Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1875, page 1

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^^f i 1S$ % mWMwfyi mwhh**** E r w.t 7VCT0M FREE P1L0S i V Gums of Thought Jverythi tg;grcut| is not good; but. iifl good tli tigs niogrout. tUfeS*-' liifesS - '"'fcjittjt*. ""p <V>Hnr-ii J*>a'r, Kinc'ty In nttvanoe. ir'n'.tivtUUwfuMetlirer Uio'nl'is vh<> foliarinulaluufwill be ifluirK'-d ; i<r iwodollrirs ir not pn-il Ull the oinl <>r tin" \ear-- ,>;iviper-wlll boswnviwnliy t>cr- -ion m.*c itinn one y*itr uni<U|l. Katks ".t* AbvRHTis^vo. EJg)a font* irllin> fiit flrit liuu-rtloji, iimtiwtiH'onts iWUi.e jvir c*<"l< MilM^qnt-nt HiiM'Tllon. hftrtn.l^<T(|8ira<,ritjiLolrht ami iifxter, ?I6r>lhrchJ!}r\loup. ] in<<iur*.- Oanls of algbi llnor ttn^l'UUjfr,'^4 ivr 'unnunu-' :' ;. ' i I - '*. A llbcratiM*Court-mllowwfoi)'nJvcirtW!- ri-wuuarmderte'l for extefv<l i rlods. Aitfvrilscmeiit* Uli.>iu sp"'"!*' instruo timis iusrrtedt till forbid,. au<t* cliUrfJetl I jp*or.HnJ!li-." , | Auj i^pecuil Koll*-i\ 111" ot>Je<1t.r viucn Isiii {imm,.i< tho pemntnry txwcfli ofsny j imltvijiiat'orbnu>auy, in b eonslvorot I iu;-Hil*rriUi>.rrtcM, ; Transient ntlvf rtsi-nit>n'.s t ho l\->l'l for WhV.n o*lvro*|- All HUvtrttsUu; ucwunu. ivndered nimrtcrly. .._. Noiirasnt Mixrrltiisres, ttlrtlis ami llieal.lis llLClUd fttM'. . " k. .... J. U. UACKIXG, fi-jiusliw:. .".\Tcf H. LMYJiY.M.'R,;M..r. V, S-, '"" ?V .Graduate or Trir.vty Oiliego. ^McmKr of iVJ'&io of VliyaieiaiU and Ivrrrsreons- -MlLI-VsJ'liR'fT, Ai-ruN.j:- -. ii;. 1U MOKKOW, rjtysicinu.i S;ir, >ow V.rk, also ;Ur.niti,iie \-i Victoria ,' V;;<--*.!r.ysrS!uVVriil;'.yi.:fninv l .u in. till \ltu'Ctf- -\V<.ii r.-,\^r stix- lotus bcjnlwtiys cl is a bKlet>i let it bo ;l.S0l4;- [\ J y ! a.liit'Of nnil ho \yfiol pftJJMa it ijiirfiil; ii" Jifel frlro liifhti-n of fiilse!Jmony, is fi-^juently ua bad as hb-\vlu originally uttci it. townj ijl^-nyB Ii1 known.oiubt ifountry mi. in |. , ., Uv.wliich R;tivur fiilb aiid lloft-a; tliu.dull anil on tho uowrt, jTlio yellow iunliglit f. lints luiii glows. Tliore'.is tlioiight tci bo very littlo "'.........."........" """ " " titHxtU tho nncrow wlmliiig street, jy j list; ii li.nmu's nitvtuiiig I well, if ctDtiot. express his ihviuliiAg-1'}' hw fiets.:: . ' . In jortlcrito b<j. liiij^Vy iono wiust l>o oiI'gooil jti:ri)8 witli Jiis jilHow, for. jtlnj ixjlihtly rcpi-oiwhiL'a itwiu mukp inustj bo licnrdl ;;;? .Givjitnosa stiunlsjInpoW ii. preci pice; :yiii ifi pfosporfVv enrry ja mail novel": ao 'tattle IwyoMl liisj poise, it overbi\-i!i-saiiiurdasbd.s;biui t|i>it?cos. i Tbow jidfson^wJio biivti u'otliing jliiit iciilogy! for. ihtjinst-lves, iiiivy gemintlly njytUfifg bnlt OtuSiiu-o nnil oontpnpt for stll 'thi rest" "pf thj^ h ;T^r-:-,-i|--. i Thejmn^ari heart, bed,- miist I'jo a pughly siihkon, aiioi-toipcsotl "of tiirns; i<> prtxtut lniv.LV ; I '.., I|.kiu>>v n sqiyiru gniy hi ubo <i aljolic, I 1 never think of iiit nigh,-' !| ' Jfeyoiid wliowii ganlcii, i miHitlily mown, I Thu rushing ongnics a!|rioU;iu>ll Uy. I know \ chosen ohttinliilr theroj A fairy liguro umciJL tci graco | j 1-know an uwtorn iviiiil >w, whore ': j Wns wont to wateli, t fairy faoo. KV A3Ji;s -MA"rnurv.v.<. i'..:.vey;nofr, T.siiiior ';T Marrm^e; L i-ra-ii. .r.isS- Master,'lninrainv Ap-nt, Av;ent Mwjviy to '1^'iii.-, Agent M->iitro;d Tit. I'.x., i Jerk i'/iiinh l*iv. tVidri, Coin. iB-lJ. Ki vVo.^ ..'ii:U".i; Out. ' .-':' -. ", ' /fp confojimd Voallii witli '1i:ip|' m>s, is io piiistiike tin ' '..... ' the eiiii.l Vou miolii, ;IS 'ikon feather liandletl, woll to i, variety ita ' becominir. that :&: mmi m it *-:. n?-:xnr.i;?ON",<-'.<'.ivo.y.vittir.& ali A'j;i-nt-t'?.n.~.ti;t Li'l-u' Asinr-' '?|a t'ft ^ .Vi:."*._j).~--'. y-jiivtl iK'atly. |>r.":nj.tVy..i-nrivotlH"allit-on :j;i^.in.-.i'!e terras. Mcin;\ t>) i.i'ili on ; ^j.T^l^e .-ci;urity< . ' V-i'iiii:-.-'UI.jfcsow . itmibe- Actoa.' ' . /\f.tvi-:ii .ia>'>;ikr; im astkkhi;. "'-" >!. -H.Uu-rri;; .-viiil Jt.j-iic'-i-i.----;1";' i'-'.-i"-!;:>--11" .j.ii'^ji-rit rL-as-Mi.viIi: iti'int1, .ri^.l !=;tl;sl-:;c- knile and toik -iii'apjietiN'J- _J t>no liiviifitiful n-iif j inrui's^clnmivU'i"' is 1 l-reailliiessft t'> teiniiei.Utu it with'iLU ;fj |*iHbrn. .rf-V t". ; f!:r"HAr;l'S~).V. K., " :iiK-u:al i'.Plilia^ jirnmi.tW .:-tT ^ii.^v- ^'vOv.-'iIyiit.T's Cnrrf^e i-i ti stri.s,t.- A 1*1.'ii.' , I . : ;.t;.\ r;n. r.t:Or5a- :iiol !j<,: lvjjtoir.v, . T. ii.-ilI-Auy S'miovi. \/Kx- >t.1i;>'.-.:<t-"i'ii for i:i>- u-iv^i.i.ij !it^. CAMi'HKI.f.. 1'r^.r.f . 15if1>t. \vi(Ii rthu-.;- t'uiiiul i\{ it aniitiei-',- n front*., nun l i i all it ': Dt.--ch k tliHirot ' t!i' >'l"llni<ieli j'-to lila;hiws t .-t*..\vell as i -^rt!ie.:lgi:il I "At all ti VillllH^?- 1 \iirjil;. e.vjiTy l'inlji nlllHW-:. rill! c-ifalil sinuutli 1 t, even it' Jiini; hea il- ineana 1V.ii;. vvt-li 1'aiiey will give you in atruo-Wo' er invaniibld |er. she hiis to do :'t. . j--"" : !i i -" : If i ix> nuieli out; of iiiimor lias cal- I linger'iiu1 tho lonely lano, AVliieh niicc.jwurc trtiail >y fairv foot, | That will not troatl t|uir patln again, II lovp that <ltiiet couhtrj to ; . lit is to mill snorvijl 1>1 nio ; _i :\ml no I waiidor unianrt ilown, '. Those vtUf$slieil stel>sflsejjmX> tractv Anil still Uic limiw noreik-ly rias::, . And stil| tho l>U!