——— y $4 44444 $44444444444444444444++4 fives lovely. Tt was not Jove which had tier reeeeettt ag S mode him. take the Tsk he Tell he was ENTANGLED IN GIRGLES|:, san in a a rl se ser - taking, and ech ore the ree thal vant knelt by his master's body, is sh e night. Tt was love of ad ee: 2 Bey us tears, His sorrow was ates ture, fate, blind Tas ‘which had led him heal eal itne: 2 os which was stil Yeading him an, in MIALMIAN GHOST STORY ABOU; loep was entirely out of the ques:| SMAZING INGENUITY DISPLAYED IN 9 a road whose end he could not see, hut OLD MAN IN BLACK. fon fo) Of us that night, so atler THE Wonk. it was noi ‘ove, he repeated to himself; f : ‘i -never Known love: it could not ? 4: rae AER 7 neh ve, A Cyclist’ our { ‘Siiddenly a sound. ado him sta Cyelist’s Experience in an Old’ House hinted lopawe woke riders sijed | Hation Pearls Are Lite Hollow Bertessetecateeetegen, CBSCSESS9 3 é x Near the Town of Varese, ty pescings on alock joe hnr. Spheres of Glass and Colored REGULATING THE HOG SUPPLY, rv a Italy. pro lo. be one of es (nls of the Sanitarium, wlio informa tnternally. Pole the Slalement im your tate ise af 4 A point to bear in mind in the fol-| Y° hats during the Se hat packers are now: receiving too A momient nS hoped w i mu aster ue ca) ed suicide there, ‘The imitation of genis has alway ys Or, A Great Mistake. ren mista i Tol Brune eee eee fan who}. We Knowsthat,” answared the ser-| sted, but in-resent yours this work fins | Fa emis es deceived ick is. petfec! Vels ib is i : vant, wa ow did you come to know | been brought to w state view a the hi, (60 aoute, too highly trained to fail him an acirate a = sori at Teast about rorely. dteamed “ot by is workers ‘of ing througho oe Drees gaeepereorraaseeyereca especially now in the stillness of that glen, re correspondent &. Whee said the attendant, “I have ie: linie, “and” the “manufacture of | summer, except it be that. eons we: re CHAPTER IV. 1 didn’t drink too much al dinner, Yel, solemn house. “| seen the bod: itarium. itation gems 6 opectelly prepared | feuring either a decline. in’ prices : if sho were innocent—if this was, as 1] | He was right. Someone was comin; se wees uae - puzzl 2 + paste, s become quiie an} d’scrimination against Ae ad never eee felt so be think it is, some fervibte eed aa slowly and cautiously up the stairs ane Z 3 man’s b e al cy} T ieates ut fort thé independence of his position} ing how w h the risk is that | the street. esola 7 The ante, Ce ascertaining the genu- | pr foe eit 43 when he open ihe door of lis home| 8 Fee ee eae alles: ae [MOTE ANS ‘Shin Only: Gordon eaiek oa on at le sp 5 Ne | Ue opened the door--aid we found the | ineness of pearls, which ava frequently [ts eon. light hows trad the “etfeet. ‘on that at evon{ful night, and: deposited his fooked -more" pure inno- }eut and turned ‘the: bution of tho elec- ed aou com emply? a v4 Kill, i af taking acne hold back from anarkele prec! on the couch’ in the cent. Mother Crump’s. reinark mst ie Hight behind him. The tight wentout | Human hah ie a shad- SUES hiya eves longer, than’? was nochss! sary, Haye been a good omen, I feels a he was. alone in ee smoking-room Tapidated Fc era Z rs 2 ne eh thevjeweller may. quickly detect Packers cow) greal The oie eee stwosloreyed build-} put here we are at the Circus! Be musi nade by the dar which wa Aree oe . ST) A. Ward overcoming this itn cul Wa wat an. ing, sta wn stcluded'| ise careful Like the room Frere the dead man etties rom pre-pos ing. ? ae Tuite ions are usually lighter aha overrun of unsuilable weights coming ~ uunds zane ete oe from the street, ». | lay. St: see e tine, “no doubt, it was We Auto Freight. Sery Run Between | real pearls and generally are brittle, pany Seng 2, if lhe; sould, ‘about Gordon halted for a moment by Jay's a Seen ANS Home aaa pulent Jarme’, ut owin i Pe homie and: thal ot ‘tis Dat Goked about him, It was. past two 4 o the ravages of time-and the glements the sande and Abe NNE. He Ree fan ec ; Pia eg et re EI oS nls from the days of his childhood. His | 2™ a 4 [ commenced to room wer th faced | 7 UGhsOF the ; CG aiements = Seales and reak so easily, while | gether the harsh pean Suases Or some years, his | clock, and the fog hud commences ee io eee he diawii: a wahgt mst bad fallen into the Congo Free State; ? in your apiley caboee: ie aiaer 10; ate tts had married, and George had | {!! again; Be ee mn ae race on “ Heit oniy aukept garden sur-}direction of a central autouabis ae vied -very Sharp | coming the: ies Such gate ita on ried now, save for. rin oceasional cal bs Woh breathless anxiely, a3 the fool- inding it only added a its desola- pa rument, more than a year’s work has'| edge, ay the false are A ae ‘and hav NG be al ight occ ce est when pet te tater: past of hs hn fe theranny ck tslep was that bois aM bestiaten antes to cam ‘¢ HPC ad have a i : distant lands, but he had never sold or | 224 e only. ee teh slips came along the passage, Gordon | O22 ed whether to camp) been done in the construction of s peti blunt . But tet the bouse se and when. he had left the | Policeman who pi i “ pik ee ng on stened and wondered. Was it the po- | 7! on rs ita highways: and the establishment of { As a 8, the imitation pearls ase TDS tad to, s ood feeling now ape € econ don asap. sen. the othor side ‘at Ox a “ee ce alread: trapped? or | en tn fe ; i ‘ E G RU of a network of pent hollow. spheres of glass, coloved inte rently - es! ene abs packer an ite he “had returned naturally to the} Gordon waited until the hey tread } was Jit Someone else, who might enter |, Od ae ye eee OL tvelant din nally ‘witha coating in lin: is'orlent ge any sudden uction taken old home and “Mother” G died aii se the direction of Stratford Son which work is being most | o* natural pea ald be ened unfair 10. either ang i nade his way quickly down noah cee tes pg threatening rapidly pushed, and on ‘the comipleied he Foarptaci Bor Anede 3. em saul id be unw ean is re cape now that his task was oalshat? ce he hy eee would sree portion of which braces lwo: se perntions, the pro- | Farmers generally Seent to. be Nearing the spot where the pin. had was it? ch me should Iremain outside. |}. : : runs ill be the longest vetion of aie Suite eg introduction | Suled (as. we think they: should: Dep ACundstrnee ay up the grass grown ‘anon Pe eps R awa wath Ute prices and (reaiment -agoor ‘path and’ Knodked tough mporta: ese enterprises, the c The spheres: are pro- tac tehn Wee i pee none ee fallen, he aleniened hie oe Saale Rat ii otRb diye vere Paving cautious, as proached; and Gordon peered out of the ies te eee Ni oat ‘at, tho en Bis igo a c 2 which ‘al oy e thréate er r door, but she belated Mehioe hon oedsen run, and } darkness Bis ‘pao 1 cat niclavontg; | {S00 tndlvidual Wooked ou tad dee eagokoto, Whioe re os dara ee ies protein Pig og Sed with wonderful speed. | he as pave been ina cily of the as 8 police, at all ev. Woroae geticincen ie 1 larly. by eight =| Of the et | de he thou il, vith gralilude, as hp aught after esq | fom. Khartum, RIGHT sce to ave reed ringing nbeut a his rooumant and soon made her} dea walked boklly towards. the ight, g igh Rrpinidea my blah and after a. good HT CONSIS : 4 derstand! Belvv. way downstairs into the hall where she Peete “irae, as if he meant to st glimpse of the newcomer, clad | siot genni When the: treight-toad “lg: oomiplslod. | opis sos. Sase’ auialied wees risen cat pean wi ele and gazed, speechless, al pa iss. it gave a quick look around, and] it ev eo eoNeL be 8 well-c about wo. yeurs,. says - the Motor} ity aor i al eto Shee dead Phere siege: turned in. blac apse gos oe T WAS Sie ON TO ENTER, tid, the er Congo ave “auto Hon of the Staines sayy ty nae Tee Lae Si 2 