Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, page 9

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38 IÇ.IG ST. EK slrabilty snd neeeusty cf1lig- indicat«s liaI adoquate sos-vice proved bouse wls-lng and te capaclty bas becri providod convince lthe builder thal lhé.and that sufficient circuits bouse whlch' be buildu wlll, have been installed te permit if pnoperly wIlred, bave greal- lie use of appliances presont- or appeal hi bis custemers anmd ly available am well as provid- will permit ltme use cf rmcd- Ing reasonable provision for es-n appliaricca vilhout costly future requfrementa. revisions te thc installation. Thc house which bear this To enable Uic genes-al pub- seal i wmb. a bouse vich la lic te recognize eaberne whlch casier ho sel and aI a bhs- la adcquately wlreti, a sandi- dollar value. ard of wring lu melntelnedj T14e Electric Service League :- : i rentificd by a 10 point cxists for the sole purpose ot Redi Seal bearlng thme word s-rvng you. If you requine "lied Sel Standard ot Wir- information on assistance, iri."please do net besitate to cail icý presonce eft lis mcl on upon Ibis frec service. ItlaI thme main service equlpmcnh yous-s for thme askng. BETHANY Thc Electric Service League cf Ontario mei non profit, educaliorial organisation creal- cd by the electical industmy mas a wbole for tbc sole pus-- Pose cf assising the people of the.province te, enjoy the benctits cf electnîcal living froug bbc use ef the many vionriful cîccînical labour saving dcvices which are -aVailble te lliem andt l saise 11111l futher bbc alrcatiy bigh standard cf living existing i Ontario. The approacli hi this objec- tive la madetiehreugb lbe bomne. Acting upon limes-cal- lzaion that thc achievement -of luis objective resta upen bbc adcquacy et the electric wirlng installation, the Les- gue lias in almest 40 years con- centrabet upon improving lime Public awaneness of lthe de- Progressive Farmers and SMALL LAND QWNERS Now is the time to get your soil tested and if sutabi, w. will show you how t. mks UP to $1 000M0 PER ACRE CLEAR PROFIT by growing our Speclallzed Items and have amarket supplied For Details Write t, Specialized Growers' Association BROOKLIN, ONT. Toronto, were weekend guests wlth Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Kinion. Mr. Fred Reynolds, who had been 111 wîth pFemonaa home is riow In civiospital, Peterborouh. Murray Smth is now an em- picye cf the Toron:,o-Domtn- ion Bank aI Millbrook. Mr. midMrs. william Marti- dmeno, Toronto, spenit the weckend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oncoe Wright. Cub and Scout Mlothers Mrs. Rowland Scott was el- ected President of the Cub and Scout Motheri' Auxillary at theïr meeting tibia wcek held at the home cf Mrs. Addison Scott. 1r.. Hugli DeGeer is the vce-presidert; Mrs. Noei Woods, secretary; M-rs. Addls- en Scott, treamurer; ?&s. Mur- ray Wilson. pubdty convener and Mrs. Douglas Smelt, so- cial cenvener. Rev. G. Y. Meades conducted thec electton. Ms. Douglas lzmelt. nv-st presidenit, expres- sed bhanks hi Rev. Meades, whose inleroest and lielp had been mainly responsible for the orgarlzlng of lthe Scout and Cub Pack i Bctiany. The nert meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Pres- ton Neals. 