Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, page 13

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TME CANqADIAW OW ÏAUt ,ONTAMO !-Ladies' Major, Bowling1 (ý; he Ladies' iMajor League Loha Wright ..______2 swung int the ,:eco>nd scbed-- Donna Preston _____2 ule ast Monday night, wilb Bennice Buday 2 Mat Brooks' bowlens ail ahane!:Onie Etcher _____1 &top the heap, oâ the strength'Joyce Lyle 1 of a 3-0 win over Chlie Pal-: Doris Joli-- ___1 Sfield's pin -spilers. ' Kay Beauprie 1 The athen fivf- winners arelNorma Norris 1: One point off thc pace. Hilda 0111e Patfield 0 ___ Brock's team cdged Doris!j Aerzsi Joll's crew, Lola Wright's out- iHilda Brock-------- 25:31___________________________________________ l it, downed Norma Norris, IOnie Etcher 2331 Bernice Buday bestcd Joycc LoIn Wright .____ 3 Lyle, Donna Preston defeatedi Dot Brooks 230 Onie Etcber and Em Stringenr Kay Beauprie 227 OVer- Kay Beauprie. - Shirley Davis 209 Peggy Hayees topped ',he IEm Strnnger ------ 209 g8 m 300 mark witb a nifty 320:Mary Wilcox . ... 209 Oi thr299, and Hilda Jean Harnes 200 afng WUbi g Brock anid Shirley Davis, Sadhe Bucknel 196 mavueJvnlsrm h uktike isd 1eadBgeltomntsl-' both- with 298 scorrs. Audrey Osmondi 196, BowmavleJvnlsrm h uktike isd h n anl w iue a Hilda Brock's 759 taok high Bernice Terry 1961 med in four third perîod post, aler Wright had suid ter and McCullough, a hard- le triple honaurs, with other big Kay Stephens -- 1951 goals le hand Waodbridge an 1 out of his cage ta makc tbe worker ai night was finally s( totas gain-g ta Onie Etcher Marion Sla-ght 19.5 8-1 setback, Saturday night aI save, Robinson apparenlly rewarded, cashing ini Brent S 700, Lola Wright 696 and Dol Joyce Major -- .- 192 the Memoial Arena . The b- - forgot about playing hockey Hughes' pass at 16:55. Don I Brooks 690. Helen Piper . 191 calsdisplayed a fine team ef- during th2e remainder af tbe Bagr.ell raced in . ta drive a n Games of 200 and over-P. Theinia Forester 1911 fort, nunning their season's gaine, picking up four minor baose puck nto the corner, to l Haynes 320, H. Brock 298, 233, Normna Narris - ... l0 unibealen skein to 15 in a row. penalties. complete the scoring 22 sec- 21 228, J. Major 2A, M. Slaght Audrey Bickcll 1.9 Goal-keeper Grant Wright,- Rugged ladties by th2e visit- onds later. Eissery and Black le 253, S. Davis 298, A. Bickell Babe Brown ----- -187 was forced ta make few tough ors, combincd with failune ta assisted an 1the play. ai -235, 216, D. Preston 230, 201, Joyce Tennant ...8.l6 stops, as the defence turned flood the ice surface between Two forward lines accouait-à E. Cox 222, J. Tennant 225, Helen Dun 1861 an a stead~y performance. Al' perlods, slowed the mid-dle cd for lhiree goals, and the r( 221, B. BathgaZe 2019, H. Dunra Pal Bartels . .. 185 three forward Unes were dig- slanza to a waik. Osborne col- third mîght have had a cou- b 224, B. Chartraii 224, 0. Et- Marg --ri 134 lg and except for the spec- lected bis own rebound aI 2:25, ple, as Bnian Hughes wenî ii cher 299, 237, E. Holroyd 203, Peggy Haynes13 tacular play o! Woodbridge's1 after becm-g lhwarted on a in alone lwice, but fired overn H. Piper 227, 207, T. Forres- Doris Hoiroyd 182 two goalies, the score wouhd beautif-ul solo rush, to put th2e tbc net the first lime -and was ter 222, V. Cowan 201, J. Lyle Belh Chartran ...179 have undou-btedly been hi-gb- locals two up. Brenl Hughes stopped by substitute goahie, 263, 203, K. Stephens 255, N. Doris Joli --.