Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1875, page 2

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t lr. *--As- * "1- i* 1 ^J- !-r, V ::: m f ' \, m -'.- "'t.ij al w^mmm^w; m - PaUishodirvarj- Fralk}';Morning. 1 Pgr Aririum in AdvAiiooJ ; t; ;'JCS II: HACKUK-V J "Editor*>id ri<MTltor Bird** eye.-?yi<5w of S(!?1!S!^?WHB? hS* 33SSwlp*Pfi?p \$,\k Canadian SotctuJ arc just jihcrfc At. tho clieeso; fair ' OmV J uno 2t>, some *.-. : ., - offered, and tbo avcragi */tj CS$J /TheJ{<mVCoupiy'Cov iiow ;iu Itashw i- with ph*'0!!1* zizp While Wrfi' %J#r*-." ffl: " thiftk that lit- Ttleoino direct." evidence of Mr. !' jheuchfciV .guilty taul can but as-j jiunic/.iirpder all,the ciivumstniwa1 thai W isjinuocout, We are.far'froBi being iir /sympathy with those so cial: conditions and Jhoso emotion.- /al'spasms but jof which 'the sicken- riug scandal arHN Mr.sBetSeher had no right-to conduct hnriselt as to ' fali-^nndtrJiaisrflcion. { Next to ' the obligation pf- leadjtng an upright \m\ is-the dut}'of iHRjlcing that-Kips, irijiitr.^s.t&jajvpeafv and .of'avoid. Ijng all dorntupK that might have a >uppiciou'?T!eomi!^.-""It is exacted of-, a woman 'that she shall not only - be virtuons, -but !lha-t~hor conduct aha'l b* so circiimspee and .guiirdv _j*d ibatuo'ono <s.hall*$aTe occasion to call her virtue in qwastion,; 2>o . less tharrthis is dwe from clergymen; no 11;^.-.indeed;, is -possible .wv,^h hold; in I/mdon, ,8lW Iwsbi weru p.rioo wM lPJo- noil have repeal-. bouut* of $llM),-r town j CJiyc- fools their gold/ imd iavoa their ;.i .powers '..' -!'- . t*t fortune^ bubbles rino hhJ fall, Who sows i llfcld r trains ft flow*. Or pliiuU a jrco, lu more than ^lf. l'tbo Vy-Ur t<v grant libO to tfce. Erio and llh" Kailw*>' Spocilhcns W-,virivti Winds of 't'ttna- dianriob will l>e aliKWii at th? t!hiladel. pliia Eipoai^ioh uwl<r th'o fuporinteu- dcncfr.fjf Mr j NVilmoits ' A.'GJwrga' ueientint 8jit,'C9U thnt Kcely's nnuerjjs carhoii.Q ncid gas. ll says that $5Vortliof it yould bo enough to run a gainer frtiin a ly Atlantic* jwrt itt t^ United Statb to Nn-w Ynijk^ -Xhc ria Town Co ncil ha resolved t ?j>cuil ^TO.IKX) <|n ebiistrviL'ting a sys tem of Water -works', an< 1 the debenture* for the same having 30 ; ears to run \vill bo. indorsed iby tho n> tlutritiea lof-itko <A>untylof LalulUon. ; \T ?' Afbrakesman on.tbl Ci^and (Trunk Iwailway, iMUncd 'Wra. killeJ,: on Satufi&iy, at AVhitby, head couun^ For is> who bIeMpatmpt'i.Met And i.Jod and maii iholl ihavp his I AVno toilntd leave a a bequest! ' !An added Wa'uty to tho oarth. \<\ soon or late, to.aTl who'bow, ;\ / The time oM>arvont shall l> givjenj. . This llowejr*BbaH;hlooni, tho^fruita oltiall i ! gT'^W^ r. " .'. , ' -If not on earth, at last in heaven. OjbLONBL DBLiMAR'S A BTOhy OP lUUPTOV MAB8HE8 Btantly by hia bridge ' ...... ) . At_ tu meeting of ^ht hyjery on l^ejJay, Re> of NorOi- Ksatbojie, tunleryd his n'sig nation'of the ebirge v hifih -bo has eo iui:^ aiid worthily jelled -A young wOTiii'ii: Xnf nianjwhij would guard his r- \ Davin, $ |ll:unilt>u. \S\<s"i<eotenfaed to t jmUtion fromi st*in aad i * ~ ~ ' ~: ilyii xvhose whys are {circumspect' dishonor, i six nwn;t2{s in ga<l fot i.had a -FJirstcinatic iiunle eolicitiufe sewing and,r\'t W-.-irel! a^ipngktnfvrr Ul\ tnderj .w,Jjcj1-^-<ai-frUit<;li,to-] fepicion. We] ma^bo quite -suNlj; :Tho JaT?inSj c St'eVBrtr'&'do., of Kev ' lb'was raining ilown mi Hump- ton, It had beim ruijiing 'thciti for a very long time. It seemed to Mi-h.- Pelmar tliHt tho; sun';had not eUowh its] faeo for n,t'least throo wneks, but pos&il ly .Mi*. Delmar may have been ' mistaken. Tho Allison, w'aa'in- f^.Y fog Um>g ly uy'w* all tho wet tielda and 'ovvri-thq intei'miiiable- deijkehes of' di-euj-v? Kaltiinai-Hh which extended for njiije ljefb| the lady's window. It drif(d in chilly clouds" liiito the i-oouiROti the "'"'great.- huue," and lay in cold, gray iijaBses ulongi ItlioJ^iiikd'of jthe riv-a:T- . ; "Rain, rain, rain! i Pouring down into the frqntyurd, 'iiit^i the. ! l>aek- jyitrd, into lthe tlowier jiarU'rirt's be- tbi-o the. hou.sei int<f tfeo vo"gtj<ble contact with a i ! ':- .; 'st rat ford Pi\>!<. . Daniel Allan, km rt.-.' m: s: ',A^\:H : 'i vforst eiu'my . jfireiy_ finds' it ipoMtiblfT to-circulate ill i-e[>orts of him in tliotb thiiigs" wherein his conduct l^as been wise as wdllias Konoralde ;' the slanderer, tisually"ferrets out ome weakhesF,"' -)jcir takes advantage of some inipiiu- doacejsb aa^to.give his tale a colorr ^ iog of probability;" Nov--qne-;;sus-' !: pec't.s ithe"soldier vhk is noioriqusly l.-.ijre of being; ajCOwird^juo! one drejlnia of cb*riing- dishonesty up- ob l.tb* merchant; whose;. long H_fe Iras-- -teen ' conspicuouslV just Vacd hoiiontble.; V There are lives and .' women* _L_tfe3fe- no br^th o| scandal -ever v chares to touch ;\and iijence msniay be assurod thst'strepicion will'ijot 'roach tier -corisyiracy trouble him. whose goiagi and f^ictngs are wist^rj" orderxed.- :And, of: ail.