Tilsonburg Observer, 28 Oct 1898, JP2

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Vol. xxxvl, No 18 Tilsonburg| Observer AND FARMERS' FIRESIDE COMPANION Tilsonburg, Ont., October 28, 1898 . Whole No. 1,738 LEATHER GOODS LOCAL MISCELLANY The first snow of the season in this sec�tion appeared yesterday morning. Photos of the Rev. J. J. McNeill on sale . the studio of J. Pollard & Son. Shuttleworth, the florist, has a large stock of Bulbs for sale and For the best Underwear anil lowest price ;o to Brasher�s. An exchange says; When you ask the editor to suppress an item of imws because Mt does not suit you, then go arid ask your grocer to exclude pickles from his store be�cause you cannot eat them, or your butcher to quit making bologna because it goes against your stomach. There is Just much fairness-----------*� *u" le as in the other. News Oar stock of Leather Goods for the Christmas trade has just arrived a new front to his green-houses, with a cel- and is very complete. In it will be found a large assortment of Ladies� I" under it. 7 - - - _ _ . � ................. Be snre and see "A Little Trooper at the Opera House, Monday evening. Prices, 10, "1 and 30 cents. The Y'a will not meet this week nor next, owing to the absence of the president. The next meeting will be on Nov. 12. The market by-law is being prepared this week for presentation at the town council meeting on Tuesday evening next. A cubbage weighing 221 lbs., grown in Mr. C. McFarlane's garden,' was on sale at the Maple Leaf Grocery on Saturday. The Crusaders will not meet Ibis week as usual on account of the president being ab- �int from town. Next meeting, Nov. 12. The thank-offering of the Women's Mis�sionary Society of the Presbyterian church it the annual meeting last week amounted o $20. $100,000 to Ioan at 5 and 5J per cent, on good' farm security; terms to suit borrow�ers. Applv to John Car ruth ers, Barrister, Tilsonburg. Parties wishing to purchase a good or- _ in can do so on easy terms or will trade for potatoes. Apply at Maple Leaf Grocery -D. 4. McLEOD. The Public School was closed yesterday and (o-day to allow the teachers to attend " meeting of tbe Oxford Teachers' Associ- i at Woodstock. '� � bays of a tur�key's life for In four weeks he will be ottered upas a Thauksgivingsacnficeon the dmner table. The dale is Nov..26. At the Iasi meeting of the �Y�s," Miss Kuby Mcl-eod gave a splendid report, writ�ten out by herself, of the W. C. T. I', con�vention held a Ingersoll last week. tw building put up by Piullcr k pple evaporators, is complete and about 40 new bands are at work. Tbo amount of weekly wages being paid out by the firm is $300.' Mr. Robb Fleming, wbo recently sold his rni on con. J, Dcrebam, to Mr. Geo. French, has leased a farm uear Norwich Junction known as tbe McDowell farm and takes possession this week. Private Funds to loan at 5 and 5J and 6 per cent on good farm security. Apply to J. L. CRAWFORD, Barrister, next door to Post Office, Tilsonburg, or to JAMES Mc- BKIDE, ESQ., Glen Meyer P.O., Out. _ very large,tine mnp showing at a glance the British possessions in every part of tbe globe arrived In town this week, having been recently ordered by tbe trustees for the Public School at the request of Principal Wilson. Mr. Thos. McCabe, of Mr. Jos. Clark's tailoring rooms, saug a solo at last Sunday evening�s service at St. John's church and pleased the bearers very much, having a very line tenor voice of great volume und Mr. Shuttleworth, florist, is going to build !�s ll?e editor s stock in trade. So are pickles f.A.( ,n kia n-nn.. knn�A� nti-k � ��I tO lllf� PTCM�-PT 011(1 liolll'.nfl lit the 11111 h Purses and Card Cases, Gentlemen�s Purses, Card Cases and Wallets, some beautiful things in Morocco-bound Poets, Bible and Hymn and Prayer Books. Shaded Crepe Tissue Paper Wire Shapes for Lamp Shades A new and beautiful line of shaded crepe tissue paper has just been opened _p and they are the finest ever shown in Tilsonburg, come and see these goods and get a first choice. Japanese China All kinds of Japanese China goods are arriving every day, new colors and new patterns, elegant goods and beautifully decorated- Among other things will be found Bread and Butter Plates, Berry sett, Ico/'re�m Sets: Boe Bon D�h-� Crmwb.