BeaverToo (Oakville), 18 Jul 1879, A

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J Graduat VOETV.—-NOe 29, sos SRC RISAE TRA SE a JULY 18, 1879, NO. 237, Ghe Oakville Express IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, At the office over M. S. McoCranny’s Store, on GolborneStreet, Oakville, Ontario. Tervgs:—$1.00 per annum in ADVANCE, oy within onm xonts from date of subscription ; $1.25 within three months, $1.50 within six months, $1.75 within nine months from date of subscription. If not so paid $2.00 will be charged No paper discontinued until arrear— agesare paid, unless at the option of the pub- lisaer. ‘ RATES OF ADVERTISING ¢ One sqwate, One WEOK..........,.ccv..eseeeree $ 1 00 Hach subsequent week Ee 25 One quarter column, six mouth 12 00 One quarter culumn, one year. 20 00 One half column, six months. . +, 20 00 One half column, one year,... w. 8d 00 One column, six months.. «se 40 00 One COLUMN, ONG YOAL...,..c.ccerereerernvereres 60 00 2 GES One inch makes one square. Transient advertisements must be pre-paid when ordered: Joun GC. Gunrziur, Kditor and Publisher. DR. SUTHERLAND BUNDAS STREET OnekKe V1 Laken. J S$) W. WILLIAMS, M. D., CORONER, COUNTY OF HALTON, COLBORNE STREET, OAKVILLE, ONT A. CLARK, M.D, ©. M. ‘ Graduate in 1870 of McGill Universi- ty, Montreal. Licentiate and Member of the Gollege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. 23> Olico and residence opposite the Pres- byterian Church, Oakville, Ont. 39m6 R/S BUCK & McORINNON, PALERMO.—Office hours from 7 to 10 o'clock, a.m., daily. A. Buox, M.D., Jejferson Med. Oolleye, Phita., and M, R. ©.S., England M. MoCrixnon, M.D. 6 M., Me@ill College, Montreal. M. C.P.&8., Ontario. 45 J 3, JOHNSTON, M. D., GRADUATE & HEBER of the College of Physicians Surgeons, Ont. * Bellivue Hospital Medical College sndbioTmusigniessisian. Dhysick the New York and Surgeon ia ity Asylum, OFFICE HOURS.—Ste 10.a.m. 1 to2 andé to 5 p.m. Rosidence and office at R. D. Biggor’s grocery store, (Patterson’s eld stand.) sey! PIANO TUNING. Joun NUNN, (late tuner for R.S. W. Nunn, Toronto,) will visit Oakville MoNTHLY, for the purpose of REPAIRING and TUNING PIANOS, ORGANS wd MBLODs— ONS. All orders left with W. H. Youne, or at Pxenxsss office, will be executed at moderate rates of charge, and satisfaction guaranteed. 34-tf JAS. PREESTON. J, H. HEATLEY. FRECSTON SHEATLEY BUILDERS & PLASTERERS, RE NOW READY, With THE opening and advance of the scassn, to MAKE CONTRACTS for the erection of . BUILDINGS 25) Re TO WAM REPAIRS At the lowest possible rates. FRESH LIMB kepé on hand at all times. Call at Heatley’s opposite George square. Oakville, April 10. 15m6 W. HEWITT, Boot & Shoemaker, (Shop next door east of the Mayor’s office.) LL WURK WARRANTED,— GOCD FITS ASSURED, at the most MODERATE PRICES. : A Liberal Patronage olicited, pa the veryfbest stock will be brought inte. use, by making up boots to order. Oakville, May 16, 1879. 20tE J.™ DORLAND, DENTIST, N AND AFTER THE 10th OF April, Mr. J. Y. Dorland, dentist, will be in his new office over W. H. Young’s old gore, now oecupied by Mr, Hewson. M —MUTUAL— Fire Insurance Comp y OF ONTARIO. READ OFFICE: NO. 26 WELLINGION ST. HAST, re @ dx © AN © JAMES BURNS, Esq. Vice President, A. WILLIS, Esq, Manager and Secretary, - A. T. WOOD. Bankers. - BANK OF TORONTO. Solicitors, = POSTER & CLARK. President, - = <= The Mutual System is the only true princi— ple of Insurance. This every one will adit. The HMPIRD is found on a sound basis, and it is the intention ofits Directors and Manager to have the Company rank amongst the highest in Canada. Our motto is to use care in the selection of risks, and whsn legitimate elaims t present themselves, prompt attention will he paid to same, both in regard to adjusting and settling. Economy at the Head Office has a great deal to Go with the success of an Insurance Com- pany. The running expenses of the BMPIRE are very light when compared with otber Com- panies, and it is our sole aim to give the pub- lic the benefit of a cheap insurance and at the} same time good security. GEO. GK. MecCRANEY, Agent for C)UNLY HALTON,. Business office, at Bronte. 12in6 PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES FRiHE SUBSCRIBER. BEGS LEAVE} to intimate to his friends and the pubtic} generally, that he will continue to carry en) his business as i UNDERTAKER. ' The latest and neatest kinds of ) COFFINS FUNERAL FURNISEINGS KEPT ON HAND and supplied ON SHORT NOTICE, and on VERY MOD- ERATE CHARGES. W.H. YOUNG. Jas For the present he will be feund at his old place of business. 