Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1875, page 3

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u: a -?."- -It-. MM* jq*~ *ST: W n. 9 fW*ij>Jw indented; - HI J - 99 V [Trains leave -Autoi) as"; follows :i}- .Q1SU 5-t>T, , '" ' pres^ t ! i ,/: fhlOivjn., I NK1W AE^&RTisRMWfS,. I ' ' ' I ' ' " i r ' ' a-' JSIb&hig l^tp iNkvlisprfrss .xpwss Mail .'. - -, '.Mixed , V^lglit'ii^irtfss: . *' j: >'. 'i;VltVil-ii'l*I COIXG :$i$t. 'I- :.. .'" 1^ ofV *nbo*^xn*teh 1 fnsspi, "Ilie <jneei j, tbo)c m nitmrinenv: konc: ViriuvTa; hV e*preed, bV |fi i kVe. )*t union -for;. I p-j<3ts: *ias one of *,; |it]ca>epf agrkolttiTipvJ <Uubtlimue>Tem . kijt ^ebti "Were " thiS I* h *, in<:niber$bir> oT; iyV ajd success^ -siosejefjtiie *,, aceoant { nw tour-' If Itlwv'tpRBt t. ", ; eo :-t^Pr$ohibition " bi- .wbdjCp^oTginixejivex.' "a jt>od: ;w*>rk; <&riegai*'.s *nd nin*t^; '^, jb*-1 Ordwr -; were ' ' iij ilhwr- bouse " i^:i. jij |J]Ujwi teams., ;V'^v -: ': tJVSmrch; indl&aA.'.' J'" The C.V>niTOit^g(jk t. ;-' li JSni-~ t}ie_.i>lraiitjir$ -4'. iifetticcs sill tight, jj~ |}i'.'!<ivtu:' tb> EasU*^ [ ': -}.. i^s. "Flvxm. Esq., ver*. : :? ;>)<*rs. "i Tise Tetnp*r- .'-> -*i^A(>dt.:.h5.;31t- E... :f- rsBd-^-swret, tnusi* : ws , j- Frjai'.jafeentiv "^Ti..-"'^ ~; \\>x tief Xataon^l; - ".^ \: \SSti i^ay>:Ood. ^ :\1>V Kxptvsa -' : MiCiL,: . -, : ^IJIxg^- ' : ( ii:lI(>p.Ju. TslSp-irj '_3!& n, : sis* ;.< 0:20 p; ...'. .0 no tiro ^VUrt%htsV; i r.'-.,.. - .; 0. K5 ta I 'fessdwcli.!. -O'WtoO SprinJ-Whant ": - V.....' 8. *P Oats..;.v." Ava.-.-.:.T,.....i--,.: !**J lKg^.;..;.:.v..,,;..,..,..o.i2;toO ilirUHl Apples, per 11>... 0 OS to 0 '= !w*k..'..^.;.-.:.K.^f 12^ too S' i ' GJJKLPH MARKET^I "J. I .iyi vhiat, S& to 95oj tw<l*4U. ! POt U> 5>3c; aimhg Kheat, (GImtow ), { 6c " - >"90c: spring vfheat (rd tihafft 80c to : 8?c-, iits..4Kcvto^;p*M>'71-vJP 7]taj, PI mj,---U j fStrayJ|tnro thonrchuJo. o( the *ul>- s<arUj:r, iiar Aotoh, on) tlii 28th Juiic, lourK*W!iud.ti:hrw Bank'Laniliaj'.Hll wbi^. tebbouVthi months ia>l. Aiiy pw iln.gjsijig JtofoftjuJtfonithatVill load to t |fcir wcoyory liiijl do siiit^hly rewarilthj. ' / \ . M I P. S, Mt^STUOXU.: Aowu jrulysjsjfl,'! . j.: ;:^ ; ; The ui,Wr(l}fr h - C . ;."M- ?orTTliUhl;wllllpajfIVH DOl^liAHS ibS&r, diylcfcu. .l&rfte I?c7f AT TJ :fi . ACTTOW TAN^iRY j^tc^il>crbag;65cto!5t0l)iW*U, 35o fLj6' r.Sdl w Aqtoii (GRAPHS : BH^TOaRAPIfl!. -C3--. ACTON j ,! nii ,1 rpHpectftilbr-[B(bfhi; tlJo public tliatwttlijn 'tite'.jxiHt lev wpok* Us hat hint jarPiH IIP Pavement*; mad arrnuaemou'v of llt'lt, Biut;tUttt piflpareUlor '" ?! i-S^i 1j?