News Chronicle, 2 Jan 1986, page 4

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5 Pastime at Park Lane ean Reoce Beclng, Linda Berg and Andy Berning and Guests of Anna Deaver were Mr and Mrs Earl Lindenmuth, Pu || Those calling on Bessie Ha ‘and Mrs Harold woe ey Dg Wa raed eee rani Sher ant A at seat Dera atin, Fo re ed Meare Wicca larld Lv, ad Mr Kenneth Oven, Eleanor MeReyon (By Verna May Hany) tnd cle, Jsiua and Kara Set Cathy, Collen apd Paul Rs ‘A ceindr that Jn esa at_and Karen Wan, Mr and Ms Gene Ryan, Wil and Dela Patan asetas bogost opin, TN" in ard Deve, Eugen Dever Tans Watt, kip | Wen Dero Doan is, Pal tel ad Shery Sten pi ET, Hs Pa ie, win eel te ‘and friends in attendance, Beth Hess was in charge of the ith Price had as guests Mr and Mrs Earl Lindenmuth, sattnan, Sharlene ight, Whene Dera Jody Price sx Pau! ss ie Bae atty Walton Chern Waters aad en and Me ad ts Rey Leno sn Adamson was visited by Mr and Mrs Harold Scheuer- Ruby Mlelbrandt was in to see Gus Mielbrandt over the cao, Mr and Mrs Richard Davis of Great Bend, ior First Natlonal Bank furnished cookles and punch which was holidays, ‘MeReynolds and Paul Rishel. served by the staff and At ‘members who were Anita Mrand Mt Laws, Alta Krebs, Bernice Olesen, Pearl Sticker, Dorothy man, Martha Rees and Winona Demo is ieee aed Mi and Ma Ca Patton, Lorena Turley, Shirley He Jed Bi Sees ok Merger. Cantal mere adr Dee! Bebeverman, Mr and Mrs Paul aghast Ex Paco ie kite Eimer Cauthon, Kori Br ‘We do appreciate ‘0 very much and again, thank you. ‘Now at Christos a thing ftps and we rook your lock. Harold Scheuerman, Melissa Norman, Kurt Norman, Barb, Esther Stleben, Marllyn Kendrick, Winona Demo, Martha Martin, Velma Corder, ‘Thm Rui, Me a ip Verna Af, Pat ste and ava an, Hilda Wiechman were the Terry Faurot family, and bra Ralph Payne over Carismas. They retured Rome inday afternoon. Tinga Mrs Sune Picktt were bosts to dtaner on Cifras Rowe Haverfleld and Dole Seower Hell enna’ Wat, Ae We cat nor vert ine att Syren, Ps Marc a Hn aera King, Vln Slvr Pats nny an nds Lay at Mrlan Ht J Yager spent Saary trogh Tueay with Be Bore Cset Pate, Jor Beer Na ar Bec vars nl om inher, Sey ope a8 Mr man Doing sranpnent ean My Lene Yager leer pent ME Ad Cn anes sdb Wr tna of Wie, Mand Mi . acct win Susyanaran “Cras kta Gus wes Hara! La ahr Shy, cha, She Meera sa bl Bs ofS, Rag ween re NA. van ope prs Me ere Winona on er ang iro Winer Sage sen Hah eal Me te Tap ax Aton Paty 1 Shana Lise fa Mie Earl and Ms en ee Vaasa soe rnd Vr lero es eo Saterday Justin Sehwanke, Brady Unruh, Amanda, Wes, Garret and Dale be, L of Lyt Garner were Ona Mae Marmon, Mildred Marmon, Parlza, Ca . Reltschnelder, Lynn Goodman, Jerry Shearmire, Sally Wiechman, Paul Rishel, Jean Ludowese with ‘Brandon "Fon i a th Myre ON wee Mr and Mrs t Mrs Jeff Mohler of Olathe visited Mr and Mrs ‘Tubbs. Dover. shmke were Jert peacaiee Winona about two inches of snow for Christmas and by: pha i i Gareees emo, Caan Turse Erk Resch TMF ands Wiliam Beaton vised Mr and