Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, page 7

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- - - -. ??fl wW~1 t - --. -.-r----~-- --. -. ?HUESAY, TM. 4tb. lmS SocaI & [Personall Phone MA 3-3303J Mr. nd n. HrryJordon, J mte withMr. and lelaitudey. Mia Milds'd Wiliott spciit a !ew deys I Toronto witf Mr. and Mis. Keni Buckley and MlissAri Bucklcy. êMrs. A. W. Hamrnond, Tor- ontote, wu a Sundey visiter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ham- moiX Liberty Street Northi. . Mr. and, Mn. Ivan Ellicott, Sandr an td Donald o! Peter- borough. were Friday evaning visibera wi¶h Ms. N. C. Yel- lowlees. Mr. Fred Vanstone, Queen's University, Kingston, spent the wcekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Vanstene, Bceeh Ave. Mr'. and Mrs. Forrest A. Dil- Iing spent the wcckend with their son, Mr. mnd Mns. 1H. Gary DIliing, Elde im a r Hcights, Brampton, Ont. Little 7-year-old Michael Donogbue, wbo recently un- derwant an appendectomy, ba rcturned home and la progres- sing satiisfactorily. Mis. W. L. Rowe, Toronto, spent a !ew days th1% week with her aitera, Mrs. W. H. Danseaniand Mrs. H. Huniph- ries, King St. East. Mrs. T. W. Cawkar lcft tcday for St. Petersburg, Floride, whcre she wiil jein ber sis- ter, Mr. and Mis. M. J. Tam- blyn, for a vacation. Messrs. M. Friesen and Han- ry H. Driadiger laft last week by' ilane for theur home in Rostbenn, Sask., afier a visit with Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Ewart. Ferty-nina members o! Osh- a-wa and District Movie Club, inciuding many from this area, paid a visit te tbe Toronto Mo- vie Club on Tbursday, Janu- ai-y 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Smith and Kimberley, Oel, ware weekend visitera with Mrs. SmiU's parents, Mayor and Mrs. Wilfrid Carruthers, Scu- gog Street. Mis. F. R. Cook and" ter, Mrs. EdIi Mitch , ieft Tuesday to visit Mis. Mitchell's daughteî, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Hartley and !amuly, at Moncton, N.B. Mr. andMis. Ernest Laird have returned frein an cen- joyable trip to Daytonia Beach, Fioridia. Whie thera Uiey bad a pleasant visit witii Dr. and Mis. C. W. Siemon. DlIS. FedBowan, Orono, Ë 1an ovcrnigbt gucat last Thuni-duy o! is. L. B. Wil- liama when they jeurnncyd te Toronuto and attanded the Dur- lihau Club meeting. Guests during thc weekcnd with Mr. and Mns. E. J. Fairey, King Street East, warc Uic frrmer's father and sister, Mr. IE. M. fairey and Miss Joan Pairey, and Mr. Floyd Haie, @Milo! Nawmarket, Ont. M. Clayton Phalen, Collines Bay, and Miss Helen Cari,1 Naipanee, wera weekenud guests o! thc formr's uncle, Mr. M.i Kilgannon, and Mr. and Mrs.1 George Dilling, Liberty Street.1 Whie bere they aise caled on, Mi-r. and Mfrs. R. L. Downey.9 A oerd tas been rcceived frein Dr. and Mr. C. W. Sle- mnon, Daytonia Beach Floridea,e stating thcy were pieased te have the feliowing Bowman-1 ville citizens cali on tham-1 Dir. William Benthhamu, Mr. Par-i ey Corbctt and M. and Mrs. Ernest Laird.1 I p I. 4~-~-~ Matyor Wilfrid Carruthers bas returned from Ottawa wherc he attcnded the anîuual meeting ofthtAe Canadian Hor- ticultural Council, held in Uic Chalieau Laurier, as a repre- sentiative o! thie Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers' As- sociation oi whlichhe la newlY- elccted prasidenit. Nks. Mine Colweilland Mrs. Stanley Preston werc guests at Mcléaughlin Hall, Oshawa, Friduay a!bernoon at the cap- ping ceramony of tteir grand- daughter Linda Anine Colwaii. Linda Armie was one o! Uic 24 mambers o! Uic nursingw das who successfuU1y pessed the five month's probation pesiod at Oshawa Generel Hospital. Mirs. Erie Colwell and Bruce werc gucats at McLaughlin Hall lait Friday a!bcmocon at tbc capping ccreinony for Uic nursing dlais o! 1962, Oshawa Gene"aiI Hoapital, o! which daughtcr Linde. is a membar. Each girl rccaived a red carn- ation and a, white Testament whidi bad Uic Fiorcnce Night- inigale pledge con tbc irst page. A new publication appeaîcd in Bowmanville last wcekend, The Santral School Snocp pub- lisiued by thc entrprising young pupils o! Mr'. Don Ken- ncdy'p rooni, Grades 6 and 7, at Central School te