<y river llowis ; . : Anil still alumi{5 the jsliining gra; a I I'liejelliiw snnlight glints aiid glowX AnilHlU'rd tlio,shouso;ia,i8iiuareaiicl gray,' Anil there tho new-'iijown inert lows liq Shq iiieil to giizo on (l:ty by day, - ' :-,-..'. 2il-utli, ami dreamy reverie. ,;.-!. ; Yes, all is tTi<rrcr:--cxce]it the face, ilhat little window gapes forlon S.ntl on nie, as I lianlnctlio plae^,- whatevelr.- Sbiii? twjov'or throe couplo of yi mail friends o'tifc h.nny'p <indNomh'j, hoys .aiid g\ili, who i'got th ollioo," as .tho sporting irowspnperij stiy, cume: tlowi fi-om Oladdagh t>:join in the fun, with out letting tho old pedplb k lowj u Woifd jw to whore th?yf were going. 1" !And so thej' nirbegim .dwioiiig to the pleui ant ,muaic of-fiddlera and u. pi{iei puir of. yeiL between, and us tho iiihocen't, ijtud girls v An. r I, The morning sunsl|inc simios iia;Sfcorr, -T- 'of a couple witjh only.a ihre^ ; tj boys the hem oro"" tearin g 4' vi y utid ivclting tl o ;boar<Ii!> anci Norah j ikbove all b ' thoiii'doing fu 1 justice i tothotuno undlierowSrcpiitjitiqpJ' for idie-'was tho best di .nceij: in. the County G, dwuy jits \ as| i H tie pl';aiin,t 'd; version WiiB-goiig on what shouli 1. they see t uuijLrijj acjoiis (holbay but a coupledoi'long, bnafa, onq vt the in fifty t) a jli iiid}red yardB 'aheid of tho other, about a doaonriiou HLiiuch,' 'j ilvvay liko tnoinian. rWhap ' ful long kw ;ep you cat jWe 'take, flashi lg like tho sitvoi liin*; ifroiu ~~ K|iore com ;e: civilities than af- iiistauceK of ]iiiiii:icbii ii.<'Jtv. looks -rrat. an.. uie inak .j t.rti lliaii tki at.tbV,4_>ahiee it l.lie bovel es.siibsi.'i vii-nt I lie mom toweliii;; mind impotent lie' weak and Mid ilii' yuSuii iies| preSelkl1 In liincs us to K:lA' -T Do\liN'iiX Hivn-".!., .A.:.-,pS.. cst. i;:*!rr. AiVNAr^-. i-',i.r. VTr'J r!:issfM>-l', ,i iiew H?!rt-1 ts'lftli-dVl'!"'^l -ial l*rr- IcTsViTiLtind jl'i<V hce'iiim<Klati'".nl ami tofcjiirHli.fti.-' SNimjle Ilit'ins. ^jHx-i.d atu-ntwii paid "to ithc rwants of-'tllu irayelling jiulilie. j Ilarsoppli^l ^riththr '..i^t liitpinrsand Cii^iri. LSoThI SuiM .~ini attentive Jlostli-rn. l.11 ilii -|->OVAr; KXCJ1AN--G. HOTI'L. XXj Acton, Out- Kliit. lUi-KiE, Fri'I). &ti|>l<; lloiim*-large and ei.nimoJiiTOf." j'.jrC..imiiLrvia! Tra% oilers. '---oilSccoin- ..Tjimlatinn for Travellers rTn.-J-i ileitis. :.Best bran'ls.iif .Ijiiiiors andiCigaEB at "the '-ISir. - (iiiod ' Stalilinij Umu: atteaitivc' iroitlors. . - - - ;:- )V- ,-vor onl. In lil t-i re.^-n^t.s .it*:If 111.1 i lit, .is : 1! iU'm' that- ( iiiiic of M-i danger preserve. There ufe inuliy (Vant of tliemsclves U'it ; thev llioiijht < would ; go ish tli use w of reveli'rct. of mind is of i 'peso- it j. whap ic oeca- l mil <( ug t 1 rotei tltt'ctation xtmiicly lolihd !."|ie bo think iji :<, and In who affect a and llaftcr that they ure above tlat- lire inoiid of being humble, and world to' Ditu- :.heul- cijpablo NORAH CONNOLLYS STORY:. Oiiee ujHj.iia fime, and tl^.itwas about'siixty Vears ago, a -fijijuHial- way"io wis 'girl, like many another line ^irl in t-'laddath', aiid I every- vi'h'eil' that I know tif, touk if. into ho'r li|ad to'fall in love.-." ]]i r. ,i- ltV-.nn 'ancient .custom pf oitrs, and wti have a ghat many of theni, tor tho ^oytit'Co run away "with the girls be fore tliey lii'irry tlfeui..., It's no' ab- luetiori, do yoii_'soe, by iiiiiy iiianner of means,; ns it ust-d Uj; bo down in 3iliiiistei- licfoiv t'iic law put it down, vVbeiv thev pursued the custom as hey pi they did lliv'ir 'other' sliiudi tiiu jiaro piiipose of putting . s, lor down Wy blue|wator; ljio libhcrun n; or mercl^ahtdn 4 iniiii-of-wi fore voiC And, situo-ehongh, efcy-gmi IV out in the; t10 before, inij after tl th^i l';feneh gat* lying on our i '." On they j^o'baek agiin to the ind comfor ki little, we the nioruin usllx-fi lag she awoke with n jhmih fever, which nearly^ogk lidrpofT to jpirj Iqr mother in glory, jand so f would if lieivjlputk'noid fipo censti t ution ,hadn;t^alood herfi^encls, laiit that-sholivedVfortho hope of)- see iag Johnny again, . >, |', I.'. ( ^ Thofrigatelhad jttB^ IgotfkU that \rore in the boa,ts pn btiird, when 'io f lir wind spriing up blbwing'south- vrnrd (by Dingle and'Bantry rouiiii 1 y Capo Clciti1 and Kinsale, and ui tj coi'k,,- r.c '...; ':|:r ,. , It's myself sure enough that for gets the war that tiny nil sailed Sway foi", atfdi tbd i fo^igners they With tilling jeaii'ti- inis- liglit- every str )ke. oj er the you know atohce it is n; but see be- r'a liiaa th; .t you e fisheries, liL.saiid titles; came, n thought tin t they wei ing for shore to liav and a drinjk at. the widow's n .... But, ir ow,'when w.luit's "ore wjo'liodow w :iS-:ii i4WBr.r?':fii-'. . '".j'"W|^!*-i iabot : tiril-, V ^ efpilrarie, , \J-yi. J.Alrir..,t,.V; Ih-'rist'T,. Attor- i'.at-|iiy;Si'<]i(:;ivi.rin,< 'iiaucrrv, fcr. (->lH.-i--:-r-Ha4iiilton.vl!i K.'