Merchant And General Advertiser, 17 Jan 1890, page 5

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~wait on the public. - 1890. WiSHING YOU ning COM- PLIMENTS ©: - F THE sit ee eo Sinko good aoe of You! time itis wocee-| you should at once ‘Buy a Watch —AT— GUNTHE R'S, GULDSMITH’S HALL, Main St., Listowel, So when you come to Lis- wel ’t forget to call. in at Gold- smith’s Hall, its on your way, and easy to find when you are in town. cs J. H. GUNTHER, ¢ Goldsmith's Hall, Main St., Listowel. Two Doors East of Post Office. TOWN TALK. THE BaE. How do you like us ? Wuo comes next on the matrimonial list now that Jim is nicely settled ? Drip you read R. M., Ballantyne’s an- nouncement? If not turn to it now and s.e what he says. THERE was a heavy fall of “the beau- tiful” on Thursday of this week. Snow will be welcomed by the farmers of this section. ae JOHNSON, watchmaker and jewel- ler, isa hustler and is always ready to Read his advt. in this issue. H. L. Jackson does a nice trade in the watchmaking line in Brussels. He asks for a perusal of his. advertisement by our readers. J. T. PEPPER’s drug store, Brussels, is the headquarters for anything in that line. He asks for your patronage. Take a glance at his ad. WHEN you are in ‘Atwood call in and see us. We want to get well acquaint- éd with our constituents so as to be able to advance your interests. THE revival services were continued this week in the Methodist church, al- though the pastor was somewhat under the weather. The meetings have ex- -tended over seven weeks. ‘ ~ HAND us in the local and district happenings. Consider yourself one of our local reporters for the time being. It will take a few weeks to get a corps of correspondents in full swing. H. F. Buck, the furniture man of Listowel, says he leads the van for good at close p ces. His under- taking department is under his person- al supervision. He talks te our patrons this week. J.H. GUNTHER, the Listowel jeweller, is well known in this section. He keeps in addition to watches, clocks and jew- ‘ellery, a magnificent stock of silver- ware. Call at Goldsmith’s Hall when ‘in Listowel. EVERYBODY may aid THE BEE by enclosing $1 for their own subscription and canvassing their neighbor. Some of our new found friends are doing good work in this respect. Send along your names at once. Bis, circulars, dodgers, billheads, letterheads, envelopes, invitations, pro- grams, funeral notices, and all kinds of card work turned out neatly, cheaply and expeditiously at Tuz Bee Publish- ing House, Atwood. Tue name of A. R. Smith, Brussels, dry goods merchant, is known to almost everybody around him. He is offering big bargains to those extending their pavonee to Se He is a good adver- he makes it pay him too. INTERESTING.—We would. refer our readers to the card of W. M. Bruce, Dentist, 9 being extracted daily without the least ,pain. There is no loss of consciousness nor any change from our ordinary con- who are having teeth extracted in this way cannot say enough in its praise and recommend it to all who would ayoid pain in teeth extraction) A call at Dr. Bruce’s office, over Thomp- son Bros. store, Main St, Listowel, where references may be seen and a fair trial of the Vibrator’s merits ob- tained we are persuaded will convince the most skepttical. her mother’s in ‘Consipraani quantities of pressed hey Were shipped from here lest week. ""R. Euox of the G. T. R., is recovering | from @ severe attack of “La grippe.” Ovn bis hands fall of late with sick equines. R. -M. Bazanrrxn’s mother and sister heve been tisiting him during th- past week. Exum township connoil will meet at A. H. Wynn's hotel, Newry, on Monday, 18th inst. Parrazstioxs are made and . will soon begin to improve our drainage in the viliage. Tice Wiirestdee'ad sie Tottaisa cheese factory of 1889 were re-clected for the current year. ford on Tuesday of this week. Naraix Coudium has purchased the