Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1875, page 4

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-TW.H..7.-< r,._ If i^Wil-f I * -*-sir- :i^kfl JTt3 m mm i"1 IiSOl*<&>*- i^llfilllj '- -.1 ] 4. tw M* 1 I I / IT. m-m^. so.oop Gram! Clearing Sale ar.d SljioeBrfcc.^lto conmt CHRISTIE,: HENDERSON & C^O. CHAS^ In order to reduce their large and well-assqrt^d stock, have decided to offoi* theirinurnfclrous____ , , unprecedented Bargains in Ge neral Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, < Ulbthing, &c, for one month only. As tl ia is a rife; limine CI taring Si lie, goods will positively p? sold regardless o;' ookt] CaSLearly secure bargains, an iJ3av|e money. Their Ordered Clothing, for] cheapness, style and quality, is ^epondt^none in the Prcvjince. ? |j i J_ili, I 1 " j- Aeton, Juno, ISTSj. <Dur Jfaunting Cat. - f i? i. Aaxditor, >n lus> Gnimeial article, says, "Monej iscIom but n6tclu8o enough to reach " ldlad\. "Is 1 Jus Uio slc+ping car- i"Ulow (mstdt) ~- " Xo, nUmt, ifijou *uit to smoke yon nrosi uo higher utj,' "^tV^-noiaHy tho cas with held lojs, philosophical! \ niivtrks Miss Anthony, "thtt thin look liko thwr mother and not liko tluir T ithei " " \Vliy, JeMme, you look good enough to est,"satd i loving hps band to Lis ^ fc-oiio nioriim<-rtt broakfii<^, l"'W.|IJra e-itmg as fuSt .is 1 tw, un'l 1t" A Lunch of shingles fell from -t lasit QU the* Lead of a ncgie^s who sounded hack,*1 "!' oui,htci bi lifajmed to-muss a culK-d ^*^)m,u,<! 1.1*- d^t "\n\. I wish, do ' huigk'S fi.ll o^Lbkjird "^ A Rmsts jnp4* twxp j V nude kicked ui Iqsuiuik* J^cnl ih this ]>1 ec on the che^k tl i" oth^i d >v 1 he agent d cheek v.s unmjui-cvl, hi t tha male's il.oof wis broken" K ipsas teat' tr \\ htri- does all o ir gi-un proutiL1- go to ? ' Uoj ees lrto'liel <Jpj>er ' "Hop per ' Wuat hoj>jK r ? ' " (jrjm>*-( ;i \nt ' tiinmphdnt'y rts^cuded thf Ud. JLke (camirg up offer tne fighA -i-' Hillot, Pa, ^3t a blick e\e1 ' Pit ' Yesjand if jou h idn t. been 6ich a sneekmg cowai-d j ou could La\ e spt one too " Tonriit {m Ire'jnd) -"Tell me, tvaiter, At ^hat hom aoe^ tht hrst trun le-i\efor <*lonmel * ' Wire. "Is U,the fuir&t-tlu-ain sor ? I m rot ngatiy shnre. The noihe t^ru.a; up uel t>> lai\^ at h ilf jias' jjoi e-^b^t fuix it goes .it tu nosuid there b no furrst thmw now tt ail a,l jiL Cut 111 as Jt the bar, snr i . / V-.v c Playingf Chicken *' I siv, sirls," 3aid a litt'e, blno- c\ e<l flixen haired bo> on feecond ^trepf, j-pgicrday, ' l->t me tike your Cindy and we-L all play chicken " "is It nio,e" lnauircd hail a ix-vear-oIds in chorn^ ou bet it is Let mo chow 1-j the cai, h down i yoa Jl -1' go iere b.en 'jerod Viuoen VSctoha is pow paat-filty- I six, and id novr gotUnj: oik to sixty, | t n I