=meb, tha -goirtc-? and- cdmings o|.a clergyman c^ould b directed .by cani on and wisdtihi. A^ "the world goes med JBlizahctb hvrt^i'iy.: She of "thieving, by lining thotlotb *<jl] charge, mjt. of -A. T. tljrk, laijt: yijar ikt nearly one liuount of their oM\ng him .Vronf- that she was r IJKttllu! ttnwull and buld liko u cup f |tda jbronglit taTaer. b: o Mr. Dolinar's inquiry if anjjr- hiiig uuusuul was the muttoi:; the ervaiit rej)lit34 i)0,' that hia lady oaonly slightly, iutlibjid^cd, Ttoijei- are the colonel hud again Boufjlit 1 is study, only to emorgo J.h^rof"gafr i nj seek tho plnunbur ol" his wife eit twilight, ! when the gathering shadows made npcesKary.a ceaaatiou (. liis work,Whatever it wiifc." '.Not well,-my' love,'! ho atdccil, t ot unkindly, us he' entered the dusky i-ooin wht're his wifo whhsit ting alono looking over the wet telda. --..j-' '. . .^ "yes,'- she Baid, without twiiii g Icrihead," woUoiiongh, iibut [tired 13 deatli almost." -- ] "I Bored out of all jiatien'cd with ,t!iij wAithor/' heHiiggehUid. "Weil, 1 don't Woiidef., fit's enough -i.o give any one thohori-ors1. Achan[;e of scoue, jierhapH, would do us goou. Wo cimi go to'Jown for a foV yeeks." | Shis shook her "heitd listlessly aricl. idayed with tfcki far which lay m herdap, opening audfotdittgit with prudence and duciefiW rank only jist> <&* bardf^imes people an if ' H..; ,r m . -.t (l'-"l'.i.. -& b^loT the" cardinal virtues... It is im- perativel^ necessary ,that a-,leader and teocher of meia shall be piire .;and np- righ*-; aid it is also ipnj^rcxDeiy hc-<5es.- gar^- - that '. wise^ calm/" and superior ijnd^nent.should control aH his actions. LIt> this view of "th.e-jcaie"; Mr. Tfeecher -id^senrss, the eensms-of. all rightr'itohded 'jpeirsons.i.^Karis-this-alL ^otinly has lh j coudiiSt of thia:greit"preacher been jcev^craKfi-bulmaiiy-~of hi$ utterances iiare been'xeeedfngly nuschievbns.^Men are to he kept in the paths of holiness I? Jrlv '^a'tea^eless 'fefelf-repreMsion-f-'hy ^ ^ .rra coarrpi of all those emotions .and' . 4iatinienta -ifiiich 'begin by captivating; ; 'tjji^- aaagiaafioii aad end by iiibdnitig 5&3 heart and nndermining the whole siorai stmcturfc: There is no safety for th45 ffly or woman who h.ia not elerat- e&peze'oz. to-ibe.highest place whohas coibrbaght all passions and emotions imder.the doiainion of a:.cold and .rigid jt?d^aqnt. But.-when this iSuent footed uji alfout $S.">,000 j.<er ecnil of;-tho -toirj sSles. It would, oi' course, be needless to~"ask Mr. (|tew'ertiwhethef he Wtiuv;es that ailvLrtijiiJr;,' pays. . ' There Jareil,6'.K) conve its anib monis. tcrics inhal|ited by 21 lOOO nubs and monks in Belgium, f The income ' of the religious orders in that l.ingdom is One hundred millions of dol ia poor andrticnnan like to get hold' of the ud-.diahoneatly usurped mouov.- f . ..... A Wellati<5 "hr'.d egroc (n went marrie'l. ars. Gennany fijnanciers would- moncy-^on tic - true Germans such >'a pile of to a clergj-mari l^Uly to get marrie'l. The youth did not' have; enot gh of funds <lo pay his reverence ; j the -c lerijynian, goodi kind soul, give ;him ic redjt; and the "happyr mani rdarohed clT,^with noth ing in hi^ pocket,'but a ife on his ana, no doabt believTnsrj in he old adage, " many for loVe and work for m&nej%" / TheTngersoll ChrpnitU can't jsee what Men weir as'fine clothes talking about as before/and women's bonnets are!as high in price aa ever, they were. ; Farmi rs "drive verj- comfortalj|le rigs, * and Barnum's -and Forepangjh's exhibitions are crowiled Afonpy sdemsiobe sdarce when printers'- bills are ijent out,' but let a circus ccHne i^along. and the; stringe acy v'anisbes. Tins moijalizej our conte; nporary- of the South Oxfjirdcapitalicity Ajsoxeieb MiasTorxjv. forxp. -- A few days.agp, -jwhile ispme \ lubor- ersiwej-a at trbrks on some exc^vsi- tloaa near BigPi-aine,; hi Munroe Co'irty, Slicb., they <^m? upon a quantity of \ bonei), :i>rming ,-. the skeleton [of a mastodor,' wh^ch were, examined and brought to Monroe. One of tfce tusks was;<leven feetin length a4d seven inpl ias in diaroe- its smallesi- extremity, whei-e a portiDnjslems to have been broken ;of Several teeth ^vete found in a greater or Jess degree of preserva- I tion, which measuredTgix inches in preiebfer gives the whole "rein to emp- :icd, and fancy."'" Instead of teachtpg r A& dp:.;i lfT ':K'i mm i T-- -.- r '- ' i.!- . -1 ' - : i : Urr f": V ii;a to. moderate,'their transports, he I.. '.rac'ts them to indulge in frenzies :f "^ iing; and-but <<i paroxysmjs no-per-' or or ever can come. \Z':'ika effiisioas.df kectiment, so. idoati: i" j I "ivith ,a hvrga cjass^jf people ii our 'Stiacry ; ithi3 /sul-stituticin of' rhei&ric -_::d'c-srlrrfnarJon ic% logic and jclose: dai. d-5 ;S-:oh; this pjyade of Kberality, under- WLjicIi.vices h?"o their nam^ and rigbte- c:i-'^SiS forgets jt3 hatred of evil'; "these e-:fi*-ag3r?oc>s <sf,askertion and unctuous. jrj.--:lmhs el fiipjegsion- that beat lthe L;//>:t aid Srathe brain. these, one and alv'are^imrtful instalments in the hands --'. ofj-feather.- Parosysjji is a dacgeronr; ^&f- v: Sreworkiiu tba social circle and np man is safe- for hxm-. solfj.:nor -safe] as a pubjhr^guide, whose "-.v-nj; of life is ^not; wisely governed, anjd v. hbae instnicttions are not/diretted by . r/jipoh raiser ihan emotion.;- JoirnaL f fev ! jA jsuggeatioa fo> the'^rabshbppkr liistricU.' .Ijds 1670 /'.there1 ln plap.uo of catsfepiljarii in- Auvergne, "fiianpp,a. legal doc!uni<int ^vass-Bsade/;out, calling on t'ho-eaferpiilars to appear.' in court before . hitn,j ahdlrequiring- them, unlep-pam'rpf oxebmmunication, to J^ve the cotrntry.j A recent;: Eng lish ivrriter on triTels Assures the sceptical; i-tljat the original^docii :-meiij may be seeni'in the library at ClerjnoEt, r-The practical difficulty ?in tlw; way of applying this plan to ,-the ^vTestern States wo'a^d"be that, ' in a: region w^ibt. hasjfifty relii gion3_and,onl^oii8 gravy; the ihflu- eliffiori " ?diameter, the largest wt-ighing five ^pounds. Qne of the ri b.i was nsar- ,'iy eight feet ldngt| an r-the entire { skeletop must haveibe< ri-t.wenty or thirty feat it? length. The men were cbmpeJkd.toabcndon the ex- tsavation on;accotin(; p:' the watery i but pumps haVe been. [ roenred and.' \an attempt .