81111l Going Strong Many sports fans will remn- ember Norval Baptie, the f ar- eus speed skiater who was liern I Bcth.ny and will be inter- ested i knowing that bis grandson Richard Hunt of Los Angeles, Californila, is compet- img as a speed skater in the 1990 Winter Olympics to be held in Febouary at Squaw Valley, Idaho. A story about Richard Hunt 1appears n thc Los Angeles Times. "Richard Hunit Io cm- ployed as a FIremian with En- igin. Company 51 la Hollywood, thc first LA tire flghber ever to b. named to a U£. skating team. Hunt, who 1o.24 years of age had neyer secrinatural now andl ice urilil ho Was 15. He ha been speed skating ince lie was six years old, learning on the Pasadena Win- ter Gardens Ice. Ht. sister, Tum Oli Furniluro io Cash with STATE 5MAN C L A 8 8SIPF1E D ]Phono MArket 3-3803 YO'LL LIVE'BETTER WITH ELECTRIC HOME HEATINO Life i the 60'a wiil b. more comfertable than eveu- before, with electrie home heating. Electricity heats each room-individually- at the temperature you choose. With electric heating, you've no fuel preblema, no duet, soot or drafts, fiames or fumes. You can also add electric heme heating ELECTRICITY SPARKS THE to extra rooma and hard te heat areas without disturbing your present heating system. Cail us today and find out how you can enjoy the extra comfort and convenienoe of électric home heating. BO WMAN VIL mA 3-M3305 NATIONAL ELECTRUCAL WEEK-FEU. 7-F -ES. 131 ?EE CAIADIAN STATMUM, .BOWMA4NVILE.ONTARJO TRURSDAY, FMM. Mt, 190 Electric Service League O- rganization Created fo ,Assist Home Owners Yellowlees, Mr. C. Pascoc, L. Breome, G. Lcssk, E. R. Tay- lor, Bruce Tink and S. E. Wer- ry (Hon.) Trustee Boardt membere are Fraii Westlake, Jr., Rae Pas- coc, G. Leask, Wes Wcrry anti John Knox. Thc auditors are Mrs. Rose Crydemmen and Mrs. Joc Sno- viden. The Fiower Commite la Ms-s. Ralpli Davis and Pearl Leachi. Ushers: Wcs HUis, Harry Knox, Bhalph Davis, Ewarb Leask, Han v e y Yeliowlees, Douglas FlettI, rancis John- ston, Frank Weehlake Jr. and Rac Pascoe. Mrs. Bruce Tink Iu the Congs-egaticnfs represeri- babive. The many reports werc In- terspersed wltm musical num- ber.-- a vocal duet wit sel accompaniment on the piano andi guitan by Mrs. Franc!- Jolinstcnan id Mrs. Murray Vice anmd a piano mole by Glad- ys Yellowlceu. Lunch was serveti durlng the social bour andi Revterend Reeti clo.ed the meeting wlth thc boedlction. 1 ; I., t- -7-7;-7 7 Betty Barrno, lu a skating ln- struclor andi gave him bis lire lemmon. Says Hunt- 'Cre- dit for my initial interat i skating goes ho my family and Mit l my grandfather who is bbe family institution. Ho i. lthe famous JqorvmI Baplie and in 1907 vis a champion spced andi figure skater. Ho i. nbow away over 80 years cf age. bas an artificlal leg, but still teacIie skating iWashington, D.C. fren a wheel chair Iey cant keep Gran&ised down! Norval Baptie of Washing- ton, D.C. was bon in Betheny-, ini bhc bouse new owned by Mrs. Harry Hannah. He was a son ci lhe late Mn. and Mrs. Joniathan Baplie, wlio bad a family of leri: five beys and tire 91rls. Jonathanri s born in the riearby villagp cf Ida, wherc bis father operatedth le gencral store. At an eariy age Jonathani and bis brother Jani- es went hi New York wtiere tbey learnethbc arnes brade. 7he two brothers returnedti o Canada where James becamne a promnrent poultry fane5 andi horse-breeder at Spring- ville and Jonathan, came ho Bethany, wimerc b. carrieti en lthe business of haeaue maklng andi shoe nepairing. Laior Uic lamily moved to Batbgate, North Dakota. Frank Menke's "Encyclopcd- la of Sports"' called Norval BaptIe "Thie greatest cf ail- round skaters in thec United Staites."l He %von bis first race wbcri he was 10 and establlslied lis firal wonid record in 1902; lis record in 1911 by skating 440 yards lu forty- crie andi one-fitti seconds on a 16 lap track. Over the years balus traveiled blinougli the United States andi Canada andi bias tauglit thousans toh skate. For a long lime he toured the country belting the local baient lie cou.ld skate teister going backward than they could go- Irig forward. From 1002 to 1918 