Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 2, 1875, page 1

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1-r f : 7"V ^m. ff 7f ; ii :* ^ ns-^cytr :^i*i*e(;i. ,!. i. } II !_ THE )5 ACtON TREE PRES *J****-e:*><l*r * ; >r the;* moi.ilii. lu b* chiirc- i: vr uot nl ooltr, $4 per O o < jr.. uS^SSKS^'^^f*^' ""'rue: Jli?JS2*^? "** P^onl-ry beiwo. or* nv SSSS?iSl,,*.,i|,*,Bnf ,c * P"<l <ar-- fNiS"*ii**,Tta,t*^ Birth, and Death* j.fc HACKIKG, Ptbusher. tteoXfress H HAGKMO, eWTOH - FEIDAY MOfiJOTCG, JULY 2. 1675. P > ~ I* establishing % new paper, th e - editor is expected to define 4is - position, and, m the case of a local sheet, to. identify his jpersonality. This we propose to do briefly. Oar views of the duties and resporisibi- "li'ties of the editor of a local news paper may -differ somewhat from \ .others,-faut they are not those of a -novice if years of Tprictical ex- . peaence hare any value!.""" As al ready intimated in our prospectus, we-:prb]56s|ei that the Free Press ,/shall not ftfc!devoted to the interest of any political party or faction : that ifrshall at all rimes, and1 urider all cjreurfrstances, be fr^e to discuss matters df public policy on ; their merits, and upon this basis we lare prepared to stand let co'me1 what may. While admitting the neces sity of political parties, since with out them jfree parliaaie-ntary gov: Bonus to M^nuftwturera. At a mot-ting j .: Dk*th of the {ToBo^rb;-'" Ln - )f the ratepayers kral." We were very sorry t of this. visage, jbeld recently, it J read the annotiht<emfcnt the other wa unanimouslyjagreed to request, day of the sudden .demise of th j the Council to, Joffer bonuses for < Toronto Daily Liberal. Dhrin,f the esUblishuienl of manufactures its brief career) it won the eajteent in our midst fb& Council are 'of a large portion of the reading public by its spirited stylo and gen trequires an immense capital t< APWN.'i j ONTw ;|FRipA^ OTLTT now jidvertiaiug 1 Bnch i offer ., to parties operating 1 business| which does not conflict ifith any already established here, j We doubt this will ducing a numbe visit us and see f< ad\-antages affo The splendid o; lines of taAnufact,u! that we fancy hare np j float a daily paper^ over ita infantile Uje_meansofin-1days. We pres'umo the Liberal'i purse was not deep enough . ot capitalists to thetaaelvWa the by'the locality, nin^g, for! many - is so apparent we fancy it only requires to Jae known to be takpn advantage o <^*We send copies of this issue of the^FBEK Pkbss to may parties I who have not bad an 'opportunity to subscribe, trusting ihey will al low us to continue it. J>e pleased to hear from theni soon. The Financial Stringency. ' aid,| tbit thei ECon. Mry Cdrtwright's [visi. to Monti-ealhua resulted in an i rraugement with he Bankers-whhh will go far to i dlay the general ilaroi in regard to uho nnAnciuLj but look;, He & to draw lightly on t lie Bunks during the stiuimer, jam interest-.on de futures, and Pr ivinciul subsidies ind expenditures on tail ways and canals, will be bet by drawing upon funds in : Eo^lan 1. f We ; undfir- s|tand, that there i}j qometbiug like Mr. Qladaltone on tHo f> (.' '. 6? England. \Lcfctb*, Jjiuae 2.-^Mrv stone has wijitten an aftit !e Qlad ,*hiul appeaiii in tjhe Qqntempi wry tte view, jand is entitled "Ijs tl e Churcl of England| woi^th pressing?' After suDjjmjng tip! aijgu uents ot both sides^Jjo answers tbn question strongly-in the aBrmlative.| He t5fiews the divisions which have ken place in thei Chuteh and the tempta made to majintain con formity by penal; procee|dings^ He MONTHLY FAIR.r j A number of cjur. villagera re cently put their heads together and determined upon having a monthly fair here. The coujnttittee have ex erted'themselves faithfully to make its establishment a success, and it now only remains 1 ar our^a^girical- tnral friends to seec nd their efforts. We believe'the ben "fit will ba mu-*; tual, is it will unc oubtedly be of great jconvenience 1o those having stock (to dispose' of; We hope to see a very large gat iering here j on Thursday- next, the Sth inst.j and to be able to record large business transactions. Parties -selling j or buying Etock wjlFco ifer a favdr on the editor by reporti lg to -him." the sales, for publication V~*i errKiient-canaot we.'i be.carriefl on. an<2 grah-tiog the u&efulness: b! party newspapers' in instructing our growing youth in noairers perra*n- ing to' the pblmc2.l afeirs of the . ccunny, vfc have aa dfiirw^placf ourselves utid^r. a* yoke-which we believe-would be burdensome. \_V_t have a high respect for--party men. for the: conductors ~o( partj- Eewspapers, but we cherish no wish to be of their number or to sub mit td".