-will lie mate: to recover more of thje remainaj ; A Beady;:.]W'iiited; Lawyer. -The Mllbo^i^kr;/a*"tell the foliowiiig father goid story r "A gentleman of the legiiV irofeisiprf ;at one; of the great mining centres, }haVing speit a gaudy iiynipg at.-a leading hot el,fkrtind the fri^hair too much for;li iml, Inateac i of reaobing the; bosom pf his family, be igraYi- tatedi to th j lock-up, wi in the'much needed assiitarjce of the Queen' tu full onifpni. The loc c-up keeper Q him, andonaequently. :v couldn't^sei id; for his friend* to bail him bat/ as ;.ia- frequent ly done by thpso tende r-hearted off.cersl of jus tice. So hu iwas"allowed to sleep t^ntil 7 p'clobkin the.nio 'nirig,' whiei "lib! was aiaasad and asked his insvoe, "whic i he prompt! y. sa^d was 'Jphnsdn.' He obtaine i ioap, wa 'ter, and a sj.othei-.bniaii, and waa refreshed bj -a up of te st. He then proposed to the jpcklup keeper that the ofSoialfa fioulii Walk baside him jgral w^s ^'rce , of religioji! has been so subi '^rvided, that onpi Bishop, sirigle- jia.nd^d,,couJd harcjly overawe more than oi^e jfaBshopper. - Pifty-:Bis- vhopa; mfgh.t accomplish Bometbing, bat;fe3red that it is: too jate. -Thtegrasphbppers are natUr- ii!izedl! an'a have acquired thenation- fjX vice of^iw-eyBrence, ) , ' : Ei'-J - At anicecrjam social in.Watford th >ihi? dqy, sfcnie STOundreli' dosej the ff+o the I*oli.'Court, i- vlTben tim came, this ^ 'a done, an I'by^^kesp- irig the oflic sH in earries t conyerse, it appeared ibV thougli ;he lawyr was e'ngsiget lupdn some msiness be fore't.nejoou ri, andvwhn the nama of Jobusbii^ vas called^ , he ealmly ;g);rdenst)i^iin the kiVfhuu. Souk itjg^ into the ; brdwjri liel Js,x wlij.'ro' tliV d'ittln stanil u'nhappih bone.ith the wves, oyeinglhi Mtitekyaid with longing eyes.- l)esco{idmg le.ssly- into tho" sdlentf woods and rotting the dead carpet' of the (;<im- iiiei't: leaves. PaMering steHdilv Upon the roof of thfel pt'ltuai'c'i^au- tuon ai|d fidtiiiguwith lii'dtvary. ilrii>, diip,.dri|> filp'ni tiu> lnuls down up on tl)o gfistfching pave;mcnt of tho fcoiirtyard. , ,> ' : 31131. Dielmar looks \\{\ fif her iHK'k^ it is at least fiult'aiHisW since! she has ttinwd a leat' foijxlie liundriedth time to: glance fi;om|the littl child but- then i'shwtild gk zjtpyijlof that, "too, shouldn't .1 ([' .jj, IliaVo thought of thut," saiu.; coloiid. " For the perpeunk of the family iiame and Hoy liusbattd hid! closely. !,.- "Yos," ;he sald|;j "It in some what singular.^'. ! j"0, well," she said, holding; hlr fun bofore "her face liguin. "Go oii, do.'! ' f. Tho colonel >H!su<ried his readitig, but hail not prokresstfd" u dozen words before ho dipped thfi-klteji- tq the iloor and stkruid qttiokly td his loot. Heaven I ,ni - k- i ho vcriod idlo new ucrdss the marshes, No," sho saidj" thei*'s nothing in tho!city. There's nothing any where. ^ I supposo there's DO better place than "homo,.but it's t rei umu here jiint now, I thin^ HDHl -times |that if I could adopt j Gpoti what iB tho miittor. I Aro ymjf ilir'for bis: wiftf'lmdifillen for warcjijflhd the. fan full' 'frouitij'. grasp. In tho dim! lamplight her face; seemed to wear! tho paleness of .death. ,' i r' i - - v '; ". c" |"pi'd-y faint," Uhi murmured. " fT-fcc Jrpom iH very-warm. Liiy mp on pie bed andTgyt mo a glass M-ato'r." 1';";'. ". He raised- her in h is . arins and 1;iim he was bid, ! Then, .ringing p 1'ell, he sent for hor mtiid. Thaiik you," kho .said, in a .cursor; around oblivio ttraund tho id Swayrio Itl^: *.t-i thari usually cold and hard. " Per- liajps you Imd better go away just now. j I shall bo botter presontly." gliucd'aib tho,. pile of paper 8 hith-r-answer8; and replici i and Tor. lications, and |ejoinderH, an 1 tho den eo knows what elstrJ?issidei; in whic li 1m was at tlie pjoment a- iost1lii?pi'|eBsly burjeil, in; swetii i of all sights and sound t hiri would have conveyed ia that thiBi was Meaao.; aid OartWright's . clerk. Poihapfa it waft'thg-.very cletfe- wh> had adlretsed tho envelop wliioli so Helmaji, at Hamptonj last iovening .' ' Could'itbc hp;of wt'om iho lad;' was evt n ni >w in search 1 : ,V , -Itw)uld seem tJiat|slio"n4d be>e^ actuate rbw moro curiosity ;; to tie" tho ext 3Hbj'of Swayne and Car" wright'i oiiico, for after .st'ah'djn. for a iittlo, wjulo on j the- oppo*it|; side of <ho street sho ibegun, slbwl, to rnpy ) away. If shis had no wisli to bo d scovfered, slip had not mpvr ed a m< fluent too soon; for t,he r-lei t is at-th9 wi:ldownow, looking dowi into th i'",sti eet, If "she had no vdico thatJ BQerucd to him more seen him, h tiui:ers, but still looking out V ]" Poor child! " said1 he, bepding 1 ^ .*? ..,i. the ttoil SUCC'ssi'ou tif the fauiily est; oujjl :t to do soinethiug of,tho kind, silted T dlitce .' : . le colonel hesitated Sineo we own lite ttJJ'U and : it He tatp, wjo lrnvc none of our nor .are .likely to, have,'" sat 1 of bit- roeaand siitl,"-,j appear 1 ntpiisojier, yourWorsh p.