^7 Ja�s, Fancy Jugs and Vases, very suitable for the finest Christmas presents. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. E. J. WOOD. Tilsonburg Ont. The Western Bank of Canada iaowrorwCMl ky Act o( Parliament. April 1M1. Authorised Capital, Paid-up Capital, $1,000,000 370,377 100,000 A General Banking Business Transacted rn. diraraatod. rai. rad oth.r bow. pra-pUy draft. i.ra.d o. .11point, in Canada, U. V ai�d Statra and Oraal Britai.. StortingOr American e ichange bought and .old. Interest Allowed on Deposits at 3 Per Cent. Praa tot* data tt withdrawal aad raapoudad haU-yaarly. Manager Graves, Bean & Co. | Tii*om�rt'� iaroest store Just a Line to Name the Splendid Dry Goods That this week finds us selling. ' Note the prices, and we heartily ask you to come and sec the goods. We open and ate ready for business at 8 a m. Come in the morning If you can, it drill profit you. Overcoat Elegance. toc of the beat tabrics if yon buy from ua. M^'4tW>LdB<k^blebrc^^d&',r $7 50 Mea � extra tee beaver overcoats, rfo- rie aad double breasted, mohair �tore lining, Habaa lined 10 00 tot nlateo, Irish freise, deep collar, in lawn, brown and heather colors, tbe beat coat ever sold at tbe price. 6 00 Mee r Rcidy-to-wor Suits. If too coaxultyoor interests you will not bay before Boeing our salts. We can give vou an all wool extra heavy suit, doable or �taxie fcraafwl, from $4it to $10.50. Boy.', youth., young men. suits, we will not be undenotd by any one in tbe trade. Read tbe list carefully and ask to be shown the goods. Ladies" black rough cloth mantles f 3 50 Ladies� beaver, black, green, brown and blue for 7 50 Ladies' black mountain bear capes 7 50 Ladies'black astraeban capes 20 00 Ladies� ribbed vests, shaped and fine knit, all sixes 25 Cashmere gloves, fast black, all sizes 25 Ladies "black cashmere hose, all sizes. Our own special make of corsets 50c, 75c $1,1.26. 32 Inch striped flannelette, strong 5c Strong factory yam, all colors, lb 50c New patterns in floor oil cloths, yd 22c Table oU cloth, 5-4,2Cc; 6-4, 30c Flannel blankets, a bargain 85c Now black dress goods from 50c to $1.75 yd Ladies�doogola button shoes, special $1.35 Ladies� box calf, Goodyear welt, hand sewed $2.00 Missaa� box calf, Goodyear welt, band sewed 1.60 Men s box calf, band sewed, heavy sole 3.25 Boys good strong school shoes for 1.00 Don�t forget the fact that we have the first class stock of Groceries ,We pay the highest price for Dried Apples, Chestnuts, Butter and Eggs. Graves, Bean & Co. Tilsonburg. The Traders Bank of Canada Head Office, Authorized Capital, Paid-up Capital, Reserve Fund, S. STRATHY, General Manager. the grocer and bologna to the butcher. Call on or telephone Shuttleworth, the florist if von intend to buy any bulbs this A number of people have changed their place of residence during tbe past ten days. Mr. P. Tabor has moved from the rooms over the Maple Leaf Grocery to a house on Bidwell street, vacated by Mr. Sliaw, bag- cageniaster at the B. A T. station, who lias taken up his residence in part of Mr. Myles� double bouse on Broadway north of the bridge. Mr. S. Pietthas moved into Mr. Tillson's house on Broadway, north of Mr. Myles� block. Mr. Adam Menie has moved into Mr. Dalrymple's house on Baldwin street. Fora first class Suit or Overcoat go to Brasher's Our Port gurwell correspondent says the surveyor are"at work on the burbor there. On enquiry at tbe T., L. E. A P. R�y offices tbe information was obtained that Mi. Hingston, a practical marine engineer, of Buffulo, has been looking over tho harbor and preparing a prospectus of tbe work necessary to put it into shape, so that when the Government engineer arrives he can he told at once just what is required to be done. A dredge will be put to work in the harbor this week. Northway, Anderson A Co. have Ladles' Jackets from $2.50 up. ni society met on' Saturday