all- easy and' I-iCf-;i|iCvil- oiii', we jiresuijif he will tiiiJ It liiiucli. more congeiK ial than Lit-.iitti ft umtiilln'r (d', the ' ' Provincial. GoverinneJit. I . !f; f.r. Pres to id :iround fcf,pud bo- digs' JVmriin ra^Iaiij|Eii hsh Magazines-at" s-Bookstore, Wyndharo Street;, :iiPIL WASTED. Gooi;iIe2iilop^| 2ai^ rV pxvii DpLfcAits "Weather and the Orops During the past week tbg ^vliiJIi eir Iihh ngain been all tluit could be desired, nun and 6unalnne suceeed- ui; each ot|ia just about h pcoplo wished it Tho lcsult iiTthirtthe gi owing ci-o^iu are ;pi ouusmg ik m lg nificLiit j will W3 luun that is quite ri nuniboi of fields 11041 hero tho liuncst Jius alieadv coui nienced, nnd tho Jirob ibihty n> tli,i|t giain of till kinds will! turn out conanU 1 iblj 11101 o tliun an average eiop Hoots ahd fiuita ^\ill be abundant, Altlioiigli; 'Uicrp'l has been a groat many grasshoppers in tho neighboring townships, ,wo; aro Mil that they have!,done bint'torn- - ' ' ' -f " ! ' .paratively little diHnage1,-: 'Viidj(that their ileprcdutions| will; pot bb felt to unl- appreciabli'i -extent, ex!cppf: on n ftw fitrnis iri it'he upper pai-t of Nusffrtgawcya.' .'No Rcripns ajipre'- :hens5ons seem tc^bo entertained re-r Raiding tho potato bedtle, and the- Iprobaliility'is.that the crc.rj.will; not be-much injured'"by tliuiii. 'i'lie prospects- for ail abundant harvest and 'for good prices arc improving ^dvery day. Within the past-jfew weeks the price of wheat has -ad vanced, materially, and Svo fancy thatjh'oso who still hold their!last yciti\8[fci"op willfipd it to' tlieii; in- terectjta have- it niurkcited without delavi -' ,l' County of POSTAL^ FACILITIES.' ; M Banquet 6f Mayors/;'. rU4 lloi'd Mayor of Lirijlon, Englaiid, has sent out'eirctimri to the vaiipus'iiuiyo'rs of cities ijii'the British pjjssessions, inviting 'theift Ui bo pn'sent at a banquet' to be- given by him at the Ma/ision'riOuse, London, on the 'insif. The .Mnyor tit' Toroiito, Mr. Medcalf, eagerly accepted the^ vnvitation/'oii 'his ,o'wn reisp'onsibility, jicr citble, aiir.r-.'i'frw niu'bta aftfliv' at nieutiBg of. the Gity .Council, Tejiorted \ Jiis aoccptuucf?. Tho questioni then come up <j,f defraying Lis exjteiiseaj: The Mayor insisted that ho, as (the representative of the ]iepple, shoiilu Sive bis 'expenses paid by' the .bed" |iTe";. but there; Op- )Vijsitio-.i iy this in the Council; Mr. JledealtVis' fiaid to ho neither learn-. ei|. polislied, .dignified,nor burdpned wfth'topmuch common seijse-,: iind tlip ilea of a .pcrs'on-Qf his boaring miU mniiiiers representing the lead ing cityiih . Ontario, among Ehg- best printed papers ___ ____,_, Haltpii, contains 32 ccilnmns!,of reading and^idveHisii'ig mat i'l^'ishi'dcpendont in' pslitiea, |and ig ce -tainly ia credit to the 'publisljer^JIr.jT. 11. Hackin^ l vte publisher of the Ddit 1 fJid }t'etibtji 'J\ d- ivrtixcr, Uiielph. W6' wuleoine. Jllr. Hacking t^i the jourm^liHtio! prnfeso on again," and jtrxst"ho will meet with 'he siicceas hia eiibjrprise.j deserves. (Jftlt Jteformtr. . # . : j ^ \ ' '.-" ' Afcfox F11EK-, I'r.F.^.S-^Wi) havo eeir.ea a copy of thi ijrst iBsue of.1 he- Acton Fri:u Phkss; pphliRhed"by Jjlrl J. H.^Hackiiig, formerly 0/ j tliis "pbipe. \vhich it is to be coriijiiijied. j !