.ng,slrcefc. Milfoii^-Main Hfj-eet. Tht--AlJlUm Hfliit -W'ill.lK; ivjider tUf nianag^mciit of 1>. AV. Cainptf-ll, and 51r. I/iidlaw will at,ttnd ot ik ^'ilillon O!liee""oh Kridajf <>1 apk ;reck. ".' - J~" . " '. -r " ! -. y ;'\ crx rtwtn j^illf. ' -i\- r'- '". -i ' Ii.-, & K. iN", Propriotnra. i [ Kloiir and Keid alfej-s on hand, 'uid :'-'-<<I^i<ipl>inji-lJailc. Ca-'di.for all kuido of t'iraiii. ~; r: - " : .. . i ^ '-: -' [ - JOB PRIXTI\ of all ktiKls i P.recopla at I|keFOetl:i tilings which do muuli lev FOetln- dd 1HUU.U g' If tho niib'd- which receives th^ni has a (Hsp( .sjtioii,' it | liuisi not |be donbt-ed tli to tho.g'iiu to'that- \vh Sicyfrp'w iniiidtgeni; love.-'-ii'tid tf nderly, ,-thsi'rev- to_.i sbine -out A ltjthis jvtrp cohlritHttes ration, anil adds niiich ion has-beiliii- ojllected. robers aijd makes the 1. And y\~ sph-ow we :riist\-oiir j.frieiijds more ijid tho deivd beeornea in A n'd j nst: as the stars the itlght, |so there are blesseij faces thai lK>k; at us in our ; grief, though their! features were fadinig from out, recollection, e -,'--. r | The nici of iuaiikiiid would-piMv; ish did they' ce.-t.s6 toi-Weljj! one aii-j ptlier: d'jorri ...tho tinio tlmt live; mother lipids the cliilil^jliciad, till tlm inomeilt wboti soJno kuvl Vastus- .her only'par'eivt's conseiit; - - .1 . t.. J... '.r' 1:1 ,1,1: i;..i Ti- l . l__........T .*1.'.h I ant, wi|i neattyjiind ill ll'e 1 \n -'wo'-cannot existijsi-thoHt mu- /.. FIIKE PRESS OFFICE,..; Over the rout QUirc, Mill Slrcjrl.; va y-. --- f- ' vrT E. MORROW, i?L2!?2S^Hif|"-vt r body -^ii^K3 - uiiialioii > -- r^^af-*7;-,; ', 1 JWilM If"-. - .UI..dMr:A:^ m ii?:^ VSftteNMt + ; ~4g ibiojipo* by '. *f ^ lb? boti* of ' > - - '* t^ d)lo#iog .Sfc-V- ' --- ' *.z '.s" '. t:| fha^t^m:&M& ; . -.* -S; jiffff^aw ' ii -= - -i Vli ^^^^I'W^^if^*i- \H tCjfnmli 'IJtm," : 4 $:% -S-5-" Chemist'ksd r .--.'--; - } BirtJGS, ;\ : - ; '^0ii EillCALS, i "" ^ ,"PEEFUMEEY^ : -: ' _' r ' ' ' ' ' : ' LiPATE?eT'A!ND';-. \ \f'i PROPIUETABYr ".i i,": ~; :x;: : '-... - 'MEBiiejCISES. tual help, need, aid the law. . ^Johnny tVnnor wjis'.-ould Buthag'h's, the 51 ay or of Clnjddagli, son: Billy \v;'us a khb\yledg:ib(letiiaii. and was known, to have ptit,^y a 1 tile liionev. ! lie *oldj . iiioj-oofverl the'.best tolKiecit and |(\liiskey in t"aildagli,; wlienever lib got I them. However littlo his cusuiniers knew iijmh that question. ' jjlilljf took, good, cure that tlit?-co;U4t^guai d smd th" galjigera should know les.% And: it turned out that, one. tito. day, w-asell-ctci Mayor ofC'liikldagnr ^orali Oonnol.jy was sung .fxiiez-' (teavers .daughter. iter faihcr, ];)arby Connelly, wasjan honest, in dustrious | man that wove the real o'tild Irish ; cloth thfitj was j jrorbh wearing; and, us betha-d lhej-whi>|e Woollen tjtide of Cluddagh jlieurly all to .hiiaself, Duiby, :uj WeH ifs his near ileigblior und'friend Biily BathaglV could lay Ilia hand upoSi jil good, bit of marry his only child, or do. anything else in rjeasoh if ho liked it. i -.; | JTorah'B father Darliy was the pVoudest Juan in Claddagh. Jlle Isst his piKir wife (when their only cbild was ho uioro; than a baby. The iiihreisliegre^vthi* stronger was Xlir> grasp she held of hjs heart; and eyer.V guiiie:l lie piti. by he thought of Nonthi SIio was the tipple of his eye, aiid the light; ofA bis hoins. He thought her far iibpye.niarrywig. aiiv young m.Mi ^tl the parish. In deed, he tliougirt her 'i? to step .in to a ea'riiagq, and'niarPp'lUord. I^o intended thai'when the happy'day. uri-ived wben she was. to change.1 heir condition, she would do so with . -, . .'s When th 3 boiits drolv up. -Ifti^ch, whit th<i widow',, il">r, who; w and looked own for tin vi ted the b uu-j drjnk h they did door, J<|>t is king of upon the dance at h invitation politely ci drink and \lislJ daiices who 'know: ahd1 "Poi) lay for abc ut ai^ eek or untUji' pretence' o [ look- ? was a there i gqoH way andkt;eping chaps from cnero.ieliing 1 eve ybody only iiuik- screedind to hip iiVt.itlike we got to lianien to at night. ite to 3'Con- "pany, is his: night, wc ; jackets lie bridu'si wedding, the new inuliei.l peapi*' ' /it's up m oppq linuy, the obi ouso i t out j Jid in to - *;< healt" Wi^l 6ontet and bej .tJieir with the Carfdagl he ".Sailor j; ees the of them. loijs lloiiipipe" Wiusel".ia Well uio in and l this most nn to Eng- gn'ls, 3 ^s tho best ;' Ajithe cl obk sti nek 'twelv^i, and Noi-ah had stolen up to tf e bed upstairs i l the bridal chamber, which her -elation,' the lardladyy, pr^-arcd fir - her, a long, slu'ill whlsile, wl: ich no doubt \v is tihe. bojtiswaiii'.s- was heard (oiuiiig C oiu tho fiont of thohpiiKeontside, and at that i my jcwels,i up j linjied the fovrjah j twenty sailors', j 11 iu a row| ;and la id hold pf the jxx r half- dozen Claih agh boys,rlniwui their cutlasses, a id bocking their j] vistols, and crying, ."JD^-tuyou, epcni i-alohg wjth mo, S: ys thesauey AJiethusti! ehl fi 'fightAgainst:* j|: May' 'be it waa'tho Frbiich, or th'^) Dntch^'oi- tnq SnrtiiiKJi,"ror-;aU three of: them tpgethci'. I'hv pijually astray in ijegard to. tho admirals that our poor boys sailed and1 