oe other, ; Tert O « ste iieca ia 3 e ¢} exist wi Tae ever wt. the lime he teft the yhouse he RE Te Rela er eaantiay put tray fauna myselt in a large roun math the Medhteeae a ee aoe n the-more beautiful imifations |i y pa riners, bebwee roubled to shut the doors be-| Sone straight Into the rawing-t0om. | with iho extern in 9 Hiking contrast | Sesh transportation to the mouta of the the tb Copbye eA en arse et trendy young thing, hind him, and as he mounted the stairs,}!m another moment he would over detorated in-an, uhusual manner, ‘The aes nd thec litle: quheves wey Stas ek ence au seein if confiden ., Why, wherever have you} he was ‘thankful for the fact, for a|fhe dead body, raise the ee and] curious feature. of the was tne] @ @8 | rintieablo Resi Ee eS susie itt fling of ean 1a Iulebed front door would. have. been. a | Gordon fumselr would still be caught. | furniture, every. piece of which we ongo above Stanley Pool.” There | i ialities sot author e ahates But you're right, she's tired | serious cbstacle to his task. On entering| Should he make a rush for it while inthe. sha ee i ches of navigation hem. Wit eaMeIL eee hee oie ees Tm even afraid sho has fainted, the flat he hesitate “ad: for a second: whe-| there was sil time, wi @ had only | cha: ie any the ia -aulornobtes will be} pion ch ae ia s_glves itch eS by the packet con a Kent ela room ready for her at} ther to c the entrance behind him }n¢ man to Ae ih. But it was. ak a feel cerried on sm hers, but the ae malura meee me ee ee iat ie hy mde se ‘of the conditio ri she’s not my wife, re or not 2“ Sa hear hap: anyone rea ady vn Ja ; ‘ ; ey corner asa “ i 1. ied by-a it of the sah road, will be Moilteherea 5 vas are yery seldom | the ce. eae. a pir ascot Nea rump—" should ey i @ the | walked roune ie able and seen | grandfther Prat od ij es oir ej 3 2 “Not your wile, Master George! And|door open,” he decided, and he entered | corpse at his fee corner. if Wis Deaulifully Saved and| .ThO-atfitude ef the natives along the vlna cae ae vat ors Tt auneene ete this time of night? Why—what-| the RpeupeAt: turning on the electri And ‘ert Gor ste renounced all idea | ey-peurcd like s mises Ob eeecles: [ ails eval toward the advancing en- aoe nts * mG ES ie) I light as he did so. of flight and set himself to wi atch hima | My ere began 4 Bike and I rather re-| terprise is highly f to the au- manufact hes ots all right, Does be apo oe ‘The room was exact ly as he had left} as closely as a spider watches a fly ap-| gielted ever S rites. They gi Be hearty welcome had—had an ace at}it. The glare of the brilliant ane prc iss me eb: for. this nge Which i night of bad] © ae whit ‘T..@ chiefs have ‘com: trouble, and: ill, fon, ‘L tear? shone down again on the rich furniture, | had passed by the dead body. as If 10 had te good rest 1 el thal. the currier service belivesh ett, she do look ill, too, Mesa on silk-covered walls, on the pale} been a mg “peor the: floor, ve _ ‘ay Less ac top ee tot a George!’ Poor young lady! ‘What a face of the dead man, who lay staring] ¢eigning to cast an ‘eye almost made up my URE atest ee CTA : >| give t swyeel pretty, SRE young: thin Re Up ab tho ceiling wit glazed 1 afler a quick gl : the ‘room| venture through the. rath te the ne: xl region is happy now over the iy Us the mest pres a aiorh: Ms standpoint of the nei Yes, si innocent, Mo-| eyes. B: ra side, where the girl had| Was leaning up against a corner of the | v age when the old attendant. the freight road OF ates do any - The silence of other an kes mons wid alcaa great ther, Tm sure sho is; but, bah, what am poinled if out to. Gonton, tay the Knife | mantle‘plece tiling his Angers: as Af ia {ct accompanying | Wilh caravans of poi ing louds | 7 imitation peatie ahoee en Pate rah wand dtummilaling th sae 7 talking a! ou Eves must. get her up-/ with which he had been ki deep