farm adjoining the village from Chas. Zeran. The price paid was $2,460. A number of our villagers had their cutters out forarun on Saturday last. The one with the red .plumes ‘took the D. essicar of Listowel, calls a meet- ing for the evening ofthe 21st inst., t? or,anize @ singing class. A good attend- ance requested. Tue high wind on Monday blew down the front chimney of the Presbyterian charch and one of the chimneys on VY. Ioerger’s hotel. Some talk of Mr. Wilson rebuilding his tannery. We hope he will see his way clear to do so, as it was a i industry and-helped- Atwood. Ovz village is to e favored witha visit from Rev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto. He preaches on Friday evening the 24th inst. at 7;30 in the interests of the Ed- ucational work. We are sure this ef- fort to secure talent will beamply re- warded by-a fall house. Wuat Arwoop Netpvs.—A good large public hall for entertainments and gath- erings.—An addition to our school ac commodation now that some alterations a:e contemplated in the school sections. —A half dozen or more new stores and shops so that newoomers may be accom- modated.—A druggist.—A heavy fall of snow to give our saw mill men a good show.—Money. ' Wepprxa.—Quite a ripple of excite- ment was created on Tuesday afternoon ouer the marriage of James Bell, well known in Atwood, and Miss Maggie Har- ris, of Monkton. Rev. A. Henderfon, M. A performed the ceremony in the pres- ence of a large number of guests. “ Mr. Bell and bride have gone to Brussels, where they will make their home. May their voyage onthe matrimonial sea be a pleasent and prosperous one. Ovrn Manger.—Atwood has a first-class market and the quantity of grain handled by Mr. Anderson would be very credit- able to more pretentious places. Up to January ist, for the season of 1889, there was received 3,000 bushels of wheat, 5,500 bushels of peas, 3,000 bushels of barley, and 30,000 of oats. With good sleighing, or better wheeling this amount will be largely augmented before the seas- on closes. Arthe annual meeting of the Elma Reform Association held in Atwood re- cently, the following were elected officers for 1890 : Wm. Shearer, re-elected Pres- ident: J. W. McBain, Ist VicePresi- dent ; Robt. Morrison, 2nd Vice-Presi- dent ; Jas. Dickson. Jr., Sec.-Treasurer. Chairman of Ward Committee—Jacob Bray, Wm. Shearer, J. W. McBain, W. Mas. Avéns of Cameron, is ‘vielting st ; make you @ new outfit ini most ‘satis- factory manner. His cart appears on the Ist page of Tix BEe | Im the dry goods line Jn. Riggs, -of Listowel, oecupies no baciseat and he is giving bargains at this sason worthy the attention of the peoplewho want to save money. Read hisawt. - THE advertisement of ames Irwin should: be perused by th readefs of THE Bee. He does a larg trade and his aim is to please his cusomers. The tailoring department is-umler the ‘cap- able management of Geo.Currie. Sunpay ScHooL.— Atthe annual meeting of the Methoést Sabbath School thé following 8‘afi of teachers and officers was appointedfor the en- suing year:—Superintendet, J. W. Mc- Bain; Secretary, R. Ballanyne; Librar- ian, Robt. Hamilton; Teasurer, H. Hoar; Organist, Miss la McBain ; Teachers, S. 1. Harding, [. Hoar, Miss Polly Shannon, Miss Ida Parker, Mrs. Body, 8.Shannon, W. Hakshaw, J.W. Boyd; Library CommittecRey. Rogers, J. W. McBain and Secretzy. ‘The out- look for a year’s efficient jork is good. It is intended to have a mnthly meet- ing of the officiary of the thool in dif- ferent homes to talk over he work, en- courage each other and d¢elop social- ity. A guod idea, OCS Bae Seo The Hamilton Gas Com~ny has re- du tg of gas} $1.50 per Donovan was fined $10 on! thursday for overcharging a passenger. . The Toronto retail ss have de- cided to issue a monthly lit of people who fail to pay their debt Coughlin, Burke mg Ojullivan, the Cronin convicts, were takh to the State icon at Joliet Tonsiny The