Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, page 8

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____________________ ~ ~ - *PAM ffUGrT TiE CANADLAN STATESMAN, DOWMANVULUI OUTARIO . IMUMSAY. PUE. 41h, ii Um woulId ben rnighsapeito an tha»ks YELVERT Nve rtfladwr in AIcom&*%WSmo SOJtaîned in the were T sorr tes Dwlen satl swpiedoreeie :, ai nl l c r cl We .1 m"a church report Anyone adttlew'.uld always m- Idis Sundaye 1iioswt N ational. Ele trca W ee.; e traère, adreel thr als ndrmthMpee vaMoracmeo statements to every church On hi o ! tRie9 Ladiheshr parents, Mr.anMr.u- .February 7-m13, 1960 suportr sometime uIng the Mm.LawI ~SI r« an myMelcolm on have un oprmt emk éds n rc eI Aks Canada celebratu Na-I t my be possible for the. man 1pressure Sound waves which voltaire transmission of pow- bring -many chianges, but thie ti. balance tkefore the endA Mr ead e#f o a Br c p cGIUns ýtIa Electrical Week, Peb.o thie house te discard that wiil agitate the water. Ail 1or from many of the provlnc.'s Iam of boli~ Ontario liàr e. preo t end er gxt fa up na <aI ce eb '143 WIdthte bonnier ot instrument of torture, tiie types of garbage will be pul- more remote sites. To carry and local electrical utlllities men*ers cf the W. A. served Progressive euchre was pla- at thie C.O.F. meeigo or "Tleetrlclty Sparks thie 'Oft"fiflw MOI e1 w ill mrey verized into disposable pL)w., theo output from thee III~5g< ers>ix Sdurm~t gitiZen8 of Ontario con look flip a switch and lean back der by a compact electric in- 1 sites, (it ls estlmated that 2,- wlil remain the. same: te pro- lundh and a social heur was en- yed with Morley McGiUl Mnv~ NO. 553i eevle té Hydre te help gem achleve 'watchlng taie anow meit as cinerator. A small electronicI000,000 kilowatts of hydraulic vide a constant and abundant jOYed. and Morton Davis receiving due te climatic cenklgs u-W WWa m a,, botter way of ité dutn fau stfallu, tlianks te the memory or brain may bel power is stili undeveloped), supply of electric power te Vetr Metn prizes for high, Scores; IcosI ness lncluded àtlgfe s L UISS 4th. next décade-tirougai an câbles carrying electriclty un- available te housewives to re-: Hydre le planning an~ BI-V thie homes, farms, and facter- toprzsoMisEln e-fhalolcl .abundance o! low-cest electric der his drIveway. In the noet tain and give information oninetwcrk in Northeastern On- les of Ontario. St. Paul's Angican Church Gregor and Donald McGregor. hold a dance t0enuag e yoer o distant future ho may menus and recipes. tarie, which will transmit National Electrical Week held their Vestry meeting lsL awec ials hie local club as wella$1.0dn Sno eran mea be able te briuig hi, lcroi B pressing teappropriate erat 460,000 vIs.o-ersasareminder ofteweek Hall, Sta lestceaclub ersir tismot dnsly> ~ sterd cr rou isga button, thie housewife wili gel ble taie present higet volt- important role electricity will th Rector, Rey. G. E. Meades musca seltira wi. inod es en li mterne, pou.rage to bils door without gel- a punched card with instruc-' age useci ina Ontario. play in making the next 101PI!esidliW.muia ectoswhpanPniga Ib. ef!ered an încreasing nurs- thi< out of bis chair, tiens staniped on IL Sho will The coming decade wilyears thie Successful sixties. Printed financiaî, reports violin and accordian by Mn. Pnnn ucinw 'bradvreyo iesv oeei sI h i.Insert tais card in the siot cf were distributed, includlng tIt Walter Faillis, Bob Tedd arcs