&e. necessary discipline. Having for a number of years eon- ducted an independent local news- ^ paper with', satisiaction to durself and to our patrons^ we feelaSsured of ouf. position. Experience is presumed to be a good teacher and safe guide, and we propose to profit by her lessobs.' The field being so ably ajad efiiciendy occupied ^by ibe inetropolitan \ journals, wherein parry politics is- a specialty;,-and wherein every facility isafibrded - /or fulfilling'rTtheir mission in the itnost sarisfartory manner, the vil lage paper may well be^exjntent to - let the heavy work of the <3aft. Why try to apej their style only meceed in veri ting an ex: ceedlrJ^iy-^nlittle squeak? What snattersjt^liSSeiwc howl against die Tones,-Jr' shouKijurselves hoarse in renling the Grits ? ~Who =<*ares?< It seems to us the village newipaiper can devote its energies to better advantage by giving the Ijjager share of its attention; to mat ters of: -local.: "import aflkirs in wiich the local community feel an -iaiterest.'" Befievingtbis to be the -coierect view, we launch our little; craft into the big ocean, and christ en fcer the Free Prxss. May she jice_jbelie her name f As she 'rfpateirfrom die stocks her form ;ij lodks fair and! weO-^roportionedy ' tke'^coast seems clear; and the sun ibine* brifht b'erhead, though a rocks and snags may loom in the J distance. | S^l \ on, igroodT ship, and keep dear of the barnacles ? Let neither |" Tory nor Grit cling -to thy "skirts, lestJjheir fondlings mayfoundefthee. Storms;*nd tempests, strifes, elec tions, bribes, and, other ills,'- may rroscT thj^ pathway heed them {.and K Jteep"'. tatit ' thy sails and TV ride the: waves. Thy! car- '[' precious, and die-beacon ,.-;fcs -brfehtly. i on yonder shore. |jk wdWthy course, 'turn not to tMar,tfiejJeft Be tru^ td Bear glad tidings td echo the-comings |oiflgK of A^social s|>J)ere. i .: I- We should *f9d8e for'curtailii g legitimate dis Locis Riel, jtbe murderer of Thomas Scott, feels himself debply injured.- He thanks "the electors of Prdvenoher, Manitoba, for hav ing again "elected him as their? re presentative in Parliament,' ;and declares that he ^as unjustly, ban ished. If be had been hangeq, as he should have jbeen, w|e W(fuld haVe heard nothing more ] of Jliim. nothing disastrous. prjesent ^crisis,;! it jgrkve to dem/injd s th * part of the Gov, jrnmeiit and we' trust that suchN^vill be, if it hasnojt, already beeil; taken.! Leader. ^ _i-4Lc ACTOBf--:l ; | !: For a number of fj-ears this! viU !age exhibited but comparatively slow'! pVngreis inigiowth, and its business was pone jn in easy-goin/r, v " : I ' ' V Qditk a namb^r of heavy fail ures have .tajVen i>hjce^ in rliondon' and other'cities ;ia Enghtnd during the past few jweeks, and otheraj ate expected, j Those houses wbic-Bt have gone^dojn-n are mostly engaged i in the Ijast India trade. Tlieixj lia bilities in! most cases are large, and their failure will bring down others; more or less dependent on them.- A^together tfiere'-is a- general feel ing of disquietudp in business! cir- cles, arid serious apprehension^ ex ist. that:the worst na's not yet' yeenl reached. way project still bblds out, land he- gins' td i'ssumeia tingiblej shape.. A Btbck (book has! 'hein optned, land more than' f iqO,pi(JO\ has1 beep sub: scribed in Pi tbrbpirougb] with the intention ot elbctfr|g a PBoard of -f-All kinds ot finery and-strawi S^^'^fe^^^A ivtooHa at uriprecedentl^.low prices at met">"Of tbe|sbareljoidfersfor,tl)e ^hriitie,, Hendeijson, [it :Co.'s, Aotbn. rlectieifof direiftoraAas Iwen called Christian-LikSr Tlie contra* tulatiuns received liv the pKeslVv j terian Church in <Jahnda, within >r i the past few days, from various re- trot tort of styte. j Of late, how- j^,, ^j^ ire .j,t-once eminent- ever? a dt^jdsd improjemcht in ] ef- ] lyjencouraging to the new Church, t:ry w.