for her9cars.slio isstlUa young- Ti looking wo aiu Kir eldest ({ranU-| -" xrtnld, the so i or thoG'rcwa. JPrttioo of GoiwanjMd uqw sixteen^ and It Is quito (losailil:, con~idinng l(hoag6at which Hoys' Ounces mq mairiocl, thit alio nnjfuo b greitcirnd |motli cr heloje sho i? sixty, (oil runy Iito to sec her isrcut gi^ud ohlldroif. ' OwssnoifKii^ iy Uamtob* A fjioud m Winnipeg wHt^s us that t&e gribshoppcrd uro expcotodl to Oiinmit gtteat dovastatibu in ^Isid toba, niul tlo nn Itnmenso jmiount of i jury to tho crops lib irarns pm- t>. i_jn linnrio ngainst going to JUUuitobi this year, ns the profit ucU, ou account of the pAissliopjier pi >gue, oro uov vcr> good A JSkw TLnB' A remedy lor tie pouro bun said to luuo heen'found tu ratMtis equil quantities of htn> dud sulphur in vnicr, in tho prOpor {\qi\ of onq pound of oich tp Jour g lllons of witor Vho looiof tho fm Dior dntiks 1 cirtly of the If (uxd,, and speexhly giyes np the ghost to ilho^o coning ufticr him, uho arc c\ci ni-irching on. t<> tho front, la tiow of tho sfdypo'-i' ion, which seems to bo not iltoge1 ier unfoundedi tlint tbe n!reni(Jj of which tho popuhr remedy, Psri"* green is compo-ed, may poison tho ground, rf used in anything ifkO|l"J-gii qu-uiuties, it vrould be well if those especially con cerned were to try tins new cure, sn 1 lose pa timo in communicating the result to the public through the u ui\ ch-unie's of .nf<_rmitioa the press. "* I r ' FOR, CUEAI' I llilliiicry, Mantles* JUrefes, nnd F.incy (iooiNt Jewelry* To; s, &c, Ac. .Kiti t <nlt Into to The t mporltim, abo-, o Unci >oj ulll Ilnil compli-to. Ee,idcr3 ^newsp^pprs. crtten meet with the term f' car lparf,'f bijt few of them know jtitvhi tor lio\r much Jt i fine fct Ixjuii 'J imea has taken tbe trouble to Jeirq, end sayi, as a genei-nl rule. 20 00) poonds, or 70 btrreU of salt, 70tof lime, 90 of rl ur, CO oE ^laskey, 200 sacks of flour, 6 corfs ojT sO{t wooijlj lSjto 20 he id of dttle, 50 to GO head of|hogs, SO to 100 Jiead of sheep, 9,000 Teet of soli I boahlj., IT(XK) fett of 'iding, 13 QM feet of flooring, 140 000 oi shingles, one fcalf les3 of ha*d lum o^r, i ne-fourtli les3 of green lumber, o'ie tenth_f jioiaU, scantlniff. and kll other taifee .Uciber, 340 buihels or wheit, J00 lorbo'-n. CS0 of oats, 400 " . 330 of " ' af hirlev. apples, 4oO b.f,__ sweet pitaioeb, bran. ,1 flax seed, 360 of [nsh potatoes, 3GJ or 1,000 bu-hels of One mode c bags is to f getting nd of bed- fumigatd t^iera "nth brimstone | llouies fitandin^long and emptv, M'hic'h Lave : scanned w ith tiiem, Lave been ty fbis tuearrs efftc^ually freed from them Place in tEe centre f the rootna, dith con taming about 'fbui ounces of brim stonf , ivtno e fiom tl e room such met ithc fciujf ices ai^mvht be af t "r I b) tlie