^nTw-J*aiffimjn#% th0| T rn lit Flrst-cltMs <ifi ulniry tm fijnswj aid will klohvor pplk .- ' ^.(?xW-.-M!l!"">t{.]jft: -ovdriin^ at tiio Uurlnit hpy pari if tho<lny, In 1, no\ises ir the villngo, I Milk warnviitoil i . " '. 001 pwro.. ^wfcnty-onp quart tickets for. 75 19.1 ifjiai^in ail van w, or twenty-one 00'pint tickets for^Ooeutt.- " ^ ;-. |V', "P. S,:^||tMSTItO^ funoath, 187^ A$iIedL.V':J:. - iooo qoaasis|: -,;;-: CJood Semlopk' Bark iVt the resiilcrice of the bride's father,' hvlFiamboro', on June 30th, by thb Etv ! jvJMcKav, M.^V.^t-^l^H; Brown, |.J> i[ I . ",. "<>f1 Ksquesins, to Miss Mary, 8e!i<\ \ ]. . ~ |'j M-_L" v^j||r^M.^^;^,|T|IE Y LLAGJE OF ACtON thi the lit ink., by the Rpv., Geqijgc ' Is rropai at the j^i.lenc*v of/tjhb1! w*nV^. la-We> latfa'er, Mr. ^imtli Aurey >jj(n,>'to:.:.SCis3 MATtha Atui Dyer, ^ I. loUvorett in tuiamjer, U BEARD.UVRE, Vr Z. A. HaIlL, Ajtent. I rt Acton, July J, ISTJ). I Proprietor, i >n tn* fl It.novf ' I ' i ill kjuJi 1 have traural thb srryljw* rl M, W, H. KAHRS, a llrttrclns* artlK t livi it Now VorHCltJ',nndiisljlHfJme 1 llmlt- o<], nil would do woll to#aUul < no* who are dolronn( obulmni{ plreinr'H, whlrh ------" ..... ' '--'ufnmmi ona city (\rUHioUant|i>sanaurliit'!Po,'ufHnrti nro onetiiUvlleil onWldoof \\xp a ' KUllertet In t|\o lKuulnlou. X>OXJ;! to ITa|mraj;turcrs. to grant a' borjus Ito partl<* .,' any kind of lnutjufactarlne bulniis MSployIHB-ten*bllll|JmiirtaJl ^jr _> _ th ,T^-7*- t-!. yarafraxs Atftonv on 'WgtlnfsJny, Uie HetSy Kyilei!._ a^e.1 (5yea v,\ras hiwily"re^4K'4'elby J"w __________, aaul&ives a lirp; fainily eh|lrtlrcii, grantl <Sl great gra"4 V^ilJjVH 5 t<jinoaru his loss. V. \ ! ., ,j '"hi '- In Eraaias.% on t|(e iJlst nfrJuiib,, George Easton, in the TCtli ?<ftt of to ige."" He waa' the. iJilos't sgjthr^ - iuithe ttrtiuship, of OJai-^agawega, suii} SrsW' highly respecte<l.;- ;ifis aflhctibi) ii-^is bonie'irith Christian ifortituvle, an4 hia cad was jwiiice. of jiipi7 roiff let \rlth tiny pnslriei'S aarbaUy 'T&iz&iy; 1st JrilyK; kr^tow3i jj*. the^Scptsb,:VT': | Iriajnetshijv'S^M* the.; ' -Jj L^i'-jpjpbtt,' 3a^wji;; ij| b?iaghtfe>4 t JCejfeeer- ^ l-.rt^-l^ti^W;-: JoXu.; ?tt>jfitciT:: J obn Trnf;_): ,.;%u;Myor Cl.n^-. dehl; SjiisS^Ojacfe.,^-; \.l Jfosiious; Mi^/Klixa, nii.; tMrs. :KjjbraijlOv Aksfe-S:c-aBL'"--;' "f" -T71- , -. '.'H:^"" '.; '. fut-k u lurpiT^r -id ,<li.