\ythas bpen'perteptible. TWp ; aud indicative of the possession of years ago it was^ag^ff.orated wM |g^'iinoUitirity und-true Christian ;' t~ asL-' J Jl l r feeling lry>-thpse froipi--wrtrom* the -fr^ ' T J ' T . I -\ congratulatciry resolutions cunie. In n-4 hacon--tbe iaudaiie ! display'i of-kindly,' iiabitAuta. iinued to Since jtli aEd grow- ratio more id koepi ig,: with ihe' aiodernixedideas of y lunger mush room villages, ibandance. of Still room/ prosper in a charitable s intimerite^it is.- pie; to observe!t lat tbel initiative ibero is an hi. improv*- uient, and we have fai;h t-o believe the liberal i nd enlightened spirit <sing was taken blr the. Anglican Synod,.a b_edy that, h; is been by some con sidered too proud and stubborn to move first.iij such ^natters.* ' May bat theiaipetas whicb as recentlv :>en given will contirue to exert an influence that will carry it foi1-' ward with *ry rapid itride3. ^-Wj hope to be able to reeo -d before an-t other year that its rati> i of Increase^ both in population and niannfacturj-: ing enterprise,7 has fbei :n riot; only; greater than any of in local con temporaries bat that ita onward march has even outati of the larger and.m. towns of the' Prpvih to do oar humble sh fecting this end. i B done on a tetter formerly, and ourj mi vigorous, th* take jit as serious; Wa expect tawardsvef- eaa is now tn -than haif^a of rising value which faasjji st been evinced, con tinue to. animate all Christian bodies in their dealings with each othetv | . ; The CBrsi8 -jlsd ; its Causes. The Sberbrooke Neiee, in an article upon the subject of 'the pi^seht de pression, sayl>- 45 Tire charge that thn Government is /responsible ;for the difficulties in tbel money market is so contrary to the facts andJjto commota sense that we are surprised that its author Bbould have allowed sjven million^jto Jhej credit of the J declares enfofroetnent of arbitrary rules fatal to (the i CnUrchJ *.i . ; -i i,f- i [ " -r-Recent: advice i frm the lum ber districts ojn the' CTppler -Ottawa state that the bush vnres have de- stroyed^ofteed hundred acres. I ;.. ' -A destructive torriido passed over the orthj-western part of De- C Government libe: Lproduct of the j sume. - It is to r iniored arrange ojit to be a fact, i nks would no existing financial stringency^- 'we shall be ready io accord it full cred it for such seeps restore confidence. -part of tile nt loan we pjre-' hoped tbajt the Vnt. may | turn whjch case.the bnger have any unts. Whte|rr blame be atj- icbable to the| Go' eminent for the ; iroit cityv last Sunday'ieveniug a't! pS a i it may take to Though iher about ^lie is. sufficiently >ecial action on ^-All kipds bf-4^18,-Paints, ifuf'- Dentines. "Vfirni'shef, Japans, Ac j ., at trecprd Brostj 4 IF you want to b iild>hetip, buy four hardware niSetord Bros, 6:15. Its path waVabont^OO feet wide. Some ithirty^houkes besides outbuildings, >|<kc-i; were demoj i&h^cl. Four persons! are known to have been killed, and [many others in jured, some.oi tberii seriously. The total loss) to $25,000i ; The Huron prclperty is. at least and Qqebec rail- ttntt, FaeEFBBSs offioe on Mill few. dobrs, from the post<effio, -^-Gijea^ quoatitisf ot lnalber and shingles are now bemg shipt e<L Irom Aotfri statical I . j -^ ^ . * Tha monthly fait in this v llage, oi^ Thursday next, promlws to bt a great faccess! ..- ' . New sidewalks aw being kid dffwn, radiitidg in all directions, from jSetprd's corner. |:!-: ;. j I Mr.\ R. h Pished has contoenced tunwithitlg in hj orW shop on Milt street j' -p-Tbe ..Sons of Temperance oMhis villagej.hsye recently purchased a $175 organ.;';- s .