for eared chld1 Jng, work-eliminaling electrîc caien that thie rosi revolution ber multi-storage cupboard Bal TBuo! ling Com, Te o Jaie sanDam Doglaso Bul- s dacunsdfut uecn applIances and equipmenî. In wqf oeme Thie kitchen of thie and ail taie necessary ingre- B E --i mN Y Auxiliary, taie Junior own guratr accompanimenit Sterling Silvertonpeste addition, home lmpKoyenentà future wll aie built arounci dients wili aie automaticaily __n? ul and gavitre u rW - th Chea ngaied e ;such as ultrasonic lightlng, four unilts, eacli with an eiec- measured out. An electric mIx- Mns. 01t Spencer, Rowan, aiternate, Creigaiton W.A., the Ladies Guild e and i aetre meor taie ie a mngr (o tuy electrostatle dusting wands, for storing, preparlng and finally, the card will instruct Waddell. nd Ivirs. Henory Jake- Mrs. Elsie Cunizniskey, Editor 1110 id~îg os Thing t Henven" nd "My ing new membestohv ai lr-oe etn n oolgti aiysne-a th. oven on the cooklng pro- man were representatives fromn of financial report, Mr.Bon cessfid year. can sultramdr em a in pband, Dlshwasher wamY remove cedlure. tihe Bethany Women's Mission- Carr. Rev. G. E. Meades appointed Shoes Keep Walking Back te been accepted m b oa ýcolIg ysems il pobb«ýDihwghrs wil emveJohn Palmer te continue asYou". Janice Timniu andi Ellen Order nd for wihw r ly aie lIn general use,.-lges ndnte ri There will aie extensive use az7 Sciety at the Presbyler- Thie report» beard from ailego sang.~ two duet '*Yeu____________ Be r.1. elenal0 Idshsmduenis ihlise oe rezrlad iaa lai meetings held ini Mark St. th% groups detoted a yea o! tryéetNlWootd' to ther are Mcyeo Susan.e aned "ImUL Canada as a Dominion i 1967,1concis by moans o! higha. ted foods, -capable cf being United Church, Peterb>orough, progress and an inra in pt o Pele ee Wood totai gae MI sawnthe Lg a n n Ait' ELECToit istored for severai years. Fiy on Tuesday. chureh aittenidance. Mrs. Wal- Carle o! ff Peol s Wappde. gad W an Mtai gav.ennw Air al or em slCOIATN swatters wl ecletda r.Wlim anewotrRwad th rI lay delegale to lhe Synod, wit accord4ma and guitar selections. TO EVERYWER antiques, as homes, commerce, lbas been Mi at her home ,for church tresvrer, reported all Miss Winnrifred Nesbitt as al- The ladies o! taie lhree Conut o-AF-EVC and industry, (especially large some, time, is now a patient in acoun pald and a balance on tomnate. churdaies, St. Mary's, Trlnity 3171Y&LOVELLTJ-AU AP AN S dainies), wlll use electrie fiy- Civlc Hospital, Peteriborough, hrand in the general treasury. Dlgtst h ra n t alssre uc P R IC ES 41 A H Dtraps. Electric toilet systeins and wdll undergo surge this Dunng thie yeer a new electie Dlaptes tar chose G as o n dr Ste scal hoer lunch fol K i . W t -57 will eliminate sewage diapo- week. Rer man~y frien S are organ hadt been purchased at Pater we cho, enco rin w e soiaeeu tn fl s al plants, whlle home preci- wishlnig lier a speedy recovery. a cost cf $,500.00. A sepamate PleNe od etrlwd pilators will rid us of ail dom- Re.G .Mne n was set Up for titis and Morton, Donald Smth, Charles _____________________________________ ON etiedus an dit. ev. . E Méd« nd rs.Smilh, Miss Winnlfred Nesbitt, * O esie ustniddm1 oftomr-Meades moved te their new the deait lias flow been reduced Morgan Bigelow and Robert row a radiant heallng paci will day. ?