\Ve trust .that while, in this respect it] nihy serve as: an exainple forothijra, ;t nuiyjilso jirjiveja sotirL-e-.of prolit ito .it i deserving proprietor. I/Uitowel["lOk/incr.. ':"! ' V.A .Neat l^ArEitr .Wc .iiav.e receded the first nuinber'<*f tl)e'A--TQN Fijeb Pbkss,. a new paper jihblie had iii the villi-.g* of Acton by Mr;. Joseph 3. Hr.4kin;j, {oniieily of Uip jLastowel J3<..u- ;!i>-j The i,r.EE..f*RE5? ib Sie.Tfiylgo't'i p, w6:i-pr;nted'nud:6spi.;ily -ed jt7l, r.hd "if thej-e qualities are gu: i-aiitee'iipf SiudcejE, wo havo no' hesitation ii; .preiacting tlat! it will prosper. Suet a jiape r. is entltl eil;. to the most generous support from ;t!lib people of the localit;: Vvher j it is p| b-7 iislieil.. ., i, . , -. . . .,!. 1 labds lfe'ulmg men.and a cotenoof Xo one: thing, us mro ivpuisitp 1; J . -- .fa" brotherrmayors, \vas peciylmrlv lior- for the 'Ifull 'deyelopenient of 6 countr'v than L arhple postal- faeili i t ties. As business increases, fre quent and] more 'rapid means: of communication becomes n necessity. The iieojde'of Act on have j long rifying to a liu-gepprtipn of the in- habitonts. - The motion to.have the city, p.'iyrthe expenses ..of his trip Vas angrily discussr-d in the Coun cil, when nearly one-half endeavor ed to'carry their point by leaving the Board ahd the Couqpil withpiit labored Umler. the disadvantage of a quorum,.but still a' bare quorum having^uly one mail east and-west each day, -althpugli the expenso.-fetf a twfee-a^day service would be 'al most nothing to the Post Office Department. Werbave four Orand fi-unk passenger;ti-ains. each wayj f two of which carry" way mails' lor other towns and tillages on tlie- line-. and we c-an see no reasonable objection (Ujt tould be urged'.'by. thej Dejl.artment to>granting us the privileg3s accorded' :tp Georgetowit J_Hnd"other places. IS seems to' qs that all that would be necessary if),' to direct the notice of the Post Of fice Inspector, j to the matter. . A petition, -signed^Jbyl , our. leading citizens, trvjssimtted to Mr, Sweet- nam, at Toi-onto^, we feel sure would [be courteously; received and I promptly Wp pro-1 'posethat such a! petition bpiit once drawn up hhd have . tho ^necessary, signiitures attached. ! - Another matter of perhaps even greater importance, is the wantjof r Cord, Foriwhlchl. will "-j . AT THEyACjrON-vTkXNERY ,. ' i irdeiiv :~-~, cGfll-B^RDitLlKEJ, Z.A.HAXETAgr ^otor, JolyJ, In sufnilner. - nropriotor. MIJulZA MlLjKJ '; The! Eubseribeij has commenced the dairy busiues-i,: and'will deliver milk evtery. morning; ;nd "Byeniiig at the hdusesjn the villi ge. - Milk warranted pure. : ,Tweutyj_oc e quart itickets . for $lr if paid in advance, or twenty-one pint tiekete for! 5G cental ' ! J\.ctdn, Jnne'Sti ,1875, S, ARMSTHOistfJ;: ty tewn. By he:"existirig facih ties, it requires at least tljree days to g!et a reply to aTdommiVuicatidrj- from here to Miitbji -a d.istauce".of twelve miles. Alljmail inatterfor' 'i&4?'direction now^goes ;by after noon -train to., Gee rgetbwh, where it lies until tbe fo lowing.dayj ar-. riving usually-' too 1 ite for jreply iby retfU,fn: post. Qur 'vonder1 is that1 the' people of long quiefcly Submitted to feuch in- pbnvenience ; without ah effort ^ta have- it remedied. We liaye no doubt that with 0 .^mall'-sub'sidy frpm the Department a daily stage line between Acton! and; Milton' would pay handsou ely. I' Who move in this matter1? Hon. Miv M^ckejiizfe ia expopted in O ttiwa by the eiLii if August. - J . was left, anil "Old Square Tops f wiis' triumphant. He- < novy von' his way to tlie mosti " ijwell " baii- quet.ever perhaps gjvejri by a Lon don M"ayor, and will probably;, be called upon to res]>ond to any toasts given in honor of his city j>r pro vince.. '. ' : "] . !'. Tlie Murk Land E^ review of the wheat u . i,'* _ in; ats. ,-ket siij s. '," Lady TrimkliH, widpw of T'-hp late Sir John Franklin, the'cjple-. bitted arctic explpi-et^ is dead.,'.