ANNUA Se MASS FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13, 2014+ 7:00 Pm ASSUMPTION CEMETERY ee 05 Towra F ovml ee 1A | | 4 lew’ ms )e4 °°. om Se ee ee CWEAIST THE BING CEMETERY "7 O Seeetes Awernse | cet Markham (9N | 4B 1AR bees off Reewe Boome! Te (904)4°1 0121 Moet Rew Ver ort Megurven MOLY CROSS CEMETERY awl Ve “reeset Theil, CON LIT 20 le (24) ee0 “46° bee Faeveerers @ [heerraee ( archermal ( cdl MOUNT MOTE CEMETERY MS ) remewe Aneerwee lore ( Pe MOP 1 Lei ‘\¢ ae ' 4444 Kew bade or! \4ear pees QUEEN OF MEAVEN CEMETERY MD Piagheewey © 2° Vieweii-recdkge (CPN 140 1A. Tet (Mrs) BS) SR tee PF rrwereerm © Biew Némgr Dc reruns Bahar at Peel RESUAARRC TION CEMETERY 04% Teese Rive F oe Whert- CN LIN SAS Tel (94) Oo O91) Amer kobe Foolle seem oe 2s & *... CATHOLIC CEMETERIES } i" rUNERAL SERVICES ST. MARY'S CEMETERY JO Seerwwechade F. an! Rare (3 | 2M SE 4 le i i i» wii Awe Bie Ware Bb or Beet b In TME EVENT OF BAIN: MA eee ill bee Peek a thee eraeee deer A em errg te bteuly ( pewee ( Nomen oo he wwern ann! BR ewarres te a ee ee Meee wn the Rev eqpteen ( ertre A more > toe « errr + no Me Adee ae Parva 64 Beevacthe ey Awernse |i orcrvte) Se N4eerw 6 (| erverterw te “ee Mary « Parveh OS Aerts Sereet Karr Por more information contact the nearest cemetery office of the central business office at 416-733-8544 of 1-800-97 4-4619 or vielt cur webette at catholic -cometeriescom. RADIO FOR RADI FOR THE SIMCOE M the 104.1 YP OCK Greatest Hits ~— MADD benches spread message The Mothers Against Drinking and Driv ing Barne-Simcoe chapter is unvethng new community benches to rermnad you about the dangers of consuming alcoho! before hitting the road The local chapter received « gram trom MADD Caneda to show support for victim: while stopping impaired driving "These granite benches look bike head sones.” local vice-president Angela Waska wich said. “But they are also & great spot for victarms to go and reflect on thew loved ones in the works for more than a year. the bench es are going imto parks in Barne. Onila. inns fil. Bradford, Collingwood and Midland "They are going in a highly visibic arce as a rermnder about impaired driving and to honour the victirns of drunk Griving in Barric. a bench will be located in Her tage Park near the bridge. while in Innish! one will be installed in Innisfil Beach Park by the dock Workshop highlights benefits of social media The Sirmcoe County District School Board is Offering you a chance to learn more about social media. just as your kids get ready to head back to class The workshop. Parent 2.0: How social media can help your child thrive. will be of- fered at Bear Creek Secondary School Aug 27 at 7:30 p.m “So often, workshops are focused on cy- ber-safety. which is an important topic. but this session looks at the positive side of so- cial media and how we can use it to help our kids thrive.” said Patrick Miller, the board's principal of innovations “Social media is More common im our classrooms today than ever before. We want parents to be part of the innovation that 's hap- pening. to partner with us to help thei kids — our students — reach thei potential” Alberta's George Couros, division principal of innovative teaching and learning. will icad the talk The free event is open to parents and school board staff. Register online at ATION BENEFIT CONCERT VI USKOKA REGIONAL CANCER CENTRE SPECIAL GUEST SONIC COALITION RADIATION November 19, 2014 sp