fumes, close ttery c, r \ eif to the kej hole, a id -miot d& After fuur or r the room nnd op3n fhaiough alrug to be imdbt \ qmic i I ' "ied MILLINERY A SPECIALCY. Catl and exnnilno our Flock brforo ir- I chablDcolncvrictro d. mcnai:j and contiii^iQna Month only. :ho 10 lbs, best' White Crushed \cto i, Jolj lss, ISTi-fiit. C. T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTOX, UE\LER IN General Groceries, Soots and Shoes, i Wall Paper, Windo-w Bl^ndls, Crbokery, , GlassjOra*^ - Nails, Glass, ' 8 li 11 a if^e "Oy r- ' ^ tlje 1 en^up uhcj he buds s f.-im of orti,"jnd ihepi pioks it lip faiot-elf it. Joieph (Mo ) Gu^lte y -i A f<K- ij- md trac.h.1) t,t tli- ut. ^.v . ciju illy] cLiedcious i a^nmst y-f 1> .LI i ' Beecher "?viii siiU Preach 1 A bevt yerk piow saj-? that at the Usual weekly prajer tilcotiug li PlymjulhChii-cn on Vnd iy t vening, ' Mr L( echer, fn the course of Insre- i mark-), sa>d thit uo milter wbut: tni^it lie the verdict of the jury in 1 ilie <sue at Js--tfe bfetv.eeii hjinsplf o&d T.ilton, be should conhrfce to ' occupy Ply-mouin. pulpat "iViiether I he shoul 1 ite (dj id^ed guilty of notr 1 guijty, Plymeuth people bad faith lii .tia innou3nc& aud ivould. -tick by ! 1u i iuromgti -thiek m d thin With I tbe conscibunaesi. of his | inoceneo bclure tiod and man, he wjjuld con tinue to pre xh vvh it he cbnbiJcred \ tp be i&e trup, libei^l religion. IIiB rem.irKn C4.useti b profound tensatiou ~ among the i udience, and 7eve greets, t d wuh appUuse At tliO clube Of the meeting Mr E ec'iier" wns ttirong^f .vl.out by bit. Inenip, rac n and wotnen,g wiq vi1 with each other in chakin^ hands Willi tneir jta^tor snd 4xpiessiug to liiin'Vthcif !eJ^?ii8he6 and support, no matuir "what might occor. Kjt,t YotrB I\j3 Vt'iie^YuvCMKn' Thbl Agissiz* wjh uccusloued to tell iiis pm. Us how to ki I htli ris-fooyn as taken bom the witter, because fthe- flesb Of th& fish Ilia t die a%oon a*, itiken from the w iter is much bolter 6!in thatofithgse that bulier before 4jing. Pfoleosor D D tjlade,, m a^ Jitter b^fote the Massachusetts Board*of Agriculture, says " Van ous modes.OT killing fnh are pructi^ e(l Tbe Dutch destroy life by making a slight longitudinal incision "under, the tail wuh a sharp instru ment* Op llhe iijune they kill sal man by tftrusiing ft steel ji^edle n>tp leir beadsj* Fish may "bo ea4liy tiled by' *tmkipg tlrfm U O'Ufk, i.harp' b'ow With a sm II stick on the "T5*ck of iho bead, ju#t behind tbe ye." An* the Profess contjn ues "It has been 'oberved thot fish which l?