BeaverToo (Oakville), 7 Sep 1927, page 5

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‘NOTES AND COMMENTS The funniest things in the World are “often: found in the most serious places. Indeed, simve the autee classified * their jokes and p: all to be descendants of ianayy oe it is per- haps safe to say that the only original , jhumor that we have is to be found where humor is furthest from thought, For instance, a learned. scientist, Professor H. Gross, in a new bookon criminal psychology discusses’ the subject of char- acter In its relation to hats. His obser- vations, he tells us, have convinced him that a het worn exactly perpendicular to the vertical axis of the head is a sign That a man is en but a pedant-and ‘a bore. ‘on one side. is a mark of tes and swagger. Wearing a halon the back ofthe head ve eckless and in adebt. The farther back the hat is worn The. nearer to bankruptcy is the wearer. A hat worn low over. the forehead in- dicatés a man of sulky temper. One of Vie ‘professor's critics, while admiring This genius in this study, suggests that he should add a sludy of the style of the ‘hat, relationship is suggested be- ween -moralily | and- breadth of brim, with special reference to the Quakers ‘Extra curlishness of the brim suggests] , mabistiness; and so on. a biiteastes Grikac rece coun get ta syriling books of the “nafure-faking" pattern at the orders of a publishing “heuse One could understand his reasons fer such fights of fancy. Bub he-isn’t. Books on criminal psychology don't scommand that kind of Things the ase ever close = ‘han We ssorasooer ait ait who dig, and toll ond. Get to he: falls ‘by “Tha old theology: talied much 6 heaven far aw: remote future; seems_inclin “the ew ‘Thealpgy cl te “aly, Heaven, hat is all about om, the vho ever is near, and the blessedness even now attainable. SOME LIVE IN THE PAST, sense 0 He is just one of our intensely serious ‘scienlists, whose out pul of humor 2 nnequaled. He is a worthy mate, in sScmewhat different field, of the very gx eal ‘genius. Lambroso, who is so intensely serious that, often as he has been tricked into. making himself absurd, he never poi 1 has realized the Lombroso's latest disaster was in con- n with. the criminal Soleilland, sabotttavhom att Paris is talking. Some ‘one sent the Cpe on degeneracy Photographs of the I's hands, and esult is a published sds iption o! i ani which prove that Dense born degenerates, and lo be punished for his atro- ‘claus crime. . Unfortunately, Bertillon, head of the police anthropomentrical de- partment of Paris, declares that the "hands have not been photographed, and further ssyestigalion shows that Lom- ‘Breso had been duped with photographs of the right faa of a dresser of sheep- “skins and the left hand of a stableman, ebeth free of public record, 3 ie case is like that which happened ome years ago, when Lombroso asked Tor pholographs of the hands of women ‘erminals of Paris as ake of re- Se ecthte, hard-working women em- Pliyed at the Central Markets. He foupphe criminal marks, however, and pul the photographs along with Wis “Wpert study ina work that ap- ‘soon aflerward, If Prof. Gross attemps 40 apply his theory practically, he will Mikewise be meat for the practical jeker, -Andof colrse, he will never see the jpoint. ‘ (ee ae OUR LITTLE FRIEND. Papa,” said a as he and hi sant roamed over fields Migetist: S11 Tike lo go eating: vith you, You ees $0 much about everything, don't eves, Willie, jreturned Mr. I know a great de Bronson, siplaiotie: ™And itis ‘a great pleasure to me, my fo you the shiformation 1" have acquired,” Will ¢ didn’t exnetly. Know what “acquired,” and cipal: aind “information” meant, but he took it for granted that id ages under- Stcod what he wa: r ni he was si + Wha “Cows,” rel ~@ momelit of ys—Cr—are ‘animal 7 vith horns, ‘hat give milk and “DO @ grass beller than they “sg Spaiehic. and custard?” asked Wil- do “Can't they soll it?” “on, “Very much belter," sald Mr. Bron |" e son, An “Why do they, papa?” asked the boy, “Oly, because thoy were born thal vay,” “WW cows. givé milk, papa? hefore the ig obe- By Ot bite setting Mout aience and bes Rh das as they s thought best. dauay possibly im- said they, wouldn't know where, to keep | tha ae See ea eos “Couldn't they eet ! “| Strang’ d ihe Rote iC thcthetr bana? besson day ot atonement a P the glories that once were theirs or their ances- lors: some live in the future, dreaming f felicities avise cidy- wit ive’ to. the RUNlin the present, Nvho, Catehi the richness and:heauly.. ol ieeseailipltes Tisermalog Sai oene present apperCiCly may. have, He ts truly. godly who. sees Gad in all the affairs of vin the faces of ieee rs and fields roe sees ot the divine wonder and ‘auty 9! id not -he who sces the ce to the wealth of our tees yes and it} fo interpret atts nasil toil and struggle, th of attained ie ine tut what the hearts of men need is the | S¥° THE EVERYDAY HEAVEN He Is Truly Godly Who Sees God In All of Life, S Suicide. the period of which T am Gag a highly supersensilive child of years, We live ire two- “phe eanth is fal of the Joving Kind-j {ime must have its own filting. food. aes weil Gecnoe Kee Tess of the The sow ver ean find its ful], wide middle hall with some’ rooms Life's eee feed jue, A te ae we [Ness through either history or prophecy; | oyening from —both sides of it-and-a Lave had and sock nol to-swhat has |i! necds the sense of the spiritual in Be ad staircase Heading to -the ~ upper been wilhiield or taken from us, but| thle Living, pulsating, matter ofact | noc lo svhich we might have had | pres EOL iy danke ballet still coma carelessly have. passe es a is slovenly, sinful, and | rotain a most vivid recollection, ag Iw No others Yespoil us as we despoil our-| evii because so many-of us ate:content | compelled to traverse them every night selves by our blindness ‘and in with the past-or the future, with myth | precisely 630 o'clock on my way. de- need to give up the plan oF ing vite world at the piety of po: asures and to find the iblines oO life in the present to get below the sur- face of things and DISCOVER LIF REAL RICHES. end “a. t that now seem dreary and empty \ soul m into new beaut, hild’s smile, a wild flower's fagaace & glint f sunlight, things possi fe docs My things as {hey s mean the de- velopment of { pprecia- tions the “growth ot ihe lie. in power to the development of tne: earth with the glory of the Some day, when nvé look coe over Gur lives, how keen will be our regret realize what we have misset, have spurned the substance ¢f Bat INTERNATIONAL LESSON, Tteviow. 8. sad feeds Israel in ine wil- apie s vi., 1-15). Golden ‘Text, Jeli am the “Liv ing: Bad Filial came sawayfeom hcaven. who rede ate them frou > A Quarterty Ps, ciii., Comprehensive Golden Text: Lesson: I oven hh hang without any a pee nohe liom pave" them Sad aiid to tl without ‘any, Iubor on. their wh nd in the discourse < Gur LOnb nistotin yi Hd plain} tat that the manner was typical. of Himse Lesson I,—The ‘Ten Connmndments: duties toward God (Be 1-11). Gold- ext. Dott hou shalt: Wov Lord thy. God: will au thine hie nil seth all thy soe! with: all ‘th, uijeht” He’ Who: \oveddliont: enough ta Fedeem them. and whose love lo: ther Bi was an an_unel faing Ky xx! ing love, ene y wold: d regal aon: and the mlory 3 ee as filled the nhl le.” Xx..1, “Wine Is a mocker, stro: ie raslits alld, wlidentuer ie v-cleselved thereby is not wise." The { these ten was the hater ee es crf offered Lord, refusing a wi V I. —The 32 Le a Golden ee i Whigl woou® are eave at funny. ‘nioo! sound with fincas?” “They can’t.” n't anybody blow horns?” ON, yes. Tin horns, nd—er—brass 8. bul nol cows" hori why don't cow: Papa, have tin} (3 Wold never Te be se celieve Gann in the dar! fi Some babe would “have more money that kin lellow, i their friends would pay up. and_when ae ni Ghee MAGE A Gane officer, entering | Lesson 1X—the two: reports of the Mon Mitac. a oer cea in Dublin, was mistaken | Spies (Nim.