[, , Woji'ak's Rights. -^ There i is great rejoicing among our Repiibli- cari nejigbbors ovjer the fact tjiat the Le^slative/'feon^qaittee'on; Female Suffrage have^'reported:favp4-ab1y a bill giving women the ljigltt to vote i$ the State of Connecticut at jthe next' Presidential electionj There jire.indications:of a soribus, outbreak, in Chma agiiinstforeign-' ersi ThelAmei'ican: Mfssion.tttKu- Kiaiig was.attacked jirid sacked,;by. a mob on the 1st cjf May. .-^he trouble aijose fj-o'm the - disa'pp:^ar- ,. i ... ,4..., - i , -ance ofn boy, whom the Christians a direct mail to Milton^onr cpunr ^ ^^ ^ ^5,^ f ay5,By? The boy has not been -fbiindj; -; i|/-Pblitipal.'Items.'" :Tlie"bfii(5iiil ^etttfns Of thel^orth Perth! election; give; Mouteithl. a ujajoiiiy of 50./ ; . _.- "ThS trial of .the.petitiqn iigatnst the>e?turn of Mn Miller,:M; P^R' for Muskoka, ojiened a!t^ Brace- bndga on Tuesday. -. i '..'_ ' The Leader 'gibe's 'fetiiTency to a report jthyt;, Mr.v'Crpoks will cpnr, test BoiitJi Oxfords in. the; place , of Mr. Adam; Oliver recently unseat? ed;- Shoruld the nomination, be1 of fered: him, he" will, prpbiibly^make a. pt*dspecting tour first, as in West \y|llington... . V:^.;..-,4 i ; ' - A lady in ELansas T3ity is said to have taken a contract to -thiuish three editors in tbat-^own'j; ariij;'the; rnstlaofd'silkdress-inear any of the neSvsfiaper, offices causes a gen eral stampede down tBe baicfe'stAir* v'-,'l:;-:.-.' - -i-'-i; t-' '"f.l What Geo Gibbd TUmka of It x IUi una An, July 21, 1875 Mil J H. llAfKTKil I Dt\n Sib Iliaoiod pkiscil hud ?1 fm one yoUr's anliik-ij>{ioii for the Alirov 1 utr i'lti^te I no ;ico an article in your list issue wkiroiu i orofe friend I coneurca your uuutral, nide^i ndtnt btjlo as ru of the KuEis Piius nk jut ha\o| moro to olutely nctflssftry for IVlmt wo want Is and leas pandering btuig 1 prhnomiLod I like to beo both roHg *ouom beo I it Bt is. L garda tho | politics Ah to politics, 1 th the aero th in in ib no joung a country lilo'v indOfiendenei Jo pir'tv I ittlont ( oiiHCii itnc but finta and 'Jorici copdcinu whonc\ci mid whorejVLr flcqi maj jour piper contuiiio to bOj -what jft now itf-i tredit-to tlie proprietor and ..n l.,..,,,r t,. the e..trj.r.s,,.6: ts-V< yf Acton from.w'hiifli it em-inatos.i ', jfever let the "word; Independence ilisappear" Xroni your colu%us. >\ Bo jjlist iaiiu-fear. not." \ou can give John it a^it party. a clip when deilcrvod!; anil rf'joijr pure' Grit frientU havo too.litany axt'slto grind nud'.backs 'to scratdhJ or ifitaniy aro tixp'ubled with undue zoal, Iplea3 i report, !flieni tlie aino as youj wjadd ttu se old lornipt Tories. In eonohisfon 1 would i five yon.'lliis friendly ajdvioa : Je liasoraill faction's ihattlc, lj. ^"rong-j-^nate'er it's namb - r'all, if worsted in the tattla, . - . ,:>.'NyitE'trBtiU"8 haruuij^h ybiir baok. '- I ^'U.nto ^rniirsplf b'^'ljruo; "ijou shall nevi)lHliei\! be f.-llse to hny othir man." Slialcbsii'ie.'U'e. , i^'oura with resu'ect, > . - GEOPJClE.GdtlBS, f. 1 '" ' i Auctioneer, <fco. Wlmt Onf ColeuipurnrK-H Saj- of l'li> Tn,n "Alton- Fiu:f. | Pinks" is ;he title W theltirst now [lajrar- jjublishedi in tho villagcj ot Actoj. { Jt ih one of ilie iii thcJ C. News Items 1VI lton wants moio cfliLcKntj pio- tectii a ngafnst fue So does Ao^ii TLb business part^of Millbroofe | \f as destroyed by bio yesterday' ripming ? J i Th 3 small lake in 'Puslinch in get ting ts name up as a spot foi catch 4ng b ack bass Th 3 annual meeting of the On fcauo Piohibitoiy League has been pbstpjned fiom the 1st td the 2nd Tuesi jy ijn Of. pttmber "* ^"o |i Btoies in Parkli>ll wei'e de- atloy.'d ly tue oh jjtondj), loss ubeim i&H ,0uu ; msuniuce, ,u,puU'; eii'use inc ciidiurisiii. * j* - I ' j. TI) ipieej 1. bui'iaihgs .Were linr'nt inthi villjige'lo^iDresctfen onMe^i- llay?j- ,Tlie, yVic#otlice & among the d<stroyed.