be pracfinaily ruined thec sport of pro speeding on skates as no onc could corne close te Iim. Hle bock up figure skating andi fancy exhibition wvork almost ini seif-defence, tnven>ting new figures used today by leadtng skaters. Norval married Gladys Lamb and they wcrc knowri as the worlds best skating tecan. Ue was aise fthc designer cf the* bubular raclng skate useti by mamy leadlng amae- teurs and professionials andi bbe one-plece figure skate. Baptie destgricd tic one-plece job Ïbecause b. bati broken toc ma.ny cf the olti model blades. He is now at the age of 87, stili bbe mana-ger of bbc Chcvy Chase Ice Palace iv. washing. ton, D.C. Il will l intem g to oece just how far grantison Richard Hunt follows thme feotsteps cf bis famous Grandiather. SOLINA (Inbended for lest weck) Congretational àwd Ewarb Lessk of lbe. hre M's group led in tbe worslip service wbich opcned the meet- Harvey Yeliewlees, uecretary for 1959, reed the minutes et lihe last, meeting and Uni. F. Johnslon was aflinted sec- rebary for the 1960 meeting. Beverenti Recti reported, Ibere are 39 families in the churcli andi 97 chlurdlm mernbens. There were 7 baptiosand 1 weddIng I 1959. Weu Yellowlees, churcli brea- curer, reporteti a balance cf $757.58 cri barit. !Te Mission- ary andi Maitenance Funti rea- lized $653.21. The M. aind M. Conmcitbeis1 Lloyd Broonie, Eviart Leask, Ms-s. R. Lang- mali anti 1rs. Frank West- lake Jr. !IMi-s. Bruce Tins, leader of the Explorer group wlbh 10 membeirs, reporleti a busy year- with interesting activities. The OeVietery report revclcd a balance of $137.59 on hanti. The (Intended for last week) Friends throughout the dis- trict will be pleased te know that ]Dr. G. M. Longfield 01 F'l rt, Mich., lies been honorcd with a Junior Membership i ttc Michigai Pathological Se. cWety. He lias also been acceP- ted as an associate member of the Genesee Counity Medical Society wid of the Michigan Stale Medical Society. Dr. Longfleld, who caine froni his parental home in Mount Bryd- ges, Ont., to practice medicine in Betliany I 1946, made manlY friends during bis eleven years residence. In 1957 lie left here 1o enter, thé' Hurley H4ospital at Flint, Mich., to bake a four year courue iri Pathology. Dur- ing lits stay In Bethany he was also an asseciate member on the. saff of Clvic Hospital and St. Josepçls Hospilial in Peter- boroughi. Mrs. Roy Jarvis, who bas been 111 at lier home, was ta- ken te Civic Hosptal in Peter- boroughi on Wednesd!ay night. Picton Porter, who 19 a pat- ient in Civic Hospl, Peter- boroughli s repooed as niak- lng favourable progres. Mr. and Mrs. Cecili MGill, Logether te celebrate Mrs. Twenty-six ladies attcnded ios birthday, and Mr. thc United Church W.A. meet- Mns. Tufford's 49th wed- ing in the Sundcy Schooi roosn anniversary, both cf Tucsday night. Meeting cpened .h were on thc foilowing i customary manner with new Jan. 25. . presidienit, Mrs. Frank Butt pre- ýill witlioub phonies except siding. Mucli business was occasionai rattie being dealt with including the read- -d when a near riciglibor irig of several thammk you notes. es, a litIle more visitirig 1rs. Duff reportcd tbe ile be- ing done. Bests called on ing laid on the new Ediucadton- and Mrs. Cecil White, ai building andi a committee Hope, on Sunday to say appoinited te werk wltb coup- o. Scrry for ourselves wc les club for waxing etc. Mrs. sympathise wibh the tele- M. Grahiam reported the nrew e people who have to do range andi washing machine auch unprofitable work. are in the Parsonage. A com- onday morning thme snow mittee appointed te begin work coming down soft and re thie turkey supper i Marci. .e and .beautiful, piling up Decided to held a