*ve b<ea insUntly k^U<r ]0illti It IS cix'kio.iLht^, v.itct bugs arid othci \eu ui, an,(L, if apjiliud to the L ir nets of lioiies, the animals will bo no longer unnamed bj flies As mix vomica is aJsodebtructt\eof human life, Jiiuati bo tal.t| tb AtohI accidents ill Jt8 i se '1 he. ImJciui o should be p.ootiml u needed^ laud not kt-jit abov t tuc licu^t ' Linseed Ciij ^->q avr 8s SoUol PHOTbGRAPis ! a-- o-lliaiiXiJXi + i ' 4 - > H >( td ar<: fji arc iii lOTON, Paints, Turpentine, MkchinfiJiL f Coal Oil,, i Salt, oto AIJSO A^ onl I TMi>wt<iilty iuform tho public thaiivithfti tho| rnsit n w v(ccl tiu lias It t\ g'fut imnroi^mcnti uuJ dm tno arrn,e r l b of ilgbC, aj U tkat Ue it. now prepared to I P Turn Out First-lass ;Work 1 u rlii any i ar < r tfto daj, In |ali: SInda 4 wcutlitr. J da Uio s< rvlcis of VlL w Crol-cl ihs aitlKt latent IS.HdiU- PARIS CREEH & HELLE30FE bli\espcun ifYHri.^, . w.^ortCitjl aolashUUine,.., ill would flAucll t>;c ill ut <iuoj|Sbo drtfr -i- - iiklbtlcllghlli viu ju ilTl| < 1 tifSlll tllff'l I (I'tTftxrr hif* lit i rounoflbbUinln, pU uir*b ,vibl< h ncaudbrl llinicyoranisli outldc of tUu ursk city >omt,nJon, J ifii'vinir biu ljr rurcbaf ed ai otner 'very vnluubit In.-str I,loot ,8 cond to nn*e In > fnuiitryi 1 mu ctiubled 10 prounco w n'H any w<q>"t. '.om Vte ordinary-card the kill ou bem ^jk^n 'from the vvatet--ar ar u Vftstly sap Hor -ti taste ad*ol ditjr ^tiiUf ti^ose wbJfclf a^e allowed to ayig J$ p)0 uro to llxli. I a) opyii|s and EnlargjUiK,} At y hire can be ohtalncf and finlaitstd In. Jn 1O1I, fvirt*: Colir, rruvoti ir Plain, uiji |n Uie l)lf. cbLbliluoriht. art vtoiriU akoI i remind Ibo fiiiMlb that I id^re coiistu tly In Bloclt a lurgeJ^borti m jiu. of < | t>raa zvA S^uase iictuto Emaea Flaia and ffaacy MoullUurEl &e. H eh ^111 b<- snia. Bt ton lowfc8t|liipes' , tsfl] lrti"4anJdoii_s Ui Kft-ite sC really .<(_ .~n cairl., aMr j:ahn wlllbt. nntil- rhifclf a^e allowed to ai^,' J ^ia ^to, joneertUan a f|)W V Fmosthioiv TOwrht be v*rys - | ] jJAlte3-0.pi>' >-1i'h|^ U (iful> fcllCU'lts'l'llJ* :j K^ir the ntklirurtloh !of Pojhto CaU rpll biru and ^>Uier tUBoctju. Tb< tojtli c inbablUintbol Ai i I 'be (.ubsprlbef bpgs tf>iaturn bts f lcc-*conijtry for Uio slbcral pat UictluforobxtoiideU toihlpq, ami eamoUiao tollelt tbcij- further * ipporU 'L 74 h MO tlie editib: "ljutenbergs J(>50 and 1 ioIorJ ll vli.iiB ljo*r U?llttln.. twill ns tortr>c,r tntere t to) call " "............." ! paVb r- in hah is lobiuidsti^rouid IOIU^i at tie NT.C --CashPaid (or Aides delivered. , , > c. x. 4*l: Actoa, July' M-llSlo. A Lttr bab' f Treasitre A cipy ntARf Toq f f 16 the Bible prlnkd at -Jlayence, betw "6, was discovered id autumn in fte vestry of the Chur;h of JKlem Bl " It pari Iy ted tiitien, in rahconv, pjcinted1 parflyj on pager apd ohlpftr<:ihmei!it, Tl waf re*sn the* church, in" 1877, nearly -200 y < tars amon and Bibles,] being m nianusofipt Biblp. It h been pi c tiased for about l5Uk>y an Englfp cplleiotor i Bui ;s. of il