---__-- _ 179 er. took a pass from Irv GU, cul Gene Lawrence an his secondT> Narris 224, H. Niekolson 203, Myra Hopps---- 178 Brent Hughes was again the li front and fired a perfect try. L. Wrlght 241, 234, 221, N. Eleanor Larmer ~. 177 big wheel in the Bowman- drive 10 1the lower right hand Bian missedi the early part S Gay 231, B. Terry 229, S. Marè ariou7 ville attack wiîh a pair of corner, wa-king tbe score 4-1 o! the third, when il was aI Brown 226, D. Brooks 240, Essie Cax----------.. 174 goals and three assasts. Bill aItah end of 1the second, final feaned tival 1e -badi a CN 224, 226, B. Brown 202, M. Ollie Patfield .-- 173 Osborne, a consistently ex- The ice was flooded for tbce broken jaw, however. it was Wllcox 279, 200, A. Osmond Norma Gay .... 172 cellent rushi-ng defenceman final periad and il was just happily diagnesed as a bruise. B 224 26,K. eaupie276 20,Jun Bke ..... .. . ... 72bagged a pair, whilc Terrýy made ta order for the bigh- Rhck Peterson h-adi several R B.24,m 208, ..Beaupnie 276,.270, Ju e Ba ....... 172 lak Scott Essery, Gary Mc- flying Ibreesome of Black, Es- teeth loosened in a centre-ice E. Stinger 27,5, S. 'Bucknell Elleen Holnoyd -. - 170 Cu1ough and Don Bagnell sery and Bagneli, who cachcolsnad in' mkanE 233, 224, J. Harness 240, 204. Ena Etcher------... 169 each scored once. blinked th2e red iight once. appearance in th2e third. si Teani Standings 1 Betty Wesîlake--------.. 167 Brent Hughes opened 1the Afler a scoreless first haif Nelson Yeo, Doug James, C S Pis, Em Bromel166 scoring aI 1:36 on a solo ef- Black flîpped a centre ice 'pass Alex Wiseman andi Jim Rkk- B Dol Brooks 31- Wilma Bates --- . .... 166 fort, and afler play had con- ta Brent Hughes, roaning down ard weren't in uniform, as Ni Hilda Brock ----------------- 2!Shirley Biedl ..... ... 161 tinually see-sawed back and righl win-g, and was ah] alone "Mike" Osborne continues 10 B Emn Stninger - - 2 Stella Brown ------ 6 forth, Bill Osborne blasted in front to lake a return pass i try out dîfferent combina- Si a blue-line drive aI 1the 12:40~ from behin-d the net at 10,:18.1 lions, prior ta the playoffs. A Imark which goal-keeper Julian AI Woodlock started 12el John Clark and Bill Crossey B ISale found toc hot1 b bandie. checkerboa.rd play with a per- both o! hast year's juveniles I) jRon Robinson picked up the fect pass deep in his own endJ, have joined t12e club, and A G o dy ar B o li gloser'4 only tally in th2e final but wasn'l given an assist. j played an a Une with Brian Bi G oodyear Bo w lingminute o! tic pe-riod, whcni Essery combincd with Black Hughes.'B Afternoon Bowling The Afternoon Ladies' Ledi- Marion Wiseman ------ 1501 :uc finished. their first sched- Agnes McColloch 149 uic on Friday Aflernoon Jan- Hdlda Simnick 148 uary 29112 with tea4 200 games Evelyn Large ~~____146 being bowled. These werc He- Nance Calmer - -146 lene Rundle 243 Alyce Hodg- Daisgy Bell-------146 son 228, 209; Ollie Patfield 227, Marg. McDonald _____142 Shirley Davis 225, Ena Etcher Helene Rundie -~___141 218, Muriel Crough 214, Bon- Marion Crowc 139 île MeDonald 209, Bea Sel- Marg. Coyle 137 ars 204 ansd Barbara Collison Millie White --- ----. 