meeting ti Întastic heiglits crn everY Deceniber Ibis year, as omitit- et below, till il seemed ing that meeting as bas becu more flake must toppie tbc custoni leaves tee much billowy pile. Net. a breath business for November andi air disturbed il illiti January. Roll call was answcr- hed a depth cf about 14 cd by the paymervt of fees. Mrs. es. Then breezes made Pidph Lamer gave a very fine gs move a bit, and more devotional, basing lier thoiugi-ts 1filed reads se limat by on The Foundation- Beginý ;day morning, ne mail, ne ring with Sparitual inspiraton ail bus, and anyone wlio is a New Year challenge. [y wantcd ho go anywherc Mrs. Laoene Thompsen played ___________ an cxceptionally fine piano solo- "Impromptu i Csharp mine". Mrs. Chas. Smith read HALFPINSsmre siiort pens writtcn by a EY GEN RE DARY. friend of liers, which were very lntrestirig. Aller thic clos- -ing exercises, Mss. Bruce Ash- ton andi group scrved lunch, andi a social limne was spenit. The Town andi Countr-y Cou- -,ples Club met atthehome of Mr. and !4frs. Howard Ferder, Wededay nighmt. There werc 19 couples prescrit. Committees reported Iliat the tables, chairs 4and drapery were purcb.sed and cupboards being builb for thebb new Christian Educatin building. Decided to hold bbc s. pntng dance ini May. SAn interesting discussion was * '~' helti or- How coulti we ar- ;>range su.pervised community cfl recreation te the best advan- Stage wilih facilities riow mvil. able. Rev. Ronmr conducbeti "Op.oo it soem the lsn devotions af ter Met his Wateoo. wbrch a short writtcn gamne 'C.ishoddntbuiId up was played andi lunch and so- on adie of oo.cial lime cnjoyed. The Higli Scbool beld a sica- ing Party hi thc arens fIburs- day nlght. Mary Passant woni 'he spot skate. Sylvia Law- -ence and Arthur Van Camp heeminaton and Bannie Tountjoy and Paul Raban the quaskaH.iMi rcor pror. -juat skate.IMurecord plapr- 'Il '-nort a geod lime. r *. winners aI the Angil- eu ouchre Thursctq! niltl Meda Ilionj Sweep the The conception of a Medal- lion in elther Gold or Bronze to indicate a house whlch has been bufit and equipped to meet a high standard of elec- trical excellence ha& caught on ih Ontarlo wlth amazing resulta during the past year. The Bronze Médallion le the next step above the wel knowh Red Seal Standard of Wiring of the Electrie Service League of Ontario and mdi- cates a bouse which, ini ad- dition to an adequate wirlng Installatin, bas had provision bullt ifer extra appliances and advanced lightlng. The Goki Medallion, knowni WESLE ILLE (Intcndcd for last week> There were only il at the annual meeting of the church congregation held onria evcningi he church/ base- ment., Uncertainty9(road conditions mkes tis meeting aiways a proble x,.speclalIy as Rev. A. W. ,HMadngbas three others te work ini some- where. Reports were heard from, ail departments of the church, and the siate of offi- cers presented from the Sun- day schoël meeting, held pre- viously, was accepted. There was no change In the church board; Roy Austin was, added to the present ushers with the suggestion that the ush- ers arrange a schedule for the year. A refreshing cup of tea was served during discussion mo people miglit get away home before roads filled. Il was a vain hope, ail were held up on a drlfted section of the road, for some time. Paynes, Snolls and Nichoils from the west, were unable to get to. the meeting. ,Blackie, Giroeneveld's dcg, was not very selective in iei hunting last week when he tangled with a porcupine. John Groenevcld and A.Uan iClarke tried to remove the qufils, but had hi bake bhe dgto Cobourg to get bhein ail out-275 of them, sme in hie tongue. More troubles at tbe Gro- eneveld's