hah lajfn Psalm taken boofi* foi SECORD MONTREAL In Hardware undersold. ^..OTOIsI". =es? our stock are j west of Toronto. >ne In iCrockery and Glassware iwe hold_lai_ iprices below the marked G-ipnite pets fi)om three dolUajs. In Grbceries, we have o of thp largfest and choicest Our stock of Teas is nofr edulallej^, ari4 ranging from fLi to 90 cents per pound 11 lbs best Bright R 3flned or Grj^uulated Sii^ar for $1. 13 lbs!; Turnip Seeds "and Earn sf; 1':ols, EAt END DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING *' 12 lbs,best ^rqdiuiti bi|gar for W HOUSE OECBISTIB, BROS,., [full; Sug^ HOU3 E; our^ t for $1 ,Darlf Moscow Sllgar^for $1. STOEE. Tho undesigned begleaTctoeaHthoatUinllonof thetnhahltantsof Aex)band\l- | rlulty to tbe Well ussot ltd Stock of I Staplo and Fancy Dry G-bo&s. LL Trii Our Prints, Drcos Voods, and Dress Trimmin; 1 Arc all of best materials aud nev, est {attorns, ! OUR STOCK OF TWEEDS IS LARGER THAN SCJ ihii Comprising fuUJjAKf TiJXA jtungiish, a,nd CanaqLxan mx - And. bclnc practical wurkmenJ feci sitlpjlcd In nsiti it fTl I p our ciwfomcn cUcayiicss, uouUtowi ana durability our woiH eaiiuol ITo suinassed is* . ActoD), Ju'y 1st, 1TTS. I DICKON & McN4B. THE CENTRAL STORE ! st is I Mill Street, Acton, UitttTor I J JIaiitkvs taeitbw, customers tod tli^ public gene^aUlT . ^ __M, _TSX.. ^^ 1.---------1 J. ~gar(ileSS 3 Wl* ^ T&pcr 1 prices* cannot be ge s+^cks, ^and^^t stocks cents L I ' iTfeeBebfc of Nation* For two years compara ltb has WMpw^Ue^artl,, iihflro ^ ifcg. bear* in the tibia nogr t tintiat ai itragglei.,. Campfetent autboiw. estim&bss thateS^.HfjJ Mie fel! leading nations of tho, v oria fiw increased their standing in^ebied- noes .by (be round sum rf StJJjV 000 OOQyor M be-rate of, *etfM 000,0007 afld the next by iftiauf P 1^0,000,000^ *li,lo mik*fd<k SaJlVOOOJMO, ItafyT$l504loWnd India SUOjOOQitWdp: X^M^ Prussia, by the ai5 of tbe W Freouh iwlemnity, rhH "United .^l*,os iias rapjdly dt&rq sWd op fc tliai-tltoe, but-lhese oroy lirschetk. e<t ite- real jdftcreao. ]- Jctaa] linaiiclal indebteUneS p fha #0rfe fonts up t^^tBa^euoj^iotilrDjHJre cA J3^SujJlia.WV Wlti n4hftoil ia4' threat aaSoqrUnig to ^I,tW|)tW.t)( Veilly Ware[ orM 9*. dbfetors Ihe nations which hear taeiff eafej of these buriteris |^ay theflrjttiest'ft A follows --franpr,, at <iet--p -eseni rate, mu*tiraii{e.UW CCOpOO'annt - illy^or mtewfjl^ m adkUtibn tp^ilM e*tWBses of vbk goverunKftiv 1^>1- nluai p.y ^i' ....... ' $1 ^!5.r ,in Great "^'jariety. [ ambroco tiik opportunity of tendwing thanks to Fii jutis for the h'jeril pticron ge bestowed by them foi ytjii^i and at. t^io evpcneUoe (of that time has. had: its lesjlo 11 ihlcd mt to'piofit tlnrcby, intikots to pnrch.ifao in, 4111 also the cheapest,, my rely