last lo settle up fair business. The accounts balanced nice�ly and though the surplus Is hardly large enough to see with the naked eye, all the prize winners will receive their premiums in full and tho other liabilities will ulso be settled. Considering the bad "weather that interfered with tiie success expected this year the directors feel satisfied with the re�sults and go forward looking to another fair next year, feeling quite convinced that there is a large room for a fair in this town as the centre of a splendid agricultural sec- A few more bargains left In tur capes, caperlnes and coats at ZANT'S The medals to be given %y the Govern�ment to tiie veterans of the Fenians* raid will he ready by May 24th of next year. The design has*been fixed upon and os soon ns all tho applications are in the work of striking oil' the medals will be begun. The modal will be of silver. The obverse will bear the qsual Imperial army long-service medal design. The reverse consists of the British ensign floating in the breeze, sur- rouuded' hv a handsome wreath of maple leaves, and crossed latitudinally by a ... Bro. Merritt, who was appointed District Deputy Grand Master for Wilson district, A.F.4 A.M., having left the juris�diction, LieuL-Col. and R. W. Bro. J. C. ilegler. has been appointed to look after the district as D.D.G.M. Canon Dann of SL Paul's Cathedral, Lon- _jn. will give his lecture on "Ireland and the Irish" in Tilsonburg, on Nov. 10 in the Opera House. The eloquent speaker makes his remarks very humorous as only u thorough Irishman from Dublin os he is could do. Prices, 10 and 15 ceuts. Mr. M. T. Burn relumed home Tuesday night w ith his poultry, feeling well after ins inp in llie Eastern States and old Virginia anti certainly feeling richer, as he has won some $2100 exhibiting his line fowl at fall fairs. A large number of pretty badges and prize tickets are now on view in the window of his meat shop. �Olil Probabilities" had quite a joke on those people who laughed at the weather predictions lu the daily papers on Tnesday morning. "Rain lo-nighf the reports said but a large number scoffed at the idea. "This Is our Indian summer" they said, and how could Ibm sunny, balmy day end in rain?" But at midnight the skies began to leak and next day was wet, wet, wet. A very prominent citizen ol knocked on the door of a friend'-* other evening, wishing to see the house on business. The three young ladies keeping house made him toll the name over about a uozen times and kept him standing outside close on to balf-an- -hour beftrtVthey would believe that he was not a borglar come to steal them away. A person by the name of Vance was in�jured by a defective bridge in the township of Dereham, and proceedings were token ogulnsl ihe township which resulted in the case being referred to W.n. Nancekivcll, ex-warden of the county, and Postmaster Moore, of Norwich, who chose Judge Finkle as third arbitrator. The case will be pro�ceeded with here on the 3rd day of Novem�ber. Zant'x have reduced ell their long boot! -a �a.go, boot for �i.7S- A memorial service was held lost -Sunday morning in the Presbyterian church for Hie Hiruigni uar ueariug uie woru vuuuuu. Tbe name of the recipient will be stamped around tbe edge. Brasher�s Fur Capes at $7 are the cheap�est in the market. "Only a Private,� a abort story on another page, was wrilteu for the Aylmer Express, by Mr. F. S. Fanshar. a young man who three years sgo bad charge of the Methodist circuit in Houghton. He recently returned to Aylmer, where bis parents now reside, from Cuba, after being with tbe U. S. army. The Express eavs: �At the risk of offending his extremely modest nature, we propose to say that he has the very best of reasous for knowing the tratbfuloese of the narrative in all its features. We don�t say that be is �Bill," and we don't say he is not. We simply say nothing about it, but leave our readers to guess.