last Saturday when Nieki fell on the Ice, getting a bad cut on hie chin, requir- SIng several stitches. But pad- ded ohmn or flot, he was ai Sunday sehool the next morn. ing with hie usual big smile. Happy to know Donna Ash- by Li home fromn hospital, and happy too, to sec Pauline Payne and heïr girls back ai 1Sunday School afler quite a bout of iliness in the home, There were 50 at Sunday school on Sunday mornilE wlth George Tuf ford, acting miperintendent, and Bonnie Austin reading the scripture. Mfr. Hardinq's sermon was basel on 'I1y were firsi ealled Christians ini Antloch", and declt wlth the signifi. cauce of the word. and whal it means te be called a Chris- han. The choir sang one of Shec older hynins froni the hymnary, and the congrega. lion was pleased te sec new numbers on the hyn'board. A beautiful plant wlth bwo orchids blooming, brighbcned the day considerably, placed I thc church by 1he,.Ougli. 'Ireds. Mr. and Mrn. Wmn. Tufford, and )&. and Mrs. Harold Aus- lin, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gibson, Coldsprlngs, -on SinTh,, Tt was ahappyt 4 [11119 11E E LECTRICALI!! Your électric dryer, your vacuum cleaner and your electrie range providA. mpeedy and efficient service. These are just sme of the mnybenefto you enjoy wum you put electricity te wcrk in your home. More and more people every day discever the value cf electricity's low-cost vemstility. In- the past few decades it bas helped us take charge cf Our chores . .. reduoed. housework te sonmething that's almout eDjoyable and helped raise our living standards te a new hige In the -60%s electricity will de even more te help MIl our working days witb pleasure and help turn spare heurs te leisure. Bowman ville Public Utilities -Commission IL T. LLOTGRO. VAN BIRIDGES»j Chairman IManager National EI.cirical ELIECTRýOITY Fb. h-3hl3 M e O I j -~,j t - - W& bI &t M& .Walter I& and 1&s. Ement Swain, Amo« ftylrand Dianna Lawrence, mm"nu- Mm .Jas Daims ýDoS"11 and Bruce w«% Suttlef guesta of Mr. snd H omnes , CG.onm; blgh gent. George Cro- Mountjoy attendcd the Farm Mmi. Boy Taylor. zier; second, Marlow Thonip- Crcç> Improvement convention Mr. and irsm. Fred Oraw0 son. inm Toi-ente, Fridey. andi Mary Lous, Port Pers-, $s C u t yCotai= be aods anti Miss Doreen Van Camp, Coo- ied ihuGeo. Crawfordad C o nt ygoot ottoteParent- ber parents, Mr..sand Ms-s. Stan- day. as lic "Mark cf Eleticai Ex- Teachmrsn4tInll Central Pub- tord Van Camp. Mr. Mid Ms-s. Ward Brown. cellence" indilcatcu a bous, lieSehool, Thmgdâ" nighl. 1Cr. anti Mrs. Wcir Swain, ridge anti fnumily, Georgetown, which -la compltely electricai 'About 65 % etparens lid a 'Toronto, were weekenti guets viesc Sunday guests of M1&. wlbb the exceptioni cf lie heat- visit or dLuuseti problems of Mr-.sand Ms-s. Clarence*Mir- anmd frs. Harold Martyn aMt lng systeni. Il lu fully expect- wibb the teacliclu of their chli- low. laifly. ýed that in view cf Uic won- dre andadmairhed a pood deal MT. andi Mrs. Russel Griffin, Thc serai - menthly dance des-fui acceptance by thc puis- of pupils wStk W#mdm wu dis- Enitiiekillen, visited Mn.and sponsoreti by thme Farmere' Un- Ic cf electriciby as a beal played in thc halls. There was 1r.. John Wot'ton, Monday. ion,4 Salunday niglit wibb Jeke source that mn lie Dot teo dis- aise lie oppýortuiy of discus- 1r. Jas. Farder, Nestieten, Van Dams Orchestra from Pou. tant future thc Gold Medal- sien vithlie echool boardtIif spenit a fcw days last week andti 1pool vias a decideti succesa. lion Home wtl include elcc- a- swihed lb. Lunch vis pro- Yir. simd Mis. Anson Taylor, The ncxt cm~ will be a Vae. trichating and wil bbhen Dli cftraWladaSabruh n r n r.Uedne truly a "Mark