-, ,:;' .. '-- .-:-"'."'-~. An oii)lt maii of .^'seventy-five ypuiB;- naine'd Pitcher^ committed suicide on.lSatui'day Evening, by, thrbwing himself off the iron bridge; at BriTmptbn. .'. [" :r ,'.', ... ",J ., " tj. Wo tihuli be glad at all timeo to i-e ceive items of lotal i|f wsJic jioits of meetings aeiideijjs, auy mcTtfc'i^t p* mtekest ti tlur m ilid loi:iht:y WlieiA-H oceui3 01 to 1 ih( county-|at latgev feuch cop_) k lay bo M nt flt the rate ot onj cept pei ounee if in nkef *P-ittnkl't. Cojiy add not at iii d To en blue publication 111 01 y \>u tiqu)m isstie it fih mid iviel the olficp Hot ktei ^bdii Wed ruAday morning LOCAL MATTEUS. it all EUCcca3.--tti't/^-4ei'"eiov/. VTe have reosjved thcifirst number of the Actox Fitia; Pi'.psa-' whi ch is w ill got up in all respects. -It Btairts on $, ig. independent-ticket; whitih, n>doubts- penence'points ont to'its od tor as tjfe safest and best course, j \Ve Wish: osr coteinporary. every, jsubcefsl Turoiio ' Ma or Maretta, a 'Japanese,! who is toti.'.ly ignorant 'of the English lungu ige, is tlie best muikscran .,at Winit iPdcui. Ho makes astonishing long i lii'gejBliots. ; : i ! * . , A salmon trout,. Weighing 74 pouuis, 'caught j'in Xako Huron, was jipngho 1 into Kincardine 011 Mon^il ty. , It is .said t'o;be: the lar-- gesb e ^er caught in that hike. 1 An i leveh: of the Hamilton ciieljet club 1 its. left'; for' a tour down the river ii,'. Lawronce and to Ottawa. They day Port! Hoje,- Colborne, ;BnlleA ilie, Jiiugiitou,. Montreal and -Ottawa:' "' : A:.peeting is to be held in Mont real ,;o: discuss the, exemption of QijTqir.c fcproperty.from ,taxationv An end^a v'or will be madet to form a leagi^i to resist the jiaynient oji the taxes^i unless iiii: property.-pays' its justiaitfre; .-. : '-. ',. Tn< '^Militia-Elep^rtnienfcare now busy Uij perfctiug. ttie-arrange ments jfor 'the' payment' of the- rnonov gianted; fast "session: to the yijteriin4 oF.18'il-35. An officer, is, to visit the difiei-ent sections of tlip untryaiid examine^ into 'ibe clkiim-of tTiosp :who have made " '"" '"' ' " tb '" ...... Da'dij AUvevtisa: ;. The Free Fress is.^hi some sheet^-rindependej t in printed in Acton, by Hi. who lias had sufficieint newspaperdom to kniw a titlqbf.aTiantl- politics J. H. Htjckint, cx;pj;rie|nce' in .how) to riin a J. has' be,on'3jrdsea[ttd. By.-the .tho; ChitrcliVivitu 3 jbahdsi'inc^jVjdnu^. bidrcau, as'an evitlcn'ceof tl\(iraAprecuv tion pf lifer jvftluable services1: Erie, '.and; the other.into--La k^ Ontario. This would 4pem to jri.dica.te tna|that is the highest poiiit,in.;^liis_sect ;pn'p:cpun>j try' e pension. ; It shoemake're have rhet in .-soleui: i conclave,, and-.'liave-. decided! not to sell except on cash prineiples. TJiey also; decided not to sena.out pods on approbation,-'owing' tq the loss eittjaUed liy.thikt system', i./ ., Tlit j^iTobefc Hiii-bpi Coin 111 ission- erd:havbdt*i'ded to proceed.withSa- tidal bjisin and a doek,> which tp- gethei ywiil icost 300,000.", JThe works aire expeebed fogi>ie>Bb; Uef; to tlie une&p.royefl lnbpr; Itliere: cry ' in- j. ' ' - ' to....; fen'broke has a-' population of , V. o have;fe3eivod|tlie first niifnl!ojtj.of this uejw JjVeekly, ll.nblishedf bj Mr, J. H^ Hacik^jg. It is atgotxl. sizeffl she-jt, contains alargeainpuiit of reKU igrnjiat, tjr, and- is : very, -neatlj got: yj..';.,Tue; I'r.Ei: Press, promises;; t<> be. a'sery.ij teresting^ a'lll'semceable ucrs] aperrjt>.j.rt. . . thai Bection of the country. 