jiipou getting the bene it of s.ud experience Inf it Btlti Is the Place fbr Cheap G-od>4s. i V. J". Txr. i^t^.2>ri<r STOCK OF ;^Pry Goods, j 1 Ready-Made Clothing, Groceties,\^ " -. ^ j Crockery anil Glassy are X^j targe^yrell Selected and CHE A3'. r a 1 if. J Ato,|JulyJ 1875. Ktf-^&alland i_~ or the best quaUty. or Prpji are selung Groceries always fresta and Great Bifffialiis may be alvays haft for Cafeb. I wish io^do stnotly ^"Cash business, as our goods toWEst Marked Prices, j r ^ Highast^rioe paid fsr all kinds of Pr< liioe s Examine our Stook.' 0S1 OFFICE' STORE hL.<DrG>l<T Is tbe Place t)o SCCt|RE riLl'ETorpour Htinc> in choice ti:as, CtBociipwIEs 'Provibions, drookery, Glassy ^are, , Stationer); School B< oks, Mall Papers* Fanfy Go< liiuilow Uiiuda and Rollers, fixtures, lk beeii a mattei nupobsiLlc to do bui}int>ts on ^. stiictl Our country Lang pcos 1 I iLicd. to an. unprcceilented. th^ last few joars, I think. |o\i 1 people ore how in a positu Abandon a System soj Pemioicp^ TLat" it has jfcol droato margins for bad imd iloubffui flipt cm W customeij b,as no right tc beai ^atnd which LitLeitu do+ll am detemiined, there! ate, ^1 and after the iSIlirrEjI^EIi,1 NEXl? to dc business cfor> o*e I I Py V0U0Otf,0 a jrtteristsni yet Will increase ier goyriuiiii expenditures th po&nup jiar finn iretl millions fir exte^urja! -^ ments of the fcapt^il'suril Tiber^, The httfe-e^t -Bfc , debt anjoqntiit-^o %7540 tha^; or bptrra Uo ^35,OOW, xhe latter T&Ises bv borrcmii t^oney, for1 Which il|payil| 15 per cent, v t it With- suqfy* |Eboiring fcf' times and ^or year* of pohi "$ertty, -tho cOn-teiqplatioB o disaster. suirfiTis a^gt-nertl^l war.U wide*8prad|eratn m ( or a nituirra, presekns friaiii seqdehcea ianatioLale^^ei to. say prospejrrty Stn^' that OTerwiieltamg hht. \o be one ofjtbeauseo! firaof present sy^t^ms or thf j which tbe orreju bluinfij less, the strouajovertlirow J 1 4.^.^- -i- itc. >^rds^ Patjoiij Mattel , F*urb3or^ P iBsh Wrtil jjifepn -j uono Df-rur|*eitftie. lunged Soil iwr vinegar, ti^riBghlv appitil MinH then rulibed i nth iJannetTiar^n ex- celien t furnit i re polish j ] v- [ 1 O Jfeep B joks from psrsp A - feu diopar iay kind ofj p|riip>et ! oil will secure bo<iks^in^j|i ^nscrrr tf I from the de :erioratwg *fir-cta- of mould end dptmp. 'Hit>OeciPS of. leitlier * extJsnsneJy UFffrSj b0 kr liiu<iers tiwn4ts I" wer fprijh^tanilt. lyg-Oife effects oi thee* Je^t, aCUvi . aj.eitts- to ihe yx t-fi.he ^bilclj tc*e j ' \\ asniug fabrics ieftjWwaiiTn^ almost any co|.red fiil-ri^, sc?Jf Uiem in water, to escwf gkllon *Twhich a spoonjfu^'oX ox gal) 11 .$ .been' mltjbd. ,A teMupfiU of ly*> Jji a p nof wolems saidt-to itnprote llie eoler. of bhick jgoqors. 