church, at hitherto held out against he introduc- tion of the kist o’ whstles, has at; ting the Sabbath Schol the privil- ege of using an 0 Says the Berlin } knows exactly But still Mr. or Mrs. G h her work—just like M sastnatinnap- and the sufferers are fjand everywhere. Amongst the many sue cures we see is to take a hot bath andnot doany of ml a: Ba : a scene - "WALL PAPER, Can be secured from é Be TOLBERT PEPPER, Chemist & Droggist, <= GRAHAM'S BLOCK, - BRUSSERS. Auways Use Prrren’s Prize. “hts THE BEE. Fancy Goods The undersigned wishes to intim: the Ladies of Atwood and vicinity that she has a choice and well assorted stock of Fancy Goods, comprising — BERLIN WOOLS, YARNS, PLUSHES, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, ETC. STAMPING A Specialty. CALL AND EXAMINE Goops AND PRIUES. MRS. JOHNSON, 13m ATWOOD, ONT. (000 REWARD H. L. JACKSON, BRUSSELS, ogpcidinied cnet reward for the Watch connot put in good order. He‘also ballonaee the World to beat him in prices in . Gold and Silver W ATCHES, lag Gold Ri Bar Pins, Brooches, Drops, N Necklets, Charms, ete., ete. A Fall I Line of Silverware. We Sell Cheap! Cheap ! ! Call and See for yourself. H.L.JACKSON, Jeweller, Brussels. Post Office Block. The 777 Store. The 777 Store is Headquarters in Listowel |For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress Goods, &c. Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town. JOHN RIGGS. following things:—Towvork, to talk, write, to draw, tc wak, to smoke, to drink, to swear, oreat too much. ‘Ob- serve these rules ad gt better. Word comes fron Ancaster of an at- farmer named C shire boar owned b’ H Law. 7 attacked him savagly threw him down and bit him on therght leg and left thi taming the horribly. -Y ete fone t deserjtely, and th imal in i him ardson was summ0o wounds, They areliye in numbe:, and some of them are / is some danger of ting in, in which csp Reding’s condi- tion will be critical. He is twenty-two years of age and ATWOOD MARKET. la eee I] ee 60 680 ere ipereee 30 3 Gate vane 2 2% POAS ..... 2.0222 eejjeeeeee 5383 PINK, cccicceenenas bas eis 5 00 500 Hides per Ib :..... yest 3 Sheep skins, each..!)...... 50.90 8. Burnett, James Cuthbertson, Geerge Inglis and Ferdinand Doering. “Tas Apvaxce.”—This is the name minister of this place. It is, and will be devoted, to newsy church items and oth- er interesting matter and will be issued several times during the year. The sal- utatory reads as follows: ‘The publi- cation of our little sheet, The Methodist ig a venture, andif it is well these columns for the church and home that cannot be as well in any other way. We will strive to point which, if taken hold of and acted spon by our people, will result in our material and spiritual advancement. ‘For the prevent, the publication is under the di- rection of the pastor and an assistant, and our aim will be to bring- the mem- berseloser together and keep them in touch with the movements of the church. BARGAINS | ] E. DUNFORD, BRUSSEAS, ONT., Has a fullline of SUTCH AND CAN- ADIAN TWEED6, WORSTEDS, and OVERCOATINGS. He Can “Suit” You Evey Goer All Iall Goods will be ee for Cam onl CALL EARLY And get aBargain. Cuarantee a Perfect Fit or fo Sale. E.DUNFORD MERCHANT TAILOR, We bespeak for this iasue « carefal and preyerfal perusal ” . Brussels, Ontario. X NA : % Is Still in JAS. IRWIN, BI CLEARING SALE STILL GOING ON AT James Irwin’s. AT have still a lot of goods that must be sold. See our Prices for. “ Robes, Fur Caps, Fur: Coats,. Blankets, Mitts, Cloves, &c. J ust the Goods you want and at Prices that Gen’ t be Beat. Full Lines in Pie Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Our Tailoring Department Full Blast. MR. CURRIE is still turning out those Nobby Suits and Overcoats that have made a reputation for him in Atwood. We Guarantee a Fit or no sale. A Call Solicited. - ATWOOD.

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