136 04. High Single went ta He- Meta Moffatt --- 136 lnc Rundie w-il 12cr 243 game Helen Rogers 133 and 121gb double ta Alyce Vi Poste--------132 Rodgson wilh 437. The Span- Hilda Mooney --~ 130 rows -headed up th2e standings Manioc MacDonald . 127 uy coniing out on top with Neilfe 1VlFeeters -------. --126 18 points te their credit. The Bca Wilson-....--.... ..-124 next ehedule commences on Velma Kilson 124 Priday, February 51h. Mabel Williams 124 Team Standings Muriel Cudahee 120 Teani Points Ruith G-oodwIn --...... ...120 Sparrows ---«------- 18 Teams For 2nd Scbedule Blueýays 14 Teamn No. 1, Canariesn-Ena Canaries 12 Eteher, Alyce Hodgson, Eve- Wrens ---- 12 -lyn Large, Dais?, Bell, Bca Bluebirds- ---------. --- --- 12 Wilson, Velma IKilson, June Robin& --------------- 10 Clarke, Ruby Hutchinson, Su- Averages sic Levett. Ina Etcher--- --------- 183 Shirley Davis -------- 176 Tcarn No. 2, Robins--Sbir- >111e Patfield -- ----- 176 le.y Davis, Doris Holroyd, Betty Richards .------ - - 175 Nance Colmer, Marýg. McDon- luriel Crough- ------------ 107 aId, Hiilda Mooncy, Ruthi Betty Kelly.-- 167 Goodwin, Muriel Cudahee, gadie Buekeel - -------- 134 Marion Gibson, Irene Cox. hlyce Hodgson---------.. 161i Team Nq. 3, Wren&s-Ollie Bonnie McDon-ald ------- 1601j Pabfield, Bonnde McDonald, Doris Halroyd ---------- 158 Hilda Sininick, Marion Crowe, &ura Trewin -------- î155 Helene Rundile, Audrey Rowe, Rea Sellers ------ 52- Jean Lobb, Dorothy Nichalas, Barbara Courlney 151l Martha Woolley. The two league-Icaders bathIBlackbuirn 674, Art Spicer .Went down tn dtcfeat lastJ661 and AI! RandIle 643. The Office, after rolling 1257 garne, while other top scoresi In the first, slipped to 774 inl went to Frank Mohun 283,1 BowlingO n Y u g CadN gh the second tb i'se 4-3 tO the 252, Bill Nicholson 278, 246,'O n Yu gCa d î h Lead Press. The Hase Rom>- Jimý AllUn 268, Jack Bond 264., The first schedule caine to c'owned the other leuder-s-tt ýKari Piper 262 and Arnold a close ,Saturday afternooln, Uachine S'hap, 52 to Lie th~ , obb with a pair of 621's. with Howard Rundle's team .jrfce for the lead, with the1 fa Stnig capvuingo the oyp, ithe girs'Locu1. Team s D o W eilPl mach inists ira iling by onf,.!Stndng aprging bros' tte , end TeBeits upset hOi Combines, Virgoniao of n' tealopin tenginls Dy Jim Clarke Iner, Gilhooly, Bothwell, De- Symons, O'Brien, Baker, Pi 4-3, with a total'di1ferençe of Offic - ------- ------- ------ 1dison. Pins made the dif- pew, Dykstra, Morrison, War- loch, Bray, Hlighfieid, Milne, oxaiv 10 pins betwcen the twotHse _.- ------ -----.- 10 ference in the boys' league. Ireland, may boast Of suifle den. Baron, Ham, Van-Hinsberg. clb.Machine Shop------..... .... 9 Heading int the final aler- 1mystifyirig doings of their I'-ý Cobour'g Lincup - Goal, The Bantam Battie The Conts overcanme Iat C0.jis8 noon, Rundie, Shirk and' gendary "Little People", bati Quinin. Crow, Lecas, Vander- Gene Balson and Tai-botý week's goose-egg., this tlim ea Prbiess---- 8 hioorcraft were deadlocked last WVednesday evening, Bow- lip, Woods, Caine, Olsen, Gla- Thompson combined with iessi hand'ing thc Fan Beits a 5-2 LePets s o îa lc.Rni ruc manville's ice palace was the dious, Guttridge, Campbell, than two minutes remaining, 1055. Vqe Braiclcrs also bit thc1 Tigers --------ï-------------------- 5 edi AI Plummer's crew 7-0,. meeting place for anoth(!r1Lucas, Thompson, Kelly, St. to enable Bowmianville Ban- score ect for- the' first L'mey Co5t whlle Doug Shirk defeated frisky assemblance o! "Littli, Charles, Robin$on, - Williams, taims to secure a two ail ctraw on thé4 strcngth of a 4-3 decci-Fan Beits------- ----4 Vince PM.lloy's outfit by the People". While an enthusiasticý Oulanker. with Port Hope, in the even- ,t -.e ion ovcr the Tigcrs. Bris.