* i What lisaid tho Police : :Maj istrate^ ' dc you deny that hie wju drunk f'^*3ht n4' no/ he repli*d| " lbjwaa vet^diunlf,"but i verysprry for it..-' ' Pi (efahillings1 orsrxiouisfe' mprisonmeiit/aafd tb^ Police Magi trafa.- 1! i rill jfey hia fine iiyself/ Baid-the jp ady-^itted, gentfemen, erJip in tlisinstanca! ahowed ^thaf the man I rho is 'his1 own lawyer,iaau't always* foolfoe his client.". irTT ^ r i 3:VJ ! \y window out into the'gray fog,-And Ugh- : j-'- . ! Happy ? Well, no. < To'see h!er now, no one. would say ;tlm. i S|uj "is ;young, not mdiSBunnr-twenty- three,' or four i>erhu!pB, 'and haini- isomo, very handsome, -i'^rs. Del-' roar's beauty is fa.niou'siithroughout U circuit of twenty miles, and the colonel is proud of it -proud of it _ fa- ia of liis line horses and his drirw my will IJobtletl stpek, all pt which, tonally J pile tapped ilwi'th his wife's beauty belong'to the llpflmar family. And- the -Delraa'r, [family is.a very gri-at family, sir; a' ^ipst aristocratic family;; whicL can" trace its lineage in-ladirject line^to a'prcudj'positiph ! in: the. British ^tecnige long prior to. the voyage -of . the j Mayflower. !, -,. i 'j It is to. be supposed that Mrs,. Delmar, in mirrying into so pow. erftil and 'genteel? ai connection, febew' pcrfectly^well wliat she was about. There is no reason to be- Ueve; that she did,not take into ac-, count the! disrepancy in the ngvs of herself land her future lord for the colonel was -nisatly fifty or ponder well upon tihe step {before she made it. ' Douptless the bar gain and sale was w|ell; Understood uppn both sides. Tie gavp to her wealth, position,- influence;; In rep turn she gave to him her band, her marvellous beaiity, |and heri Jiea'rt,, if ijideed she had one, which might! perhaps be sometimes doubted, j 1; The- colonel fulfilled hia contract to tihe letter, even more, for with out lthe sacrifice of hia haughtiness ho is aa tender-as he knows howsto be. Wliat more, i then,'can Mrs. Delmar, rich,-beautiful, "supplied with.the means for the gratification of ev'ery wish, desire 1 It is' hard to beljeve that iany longing,'in .-this splendid house in Hampton, can loiig remain ungratifiedrA -j'.', ;Yet thei'o is something ^n-J this woman's face that has eaten ioirf; its girlish freshness.:;' There is ii-worn look in . the bluje eyes and a hard line deepening - the j cjorners of the sensitive "mouth. JMrs. Delmar looks tired. ; Well she may, for who would not becemjs ennuied with Hampton in Novsmlier? Nothing that, the colonel has ever isaid, nothing that the, colonel's wife has ever done, leads us to suppose that her, weariness springs from -any deeper .or more hidden cause than this. It is the fog, doubtless, and notMng more, -; It "is dull just ;now at'"The Roeds"---f6r that is tfae name which tbi Delmar .estate has^Dorho from thie immembrial dull indoors as well aa without. All ihe summer's gayoties are done;'tlio: great halls'; are.emptyj tho guests, are all gone -home. Ifris'h^rdly time as yet for Mrs, Delmaiffto disturb her listless-- ntBftjwith plafis for the Christmas holidays. There is no hurry about tha;;\ No doubi she will be tired enougji of them'; before the holiday's are'dohe. In the meantime the servants-have allv below stairs t<^ themselves, the colonel's.'-. horses stand idle in their siabJe.8,-and Mrs.. Delmur spends the.-'livefpng day in looking wearily otitiaQroas the marshes;' and oyetv ! the - leadeb, washy sea. i..." ' .'; " The colonel ia ait home to-day, tut has passed very, iittle time!with hiai Wife. I He ha i )ten inimured ainp'a Breakfast in'hfe s'tudyi-with tjlje; door fastened to "exclude in truders. As far. as Mrs. Delmar waateonoerned be need hardly haVe taken -the trouble, for she ha|d scarojely Stirred from her..pwn rooi afly, with a slight tone '"a- ' "--.-.-'""' V"i'S," sjiid the colonel. " Anil tliat iVeutiud* me, iu.v dear, i>ptiiikilig of mIci.i-.hsioi|, thin 1.-.Imvf wruttn to Mv. Swiiybe' that 1 diMl'-d; tb see him on^usinejis, and lie replieL that be will! be liere to-morrow.M J .. The ai'Uouucijinent tJ.fiiied ;to make very, little impi-enslim- upoii" Mirsl Delmar, for she' eiaitinued] to. toy with'tho fan, mid only asked! cahdesslv ;', :,'."Yes"?", . -,. '- ! ",= f" On "buainesd," continued, her husband, "in regardto the estatei , The fact is, nrv"love, I wish him to j_J.. i oyer, her to touch; her forehead, with his lips. " The weather lids been too much for you. . It is! dp pressing -very'dejyivsBing indoeth": And then, when the boll was'an- swerod, he gathered up hi^ papers and went down stairs, leaving her with; her.ninid,."arid muttering as he went: ";Str.ingo'! I nevor knew her )to fainl before, But' the wt-ath- erl; doubtless, tho woather." '- II. "^Tt was long after! bieakfast hour iicxt'inorniiig ;>vheii LIi-s." Dolmar caine down from luir room. . The cpltjuuHiad rety-ed;again to the li- bnii-yi leaving word ^for Mr. Swayno' to.i btr shown intoiiim at once on hia. arrival. When the colonel's wife, tk's'cvndwt the |ptaii-s slid l^ad j has at least seen' llier* yjr lilOfe J^t wlia^ ni3ght^.lia^6' *bon buried in the'past., To p. jqu_ J evermolre MraV oJnoJ: fa efjoafi- i. I'fEleahpr," ho atadr^lj dt'servetl thi of yjou." .' TJien bursting intpj su^li en .agita-' ta.on,- 4{i^;;cried, , * G^, Edward,; Iieavo; -inoj lov Heavep's sake, for" Go, and Jio-J _ M*MVt lAiii ...,. . ...,. ftrn, Mary had oshniallviiy Bmj !