raise rnoney for Uic Junior Bcd Cross. The news, jokes and poams containcd in Uic four page Snoop made quite a bit and further orders for copies are stUll beinug received. To data $7.91 bas been raiscd for thc Red Cross. Since Mr. Groundhog saw bis sbadow lait Tuesday and scurried back te bis nest, it supposcdiy means six more weeks o! wintar. Se wlhat! Six weeks andis around Uic middle o! Marcb and whan did wa ever bave milder weathr- for certain- until thc lst o! Ap- ril. Ini tact sometimes April can be ai rough ai Mâiîcb. Sanie swaar by the little fal- iew. As for me- walrnaybe I'm just an old cynic, but, I tbink be's silly te corne eut in this weather in Uic first place. White Cane Week bcing held naxt week, Fcbruary 7tb-l4th, la again being sponsored by bbc Canadian Council o! Uic Blind anx: Canadiian National Institute for Uic Blind as thay bave donc for Uic past 15 ycars. The purpose of White Cane Weck is te bnlng te Uic atten- tien o! all, bow te halp pre- vent ibliadnicss, how te cure lb and how te help impirove the lives o! those already su!- !ering blindacis. "1BLINDNESS IS YOUR BUSINESS", net just next wcêk but every week. Congratulations te Mir. F. C. Petfhick, Qucen St. wbo celc- brated bis 88tb birthday last Friiy, January 29th. Anuong thie many frinds ivi» cailed ware Noble Grand Eric Col- weil and a number of Uic mem- bers o! Florenice Nightingale Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 66o! whicb Mif. Pethîck is one o! bbc old- est mambers and onc o! bbc most active for mainy ycars. Mr. Pethick's son, Mr. Bud Pc- thick, and friand, Mr'. Eric Arwood, both o! Toronto werc haie for bbc occasion and spant the weekand with Mr. Pcthick. On Fcbruary 3rd, Uic Home and Scubool executive and tea- chers met at Vincent Massay School witih Presidant Mrs. Ralph Ams i charge o! Uic meeting. An nteresting pro- gramn was finaiized ta b,. held i Ontario Street Scbool on Ili G uests of qmuawàljL A q Aw-W U~AvlYUmT .Tas ,.LALMAR Z ATzAAamlqomi9wMan v aa -c'u im '59 m Hos pifais Bus lest Year Says Administration Report Wednend.a, February 10th., at 8 p.m. As a fellow-up o! Uic January meeting, a pael wil be presentcd eompriscd o! six Grade VIII students, with Mrs. Robert Kervt as panel modicra- tor, discussing the tepic "IWhat Are the Qualities You Respect Mosti Parents?" Ite speaker o! thie eveniing will be Raibii 1Norton o! Oshawa and the ex- 1ecutive urges parents te avail 1ttiemselves o! the opportunity te heur this ou'tàtanding speak- er. (Contmnued !rom page one) Mr'. Deug Rigg, Director o! Recreation ini the Bowman- ville Lions Centre, or better still attend te-night's session and get the benefit o! Uic re- mainder o! Uic Workshop which wil continue until sometmme ia May. The Place: 1The Bowinanville High %hbool tAuditorium. The Time: 7:30 ep.m. sharp. The Date: Thurs- iday, February 4tb. 1 Anyone intcerested i at- tending the workshop may do so cither as a member or by tpayment of 75 cents for adults, or 50 cents for students, per session. Tickets or member- ship at thc door. New Members (Continued from page one) cided to check !urthcr into the matter. Answers te thc question cf wages for the caretaker o! thc Town Hall and library werc given and acceptcd. It was decided to ask the Bow- manville Recreation Director, Doug Rigg, about supervision of Uic locker rooms at the Arena on Saturday mornings. The possibility cf re-zoning Uic vicinity o! Ontario and Liberty Streets was aise dis- cusscd. It was remarked that if this area la te be re-zoned commercial it will be publisb- cd in the newspapcr, and any adjacent taxpaycr niay cbject at the Planning Board meet- ing. It was said that taxes will not go down. Pvotest (Continued !rom page ene) nient o! taxes the Ratepayers' Association delegation was told there is a prcpayment ar- rangement aiready in effect for taxes. The Town Clerk, R. B. Reynolds, explained tii-at two percent discount is ale w- ed on taxes paid between the first of Ja-nuary and the 15th o! January; 1l4->percent be- tween January l6th and Feb- ruary 15th; oe percent be- tween Fcbruary l6th and March lSth; and oea al! o! one percent between Ma.rch 16th and April lSth. $12,500 