� Talk about your tea, lea, but Tartan Tea is the best of tea. D. J. McLEOD. it fail to hear Little Helen McCabe with tbe Boston Ideals at the Opera House, MondUy-evening, Oct 31. Hanover Post:�A good story �is told of the judges who mude the awards on butter and honey at the Walkerton show this year. Il appears they had little trouble deciding as to the butler, but tbe honoy was a tickler. One bottle looked clear and nice�too clear one judge thought�ami another jar was a little darker hot looked beautiful. It was finally decided to toss a copper, which was done, and tho bottle won. A large table spoon was procured and filled with the first prize article, which was handed to the sen�ior judge, who placed it to his lips and downed it�a close observer might have noticed a look of agony, but the victim said nothing. Again the spoon was tilled and the junior swallowed about half of it, when he gasped for breath, the fluid running down his board, his shirt front,and the tears down his cheeks. Finally he exclaimed: "Oh! my lord, �tis castor oil.� 40 inch Heavy Tweed Dress Goods for 16c it Brasher's. The services in the Methodist church on the Epworth League's anniversary day last Sunday, spoke of a determination to carry 1 an aggressive work for the Master, At I a. m. Mr. Leonard Armstrong conducted meeting of young people in � tbe school 10m and prayer auil testimony prepared lem for more a public service at 11 a. m., when the pastor, Rev. Dr. Brethour, preach�ed a helpful sermon on the work young ' people may do for the� Church. At four o'clock u abort prayer meeting was held nud in the evening a platform meeting closed a busy day. Mossrs Ritchie and Wouids de�livered earnest addresses at this service. I On Monday evening the campaign io the interests of what is called the -Forward" movement of the League's existence, which ' means a revival of spirilnal interest and active personal work, was conttnu-d whin Rev. Mr. Shepherd of Courtland gaVe an ex�cellent address. Mr. Ritchie conducted a meeting oil Tuesday evening, and Rev. Dr. Brethour on Wednesday evening. Buy the �Northway" Mantles, they lit aud please. The favorite of last season, tho famous �Boston Ideals," play a week's engagement .t llie Tilsonburg Opera House, commenc�ing Monday, October 31, opening In the beautiful society ploy entitled �A Little Trooper," written especially for this com�pany, by Miss Annie Mitchell. The com�pany consists of 14 artists, including Little Helen McCulie, who n.ade so many friends ere last season by her cleverness. The Potter Enterprise says of this performance nt Conndersport, Pa.: "Ion Carroll and a carefully selected company of artists are .playing at the Russell Opera House this week. Monday night the house was packed to the doors, and lust night an equally large crowd was present. The play lust night,. "The Private Secretary,� is a good stan�dard play and is well cast. There was no lacking of intensely luughable situations and complications developed with much briskness of action. Thg songs and dances of Miss Mitchell, Little Helen McCabe, Baby Blossom ami Geo. Almonte were very fine and these artists -ecelvcd many eucores. Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. Tartan Teas have that rich pungent flavor which uature and art combine to make a fine cup of' Choice Shoes. When you choose shoes, do it carefully. Examine the shoe and your foot. No two' pairs of feet are alike, but shoes are pretty much alike. You should say whether a shoo pinches or not. We have to take yonr word for it If it is'nt right, we can show you one that is, and, besides, it isn't always 011 the foot that the shoe pinches; it's often in tbe pocket-book. It's not necessary to pay big prices for good shoes. We have excellent shoes, stylish, dressy, good leather and well made, which we sell at very low prices. No better shoes sold anywhere. HILBORN, the Shoeman. Agent for Stater Shoes. a St.Thomas Business College PHILLIPS, Prop. A LARGE SALARY ' This oollogo makes every effort to1 _ �eparo its students for lucrative aud , re.qinmiiblo positions in the commercial I world. They study businers ae con�ducted liy modern method*, with the essential requirements�Bookkeeping, Shorthand.Typewriting