-le4 . HiVbivdyJnat*-^ ti,riiigrv \'.<ii." Orau^i-rille Bt<-; :;"tcblJ'ris:iiI the ' fcnk^ ^iV ! 3iist. " Garafra.3f*J. tuft'^ojiu. >... ' ;. "* . gnva*f^P*Ts^*ue Chi% \=-.^ |<- iup^ious piie jsiwartn, f. | *hi',^=> moving at t?(tt :i|| fci-, Jlci^s, honr;, occb-. 6ver a. ^-j| aoftri,~atkl - was esthnai-. ij r tA^a^fcy to; sever|tyr |-y^ atv^'balf a; nrilo. : . raha* all .OrS".tli^ f3 graSb|ibi^enff" /w^h^i -M l dtj M-gipn, cannot, . ;j weatbjT, 'aid. thesf.,'J : nndoibted^r ?= "iilfetT ... IrWiiriojca." 5tertoverv | fe.&5;Sii*'iwl to jbe j ure5 if;," the inseK^ nh.lior.gU: ihef hare. -^. J enormous ft^arms, if a- \*A |iiat;tbeyi mil Jfct -arqrki-;^ jf Tdt^trnctioh.; ' any kind of lhatjufactarlne ....... (-j dtK ithlntho ior^rrlith iv upwurus, rind whero fufd Bualness -dooj roiif let \rlth. finy piif Irii 3'ikb><j! within tho t"r;.ri..... rxwf .*s(tk!. r >od. railway) fneMltl s. As j ostub " ton i..... , .. .__ bcln ot t|)o'-tiraml Trnilt: Railway, tnlrt\-dvevmlles.west ofrToronto*' J In benuMfnI ilniJ liatihy JoeUonf_Jto,/ five from HYhnlHp**! dfcht, atui property ciin JAJlSiifl. ItUitV" VllUiBe Cterk. liP I h^i>JlU"P oaVn: reas'onab i^f.f' _ , I,- r- J" Ajctcnj, Ipjy \, I.^o. Pnp,tin sin th<i hestlcii] > i '\ r * ~ IJfi.'iL Dij Detroitj:' out of bis pocket.! f '-itahde yoa kaow who J am f " j JlcM&nara said rnusingly, -i'ltHS,-'?] Little?^rhy 1 na'verjk^wa.doptor Wj igved th? firs*, numltex'jof- piOv^pnb^iihcd ^ilr. J. J lt a good J2a sheet, Ke-imanjit gf readiBg mat-. tcry ueaUv- got /np. . The. tromifses ^> be a very as>,^ r sertTceahle newspaper,*.jj |i the-' conirrry. * We '-wjah^ tceiveil th- first TJamberj flvt* the whi<;U, si ^oubt' ex- Its, act ,Jo Sts.tei^or^a* the.' Uatcenrs4 ""\5r% Wh our..;'J Leiver}- - auece*t- Tvroio,.^ I'mer. - r'*: "[. ^Sdw ie tb*>titfe-ifra-36sB 1 ' "" pendeni B* poUtTe- &y Mb WH rafficieiit eip ^ -^ to know howi to ttw *>, f-THe ioozeoM <rf^haidi^j (know hov^ to *$rec)*t iheBthey,we- "" hbut'l : <ioes po* 1 ?i/^jH/ j i/^;-. ... :;-]A ; n___-of the Acton -ftffftiS ji hs -34*? Ji H,Hackia&;lf .July lit. it ifi H ne*t'an*'4 I aud injiep^idaji mpojrbc^, Jf I it wiifiojjet with the **f> ji ttafor ? Having Int^ly nurchascd niiolrter very VBluublo Inntriunent ;w>con<J.i<j none. In tho country) 1 am enabled Xc produce work liny ulte, fiom tbc ordli arj- <urU plotureto UXH. . ' In oiylnff and Enlalrgtug, " .' '"J - .. ' "' ] AnyRtzo ran be ohtnlned and fl ilnnd!ln Ink,'OII, Walor Color, Crnvon or Plain, and In the