* .. -:,"., i i l--rSen . fioe- nngoveniable fence- brealong|0OWs "Tit the fair next Timrs- The next meet ng of the Halton County CoUnsilwill be held on the 14ih Sep'teniber, , -"-' -r-Odr Milton friends will soon revel in thd luxury .of a Bank. Wc hope they have 'IflUi of-.lucre to deposn ' . i-Rememberithe great clearing sale at Christie & Henderson's. (roods aire laid to be selling regardless of cost V |; TJ-Thje' Sons': of Temperance held a' itrawbiirry festival in the drill shed/cm' Dominion Fay. tarbealara next \*ek? j -r-ThB .,Eev.t.'Mr Owen, of Grace Ihurch; Milton,'^reached his farewell >n Jast Sabbath. He goes to Oaha- rjon't fad to read $11 the *dv< mento in this paper/ Some of the fuSettEve) the country are It^pt by Mr. J. P l.n t Mr Matthews announceshiai^enl tion ot shutting down on the olu-fsah' lotled long crtidtt system, and doing more Striotly boamesal Thdf i n|ht. Let others follow anjt ~ Ins hig adr4rnsemenb i The early closing movemaat hi j > flash, customers will save money by. ] inrchasing froin Christie, HendeAon'ctj ^o'.L- Acton^ Kemenibee the o^J-eent tea,1 4<sftho 15th Juiy^V'Gddeipch. Ma.'Jajheb FAHBv.iof the,GuelDh Herald, was presented^by |his; .friends and admirers, witnlaWirae ipraaee- CoriTenubn. fho County CornyeJtiori ,of the1 Sons Lconttiining.over^ Ifew'day^ r-A_ *- emperance wfls; held in Cumniins- ' on Friday;-ji8tH ult, and, not- v itjutanding' the v^et d ly, was attended bjy if. number of dejegat is from all parts oj County, iricliiuinj Bros. J\ Secord, eight, E. KWklin and"R Crane, Acton ; Bro, ] IcMUlan,. from gawega; ^rbi iG. Kennedy and T. . of-^Jeorgetowri; j Jroj. Henderson; roah, and o'theri. After the busiV of the da3?;wa8"gons through with: epture was delivered :n .the qvening heltev. Mr.. Mason, of; Ottawa, on "ibition, ,and was : a ;'eVery wajy a as.. The- Cummii sville Ilivjiuori ha i-fc an exceHeift string td, composed entirely of its own ntem >ers, and' is in a ydry prosperous coidit on.! , .! '.,' CfODKTY ip00R;iffdjSEr Atltbe rei ent meeting ofj|H ilton'-Cdujnty Ccineil the question of a county |>o tV hbuse came 'ji|jp far discussion; jwi l| a committe4. vsrias ; itruck. to visit iiciilar iristitutibniin the Province" an l| report at the |Sep :eniber meefe- inj.: SaiUe ; membei-s favored th^ njanut What a wonderful effe :t tlie; re cent rains have bad in i>; ightening up the yisager of .bnr -a, friends ! Two orf three :%L to-day are energetic, men thoroughly alive of keeping such articl chan'dire as are-reqai: ling at such pricas as an extensive trade.1 O turas ara of continually growing importance, and can ev in p>w Via many towns of in ch greater pretenaxSwR^Indeed A :ton is no, linger an infant^ha_ h u Uirown off her swaddling clothes menced to walk' alone; tie coaxing and but few si, are now required ward march. - !We all the more regret'.these at- tacks against the Ministry,'inas much as they do the mare harm to t.he Conservative party in propor-r. tion as they are false and absurd.' The -; inonetary difficulty \ is too- serious,- 'aside from jany political, predilection. To accuse' the Gov ernment of it, in face |of a proof feo meT" lithe contrary, which defies all corir sel-(tradiction, is too low an artilce, (and shows too much of the.partizan garrpltiBW to asifc hr on- rictilturali .ncjalt eeks ago, long faces and gloomy asjjeetji were the order of the j day- waa_good reason for it. deed enough to make tsiajl feel decidedly gloomy. (But the! rain came in time to revivje tha^droopr drooping a good d there Th^ pro-! ,to he generally" POMTTOAIi ITEMS.: -The North Victoria election a-ial is postponed till 5th of Au- W^-l' ']' \: -. !| !":A: . -Mr. Dvmpind was . rerfilected, "Very 'litl F8/^"'/ of 378 over Mr* Boultbeei 1 w] iliTudgmentJ;!!! theijEJouth.Nor- whV^Coriimons) case vti)i be given lat Oagdoiie Hall on Sthliluly. ! ,' i^-Tha trial of t|e petition against the .election of Thps. Sqott, -M.P.P. for North Grey,1 com menced Ion Tuesday. .' ;-| . \-^ _^^,..:i5 "[', Mr. Jamea Fisher was unanim.-: busly chosen as the Bejform candi date (Commons) fbr North Perth at the Reform Convention held-at Pe ;1 in an institution /i.le j. of a linfon with t, le IConnty of Imports.Jfrpm nu^rous for J.l: 6enefftof hi4,heal Jaliforhia Lis V !8TowEt.-^rhe merit'of this town s iir^oenlt assess- Jhb wa the to'tal valris of reul and personMproperty tb:b^ 353,089, bettig $12;00p' in exeess of last yei|r..-v;.: -li- ' -i Heavv, Fah-ubs. ^Messrs. T.& J. WbiJley, of .Quebec, one oft the ite)3"5"ex'tens.iye boOtHnjdsbpe manu facturers . in the 'j/>tyer ^rOvjice, ;,have\5U'spended rpajSnent. The eon- tractiou of cred t by thb bknksand cefUsal'to; dificornt the firm's paper has led to tbe failure. Tfi||liabili- tie^.aire heavy.