Correspondence, Oommeroial KmI> department AfflUaWd with the Ins'rituto�of'ch�ait- ered Aeeountants. Torm'opens Sept. Sth. College oBce open every day after August 15lh. St. Thomas Business College, A. PHILLIPS, Prop, 340 Talbot ST. THOMAS, Street, Ont, Call and examine new catalogue ni reedy. �rwr wwwwv vwwwvw Maple Leaf Grocery. D. J. McLEOD. s house tho - . Toronto $1,000,000 700,000 50,000 _J. A. M. Alley, Inspector A very bright farce-comedy indeed was �What Happened to Jones� and IhecoDtln- ioub merriment of the large audience at the ipera House, on Thursday nigbt of last week testified to their thorough enjoyment of it. The acting of Jones, the commercial travellor for a hymn book bouse, with play�ing cards as a side line, was us natural as life. His cool, calm level-headeduess was unshakeable by tbe precarious situations he found himself in while personating the Bishop und he found a way out of every diffi�culty. The support given was very fair, the dialogue was witty and without vulgari�ty. It was the best snow that has held the boaids so far. And yet, Manager Matheson says he has still beUer to amuse bis patrons with later. The "Northway� all wool Jacket at $5 is a beauty. The November number of the Delineator contains a variety of matter of unsurpassed freshness and charm. The present and prospective fashions are exhaustively de�scribed, and the literary and household features are of the sual high degree of merit. An excellent group of household subjects Is embodied in roils and fancy bread, a thanksgiving menu, magic sail, waste in the kitchen; and the regular de�partments, social observances, conducted by Mrs. Cadwalader Jones, the tea table by Mrs. Witherspoon, fancy stitches and em�broidery by Emma Haywood, tho dress�maker, millinery, lace-making, crocheting, knitting, tatting, tbe latest books, etc., are us complete and varied as the most fastidi�ous could desire. Bargains in Ladies' and Uhildruu's Hose at Brusher's. The three Brantford young men whocuine to town on the noon tram on Tuesday, seemingly to have a lime, evidently had it and a litllo more of it than expected. They missed the train which was to take them homo in the afternoon and consequently started up town again to Uud lodgings for the night. They attracted considerable attention on the streets the rest of the even�ing. One of them bad an old rusty ax wus uuable to keep on tbo sidewalk. ,__ companions had not drunk quite so much, tine of them bud a tin horse on the end of a string and all three were decorated with ribbons anil button-hole bouquets. After .visiting the,various hotels they got luto J. B. D. Livingstone was re-elected county president of the W. C. T. U. at the recent School of Methods held in Ingersoll, The other officers lor tbe county are : Mrs. (Rev.) Best, vice-president: MIbs A. E. Pol- deD, Norwich, cor.-secretary; Mrs. J. Gib�son, Brownsville, rec.-secretary; Mrs. J. Manson, Burgessville, treasurer. The sup�erintendents of the departments are: Flow�er-mission, Mrs. I'urk of Springford; nar�cotics, Mrs. Thos. Seldou, Ingersoll; parlor meetings. Mrs. Vanvalkenbnrg, Norwich; press, Mrs. J. G. Bates, Woodstock; prison and police, Mrs. Gardner, Woodstock; puri�ty, art and fashion, Mrs. Parsons, Vers- choyle; railroad work, Mrs. Hawkins, Til- sonburg^ scientific temperance instruction, Miss Treflry, Norwich; unfermeoted wine, Mrs. A. C. Brown, Brownsville; Woman's Jon'roal, Mrs. W. H. Cook, Ingersoll: Y. work, Mrs. Livingston, Tffsonbnrg; fran�chise and petitions, Mrs. W. Carlyle; sys�tematic giving,Mrs. A.Macaulay, Ingersoll: lumbermen, Mrs. Wilkiuson, Ingersoll: evangelistic, Mrs. W. Tbom|ison, Ingersoll: Lord's Day observances, Mrs. Griutoo, Embro; legislation, Mrs. McWhirter, Nor�wich. Don�t toie^ sight ofthe (fo^t that *ho J. M. TAYLOR, Undertaker and Embalmer, Graduate of Ontario, Oriental, Clark'* and Champion School* of Embalming. Office: Hllborn'* old (tend, Tll*onburg. All modern appliance*. Orxx D*r k Night. Residence over OBoe Titoonburg Branch Baxlanu ; Fora* �*'Moto* dirawntod j Draft* bought and (old