bU'beslBlyleofllieart. I irould (iRnln rf rrilnd the pi bllt that I have constintly iu MocK. a.lnr ro assort meut of '.." ,... r Oval ana Sauare lictnra JFrames Plain aai:Faaer Mouldlj gs, Sso. which will bo sold at tbo lowei t prices, l'art|f s arrxloux to EOcun a really In mind t to call R JOTW;VFRE Saddl artisj lc p!ctbre w H pleaso bear Utat'^lt Willi ne to tbe?r Intcre early, ns Me. Kahrs will bo una! lo !to re main In Ac|nn longer than a fefl ~ '-' v 5 - ' ifAMEJO v Juijrl.'l!.^..- ^VT<J$ BAKJERi:. A Gufltili Mefo.' Victimized. v|;~ .Frtim tht^petroit fV Pi-etfr-^ Miles Mc>'ax5ara l^ves at or nehr ; GntlplijOntariOi lie caroe to AVifld- or tmI)oiiiinibn-Dny to participate ;in the annual celebra'ion^'.ilo spe itl . ' the day" pleasantly, and reiireU it i ' ii-Tdnight siihtbe.intentioa of:ii-~iiig j iarlv,. iiifordsr, as h$ said \a tliel..:.--:-\ i . ( ...-.:. -,, Clerk og the hoi el, '.'to put in a diyj /-,/,-,.. .: or^ two iii Detroit" before be returned j Of j (iVC'J XleSCrjptlOn : hokne. He accordiogly.roseearly ciuf Krtd-i? rnommg, ami took; the firstU : -: Hj I Arheriairi ,-ip, he celobrated tie' " " ' e|eut by diking a ijjrorw" which Jjia did at;ie of tho :S)tabns pn the jtn^k. iTbis acconiplishe.i };e >valk(?d ]Bl-ureir to the avenue. Hi M'\V; - piany beautiful'things, ii.tlie^ she if ; winilawji.i ui.4 stopping eNej-y -new , and then to View Iheih, lie-'aitractiid tbp e;gle> eye of asbarper, wiio wal k fd,^Mr. }4cNam:iraaad.tQUcbed . .ijiim iigntly ou the nbpulder, .Miiss If anie'Lund before he b:ul time to &iy i Ijk wOril thtfe str.ip^er,r.i*pint; bp ,li - "<cif hi"8 h-inJb jirbiij. P've -bini a cor- Uit*l>bke! ftf welcome, ilr. Mc^.' w > rnbra lookedrTijro in tho face, and ; ' quietly'1 with whom he ,'had the plp:isur<? ofjforpijrjg an ncquaintanoe. 'i kvKoiniiiig ^jri apquaibtance,; ii- . flee)l,' indi^auitly relnarked:.-,tge BbAtjper. . r* Don't you know me, py t- irfypa near-sighted.??' ' 3;, ry' Mjles Ishopk .bis. bead dubious y '--- iand arist^red- that be. didnit-thir k .. . ;'Hei ismycapd,"said the sharj- , . ej-| dratvingapruitedr8toboardco/i tainlnghis fdliaddres3, ' weeks. IL.V;, i'hoto. Wlfoliesn Ie llHannfnctnver of DBAriEnjjtN Ilarneas, . ;-Trinl^s,| Traveling Bags, HpsQ Clotliiii^, ComT:a !' AndBrublies Al' order will be ... _____ stven Into our rinndi ___ __ slrieSly. at : nuf d to, and wnrr inted to gl\e bailiff c i-lojv aa wff employ i the best wo ktnen and material. [ CpriL,AHi I wnrpintod trt glvo lailHfao- l4; are