Collected This year $12,50C) bas been coilected in prcpaymcnts, Mr. Reynolds said. He explaiacd te Uic delegation that the by- law authorîzing the borrow- ing o!, $490,000 doca not mean that that catira amount will be borrowed. But it is the en- tire amount that can be ber- rowed ini a year. He fuithar cxpiaincd that if $100.000 were borrowed early in Uic year' and paid back within a short time, and further amounts were ber- rowed and paid back, Uic to- tal o! such borrowings wouid count in limiting. the amount that could be borrowed even fer oe month at Uic end o! Uic year. He said the taxpayers o! Bowmanville have ample op-ý 1958 Admissions -. 2591 Birbhs ___________ 499 Patient Days 17,500 Average Nunuber o! Patients Daily 48.0 Average Leagth o! Stay 5.7 days Nuxabar o! Empiloyeca as o! Dec. 31- Full Time . . - 65 Part Tinie - ----8 Ratio o! Employees te Patients, avg. 1.5 1959 Over 19581 14 (28) 1,977 5.4 .6 days 2605 471 19,477 53.4 6.3 daya 76 8 .5 1.5 Former Road Su pi. Hon ored ai Ham pton The mamrnas o! Danlington Municipal Cauncil o! last yaar and Uis yaar, Uic township staff, and their wives, enter- tained in bbc Cornrunity Hall, Hampton, in bonour o! Mr. and Mis. Thornas K. Stewart, Bow- manvilla, on Fîiday evening. Mn. Stewart, bbc new Super- intendant o! Works, Bawrnan- villa, was bbc Darlington Road Supeintandant for a number o! years. Walter Rundia, bbc Town- ship Clark, on behaif o! thosa present extendcck bcst wishas te Mr. Stewart for cvery suc- cess in bis new position. Ha aise, spokae!ofUiceregret bbc people o! bbc township fait at Mr. Stawart's rasignatien. As a token o! bbc appraciatian o! bis fine services over bbc years 'a bandsorne easy chair o! wai- nut, upholstcred in icather and rich fabric was. presented te Mr. and Mis. Stewart by John Macl ean anud Carl Ferguson. Miss Mary- Niddcry on bahaîf 0! bbc staff presentcd a lovcly bouquet cf carnations te Mis. Stewart. Garnet Rickard, Reeve o! Darlungton, in a brie! address, spokýe o! the municipallty's ap- preciatian o! Mr. Stawart's work, and wishad him wfl la bis new undartaking. Mr. Stewart in replying, tbanked ail present for their good wish- as and for tbc beautiful gift. Included as guests were Mr. and Mis. R. M. Short. Mr. Short is bbc ncwly appointed Road Superintendent o! Darl- ington. .During bbc cvaning, cards ware enjoyed. The priza wi- ners warc Mn. Bruce Mont- gomery, M;s. Walter Rundla, AI Varcoc and John Maclean. A daliciaus lunch was scrvcd by Uic ladies. Stanley H. Wilkins, aduiin- cillary services. I do net be- istrator o! Memorial Hospital, lieve many people arc being Bowmanville, preseated his adniitted te bospital just be- report for 1959 te Uic board cause Uiey arc now covered o! directers at Uic annual by Geverrnmcnt Insurance. It meeting beld in Uic Council bas enabled màny people who Chamber o! the Town Hall Ilf ormerly could net afford boa- a recent evening as follows: ptlzto orcienee NLneteen fifty-nine under tbcetalatin terciendd able guidance o! your board, tctet was the busicat year in tbc The following statistica will history o! Uic bospital. It Iwas give some indication o! the aise thc beginnung o! a new icrcased work load In ail de- crs, Uic !irst year o! opera- partinents and point up Uic tion under the provision o! Uic need for increased facilities. Ontario Hospital Services As many of you know, wc Commission Act. Since tic have been seriously over- inception o! this Act there bas crowded on many occasions been a significant increase la this past year and our cerri- the number e! long stay pa- dors have been filled te over- tients and iniUic use of an- fiowing. Incease IMagistrate"s CourtI Sixty-thrce speeders paid he thought thc "Antabuse" he penalties totalling $1,354.00 was talcing caused his diffi- for various infractions o! thc culty. speed liniits of 30-50 and 60 "Evcrybody knows I'm an m.p.h. Seven more paid $7.00) alcoholic, he told thc court, I cach for cither one headlight want to get out and get my out, one tail light eut or hi- pay cheque so that I can pay cense plate light out. Two these fines." He was remind- other men paid $26.00 for con- ed by Uic court to pay