--: Mit furiso fino nkeiHlJc,7?% :,]!' W - ^^'^ra^otJahjbvqba .Itf^fc ^ She'd gdfe id bmts of; inukTiFr' :-'.1 r>. Ilerva^^iccUmd boody iambi '""'Mrf l^Io''M Pelo,;" X.K und yen dere yaa wm rttlk artnuit -i 1" He vas bully on der.ead,;' ' ' J s lie stm-ta violently; as' thbugl spmeth ng in her .close-wrappet figure vas uuiiliar to. liim. ,-Hi.' be.izes h is hut and descends" quickl} : to the jidewalk". She! is goii6. ! But:n6; be sees bor.-iqw, walk ing rap dly. back towards 'Tremofii Row, If? is nearly as much as h( can do x> K;ep her" slight .figure in sight,' |p < uickly : d^csshd walk ' hp-follows Upon, the never-, losing sight;of -iiiHtaiit-f-foHows ijet th e. Hayniiarke t agaiP, square . and into the >t. He waits' neiir the ! adies' room Uiid- listen* voice as shd, Hampton,'I 'away. ; Yet oppositi s sid i, lier fdi .at back to ward across tho Eastern den door of the for the sounld of her piircLas ;s iiilr ticket. >oni:her bonnet and wjat<'ri)roof ilpalc j tyi,il>, M you; are;-, to'riurjngj 'me. don't cpm^near'jiie. again V ;Ho put Out; his' hand i implor ingly. "No, n.'b," he said pleadingly, "don't'drive imp away/ Let" me stay for 4.1UA1'1 while, ^- for a few days. I n!m'bewjlderefi, sttinned bywha^you hiivt i told nif/ I will do npthiiig, sdy ,np ljing,",' ,jL. iWill npvor. recjir! to thi i sut||o6t_ a^aln, Eleanor/ iGnly. let mo rp- pi(iin -near yo'in;flnd | whe -e T'can. j'see^you now. and- then;.ard I will bo satisfied', ; Y'ou'.wilii^ot be ap' cruel -as ,to bunish! nia entirely; EleanorT-/--;/--. >" .-' Itseemed so littft to as? ajtd.iiSO hard to_ refuse 1 1 lEtemi rmbering what sh,p/ had 'ones, j beoi,~ to this nian/and what he- had bee a] to hor, heW could' afio deiyi, his^ rfeqtiesfr? Yet in granting it^did-nit Mrs. Delrfuu:' know 'ihat e}le was tread ing on-' the - brinkV of a! terri ijlo preci' pice . If nd frisk, tind juinp, und rnn,. .. ,. Und ahase her all around der'blace-- i I Q colly, dat va* fttn> r'" ^* i; ^' i'he clerk will buy a ticked. Yes. _.,.. for Hat iptorb tpo, pjjvtfot-n i' alspj, and the handle of tho fan against her whit teeth, and asl:ci;li as quietly as tvpr : ..j '.' ' Dp you think of dyinj so soon, then]?? . " '" /! ' M^- deat, jpu quite shock pie,". sail the colonel.. "How cauyoii ! It is best,, as you will agree, to be pre pired for any eVent which' inay occur1 to deprive you of a protector.. In auch a,'ca8e I do not. wish you toibejunprpVidedfor. , I havpmade arrangements to leave the bulk of t'he property, Mrs.. Deltniuy to yourself."' ^. '; <, , j hi 5 received this intelligence'tis! irjjrj>erturbabiy as that which j had, preceded it: 'During all this jcen-j versa'ion sho had remained withj herjhid turned away towards the, window, though the twilight had! so iWthered down thait there could ] bavje been little to be seen outside. The colonel, sitting in an armchair near the table, could discern only j the outlines of her young,' supple 1 figure through the dusk of the room.;- -.- .; Again she said, inquiringly : HYes^'iThen, after a pause, eu are very good,-". and held in her hand iiii umbrella. |. " Merci t ". criedI JJabetto, :^ier maiid) who. was a French importa-" lion, " izze madamet going out tlia. thf^ niiur' . . 5 [- . . . j |.:-nin going for a wall;./- Possibly"" iv will benight before il get back. Li 'my\husbaiid;inquires for.,'mo I uiu in niy room and can see no one. Ypii..undprstaud I " ;' * .'. '^Yees, mudiim.e. But you should niauyais, wczmv. not go out in thia you \ran so iudts- to by my wh/;n lasr: night I*"*-" I- :- ,, "1 Am I to bo dictated inuid ? " usked Mrs. iJelpiar^, sharj ly. ! "Open tfre.unihretyaj aud liold your tongue." /, f.. i ' Babett4 cpniplied nritlh a.' French shrug of her pretty iihpulde'rs, and opened the door for her mistress to pass out;'] !.- ' -I Down the rpad!w-ilh rapid foot." steps went Mrs. Delmar/ Walking witli a pieoccnpied airi, as. if she heldfsome fixpd. piirjiosfe' in; view. CariEfg little for mud arid1' wet, she drew. Ihe hood-of her clo&E" closely arotindrher-!face as ;hough fearful of being recognised br some passer-1 by, fynd took the stra ghte^t course; io the railway station.- I The rain! still descended; but,' not heavily/ and I she was not! iuui :h j the worse for her short walk cA her arrival in the waiting-rojom t the depot.',. ""jWhen is there a train for Bos- tpni" she aaked o' the station- master, still! holdin ; her hood so clpsely aa.jto congeal aal of-her face but herj eyes. " .[",..} " There; will be'pnei here in five minotesi,!' .he replied. A-nd . Swayne will be hem'to-1- Giye ine ticket/if you please." morrow," said Mr. Delmar., "I thi>nk,:he said-bythe nine o'clock traiii,jbut I am not sure. I have his let)ter seme where." ' . .