of our own manufacture. tloT^atth' Of all klnc Nj AU whoij lIOJ*|CUt0.f REPAIRING done with neatnos^ and on io sUortont no.lce, i|Ulreeoods In our. Iho will ve us a cull before JurchuK JPiC. lug blHcwm re. " memjter the Stand- It. CREECH; 3u|y 1.191J3. - . A, t TlieBiibscrlb0rbpg to lnforn habitants of Aotou imd vicinity Is prepajvd-tosupply :.' First'Olass Bread, Bimsj ( v j Biscuits, pre. Ki'esh every doyr^drlivered oji their ^ houses. WEDDING OAKE4 Mndeiibordrt'lntb'if laifst styit \'nuH al r-.-^bnab'e' charges 5gj. Highest jirlo^ In Cuna pajJ IfcrKggs. ',','" _} ft OAIjtblfAV. Acton, Ju'g 1, IST-j. , , , ' most at tractive s I LylesT Acton, ; Domijiiop. Saddlery ACTQN.. CBJABLES DEAN llof : nuch p easure In anuouncln j to the ' 6 of: Ac ton and Barrpundlng country ie }& n iw prcfared to sup )]y cu- bver}"h,8 in the lh loof peop that tenure,^ tii JlARivESS, SAD-)^, m , Ucjk rappj>rt-| JKttpaareinGqelpb.*' . ^. --" Tbhi waspfecisely..what the.%arfi* .. er Wanted, add having ascertained - - whier^ Miles came from, he had bjit - Jitile: difficulty in gettiuj; _his nam}. |fe knew-all aboaVGueiprj, of^ours y, inentibned the names of several prsT minentj re.Mderit! of that town, ard ' Boon succeeded pi ingratiating him, "*. self into ilcNarn^ra's confidence. Saturday morning jshortly laft;r d|ybreak the waichman of avessaj at the loot of.Kiverr street beard a stldden splash, i% the water, \Just <j|ff Jbe bow of tUff6'uat, Rpshing thither he saw 9 man itrngglirig in the river, llej^raspeiola pike pole and hAUled ihetlrowningmaij ashore before ^e made his final pii nge. lie was laid . put- 6t}. the? d< k. rolled-over, anjd SiJdrned,-upside do vn1111181 the water ' 'Cpad been dupp& I out of iirii, I^n - aa Boqr be w^j able to,converse, j wbe4i^e rehtec bis meeting wltjb 1 r'.'i)r.'tittle," anu tfdded thje old, oljd - whisk'y, ileinalea, more whis key, : cards, Ia ;<[rive and dragged - lemocadeT 'foe . a*t thing be could rei^ll <W -li'tpg thrown out of a]n AtwaJUg; stret Bft oon, from wlien^e . in bis atupoFftey a.nered to the ri|- er andfellin . 61 searching htspQc-. x ke'Sihe math the*disepvefy that bw -wallet, contaping (?ret fifty dollark, and an JSnttisb lever watch wete ;missing. Tie thieVcffhad alsostol|nr \bht weddini ring and a jpeniriivel fcjympathisii^ pedple/gavfl him ^hej- ' ter until,huclothes werej dry, when tbey suppli|. hiri;" wifl^ a Email sum . ofmoney ani Bent him over the liver, where someraerchants, to whom ije told[his