the, suming beer on a loc~al con- fines outstanding at Cobourg struction job. as the rcsult of and Hastings courts at thc a complaint. same time. He commentcd, A Hampton man was con- "l'Il be eating porridge for a victcd o! iinvpaired driving and month. The Magistrate coun- was fined $75.00 and cbsts of tercd that that would do hlm $15.00 or 15 days in gaol. good. He might also try Aftcr penalty was passcd he leaving the alcoholic bever- said he wouldn't pay the fine, *ages alone and that might do he wouid, soone.r go to the hlm some good toc. "coop". Whcn thc Magistrate A ycung lad who hiad been ordercd Uiceçpolice to. lock hlm rexnandcd for sentence on a up, he relented and paid Uic charge of! brcaki-ng and en- penalty. tcring Uic service station o! The car had been observed Arabie Glennie at Newcastle at 12:30 a.m. January 3Oth, appeared on a judge's order passing a bus in front o! the from Uic Ontario Couaty Gaol Brewcr's Warehouse. Police at Whitby. He had beca &en- had difficulty in gcttlng the tenced to 6 months for offen- car to stop. ces in Oshawa and Whitby. Defense was that four He was senten-ced here to draughts of beer shouldn't 12 months definite and be make a man iînpaircd. The months indeterminate Te police didn't take a blood sentences are to run conur- test. He admittcd passing thc rent with the sentence he is bus at a high rate of specd, now serving. fumbling for his keys and be- ' Before passing sentence the ing unsteady on his feet, but magistrate commented, "In he said he didn't faîl off hîs my opinion there isn't much feet. use in sentencing you te eny Said Magistrate Baxter a!- period less than a ycar.. it, ter finding the accused guilty, takes this long for you to "I suggcst te you that a per- Jearn a tradc. You can be re- son who bas been convictedbhabilitated if you want te. I o! this offence before, sbould- gave you a chance te get a n't take a chance. You have job and to find a new place been warned. I have consid- to live. You wercn't entircly ercd sending you to gaol. Pen- honest with me. You kncw alty wlll be $75.00 and costs about these other offences and your license will be sus- wbcn you appeared in this pended for threc months. court. You told me that you A lady paid a fine of $5.00 had to appear in court in Pc- and costs for allowing her dog terborough on a traffie mat- te run at large. A local>- area ter. Then you tried te mis- "char-acter" was fincd $20.00 lead the court by, wanting to and costs for intoxication and take the rap for your partner $g0.00 and costs for bavingý who bas elready been sen- liquor in a place other than a tenced. It makes it very di!! 1- residence. He had two -partJ cuit to know what te do with bottes o! wine and claimedi yOu." Burning of Garbage Wiih in Mun icip ality Wl! Be Reviewed The minutes o! the board and carried, that thc Town ofi Kinsmenof works meeting which wak Bowmaaville send a resolu- K lmenheld on January 26th were tion te onisCuclak The Bowmanviile Kinsmen adopted on motion of Coun- ing for improvement to the Club's annual Father, Son and cillor Ieith, Lathangue, seeon- Scugog Road, or te provide Daughter Night was held at ded by Counicillor Ross Ste- another road. Uic Flying Dutcbman Motor vens, at the meeting cf Bow- Start Work On Budget Hotel on Tucsday evening. It zmanville Town Couacil held I a eic ehv h was a successful event and Uic at Uic Town Hall on Mon- mItt aee tatworkaon thc 45 children who were thc day evening. budge s s oon s osnible. special guests enjoyed a de- Te Review Gaibate Dy-Law The Town Clcrk was instruct- lightful cvening. The presi- Councillor Ross Stevens, the ed te reply te -a Departnient dent o! the club, Murray Lar- chairman, presided at thce o! HighWays letter stating mer, acted as M.C. The coin- board o! works meeting and that tue Roads and Streets nuttee in charge o! arrange- &II members werc present. A Comauttec would meet thc ments was composed of Ken committee coniposed o! Reeve departmnent representatives te Hockin and Ken Nicks. Sidney Little, Deputy-Reeve discuss Uic proposcd sideweak A special menu for Uic young Ivan Hobbs, and Councillor, on King Street from, Martin gtuests fcaturcd