on m aad Great Britain. Bala and other Moto* collected promptly. SAVINGS~BANK DEPARTMENT, latereatallwwed at the rate of 3 per cent. Compounded every fix months e. C. lodan, - Winner ~~ glowing for �........... appreciated worth) to the Christian life just closed. In the evening the sermon con�cerned the late Dr. Cochrane, a service that was held throughout this district in all Presbyterian churches. We have waited long for a package tea that we could recommend to our customers and have at last found it in Tartan Tea. D. J. McLEOD. The first lecture of the University exton- sion course for Tilsonburg wili be given next month by Prof. Halloa oil the "Greek, the Roman, the Englishman and Ib� French�man." Later on Prof. Tracey win give nil reason "The History and Theory of: t_________________�.................... Hypnotism.� Prof. Bquair�s subject will he hospitality ol Hotel de la Pow when "The French Revolution." Rev. Mr. friend camo to the rescue and went ball for Knowles of Galt is being corresponded with ' them. They were to appear before Magis- ou the mutter of giviug his lecture on Iau irate Hare on a churgo of using abusive Mcl-aren, and Chancellor Burwasb ol Vic- language on the public highway yesterday toria University and Hon. G. W. Ross, afternoon, a little lute for The Observer to Minister or Education, may also come here chronicle results liefore going to press, before the season closes, Their uauies could uot b� obUlued. OENTLEnEN'S BALDNESS The number of bald heads is surprising. Over 36,000 men wear Prof. Dorenwends Art Hair Coverings, however there are many yet who should wear them both for die sake of health anti appearance. Prom�inent men all over the continent wear them and it is only necessary to try one on to be convinced of the advisability of possessing one. It prevents the dangers incidental to cold, catarrh, neuralgia and other troubles. Tiie Prof, is to bo at Arlington Hotel on Wednesday Nov. 9. where he will be pleased to show ali the value of his productions. The breaking of a hoop on a large tank caused the loss of $100 worth of cider in a few minutes at an Aylmer factory last week. Men's Genuine Napa Buck Gloves, lined, for 75c, at Brasher's. Tiie Brantford Board of Health is enforc�ing a new law, Hint of having nil dairy herds tested with t.uherctiliun before perm its to peddle milk can lie IssuctI to dairymen. John A. Kennedy, president of the Ni�agara Hank, Bullnlo, N. Y., bus been visit�ing bis old home in Springfield during the past week.' Ills aged mother accompanied Tartan Teas have strength, flavor and aroma combined. For sale at Maple Leaf Grocery. D> j. jjcLEOD. The reeitlutiee of Isaac Green In Water�ford was burned recently. Considerable of the contents were saved. Tho fire Is supos- ed to have stnrtod from a stove pipe. Tho insurance was $900. Toil The Deaf. Mr. J. F. Kollock, Drug- 'ertli, writes: "A customer of mine �uving ooen cured of deafness by the use ol Dr. Thomas� Eclectrlc Oil, wrote to Ireland, tolling Iris friends of the WE HAVE CONFIDENCE In our ability to satisfy every person who gives us an order for a suit or overcoat, and we seek business on the under�standing that the best possible cloth and work�manship go into every�thing we turn out. As for the fit and appearance of our work, they are al�ways right. We are prepared far the cold weather with a full line of heavy under�wear, and always have a big assortment of top rj shirts, collars, cuffs,-ties, braces, sox, gloves, etc. L. R. Short i st door North of Queen�s Hotel. Boots & Shoes Strictly New ' Up-to-date. Don�t look for low prices without looking fol' high qualitfes with them. That's the only combina�tion that means value in Boots and Shoes, and that is what you will find here. I!18 | hit� uuenco I received mi order to send half a dozen by express tu Wuxford, Ireland, this Order Department. All kinds of ordered work and repairing on short notice. Our specialty is a handmade French Kip Boot at $4, $4.50 and $5. McIntosh & Waller�s Frederick Biette,

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