12tf Baines’ Standard COLORS & TINTS, CKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE most SUPHRIOR and VALUABLE paints inuse. ‘These pains are ALL MIXED READY FOR USE, thus enabling FARMERS AND OTHERS to do their own painting at about ONE-THIRD THE USUAL COST. Js For paints, prices and further informa tion apply to William Thomson, hardware merchant, (late Thomson & Burns) Front-st., west, Toronto. In Oakville to M.S. McCra- ney, ©. W. Pearce & Co., John Urquhart, Duncan Chisholm, John Barclay, Ll. Wareup & Co., and at the works, where the proprietors are prepared to take part payment in wood and farm produce, ies" Merchants and Others, desirous of handling our goods in small towns, will please apply to the manufacturers at Oakville, EB. & J. BAINE. DRY COLORS of superior quality supplied to our oustomers. 45m6 %, R.TOWLER'S EXT. OF WILD STRAWBERRY. A Specific Remedy for all Sumas mer Complaints such as Diarrhea, Wysentery, Canada Cholera, Chol- era Merbus, Chelera in- fantnim, Seur Stemach, Gripling Pains, and all der- angements of the bowels, caused by using improper food, such asraw %ege— tables, unripe or sow Sut, bad mith, impure water, or ckanye of waiter, changes of the seasons, exposure. No matter from what cause or in what form you are subjec?’ to any of the above complaints, Dr. FUWLER’S EXTRACT of WILD STRAWBERRY will xeheve you and a speedy cure will he effected without injury te the system. [tis manufactured from the Wild Strawberry Plant, and free from opium and other injurious drags. For sale by all dealers, at ty, 103d. or 3 Bottles fer $1.00. PREPAIRED BY MILBOURS, BENTLEY & PEARSON. 29Septt TORONTO, —— P. T. BARNUM OWN AND ONE. treatest SHOW GREATEST EXTENT, = GREATEST Wm ATTRACTIONS, GREATEST 1 DUIRITY, Ss Without a SuiVves Wal Soy chin 2 Largely added to and mye attrachieo: Tan in any previous year lor tho season of 1879, will exhiipit at HAMILTON, on Tuesday, July 22nd, Afternoen and evening. Mr. Barrum will be present and address pis audience. : All the Great AitractiOns whieh make the sea-— son of 1879 BARNUM’S CROWNING GLORY will be given at each exhibition, including the only Coal Black Dremedaries, the only Milk White Camel, ever exhibited in America, The largest herd of Hiephamts eyer exhibited, and a larger number than ca= be seen in all the other shows put together. The only Double Horned Rhinoceros. Tle famous group of Twenty Royal Trained Stations, imported from Hurope at a cost of $250,000, and intro— duced and exhibited by their trainer, MR. CARL ANTONY, The Largest and Rarest Menagerie! A PEERLESS CIRCUS COMPANY Of over 100 Performers, in a New and Original Programme. Wight Lady Riders, including Madame Dockrill, the sreatest Lady Rider in the world; Miss Kaiie Stokes, M’lle Linda Jeal, Miss Umma Take, Signora Marcellus, Mlle Sebastian, Miss Halleway. The first five ef the above lacies, ride BARH-BACK horses only ; their united salaries amount to much more than all the salaries of any show that ever trayeled. Neither of these Lady Riders hag an equal in Europe or America, A MENAGERIE OF 50 CAGES Of Rare Wild Animals, Birds and Reptiles. Barnum’s American Museym, with 60.000 cu- riosities. CAPT. GHORGEH COSTENTENUS, the tatteced Greek Noblemana, and COL. GOSHEN, the Palestine Giant, 8 feet 6 inches high. LITTLE QUBEN MAB, tho smallest and prettiest dwarf in the world.: Seating capacity of exhibition tent, 10,000. At nine o’clock on the morning of the day of exhibition a2 GRAND FREE STREET PAGEANT; never before equalled. One of the features of this Scene of Professional Splendor will be the ap— pearance of the large herd of Elephants, and ten of the twenty Stallions in Procession, led by their foreign groom. DOORS OPEN AT1AND 6.80 P.M. Per- formances one hour later, thus giving an hour and a half to view the mensgerie and museum before the evening performance begins. ADMISSION, 50 ceuts. Children under 9 years, hatf-price. Reserved seats, 25 cents extra. ‘The Life of Barnum,” written up to 1879. Price, 50 cents. Ges-Ladies, children and others wishing to avoid the crowd in the evening, are adyised to attend the Afterneon Hxhibition. Excursion Trains on all Railroads on the Days of Exhibition. 