perplexi niin 10. tho Kile lien, Where he said 1} 9 their backs: { im undeds of miles. eclure what mus' tae hein Huts Inthe hog industry. i blue room aired} horn-handied weapon with tch |. Gordon Tooked at him full for the first | should not be troubled with those ma-| Manali, the most ioorlint sabes of}. inj = ‘ 7 o ci Se avhieh | be: proper. madi theo which Kept the single blade from ime, and. instantly look a violent dis: {1 Gelli des:gol, ewsed design... Seated | tls scclione-0 on his own init ys tery ae “ ihenieohn (tO: Convey. this inifermetior Aes all the rooms aired, il released—a nasty-looking wea-| lke to | ya Winzing five Ne then. told me the ey noe ects the usa oh Bb the Temes etn gral Beeps, es Sih Diaper ‘at this Masice ‘George, but. the big front room ma ® disdgresable now by | He was a man about forly, tall and y of the Ue eels, pe tor + Work y the day the whites he higher §; 6 ran rit : pbap. | el almost every. farmeny would be the te blood ‘which. dried upon ils potited nade, and as the dead mt et eHtiavowner of (ioinouss, Seacsan uel need Rok : selves with: the] 47 he Nigh rhetor wiee ah alt thea nil aeneec ‘he pian were adopted forme . but quick, can| blade. Teor Wael beet" handstine. nan ; rewhgniived cite swith iis | question bor ys. He avill pr : at letat anton, otras would y her?” Gordon took the weapon up and put] landsome too, still handsomer, ya tas m y u ork. | vide the ke them ie 1 Bod S a . nich ot the young girl's feet.) it in his pocket after a hasty glance at| haps: yet Gordon felt that 1 man} EH er was comfortably well ‘off, | villa ear where the road is Bee es in ig a tse ee ands areres ently iaaing her head and| it. — “Po: ‘ossibly traceable, probably i 5 ave c ave} living frugally and neve giving x hospi- | built. The first tn ial riers aif imita- mation, whieh th at sacesaniet stouldérs, they made their way up-| ho sald, “te itis by no means a new | Well imagined: wome a His great fail: The pitire trond will be first class for tion’ pearls dates” from the. yen Re appear, to oblain, As things id_-deposite ! AB burden upon | one, nly not the kind of knife a| feared him, pe cri is the desire to fi hawling intended and pened ¥ anfenta salted x the hove esi Bpoit the the Dad fa ¥he. feat. cc gir) aide ‘be lik ely to carry about swith ‘once mastered, hated easily. ge a <ud he strove ze is being provided al. every : etapa foranatto y lay her doy down, the unconscious | her, However, ise 's nothing in fis. es were regula and rather | give to the critica’ ar a mastonpleee, i int. For some years the Government 4 < t t girl me restlessly, and her eyes} He turne? and looked round jie “ eavily ed: his hair was black and Renn kof ae own hands. 7 ; ha. on 2s, ; oh vith two: or 2 Or ey ‘Nhu aNd: opened 7 wander h 1 >| parte dude —a thing Gordon felt a mediocre power of invention, pe. types. automobile frei; + "Gourde beaGovee her, expecting her to thon ght. hae a eae lways ills “skin was, combined with seul. talenl for. carving, vers, ite ee pRelle were lle ae: ti she only gazed round her} An examination of while, cisely pale, but as if} he night -and day without mothe dazedly for « lille, seemed to little. b His favorite design i ab ves nike Solo aMeisD English h profit a as well as the: pack= ae 5 been an: uc och olf sth the “erodueer and packer. ani Cr 5 ) naker name oneeived the ide struggle with @ great fatigue; and then| covered with pictures and. cc a s_ jaw sttong, and. his} Was that of a ercle Bich Was, See ice wagon, | meker named acai ancelved tie en Many. fur ti x wal a gentle sigh appeared to fall to| bit none of the pictures were portrails, | mouth sneering age. he pos aay wi me when I say that 7 ; Pes ee Hick Weveey! sient Paral ve biting his sone ceive} tens, tbe th et which the | yoon radon an e sca substance thal produce) 3 ‘prOpae. Wudersleildtnd- Bea oeRy ie has gone to sleep. It is the best ihan@ rooms—there ww. no oto- 19 Tr nind Conlon’ of netting So much as} Pecounter failed to explain. “He only} tory in all The only change * ty : joker and farmer is to be maintained, ike that ue ass Happens; ” said fel Ie panther at the keew that his master In it which ‘the. report recommends sae PERFECT COLOR, nd tha best intetests. of both patigss George quick! sto bed On 7 ie eats Sul at ‘the 6 HOPED TO ACHIEVE FAME. (hal. certain Congo instead of European | This ee, the essence of orient.