( j Be arose and crossed the room to light a lamp- Tbis done, he of fered to draw the curtains." " No," said his wife, " I want to lookjout." ) , A:', - VTlie colonel drew a chairWthe. tablt, and taking from a iocket a packnge! of papers, began] to look theu o*er, layirig them down be fore bim^ one by one, as he did 90. "Let! me-see. That's not it. Deal n|ie; J What did I do1 with it 9" , Ti e colonel: felt Mb' other; poc- keja- , ' i>- "I thought I had it here- Ah, yea! Here it is; He says," he continued, adjusting his spectacles, for" itis eyes were a little weak, *" considering that, yeiir large es-1, tate -' ne, that's not the place. O! "Here itis.j'- ;._ He proceeded to \read a portion bfth< letter aleud, during -. which his w fe retnained'in' the-samp ppsi- tion, maintaining; an air^of the great* st possible abstraction. The light lint her eyes and she held the fajn before them to shade them. Once pply she glanced impatiently towards her husband, ana e.1 the pile of letters on the ' table. Her .eye.,c one ofj tjbem and oho., bent" fbi'ward and asked[suddenly: i V-s.: ".Who "wrote.that 1V- - j . ' - Tliej colonel stopped \ and; looked up at her over his glasses.-Surprised at thej change in her manner. : < ! . "Thisj1|' he said, taking up the enYelone_whioh!she had indicated. ^.Itcontained the letter/which !lj anT^^eadinjg, - But that is l<xio% Swayfle'^ writing.- -Some cUrb,in the pfi^be, probacy, Wfiy qo yo|u a8k,.my dear?"./- . ,/. . | \ " For no; particular reason," aha replied, leaning back in hjer- chair again, !.' The hand strijek; ml as a She tpojc:' out 'her purse,., while the I fjioket-seiler loOketi at~'her whitO'-hjinds( curipusly. Who could this, be who-wore rings like these ? Ae tlried to ;peer beneath, the clese hood, but! she turned quic kly iway, ^-It|waa;a long ride to'Boston, and it must indeed have been an urgent business" , which! induced Mrs.! Delmar to mako ue tedious jounjey in-the raini, wdthodt/ her husband's knowledge, sjnd. to dis- 'pense with rher carriage to tlio rail liousu at the road ibis lioi better.' cut ucrops.<hi face to the wo maj-shes He crosses the enters tho, car bebind~that 'which the iufmpdii.tply ladyiha'i takm ' And so/ together they ride to Hiiiujitc i). [ io, uiiponsaujusly piir- rs, L.eltnai'-returns, to her from - sty'iU "- Th* still, loo iing raid* God'l* 1 ere deajd' for a do2l:U "My areypu were/d' Not live, ane Don way ! " b he' crfi ' % me h not bejtr followed done" so. ( "i.-.Elei nor," ly, ad'vaiicuij; all tihe w \vhq has Ska ciivered hands and beneath :vhich The Keedsj She gees ^by from the station- towards thowalking'there is cleik, takes! a sliort fields and meots as she emerges from at tliej- edge of the is here, that both stoj) at each other, {ttid' not apart. . . - ' she cric4i. ." Why They told ine you ""fact r l il fibd keebed a awful vilo tlot lmb,": Und he - growed,. nnd! crowed/ aa|fl-- " (' J'.il Dill bjmebyder helvagia ram," ' "" , Una his leedle htfrna dejnshoweVL Aea'Mary use toWe-him graas, ., _;lTpd oads, nnd Elans; una corns. Und ven he xai inUv* mit dot fle'd;bun^hej?nu>le's;h^rns, - '.j Bitt Miry % dpn'd ^ke ihmi den,!" -He vas dekMbdrorig^od shdoud ,' Unasbevc^'tibadhunmider honei ?f <.. tihe said, .".Itot va^layedfou(L'T^"-. - -.'| Von day deraycht to took aValET ; . ;Undhe beginned^td shgwieih. '-{i So^heell?d hfmvttf is btttcher'a boy/-; ; To ci^l ub indb veaL;. :-1 . 1 ': "-' I^er boy he^jhnatcneiir< hjm ; W' [ "! slinoud; -"-ii -.: r- .( --- .Updsays- ^^yonrfate;Tas"boc-k,di'^>- ::*t Eenrsltticked a kmfej^hVallrfdtearJ- ' "^ , ; Und now. he's muddoo'g cooked.- ^L :r- ' ""<rt . ,- - , - ened to 'epgtilf -.ncit' onlylhe ielf.^ut.J j. Tliia 'is how i*>e New Tprk Tribtth* *!<- I stilh ft ieun or, :u/alpne," ',.-:.. " k:. to me in that 'ejl, qaickly. "L can: >pu ought not to have ;re.' Why have you he Siiid, reproachful- to. her side, ". ip thisu efcoii|o" you. hayefot "one from the dejiid T". . her .face with -her, risen leaped against the; tree they were standing.. "I don't know,-" she1 moaned! confused, '"bewildered. I never knew ;kat. yod were living until fust nighi;. I saw yourjtwrit- iug__on- some thing. :I d|pn?t.\ re member; A'bat it was. Don't ask me about it." "He'sav-tka; she wasexcitedand frightened. --'. He took both her hands down^from her face, and held theji ,i in his while - he -lppked into her eyes with, his own hand some ' one 5- for th&f were fband- some-j-anl spoke to.herisoothingly, "Eleapir," he said, "T have searched for you high .aijd- low, since my return, and a 1 ih. vain. I have ieen ship wre.-kea, and through all!.these years of starva tion and misery in a fpr igni ipnd I haye never on cp lost sight'"df! yopr dear face. It' has been with me the whole pride and boast of the Delmar-family' v'* '" I will j n6t. do that," ! she? sa'id. '.' I Tyould ac-| nothing; to - j dvp yon- -paip. It tlies! with yourself to merit my rps|3ec.t,;-and.l'k'rpw; that a,ny jfriend of niine will find a friend iniuiy husband al8P." " / / ; i He. would have kissed hur hand,, butishe drew! it' quickly away, and bpwed. hor. adieu withrj(iignity but upkiudnessj'. "" :'! (" fai-e'welj,-jEleanor, for) ;;he prea- ent,"ho said."; /, '...:- " . - if She- would "have answered bin*-/ but their words,of sepaf^tipik l Were interrupted by the sudden appfetuv ance of.Colonel Delmar, who, elad" in a.'heavy itiloak and: shod >vitb Hessian boots(_.camo i-apidlyJacifoss talks about *he.!heat: -:Tb$ mercury ^iziles" m the"' fabeJ -^;' Pbliticiaris t^topray,ana deacops^"f\- tremble onthayerge of sweartntV -! All Kat|ir<vsmokeBVi Be^r andi& '-'.-f-'t- #Jor^iignaBJid-iceh^rga, and tbel*:- '- cai^onductar's poneh: does nothing i- 'I ?to qpepch tif thirst. iQhJshieatliaf . V- pah!hed.the|face of v th* efrth, aho>i?