Mrs Raymond Pitwasa busy week, toes 1 NV. Ehmke, Esther Frick, Flora Ehmke a ‘on Sunday afternoon grandchildren, Janene and. J. Bi ‘of Newton. Diane is a granddaughter. Tire tut tho prepored for Park tane rien 9 rer to te ‘and Mr and Mrs Dean Burdick and children, George, ‘Tucker, LaVona Jordan, Lorrayne Stine, , Lyan Goodman, Mary Hutchings, Lynette’ Mentzer, Toby. Stephantehhad a ball, giving the for ve Fesients trom the Lakeview srs EAU. ‘Mr and Mrs Alva Dearden were hosts to a Christmas Eve family get-together. Those attending were Mr and Mrs Larry Dearden, Mr and Mrs Rick Dearden, Mr and Mrs Alan Dearden eee Seeareeic se EE ee 3 as Sy sertinanas pane et oe Sa et oe ior carne : obs ‘McReynolds Tuesday after Yardley, Mary Yardley of Wichita, Helen Warrington, Paul Guests trude Baker were Rev. Vernon Snider, Lynn {0 sleep. Sapte rynolds lay afternoon. ibrigirarros te Rea a Src "My ee pt SR SF TO uN ‘who has brought gifts toresidentsand tothe Barber, Lyle Barber, Marle Clark, Mae Vaughan, Rev. ‘Orson’ @FRaments laid carefully in boxes for another year. When Roger vom ee Se een Pass. ; ie Ga Pees a ea Pavers nt oe Pee fia oe le wt rn iu Iseminger's guest lst included the names of Jerome seman Mr and Mrs Levirl Iseminger, Gayle Herrman, | flder than thelr dad ross the years as ‘them We express our sincere sympathy to the family of Pauline of Mr and Mrs Leslie Yager. 9. and Mrs Gi Lester Nolte's guests vere Joan Smith of Tulsa, Okla., Eva ‘smith Harold Lee, Joh and children, Bryan, Teresa and Charlene and Tony Thomas. AS the New Year draws nigh, Sug of Dorado, Pau Rise ad Laon Sith birthday on Jan. 3, I'm sure he would enjoy greetings from his, Beaton and morning, Mr and Mrs Harold Trout were hosts to post-Christmas rth pg tn tla deg Winona Demo, Violet Yon ihren Huego Shearmire, Edw, Relschneler, Rene Cvice Day hm vs through cad evening were Mr and Mrs Kenneth Trout and sons, Andrew, Margaret Sqow, Mr and Mrs Robert and son, Caleb. Gerald Hermes, Jon Hermes, Donald Heres und Patria Jesah ano on htinke with elt daugne. Me Jobs Beton ang Hermes. ater Frisk, Tee Moore and Ama Bat bet {Mr and Mrs Edwin Allen hosted a birthday supper honoring , Winona Demo, ‘ort Paton, day Price, Sharia i Mandy and Nickola, Mr Allan Barber, Mere Hullo, Mr an rs Darel ung hristine, Victor Baker and Barber Bp, Me Vaughan, Maro lark, Pal Rishel and Ester dv. ellcheler, Lyn Gootman and Pl Rshel caledon Otto Geeseka. Mable Carson's guests were Mr and Mrs Earl Lindenmuth, {ge Sear, ster Suebe, Rev, Vernon Sider, inne Damo, Maryn Kenrick, Ese Mae Hee, Ma’ Wieehnan, Vets Stewart Mand” Mrs: Vern Helisehmt, Tela Rudo, Velma Corder, bere sare sons of Oklahoma, Mae Vaughan, Marie Clark, Paul Rishel, Esther Frick and Mr and Mrs Dennis Glenn and children, J. hos cling on Rus Toomas vere Crt Carol and Ante Taylor, LaVera Woods, Else Mae Heltic, Helen Mumma, Adam Winter, Mr and Mrs Harold Winter and Christopher Debbie and Lisa Stles, Mrs Alva Dearden and daughter, Brenda spent Christmas Mrs Mary Urban, Fon Powers and