| it is high time that new: methe you can, Mother. ru oo Gesciataics ing al several harkes mpr sin a| the mci Ss _ Woods be used in the construction of the | is for ie r > scales of the ablelte,| adupted for conveying Hired st oe. Ship of salmon-colored plush which was | green with oir Unfortunate! inventive pow Paaehing, now wes sto r little fish which ona in-the} from the sae RES to the -hog pra- you haat Bo. to bed, too, | toi in to the mantlepiece, and lately, too. | depths 5 same si r ued ‘stunted, ul still he labored ae ene the ‘Manis and the Lai ne} ducer. If the "finds It neces. Ster George? — 1 will look re Where have they gone? sinewy strength, the. si nstinctive | 28 for weeks Bioeth ser EO ened young lady. I've had four hours sleep,| - Quickly and Catetully he made an ine ig necessity fe ing up, es we ded to liek of air) plies and that’s all 1 a fat wy. ag vestigation of the apartment. The: e's ard. . ant watchful X e reigee prey 7 ae and roadbed a thorough te: then strained through a Boe “cloth f ts “Tl see; I'm not ae in’ any) were three rooms: a bed-room, a dra Baty or himself anea- | F nt th ene ‘! ne ear el wagons travel at the rate of Rare o| the residue is leit for several day r can ng oy don't bother awe eturned | ing-room, and another rooin, apparent. ing his stre: in his mi ne: swith Rec ROP a ve Raa him “ nae twelve miles an hour, and jit is boi 7 tle, y anes, will be expres: “rm going down ave jt is B: a smoking-room, Here -agair man, and. caleulaling She Sut of }CCPNE th gt ee ngs 5 Mia tes will be the average speed. be- ed, and the farnier will iow ana ie rey Possible I-may go out again." re no photographs in evidence, though | ‘he, first-sprin, id gr pl ehag (ie du gs fveen the Congo and the Nile when ae regi es fio ay is receiving the same. “Go-out again?” ecnoed the ord aby 150 there had been some, and that re-| Yet the SHAH hg evar MukaroR OE : ays leniot highways: is completed: and s for 500. grammes bres cae “Go out uguin? Way, it's »| cently. direction—eould: not have seen him had © Wwaflic is fully in operation: le Uian-a bound) of this sub-| CHE ND SOIL o'clock! | Why, whatever is bap nit i turned lo. the drawers and. cup-| he done So, He: stood there still biting icles coon pees oe ce. The espe substance: is likely to Td-uniswer 10 91 GoNDeSpen dent ORAIae Nothing ait the worst's now: | boards. In the bed-room there was a| is fingers, and giving an occasional | “Som! bt nati cing a ceriain ae and ‘Bunions hen fica ae Tah ee js se Den’t. you bother about. me, Good, night, wardrobe full of clothes with the name| doublful glance. into. the corners at. the wi ness: Aheoee ae ae ye Sa ay DipLowacy, nls a eat by. rent} Pultynein deals “witht his “Subjecl’ as Mother, 1 leave her in your care.” And cf a_syell-known. tailor on their butions.| room; and Gordon, with the qui: ah y onan aed = age tee Pee Le urers 10, preserve il, 4 ‘ ye nee ago a etapa rear ay 4 cordon uRie ig UE pene ee rie Mis ona nova toa yt "ei Dea by How a Wily British Officer Won Over | sy abe atu liy- toga but a Re Ve ue ee Cea pops se hastily left the ‘room, and made his way | note of. The e Tellers in some-of | reae at soniething of is {hOUghIs, ra 3 gone the Head M:n, f r Me: Vala-y Ah at -mmotme or ailie eon lane noe downstairs, here, after a moment's} tho Proc ole he vfs sure, but he- al: on the ou pasts ot empire i in India the ‘ai of the gubsldtines’ mail The arhwot casei Shen: Re es Teesilation, he seized his hal, and, open-| felt that: there were limits beyond. whic See a ad aoe tribe: ally fo tn © English | 6 ed. t aver Seber Batt ree ing; the door quietly, made his way out] his invetgatons could not go, and he} that it was: there, 1 Ot fear ie wi never return,’ he | DY.