&s. T. J. Jackson's report Mrs. Charles Smith was ap- be. suspendeci above the bcd Miss Masrie Càrr spent taie 01 thie Mlssonary and Main- pointed as envelope secretary- tokeep sleepers comfortable weekend with Mr. and Mrs. tenence funds noted. that $592. treasurer and Robert Sisson, #S E CR S without bianicets. Taie panel GerI Manley aI Bewdley, Mrs. 70 tmd been fO'rwarded te churcai treasurer. may Include a TV monitor Mmulse Wrlgin went to Owen headquarters, an Increase ovel Hector, Moton was elected screen te enable parents te Sound on Thursday nigat, cal- thie previolus year. C tanof Sidesmea, who - 159STDEAKR LEK2-R.SEANkeep a close watch on junior led there by the Iliness o! her Mrs. Walter Neal gave a U enameci later. 195 STU EBKE LIN2-R.SEANIn the nursery. Elecîricai heat- mtrMrs. T. McClelland. delaiied acoounit o! the Wo- ]Bev. G. EMead es waas ira- * One owner car, low mileage, air conditioning ing and cooing systems will mThere ee on also e' soito iucs strucbed -0 Ôba two copie provide year-reund residera- pîayr at thae progressive eu. With sponsoing a garden par- of thae canon iaws of taie die-, 1956 STUDEBAKIER CHAMPION lial air-condltlening. caire pa.rty sponsored by th -ty, fcwl supper, caterIg t0 coses for laie Wardens. with overdrive end air conditioning $1395 But behind the switches Of Ladies Good Luck LOI c ie.p- wedddngs, etc., tbhey bad 82 1%ie Aller Guld are Miss titis wlde array o! new appli- zes for high scores werAtho Mis sistedl wil donations te theO Laura Morton, Mira. G. E. Mos- 5 ances, important developments Laura Hutichlnson and Harold, Parsonuige Trusteu, Taie Board de., Mr Pred S. Gray. Ms 1951 STUDEBAKER V-8 wîîî aie taking place Ira taie Kincaide;, consolai awards o! Stewards, thie Organ Pulfd, Laura Moýrton will coâtinue as- automstic, radio, air conditioning - $ 450 suppiy o! power te thie people to Mrs. XKkk1 and liou Jor- sent flowrs In cages of berea- Veutry Clerk.____________ o! Ontario. dlan. veinent and 8tnsIihne boxes to It was agreed ltaI tiis Par- YUL 1951 STUDEBAKER" STANDARD COACH With thie urban development The. Coventay Singerg froin sick anad shitt-ire, donations te lith aïk to ceaie it's affiliation air conditionlng of~ Ontario, the municipal eiec- Peterboroughi will preseral a mission work, donion, towai'ds with thie Durtain - Northurn. $ 7 trical utilities associaled wlth musical progran lu lte Uni- a new public ecidress systefl, beriand Desnery and make ap. Ontario Hydre Ira the distr'ibu.. ted Church on Priday evening. cleanAtW o! thie Sunday Sciteel plication te Join the Peterbor. heater ____- -- -- -- $ 300 tain a steady expansion of re- paymenî on taie newiy instailed asntlng Ina redeco'ratlng taie JP6r- A decision was reached, te _____B 1950 PONTIA SEDAN Invices.,Cnaas is Bob. Poster spent thie week- $1,066.35, eipeiiaes $801,18, MMa of taie 'Wkrdens and headË radi, PONIA SAi Indlinig nucea-îe 1,cînic a pow rs w end with. his parents, Mr. and wilh a balance on hand Of of es-eh orgarization: John Pal- radio,___anda& fidiinig nula-etie< powe wil Mrs. Burton rester in HIave- $265-18. IM. 'T. Jeinlxig's sec- mer, Noel Woo4 Carles Sntith o$n 425. flo 0W Hyrog Suern îock. retarlêl report ailso sbewed à Mrs. MOIga Bigelow anad Mrs. Ontario transmission nehwork. Manwers ToWnsoh{p Council yea O! outstanding progmamis Ina palmer. 1947 STUDEBARM M-17 STAKE TRUJCK Ti1 oe llaeIdsi-hv ratsdanwso-i relig.ious instruction, listing $5.00 will be donated towardsH Recoudition.d.