° xifi., 17-20; 23-33). Golden | jy at a premium: But. ty one” on sentry go, whe | Text, Num. xiv., 9, “Tho Lord is wil kind. -} tneally saluted. him. ‘The’ non-|us, fear them not.” Under such pecu- for my. wife, and Gmeer, unaware (hat: bis erly. blessed eiroumstan with wants n t behind such ances from the living i to have no objection t falk of sen to seo if it as a father-in-law, and she rather No,-indeed. They | Him.” — God's provision for the putin e860. {hat with inte throats,” *Jaway: of the sin ot Israel once. ayeo “Why don't they do it with their aur {ypificd: eterna ates horns?’ Poxt, E: “Oh, nonsense! Oher—beerse they Ise ‘day: ina pill of a re cows, 1 sup) joud, te Them the way, and: by And then he regrott eG shake hind | mesti in Kepine of e fem Promised to-impart informations Light Delivered 'f ¢ enemies, heir De them, dwell ‘as as God had said was surely sinful unbelief, and yet Moses fell into line with it, and Go would not believe His word might. eso, ve ion by jé is able t hat come uta God have i “christ Jesus by His a ‘olering up, of Himself, ance for As in Israel's case; so in ours—the priest Wiz, it all; we receive tie benefit. Fessonvalf—L "3801 avhad Ns x 11-43, 29 Go “And the Lord went Tt raven 1st; provision for i a X aiid “ede i tel sue iene ay i ‘acious. compassion. for. their ‘akness permitted it (hat those who. im theie own: harder wa a te oe Lesson 0 -bazen. serpent. (Num. ‘Why did you leave ou Tast piace? xxty 1-9). Golden ‘Text, Jobn iii., 14, me “Sore, T worr dischar, da or dole well “As Moses lifted up the serpent in in mum.” “Discharge ag loing well wilderness, even gee the Son a Why, where Hag you?” “I worr in th Man be lifted “up, na whosoever be- herspital, mum, loves. Mrabigh origin sociale gendary past | life's lasting treasures, human or in a-strange, imaginary. future... | friendships, everyday "beauties, and No man, comes, strong. by teminis-| happiness, while chasing the shadows cenee of his breakfast or dreaming of | of Imaginary Joys. 3 3 Me’ ext meal alones och porto HENRY F. COPE. eveth a Hin ious a peris THE S: S, LESSON iectecnet te Rat te a s X1—Me Vin, 4-19), ° Golden ‘Text, Deut. “Beware, lest thou Towel the ies o-the-end of tha. fortieth ea sinee: they Tell Bey Mose: ml the Pate vie Siecle them of that “the Lord had-led: them, mor. ‘ils anging love and manifold mercies, and he may be: said to sum up his ex- hortuion to them in the word: ne | rer, Tordel abi Iho Lord: love’ and ey Brazil has tecently given contract ssrs. Armstrong, Whitworth and e + | Company Bris Messrs. Vickers, Sons (. John iv., ‘im hi uilding of three battleships Mt Iwo enutsers ‘Fhe “golden calf (EX.| “Japan has ordered tv0 (submarines Golden Text, John} of the Holland ‘ype fram Vick: Lit i 4 you ves eae and the ing vernment Ie rom nia dois. eople who Brsibel powerful ori Ses from Messrs. {a do all thet Toa! read could, not keep testo x weeks could not keep their ihe The Vickers Company’ has also. se 1, ‘but hey made a show. of ed an order aot Are. battleships for a while, China, wi try is also in the bernacle xl allow wedraught gun- Golden ‘Text, xi, 34. on the Yang: en a cloud cov the tent of the announcement ation, ‘ay: ae ‘Gol brought a eit ig the eos. y old and let of Baik saad y since that caw plan of geting on in defiance of <I—Mases pleading with Is- Moses