^. ( The<firm^ of Ben- |soh,\Bennet-ik Go., , also in Monetary djifiicultieii. It! is Stated on go^d. authority thJtfc' they: have ;a<?tually .suspepdbd^ Thfeir ^abilities are lestimalted at 1,042,-' qoo, The SToai tk tSk of, this des- Wisci ;TALT02T CoUNXV, AjISESSM^NK-i- A* the late meeting of the County Coi mcil afbyj-law was iasijed, leyy- ing tfte follotving rate Trafalgar, $2, )23f05 ; Esquesing, ^$1,959.83; Ne son, $1,3|15.44 I; Fassagaweya, I8E8.74; Odkville,'tUO J Milton, $100;' Georgetown.: $100 : Acton, e73. .'1.1ML -.,,..- .. prediBel, yeaiiv,:^' isconsih, Minnesota, i EST.----: ints in ,.-. , - -, rpbigun, N^braakui jlowa, Missonri,^ and Soatberil Hlmois, indicate j,hat the storm which passed Over* that ,jBec- tion, lasting fVoni Satbrilay till Mohday night in - most localities, did great damage, killing! a con siderable amount of live' /stock,- tearing down houses, barns and fences, inundating whole farms arid. injuring crops to some '.extent. jRev. Mr, Brown, of the Methodist hiireh; Milton, preached his farcnell ennon on Sabbath evening His leav- igoa regretted. Row Mrt Cameron, the newly m- toctod -.; riuriister of the Freibytenaa Church, preached his first sermon here ok Sunday,;20thult fir." iMcGarym is I erecting a_com niodlous two-storey br^'ck dwelling on tie'site where tlw old one was burnt a \fiw weeks ago. ' I ' Town* Fathers ihee that all theVSib- h sh be cleaned from the streets without dilay, >. J)cm't let those old plnki Lai. tl e beauty of our village^ < iMr. Aguew, of the Domnubn Ho jtel, iSjUow;onavisittotihe"OuldSod." wi lately received from him tn- d&rtes' hat he is enjoying IhunsWf na menselj '.! :Me iti. W.H. Storey '& Co, our \ si glove manufacturers, are en- ed; in] the erection of a n,ewf tannery, of kid !i. 1 i -" inline imv in nrrm nhu< CHMMINaVljl P SESENTATUbK, ever in* the ;members , brid Methodjieft Chrircli] at tl e; residence of j the McAllister, land prsa it Monday >f|the Kil- assenible^. Rev. Jaii snted;. him swApl) away in some pi many persons were |injtit several are! recocted to ha' killed. | ;i ,":?'/ Oddjellows !ijr Ebik. A (new Lodga ofjtbe I. :0. 0. IF., wai^ insti- tnted receritiy at Hillkburg, by ,D.| __________i ____ __ ____ ^x^ G. MJ,:John Craig, of Ftirgus, bb>! wit|f an address, .aoc?mJan?ed"' with jiistedby members frbmj the Gkielplj; a pujae containing $68Jas a token I Gprg***. Brampton,] Oirange^ of elteem. ^Mr. Mcllister vpry:. v,,le *nd j *Vh;^Lodges, jj Alto- warriily replied. Al very lpleaaanti;^nrt_7*:,r^ -werf p_rea- evening was s'pent. j Mr. -McAlis- ter. liaves for| Hespfeler] this week, arid :jcarties Iwith hint-the \ best wi^hek of the jpeopTepin Ithis^neighr- borh'oxl... the dressing of all kind -Mr. It. Agnew has recently erected go, i IdHtion to his fine hotel, mak- \ v one of the largest, as well as one of lit! i test kept hotels in the voun- \.. '! ' The residence of Joseph and James iBrciwn, i id line of, Erin, was" totally destroys - by fire on the 14th^ult. LoJa, ab ut $l-,000j insurance,' $400. 'Thiy are rebuilding -? All 1 aids of iron cutem and force ipt at Secord Bros., Acton. ' i. -4Sidni v Smith, Esq , purchased a hanlsomf ^thorough-bred cow, jat the sale < tiiB^portedj stock in Toronto, fkllen through in Georgetown, and1 the] stores are now open as usual until late alt night. This is all wrong; They should close at seven, o'clock. So- should, Our Acton merchants It can be dofte >veiy easily, if yen only thmk so, and unite in so thinking. . night, several unruly cowb disturbed a number- of people in their slumbers by unlawfully breaking down a fence and plundering a gardea.. They were prompjy' arrMted and imprisoned, but before jmOrning1 they effspted, their escape, apd have not yet been recaptured. Carpi 'em and sell 'em to the batehera (few Chkreb. ^~" | The members of the Wesleyan Metho dist church have decided on the im mediate erection ofj a new brick church { to costjslbout $4,000, the old-one havi_--" imJj loo small for the csngregatioiil rnle. i , > 'the regular comnmnicataon of feafLodge A.tF fA-l-M., at^Ac , Monday evening, 14th ult, the fcllowmg officers were elected for the eflsuimVfear Bro Caleb Chase^- M1, Bro HSh Walker.jftM., Bxo Wu^eir ijrwm, S*Wf, B-o Bonald Kennedy, J]iW., Bro. John Secord^ Chaplam} Bro Fred. Secord, Treasurer, Bro Thomas l^eapedy, Secretary, Bro Jap.' Bydep, T^ , . - 1 I New*1 H 1 Sip iWUliam IbjpU Eniland>on4he-26tli^imj t< ? f 'Tpiejnryite the'Beiwheii- 4 hare |iot lendered a fjv^&jfQfr j Gilt has been cr^t^rl^ of entry tajfed a waTebouflftjfWi Ctiwigo epecqlatbri ^ot|4 _ $70Q,<)QQ-m fojurdays Twtesrijjr*!