~~ guimitable frem energy pro- pw.tasbe poil e ter new siaste o! offioers £or expenses o! Bishop Wilkinson's I CmltlthIy diioe duceci 1y presenlly couivera lwý asbe mosil ot tinai m eang, but it w iîî h ke ' ae r o a p n w ae 19 0orth o n g t p to England. - tieinpowrpodutioI roadu have iben complebely Mrs. T. Jackson outlined lte sed is grratifiion . In taie 195 NE STDEDKEN ¼-on RUC th '6s.blocked. work o! thie Women's Mission- financial status of thie Pansai. air9 NEWuli. InDE I %-olaUKt e 964rl195 Norman LoIs Toronto, was ary Society, who lied sent $226. "There as been wondîerful ce- tai fIn ale164o fll-s19 home for taie weekend with hua 90 t0 PtesbYterYhleadqudrters, operation in the building o! our poher fstato f llae n ea parents, Mr. and Mxs. Donald anf incres-se of $16.90 over laide new Parisai Hall. It was an ad,- f luF poe tto ilb nO'Lowes. allocation. With a membet'ghip venture in faith which as Ail Studebalcer Parts and Accessories enation in Ontario. o! 17 ttrey had sent two baies boen Indeed rewarding. Thie Uranium, a minerai in which Congregational Meeting o! elothlng and quillta, spora- suOIsau reporte presented available at taie province is rich, will be At lte annual Congregation- SOrI a deiegate ta taie ToSai.. by taie Wiardens and thie var- used as n fuel to an increas- al meeting of! te united churcai er', TralnIrig SchoOl at Whib. ious organizations indicale the Mk ing degree as nuclear energ3y aield on Tuedy evng Mn. by. They hart studi missins nte Makel ouf ao areken aak!n begis t plv a imprtat HrryPreston wspresenIted and conditdons In North Amer- ing spirituel interest in affairs Gu raha iis *G arage,. pati Hydno's genenating a n arm chair in recogni- ion, IcKraadArc.o! taie Chiurch. '"xntFucll y-eindfi espw STUDEBAKER SALS & SERVICEatewyr i eeipet tien, o! his services as choir Ms. . Sencer gave thie ac- An evening cf fellowship"Flhusp er easttsf, STV EBKU ALS &SEVIC w daie l i e eet oeo!inet leader. Mr. Henry Jakeman ceunt of the Sunday Sehool was enuoyed in St. Paul's An- COlfx 3223 wil hlp o me o! ofith read ahe dres expressing finances and Murray Hender- glican Chiurcai Parisa Hall at hm HadnBw avle power requirements of taite appreciation of te con- son, taie secretnnial reports, Bethany on Fniday, when the wl fadnRJ. 19 Bfa '60s, and side b3' side with gregation, willi Enni Weanther- sitewing ail supplies paid for rnmee o! taie Manvers par-.i bencm teyeuppdwt such projects wiil aie laie in- ult end Wiliam Dîîff present. nd an increas lu attendance. s gahe to ho bailr ouh crutotesadsice novation of the extra-higit- îng te gifI. Mr. Preston lias EBaml WaeIll s-nd NAervyII ietorev. GE.Meades ted adie uueepaso n been a member o! the choir Porbeous are taie jon ueons w , G. e aov n d toi bette for 53 yeanrs and Leader for tendents, with Allen Beer as Bobcaygeoxi on Monday. ELECTRIC ITYbterecrialto yan inae Taken co'mpletely by sur- Vincent Jackson, Mme. Mur- Istny heme, Rev. Meades ha futue i o lnfuihueoe * prise, Mr. Preston expressed may Wilson, -Mrs. Roms David- enxleaned humsel! le ail laie con-.'i~ Ç houzooe o yu oe mos happy~ in Ai assciaio Mervyn Porteousnd Mrs. Ed- reed an address expressing I ÎU C - f~with, taie choir, the. members gar Beer; secm'etarles, Murray their appreciation o! s-il luis @ * E EIhad s-iways been co-operalive, Henderson and John Jackson; hard work: and devotion te * - and s-lthougi te eariy years Iresauner qMrrs. O. Spencer; Mns. taie affaira o! taie Pansai. On had been a bib mugged, wh-en Clarence Rowau In charge. O! behal! o! taie congregatiens o! he oniy mens e! transporta- missions-ny lessoris and Mrs. O. St. Maxy'a, Tn'Iy and St. AuHalva. flob 2 foi' 5.