i ee of the th John pat He t they 328, ot ne shag to sith tit th mgt see His Phil we re that “lo die fe ‘ain part and be with’ Christ Mere literally the last two Son hou be “very far bette meee SoS WARSIIP BUILDERS BUSY. British Fi Mave ae Many mitra ve Shipbuilders are” experiencing “boomin contracts: for ware act ations will Gauibly evsoka delay if placing them. BOUND TO ‘The old -gentleman sign’ want the young gentleman to mi ludy, the young seing the old tlem faugltar. So. when (he young gentleman eame-on the all-important mission, the old gentleman set his face young gentleman, said he, with angry em- ‘you canno’ have my. daugh- want her,” urged the -young genilemon, “and, what is of some con- Sideration in the CoUMLSfe wants kes no. difference, me.” Su En; that you ve her actly. “Do vou thinks 1 am going to do itr he usked, tone which did -no he Deru ees oe ailogetner Il, no wonder * é for a son-in-law, you don’t want Therefore, Tam pies in joining the combin- ind mean to do Seer” ‘And fhe old gentleman saw, say- 5 B | move f things | cent a ible to all, ave ns gee joys unspeakable» and full | 4; ‘a se mean dull content with “D0 THEY SAY 1 DID IT?” TRUE. Man Came Back to Deny to His Niece That He Had Committed Tho room in which I slept was a large one and boasted of a “four-poster" with curtains, that towered, caclafalquelike, in my fancy, two-thirds ad been. undressed and put between the tees is by. ti Cirad taken tl cetld hear not the: slightest sat the other parts of tho holise, but a great dread’ would come: upon me that: some: thing was “about to And something place. As T tay expectantly, too trightened to Is at the foot happen, did invariably inke moved aside and perso ages,” Be flowin; long past century, their heads surmounted by tall pea having streamers falling from them, would look in tipo me, their eyes dancing’ with wicked. mirth and their lips. wrea' a no mote that ‘hough i tien save them three or four, times iceession. Oceas stony they varied the spar Sits by agital ing the curtain as though about to par’ rh them and then not bing so, Keeping me in. an agony of suse Som night, e and it was a ee chamber that Ts AGONY OF SUSPENSE. Frequently when my: snaliers had been lying in the bed bes Rcunlsbee Alsplscod and hes He Sea Kuli dOok 3a asp00, THes will AN anns mocking smile worn he other ap- A GHOST STORY Wmicit Is SAiD TO]? Grave Concern Caused by the Remark- a octor on of the wets feecinaitee one of ‘the most terrible and, at the same an one on {he ‘most urgent of the presen lay. Pre was again heaj and the. regimen! Bs Pais oe we epee recoll more than 7 years of Beene PRACTICE PERFECT \ WALK, Remember That * stor te Gai f Not E: if srall ie sheet raight. not take pate choppy steps. Re uming the cot Walking, which goes swith household able Increase of Terrible Crimes. glowing number of chfid suicides in cae d during Ie “causing grave paren look of gratified malicious- ness on her face, as if she were saying 1 iets self si Tam gladiof | he red al uy I did a reat my arrangement they might see fit| ‘one oceasion, when’ seatéd | ° cle Walter's knee, 1 ventured y heart to him on these mat-}? Smuoihet ‘overwhelmed mie by}; Ail these things are mab to hap- pen: to you ‘pe cause you Have a wicked | heart. If you y svouldigo:t0. ie BACH WITH A HUMAN SKULL, were a good girl yc D. ‘ike other children,” obtain experiences to mothe witht a. request Lint Bol gentcto bed ta pa the house, but ers lives wi ae a r nenered. ae at ae time| deliberation oft raat these ‘events took plac of mature years?’ Many clever confessed sna ise alalistss are not eas! vale, Aut ate whic ch re; registered during a limited ently—it is sufficiently dis- have ISA f frem the adhuted eS in mind, with fe. young. nto toueh ‘Sull thatthe occur: ee qT ae just set eaoee took place, Hat during sree or a-state of clairvoy- wide awake, and. I was, at the ‘ihe a child of little ue measure the length correct posi- mn me in taking deep, chest-expand- ing by eas: In contrast is elaborate and First of all, sec to it that your stioul! aling. will iL is interests fernOte hav ders atop: “sired back end verehyde' Aispased <1‘ mote: than Lift -y. ne ally. “Some women tepaper; Lor sou tiene and never seem to. ‘iff Mansfeld found half = ‘sect rice, heir feet at all, Gt nt WHIMS OF WILL-MAKERS LEGACIES THAT DROVE SOME «PEOPLE MAD, Vindictiveness Instead of Generosity Is Shown In Some Men's Wills. ee e true index of a man’s character member thi ait Shorty in rl ehh pecunicanns ee tite, more thant a fer it oe alo nearly two ob- that takes place from the knee down, | lain probate of his will on account of the O exercise is more -health-produc- | fact that il extended to 0 words, i ing than a long walks, govern Tewer than’ twenty-five ng al tain rules. that must néeessarily be.o! ached, each contradictory of the aed ed. With ‘the step draw i ep | and of the will, ee codici breath, slowly exhaling, written’ on odd: scraps -of paper—cincu- The value of walking as an exercise | lars, bills, and envelopes—and alto- pee ae graceful carriage depends en- ‘ther m a remarkable and miscel- ely upon ass i lines -ser'y tnd Russell of _illowen’s estate work, that RE during the woh when 1y $750,000. The will of the late Mr. him, the prisoner SL kg ae pede ah in the shop 1 eitice, when the Drain Tustiog Stephen eee Saeas auppons ve disgnac-| las decoupled, 16 Tel tke. water or fehitind ithe male att a. coarse Sitter Suit,” sua he pry es said -of | eve, all my property to.any stamped Bee ninently wil num! ind of Soe in which the feet feel ba who! int scle executrix.” | 2! the cell “in which the man is to be Behe iy As ey BBG es PRE Hs 0O0e | <The shorlest will-ever innile, however, | oomlned. Pp is of the same cerned swith every and woo of tne} yas. thal of a wWellinown, reatdent of [21a but shaped somewhat ike. pussing. moment Streatham, who died last year worth | S™0king-cap, ° “The massive iron 1 Regula BS sine length of your step ny $42,250. On the back of an old envelope | 12 ¢langs noiSily upon him, the key you rete he wrote in his last moments Seca gine ana . “ALL FOR MOTHER. €. '.." CHILD SUICIDE EP EPIDEMIC]... fe eee SILENT COMPARTyIENT. This was witnessed by his two sons, a wife, however, are some-| Tho cell. is about eight feet tong py tim Vindietivenéss instead four fect wide, with a height 0 arabs 4,152 IN GERMANY ne LAST } of ger e ago, for in-] SIX feot.” The niu, a fittings. FEW YE Stance, the will Ss praved’ of aman | Leppre plate, and = who. left his wile the gum. Of one: far, @ basin of: the same atic mae] Ss thing, And ordered thot it should be sent Teta "rhe walls of the cell are still ts he t in-an unstam na ped el lepe. is money that she had eatiod tim an old pig and other names. His wili had been. aae twa years. before his death. : Equally spiteful was the man who left $2.500 to his widow, “which she is sionly ro aby as my widow.” e judges set aside, es a simile fate veel that of a man who left a legacy fe reserved: his judgment until. the He then declared. that the condition could not the bequtsl was “void,” vindictive wills reminds ihesweller Obsay Will WHich avd Drowsy last year at Somerset House, in whieh a nan I his goods to his: dau vith instructions thatthe ‘egalee pay seven eae oI gentleman for the purchase of A HEMPEN CORD OR HAL ee “dear” wife, for the use of h recommendation “that that Indy shat niake use of the sanie wilhout del Particulars of a $40,000 legacy. which finy aleeady driven one aot mud lear from Pai 9 years ago a Russian be “vad feet a paictious