29wl — Wellington volunteers have ne canteen in their camp, and consequent- MORRISON BRO'S, BUTCHERS Colborne street, Oakville, ont. The Best Meats the Market affords kept con- stantly on hand. Highest Price paid for Pat Cattle, &e. QF Cash for Shoopskins. ly have mere money. — he largest maskinonge of the season was caught at Ganonoqte by a Clayton gentleman last- week. 1% weighed 45 pounds. — The water now supplied through the new filters to Victoria, B. C., is much more pure and wholesome than when taken directly from the lake. f 7 Sa Re Sarna = ai rir if we pio d have. A Globe's despatch from Oitawa says : tis understood that Deminion Govern- ment is much alarmed at the ill success of the National Policy, and is consider- ing the best means of supplementing the protective tariff by offering additional inducements for the establishment of manufactures. What shape those in- ducements will assume has not yet been determined ; but whatever the shape, 1t will be an admission of the failure of the National Policy. Tun Government has not found it convenient te publish either the Cus- toms revenue for May or even the ex- port returns, although it is now July. Ii is cowardly fear that preyents the Government showing a true state of af- fairs under the N. P. In the ports of Hamilten and Guelph, a fearful falling off is marked in comparison with the figures of the same months of the past year. In the port ef Hamilton alone, there was a falling off of $22,803.46, as comapared with the month of June 1878. How does that look ? Se From returns, it seems that Canadian ship-builders have not sold ships to ether countries to the same extent since the pace tariff resulatiens, that they did un der the old tariff. in April, 1878, there were sold by \Canadian ship-builders, vessels to the value of $113,140; in fom of this year there was not one sold. | Little wonder at the cry from the Mari- time Proyinees ai the destruction of one of their most important interests by the glorious N. P. 7 Txe Sarnia Observer very truthfully remarks: One of the ‘“‘economies” of the new scheme for carrying out the pro- yisions of the Weights and Measures Act, is to group the counties for inspec- ‘apg purposes and then get rid_of several of the deputy inspectors. The saving effected in salaries will however be more than lest in the incaeased allowance for travelling expenses, so that the ‘“‘econo- my” is of questionable character. So long as the main object of the movement is achieved—ithe dismissal of Reform ap- peimiees to make way for Tory nominees —there will be joy among the Govern- ment supporters. a a good crop Bory friends this year;—of course, ! ou will claim the beneficial outcome of the sreat and glorioug Na- tional Policy. According to them, the sur never saene-so brightly, the rain was never so fertilizing, and the farmers never so supremely happy as they have all been under the influence of Sirs John and Leonard. The Conservative press will demonstrate te a nicety that the great increase of production is due to the efforts of its leaders. The busy hum of manufacturing Industry and the enor- mous addition to our population by the development of our workshops will be nothing to the richer greenness of the orass and the extra peas in the ped, all the result of protection. The tariff has provided for the raim in the proper sea- gon, and has legislated for a dry period in order that crops may be better and more advantageously gathered in. These are matters not witnin. the power and jurisdiction of Grits. They never could sive the farmer thirty bushels of wheat to the acre and enable him to realize two dollars a bushel. These poor politicians results as an} had to do in past years. The privi- Jeges of the Vatican were restored up- ' on the condition that the clergy should denounce the projects of the Nihilists as opposed to the State and to te: - There has lately been pub- ligien. lished in the Gaseta Polska, and te: published in the otker Polish journals; an epistle ef the diocese, transmitting to each of them a copy of the encycli- cal’ of the Holy Father, Leo XIII, dated December 28, 1878. The Arch- bishop says that this most worthy and important document should be known not only to the clergy, but also to the of its contents, and should be protected from the dangereus influence ef per nicious dectrine. Further, the priests: are advised to expound from the Holy Scriptures the rights of property, the family question, the proper relations’ of servants and masters, and the ne= cessity of obedience to the authorities. The publication of the epistle of