The Beaverette Victorious in First Game. First game of the season result- ed in a decisive victory for S. C. a fine defensive game but they played the offensive in real style | 0: and plunged their way to victory with a score of 13 to0. During the yame Scott gained 175 yards to their opponents 55 yards , which showed the spility'of of ‘the back- field to a good a e. In~the sedis Hess—and Mulch showed up remarkably well for their first year in their re- spective positions. We are expect- ing them to become real stars be- fore the end of the season. Stra- low, although slightly nervous. played: the position of fullback in ssood style and did -some mighty stituting in the latter part of the game, did not Have achance to show their ability but will no doubt do so in a later game. Asto the playing of the line there is nodoubt but whatourboys line intact. Fletcher, playing left guard played a stellar gume at defense. Deng.and Eikelberger -- playing tackle proved themselves: to be valuable men and_ refused to allow Quinter to gain through their part of the line. C. Steele; in the pivot position played a good game at defense and remained on the job throughout the game. Sharpe,-. Kramer. id. Liggett, substituted in the line and proved themselves capable some mighty fine playing, From the fight our boys put up in this game we are lookjng for- ward to an ull-victorioug season and we feel sure that they will not disappoint us. Li) core: uf 0 Quinter 0-01 Ai 0 Scott City. 18 0 /0/0 713 Another Victory Added! S.C.H.S. again proved- that their team was undefeatabje!" In a clash with Leoti High. on the . 8, the boys came «f the fray: with thrée touch- downgand¢t vog a's to their ¢redit while their opponents were score- less. The boys although’ playing agood game did not pjayy with onconueray nies i ae a was found by the Leoti failteck, However several passes were com- put up a rea) defense. McEuen us end did a bit of playing when be scored a touch- down on mble made by Quinter on our twenty yard line. Vaughan also playing end, inter- cepted passes gaining ground on ail of them. Markley, a veteran of Be ears, played a fine game of and kept his part of the g thade on the oul line. Few. "turdbles were made by Scott players | and through plunging witb much suc- cess, our boys won the! ond decisive victory. Score: E City Drug-Store _- The old reliable place to: buy'your |. Drugs, Toilet'Goods, Sundries - Fountain Pens, Pencils School Supplies Fountain Service Prescriptions a Specialty GE McBride -Quality remains after price is forgotten- Buy gifts vhat last M.M. Houal, Jeweler Scott City, Kansas Leoti 0 Scott City 7