storj-fbought a railroad tii' pt and sta rud him for Quelph. prompt] ^ executed at t fr:i v^ ) '$' fired tie is^tm. m |n' Fbee -PeessJ : sheet, Jndeppnjmitan hteJ to the interests of. 1H. Sacking-ia *le or, ,ad .his eiqpierM |tbe_ IsstoweL: Jteanoiy Vffiaa*; aasuresi a(r that [ he; wilf ie ^'sni oLX.:- ; ftie^rstiiam]., iBP|dBSS. ^feislwe" Ifesses tb^b^fixi ^im u \M .A "' Tki&l&pipiha or:$ai$ "Water.! Godb- rich ISihriSl >Mr.f McFarlane W8- afflictea wEh jparalysis in the r%ht \ atm, fie ate; being quite power-, _ Je& , ^tlfiglsusgestiop' of Dr.ldl^ . Jlickblgilbii i:as b#en bitjung it in .'brine tatej! jfrom^tbel'salfc wells,; anfi is getting better ripidly. : We foije pf-thegood efifeptejbf brine wp- on[disease>of Shie <#iai$&edy qnefin rparfacnlar 1 being.'ibel ?Case of an .American .gentleman, -who was af- r Jlieted: witrparalysis,,being en'tir s- r Ijf ieure4 % niin>^e^6f bafis. ." -. I -.J-. '->#' r-\ -.'s-v- ^PLEXpip VALUE 1,11 \ CROQUET ; :.',' OAY^; BOOK^TdRE. \ A complete; sef,: containing eight Mallets, ; palls, , ten Archisi, i two Stakes, wiilli Cook bf Instruc ions of the Ghvam B)l dope qp in strc sgcase Bookstdro. Iprli :es ' P 555 , Colli UlN ehlm Action, iu' a?t: ro? WHIPS, rtcmsfexiiiQTHijfo;; BT0.i' t Snit thle Tikes, \Vork Warranted. ramndeo specially. . . call andhp wi}ldoyon pood Gr MILLS Dtoft Day Sells Cheap. Bsk iaii*^ r..-. :^|rW|r!l^ :E3E m- -; / ? : i ! . Al-lrji^'-l?.-,3*-K - V- '-f'j-l - - Cfreri&y#Qsfi ;;4X^i r.1' /U: > " lt/4- rV1'. ~:r: pd?Jric33? -- &y mMmm^b<Mm m.A -_ bcii'f-:^^ -i)F,, S - --U At ITHJE f^HflJHABfcE ^ito IP ^ ^. ... ,,^..-.. h ^B/7!v^?f^",:^ Tjip UtPobWot* of, the Viltajje of AclDn asid surroaridiDg^doamfwyHMfi;!- < ; ^ ' i^; -i ^ ' Grarid Qlearing Balei.-ofl,.^. ^^ . .j-S^1. -!> A :.i ^W)$M an Nowiping on: at the :; _ Orders for al kinds of J at Printihgjiromptiy amended to, Q N,^ ^ (3RAN^ CIJI^RINgM^E At t-^-' ' ; .... ing dUposi a stooki0f1 nne: , .^: i j".: ^ress, Mantle/aiadLJWiiltoery ^staM^h&ebt. "^.i . Vt*-- Immenee ^ h4d.; V ComdjandYSeev'5 CrA)f48 every rday(.' .- Astbnisnir^g Bargafna tpt hi: Pasliioijable Wee^End i)yess; tiantlB and ifinjnfiry p9UlIhihm*Qt. Gueit'j^4a.ty^i1;;is75; -- "^"TT^n^^ T<i*f OF - ThalundJBrsifmed having dispojled of their Grocery business, and having purchased the unme we stocksf]Bb >ts and Shoes of Mr. ^fAM3SS:MAT* THEWf, aire now pr ipared: W offer o the inhabitanU of Acton and vicinity CREAT BARC WHS FOR CASH ]n M>n's English am > Aniertoan Stj i es of /Shoes anld Gaiters, and in Ladies^ dnd'CbUdrenB'Goat, Kid arid Prup alias, which f>r. Style'and Durability, cannot be e*)Ulled ii. the county. PA JlIfj^riAB Atfr^Upir PillD TO Custom Having secured th verb- valuablh as a Cutter, is uneio dledj a fit w'ill Se^redii'W0J: Bemamber tfc St4nd-rlwi Jl-'. [ Qr^fx^5 ctL|Up>^ lp?