'Vfe -yish^ ^480, and the male ufnd female gbqd paper. Tlie denmpis ! of tHai!!'di}s: trjet, if they know how to hppreeiate i good-^thing when they see. it and i 11 G.-HsKians do f hat-^-should See to it th "' not lack sup'po: thereisaljrcnenil.upwa.dtende^^^,,^^,^^^ | - | in-prices. ,..;;/.. f , "^ . , Th J first number ei'the Acton fhd first number of'the Abton ^Fu^ Prkss, published/by Sir. ty. JiJ Hacking,', came out iyi ^Bly 1st. a heat aiuh sjiiceyTjheet, and indepeiijlent in politics, and we hope it will mbeli with the sup- cess which it deservei;.-J-j3/'^on Ciuim- pion. ... ', . j '"-. ! ...! -' ' We'have reeetyed the anitial nlimbei of the Acton Freis PiiEss,. a_ ,neatly tics and devo,ted('to the-interests,-of ife' ton.- jrr. J. H. Hackingis the.-fTlfitor aiid proprietor, and hjs | experferice in publisliirig the LiBtowej Banner and Gnelplv ^(/(>eri;ifr-as3Ur;i us that' in this venture h'e'will^be !sui eep^fui GodcHch f$gi)al. " of the Acton Free Press..; It-is yvell "got 'up." - It'.profeBsea-to be. [nde?pndentini polities.- We have received a cojy^pf the Acton jFitKE PnEss, published b^ ff. Jrl; Hack-' ing. . The paper is very liic^ly got up, is independent as to politics, and strongly enamoured of thej village of Acton. Brampton Banner.' - t popnlition. Ls e*jaejtly; -equal. -The' paly ;hauce a strangp-ybung mani, has is when he can get up a, row between^ one-- of ilia J, 225 "conples! - ' . , >^~. -1 The Rev. Mr: Fishery Presbyte- liah, I as been presented by his coii- gregat pu[ at 'Wellington 'gqvare, with a purse of |lf)0,V^nal4e him tp.p.ur;iii<Be a- ;biiggyf ari'd'by his Water lpwii coi]grjegatipnLwith SsS0, %vich vhioh'to pu'rehase a horse. The pndas;i?aB7ier says that on /trjet, 'if they know hojv to, h^preeiate "a .l^riday .' evening last Mri , And'i'w A. ;.yii i Every; an did and respect ed rpsi lent ;pf;^ev6rly, .-died^.bf ^ P^raly: iiHtrpke^at 'the ripe blijiige of spv< rit^bne years. .He.'ia ga,ul to hav< i been the first mill;iowrierinl the'to; rn'ahip. . , .')'L ' The;aiiiualnVee'ting ofitHe.Cana^ ctian Press Association ^yiis'hellf at Hamilj:on;on -Tuesday. Mrr Jlohn Camri' mj was eh cttjd President for the eiistfH priiited Uttesboe^"iutejjcndenti'n pok-^g yei.iv "'e^ rneeting -Wfis'jwell" :C0^i^?^4>n^tted'.the foB6>-ing ao: tics and devoted to the-interests, of Atf!' commendetlthei^^'navment. ; Base Eall Items!,. ='. / At n recent meeting pf.thekdirectors of the puelph Maple'IafB. p. Club it was decided to reinstate Charley Mai l- dodk in his old position.behin^kthe ha;. .. The ^33tnns of Torontcj Iplay the Map e" Leafs of Guelph on SatuSrday next,; tl e 24th fast.'. Ciauie'at 2'10. ; Adniispictt !5-cents j ladies free, Tlie Independent B.- B. clul f Hah-; ilton has-been disbaiided and'orgatiiZEJd imder the naine of the "ivillian Fields " B.; B1;' Q. -The.^ Spectatdr says, ^Tlje club.holds itself open to'SdiaUengefram any cJub fa the Douiihionl"' ' j '; the MapIo';Leaf B>Bj C, foril,. intend aaking a grand fe|\r weeks. , : " ... j :i * ofStrat. toriri! in' Ihri^ ;ie,; Hei thtir fairiiwsi yhri^ dersoa'S Co. .weighing "oi<t tht 50q.,tea: " .. . - ^ i 4r 8- per'cent.- riada |iy b lying i fp r cash atthe Post OfiJce Store, >-+""! "'I i V'.ctirn. -pIlcmeiaHer jt^he naxt-M onthly Fair to \>4 held oii-: ^he firs!?; 1 hursday iin- August::'v! |\ '|.:f;--;^-,V ."