exis- ce in and: bequeathed 8 nm of 8104 000" a She. “follow ing strange oonditic ted ee to be erected ” her ithe e cometery { Pere ne ais d inaide ae be ¥ small ¢ abner or cell, in aan for ae legacy of 5! The Most Tritting Oftence tae Mae jesty’s Navy is Punished Wij Great Severity. Y A crime which in stvilian life | ishable“ by a fine ‘of half-a: ‘si the facts, says London Wears, \ On Sacred quavter-deck, the pris+ Le i ne is read out by the stern lo. the The culprit-stane bet the Bese of ane Marines: then, the nce Sk 's-eap is repl nd, in nee to the sharp command, of “Left turn! pas He aeat the prisoner and escoi hoff to the cells, svhich are stluattd in| Me Riebinnet partof the ves- Before entering the cell allotted to - ttt iene id the. compartment Rae cell is iNuminated Fall = singe ihe ic globe, which sheds velcome rads throveh a square of Riots 8 Swill gia the 1 fifty ia ‘incuse which an ob- servant eyo Hoge watinnn takes -a_fur- five peep al Early in the tise ‘the tin plate piled up with hard ship's biscuit, wut supply has to last the prisoner for the whole day, withoul any other variely of food, Occasion aed towers ge! the incarcerate conducts: himself in a Dragon rat he is Etat the luxury of a few. boiled» po- taloes, at dinnev-tinie, All prisoners are allowed about two lcurs' exercise by then sle fanked by the armed eseorl, make thete way up the iron companidadndder 5 tus breezy fo'e's'le in) stationed: at the fatten he form a Iriangle, while the prisoners walle tis iskly. round. “and eure the deck, breathing. in the p ESHING SALT BREEZES. The rhbead part of cel-life is tha aly task which tue prisoners are ane is ae ‘a pick two. pounds fie Fae dsy—h The int Dd tacred ahs ot mont s Six snches each Iwo: pi of the’ material weighed eing almost as hard ‘This is ayn I was at i, os inke up his residence night a ten. © T rope, jeve is literally true, for scicive shoe an gO by che tomb. | and as tovgh as iron, the prisoner finds t atten ait. teas “made thes ihr Whoever should undertake the vigil was | it necessary’ to spend the greater part talt-anpped dames appe ab “hold. no. egmmunication with. enjethe of the: day cin pallet aantaiatog. the with a human skull, de om: ‘al axsept the person who should. supply and pic m_ until di mines in her hands, and gnaw-|ccime ta their aid, small re-| him with Tend froma neighboring res- Vhas been pean to a fine, ing at it. Wher W me they flung | buffs cof Me sink Seay into. their | (ourant. hs ya «2 the skulls at me and disappeared, mine A candidate duly came forward, and rely AA pans for stelonse “arrives, y be imagined 1 was: more then The > foowing cases we ining the firsb few months all wen’ | {" Ship poral enters the cel wilh led whan niyo mothers Aller -whdt ia At the end of six months, how: | * bucket of Steaming water and! a scrubs , : ta. with: whieh hp moni is orders 14 ne an age of waiting, a ie the man became very morose, and uA ee: SGatomne although I never or agents shop. xt tha end/of cight months the local, po. Beene Rtg ee deligh nS x » 1o-her of had ove 116 } patsdned liigelt He Sng lice inagistrate pias bliged to tslacieres Shite een soMite es fearing she would sito Suit tatters | Hl balng-able to make t adway » the man had Jost his ull ee ickly dons, kieking: Ye aad complimentary remarks, concerning my emalenn aie ‘ight. now in the lunatic ayluth, ae the $40. wae duds Vente gonaaen i i w wicked heart, a description of an organ £04 100, so far as the v Bg erik bho MAL Inet thorcent aa smilingly argued 1 nild Qo iets saya grates eee TEL Ebeck rate aaa ee eee never possess of all my. D BY -AREN dy someone who will fulfil the. ondil fone] oe aR but Mnilgistiey Tine numerous family of boys and of 1s years of age threw ae required by the legacy happy in his release—s 