favourite dish- 0. J. Presson was appointed iRoad te Waverlcy Road. es for Uic children, and anoth- te review Uic By-law on Uic' er ddlicious dinner was served burning of paper and gar-1 Myor Carruthers, accoaded te thc adults. Tail blue tapera bage in Uic tewn, jdUi by Reeve Little moved that i crystal candlesticks lighted By-law governing hcdges andUcchranoteRadad Uic tables. osrcin titretos Streets Committec, Council- An amnusing Puppet ShoObstrutionsak an esectosar ;e lor Lathangue, and Uic Roads stagcd by Ken Nieka and Ken adt at i eesr e Superintendent, Thomas K. Hockin was eatertaining, and comniendetions te council. Stewart, attend thie Ontario the. laughter of Uic childreîi' Waiit Aetion On Sougog Rd. Good Roads Convention. This was as rewarding as Uic ap- It was movcd by Mayor Wil-: was carried. The Town Clerk, pieuse. A ingsong was aise rrid Carruthers, seconded by R.. B. Reynolds, was asked te 9Oui Id.Co4ancifloeKtith LS±hWgU.eidvii.tb,. Pubhil -1 =--A- elle PAGE UVMI výAMPü[E Extru i O Y ".. .- t - -. .~. - REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, BowvmanvIle MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. Englisb EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. Dutch Sunday S<èhooliImmediately after Sunday morning service. "*Back To God Hour" Broadcasi CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m.L every Sunday 8:30 a.m. very Sunday, CFB Triniiy United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. il a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP "An Alternative ta Religion" Admission of Eiders, Instailation of Stewards and Trustees 7 >mn - EVENING WORSHIP Hymna of the Church: "Jerusalem The Golden"* SUNDAY SCI300L DEPARTMT 11:00 a.m. - Nursery - Beiners 11:20 azm. - Kindergarten - Pulmary 12:10 pan. -V Junio, Intermedlate, S"dr EVEBYONE WELCOME a,' During the year, our Mcdl- cal Staff was augmnented by the appointment o! Dr. Wil- liam G. Grant, Dr Norman Raskin and Dr. John W. Pick- ering al çf Oshawa, te the consulting staff: Through Uic courtesy o! Uic Medical Staff, we again .enjeyed Uic services of a Sunimer Intern, Dr. John Underweod. The empleyment o! a Sumnier Intera the past two years bas helped te give better medical coverage te the community during Uic holi- day season. In closlng, I would like te extcnd my sincere Uianks te all who centributed in any way te tbc Hospital, te the Board Chairman, Uic Commit- tee Chairman and ail Board Members, the Medical Staff, thc Womcn's Auxilîary, the Departinent Heads and al tbc Hospital Staff for their gen- eresity, co-operation and hard work in the past ycar. o! access roads te the ncw Lord Elgin Sehool and Uiat action will be taken. Police Report Referred The Town Clerk was in- structed te obtain copies o! the North Neigbbounbood Stucly from last year's coun- cil and redistribute them te the new members o! council. The annual Police Report was referred te the Police Cern- mittee for further study and consideration. A request frorn Dr. Whcat- lcy, the Dog Control Officer te attend the annuai meeting o! Uic Canadian Medical and Vcterinary Association at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, was granted. The TÉraffic Ad- visory budget c! $100 for 1960 was referred te tbc Fi- nance Committea. Two New Mirrors Proposcd traffic ligbts at thc intersection e! King and Division Streets were discus- scd, and it was decided te give consideration to thein wbea thce budget la drawn up. Au- TIRED F E E L 1 N G -1 thorlty was given the. Roads and Strects Connuttee te buy two ncw mirrors for Uic gar- bage truck. Baise Fer Firemen? It was movcd by Mayor Carruthers, secondcd by Counciller Glenhoinie Hughes that' Uic firemen be rcquested 'te state their wish rcgarding a raise ini pay at the earliest posible date. This was car- No Students To Oshawa The Uiree Oshawa second- ary schools wiil not be able te Iccept pupils from Darling- ton Township next ycar, ai special comsuittce o! Uie Osh- awa School Board informed Darlington School Board at a meeting on Monday evcning. George Fletcher, the chair- man of Uic special commiittee ex4plained that in view e! the enrolment o! Oshawa