------ __---- lame score. Jim Moorcraft's gathering of nearly 400 voiced Pee Wees ini Action ing's final hockey action. J Frank Mohun scattcî'cd the _________ club edged' Don Bagnell's their delight, Minor- Hockey1 The combined two goal ef- Thornpson bil Balson with a j pins for a big 741 triple toý bowlers 4-3 to drop out of Night allowed the pint-sized forts of Stephen Burns and perfect pass, at the right of pace a group cf fine scores. t';# Mail the running. Rundie taok the shinnyests to dispiay their Don MelViurler, plus the ad- the Port Hope cage, and Gene Arol oi)roid 726, fol- LJ A~LUAr i hmînhpo iesrnt aet.ditionai, single tailes by Don- -eamly lifted the -disc home 'lowed by 'Bill Nicholson 714), Ôf a 395 pin margin. In the three games, Bow- Wilkins and Richards, enab- jas the crowd roared their ap- Jacka Bond 683, Farewell Bowmnanv,.lle, Ont., Doug Shirk took high tri- manville's Atorns outclassed a led Bowmanvllle ta overpow- proval. ______________-February 2. 1960. pie with a 672 total, follow- game Cobourg club 4-1, while er Port Hope Pee Wees 6-i. Port Hop*s Terbenche Iiad * SINCERE THANKS ed by Lee Rackham 643 and the Pee Wees snowed Port Bowmanvile eompletely oorn- given the visitors a 2.-O aar- .1 ! h Tom Mason 610. Hope under 6A. Bowmanville's manded play in this scrap, as gin with less than five min- Of behaîf ofteExecuativel battling Bantams rallied will-h t.hcy f ired five first period utes rernaining in the last ofthe Bowmanville Liltfel Doug Shirk set the Pace less than two minutes remaii-1 goals, over an unorganized rame. John Hughes sliced the - N.H.L. Association may I ex-I with games of 248 and 246 ing in the final gamne bo gair'Port Hope club. lead in hal! at 11:00 of the *SNKE Press our sincere thanks 10 w-hile other 200 games were a well deserved draw wih' Port Hope's Bradshaw in the third, when he caught the -NNI$D- the many individuals and rolled by Lee Raekhamn 245 Port Hope. Ivisitor's twines was sensation- lower left band corner, on a MEgraups who by their co-oper- an-d 217. Bob Hellam 237. Jiîn SkIIl With the Broorns ai, dlespite having six beat pass fromn David Kerr. Bow- fWIII wp-;EUf/ ation contributed immenseiy McKnî,,ght 233, Tom Maso~ ihlm. With Bowmanville's siii- manville were granted a Pen- to th OURes ofID or r n 219n CaaaNah.D ndOk 20, on Etcerl 219, Prior bo the actu-al hockcj, pers. constantly invading bb;c Ialty &hot at the 12:30 mark, os OR PIDEYoug Cnad Niht. DonOke206 Ro Ether202shenanigans, BowmanV iille Part Hope ciladel, Bradshaw, but Kerr was outguessed by In addition our warmest and Don Sweele 200. girls gaveimany of the spec- wsfre ulofsm otHp' tpes thenks to the many parents Boys' Team Standings tatra n w vesio bo!m wha unhehievable saves. Balson's goal at- the 13:35 and hockey fans who attend1eue o.letobombi Witbout tihe protection o! a clirmaxed the -coring far the cdR *- ae das u Pts bcontebs. bat Iwoe ended bai goaitendier's face rnask, Brad- night, and was a good indica- chaspd tickets on our draw H. Rundle------- 71 i5eoreless decisions. Tagged shaw received a nasty blow Lion as ta the territorial pici- resulting in our association D. Shirk ..