2! eps from the girls T was my uncle's pet. card fn a vessel and we WA BE CREMATED. happy Naragen ~ And he was aman of — independent drowned lecmse hie was dissatisfied is how many people arr ns and had given up all occupation, Hirao neti bived mee eerie Lia. cept is favorite che of shooting. Hs Bos and ile as [esa ink Fooaciberadib hie oad Seat ae swned herse sat 8 poi id. eee out pee eS SHOOTING-BOX ON WHEELS. Mi ig a. ‘ize in a * ~~ ‘ cA 1 yeni the wil! contained an:injune: i : Fe Ee oe aes 01d. dau | sn to. her thedteal. advicer to, “commtete fanaa, dara Luxurious ti for kissing his “child,” as he y | AVhat is the re em ‘dy i y and thoroughly sever the main arler- nting in the Jungk “ termi ‘ wes us and ae Gs Te ens | Eminent. author: tes of nS head altogether, so us to ren | “rhe most luxurious caravan of mod, OTe GES Sh sear the main file revival in au grave absolutely} ern tint Such is the Claim put for fecodacor drives hroughe the surround- rellude ta 7 Ser If this operation be not per- | ward Hes don. flea of Healt akon MIRSOREINY, ioe pes ne rere Sora ive child een formed, and fle sompietion witnessed by vehiel, ii iat Sst Of which ‘amounts eval, green spots in an otherwise com- : oA purents ana Fer vised. {| 280 or othe: my exceutors and testi-} i co ape over $5,000, which they. mranplace fhe teri pede MeniRCBEthtbe chth gd sbys.8amnes 3k Heonautce: RHIAN ve just con Ten weeks ago But these blissful excursions came to rie Many a chilaish tenes has wats 1 thls “wil to he mull nod void."| tite order sy by an Indian rajan an abrupt termination, tor ong day ui beer "prevented. by Mr, syaise tani tis to, use the: vehtoe prought to us "tral my Uncle Se ait bo poy or. an being able ie novable shooting LU is now. Waller had that arerala: ebliecieriinns poe into. sy vmpathetie ears a story cf portstion to Thom! aly. his guns after a day accid ena, MMAITTGSISrGRERE ent and jet: oen ihe windows—stroi bar. shot himself through the eats dying a ashes afterwards scattered on the lawn] red withoul, so that they may be lott most instantly I S, Of the house im which ae had resided for | open. in satel, with fear of. intru. OF couese thee svete @ few fadiviauas FiGirt W tm AACKATS, many years, is one of the mang mer [ston from the wild neue ‘of the innate who in rai Hav me uicide, | Set ih ‘2 3 y} and women who have made equally re- ae rthales: are. inters; but ay ane bianeless Penne eee fg titi aur O00 alles arpanimedients Hon therellisooayy BORG a ivalh slightly iettg nianner, ne: pot living, cniod with the facts o! - .. oF their mortal remains, a a quarler-deck, le income and! entire aoer While he on a shooling trip| His instructions remind one of the late] The Rralls, ae hai Gr hoya oes 5 Getabpulg debis tenon silt Thesgroyihe ut fourteen ‘miles ftom Itis home | Mr ‘T. Bevan, one time M.P. for Graves-| tea only wood capable of with: at his traducers and left his memory in|! Beaufort’ West, Cape eae nd, who directed in his will that his stendites the full onslaught of the In a Clarke Kuir, a bedy -should be cremated, and “the ast }-<ian sun—lined with light ouks” ‘The tT, bad a terrible fight with hehe residue ground to’ powder and again | caravan, awhich elaborately fitted, CAME AT HEAD OF HIS TROOPS. ay hat he too ea of buck | pirnt and dissipated in the air.” Even | WelBhs ten tons-in ally and will be con eppioaching hi rned out to a] this request, however, was not so ro} veyed through the jungle hy eight hu lay_ mourning: the | pack of “Panne” jackals, the large va-| markable that an angler who tucks, while on emergency elephants Peouttil nif that had Gone out of my | riely so much dreaded by farmers and | disected that his ashes should be carried | My be employed. ‘The body of the brief life, T heard a sound of music