Britain’s wishes. Leading Paper in North Perth. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1890. NEWS OF THE DAY. “The Dutch ministry has resigned, A syndicate 1s being formed in Lon- ea Os acento ae in Alaska. C. O. Ermatinger, of St. Thomas has been appointed junior county judge of a, ; np heaprange Seka 2 Pag has been set for the on of Mr. MeCarthy’s —— dual About 900 hogs were sold on the Chatham market the other day at $5,359. Eight carloads were shipped off. There is a project on foot to build a bridge over the St. Lawrence at the land of Orleans to cost $1,500,000, Syracuse has deposited a bond for $14000 m the American Baseball As- sociation and is now in good standing. The workingmen at Brann, Austria, have decided to demonstrate on May 1 in A ie of the eight-hour moyement. Sir Henry Manisty, judge of the Queen’ s Bench Divisren- in~Englan diced Friday in London, at the age of $1. A mateh has been made te be rowed in April over the Paramatta course be- tween Neil Mattersoan and Peter Kemp. The Portuguese paime minister says that he is preparing 2n appeal to the wers, but is anxious to meet Great Judge Wurtele, of . Montreal, Fae the case of the G.N.W. Telegraph 0. against the Montreal Telegraph Co. in a favor of the latter. The death rate for the pasttwo weeks | |, in‘Yoronto showy an increase of 123 “ over the sane week of last year, the} tigures being 163 against 4v. | A. 'T. Walker’s brewery at Burton-on- Trent, Staffordshire, has passed into the hands of a joint steck company | with a capital of $17,000,000. by-law giving a loan of $1,500 to John McDonaid to assist in re-building his tannery, was carried on Monday by a vote of 70 to 5 in Tiverton. It is, reported that John ‘Pollard: of; the oe Watehman, has pur- chased the Napanee Express, an intlu- ential paper in Lennox county. Amabel council has given the town- ship printing to the Wiarten Eeko for the year at 379. he Tara Leader does the Arran printing for S100: The Porte has prohibited the use of the Greek language in any of the Cretan | courts. Both lawyers and judges are iguorant ofthe T urkish languages. { It is reported that the Duke of Cam-! bridge intends to resign the command | of the British army and that he will be} suceceded by the Duke of Connaught | Inthe French Chamber of Deputies | on Yhursday the bill providing for aj law to tax foreigners and these w' »/ serio fureign labur had its first reac places the = total production of gala, ah ver, lead and copper during 1889 at! ee. against $114.3:1,592 in: SS. A jeint resolntion has been introduc- ed into each body of the South Dakota | legislature making an official denial of the a concefning destitution | in South Dakota. The great Tombala prize of the Paris | exhibition, amounting to half a million francs, was won by ticket No. 695,843. The name of the fortumate holder has | not been ascertained. Prof. Goldwin Smithfroiced his erratic views before the Nineteenth Century Club in New York last week, regarding “Political Relations of Canada to Great | Bnitain and the United States.” The work, of auditing the books of, Dr. Reilly, treasnrer of the American branch of the Irish NatiOnal League, is going on at Detroit. So far every- thing is reported perfectly satisfactory. Rev. Dr. MeMullen, of Woodstock, | left on Sunday night for Chicago, hav-! ing Lesn called thence on —s in- | telligence of the sudden illness of wuite, who is visiting their eenghier ere. The county council of Cornwall has! resolved to petition the Ontario legisia- | ture to amend the License Act so that | the sppointment of commissioners and | inspectors will rest with the county councils. ttey. Fleckmyer's house at Mansfield | Pa. was badly damaged on ‘Thursday by anexplosion of a dynamite cartridge | placed in pee cellar by unknown parties, supposed to be anarchists. fheinmates | unhurt. The new United States toryedo boat Cushing was given a trial in Bristol | eeey R.L, last week. The contract! of 2 milesan hour was readi made under half steam, the vessel, of course, being light. Wm O’Brien was received with en- thusiasm at Leeds on Thursday. He said that ‘England's eonscience Was turning towards the policy of justice, kindness and peace bag ty shoe Provi- lidstone. matter was and finally Mr. Chapleaa said he could | ¢ not promise t& accede to the request of | the men. He was willing however, to| do anything that was fair, and wi agree to put the men either se piece~ | work ct classify them acco to ab- | Hity. The to re The first-class Fren = Gan has ee to pieces on steamer Waesland on January 24 and i less ca i church don’t prosper Ro one can. | the sooner the better. H friends in the County of Bruce. re-| and doubtless he —— it was © | fair shake as he joi it fer revenne j oxtty. Thos. N Oppesitionist, has been elected Man. : and indulged in free fights at Paris on Saturday night Col. Morin has been re-nominated the Local by the Reformers of W The writ for Haldimand is issued. Nominations on the13th inst.