of Electrical esn gttgt>'l. daScbrulian M.smM-.lmedc. Excellence. Upo.n reelving word Ibal is' Durlng 1959 approxlrnately tftter lifitipasscd away in Fin- 450 Goid and Bronze Medai- -laM, M1r. Lauri Liunen ital- G lion Homes bave bocu bullt'bati wiUs bisi çer lI HelIi, i various parts of bhc pro- ýWP'ndx, andV1W G oinàablaô a ince, many in subdivisions cf toî pert Our sympa, from 12 le 50 bouses. DUring thy le extendiedt tMr.n.emM".. National Home Week 65 0 cf adfaly els of Snow these bouses, ineluding meny j&. aM Mm bl Meyn Gra- wblch are electnlcally beated, bam nd su d k. 1i. ls at- were on digplaytohe public. ] i uSse fIerFOIR SNTER DRIVNG ... Itlaaniiptetht urhe *,t rs ku nLindsy, LET US DER-SKID YOUR TIRE 20 will b open for Inspection 'Wedneoudy. turing National ZiadiiOSi 1Cr. anti Ms-. Oscar Grahami; FrTa ev n w Week. Mr.s.anid Mis fa.5 Duff, Mr.Fo ht.Hay$0 ... This amazirrg prores by a andi MM-. Gordon slrongllAlph W. -Cen Cut Your Tires wlth Snow Cleats nevi conception of modes-n Btronçk Don SinclIMr, M. anti living in just over a year i--sr. ilbur Toms, Mr. and We cau make your old tires lut. ducales very strikingly tho de- Mu-. Lei Byeru, attended lbe 5<>w and Muti Tires sire et bbc bouse buying pub- funessi of., Mss. J. SIen. in lic fer the gieter commutent Brookln, Salurtiay. and convenience vihicli only MT. anti Mss. Jack Hen-sen- For OnIY$2 450 p tr Uic use of ciectmicity In the ghott, Oshiwe, wene Sunday$ 1 0 prie home can give. Il really pr- gese of 1Cr. and Mn. Oscar maita us to, Live Better-8eec- raam tricaily. MT. andi Mr%. Stan Rahmn, ___________ Paul andi Carmi, viuibti Mr..samd Nesteto Staion Mrs. Arthur Rain, Tyrmie, Mr.and Mmm. Harvey Strcng, Mr. anti Mm. George Bow- 'Salemi, visiteti M&. antiMs-s. ers werc in Toronto on Suri- John Wobton, Sumxiay.So day te visit lier sluler Msm. Mr. ant ism. Dalton Dorrel Wilbert Drinkie wbo la atay- altetidedtheUi Federatïon ot Ag-1111 mg wifth ber son. 1ictilture convention iToron- Mn.ani s-. Pllp a.g109 oWedneody. 4 3 3a i Mr ndMs.PIU A M- niM-. odSan #M1u e0mai un y, qâ l r n r. aodSan e bock tbc Colley girls Patricia, Lyrida ahit Virginia te Scan- bos-ougli, where lliey tmve en- beneti sohel whilc their mc- tber MS-s. Celley la il ln Port Parry Hospibal. Friendu willi bc gladt hiknow thât she la feel- ing licIter. Mmx. andi Mrs. E. R. Wood vis- Ited with tbbc- family ln Tor- ente, vibo arc leevlig accu for Plorida andi Jianiaca. The. memnbers of Nestielon Ladies Aid complebed a qulit aI ftic home of Ms-s. C. Gist tbis past week sid baveansu- lier creie n readineos. The Grant Thonme sandi the John Siemeons visiteti M&. anti Mss. Neil Belley on Sun- day. T&i. anti Ms-. Bruce Frce- love, Peterborough, wcre Suni- day visitons with ber Mimher, Artihur Hulbert. We are pleasedti l report Ibat Ms-s. Herman Rodmii la honimfeihumScarboreugh HUe- pitl andi cenvalescing from a broken asm aet the hSo e r 's parents, i. aind Ms-. Cecci Wilson. Ms-s. Hermn Sarnidls elum- ed wlth Miss Gwcn Wilson for a weeks holiday iTor-ontoc. Mmr. antiMs-s. Carl Elilat en- terlainet six young couples frorn Leaekkdale on Saturdiy cvening. On Sunday they anti David visietiCasl'a parents, Mr. and Mmr. Harolti Bilicti anti family, Leaskdale. nr. andi Mme. Arthmur Hylmnt viaiti . r.anti Mrs. Arnoldi Hickson, Janebville, on Sun. "aY. BLACKSTOCK JACK DROUGE PLUMBING and REATING Division Street South MA 8-5615 BOWBMVILLE .0 --j j, * g r- j- *1 HIGG@N ELECTRIC LIMITED get-ti Gibsi and ding whiel day, St: an hear b Port Hell< alsoi phon on was whiti hi fa obic one the 1 of a reaet mncli thing wind Tues4 schoi reail: walk I IOIIi AS EASY ASM PAGEC

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