in| kcrdsmeny Instead of allowing the | in a bait-ean and scattered from a boat | ceravan will be carried on a: trolley, lhe distance, slow and: ex ing sad. pack to-pass unmolested, he fired and] yer the surface of his “favorite stream, | te, Spri of which ~hi nS &l:mbed “out of bed a! toed gt to al iilled the. leader am Hay cats Les eeu vibra- window of my reom, looking out upo ‘his athers advanced’ ou himeand. bee x DAT. (Gon will be experienced by. the sports. road which ran past the 1 aus ig, { {te bey, stterounded iin hie Killed tree NAGGING: MOTAER/SVORSE: men, are nearer came the mus! re ond wo Then a grim ee quMMled, solemn and dirgelike, ‘Then the] 4ight against overwhelniing odds. be-| *iildren. Shrink aid Pontihan Funk eos a tramp at mprebing teot sot and'|’ gary. for TR ANGoe “Binding. a regiment of Highlanders, o: y a his rife as acelub, Mr, OE dis-} When anybody fa naggin, Misery loves company, “That is*wh! Uncle Walter had been ‘colonel, with isi cosed of-a Tew more of the b »bUt| wile it is generally, to vefer in pilying | scmo- bachelors BEAN mare own Powerful formi- obs As Neat, apon broke and’ he wi ns Tek i terms fo the man whom she tas mar. ale wy “cpphonee, palye the two barrels to defend hime: it ed. Mucht more to. be pil how. nen never me he water ul Lwas directly underneath: my | By this time he was fearhilly torn and exer, are the children, A at thelr throats get. dry, sindew. the we o! mauled about the - neck, “arms. and Hike: thubho and a remedy f 2 given, the regiment hi isle thighs, and was © rapidly: growing: ex- vail. | ane ie ne tae as 48;"he-cans sed and my uncle turned to 1} hausted. rom Gontinuatl feulinding and ‘suffer 2 neticed that bis face wore an ezapesslont Just before he sank to. the ground |; nee. is some Mee a ie afoot wha ro st most Seen ve despair. ly Set one large jackal sprang] — yy ss'to mothers it must be sald itces Tee boast of hi “Child,” said in the same Kindly}en his shoulders and buried ils teeth} tnat they, Spnyaltingly fall into the ha-} Many a tarp {ree hi a ‘yaa branch tones with si as i Bad been so familiar, his eae and he remembered no-} yii of nagging their children. ‘The | and a shady reputation, ‘what about me?-Do thes} thing more. Wh vered his!|Wiresome wuys of the latter seem more ig say 1 senses he was in a sheep kraal with | iyan they can“bear at times, and the}, 1S Up sy Patt sping to learn: how, Lhe: sitaled. fi answer him, as I was} feur friends, who had saved: his ‘life. result they are apt "fe forgel to slrike Fearful of wounding his feelings, but fe They came on me aS he wes | thengelves, There are sermons in stones “and ica spoke again. and as the infurialed bags! y eream in bricks, to t an me, seni 6 as Ae bcs ack in ie once cere turned away, the word of | 7 5 Sinan was given, the ee music: iy YOSi ‘pieces a few shots and a combined ite shake bis head rears ah mourn: rush the animals in © ‘all ee io, No,” said. it from | directions. ts put soya ouuel ihe “Aor, Aller taking “him. home, Mr. Kuir's vould give all I.ever possessed: to be fesotets metirned, and found twenty: skins ne dead jackals which’ they skinned. so ar vk: to redu ildren toa state of sulky jc ifnrifability,- Unless: they rights “of the little people are carefully, kept in- view by “he grown-up ones, it is small qon-| wi der that metines rebel “openly against an authority whose pressure hey. sent-him “half. a dozen of the as mementos of the in with somo ak Every. At na ae use aSes oO! he isn't w A girl ve ‘lyars, sure Wie i" ne ven if she: isn't ait ‘hich man oe. yon Wile) She's having pa in es they oS ue ng jerks and) unrea- sonabl tant trouble svith “her head.”” “Can body, the edoctos ‘help her?" ‘SNo--nol Ue millinery Es

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