4 bUjfl^ tea -of common hiy r.Ysifig waletvl for pink wrll-bngbten;--those colors i iH toda^ 1 answers the Isimv end for jitcjih pur ple nnd blui, (L f f , 1 Cleanmu tJaijpeiB.+ -iTut-l^ ur fairae- S|)loonfuls or ^taunonia to On -bi}el.i fnl of wterj)nth soapTJi cfabrijgt brush, and ltb;uscrub i-spd W4*l^ thje caTpet jMsi as jotr reou|tt|nti uti painted ilkxw^l djanging jtb^ Vfaier freqUWitPy. Ijjakve lkowuii(os open uiucs. poopi*. * bujflfc tea. <oi j union hiy will im-proyie 0ia-atar J FreunU iuittpf .Jrtearj <m tbte|'?3 fij walervl for pink and grewK-" 3 aiJd the carpet ,wilt-sooW , cities where biiummoua nurotrous ^carpet* aroBoJubhetl as ,i Snt twenty woo>ien floors] and with and hTsj^Cttt ln^ea<jr;-of taking '(} so fhatl am now acquaints! with Ihelicst **** Btx wH^* dun*.g]|hel winief,. J t _i__ ii _ .i . . I .1 r . 1 fui Rnnin m i mtiddv diRttiom llmlr' .lrJ Ubljom^rd may ftjrn'ttii } eare is. vijthm Sk l?s] which Ahe nWl to his system I will he enable! I Andl by adopting LDUCE PRICES* FROM SIX to EICHT Until the tbove tim,e ariives, customers paying Cash 4 ab aty I discoui t.i Customers miJ" th s \ 3ash Sya m, which "in,de 2d w] iu, |i becuru advantages to " C(^sh ]fbf |all 1 j .jiKent Money to Loali, Agent Montreal fourth i>> Court, C<n. ill Q. B &c JALfllES M^TTrij^'^S Act^n,JUlfl*|,W t \ -1'-^ jr >l Kj[nds_ of Bi^> e^ancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Inku ranee Went, Tel: r" AJlt KIKDS OF ZP'RX THE ^B] dtice; proper time, and do^noi fea Be sequent tnre>fuld exjete|:t tini>nd* tnon ^y. ] " 4. Use men) ey j^idiciodtsly aw nol at tend an jllOSyjales so- ^ urc____ all kinds of t %>nlgery bjecai isd Ife^is ra the cheap. Jf^- } ^ *. J..-_ t a ...-JTSv.--------^t|wej|!-repWr-^ rofang irr the Co* Clerk i 1 as some lnjjn'Uddy distiipl] necrsssry, ^ IcarefUlj ynpuij 'w^kjOf the <i|jpet"rt^bw)] ^ from,ieajo ^afctv^wili ffeui dust and fejneht^as^he |il thpropgb sif^pin4,>*I tfatswj^5 tlm^a toonSt*- ^teoetie Ten ~&v&$p for Fj untoT 1, SeejiaxM tion^i. I 2 J)onojtli terod ovetf snow, /afn 3. Kefair ga<ld local pi tl e iaipIeH^ fatni, ejr^pfc heat. ' Y >ls and bnSld&j] to opera- ixperimetrtsJJih7 tt-si any neW 'Ui i ng*. "k t- PlautfiiSt troe>Well,i' them^ and bi source getig! B. Pntolic i " econpnj*- by stock shelti; durlpg ^lbej al=io good ft < d. tataAg: out. 8 is unsound, 1 ^tten or ra5j*fdy. 9. IJanot Ijjeepjatt" ' - snarling doj;| arflund who oat more >u ^.nioi are worth in 3 tifetkni la Takialkooipa,, and notice t|f t tbeiFuija 'a4a <tw ifflWnl We mtildn't'kA^ioef ^toik tp come fcroTfuft ^hese f _ to vindicate," jhe clan 4s of ' girls to bca.ij{f Cjfcjf t^<'f ficj ff: r ( ' X LI -t 1- .*l m lit r ' 1 T- SA^fe riwp ^H X " i CTf^" P>& |> fblf WMt '^~j- rt** wm? ^ t f*?^ * H, / 1 p^~ 1 * ft*i

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