------ --71 with today's popular rock and on the nose, in the third per-, ture, with both clubs having t)-2 having the best Young Canada j. Mooreraft ------------- --68 roil ("Racket and Ruin" if mod, when Steve Burn's riser'equal opportunities in the Night thus far. A lme....felled him Goalies are a, game. The fallawing persans don- ---4 O' rfr rit amhardy breed, and the Port Bowm-anville Lineup -Goal, D. Bgnel----------~the girls displayecl a greati Hope -youngster upheld the Neil. Burgess, Coiwill, Nich- T. Fletcher, Rosary Nursery. V. Mol]oy dea-- o! guto as thl :l tradition, as hce coî-dînued for ols, Archer, Clarke, Gay, Bail, Dave Hig-gon, Higgon Elecîrir;, Virginia Brown's bowlers. meeth hapvl1~b the remainder of the game., Kerr, Baison, Brown, Brad-! Wm.Smih, mih Bverge;~ fle tk.lg oertheleau~wit miht swooshes (maybLe, Bowmanville Lineup- Goal,tley, Hlughes, Sleeep, Thomp-1 Nelson Osborne, wha very1- ladrs hast wveekth defge- thatr should. be hes) inat Veitch. Wallon, Puk, Runie,: son, Forsey. kinlydonte 'te oato!edesi K aren B eaures tea .. terros.Mhrs it- Short, Burns, MeMurter, Down, Port Hope Line-up - Goal,~ printing the draw tickets. tacpueth ilw e tenac st the bltakn Lucas, Werry, Wilkins, Large,' Stephiens, B. Purdy, Belran,1 1 tocapurethetite, hearnese with thaihit . H ooper, Richards. Webb. 1 Paedon, Terbenche, Taylor, j * pE.J. Rundie. ýBrenda Oke's autfit droppe-dý finesse wiP the HoeMaw'-GasonoEthr avs a President. 1a 5-2 decision to Linda Brook-., helper was being wiclded. Prortaw H oe nu oarl , Jnon EBrie, DaislBi- Co 3-2281 1783 Bowr-nanville îing's pin-spillers. In the re-1Inl whab was pcrhaps iBasa.RweBxe, eJg 'Bin al _______Litlie N.H.L. Assoc.1 maining contest. Connie Os-loutstanding display of hocke0Iy j __________________ -mond's team hung a 5-2 set- on the evening. Bowmanvill--'siI back on Helen Vanstone's cel- wee, wce onles, tie Atom3, i real pip of a contest. Jet! Gi Te ,u- Linda Brooking1 had a big 1 hooly, look on]y 10 seconds to C IA L242 single and a 594 triplp. christen Minior H-ockey Night, 'Tiie second haif oi the -cd Ani-n Lyiner, Caralyn Cari, 227and53I ad renl0w scoring wi.,, and adled -ii- ie hegins. Sa1., Feb. 6, xithl BcIh Crowe. 1 -I204 and 521). Oth-r 20, ni '- Atois Io theii victorv. Dal- averares taken over the lasf, Nlary Muidaçy. Ai'n Leddy, Thursday Friday - Saturday o1 Vn z wnt o HlenVanten 2 Ion Dykstraa. and Plii1 Mani.. tive weeks. Sharon MoMtiter, Lin-cia Bow- .98 Eileen Ralime -)09 and Jeanl dtîck addeci singletons, wilh B an, Sandra Dilling, Virginlia Plasie Pils- J herehl 06.Paul Guttridge, CobourcVýs Tei1 M~t Osmond. Silfcr~~'rl ibtili Foi, ~ Teain 6- Marilyn Moore. -- - - - - -il'Tai~adns the visitors' lone rnarkcr. Boi Vincent Mol]oy. Tom CallaniAdrySier hrlAn Refrigerator Boxes - ------.-----.--- .-88 V. row goahies, David Wright. ,.f David Neadis, Jim McKnight, Luxton, Carolyn MAead iw S, VBrw ------«---------- 651 Bowmianville, and Bob Quinn Gary MeDougal. Richard Lan- Darlenie _McCulioch, Judy Pae- Tea Tray ---- ------ -- -- -.-88 B. Oke ---- ------ of Co-bou-rg, performed in finle der, Bil CroRnbie. dn C. Brooking ---- 9 _style in their respective cages.