^1 a rapid tdeehne in^the pnifti ksbiJl. wheat, jind-oata. -j snl^i Several j English tod' \%mn ships-of wjarare abooi stsxtii^- river vdjages of ex^lorati^a tl-*^tf2 Ulterior [ofChisa 1 r-*We learn from J^nd^^o^ the Mi rquta of iWnV and < ij^f Piincesj Louise intend, itU^kigl.-i tour of she United, ^tatjea. i T&h American nQemi m iiehtiid, hare again disib^ Inah tedui '{Thaeconsl tjL one oP which tke> An&erfcai wdl feel^ro<|.^ - -Messrs l^eedfer ^ 4r* planing todL, at IanifcBy^.1* lil'-^.e] v a*troyed by firebox }Sst^r|u Milverton last week. '; Mr, A, Monteith: (uns^ated^ is the ComjeivJ spect for the growing crons ^w in?'! T*^6 cdidatf- mu ; - , ? - -' i I West Elgin.-r-Tbe ceedings in this election case took place before the! Chancellor, at"'St, Thomas, last week, {when the learri'- d"Judge decidtsd ojiat Mh M. G. Munroe had not Only been unseat-. ed,; but that Mr. TfiosJ Hodgins, Q.C., was duly elected Sl,PP., for .West Elgin. " ' : - V| ;NqetH WEEtlKGTON.-|i-T|ie; trial oif: this election before Mr. "Justice ing vegetation alnd 5 our spirita; The outjoo^ for karvesb now seems" .enchnragingy the probabilities E.yor.the hope that prices forj gain will fibortly advance the rep rt from many parts of Europe, ii idicating .;Gwynne, closed Saturday] night,and. that bn unusually'short xop *M ,j?-eault^intheelectwnl*tdngaeolared "^.': , " -tna. ,flM"Gowan being uri-. be gathered tbere. -T' gr^-Remember, the I"i is only one;dollar a year,; jpaj. adaooe irbe'os>( j^oetage' M m i*. \m& ;^f emg iso was JconducUid ^iiessra. .jHodgins,;;'/.QiOL, ; and. '.' jSiithrie for the . petitioner,:jand >u |MessrB. Robinson, Q.C, a^id Drew, j Q.C., for Mr. UdQTWB. :Prbsrje>t8 ita j||urppe. on, June 20'r-^The Mark cpress, !iri'-it8 weekly review >readstuTs" mar!ket,.say8_.: to the; floods' in France, (favorable ;^reports.!'; fi-om the market is hardening^ istern Europe; pas' been ent, -The silver cornet Jiahd ;iij connection wjth Orangeville jJLodge was also in attendance.- iThb fol- Ibwirig-are the officers1 fof the new iLodge :-f-A. MjArthur, N. G.; N. and BJ Franklin, TJWaurer, {After the Lodge was oloedrthalbr^tbreri partook of^ a' supptjr served in, ex cellent style' at Kirk's; Hotel. \A pleasant tiniewas spent.; . j - ORANaE CE*LEBBAtrof The Or- abge Celebration in 'Guejpb. on the' ',12th promises to he a griatifilccfiss. The" Hauii tbn.i'Braritford, Afeton, i^eorgetowr J: Elpra, JPergus, i.A;lmi(i,' Rotirs^-^8jid_Brussels; Brethren have.signifieditbeir^fntention, to he present arid join in the demoDBtnt- and 1 tion. ': i The "-j^il'wayv./fjbinfbnieslh*^' ivill cai;ry passengers on the illireat Weste f|or a single, farb,: arid' on ;Me; Grand Tijunk for ,a fare anil one itlijird, tp Guelphand return.-'; j Thp jGreat Western wilj also'ruh srieewl Stains..]; * ;j.-| Canadian-Pbess AesoqtATloj IAt ft recent meeting, of; !tbe-.' Wopl Market. Th market for coml'ing fleece during the 'past, few webks has been 'airly active, jwit 1 Wiles of round lout-principally at 34c, at- which considerable chan ;ed handp to^lay. The feeling'is n jw easier;,, however, and j buyers.le is inclined to_huy--kt.the \-Qlobe, f !- **Tr 1 ;.;Crc'..... ' "! LONI Lane .of t'ht " Owin arid u Ameri' Noith favouredIwith plenteouls rkin, while the east Undsouth- 'portiojns- of the Continerp are atineririg from drought. I, The prospects .tare vari- jdtan Press A^ociaTion held in! To- able, and, general abnridahcb is ribt |.r<Uto, 'it-was ^eoidedii that the c i j l ',p{^ i <^rTnJr M d is >nual inetJtiW *boul(i take' p aoe England have ihe best tropecl s,: on the -20faTJuly, ti Hamilton, and RifsaK Hung^yj; and . Franie I ie excursion will be fr^pLHa&l- the worst! ..