^ drietlpp all the neirspaperi but th* r Tribane. Puit fliesLla cIuda-*wET "l ,refua^8[tobesllayert^:tperae8aU" " 1.V " ii S" the fields \to Where thtjy.i' W-ere standirig.; \;.-. .,; . '_'i ; " VVhiit! M^y"dflar! You here in. this iihill and, thimp prec iiiig ait-1 They told me you were" . n_your rooni."'.. .V :; '.-! i i " . ';-"! came, put for a w*]c-;"!8'he:j. said. !" The' house svas %tiflipg., I.- wiil go back: now, Allov" me||t4" pivsent my . frietid, MrJ Eilwajxl Chester.- '."'My husbandj .CJolofiel Delmar;";.:];. V / She, seemed a' littleeppfp ;ie^,i ani" sia'tumeied overr:the lnttblijctiony Tiie colonel bowed with a 1 juir' of haughty ppliteheis,- as 'vfas his won't, i'..~i- . ' i' . >f I ani! delighted," hp.silid,.-' t ,'ueefc any friend -of Mrs./D ;l,mar!s. i-.'pi'EStiiiie ypu are a. straigiii: irf^ Hafiipton," sir.";; ' . >" tors;Wterurs cart tfiiti,wndei ni. c ji andTdftfjaia an aitplf itfi^way' iaiir | ji-'; kMS had-npt sreoorered from Up last ain-;" - " - stroke..; Ige-eram is on*^ tha"--^ necessaries -ofl ttfe- akd hrad' anil '.'. -? biitt^r ;'6<coui*' a..'bUT^eP. '. ?Tha. breeaie. lis like a-blast.ftpm'a hatal. kitchen. The rirer u alp]acUl}ai^"' as hot aa.wltephatuir'^witfie;;b*y. " > Ipokf, lfka a bp^l. of gmv/. ' jjveh ' ' tj/e ftags are too weak tojftip^ *pd>; :-s gver| roof becomes-a paytpjento* , *..: = fire: ', No one bas-smy political;ocum / ": ioas; SVe wuijld .all consent' to feo/ ft iddatianisu if tpat would onlyort*|/lj-- a br'eeae.. Thinking has eeaetd to oa1 '" tboughi.of.^'No. Pne pas the streagth' to. jJass thevminoripiemise dTuny - syllogism,' and!- the reading of plai-!; ' forms ia ao longer^ possibility.'J-^Jj';. _"[ cpmiatini'.y is jimp. Who.wants'e.-"- -p] third heated term? . ; '- .' ; .:\--. : i ikJ^-Jj ."K ml ' t m epda jtbat ducks, be turned into ite j pptattji fields as raterniiaatojiripf; the ' pest. ':lt says; that i&r.Terry/reei": aent;;;near-Brig|ttpni found.the ibl>. lowing plan Successful: : lot/ of ducks', ei'gs!ha.tched;by."beh8/l ; aaap tethered- therpens wiyh their ' .v.'ip '^ro4s!in; the/cwitjrfe <if ;thB potato^ "-rV|5' field, placing a lar^es^tiougi; pif wa/-^ _.!!1j5 t^f""Smi<ch-^nili '!].: , "i'X\\. & 1came to-day, ;: returned: Ches- j 1Dr-.-.wboni, .they are. m<a.t acUT, an'ai ter, " and n^etlyour htdy"a ident- "tb!f result is iha*I ndf iiaipj^einjg! ally y.hilo pufcfpr^aisrainble in! the Vejsjkains/, The editor hf. the WhiaPylj fpgj I had-not'seePher folr manrpi-Hf^^y^.ha* . .. . , .. years -;- - l ' - tv - / ..:m^ The colpnel smiled blapuy. "I.!fippe >ve^hai! see^yop at Thp; Reeds, Sir. Pieiise' mike :yourself qtiite iatipme at iny ^hpusej your stay.^- Any frieati bf,miy.;J^e in .acknow;ledg- 'd tiring is entirely welcome: there. .. Chester ibpwed ment pfj the courtesy, "Nose,hiy deiir,"faid'tthecolpnel; drawing his'wife's a^ni thr6ughrhis own; "we really^mtpst returns. The1 : damp sdr-fe-^eicefedrngly.;injprioua ") to. ohevin your delicate stite of health. Goo^ evening^ 'Mr/ Ches:'" ten"" ' ' / ' ' ' '"' " " He turnedpod walked awajy with Eleano'f towards. The Heeda,,leajr way. Z It - What could her was one o'clock; tirpose be? jwhen' she reached ^he'eity, and the rain had then, ceasedj for a while. ;She 're- jfusedja hac4 afthe!|de|pot, and took her course! on foot across I Haymar- jket Square, and so intoj Sudbury Street, and finally, turr ed' down (Court street into Washington; Thus fax she had proceeded without 166k- ijag to the; right oV left. After passing! Scollayfa Bpihiip^ she, slack6ned her rapidi pace,iand now stopped before the Court House! And loekedi up' at the! windows at tjtre opposite side of [the street. There, amid a myriad rof other tjigns and lejtters, her eyes j fell tip- op a small isheet of block tin/ bear ing theiwords " Swayne 'and Cart-- Wright, Attorneys at Lkwj' AndV.wha.'t- could. Mrs. 1 Delmar> -hope-was al! euicermorniPg.:; Thp colonel; haplyiittle curloiua/ Jt ia unnaWal, is it ^epi his dinner 'alone, huj'wife,' noj J" ~ ' '"' i-i ' - "i' !' / Ught, the superscription on ..want 'rwith" Swayne {and OartJ thflmand tiA. hanf. fk,w- l-y^g},'^ Had she come pll that a ay to ...consult with Mr. StvSyne ?! I? so,; she had chosen,ajverjy singu lar time for j that purpose, kn'owSig w|pll thatthfe lawyer was ai Hamp ton '.thiit veify mprning. j. Evidently it).-was {not Mr. Swaynej wh^m she hjid Q'me ty see. Iftdeed, she s4eme^i6Wj for a.inomeri'i unde- cided frhat-jo do,.jand s^p latepped back into tu shadt. of Ither Court House walljiwhere:' sh^ woulpy be le^s, conspicuous for a 1 ttlA-while. 1 AtXJBome-difltance fro n tpe win dow; iipon Miwhioh Mrt-jpfelm^'a eyes-Were bo searchingly fixpd, afad quite out ofj Mrs.' Depp ilr'Sj sight, constantly.) I have never.forgot ten it. It was all that,Jnade.the* thought of resc ie "worth the hop ing. Wo wer; lovers vharr I left you, Elean ir. Am I nc t aa dear !to you still ?," ', .'!-.--. . Her face contracted with a.'rpiti- ful expression of anguish/ as she answered himf * '-, S !' '- " You hi ve'no right lo address such!words to me now', JE iwardl I have: given ypur^rfght aw ay." f '^Are y>u married," rpe adked, turning-ashy paile.i '.