- Polling A Seek tater. cherttiserDubour- * _— 8g The Ragen eg from Laneet says that Europe the coming summer. John Reid & Co., one of the oldest shipbuilding firms on the Cc have failed with heavy liabilities. Rev Dr. Talmage and family, of Brooklyn, have reached their home. The doctor is in fine health. The bodies of the entombed miners in Nottingham shaft at Wilkesbarre, Pa., were found on Sunday horribly burned. The czar has summoned the Russian minister at London to St. Petersburg toreport upon the Angio-Portaguese dispute. < Mrs., Coppinger, retary Bilain’s eldest daughter, d died at her father’s resi in Washington Sunday morning. Forty dismissed and destitute English clerks at Lisbon have applied to” British counsel there for passage to their homes. Ry Landerkin’s motion for a rebate 1 corn imported for feeding a . as A in the’ Commons Monday, by 2 Maaco snt Classen, of the Sixth | National Bank, of New York, was heid in $30,000 bail on Saturday U. Comumnissioner Shields. — It is stated that U.S. Mimster Lin- cotn’s son Abraham is diving. being un able to bear the drastic treatment of his French physicians. The latest reports from Prince Ed- ward island indicate that the Govern- ment will have eighteen to the Opposi- tion’s twelve members. An.Austrian decter claims to have discovered an absolute eure for hydro- phobia, and is Kind erough to present the w orld with the recipe. The Presby terians of New York and Chieago have voted in favor of rev ising ihe € Confession oi! Faith, ~whic z | been under discussion for some time. A tidal wave struck the German swept overboard the fourth oiticer and quartermaster. They were drown The business men of Sing Sing, N.Y. lhave in public meeting resolved that the business interests of the village de- mz and that the state prison be removed. Phe i debt of the United States, n he. treasury February 1, —— he @ decrease The Central Galt. spent in the two ere offices during the past year. If that Mrs. George Lemerade, of Stephenson towuship, Stich igan, has just given birth tu quadruplets, three girls and a boy. They are bright locking, appar entiy he alihy children. The London Times has settled the tibel suit brought against it by Mr. Parnell and his secretary, Mr. Canipbeil, | the former receiving £3,ULU as a solat- jum, and the latter £20. The St. Paul, Minneapolis and Mani- toba railway ceased to exist under that prune with the close of Sunday's busi- ness, and hereaiter will be known as} the Great Northern railway. The Canadian Pacitle raulway’s earp- ings for the week ending January 31 were $327,000, for the same week of last year. S3ulucu. The earnings on the | South Eastern are’not included. Sergeant O” Donnell of the U. S. gar- rison at Fort Niagara, committed sut- | eide on Sunday in his room at the bar- | racks by putting tie muzzle of his mile to his head ana pulling the trigger with his toe. Sir Charles Dilks new book, “The Problems of Great Britian,” is said to be meeting with a large sale in Eng- ‘land. He asser’s t2 rat Imperial Feder- ation must eome sooner or later, an Mrs. Andrew Denivolm, wife of the well-known newspaper man, died from the éffects of la stip pe. Mr. Denholm at one time ran the Kincardine Review and his deecensed wife had many warm With thoughts of chole-a in mind Philacelphia is thinking of spending $1,000,000 to place the city in a first- eiass sanitary condition. Every city, | town and village should follow the ex- ample, aecerding to their resources. | A despatch in the New York Tribune | from Stratford, Ont... says 2 large num- | ber of Canadians are returning toStrat- ford from the Michigan lumber woods on foot ané niless, having failed to Pea work owing to the open winter. Theobore Cuyler, pastor of avenue Presbyterian eth of his pastorate of the above chureh At the Weodstock Division Court the suit of Watson vs. Me was ‘ongregationat church against McLeod o collect a subseription ef S100 to_the | eae The defence wus that no per-| son was named in the ie “oe ist, ito whom the money was | Judgement reservect. The ~ ure! o breth- ren went back on himin business and} For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, tried. [ The dette ate by the. trutees a the Atwoot Carriage and Blacksmith § Shop. and all kinds of Carriages, Wagons, Sle A cal and | Rep otice. airing done on Shortest Horseshoeing a Specialty. Prompjard special attention given to Horseshoeing. Satisfactn Guaranteed. Also Agent for Hawkey’s and lebrated Road Carts. ese are two of the best’ carts thatare made. See and be convinced. ott HENRY HOAR. TTT Store. The 777 Store is _ Headquarters in Listowel Dress Goods, &e. Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town. | JOHN RIGCS. Atwood Saw & Planing Mills. Lumber, Lath, Muskoka Shingles, Cedar Posts. Fence Poles and Stakes, Cheese Boxes, also Long and Short Wood. Dressed Flooring and Siding A SEECIALS 2 “WM. DUNN. Change in Business! J. G. Robertson has rented the Atwood Bakery and Confectionery Business to Charles Zeran For One Year. Mr. C. Zeran is well known and will doubtless do a good business in that line. He keeps on the present baker, A. C larriage, who has a thorough knowledge of ihe business. ——— BIA CLEARING SALE STILL GOING ON AT James. Irwin’s. I have still alot of goods that must be sold. See our Prices for Robes, Fur Caps, Fur Coats, Blankets, Mitts, Cloves, &c. Just the Gools you want and at Prices that Can't be Beat. Full Linesin * Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Our “alloring Department Is Still in Full Blast. MR.CURRIE is still turning out those Nobby Suits and ¢vercoats that have made a reputation for him in Atwood. We Guarantee a Fit or no sale. A Call Solicited. JAS. IRWIN, - ATWOOD. J. JOHNSON, PRACTICAL Wa tch makér AD JEWELLER, Main St., Atwood. . MY SPECIALTY, Watches WEDDING RINGS AND GEM RINGS. All Repairs Warranted Over 20 Years Ex- perience. J. JOHNSON. ~i5— THE PLACE Where the People can get wUTTED’ Without any trouble as he earries the Largest& Best ~STOCk— IN TOWN! R, M. BALLANTYNE, ATWOOD.