-" -^ . -r-Wo ndtie.d..soine replies gdiiig on at Dickie%>hfaf(i4; iThe 'old jatfbrra in front is Jieijug torn up ,"ahd re jlacJd with a new-one.i (": :.V : ' . Xl^s.Elizibeih'Easterbiookj'pfgar.. ist of Sti John's Church; J*i asagiiw-eya; neraVera oft- A Pimiinc PmiM-< We yvl oceip. Hru to btip uno the Mc^tn becrrii Bd! -e<t ibiiBl ment t' c otikr ijcy inT w-trs <mivmted ol the Lrtil; Vn. sijit k this./iim ^re dmng I$e~idnitLe<rnfli|.J 'help, tliLyji d* getjtht i*kj8tan?c ol no less than uhlxl onltiucts to lt'p! them ittcmj t* their icStj mcra, atsjk cie/l then BcTcnl had to to hway Huh-, mit 1 e rz > Ln ed, is thej conjd not w.t^ij "L 1 l tV-rpnsiug firm trulj deserves the1 vfcr) I ^t i it i a e thejtari rccctvi'l' for rJiceiltrji piiH aLuife fcnh nh cSI tl cy pmh +J cir I us Jidda \ tnl} s^nci^i** dti'jiijn, To ^rifles, "aid itheir well ktio*ii eourueiy <> air rpU and^otr1 , alike, is <um ctmg its rcw^riL ' |' I -----------~* -------p. -s | Pim.Ep Hrr L\jtMhATio^" We a^ n.^h plpa^^J kh4. Mx+LvIvjh^u, fonrietlyUHead;fatter, of '3$M<rn- Pujjh'c": &hoql, and recently of ' Weiirgetor'A Public pvjis^<Li&A^]Sieceii^ fullv'Sjt the late^ijioTn-idl. Scijool. hixux^. iiatiifiiii Toronto,! havin/cMkiiie'd sm'nifi 200 B;ar!;s overjthp Kijui;it jonndxr S'r a Firj;t' Jhess "Gri'Jdis-A.i Mr,. CTjnpi.cII is. iichv eligible for the'ofik-e.of-Pttti.5-" ScJiopl'-l3Kpc>(rir,ta 3ri)icb Wehiipesr^a^ The crowd'pf nois>-f y airii gafTer3 who gather!around 'thejpoEt'bffiee*ri-ery' evening tnust be '; exceetbngl/. 'si.nbying to'the^posttriaster,-!a well ai to t !ie pulir lie who.' liive .business th/ r.e. Won't somelxHty bo'gi^d enough t>gi^-e them an iritrpdudtion *tp Iik^bckitih' iker;! ' -^ j -^Near (frewsbn'a Corncra, railwaV cr jssesnhe, corned if ifassak- *'iie-ioi ^lT- A. <i ilaunermasjll^l^rl - weya,/ about- three -nnlqs-. fjrpm Acton, i\ I '.; - - j; . . i there;. are tw^'_Kjiiall strelmsj oneiof which we ixe/tbU- empties fat|i Jiake ' i' >l Mr: of the; Dominidh Hotel, Jeturiued on: Wd''evaing from a; .isit'jto thfc; Oid Coimtr y,' having'.:~bccn'-, ibsent juBt. nine week's' .' About j two i reeks;. were spent in ScothjP'kjaiid one e ich fa: Eng-< laud and Iri enjoyed th&trip 'amazingly^ a s.- hkx lookdf wellaiid hiJarty. - Daiio JS4I1, Our JtuiibrB"'-wenl lastTue^dasr to havi s'ome ft "Recl^S^itkings'"^, of i^at sneee^ddi V1 squelching the-.'ljonckat f out of _tJi'ehv'.Very jeasil^.: The 1 core Jshp%s an.unliesiltt ly ininitier of bl ong s's aiiil but few1 cauiltera tb the ere Jit if their fiosts,. C'fl'ej e is ' th'?"" way ' i 5' at fads' Acton Mutaal?,' 22i;. Georgi town; Red, Stpckipj^,^; as follp-w^1: '-j .. jiu-ra-ALs,1 ierp. erctjie to.B.c-b-hj'rar:p^ioiri'ted. 1 .Wc-afe h.a'f old-friei;(k*n ^IrJtoa-ftTilljelkcl toJtos'lp" of his aucoesjT.r-^i/fii/i AVir^J- - ... >' . :Tlie q'ier..-p ch^hjEcle at Clr&stre, fjbai... ders^n t,. iJi.'sj still.^oulilines,5' TJ e w i y.; in ,i(4iu h^ :g(A)ds,, ,<iiira"ppetirrrjsft liicliit*' fiveryhii Jy' ci\ca.- "rpfeent: tea fi cailHii^ it&* liuoftor ftot of: that tapic.'hs 5! worth 8-' - (Hvet'tkeni save'rao jev. l#{^ ri _i i Atf--R >ejwood,;pli ih6 17tki faif.,. tto.. Tfiiii !of,; ,ir.' DavidjClafk of & aoiUi'V. . .'- ' At t ie T>(Iuiiiiiou-;"ariiigi^ f^rksC ^ Ashero-fe oirthe \t%h[fast,, rlajviic-'- ci 1 Mt. i iloh i Muun, iff 11 daught* ' AtiOtorgetowi'^fOE the ,'tit}t Wife, of Jit^tKiEn. I lit Ac ;on,: jjt the Pfceiby terii jit .the'filijt iinsf.,.. Lyi>tiie lleV, Air.- byert.o < !oprgeito-wn n; T&th the tetrc,' and A. E. Matt! lews, Istiti, i Wm. Hyjlca'.'s.! a. :q...! Alex; fiamsSaw': h. f! . !' j. Kelly,5cM; V. *\:y.\-fl. McMKbok,' 2nd b- - W.NvTanson^rdh.-.!... M. ^Qtchell,: p. P.K;Uy,T:f. C.iHU, c. : I - . 