fought':iihder. I)un csn, or TlpWe, or Jarvfe,^ or O.uld Shiver-tho'Wjfn'd!., Paddy Peeken- ham himself, bin this I can tell^you that Johnny Connor fell where it vas-^as'the 'f|UniversiU Songster" siys-r-iii-tlio anna of. victory.' Well,' it was in "the'month of] Jjliij' -and just three i:years! after tho Cladijngh'boys were run :away witU. I>urLtig the time on<j oirdt! or of the in t ietl to 'write home thoso thpy iyied,; hut';'J ihiiny to hiiNonih indrf3 cphstahtly thin the rjst, sa^'ing liQWr;rbravely he" was, and how-weII.he w^iis. {jetting on. iLnd lie lisei nlway'a to,tell her wot to fitit^ and le^d.Bboh beVkomo again with her. j ' '!: . -'^1 It was just aa the moon: was up in the top of the blue sky ' that hadn't a cloud! in it, and the waves up sniootli Vjuiteiis a' riji.Jl pond/ Just opposite them Nora^i sftls sitting looking iuiwdiies3frotit t|id. w.indo^ .of tliesiinie rooin she vl'as to have passed the. first nigljt of her. hdneymoon. The iiduse be I6nged, :lS v11 niay all suppose,vtk> her nldthiar's tirst cousib, i,he Wid ow Hagarty.-rp j . -':! ; -: V, Lit. was: ,n4t, far from twe^'e o'clock Avlien [he -widow Called up on thtj ioueiy and discoaisolate girj, oil her way to l)er own]bedchamber to wish ht<t; giVbd-night, and, to tell her to be caiefiil with her candle^ for the landlady used alwjays to say, that if evfeivjliy any Occident the house was 'to' be set ori'iire, there Was whiskey enpughf below i the -s|aji'S:to blojw every niother's" sowl all ithe way into' 0id- Isles of Ari'an in the er direction, Biftj she d.idnt Norah with a candle lighted, fir the moonlight-made the topm clear tis if: it were nobn^lay, and loplainly phsoried in this grc^tt wheel dif glwy wa^aJfrigate aboi^t! ilia Uijizq dp thellipHQ'i that-'" Jolinhjf - avayi: l|4t 'its iriats ^nd. . riggitig, wei-e nil shattered; and-brb^ keh, ancla.part; ot its decks were aH'Ihattefed anil jtpjii: to: pieceBi It. was... blaziug.'away'! 'too like mad frbmfthe^jJOiEtholea!, and. the bipoijtt- 1n^ ;,!of' ths* \ gutui wits aa if jth'eyr werej firing only- !<* htithdred' wardsj off.-"" "AVheji !%be smoke' cj4ared:t away) the -Bmi ~affer it} and iii^the^efiy centre of i this in. ma n appeared iii eC iiailor's dressy as tho i great. Orb of-, glpfy came ; jjieairer ,iuid. nearer- Noxah.- It;va8 .tlieii^sure; nbiigi that she knew,r iwhl^t the?visioii meant; Wnd' jsbcj tliQught. upon Johjiny, And as snVe aa slieTlhought of him, therehe -was.Tgrcat'aa. the d.istiinco fwksi Ibeforo ' I her.;! , % (Sue n.eVer could! mistake his. handsottje^ manly fpepi.; his ;beautifiitr vibibei neckband his lightturiy loeksJbiifc his rougish; .blue eyes, tliiit used toi .pn.ile on her so good-naturedly/,had iio longer the fire in thcta ' ', biifc be1 'looked- so sad and sorijowful, as niucb as to bayy " God jbe with,you, liaVling Ndikli, for: it's;tdlovel'with both of HSi' -And ^Vovse still, aiid J inore horrible jthan?,-all, his fore-; ." ^HK'rflTjiw*:tEET;jllt^fclj/'"' 1 knows w,liatiy<)ti:nicatt, via wlyln'^r- -WeU^IjUiltab "fi'oliseniir^iliereiit;'. Taint jthe^Ba'[doc hofiiiu^Tju ;,prayin', j I.reckoM, ^ U-th^ bfeat'A ; | r"- -.i-, I afut'. ljatl no fethernot mdtfii !?J -^ -A--tollin"^laoj wrpng'frdiij^thuji^ht"! The streete aintthe'placb-r?ft- ^KU-sonJ . ^ For'sajdngyoor !ra**jfSf 11 plght 1 - - i n^vcr kifiwed^jirpo vrai jay I aW ier,!' ; jtejdled long a go "--.-.. 1 tkey braogt t ne up, ,,4 Somehow f >lht miich they've tieac]led.' mo,: I iltnow.' , -. Yet i'iilunJca they'l^bc Borrj id sifsB 'i/-""5^ inej" V '." . .- *.' :^V^eit took right away fi-om t!> ;Rir siSi^iiu>ei IttiatcnesifieTufBl, A-wipIn' iVay^of a tew '..': '.' lAlld theyS3ys theyiopeb I'ilget- jettel*; ". I can't be no worse wliinl'iii'ilfesd f- t.ainti'liad so jolly a tiine'on't-j .! A-dyin' by inohes^for bread! 1'tVstood'in them stt-eets ptec ioaa.efte&e IV.Tien the wet's been a-pour a'j down; And I aint had-sffiftueh an a nouiliful/ tx Js'or never'sq nincll && a broi>n. '.^jl_ them shops fiki.', and 'I've -fcotcd it ; ,"'*winders CkokefiiTof.what's tidy to ejitip And !jSi- heard:gMit3 aria :' -.'-1 ;"talku'; -...:.{};. dijrg-at their ;'-V-'.feet.'. "., Bnt it's kind of yoii, vsif,. fcoilt \by nuS; I aint now afeererl of >ojif I,ice \_ And I hopes if it's-true wiai you tell : .' ' JVe'lSmect in. that tofclicr place! I hbp^s as you'll come when it s over, ,a _.,. j^n- AJ j.i----^ u: ^l.:.. il. . cou'rt% . you'rera- *h'W% I with the I And talk to jthem herei in tl) T;liey'll miha Vwlxat you jsajK, ..' There! wont be nj kii'kln' for And hoping t< (see therh aga to/.that laudi.n-here the TJiat. I'm. gone weary: :,,.... , . . . | Is freed from !iheir trouble and pain. >Jow, openjtliat.boak as"you ^i i" I Teel as it never tells fies-^ And. read me thein .i^dV-jj-ou ' Guv';inrr-f%" '.. " j :'As is good. foVaichap when A majijaha hi jwife,' seelt^']t<?l .s ;! '^ breato'^h^selv-ekj "jBg'-^i;" Hititj-U " t'*"-^'! fretl^g^and sc^h ihg,! .entewd Si >l-iii agreemeni; of thii '.iiiituTe : .'dhi (P: itj.L ane-'wi b fil.rsi loa -jlemper,:/*jJ3iu.tKi.]-"- jther cF:!^th-th;i.<?riik^eniii%s\|^|r rie. p_ujl ilished: Ji) \; the .