-; l.:' "fijbe toie her) hands frpm, his graisp and-j laced them, again over hjer face./ ; ... j '?'I were dead," she -cried, in a sort of wail. " They told me. so; I dip* not know. I would havp waited;ibr ;you always, but they forced m* aw:ay from all memory.'of ypu,-as far as they could;5, . t-He leaped aganW! the- tree, apd a Jppk; ofui u^terafile despair came into his yon ng fal-& lepk such Ps ppe might (Var whose-light, had suddenly, gine put and left him groping in a blind world where ad by experi. T. -are:nsdf ' exteiiEuiaiQrs. v jiDyic^FOB D|jLt. Thies.- Ad-| jveriising is a giat bother./ Itroniyj brings a! Ki/! olipiks to jrpor piCB; -of business.": 'If they" want yon, let' theia. hunt you up. Then if ydpj? get: yoiir. name: ip!"the; papeu yoii' w-ijUVbe bored with idxwiiiBerS, and' ." 'pedple.frotn "tha 6p3ntiy will ca^l"w j, op.ybu. ainpVyou *ill have fpi'show. '" them' goods,;and. like enough haveZ tofdpjpp ;bppilles .for themj wbiphi ^ will exhaust ^our stp/ct-^ovfiiucli ~ thiat ypu wall" "be obhged' to buy^s Bop^e goods, yrlich is ia igreat. trott- , - ":-1Tt -' j 1 mor \ i tie.; If yon aflyertise^ t6o, it giyeaj^,. V ..-.- abroad?%' xng thejyoung man^tandpig^the|^^^,^^d "^^d;y01^|_. apd makp;'it tpo livelyi ;'Jfv'yp&3'.."|'.-- dcui-t wfcriftto! do anything^ ^eep si; ;.*, stifl-ps yphcapr ~.\'.-: *-. J' \i'~'\ J" ^1 i II. \-f '/ iyA npkpowri. never O r Eleahor 1 If I iad come" back 11 learn this 1^ "I wish ypu never had,V she said. " I Sw ish yOu never had.*1 "Elearipr, 'he cried, impulsively; seising her I y the are1 mine in the iight Of Heavep 1 YpU promised in 1 ence. to be; my vyife. I never relet sed you,' and I claim you now, I !e. my^wife in tlie Bight of mek as 'OU; are already before thatofldtod!"'TM She drew harself'up, to her full heightand ;opped; Jbim before she cOuld'say m|trp. v r"l !-:V ', /!'" l-j VWhat ri;ht have you to say this fto) me -|f shp^ asked haughijily.. " I-^am anojt ier'a Jawfiil wjfe, and Liniddle pf the rcadj.looking.jaftet It is unfijir to'hazard the elpnjee- ture, Basad upon the colohel's fea: tures a moment, afterwards,; that he bad, p thosei' few brief .momenta formed an^" e^timite of Mrjji.!l3eT- marte-,new-fpphd- ffciehd/ apd; had already -concluded thf# if Chester were pot he be1, regarded as an ene my, h|e. "was at least a man to. "be clpaely watchet^? ./* .' (Conclusion next, amap/sa^.ji|i a, desk, IvS ;: \. She! Had Plan.:" A gpanfc widow juiiiped into;the Central Station yesterday, ^Johnet asTitew"^hd eyeablazing, ahd isjbM reached' the' Sergeant's /desk,{ahe exclaimed: ' 1 '/' ., ! '7 " I'Pi thP 1 Widow Coon !" - j ./; ' " Ah'!" t'emar.ked- the Serge an,t. ; ,'.' And t 'want to! know i\ [ liny landlord can raise the rent oh' me*?", she Went enj / ;, ; '/ ':'- .";n I .guess lapdlerds cap dp most anything." i i' ' : 4 I" But I'm a -Widow" lv ' _ \" Aiid isn't there a. la* jco tebt-a ;witlowifrom havipgiher' raised?":-,"-,; ;V- -:|:' J" ; , !" Never heard of one." t ["Andi haven't any naorpirl th^n a\mpl;i'ied wdmanJU-T- -^j?rN'et;pne.^.- L i |"!yery!.Well," :she. sa^d/shufctin^ hejr teeth! together,;and strikin|"the /dp sk,-:.-V.-.If'[ a \ widow,:! hasn't any [rights, pill; Paarry ".soafebpdyi 1 dorp 'suiidoWp j A.nd she-kicked; over a cha,ir arid j wt Ikpd 6ut,^-(J?e<TOt'r FreeiPn ss,"'. .'.;.;'..'-: /;;/ /' wp*..' ' !' ! ^Bi'-f^njl-grpwn'main carries a p! in nd, and; th^etfpurthB; .of \ phoaphb rpua jibAiit in l.his";bodp^J^idar ihia,, ANajr(h AmiriiatL:i .Here igjan'i te'rn!1 wb^th thailopnaider^tio^i. of 5pf tbh--" Piakhp!g ^pammPsji-tTri^'- Ji'i;";,(fiiiji.? 4.av. '< Thei mammas .Jaipw hepoe thai fuss^r-ua.-lTC'tjHsw i ' pro- rapt gats' Tiifiee, meip having >. I, Thia; aogounte for so*-a an 'ff3ameB.',vv' suppjosp^ f % ."V M I m Stuff for a; Seatiiriental Storyv. A sad'story*coriies from IHarfeor: ny,'-Me. . A-ypuiig lady/ on:/M!i*/i >4. Marble, ,wW lately found jdroVaed ; in -a mill S&jeag/^andUuspKiop'sf. of- I fO^I^a^r^erPavifirst ^'ferfilrieiJ.J'f t^^ only, to give1 way;Jto a/knowledge "al- \f^^M riiost as njejanchply." 'trAT^ett*r :;f; found writiep %y Mias Harble ex-*,;/"' plained eyjaryfiiing;/ Sop -was in-- -: love With her opusin; ahJ'it Was a/ij ": \hppeless <jase, m- the young, man- /- had. neverf apparently, thohgnt ;ttf , J such a thing; The letto'r / dressed tpf the -.consin, anil, in it she- ;. said "that she lpvpii.him; :-wSth ill- """ her heart anil^'that sh'e could niotlivev "iri this world witbeut him." .-".. "Previous.; to Mias'Marble's death, - ' shpjmade a two Weeks'! vi&t'fcp the i motherof iie;iS^shefcTpd/.tpliTe apiong the |tsanej endeared byTassP- ciatiptt wjj&,]hiip, And ^Keri. pna ; Sunday evpnihg; she'-- werif out; to ^ *ake! a- walky'she said, and.rdrbw^edg -he.rself. It Was, a romance* with a - termination tragic enougii-Jbr/tfieXb mest sentimental of neyeli? .- ', I "' AuVt it .-funny' to ^iMpe^cat- / ' :h, liip felT/L/. "-"-.!;-- ' ['V :!>-:-':/' ^ ".:-, Does a/ste;jiiir' jbpi^er. ig^/'highif " _ - when -it""goeli off pni" burst:" ? ./ j \Hce>'tHe<U:.i^^^ .', would toike.a;!gojod sign fer a gro- .-_.;. cer'.://- j, --'L ;-/r - -.". ',- If it-is ^^^as-alle^eS, ihat "i fp . sti&h in -timp: simlfU^j lfcl ^Ur gqually true th|on.e/8^t*^'J^-'-j .; Thpreisia wpmjahJip-KprtaC^fo-:....... ,. lina^so large>hpt*er sfcjokjng ja,. r^ said to-hold^aJiuseIpTcprPf .There/. v are pepple in^afewn *h# bUx&^j - iiigs hold a good idea) pfceoxn, bat\ -...; we don't ;take ..mPch-^*vin th North i6arplina"a^j)rj^'l|:./! .:;-,' i--^." m * i' *'&: Vt P-aa e t>.p M^^^

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