'J- % b i o -. f 3i : ^D::SlXj)CXlNGS,;;pEpP.eE|0W^r. J- .- o. ' ' SA& ' -? r- "4-.-:. '3L> ', 4-.'". .'4:, ./4.-'. '"4.". c. O.Boe, svs. W.ayilsqn, A. .Glilbraith; p. J. Lee, r.-f; . -'J. "\Valkr, : I sKb. S: StathiSm, ~~" C. StathaW, W.'Stathafa. 'G..BVtiley,':c, 3nlb. -.:.- imdjb. ,!-'. bfj:;|. 0-., ':: fast., the- n Mahiei pamierbi ,MV> i^ncau.Livfatsaouc, of Affair, j-k-r- ilturj-j- daugKte^; -6i, Mr. ^Chriktiaif toaliks; pf:iNa*sa^i-ftt'a:- ~~Z-^< _; m^a. ' '"^ \ .* ... ... Id ^ton^' pn";'tfej)' 21stTfas4, of -.cofi"- t AgXiew/tb rproprietbrlsuniptioij-^'anaj-w-ife of -^ir;"paviu:i'.: T -,--i'-i a.U>iit 3* years, fr-'" :' '.-vAt' l?iick woo<i,, on '^Jis: ;^16 i,' .fa ty. jafaiet-, flon'^jf '.David aid Maty "Oi^ri; ageil 2 years and t month-' -" '.:>_ i' ' '- ,In Esbuesing,. :oii Sunday^mio^iiig, ? -., Sr!': ISA inA,,. of :\ap6plexy, -Mr. Epiu-aii* ^ lauded Ireland\. iHe appi arj.to4rave, | Moprei'iiged 7^yeags. Mr-l^M ^re^wck! ^f '----'" Scotch Bliralc, ajnil; was hijihly resp;e.c iL ,'tije leayfes aj large famny.; His fi;aAraLibji Tnb^'dayf is, -said-ipiiave been. aJLtinduft', by; one of the largest ^roiiessibns: ev witheS3efrin.the towns! ' -" C-'-Ji j t^y1' . *m of 'tlie largest Jnroiiessibns: evir , fcowhshirx- ' ;4; :>.2r j":3.7 ' :j, . .2 ; s ' " 3 O'WninLEDO^- ^aniidiiuish>'. pleased Jtalifeiroi^ie ^-fcuec|ss>iti>^-. liiis'iyaftfnded', tlie^Canatlianj.; Rill.i^ '.. meiiVthHa far'.,lit -.the ?Winib)e4..Ti~'-; Mufch^s.: A_?pebiiir thspi.d^ch:, t ' : tho];6'&^ s*yi tjjjj.t'aIi:<jiarjr";tKi.ivf hare Woit tive!uty*iprizes, sokiie iuf thein; vaiiuybfe. .i'JJIaiiy.'niutciies^i'e i w >0 yetlto^eiuuijeijff litiped ;"; \.; .; chat tJie^'-wdif cwhiinue jto-w,|ji.tVckit. ! '-. i'h laurels till, tie e^bie^^theirajUei'^s. ^'";;/;1 f Thje;G;.^yy,"^ au^orities ari.uu^-7 I*-.,". jna Arrang^i/ents;fcfr i^ni-eifiti-sion;.; ,'; . fi'Sin: sta tibiis 'on | tU WT^ C - r<Si;B, orm?j$um-m<m*r,:lm- *m Yilla<rc-C6nneli, p?he Coiifftnine^last fivenjng. .'Pres- .enjt tkeispiive,j and 'Councillorj isick- !peight. -51101 tes of last attencji d; ttnd- fa 4rge niimber; of; rs were tidd'ed to the rpil' of tlie sot iety. Inj the evening "Mri Goldw n Smith1. delivered, an ad- dresaca'tfiedusies ;and'i inpreaiiing poSfer of the press. v I' ,i'-!^p annual meeting of-the Bank eV jCo[lnrercje wlas held ,;in'To.r(fntp, iiist w ok. - The report Ishpwed.ithe finaneiil afTairs to bpin a proi;per- ;0iTS8ttte. - A dividend 6f'ten per cent, vris paid for the.past year,- nnd;' ,00,000 added to^the ."refi^ >wh,ieff now nmounts'-id the large Bum oi >.1,900,0QQ.<.jhe.old Btiard .wa^.re elected. seems* counts anilr;commendeitheitpayment; viz : Dailij C'fooe'7.^0i and -j 'laily MUU $6 foiv adv^dsfag; J. ;B.r. Burns !for .grading, $79. S4; \Vjfiji: Word< n,' for cut- 'tjfig dull, j l(>;' Abram Mat ihews, for. building s^id^walk,' SG5; iEib ,-arii ;Mat-- Sb meeti^ auu-sxloptecLi;; Mr. Hill i'moy.ed ' 'pecpntU 1 by Mr, Nicklfa : "That th?/ jrerio-t';.- of 'the Kiiiface Cpniniittee jLe rep. Jvedi a<^r tha$ tke Reeve lie aUthiirtsed. to give liis checks lor the Bereral amouit a iSiimei." Mr. Fiebei'/; Li|censer!In3: k6ctor,jre- ported that he had visjted^ 3 BcitelB in tho .village'-land: fqunH them in.^broper order, and;oona>uctlad|ncbfap! iancewith tho law. The city .council of Hamilton has. submitted a by^ayf for ^'lOO.oMto ; w raJj,4 -.* > -l- - \ " 1 iJ: it ^ir *ii~ Moved Mr.,tN>ckini,.^t purchase itocb ini the ^Hamuton f y, i 1 j" tI- 1.1 'i.k .i> -i Trrii i-Mr. .Speighfe: 'ITIiat tbesecand^eport- and- JS orth western Railway.. ,T4ieli ir. r-.j^rijli. ?< . ", r; ^ ,-. ';, jT-^-i1 ei.vediind citv lia 3 already; given :a bonus of I-'i.. ..