- i-- ' ' . . - . TheaetoB rlow Coinnamy. - JA joint stock company, leompnamg Messrs Win. Stephenson, S. Simtb, Gi^S Smith, and E. Snyder, of Acton, and Mr A. Woodyatt, of GUelplfe has, been formed for the purpose of -carrying on the manufacture^ ot plows on a large scale, m this village, jTbe machmeiy, has been ordered, and' ^iie "burfdiag is now nearly completed: -Manufacturing wilt commence m4-a few weeks. The' Company w;ll be known as the Acton Plow Company. t ActdiitaIDrswiaBg'. | * A young man named Jamfes McGmre,'1 a the employ of Mr J Speight, wh^b pathina m the mulpopd,witHason^f the. latter, on Tuesday evemnij, 22nd Ultt, wha'drowned. It is- supposed he took cramps, as ho disappeared s idden* ly Tife young pan who was wii It mm, being un kble tq swim, could rei der no 1 asshitancc, A large number of -tn lagers soon assembled, and searched 'orthe bodyj.till after midnight, bint it tf as not found fill the following -mhrning An inquest w is held, and a verdictrei dered w'gne of '{-Accic entat jlrownmg while bath'- ?B * ing" De:essed was held inj hij^ e|- jlak teem by those ' who knew hin, and especially by his employer-, who faels- nmeh regret ajt the sad occoiTeneei| His parents reside at SalmonviUe. cost- f $550, to add to stocl .of thorough bra 1 cattle and late at a cosMf $560, to add to) his already fine : sheep. , Messi |. "McLeod, Anderson & Co, of Ceorge awn, avail themselves of our coin nns j' o announce a grand dearuig sale | of di f goods. Read what they have to sa; about it. tne 0 and Trunk people have done aBe::celler ; thing by reniqvmg that 'greaii tmsi ;htly wood she|d from the station, r: T leyhsVe the thknks of our townspjeppl i"We hope there wjl soon be a prst-c4as sidewalk in that vicinity r esteemed friends, Messrs Diek son; Mcjilb, have lately^ 'Commenced the general Iry goods business, m con- nec^on'iwit their old established cloth ing tirade '! They keep a ,mce assort- meriti;/ '! '. y~ ^jissfigawega nBjghbors are buUdjng a\ lew, Town Hill at Easter- bribkU. ..'Tii HaUwillbe62x 34 feet, and the anb room 1* x 24j It wul also beusid-asaj CemperanceHalL Mr W, jpj! of ! den, is the cphtrsiftor. l * nl- ^r^atf,542o^^4oj p^ij,,; ?(p:-i6 5ro;1 Friday they hwey, 70o: eggs; ner t ozon, lOo KiiitH iJ^OM ltbJJ%)jtatter; dryjMpfi& ;^tone1,tStcJ^Sf^ i 'h I MAHKEia i Fajl whea^ 90o. to JB6o i.., Tc^^spViiWhea^Gla wow^S ^Ufi day,j: after wafdfc they *fiH > 89ci^pring wheat (red ehajfj 906. to - Bpflalo arid' remain; all night __. "K"'*"1 n?.^ -j-The sittings of the Fourth Divialon Courtjof thij Conntaj, will be held in Matthews' Sail -the balance of this year, as follows>i- July 12th, September 13th, JJ)0yemb r 9th. Those interested -Bitter b< u- those dates in imnd. I There .is io doubt about iti but Ao- jton m 'one '< 'the most pleasantly situ. ated, prettiei i, ,and tidiest httle towns in.thelprovir ie. We havfe a beautiful pohd, |or lai 3, upon which aj pleasant ro\f ;bf two' >r "three miles can be had byjfollbwiiig heshores all round, it, ;,- Cennedy Bros, have dis- Jrosed of'thel grocery'departdent^and intend I in (fa are to confine themselves exoluki rely to he hoot and shoe tbxui- ness. 1 (They1 vd secured the valuable of M Taos. Edgar to superin- ordaj dwork. See their ad- i:entj|. ..! -, '-i<)u r ehtisi? ismg neighbors, Mann. Secord, j hay?( ust pnrenssod a foros pmrip,indh* it placed m*W|M tank attlwi^of ^premi^fw^nrotoc- ltwarthiowj " !i"'r-efth4 Aet*a Con This Coi joarnmpni ult,theB< present ii anaNJfckl; were read Mr Speij JTioklml- " introduce viewers! fo: season of id a lojftei ht a oved, seconded by! Mr 'That leave be granted tp bjjlaw to appoint enco this municipality foi the I37S.1" Moved by Mr Mc Moved ay Gajvm, i se ^Onded by Mn opeigi ii) That the ' >y'law for the appoint nenf of fence viqwers,be read a nxt t fne." and. Mf The by law was then read^a -second third time a ad passed. IMoved b' Mr-Nickbn^econdell bMr Speigh i,~"That"thelaam of two Dollars be rranted as aid to John Thee." ,, Mr McGhrvin, Clsjrman, of dom mittee on Finance, submitteH the fbl lowiogaccgounts, and recommended the eaine to be pkid -^-T J Starret, ,p int mg, 52, "Bios J Campbell, kee nc travellers, i XI 80; J & A. N^ci liT sidewalks/ g47 0: S ZunmartiAHi streets and sf dewalks, 345 40, D* ltd loway, charifieB, $4.44 r Mrs Him iahL chanties, go [49 Total, $306 93 Moved by Mr McGanan, secou ded by Mr Speiiht), " That the awtbints sabmit^ed bS-gitid, and that the lit eye issue his'^Jeiue Bor the same " On motion! the Council adjouriife I to meet again on Thursday evening, Ji 5n4 July, at? 7 o'clock. Jas.