-wthfel'*t-*s'T- *t|" .^p' seoidJ:'V The: medi.nm!~'.tweii'ii]r-it *;h ich I his. hjiniiliatiiig infeilpgOlit Was to be'comijiunfcatedr t<5 M .world waa hot tj^ira'tied in-'jtlior* i| irtct, lAit the llpslmnd trnd4-ii^'| that it was to be tthroiigKV'fhf ha; }>aper,J -T-he ,#ife .netirly'fbitjl- ^ud of J crtongueiri tlia first? d;.; itrialisfiiipt'i'ng.aj ,ly4h3rs;|i jv$j. Which t -iedrto'lsi ap^ler-if J^'fr oth wore dtsnia ly peaceruljuV . ,e aftirnobri bffitheiBceofid di jvlien. ti e jjnsl^nd fl^jy 'iujo .;-p .! ) t-K t Sion sinlplf beqauee one otj/tb^ej c; vv>. i bkicl :ing! bniih wldlb'ho^v.- faking liBiisukrp'iap.. At the .fr olan^or bis WMc^quibikjyj te IU 1 put onTTier ,bc nnct ].-'_, Y. 'jWfereiareiych' g6ing|i"":h;e i AiiiVed spspieiously.. - - !:;-J ;" -,: J "To'.Ji'ubliKhjryt li>" sliel[ep%d . I " -k_j at the office won'^^ve mq mmh ' iifclast.!/' "'" ' -' " ! M Sport.:. hapPil." n.5 ithferc, "sive "rn sjyoiirj IiaudJ ; j; . ' ^tharik-ee ' ' "'-i I ' l/tor'the good as yourfiarve d< -[;' "ladr ' i ' --, y^)io knows, hs d .they jteached -.- j' j v I mightn't ha!re:gro(vn!up s( IS ^llOTT" knpw ie.dies. -- sir, and ne! a poor me_somc, fedlrH irt the place wnv, or the ophei find l>oor felle <vs':do the brow of tlie. d,v- Ail; tl lilTe a right to u^k, it t)f "V - .:* " ""' 11 , .j/ ' A.lwai^ on lian'l a Jaruvand Tfell-sileet- i -. -.-; '"i'~-: t"/' ' --'- - "^ DyoiStttes, '.liquid Pye, --F*ocy ;, ;aa4' Toilet "' toa|is, Brushes, t " "-'/' Sponges, Trctsses for CJiil-i' i; ' f- ...:... . .- 4xa ae4 -Afl-UltB,;'.. ,\JxffoiiiBr Btaccs-iJor. Meai/'Brtimoa. Wi&. CSiildrea^ raiats,4ty aa4' . -M iaiiJU Boots,':Bfcatleaer:r ' I PUBE*WI^SL&S3> M<2tlOIvS ei'efoTi?, \': thjit theii* lellow-moi:tals. .! > Never 1 brsake a frfend. j. :Wheh t;tn?iuieH gither.nyonnd ;jvi;hen~iiick- liiessTalis iih.the lioart.-; \yh9u the world is dark and'cliecfless, is tho timo to tr/ true frioi dsliip. Thj;y wliolturn frorii the scjlie 6f distress iietray thtir. hyitocrisy, ari'd pi'ove 'tHatji'itfepiSt only inovifj jthctn> ;If y-oli Jiavo i. friend wlo loves yOu, who] jiaa-'-Jtridied your i iterest tind hapfjiness ; be sure to sustain him in hdvei-s ty.' Let feel that his formei:-. kiudnjess ,-'appreciated, and that lis lovej wai not, thrown ^ mway.1 lleaUidelity jinay be rarer but it ex'iBts-i-in! tho '. teart^ ! T-lioy only deny its worth a id,"power who 11,3ver hac a-frieid, pr labored - to make a li ifend hdipy *or' Medi^rnal.l'urjVseK.; '51^5^ rjfyi'teinfiB I.:'rlji;y0ns:ni-. ' Vi-relrHa, i-,il JlorSf :ai 'I ' es, earfcTi.Uycoinpoui e'Oicliien, ^^^m^: ;.:--:VV" it-- S-.h'-fc-'? !^ : t".' BlSr; tf'i-i'- :"-f-":-" .-il ".-J3.K.*rpJ fsmv' 'T^mr--'w : .--. .:' *i, : Ma<u |3jL-.'3i*.":' '.!j|l': rActon,'rjrily, i.75; i' . T I r> ill i I** wx S5* "-i-i, ~ F^Tiiiiy:c(9(tp^uTi(l<>a. "ra'-.HAiT. /iclon J Ut As ft ly was goipi' doW'nJ Porter street '-veste.rdaVj aw iraan ppep'ed the front dcor 'of iC house and call; ed "Johtl ! John t Jihn T," As the boy "paid no.. attentiioi tTie eall^a pedestiiijn sai4 to hinj, "Here,;bub, vbiir laother is calfingyoii." '|No ^he Wt['_'jreplied tl e : lad,' A3 lie turned; ObpVcbrher,--'.' die's only; fa ther's se ;o\id wife, unjd I jwa-nt I her. to Uridei'staxid that ahc can't run me ' " iDdioitpwe Pitts. "Do ^ou enjoV going to church nowr ilskeda. lady of Jrrs Par tington "La, me, r'dot"$aul Mis Pai tiag on "Nothjng does me so much {jood us to get up feai ly on a fsundty moiling nnd~jger to chificli, fndhfil a populous ,nliaisto) ' dt8 <tihe v.itb the gosprl " * little the - boys and girls curd for puieut^'. or guardLuis' consent down in. Clnddagh, where they'll only ask foriheir- own,; nltko.'.igli ithey. won't marry from auiongj .eac^ other. I . ".. . ' -i j' ~~3fiuT8o"it;-canie i-ound,. one fine iliorhing'. iii' MajS, the moih; for- biiling and cooing among tho birds, and kissing 'and courting'among the boys.and girls, that Johnny and Norah rim off v> ith each; other without siyingja word about it, n|t hojuio t either of thblr fathers, "and tiiado a iii.titch .(of it. .'; Bilt they didn'tl run farf-cinly into Cquuty Giilw[iy, -which- Vas like stepping-'riextdcior, whet they .were married by Fathot*; Dan' D'-Iiara, a mighty great/preacher in Lis day as. well as divine, ......' " great encourager o: early agfes.. .-' "".';. "">;'.' of Norah's a lu^p of a girl, who wubJu-^ _ __ cret, was her only hfI3c>aiai(:i; land a cousin of Johnhy'sy La-.yoking man about his ownjigei S*pia bride- grooin'sbesti matron the'! occasion. When .the ceremony was'over ;and^ they gottheir breakfast at dnfeofthe best inns' in GMwat, they all Tour dr|vb : off in- a _' ja\inting-car' |to ft. ^ofse of entertain inent /standing about ten miles the other side :pf Claddagh, and kdiit by a^ecent. widow woman who was firat cousin ro iiorai's own 0!;her All was iegnjtar find 'on the equate , t , Well to "be sure what a dianei the wedding' parties had prepaied for them by tho widow, ptio of the- good old Btock whe went by the name of Ready-money Peg, Ijecause What: colli 1 the but knock inder. In less tl an three rninute: i tliey w.ore liiarcl ed.out ol tliBh6u! e with the gags in their ino^iths^oi d tho darbies on I heir wrists, and b ind|ed_ in two / hat ;hea on hpard the boats; - The Qlac dagh girls were it first dunibfjouiu ered at what the/'.saw going'on, tlie rush was sq.! udden | and the capture so quieit and landy, ijiftt as if uj'lot of poacher i had snared so n any hares or phi; isants, and bagge.l and [made off with them. Tl o widow was pin led jup with her btuk to. the wall <j(:Irilid th o counter off thernffi her breast, her .into D; middle of slip wassittiog with _ the , window 'Wide oiien, i looking but on the bright waves ol'itlie ocean! . ISbe used toicoine-ovet from Claddagh e .'ery now and then^aiid spend- the diy and night wjth, lA?r^ ttilation, sometimes two ot; thr^e^tpguther, that she might i-oam ah|out by ,day aiid gaze about by nigUt'all mourn1 fully i upon 'the 'spot Vhere they tookihim away1: from her. .*' I've just dropped in upon^ you dsar Norah, to say* goo 1 night, 'aiid kj Wntipji; yo.u,. as" I always do, about the. capdle; but ', spe l':have no oct'itsiPn,.'s ou ;,. an,d; you head and face1 were^spotted with: blood; and she ^coufd j see (a red stream of it triekling down on to his b'reast through ..his collar that jwaslall'wide ppen.; n fj . ' ' . it N'oruh: blessed1 Ji^reelf, :threo' jdmes over, and folj-iippn. her knees,:. Vou!H tell; them^asiowi! dted i^till looking oufe-of-tli^ window hbn % .the" Buy!, and begaln to say her jjirayers for-the feoiijs of.. J-the jfaithful dejMirttid fvin general, ;aiwl foi\ Johnny'a in 'particular.. \ J^st i. shti. fiuisheil lie-.disappciredifrom the' centre of the gloryj.'and- in. his phice there t^yieared ajdivine tr)jn- Sipaieney of a ^'brirhtet and/piirei- tight than auy.'partjof^heilluaiina- tion that' -; - As, the visiotufaded away in the moonlight, Norah jfell, b(at-k off her kriees in a swbonj lipon; the flopr, iiid there she; wasi found'Vith the window still open iand/ the night iii; iilbwingKupQlii.her^ithecoid at ,ktcr,h'eart| and JieHioibs'ike'iciclos, Vhen; thi \yidov^vc|iiut! in! to look- .fter her [and th.e^c>*i4iea'Jittle be--! bi-e the' dawn of the ^orajhg. " . j Eyerything" that-money, andHhe; octprsj and fd'iujilyi attention and indness;could dp :wjaa\ done for prib ; 'ut.fche'Bciio of lljat night as i too'] niueh for the nerves, and he fresh'cold she caiight ov'eiianie :ier constitution, The; cold .she a!-. eady had was cha,njy;ed to h cliurch- ard""one, and j the strength was ken oht.ofF. her. i Tier a^gelspirit till :kept blithe saine-tol-the laiit.; d she 'waB coulnting e*ery. 44y ith hojibjand joy. tHe riumber;W jays she had still till she ,va8 to get1 away to her-Johnny, as~ ^ifee schoolboys count every mofn- _______ _._____,T_ ... n" they : 6et up, coming Christ- rother4y'fpr;att;mptln3 Uijfta*p oirtpi * " J ' ~ a'raaway-carriagplgoin^Jw'fo^spee^ Butj I i ng othce. Wl\bt-e; n 'nqf/goibg to ^he:pii: thea ^;.;:he... askedv ii'TV'-"..! surjirisel - 4- _...._. j That'|brbiigh't him to 1 JiTB,i'? ^ong and ^earnestly; Jie. betggeji': not' to! ^ake hjs .weakness;lj?'f. thvougbout'the'le6gt.h-j^ $;eij of the la&jf. V Fin'alTy-riB'qpniJi-." tw'iu^jfia-Ji'^v-^yk-'dress^by hi: , be deliyered_,!he'agreeiJi t^ let"-J off. i But if Wa^ai^irpwiescaj fl-i : '* . -'-*. m OBJps* On. Saturdayevem'ng1^; ^on it JI.- Iv. /Snider,.of WAterlo^ (M-s(drov i;ed ill ill-wqe. Tie laid was eight yeai-s old: I in- the bar, br'ai couple ms with their pr: lots! to swearing they'd -blpw vy 's locke r' o r i ii jq th e ext Week, if she didn't keep hlr bieatli.' to cciol ""hfej- own th, aiid her. clucking till and a marri- bfave ,he B&t she in innged to kcciii Iipi sti light b\ ' keopinlg no accounts aoeountft povridg^ w to herself. The bo:ts pulled,,and Iheri it wns'of con"s|s;.that the row Uegiin,: anil it -wou! d ?pli|t thfe hear v. of ,a stiine to h.eirthe!hoivling an | roar ilig of the; .urls. ' Norah waf down iluiorig thei i; Imlf-d'ressed, w th lier lliig i-aveh! haii: streauiing in. the wind, the tears falling do'm her w^ito chenkslike raiii, anil her. bea.u'tifipV'a ms ^tfetcljeil as 1 igh as heir hejid towards th'S' bat, as .if they'would reach over; it ;vai d #he k4pt cryii g out as-tlis bo its got fakher and farther away, at d ihe BOimd'of the oars grijw faint n- and fainter eye y strode. ';' '.- ' i"Oh, wirasthrew ! oh,, wirasr threw ! oh, sure they: havb taken my bpu'chl ecu bawn,-, from" ^mel !" arid'lGive, iohi giv.e|riie ba<k iny Johnn'v!" j i ;:' ] ' ; ' iThbi^st of the girlakept crying oJt . the sime way, 'eyery^inoTor. n'e'rself,' of course, calling '< n| her svveetheai't to cpme ' back' o^.her.,' but the 'joor hoys cpuldii't, ^or Inhere they jat in the boats ?agg^d and handci ffea not able to wag a "tongue oiii hake a limb, al ;houglvoki were t< i pay them for it [Podr Ifo rah at last, fell do wn-ex hatisted. ani I was carribd njwt iirs by the wnfav' and the gills Fnomtha,t~ >e|l ,she didn't rls mojith at h ast1, foi the norft An Anstrim.' manufactory iis.inade; ' 1SO,OO0. rifles for thfe Pruseiai; Govern ment, imd is^nakiiig-345,000 .ijpret.:'--' : f I -^'. r, - "^ ; In the. last eight years nearly orie hun- !dre4mjliiohs of dollars' worth if church proptrly was s^ lta|yl " , Tlie (basement -of ,the jiew 5 letbodist ^hurcliin-Guelph -was opened 'on Sup- dy/ ;.V ;!... ;1-:""";'; ' *' ';;1;.'