@ ty ro easures, some of which discovery ofa method “of ag aD Hd have to pay that amount for again into ii stree continued his aL the phclowsphe that he had come, y echiaid in his eyes, “ang {Ste ol only-an evidence of atylomany ng the brillianey of th Scales iiiesarne ‘amnount of nitrogon--if. you peal he wanted to return to Which he felt isted, and which he | glance around the toon, his perplexit ie pete oe xt gr erga tl «s onusing as well. An instance jg} led ‘to their apa from sto <aght tin he fei i you nial bs ae fous house in Regent. Street :| hoped: would {ell hin “sonielhing of the te Anal ae Re “expected to find som “Although 1 svas. much i ed q in “Indian Pictures and_ Prob-| fussia, for the last five or six yea vutter you would gand away’ only t rather, be felt that hie could not keep jowner and. his. frien th in the room, and had ry Teen wie oa hee The fish used are so smnall that nets of tStipcar aghast ath “ees fertilizing aay. from it. He knew that he had} Nelther the bed- eae ‘hor the drawing Age oe ed, puzzled, anxious, s icothforabla-beavocm n lish ofiicial, a thorough master ae 0, 8,000,000 strands inthe mesh valve, By. teediity a skim mill te y results, though le was the» pint-he was lookin ng for 1 flor, and being ver: native character, had a reealei. oF i Pigs, you in: at. least hed evel e with care. He y sudden e al red, looked A ihe mysell ‘dressed -on the} tt Bis “head. man to deal with, He de-| ‘ evo two pond ‘of fish yield four- ‘on the or in the formoor fro ni the hands of abents to SAR thut-a large ody at his fret, and then. commenced 1 fell sired the man to come 2) to hi uh of s¢ Which are Uo fare Sd it has esi found that ven sho herself ‘accused | which be hod seen_in the corner of the to search furious} se aa the floor, lift- i cd su a att since my | ‘ew and speak with him... ‘Th ator | dered ‘with some ioe tive, packers br «he knew he) bed-room, vhich he assured him- herugs, flinging the cushions from S had: closed° when L was awakened | Arrived a in. patent neathee shoes and. a | ten-pound: ti heri ine sieally sealed ail Ca Was locked, ¢ what he cl and-even shaking the cur-} 45 Steal Laie or wi a Op Iroc coat + y pureel post to Benth 5 Slettin increases sthe ten “fii ners i that there | tains in his task. Foom and movi war, the Smiter ist | \vhere cheese is made: or the “nik ‘s sur- Wr a-drawer left which he ha not ex-} “Ik reafler now, my] jhe The was serious, in his private roon Vv od “imitations of the: genuine eoitises , but Gordon. aasineds in a small table hes. mok- u ‘You are look | rg god mee the db) T had enter »| cur officer started walking with the h ac ‘ are sue from “mother- of pear) ingsroom, He Bie tot oti a it at finst frie for the knife, knife? By Jove, house bad abated, and the moon pass-| man a little in front of nar alerial is cut to the x upon a coins, was iN cave he knobs in front, if it was. your knife!” One 0 of the rom, w hich was led by syces, They mie shape ‘and “polished, when it hi be turned from it, ne he 6) 4 i 7 ‘Thé man ceased to se with a eft ite haired Tank okothed int bine Uhrough populous villages, 0 boll, | 22 apearance very Sinner to that of ae oie up my mld io save lated. himselt upon his penetration for | lure. of Jmpotent ges ae iae mo-| trom. head to foot. well. known, and ed y,, Enuine article, theagh an expert " he thought, as nie singe Wfis_way | the receptacle was earaonnice with pitts ie his ages Went to his mouth frat hésecthied