-BAVE Se t ion froni ails farm, home ho lie Spencer for Temperance. A Paul's, T'homies Lowery and horse anad buggy, or sligit, aie been orga.ize, wlth Mns. Al. with a Kireeler rocking chair had enjoyed ever heur o! il. ian Beer as Teaciter. and a swivel chair. Shirley 44 IKTNG ST. W. BOWMANVLEMA350 PaaEoC24ts U -AV - Rev. William Duf! led thie George Scott reporled for VanDam nane Ms ed CroamStyI.flou.* tin 37-SVE ~.devotienal perlod afndreported bte Hi-C group who have a os wîtai a iovely bouquet Of NA IO A luC RI A WEK&B 7- EU m13l1À Choi___ "ulIy four ba-s s - . ..rige Imm mopbrapcf 14 Dmllglae ed ro ebl Corgregatlonal __seer e t a. y, 8membenu i the duoir ith pEs-ni Weatlhenilt; Congregation- an avers-gg allendance o! 12............. treasurer, Mrs. Preston Ne- Along witrh their regular chu- ~ha kI ss~ h uI er Z Y ais; Choir Leader, Mrs. (Dr.) rch work they had assbed lu S. L Splle,4 rgaistMrs spcia sevics e o*terpeints ClTeceRoan wth Ms.on th avr ici and 'Reg. Edmx n d Mrs. Mar- held a special Christmas carol Lean M eaty~ ~~~ But gr3 9hit ass::rtan. service. Sheexpressed plesure, he evceao dheeitrrf ! Missi~~~onary s-nd Maintenance ln thie new orgasu installed on l e s r i a o n e L e a n Ae at utt3 9 Oonmmittee: Mr@. Thomas Jack- October 4th, 1959 and annoura- Earl Weatherilt, Donald Low-, te b. iteld ln the churci on Two pair of jeans corne out of the. puddles and vs-lue of electniiyslwcs eatlt.I h ~~ UP r aa~~~~w ~ ~ ~ os, Mervyn Ponleous. ,er tn h, witen taie Cov- hmn of wet weather-go into the. careful heat of past few decadeitaseldusaecareo PROU C USPEL MALS: Sexton, yet to aie appointed. e n'r Sigrs o! Peterborough an s-utomatic electric dryer. And before you can our choes... rdcdhueokt oehn pdootmblo 1'rmploal Pruit, N.. i Grade ~~Usaiers: Garfield Wilson, Mur- wlU put on a progranu. Pro-thtsam tenoaeadhlpdri.urlvg Dewiabe Trelul Fuit N. 1 Gadns-y Henderoai, Ralpai Rowan, coeds wiil assist in psyment Bay «tOlTifiC" they'oe ready to b. worn again.hValose Charles Weetxerilb, Earl Wea- o! taie balance on the organ. This gentie speed and efficient servie are just standlards te a ne i h therilt, Edwin Challice, Will- Olaironce Rowon reported two of the dozens of benefits you get when you In the. 60'8 itlldeenoetehp iou lam Siteen, Donnis Challice, for taie Grahamn Cemnelery c Harold Whdte, George ScottBr, who lhavo a balance on put electricity to work in your hone. working days wthpesr udtr pr or BN A N A 2 63 a5 Donald Scott. =%fn $1,076.78. Mor aud more people everyr day discovoe te t, liure. Parsonage Board: Mrs. Man- Es-ni Weabberilt gave an ac- gwdo,, Maa'o BOdtsom Ne. 1 ard B-M U,0 Ji"or sp HoaIMmU.J.Jcso.ifuto tePrsn Bad 9 Jakernan. year had ibeen thie punchs-se cf LIU SE T R ULCRIAL Cemetery Committee: Char- an electric stove and a new IUO T R BLC Cles Weatherilt, chaimman; Clan- pressure pump s-nd momn re- ence Rowan hreasurer; William deeorating of lte interior. UperM ar e tS. GURANEEDTHRUGHAuditors, Ross Davidson, thie discretion o! thie Pansonage Gienri Weittwortai. Cubsasnid Board. 4 ~~~~~~~~~SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 196 Scusrpresentatives, EdeFi.tnao Ctra evc Beer, Oncoe Wright. Represenh- ws -et for 11.30 am. Il w ativ o 10Meno Counci4l, p aloa s È d tRial i tutu»e à

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