^, S100,Q30:,to; tile road/ and-ak no- f^,ie(^^v,,^ot '- fj,- "1 ' ,, ' n \ . Thesuni df 52.2s waq.gran ed as-aii thing! as-been done by the -Cbm-Q .= >r ,'.Tii..' , Z~c.^ " -..'. - 1 pany -J; >wrrds building the.hne,-it "' >4vj. doubtful if the riytelpay >i ~^ f .ii. ' T^i"vi4r8iOTed!|thBrpiS ofe Au^ .. ...t, upon ttbfeijn: The^'Ttntes ,^be' by- aw in vigoroua s'tyle": etc;, at prices. ^y^M^^^^^frl&osTCP, mpusTiO 10 per 1 fcent.' telo* Grangejjs' Tp^poa^cqr.ypuraelE- 6f,tbe cent tea.! i^-ebnsequeno^ <)f iMr- Lit ie havfng^l -A 9, ecisb .each jnnrnrcp i 1 2 3'4.5; G Red Sfbckilntsi' '^ Mtuals,:: j.'f .11 3 1 1 14 1. 0 O-r-22 f. {-17, in at- % '-.27! .9 ;^f'the 3e*tttie Lineywrrl ;be vter^jdance .7t'-Kiiidii|jafhe aaSfr jjtke. ii ;eents per;headi' -. r :.'-_.1 ,": - .-: 'UHujMa.MA^B^airtS^^eAx^Ai-^: ^her^jhiii ;betn nnctlurlg"of a'^yn j'-.i ,plutipli:rin^. 'k!hewe:'-mkktl)g,. ii .tlip .."^ Jppminiorf sniep IS7tfc. JT'he. ;tot;'il- T ^production itt :18tjtl ^s;i,9y^&ib.:'. i ffjoitntis "of hMie ;-^^,-iMijifr^g'K-(. ly'ajlifer of tl:isJfaad'e|iii;|kctcnirSjW^u-i, f i:G0l!,7via^. "But!!fni| 1S73 -&b>i^ .ppJr-ts.'r-jae'pJ- iy,4^8',ail, wb'jl-j' {ji{,f ^ear.fhe'q.nantity spose^tb jl> ftoSj- '- -!082:iipunUk .?;-V H [A-\ ' ^ R. line to^neuile^e^W Aie fSuiJ :;. ; of Angust^Tuiljj^i'tic'ui^s-Ot'whipk"! 1 Jwil^hortlybepijtjaishenV .^hefure'!^1 '!;; i?d :^i-o.m Guelph Juliet re'thrni "w ill'-'be; > : ', |: ,iL;'. 'S1.75X -!'Oiie-iif the lake istfeiiiiei-s' ' {:! ~:A :i -nn^,ri^.;->:f]i"j .i' . ',.' 'he finance ti'H A MjlsAPPEsaEssiiix CoKaErT?Et)i; --A ;gr^v4riajiy' oC'ths'-.pubJjw -sire iundei* -theI iimireisiPii . that j i.jpiiv- / cfeo.t.tposijfge'fe'tafiipiis! su'diciyi..ui-*; cari'y ii iibwspaper.toj ajiy .pat'f oi--->;:S.-;.!;. tCana3a. jSucb is iiptithe casi:. 'Two.. L -- ' *ents isthptpoisutgp i"fe<jiiirefi -uutd^!J tlie 1st of Ootbbe?,-;I%eta, 'wftei uiieT-.* cent/will bb.sufficapnt.' ;A1| j.iew:s- . theVsA far -sidewalks, '6J ;; Ijram RyT .-papers short'paid.;, ap;e .6u},1 ^j&u "tiie *, , $9.10. dtaii Tetter iitiiee 'Ot?-ta.\viu,.'i -! '- -^ . ^ -.-j-j Pocket Pickis,.,rj{."Eii{i.'r-:.'On . Tuasday eveLiihg^raftuf..tkH i ailway liienf hud been paid} SM jrHnjibei- of -.1.-.^.. i^^.i.i u.'jYTrrrT^ the VrrJ. , ;i i^m 7 :-flS ' m ;tb.erji Jcongi-egattiU,- u,boat. tbeljiiu in^eyijlage;of Hijlsbh'rgji4id iresiilt,'; was 'that aj -nntubeii <A tbeto^;-!.-;.'-;".?.-,' ;loijtheir.'luon-ey. ;;; A ; jib^rdinfr- J ' '"" iiqfaie-Jceeiier. lip^t: 90 and;- ,a uotfi& ^>ei.^on 076. -yTvwpfmeiXiweh-!' irftB-j ^^Vij::'^lf:-J|. eelciat Alton\";bu 'suspicion,;! aiidi- i i ,&&:!p t> P* '-) " ' brpfigbt ty. Hiflsjbpi-^^b^i-ti. m ^mj,of' Eriji,' says tbki^v^Htofitii', 5. ^ueii W.itli-H|u .aperidbnt;nt.tii|i^ibil^j, /., .-t|. . ., ___ ------._.., -;-- -': ... ifcthe P^st p#ce .^on, .,,.:, -;,-,-.. - <} -rj^Mr*^^^A%m-UrPvi bruakni!r (i^filisfel . w't..... ;?-^GlBr *tit; |5eiidei^on|& Gp.-vcelliek^ Jt"';- :^'j".j-'t- .^ I . |J; -Mi :rV.'i ' ^v,'t T^d^Je-v^g^aAugnyrr / , ' ,bfea: '% ". ';"'"..,:[ :^;V;:: j;-':-!'1.'^7^..' '-INkiiilJ --Df-^oKaught-piu^ot.jr,,..,; . took ph'i^e' piede^^raif^e-^rlt^t,:^ The-pifl Kc W"begjimfag ^to* appjfe-/ ipQK|cnreie pi^e^f^i^wie,^^ 1 the ^ai&.sy^aih' fajitf- i ificonHtrari-and buP ritJe^ppe^aTe^njfcer ?otC^W;Stfei|Ac&);' =^*Kvi.--"yf^!.- i tj^ai Uw'-you^ ^f-ut^'tr.^ ;-"'b'-iri-*"'--.|--;-.:-,'-;!.:-'AX:7-" ;'-'-' "'.'-']'(,-.: '; *- ..^|/:-*:r V-^ -'"':4k'."-'.; ;-!-"-^ff:-- "L, L .--^* ;-;*h i^t^;l^M mimmmmmmmmm "*:<"i. -Swl: wmm^mR immm 'mm

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