dikets wandering athoush the portly chieftain” was pe. | Padily in, nus ‘the imitation from al Baker Street, unless” she} graphs, gin, — ‘Then apparent n al spirit with his ghastly face and’ wild coming more and -more exhausted at (He. gertuing gem. ny rm of nitrogen aR eRe DLR Gee ta spol my, plans, I'll! ‘They had evidently been taken “down cenehison, he ieee eyes. ut, stildeny my attention’ was] every, sip. eee mate nud no, adeqnnta effort Ao. tk hove a good doing so. But the | trom their positions and shoved Ine door. d aliracted by a glir metal He tried in every way to suggest rid: ee "roll wing: On t's voliey is great thing as to have time to ino about! away pell-melie, for. some a Sn ‘0 the s! awe He the man passed the | right hand Whiote bo as terrbeeL eet Inst Gare walking, but ihe wily Bi-| \ WAY THEY 4 p oeng o the soit of hur not careful ne om shall | corners were doubled up, and here nd smoking-room again, and i ene lized t @ pistol. lish: officer woud nave none Bf lke explorer wilh not cera not havéetiie, at eepolioe thero the frames were” marisa with, | {tont-door after ti Wen ou Tne ota mien gload. miele but] Meanwhile-the sun waxed more power: he ic seas os frosiaeae were to..get upon our track, saree scratches, assuredly. recent, . thought) with “his. left forefing t ed ine Tuk ana: thes hands Beck tye wil abt aah Orie ere aR — HER in ‘went levy SHOU she would] Gordan Jooked thon quickly through, mag: me Se i follow that at} util the native said he m: OW fa annlnivee that of sinoke isin “TRY ONE OF MY BE ihe sanv n convinced “ sae lo ay ist fer t | ed to_ perfor sorts of evalt=| og) ull for topical servic peewee Ere aae et ane Sires Ke | 1 sup- | fishes are rubbed. rather rouy re yt rage, Secceus Be lo mille adbed, giving the snobs water ina large basin, er i i Ss, Th ange, aw tel at the Tet AG ~ rahe an see where he makes for. once. that ti 5 mere intgtar a he sahib pointed a i @ would; and ‘ion 1 should be powerless. | tye alletainticers, ional} if 1 am not ua ete in’ my. ideas, a had forved his way into my room The great thing is to make sure the po: beauties, janes of dubious cunlly, SS el eau now : curious ‘sensation akin to lice won't get on our. track. By jove,} were plenty of these, with hi ther she reeping over me, while I fy argument with the Major! Hn, id a picture’ which might hak IM at out net ilp foliawiniy Syl my: eyes Geod sheavans, -thoug.s, i don't fee cf some member of the owner's far ‘And and ppiaclesay he follow- tis intertwined circles: tra any means so Sure o! ‘ld a but Gordon knew none of them, says ed the suai inte th ee dimer, or so ain ot Hae Taek offot them arg! its on, and of their {fo be contini ae brains, ‘The Major! Good old Major! toymer pos they told nothing. CO Ee teas vith a supreme | effort ely ves; it t : Se Sphdethey enemas How ‘strange, how unuiterably: stran “That fsllow—Cariton, 1 suppose he scope cyes, realizing tit 1 should have ay and ver been broken. The c aes eet ihe. belel fs. 0 sper that 1 should find m: 1 wis-—was handsome, rich, and evident. ie ubout me if 1 hoped to “come ce et patties are i : with a leaf not unl ivy. It ly a bachelor. ‘That ac ounls for thie MY LASS. neounter-unhurt © nitive constantly i . ALAO deatces | yicids a crop af nuts which are ground pholographs, suppe Gorton (eee ; agh the» man. had heey beer: ae _#o0d humor iasaey bua i plow zh thes t med. titig a | ner this is And £ wouldn't like the Major] thought, tah a craliy mand welled realy y lass, ff about the room, as yet he had Ber rit 3 ‘| PONES ne to know it, bul I'm {8 deuce of a funk, Feharacter. But why were they. all pit fi her earnes paid the slightest af ention to me. ti er ae boat vster‘ov® [and medé into iA, plaster ACCA 1s, WHRBS io Howaver, Us ton. tate to funk now: Haway?” “And then he thoiight of the ain rngre’s sich a wc Of Tendomness it that i ALA