Mr and Mrs Clarence Power tthe ater’ diiesdey evening. Mary Snider, Ada Henderson, Jody Price, Sharlene Wright, family was held Christmas day. Among those attending or ‘Mrand ‘Albert Allen enjoyed the carolers from Gospel Fellowship hare tat sng fr him Sunday ve ‘Mandy at ‘and Nickolas were i nner gusto Mr and rs Vern Stes. city. ‘Guests of Anna Berning were Leona Logan, Mr and Mrs Earl Linda Faber Ase Kine Rosie Bera, Haat Luebbers, An France 8 erence ‘Bernlag,dohanea Meteney, Hoel ‘Uiton and Pls Mrs Jean Davis of Joshua and Sinclair, Wyo. Mr ‘Meand Mrs Ralph Payne were hosts todinner on Christmas day Allen. ‘Mean rs Orvle Gorman ana sons, Lin Cistoper and Jay “IS THIS YOUR FARM?” tion office to make your identificati If you can identify your farm, come to se Production Credit Associa- tion, ant print of the picture of pe farm. Soh ‘morning Mrs Satter gus of Me aad Mr Mrs ager cari ay aon or nd Et sp Mrs Cara Unrb, Mrs Vola Payne, ‘Mand Metal New Mrs B. E. Rogers from Callforn daughters, Mr Saturday evening. ROBERT'S JEWELERS will close Jan, 1 and 2 Aaron Mr and Mrs Michael Allen and sons Br and Jeff, Jana nary 2.1996 wig tom wet to vii unt Thursday with ls prens, Mr and Mrs srence Pos DANCE The Jimmy Dee Band Fri., Jan. 17, 1986 4-H Building ‘bert Allen. Drs and Mrs Dick Cockerill and children, Tonya, Trevor, Mela and Krista were Monday evening guest of Mr and Mrs 1 Beato Advance Tickets Dart In, Rowton Oil & Sports Seller ‘442 Willam Payne and so, eta of Pucho were Pa Mr and ot ian Greg Quakentushand jghlers, DeAnne and Jule of Porterville, Call, Mr and Mrs Telephone Systems for Business. ns, Jason and Aaron and Mr and Mrs Michael Allen and sons, Bram and Jett © Southwest A\ stalls, and saaices nto Tel System, the oe Roy Dague Thursday morning. Mr and Mrs Nat Billings of Friend and Mr and Mrs Wiliam ‘© Responsive service department backed by a Nees a tw ha visited Mr and Mrs Leslie Yager Friday ever i Invite i to Watch Our Ad on ANT Weeks . see id Identify “The Mystery 1522 S. ma — Scott City YOUR PARTNER IN AGRICULTURE Production Credit Association 872-5391 Robert Dague Sule a duis, “ ibe Pores andar, 8 of He ‘© Easy-to-use economical, Soni key telephones with big PBX" ava hose altending open hele 80th wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon at the VIP center. ‘Mr and Mrs Stan Couchman and trove to Gt edna ospend hrs arnt rand Mestad. ‘nmap. They “tr Jean Ba "ot Sica, Wyo. came Fvday to vit her Mr and Mrs Raymond Dearden. She returned home as oat tos apes Sunday for ME andre Vert Lisa and Debble, Betty Dagu of MePterson, Mr and Mrs August Bake thal and Bat Powers st Christmas cnet and Mrs Ron Povers anddaugher Jakict Ryan a i ae available © Efficient, reliable and cost effective. CALL THE MAN WHO REPAIRED AND INSTALLED PHONES IN GARDEN CITY FOR 18 YEARS SOUTH WEST AREA TELEPHONE SERVICE BILE PHONES—BUSINESS PHONES SALES, INSTALLATION AND REPAR. ED GALLAWAY 1-316 Reif fape INDUSTRIAL PARK GARDEN CITY, KS.

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