The Beaverette Football Banquet The business men of Scott City entertained the. foot-ball boys at occasion, with the foot-ball in center of the room. A four course dinner was served consisting’ of: Fruit cocktail Chicken broth. Baked chicken Mashed potatoes Cream peas Cranberry sauce Sweet potatoes ares ffee Ice cream. ae After oe this following. toasts were giv Mr. Hines--Welcome John McEuen-- Response Mr. McBride--Football Derived from Coaching Bootbal Mr. Heller--The Valu Derived from Playing Football Upon leavirg, the football boys gave a yell for the business men and the school - yéll™ “White and Blue.” Schedule of Remaining Games Nov. 3 Ness City there Syracuse here Garden City — here Dighton here S.C. H. S. Does Have Good Sportsmanship Heretofore we have written editorals on how tobe a. good sportsman, and that we should ‘be sportsmen editorial in our, Beaverette that S. C. H.S. does have good Sperts- mapshi ip. It is a-proven fact now sinde the game with Leoti last gir E id “You say,” remarked the spec- ting awful feeble. Age is liable to get him any time.” Zola: “Yes, the ihe ‘Only successful substitute tor brains is silence.” Colored Lady: yr Griding for the Saree Don’ t you see de train f | comin’? we are trying faithfully to liveup to it. Schools that do not have this reputation are known ass by all other schools. If these scru les of unclean sportmanship are)practised out- side the regular school work and are allowed hy the faculty of the school, what is their sportsman- ship in the school room, and not only there but later in life in fill- ing the duties of a citizen? S.C.H.S doesnot believe that true sportsmanship is defined - this way; and not only S.C.H. but Scott City. So let ts all con- tinue our good sportsmanship even though We are treated a: little rudely at times. We will never be sorry doing, Judge: “Did the prisoner offer any heroes fficer: “Only a_ dollar, jonor, ha I wouldn’t take it. Chester P. “How yer do you like City Bred: (Pointing to haystack) +“Sayt You-can’t seat me. Hay doesn’ t grow in a lui like that.” Marcella: “Officer, stop that man; he ‘wanted to kiss me.” Mr. Guyer: “ That’s all right, Miss, there’ A be another along in a minute Customer: “Your eggs seem very small today.” ocer: “I suppose that the farmer took them out of the nest too soon.” Ralph had taken pains, when . he applied for work, to assure the farmer that he never got vired. When the employer went to the fields where he had put Ralph to work, he found him resting und- er a tree. “What does this mean?” asked the farmer. I'thought you werea man who ne er ao tired ?” “I don’t,” answered Ralp! b ” | calmly, his apoE" "t tire me.”