* Tearn 2-- John Rundle, Wo- dn Dish Drying Rack ---------«-_---------- 1.49 K. Beauprie 2! Bowmanville Lineup-Goal, orwPry o odi! o C. Osmond --46Wright; def., Rogers, Wilson, Brown, Riandy Beauprie, BobN w as H ke DrainBoars ----------- - ------------- ------ 1.3 C. smoninney--- «.a6 FeryAider; Ader; Dune.,Du , Ronien tche , Elkiherwcatli kike Dri oad-------------------. Vanstane 321 wards, M'anduek,_Brown,_Wou- Bi-omell. Nwate-Ago rw Team 3- Don Oke, Howard wcas tl on Aan od oro Mdtet-Juvenile PIayoft Schedule Rundle, Michael Charles Nor-waonhdonSnangl THE G IT & TO SHO Pman Vanstonîc, Pauil Swýeete ta see twa good hockey games T HE I T T Y HOP 11 game, 1:35 p.m., 101h gamne, 2:25 p.m.; 111h gaine 3:10 pin. Alun Plun-uer, L. Taylor, Ro ' )dshedup by the four teains ($ut o KngTai)Feb. 6 - lth game - Orphans (1) vs. Maroons (3) Teeni 4- Tom Mason, Lee gm arn cl fea f Newtcgs- -- 111h game - Generals (2) vs. Rockets (4) Rackham, Scott Rudel], John tl 4.aceal ogh an - -1 n ..... r,..n:... v 7 .1 VIGOR OIL CO, LTD. BEST QUALITY ADELOIL STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES For Delivery -PIME -GSIAWA SM 5.110 I&~ BONI) ST. W. OSHAWA Feb. 13 - 10112 gaine - Cornets (1) vs. Manoons (3) OIJIW. ;a3dLy ifJinI, LorUI'iIt IIU 111hgaie -Rocets(2)vs.Raiers(4)mpsan, Waàyne Burgess, Ricky - It ae-R es()v.Ries()Dolan. Feb.. 20 - 101h gaine - Rockets (1) vs. Orphans (3) Team 5- John Phillips, John - - 11h gaine - Cornets (2) vs. Generals (4) Carter, Don Ellis, Taîulie Tho.- Feb. 27 - 1th gaine - Maroons (1) vs. Raiders (3) mison. Ted, Gould, Doug Hate- - - 1111 gaine - Orphans (2) vs. Cornets (4) jly, Steven Oke. Teain 6- Larny Tbomrpaon, Mir. 5 - 10112 gaine - Genenals (1) vs. Raiders (3) Bob Heilani, Jim Callan, Bob - 111th gaine - Rockels (2) vs. Manoons (4) MeMai-us, Dan Marshal, DonÈ Mar. 12 - 101h game - Comets (1) vs. Rackets (3) Swete, Tomn Carter. -lt ae-Rader (2)vs Orphans (4) Gil lit gin - ic-s vs tTcam 1- Linode Brooki,c Mar. 19 - Little N.H.L. Zone Playoffs je Bowmanville Karen Besuprie, Uary Lowery, 9 Mai-. 26 - 9th gaine - Maroons (1) vs. -Generahs (3) Ileane Rahne, bMarie Chaent, a Mar. 30 - MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT Sharon Burgess, Linda McDon- Apr.2 -*UG TURNAENTaId. Apr.2 - UG TURNAENTTeain 2- Virginia Brown, Any tics aI 1the end of the playof! achedule will bei Sandr~a Rivers, Berta Higgon. r decidcd by bbc best goal average. The two top teasa aIthe Gail Mulhohland, Sharon Bris' ce, Rlckie Taylor. fi end of the playoffs will enter M1iner Hockey Night. No Tearni3- Brenda Oke, Jean- , overtinie will 12e played duning 1the playeffi, wîbh the excep- ne Therteli, Patsy Tbornpso'n,< tion of Minor Hockey Night and tac Mug Series. Ail playersi Ceeule Park, Denise Wessells, n- mnust use dr-essing - rooma 10o change into112cm equipment. Ahi Karen Oke. Lorraine Taylor. S teamns mu«~ be ncady te play 10 minutes before scheduled Ten 4- Ho"m'len anstone, p, - - tie.Shri'-%-Covir-es. Suz ane a game lame.Bail, Elaie Bennett. Mary fi Orono goals were scored by Carleton, 2, Carruthers 2, Cooper, Williamrs and Van- atone. Trim and Mis with two -apiece were the scorers for Newtonville. There were no penalties handed out Jen t.he ga-me to either team. In, thc second gamne of the double header the Pansier outplayed the Clippers for a score of 6 to 2 with Gary Mc- Cuallough the star of tahe game scoring four goals foir the Pan- aies with Paul McCullaugh and Earl Foster scoring th2e et.her lwo goals. Shields and Rowe wcre the narksmcn for the Clippers with one goal each. Penaltiesi for misdemneancr- in Ibis game were more plentiful with Ai! Gray sitting out three two ninute penalties and Bob Stephenson two for the Clip- cers while Rickard. Dickinson ac 'Foý;er sit out penaltiesý for the 1Bansies. 