students it would be most unlikcly that any outside studcnts could be acccpted. He pointed eut that la the unlikely event o! a classroorn being-available, preference would be given te those already la Uic achool system, who are close to, gra- duation. Senior Citizens Defy Elements For Meeting. Despite inclement weather, 36 members attendcd Uic Jan- uary meeting cf Senior Citi- zens at the Lions Comniunity Centre. After registration o! mcm- bers Mrs. J. Crombie, mistress o! cerernonies, introduced Uic Ladies Trio, composed o! Mrs. S. Black, Mxs. R. Oke and Mrs. L. Van Driel. For their first selection they sang "Tum- bling Tumbleweed". This was foliowed by "Put On Your Oid Gray Bonnet", which bad thc members tapping their toes in rhythm. Mrs. D. Armistcad, secre- Plan. b Add Alarm Tie in wiih Sprinkler At Memorial- Arena The developmcent of parka in mation received from the arena the town was discussed at the mnsurance agent,'SuartR. meeting of Bowmanville Town James, that a three-yeart rate Council held in the Coundil with the fire alarmn would be Chamnber on Monday evening. about $1.25 per $100, while Councillor Keith Lathangue, without the alarin the rate foi' seconded by Councillor Ken the saine period would be ap- Nicks, moved that Mayor Car- proximately ý1.60 per $100. The ruthers be empowered to ap- amount of insurance carried point a cornmittee for park based on 90 per cent of the purposes from the counicl This value might be $190,000. If was carried. the sprinkler system is tied in Councillor Lathangue said with the fire alarm the sav- that therc are a few good ings- in irisurance premniumS parks in Bowmanville, but would probably be $665 every other places should, be. de- three years, Councillor Hughes qveloped. Last year as a winter pointed out. works project the town had The purchase o! two types men brush back the dunip area, of tic-in have been recommend- and the land below Vanstone's ed by the Arena Board, Counc- bridge. He asserte.d it would illor Hughes said. One- is an sbe worthwhlle to have a com- automatic connection te the rmittec mnvestigate thc possi- f ire alarm if the sprinkler sbilities of thc above two areas. head goes and the water flows, If it is decided to continue and it also gives the alarm if twork there as a winter work the sprinkler heaa goes and program. thc town would be for some reason the watcr does reimbursed 75 cents On Uic $1, not corne. he explained. The other is an air pressure Councillor Glenholmne Hughes warning system which sounds told thc meeting that if a tie- if the air pressure fails ust a in is provided bctween the littie and notifies the poUce sprinkler systemi at thc arena that the water will run shortly. and the fire alarrn, there would This systemi prevents false be a substantial saving in in- alarms and Uic danger of frost surance rates. badly damaging the sprinkler He aveth foloinginor-sytem. It costs about $325, He gve ic ollwin inor-Councillor Hughes stated. On motion of Councillor tary of thc Senior Citizeiis' Hughes, seconded by Dcputy- Club, read thc minutes from Reeve Ivan Hobbs, council ac- thc previous coinmittee ineet- ccpted the, recominendation of ing. Mr. H. Foley was named the Arena Board for the ex- chairman of the club; Mr. A. penditure of $1,125 for the fire Saunders, Treasurer; and Mr. alarm and air pressure warn- 7N. Mutton, chairman o! the ing systern. phoning convnittee. Approval was given by The eetng hendivdedcouncil for Uic Assessor, C S. ThSetn te iie Oke, to attend the Association into games and reading of Asscssing Officers Conven- groups. In the Green Boomn tion in Sudbury on May 16th, Mrs. W. Reynolds read ex- l7th and 18th with expenses rcerpts from. "John Fisher Re- paid. "ports" and "A Change O! The question o! removing the sPacc" by Bruce West. refreshmcnt booth now situat- 1 The meeting closed after a cd on the north side o! Park adelicious lunch served by Street across Uic road onto Me- Smembers o! Club, 15. Mrs. morial Park propcrty was re- Morgan was winnter of the fcrred te the Publie PropertyT -1lucky prize for the evening. Committce for study. e 1 1 r

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