Rr Artists AUS. 7 TO 30 * Theatre By The Bay presents _nty of Angels. & Piey ahowt «a disillusioned crime nmovelest who aclagyts has Late st marvel ~_ srecenpiay as his Marriage tails apart. it s two shows i One. as we see the characters presented as if they re in a black-and-white film that highlights 19405 Hollywood Tickets. $25 for adults and $25 for seniors and students. are avail able through the Mady Centre for the Performing Arts bon office 705-739-4228. of aft theatres. bar rec ca AUG. 11-30 * Theatre By The Bay brings Three Munschketeers the sto- ries of Robert Munsch adapted to the stage — to the Mady Centre for the Performing Arts All tickets are $8 and available at the Mady's box office at 705-759 4228 of at theatres barric ca AUG. 13 * Pianist Chery! Crraham takes to the keys at Grrace United Church as part of this year's Seniors Ser- enade scrics at 2:30 p.m She has been a church pianist since age 15. At age 18. she be- came the music director at Heri- tage Baptist and she teaches from her studio in Horseshoe Valicy She enjoys directing church camatas and musicals The event is free. but is fol- lowed by tea and cookies at 3:30 p.m. for a $5 fee * The Karate Kid is on screen in Memorial Square as part of the summer series by the Barric Film Festival and the Downtown Bar- ric BIA. The film begins at about 8:30 p.m. TOYOTA 2014 Ee — ee FACTORY EVENT : | i ——— on now at your Ortarto Toyota Deater! Ginny Killin ie one of the artists exhibiting her work in the Rotunda at Barrie's City Hall for the month of August. STAN HOWE PHOTO _— “J. “? * a paint scenes captured near, far LAURE WATT Se ee ee - Pwerw theme Cheenw Killin “Marts 2&2 few miece. she gets Nervous in fect. the former pubic school art teacher never thought she could paint But this month. her pieces and those of her hus band. Jack Killin. are on dieplay in the Ko tur<da at Barrie City Mall and at the Ouest Art School + Gallery in Midland as part of an On Georgian Bay serics ‘l used to teach art in the GOs af an cle mentary school. Bul (teaching) is different You re trying to inspire someone cise. said Ginny. who works to transiate photographs she and Jack have taken on their travels near and far “Every time I begin a painting. I'm afraid because it's something new and | have to create the colours and composition. — Living in Springwater Township. the cou- ple regularly walks the cathedral-canopiced Simcoe County forest. Their travels have included warmer climes. where they ve captured sailors. sunbathers and other art ists at work One piece at City Mall features an artists painting outside Monet's garden in France “We said “Can we take your photo” He was delighted” She took up the acrylics brush after tak- ing a few lessons. in which she learned to add shades of colours one at a time and sub- sequently to mix the tones and colours. She also finds inspiration in her garden. which she loves to tend Jack offers more abstract pieces and also paints commissioned portrait Ginny has painted a few peopic. inchud- ing Jack. as he painted a Bone Island beach from their houseboat Her Georgian Bay work includes a group of sunbathers on Beausolcil Island “I'd never painted a dog before. cither I had to include it.” she said of the group soaking up the sun. one of the pieces on dis- play in the Rotunda 2014 COROLLA CE MANUAL ALL-IN LEASE +85'20.9% zero = temi-montitty tor 60 montin, with $700 Lease Asset apphed includes frevgitt and fee. MS! extra Your tocal Dealer may charge additional fees of up to $1,103. Charges may vary by Deater ”