~G HttL, CS rk* 1 ^ It is a f have in oar 1 HU beyond ojoSbt that we bat thh largest and pos itively! the dicwt bfeaatifnl hardw|re, .groOBneB, anl cro&etry store nr this "western cpun 37, G&elph, London,,, or (Toronto note: :oepted. "Every trayiMUr knows this tq be a fact. .The prop; te tors are Seco* I Bros. * | ' Wp woolf: direct special attest bn| ito the fine pr >5uerions of photogr^p uo 'art now being torned out of ths pho a- graphgallery of Mr J. G. BiU,!*id would strongly advise all who wish a rsal arbsbo pi *ar* to giva bun an sat ly- cali BalusieisaredteaervlQesoi4ie of thebds.tart rtsjutthe Dommiito!(i5r a limited time ndp), as wfll buseen i >y sdvertuH)nient tn^nother eohimn.* *" Mt. fftichslnf trf-Ouelph, spjpi^lat W the vafasof ^rifttw'i jrik,, iBekWl Vrh it ha ha* fo 1 ay sjaiha ' "" ' " U* 'Buy yi phristis H !XH"feJv octroyed, by nro<ba day mornuig. Insured far our boots and endesrson & Oo.^ ,Ac1 Ci cent. One pdir' pruin-LAa Jid twopaira rl oil! |T Gra-Ao}jpers, or t re^.-ie^^i1' , ocusts, a) e yaiy numerotfa. SuAalft'-i >oinous of Dumfi ies, an^sjradaiqKt oineLhuig zo cbmuiish the fttwpa.1 f v1 Gjcasaliooserjiews from ISfeafifV1- ^ lourne aiidJPiiJeiiilne, 13 Ms|tohft3r present raher~*|' g^*tfaw? ^i^f^I! Imt still th^set)tleiWaTe*(Hi.*th"^"3PP^ out hope , |, if^,Tt""-Mp _# ipo yur order fot b suitSi ^b^l^. i K^S; The neatestj cheapest, and most i^SiSS^ IV'A'j' fllnthmg eatabiijihmenft-m th JTUpifefa-. ^1 Apt ^arahteeiornasalij. i1r>V h ~\ Mr B. Williaihst ofXrLpwiii~ f lubjEdihas ogUn hadvihe^niSsfbr""^, ( 4n cie of having part' or fa4 prerttues , destaroved^fire. (Ehii *j^^ it ; w|e confaned to Itha-'^e^-hoiMe. ,#fl * aboutJj^OO. f *\ Mf ' >-tA. Birkfarll rowBy .(^hirV^ flJ- B^tes>4hreateW ff kosssnj^7-- V editor df the Qtntetteii&B other ti The latter merely saidl f^'rirtjpS*^ wham th former gofasoujBfe , "'"i Potato iwgy tn jfjUr f Jswe/i grasshoppers in. lowajt fcdihi ^hV--f'( squh, locusfs in J^nfe i a&4 * snnng wprma in-^^naVlvaaia,| aw doing a> teraole jwork of desftruwi ; w_Immetiae redaction on, goodSy et-p,^ at j Christie, 1 Da's. P^tfori^i^nl4cj-ibr jasfrosR. watjth loo. linw sb Kfedirca^toclL A stbsy jnekch ha to thfejefe oaptured a si bonrhood \o Tvrtghed^S s *e thi i-Als y fori toosts, progress anil eattr; thai, hare Jttft qjfowk of groctaia, po^bss, tobaccos I product of every! shown in jActonj - . ^^ ; ^ a*A mew C(ngrefcionsjr^ioiiBtt-f \and Pansonagri is xo W truat tf,.4jGp =*' ton. TJbie a-wichuriBh^eTsr-*1^*^ to Q06)t about t8,Q0O. ^$H met pursuant, to ad on tomsdsy" evening, 2Wh :ve : a th*e chair. ' Mex lBerS " kdnutes- of last me song l wel) <"r the, liberality os* ^bsf ^PS Td. ____ __ fgregat^od -i | ^ pf j ^ 4-ThB rads aVe^ow \*a& Qri] *^-s" Pori D-i|er find Lake-Huron)'* wag^ from Dover ttt&iiacofb excursion traitli was^rup h the itiwo pLicea on Jiominion J^y% r<-The jbase ball iriatch oej|^e^-^!i thtfi Stnuij, of Detroit, and the 1^ cuAvt-l s, ^f Jtnndpn, rasulted^^iiy^s, viojtof y foTThe Canadian clubu4y; -si.i fc. g. tOfiit A cikdCblelparson: OsIWa^i vttndtajUot that in ncai iluittiuHy^.b'n'Saiiday'": mq 1 iht -a equ! ^t^u^d--uji (<;ok rilace beUrfi^n two jom men | TheyjVi*r|i -*ej*M backed .by a lijf<|lier m'w* thefhght lasted ^hftee^. % herd of JsixteenTfihf cattle wone ehip^trj to other" day, from N-cwJ neatrlittle Bum of orie'hrr twenty fiyej thousands <lul%B{il i mg^been paid for^he aniUiaib bull cost ]$a<0,Wl'if>&'& f$l8,fjt0p. j vl * ( .1 ^ Burly [ on ^Viday morai [male infant waslfound} o% tho- of Mr. Al J. N0r^a'-ts*e? Gqelph., It wa^ apwrsntly/! *wb oc ]lilireeiweeka[f** ^ dressed; and Vith H joottlei W-hiPh'^eiUbd TW jreoebtly ueedy , no nyrkk on hrf#jthi the ^Miti^cbuld] he*""' ih the jaSW' thankfioV fS9^r-;-.;?g.2-

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