1 Team NÔ. 4, Sparrows - Betty Richards, Sa-die Buck- nel, Agnes McCollooib, Marg. Coyle, Maraon MacDonald,1 Lilla Luffinan, -Anc Tice, Ruby Spicer. Jean Stainton -gnglwi IGoodlyear e Hockey,, cui ' lI the finald dm*le-Jacader more4 of the reaular achedule, the strcngtli Hme defeated th e cond place turned Office 7-2 to take over -the close 2-: third and final playof! posi- ai-ds fire tion from ths Mats who maRrkers were wlopd92b taecount6ri ieagueadn anBls The Fan Bel Hoee,wobvebrai thc Tbm Jc cellar for a domsa weeks, de- back a aý feated the Mats last week to ards ch' kecp tacir hopes alive, and mnake it now aller Sonda y's win tacer cd anal will mccl the Office ina sud- utes,bel den-death claah wlth the wwn- ed his 3 ners moving m finrale. Scolan "Buck" Cowle twice gave West, cc the Hmoaead in the opener anIilin but the Office carne baok to Same Sa tie the count both times on complete goals 12y Bill Lyle and Sam final mT Thompson. With the inentive Fina o! making th2e playoffa, thc Hose broke loue for fiv: anB goals in the finai 15miue Bl for the important two points. Office Cowle triguered his third, Hase - Don Prout bagged a pair and Mats Top Seorers Raye West (PB) - Lloyd Hamillon (FB) Don Masters (O) _____- Bob Falrey (FB) Ted Falrey (M) - - - Bibl Lyle (0) ------.... Bob Marjerrison (O) 'Buck" Cowle (Hif>- Howard Qulnney (M) Dan Girardi (H) __ Frank Mohun (O) Clint Ferguson (M>) - Bob Sheridan CM) l "Mort" Richards (FB)- Don Prout (H) ---------.--------- - ---- Don Forder (FB).. "Archie" Crossey (M)- Jerry Marjerrison (H). "Hank" Lane (H)-.-~. "Jiggs" Cowling (H)- Paul McCullougla CH)------------- George Heath (FB) --------- Sam Thompson (O)-- ------- flan Burgess (O) --..----- Gary Cooper (FB) -- "Bubch" Cole (0) ---------------- Terry Masters (M)---------- ....-- 3 s a 3 9 8 3 5 8 7 ..s o s a Team No. 5, Blueimays-Mur. !el Crough, Aura Trewin, Lila Graham, Barbara Col- Barb. Courlney, Meta Mûoff§tt M ari-ion Wiseman, Millie son. IHelen Rogers, Ann Wlhlte. White, Neille MeFeeters, Maý Team No. 6, Bluebirds - Raose Cowan, Elsie Richards, blWiliamns, Ruby Mundiay, Betty Kelly, Be. Sellers, Cozette Neads. "LET GEORGE DO Il" YEAR END CLEARANCE ALL WINTER CL@THING MEN'S PARKAS Zipper Front SplitIHooii Heavy Quilted Llning Ail Colora Ail fizes Reg. $100 Prices Slashed This Week Only! -Bowman ville Surplus Store 42 aime SLE.NL41 --s rffUSDA?, FER. 4th, 1960 went to Paul NsCbk. -d J)an Girdi. gh was Prmmient!t "abSt to dut"Up with cowie.ý i nightcap, it wu 4âS a story of too :r~c h as the l=gue-Igar it on to. beku i- battie. "Moet" Eih- red a pair of unaasisted s, with Ted Fairey ig once to -put the Dts back in the game. Fhnson got that ont minute Inter, and Rich- âaked up his tiard te 4-1. Gary Cooper ai- dher within two n.ft Bfore Ted Fairey noteh. second. îg champion Ritya Dllected a hat-trick, in mirnute span to put the aice, and Don Forder ted the sroring lin thi ninutes. al Tesan Standinte W LT P lts 10 4 1 21 6 34 18 5 -8 2 12 -. - ~ r21~1Ktn 1

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