Arch-- bishop Sotkeviteh was greeted by the’ Russian secular journals as the triumph of religious toleratlon, and the»'olos said :—“Religious toleration, always jand everywhere, is the snrest sign of moral development and ot political and national growth ; and for this rea= son we welcome the publication of the Papal Encyclical ia Russia.” But the Russian religious ergans regret the new policy of the Czar, who is the. head of the Orthodox church, in faver of Rome, which is the powerful com- petitor of Russian orthedoxy. In consequenec of their language on this subject, some of the religious journals have lately received official warning. (ES epee ¥ A corresponpENT of the Boston Journal tells the following story of his experience in that city im 1847' or 1848: J was then a young man just entering business, and had the impu- dence to allow what litile beard Na- ture had dlessed me with te grow, not excepiing the upper lip, (Lf do not think: {Here were more than two or threaten i: Pastoa—who dared to’ | Wear <a moustache; ana SS foreigners.) _ Que day I had applied to” the Washington Bank for a discount. The President was the father of J. Charles Baldwin, whose residence was’ at cr near the corner of Essex streét. The notes were returned with word that “nothing was done.” As I had never been refused before, ] thought it strange, Cashier, who referred me to the Pres- ident. f found him in his reom, and, approaching him, J asked him why the notes-could not: be discounted. Rais- ing his eyes and scanning my face, he’ replied: ‘We cannot discownt notes for a person who wears a shoe-brush on his face.” Argument was useless, And rather than give up the mous. tache (which has never been shayed to this day) IL removed my account te another bank. s eager eee) =y = Show So wros-< couldn’t open up the windews of Heaven and send dewn the refreshing showers. Tt takes Sir John and his liewtenant te do this for us, and they alone can make a whole nation rich, prosperous and happy by Act of Parliament. We will net crumble at the National Policy if it dees all these things for us. We, how- ever, prefer reserving our judgment on the correctness of Tory reasoning until we are convinced that we are to have good crops and big prices simply because we are under a Conservative Goyern- ment. ————————— Russia and Rome, é For many years past no bull or en- cyclical of the Pope has been permit ted to he published in the Polish pre- yinces of Russia, which are inhabited by Roman Catholics. The alleged ground ef prohibition was that among the Pelish revelutienists who toek up arms against the Russian Government in 1863 were many Cathelic priests, and that these priests were encouraged in the revolt by Pius IX. _ When the Polish insurrection was crushed, the Pope was forbidden direct communi- cation with the Poles. But times and circumstances have now changed, and the Czar himfelf, with the Gevern- ment, is endangered. Negotiations were opened some time ago between the Court of St. Petersburg and the Vatican, and the result has peen a res- ‘toration of the friendly relations be- tween the Czar and the Pope. Now the Catholics ef Poland do not need to That Lost Boy. Is your boy a drunkard ? How came he to be a drunkard ? The liquor dealers drew him in an@ ruined him. Do you want to have him reformed and saved ? Then remove temptation out of his way, both at home and by shutting up the liquor sheps. Certainly not by veting for men, or with parties whe are opposed to shut- ting them up. You insight as well vote for Satan to abelish sin. If you want-them closed, then vote te shut them up for ever. Tf yeu want laws better adapted to close them wp, then vote for men, for law makers whose principles are the embodiment of what you want. 0 eT aL — The Picton Gazette tells of au old lady, Mrs. Delong, of Amellasburg, aged 103 years, who has just presented a piecework quilt lately made by her- self to a friend in that locality. received $20.000, part ef a legacy of $33,000 to which he has fallen heir. Cockburn Island is fast filling Wp, and business is reported lively. | The- chief drawback to its settlement is the tion, The nearest post-office 18 a¥ Bruce Mines, on the North Shere, » secure the aid of smugglers, as they distance of forty miles, faithful laity, who shouldbe informed ’ and I interviewed the = Mr. Alex. Kay, of Ekfrid, hay. total absence of postal communicas = es ——

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