GLOWING GLOD! : ni SpN's ate awe : fed AR plecesear beleltet pny ite is Fs e) straight through. | ye had found: there, aS. it bed: he needs ne <i Brace. a few ipoments be! he sould ag a r ree F m0 what to do her?:-Had:the dead man heen owaling Hot sipiles and around my life knew that i had” gel lo the sae ee, ot we ghin't to my to that house that‘ her that night, and had thes ae taht ay it wines ia at all 5 CAN ANIMALS ENJOY, A IGKE® nile 7 An¢ ear to me , led , " ‘ : at | das eee ace fan te ga rete Migs St amet Dniyicpecct. uta nis ever devised. At night, - iisp.t HN RE Sa such) Mans i dnstunoas eye ih cotlesieg % ed up with this “alfair, impale they should offend her oyes?. And what flattering inset that 1 had ‘succeeded, peed OF Ane gOS tS ght beta rene steanier churns. {te wwater| dno: lowe abiiake: A. BUDDY Of BRE SE ; , the knife Cae ag 7 = to i im? Gord en sighea a4 O toy oy! te. ab are ‘one fond heart oe pane mocked against | it, there ism oe ithin, The] under cerluin conditions you hay See casion Shia bone from Sdagah that we ers. me \. Int t. Rr Pi é nit e waves Whe hey fe plu ay loo, that I-did not make abso- : but what wis ‘ahe ‘dolng, in these | Tt aoe ine leaping like a lyre tor, who at once levelled his lobes are fea sty Ae fave peta isteoee nS ae pparrget Ok Meee eee? renee ely’ certain : Tnor she had| yyons at that: ho In sweetest an ae ‘ pas out nee ae aba Cad a stelil> Mrabe pure pit w eae phos ghokesoedses eid aclonlists ate wat jis tail, and apparently. enjoying. -t ‘anything behind us in- that, room. A aentinant Mpc Boul: uppiigarn sdelly. howe oie 1 itt ‘sting ist have. anole 00K | ag cosuRt: He Sarcuit ohitiee To tat nan aes side iataid Sarat chemical, © The 1 as to be.caro-{aereed'as to ils cause. hnmot of the situation 0 knows thal half not: conquer, “touched ‘him -a8-he.re-} And dear—oh, very dear to me “The padrone is bee he shouted athe may not pul me} cajied the. pale; handsome features of Is this sweet lass of mine { ond reaped into the x u fh es KNEW HER OF OLD, ‘rel iruth of the affair, a thas thy dead man; and remember lis Just then the repor i Pali second’ shot eed in discovering a new % 2 at, If] want. lo give i echoed through thea empty, silent house, | eclor by: com Mle cf fe “John. temporary sane: ‘a ee iF mnester, waile the ser ¢ “Yes, sir. foo} all along: at was it to him? Hebhad| And if Lwin fame v a sae with logs, streaming. do down ‘his Daving. vie Ue " any $e 5 'suve RG fell nie wien it is four {f she seo ae a vues a i * feo. ie is dead, at a homecom- st Pers - nee fac 4 a fe ee us eatlte and deer haye been Ishown to weep eat a ana tea. te ADtes sary es girl, ¢ oesi S e form: beautiful, “And tal tueky ‘scape for ‘me,'| ated explosive ses in the aha pattie, “y at forget it. T-promised to meet | ab the Joss of (heir progeny. aoe aearhek What. the penalty 1) ge wish had Simply SCRE A ae frighten shines | added under my, brea and it 2h" vith a Lerelfie ~ report. | 287 i. the anv sore across oe % if i sas na distinclly saw the oh ‘of ths oy + | smashing. ie Rhea - yids and | 1 nd’she'll he provoked if 14 Cupid and coffee cause & lol of heart wonder? 1 am beginning to wonder it helped her had she-becn as ugly as shel As this: sweet lass of mines fortunate” would-be inventor fali heay-I wrecking part of thes! ea austen she come: cath iecdoreeanaevies grounds for it, Pale In Siam they don't ‘offer you. a cigar to 15 5 degrees i 7000 bub a betelnut, ‘Thera cag a0 nd fromthe . ries a supply. oF them inow “ i i unlike the ory ny | rliclas suuff-boxes of our ancestor he wou wore é=Intowte x Hub ise noreolid, in-tls Of THE aah etiaed ree to a ‘ fe ir “onl tis Tight got | place on ane the yapor. wHisine | tobacco, is it is much more harmful. oud iy horse nable and | fre sbow cS even from the fess Those chew it suffer feom fiftanred closed my If ever I have sighed for wealth,