|!pfl feu^l^'oi^o^^ k^Speelal^ >-'-- '- :" - iV ^^Ibr^alf price,;: ?K'" Z^:^ k^^ J: ^^ i|; "1 fe^ . " Dlrel"""" i .; Sn^LdtJhJ^fiSiLK MANTLES for *66^worth gg.50. 'M^ - T*1^'I at, opposite :Jominio'nfiotel. 1 \: . .\ KBNNSD,y_ BKOa Mttledatapcj. Vbak Mm Vc :&& iir tp-mike roonifyrlour Fall importaMpns^arid,^ebt^IIxl^r<>!fc-*i if DryQbods, aiil oir!<"~i" ->-:i. -'ed^n a miireySftee] S>EB ci^i acboaa't of :the scarcity .of' n^njsy^;*^ '-h^fpf; J-'r ;.ii -^ seping, eu'efgeticfiand *r-fd^V(|3t>ffj hitbe attempted, as we rntist-convert the"hgoods; into^ Ga, gSS" ^memfeei^^ the tfaljss areyoR OA^.v nTi&jio jsaJw^wiUja- : ?""'" : ' i>rice Cejtnadei .: ^t: r-'^'. .1'--- .*': !( 'r'-" -i'--. -j':i 4' ; ': : i: ^e.'nhuraer^te ourlieading.DeparjtnieaJsf- 'p^Pj': -:.T,i' .- > 'ii'i DBEi}^^^ GOODS from fiveJcents-^ipwards^ ; ;;,:;' \, . i t-^v- : ' .Ptn^T^^roWfiTOCerksbp^ardk' f ;;':; , >. .;Vfok-'^' ':^^SLT^.%m-fivereents upwards^ .j^ ]' V.'.^'",ff. [TCdT-TONSrWii^ ctkjupw* Special Bhesljof; SILK MANTLES for ,$*0f^rworth SfT.fO. Special ^rgiras in CHECK? SHIim^S/l^IMS^^ i;';" AJ0 ST^EBvGppjjsT A^ecJidtine^f^Pli^ QqLLARS^AND ' - '" ' iSpsiaatlm^linilNBN DRESfi ClOODS, for 50o treryapd. -;" ' 0s" ,.- . , '..|, nep- A . ; eUFP3-.w.b'- Will be Cleared oufqiM^^ Prices 25 per ceatll/elow fashioned high price. AT DAY'S BOOK 8tttRE, :- } Quelph, July 1,1875, ^ ' H. STOREY & < w* CANADA CLOVE WORKS, AVholesale ^famjfacturprs of; cf srjj des- , crlptloA and stylo iof Leather & Cloth. Q- oves i:vih;^ ft i'M*!! m J. H: (In ^kttliew's. ??ew"Buildings) ' ' ' - t- -jiV- ' ACTON. : MITTS AHD CAUMTLET8. !; : -l " ; A^so. ^ f' ' -' . 33reasrp of plain and. '.r-S7 I JS<VieaQiers; Ot- "lBhe.t!, Markot Price WOOI/8KlNS,rT I ActbnrJulylstilSpS,^ ..--__ .!!'.. ' -' HlAgJKINa:. Oproprie yf vm r:^ LIVERY & SALE STABLE :'.;!'-: ' ^.P^AI/LAN* <Taie>i p'eaBufe to anrjoiinolng xiubllo generallSr that -he Is pre: (ared to .- jtast-ciass norf es aod. Oa|}itaffes ' '" At Beoson'ablejRates. I .pis BlgB and Horses nre tCe-idei banIbft had, and he is determine 1 >e ghrpaBsedby any City stable ' ^Kton, .Jalj' Iti W& '}.*

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