., '";. -',. ,Th'e!i(iorner-stone oi the. nei r 'Kaptisfc Ghukch! at;Bqunpton wasflait\pn Do; iainuja'Day. '._ : - -Thi opernitiv-es -of th? Guelpl _Sewing Mat-tine Co.jJiaye footed a|. Mutual Benefit JJociety, ii The Hartford IjieatT 3ie ;Mapl Leaf ;B. B.(31ub,at Gaelphl oi"Thurs.ti tlay/bj' a score of 17 to.i2, A -rnan rras .fined at' Brantjferd ther arei sitting .there" iu tbejcowld with out a minitle or.ehawl -iahotlt yciu. Acushla iiiaehree, take :are ,of your health, for your own t nil 'all oiir sikes, and for Jbhnny'i iu patticii- hlr, if yon over, kop* ; So- see' him again, and ber the jsan e bale! and hftrdy he'll expect ti fi id^instead of that coihgh that' every noW- and, tteh tears ypu. to piecef , and makes one almost ' think..; ye iI're .oh the,' v - "Oh, I'll never see ., ilin again,' said-the'girl-spr-rbwful f.) "I knpw! I won't, for I' dreaniec last night souidthjiig woefulfy1 '.".'ait entirely about him; Last Holj Evp Night, tijio, the melted fea^ I Jhrew fow6!^f the grisset iu!to ths great. tub "of water, "ran inSan instant, into the sliape of a coffin. Oht I know and f|el it too well. Last night^three years, it was/that they took him away h-pin me, and &'m going to Bl^ay up ariptuer houj' ttj-think of him ; for it w naSj how ! many" days tie-holidays; : |;-^ .i .. And;xBO, after: slur knelt-'and iroyetl evfery night, noon, morning if the time of the ;sp'ii-it's" wanting, ,nd gotra hundred ;.| masses^ _itnd .:very lhpnth a-graud office, eKantecl brJohnny's Boul, she laid, beijself i Iown t6 take.hei- last rest} * -Fa(jher Pan, Q'Hai"4 the salno prifst that named \lier feup years before, gave ler the 'last!, blessed' rights; of- the Dhurc-h, and'then jdisniisieil lifer te iier bright reward. Her vh-gin illiieyericomp round . . i rec^uuun i^y un juj *, flew upward to join | her. own f dr^tariea; i . i dga^oye's pn liiglu or to meet it j_^t Xueeiday nigjit sikt'een ijow^ "enf berenithe fine gyoiiiidq ot Mr. ' K4'rChis'i IJuriijg - a reed George, pnfc,rtn'; A! Jam.iesori, pleiu-eijl,!- feet 7 .: uohe3"Si IJtefoufing; daughters of . tlani?ln^ it'ihtn . '-*L\___'.: ----~'Cve ^r;,celebratioi l , at ;St. le athletic ga mes, Sfr., i Two iManiites-- Sermiib. j iroung' LadieslJ i The Bait" Fi-ancisco \'2?e\>:s._ 'i'; makes, tb'ir-- fpll'pwing'!,'^ijnaiig^ hoi-tationtothfcycriiiig l&dieslor peribd: " V ,"! * | J" Ladiei"^ caged.- Jbjfd^*7' ;fc age ,r; but J sickly v':lo'6kWi:i)al^.:,^ 4 6f itb'a'.'pajrlor,- ^Jhp v^l^tate i |f unhealthy atnies jh!eriV|lJKe;'rti.i:- tato gerjH-nating^n>a.. patk e !-. A-hy. ^doii'^inbo |tli6 : ;. air~and ' varm sunshine,fatt."., ; ihstre to your eyes, blbomp^* y c'heekts, eliisticity to .your st^j" -\;' vigor toyouij-frames? Tnkjs '!' cisfe; runl'up tbe bHliori aw. i aiid down :tgafn'. forjfnii ;-r -oai','; "fields,^ j:h'u>b: the- 'fences,, tea:v. r ditchesiLwadi ie. brooks, and^v. a flay ot "exliilaratiSg'pxe^cis '!'.. tinrestrainexi liberiby^^gO'liphie an appetite" ;ac^ttired;;^pyj;ht';i.; enjoytnent. The Npeaiit^fpl!s,. bhoonjing Vo"*g'lady75;ro ' nmi H' C: abd brigbtj-e^ed-^whd- cag"d":.,; a>tai?tling ju'tap. . A farmer !: ij._, t^ib i ftwiikhtp- r frPittlaf tont ooulityiofiPertit,; wae' rccciftly lined $l-ahil -SScosts'Vy a; ni.!i|?i>frate, for al lowing liis ge^se to. fhunage ,a-iicighbot's grahij; : '.:.'.! _' "" 'It lis rutnoreit "that the! A\iiloii fKitt 'sabrtiy be issued aa; a dailyV:,*vtttt Gold- rwin Smith^aWditojr^ ',|-'.". - !' j S 'Eail Dt^erip^oniMs^iyal in Li^i- :.popl, rwss accorded' a' most gratifyinb- h^rVpwd; 1; .^j:.;7 : nieht of pW^l^j y 'jcpws~'--a:rijd:3! jjlj ^; stocikiiig, mdiKf1: h4.r v owi fcontTTiUHd.'& l-egiojeht; :fiettlesVmilk the cows; ..... la'dy-whan i;equir^, lB a gijl i~ men fare is; qne^: of. f(5r a;. j^ut you pining, scre^e'd-u^/r^. waisied. dbllrdresped, icpusdiifij^r al ortgii gecl, !in usic-4iiifyerja *~, T> y -,: - &m is; -if"!-l-=.--affl &! -. m l|OIU^ [ >.* . .^.^>-. ^.^ " -, r- 0 receptioa by the May.or.;anaV9 hbr city A " i I --1'~ tobpd foi a mpm ataiu for either of us.'j-' .';][ The widow cautiohed hoi* against giving away to grief and .sadness, and with another; word about Utlie cilidle,i{:by chance shfe lit it agki'n, v?ent to;lierj own room," and was sooii in.bedj i S." " | Not "niai'iy miiiute|f after, .'as Norah wHSBittihg at tile open win dow, with', lier eyefl fixed upon tjhe spot fai|[put, at.; sealj w here tl^e frigate once Jay; anjlLtfcat was the tarJ.'-far' .away liuev<wh"ere' the sky was"/ kiiSd" by. "the oc ian, she saw ill pn a Bidden,tile'life ivensopened| in that tlireption, arid;i tich' a flooi of light appea'red .las i'the Bog of Allen waa onfii-e,and 1 tie very thing for miles around. . jit gotr lighter ^nd b'rightei-'as' itTca-ni? o*er the Bea towai"d8 hei till shs could eount nil the colors of the la nbow itj it , and aa it came nearei it became Tound like the sun, an 1 darted out frtjin all sides the eaiue feort of Ibekutifjul rays tha y m'see in the glories abo|nt ,the luads of the Wints in the cliapel pi stures. 1 WbAdci ful to toll, tl * first ohjedt oijfS'Wjway; and her beautiful re mains; f'^iever sol beautiful aBn in-, deatli, Wo kiiC |n peace and hpnor in 'tile churchyard near Oughterard, for it was there her people were buried acres before! her', * -, i Howto AdV-ertise Successfully Lei; the artwle you adyertis| be sufficiently yahiable, of public|util- ity, arid possessed j olT !' merit.Jjp.hen never reciouimend lit beyofidfeuch: merit. A goodiirliclejwillslfitath a; reputation, and.-"iuo'deraU(||\fo- spire^cohfiuence. j. .. ]rt X " -what'you conseiehtiously- believe ;to|be] true, liolin^of Brampton! and' by! eating - and tramping did damage to the extent; of.' several'hundred dpuara.1 >| ..... ,;>V : .If 'therd: is- anything!, calculated to make; evol u"a mihij of the inpst; rugged- oonstitutioii-aci-yOttS, it I is ,;tq haye two or' three children stjandiiig: a^quBd yiit, ing bread ^nd' irmlaBSCS; whea hfs new clothes come homo.1 \ ; !. , j^, / : ' : Thompson & AV^^ms.ate'vaixitit' to remo-ire' their macii.ue wjirks to'i^trat-. -ford,; and Mitchell "ivanta" toget ajiotger factory Inthefr plai^C'lv-* V':"^',;. 1 Tllisjswhatth^ Hamilton. :thuiks.oI Mr. Goldwin Smith's jgai'ty " 'hiusiaV'of the" fiuiadji, Fi rst';"party seems' ttJlS|pal% i'eryxdpidly,; a 1*0- >casroSf,1olrwhat twijs to. Inivecdnstita ted. piw> being * failaro'r ia Torontib-yester "apd'Wlene(5s;ypji; are no.'^no' .^ ffr ntatrinyoh^y;..%ali^pBi|fet;:jJ Itok' aftei^ lalJftpbd^of -fo^ chickens. r The;t*uth^js,: T^jf.J.. gjirlsf, ypit^aoat"less fMiipMabH' strajnt,'aiid mbrelibe'rty-oB.ijtf -; ^|'- iltbie"kitchen aiid i^ss/pariar^^rf]; leg exercise andCl^5?! aofa!;: M; rji; pluddiiig! knft Jess ;JaaW|;:.')a.-:j:Hp ^ftaukness-and less, ift^ck^'c^tr: jl,^ /itoosen. -ybiir 1 waiit-dtrir& :<7 r|*r fireatki pifre; iatmpsphfere, -JfioHt\t\'j c irne-fiopie'thipg;-sja; good anjd "Iav. is|i ^fill-as natujrea$signe|/' |;. i iATiman I ?& ;~ .f; -rv ^|[if facts,: liko diamonds, aito'" always ! dayA, All thp^daily i*ansra lap^liiat. it 1 v.'ii -_:...._-i '.- \ n.i:niknfmiaitthelcadorsv wlio'nti>Car ^r valuable,! and diflipu'lt tov m i|tilate, Give your stbiyj concisely'.jind to the point; AdveVlisementsJat the best are proay-j apd short! one's least [expensive. !:J. _ '-j .- ,- .,.. irowever anxious to make'money, let its keqiiiremeriti:be' sejppndaig^jto the principle of "doih" good. *"" "~ crati ficationi of doing! good " " greater re war*. I j i . "Never essay, to'bwi\a' reputation by attempting th<| rttiri'jjbf. ftiipth^r., The- is tbo 8iidip( the ieadobii wiio;i,>l>fiSr to li^ve sbught-the .boinfoA^bf; Me tural shade, or acce,ntied-. fhe hdppitalities of other-iorgaiiiiatibns. ! A gta* enlurge co. faildrerW^s nplfii tmsrfll"be the Usi ki;ck -|>f aii already j m ^'tudyirig NaiuralivPfcnrja&itr: OldvPeyser.ipuncL ,CbhWs;X siandihg.Ailn'deij'liis best' appie^ir,Uj-;T-, "ai 'ith a. s&ck ini ^^iaad,-raai*!|l-^iJ?"* ttin,./bulgy ! aj pearan#.: abjput- .;UjL: r ockets, IrTayL ig '^ctlt^d Inhv^i; "J I ^b.\di}re;colla -? !jKoyeer' shWk 1.'. 1 j- \yfrat\b>*ajiW.5i^'.|^er|.i.'i;'- ".'.. ' "-A^nt ,^a<lora,T;i^tJJin|,," "&-.'. Cooly '^ Ljeainei.pye'f "jier tfrjjtti'!:- 't*b thM^'J:^ itevsec. " $:*: '"'"M^l-. .:Jr'-<ji:.-ri,. I ^(lid! 11 cfe offend * % ,udya-l>ofTt,Sir Raifclv -Wer-liajtJfy l ourJfessoD^; ...He- was -m -vruj <] L cjhard "aHd saw ail tipple ;,.fH% Tf'j' that iinade Bim:iv^ tbo Knttfiv^ ,! pf.e'C4A'it^bn~;V^'^.^H?'--^^"i'^ see if it was sol^;'. j . ' f ;lt Jtotit jhifsp&Ttf/*: s*id:'K: II Vc'ryii imaic oreature.-'i , 1 - -! (SCf. !-' ^Wi'l'C* ^4i:'*^.W<J* 'tiupirt SiFldiiac ;-.BJi4(besi :i" :'5'itt ^n'tomol@ali.P^t ^it_vj*1 wfere vbu^goin^;t^ gp-.-^..i is^iiiRpil'jKl tosBttcki- - :ii^."';.-;'l4 :" d^l'ontside of "itsl; ^^iflr #. *P<* Pppssesees 'igreai 'Stick V '-"Whift *%'$ ^irifoh^ation-ktop^friil fpr 41-^.Sln^rest 1"^^ " '>?* ^sMdVf.^: 6ubstan,ti'al stnictare,. and you ttn-| wittingly aasist yduMadvei-aary. :" A Countryman;, piirohased a! new. hat at--' Burfingtbn atore'ee.k, It avini, his sld ohe with the 'mer- chaiife- .wbVlkicked it-'undeH'the coi^i^rR Thi neday the; jpoun, tiynwn Ht^iied? ind.after a s^ttrch amon^ tlie'rnbbiKB.f./p!und, > thfe old rtile,/andl turning. ffc'Y" ^9. ?ty^' pulledj <jut'a nft'y; foUar, hill,; quiet ly rtmaji%uig,!'acfamemigbty-^K tprg^tib? whoftj I piit^a^fiiOttfeJl^ ^1 :vi'""i:--!."'.""'i"'-! ' . srawscicai.tRwji-esi,, . -, ,~- :'-"il -. Ijii., Shbuliniill^ totb^iuUi<fflN!in^pH4|W^S^k^l^ "" :i,sTvSTr% : ,t:i -T \id erraw ? ! I ^^^'"f^l^-^r^'r^T^ Witt tea; miilioti 3 rinfea Jen Slllfonfi ." ?i~&#& 'yMg&rd^ityidlp^ ^ouldijc4cclyreiibsent;aiaiJh^ '.^ t^at a^l4'C^;fst."'1 :0-^^op^3that^'siQi^1doi)r.": tytog^W&lKgtie ' '"' f. ~:--'!::K--^A.l1 rlL^ii.!-0^ Pt>H 'W ?e ^m it"J'-."., V." T'^l l'J..i-vf.'A'-5i- -: ^tr^-lM^ .i-i-l-'j-.^ .-v'?^Kvt:vi!%i!i \-&m ?!k MM :J-r:--ii-:i-A- *-: ^' 1 -ra.-,J. -if.'isih-i-s-ii' 'l-t Wf *-Ai'

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