4 ql, LT OU - - utheilnu; hi.U- isi at < xia1 'u Ul'ct i.. t I b I a c -' e! y- ýýý MZ " -¶t .1. Il 1 -î. - a kA is emýý, Il i m . 1th a hme's Iio OieelOs ai, , ,à. '- _.-s 1 /1. isau-e , £ 5 k e s ls e ty , - ---l _ __h e __,-aÏ ,ih s u u e ;- _,- 7,- ----,- 4 -. eoc ; ýý c -i. * C Il --ss, s, Fa., Asg. 80.-leIlls;is esp asve em ile. 'A-l6 ",yiercep_ _ I11,1s, P E .. 1 - A aSIUorLItO .-5ýBsu -Xyre Te_ île. ey.tis 'siurgil" eiie,'Wite s ugmi. .,carIa Pu e 1 I FR EPEM RElu listmis tmpates Catisee!:atGersl2ei .esi'eer a14ii Pseectap rtSO ery Q èrflthse T, ne0a . 0iltli* paeCp. isasp -Teeaetesc tset eplamte Ci¶5 àmtatsteeeudh sntIts~ iI esrbi 5b s vie~eO O.s vcr. siaicrci.- ' i .0 scoeesee-epeietpiwl5eellnystagiCa hc en . _- as-_c-. I chusse.s1 1 ý ýý I Ie;e u lci.- , oioaecs. Scsas5e * e esu vassm sam sw eve hamptc xCaE,-,-M y.tkVel Cr .1ce, IlaIl _1-y1ssii esc _îe t. ; tsoclg ale D l t It l li. . - C. - - W . - C -- os, citsis asebst sootiOeOii. sayea ds lelisi e spsas llilec -si1'zissi ItssethaesS , IseVacev . Isat 1ttis lil *, ui ssises . l ýI a t tse eame..cal D r GIls a et , i eih5 i eig ica ert Cht a ne. xMpeejriy 55, Buggyi hi asca on cit ...le jeu.»,ý" .ý visw.-eah. iv..614..,s.l. .ss. wsac....eswsaCi mlida tt e ...ailetb u ie aiît s. Tieomsreclw-.1s tse isssisa et ser. tsa. Csc1lssis eay aiie lisiem tu i iep uelai at iCepc. a si s s s pss. Tse i e all cliii. es ise ceatfl blaca...sOilt -i5 tics- Jemýescs-tist-hec epas sgo.is ulle eseing hliisie tia sellalest 1sofreinesçecctiigost las ,iraite. basas-al bis lie1sapl'is-se.,m-ast.:e aiclils ticssaisa ,-s tsi ssgq lp. A"Mcoi'ma hat atsie1ai..eithy rrOegi5uielw 5td sîîr tiiss a.isti *,, llw dtsiosavciaiseCl. aeaisl, nntChie-ba.iiig-iC-s. tosteitc'.àT e et Ce epiè ttassragc- .co-aîi, iesjîasibie , ars ... -iye1. Cilvcie tlgsttsey~ e Ipe Pýý rse Goode 20 25 _and3Oç. * - ha- _ _ tom erepasfiieely tepe- t a , . H ur sa M P ae a.-l. *Liel-ls iut.'. -I.11 '- l, - * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . -airc;.ecl .., c Ise aneiesciwaltggicr. e6 mt aneai ir Da. Ne Cite5 910 1ý îîî ï;i--------d- lau. I.. Maeeesertegcstcal lisses:- set pt.eïè ,I ." , ýýý,ýlti . .ý ý l,ý A isgs rîtA T s. ue gast el ili ie assiisi hr.ne.1 .- s O eCe505 aa.iWItlisg beshi ber sai s t, te. It:,wS*ers-kere- -10 12-el'eUt -Ie tm mle . u m iiic ci e u s w s .sb .a.. 1 1 sîaigue1- _" ' eu- p .. 1 , gio of tire , u1 . is . I ew T ap et y a rn ete 5 . 0,8, 4, 50 ý »-, , e. . sýcý-î e us soSssco. ius iel eti a ts tosaaW..leeC.ISubsetm.5i55W mye ealig bsass.ID i New Bruseele Carpet -s 1, -_.1 - .. ac Os. -atsetîp1 test, liiela ses1bedis. -cemoil-lbotter,î lises Cisc-tabacs, ast g. oi y leisy cllyîs":ioe asosstsasi.lu Wr- je itis & sautS Sud th*i, ..aller, .ait1 .-E -- hi te New WeolOý, ý"-_ý,ý,, , mataa et tbo1-s'cOecglta .ssetis. poset Oisrmasivos I,..rr i. Ci s oraie otb ia tt r r s ire e si r , wb e ls t b r os bs jlineryWver'yehe-p . " *-', - C, . ss}soem I vra latice Wm , New styý1 les-n1 re1 ll_-, o. Soateasis ttis paiy ameoplsis eai.itoegayte otwserhau1a i so a hp entsiatcg tic BELOS., Sireailisat. Cheralss at ilioateot a sI wa otertebîv ue iatoetisl isetsie. oasrI', tilleir oh Asdey. A Chi e ]Yan, . 'Y 1- iton, . . teorri irolss. tVo isy r iiu , 1ba.o 1av G t gist 1be Isqi las t enii cceocm . om nta e ma rete lse aisa i ?a .àa r m nt eâ -r6d o; sô e pro b t rbiri-ts oiiSca.. 5 Iusgy ieerl ba. elpansieqasea Sytsgogae has esjsiist ibo .us, ' ssi ie srae hhegs ",re ecsrie d.pe -ui.lOsileestem cy pracr tee Cho .Ott5li05 45. IItb i r*ai l î h r r e i r e a r e s e e e, " rnhô - h y c lu r O .- es - ï , 1 . , i o l t i , g P ý ý # " , ý ý ý e 7 'ý , 'ý ý ' ý ý : F -; . 1 3 0eW.Ae i y Elt .hvt lg , loo i aES t0 '0tlim , Et Ts m BEts O.t h e ;rof theai pas o s jc a a t n t ,basais as s a1stoseaoC ustosahosý _" ý, - ';ýj .e..,: ' ý;. -_ , -ý C-bnaw 'torsaitis. hase rt o" l sisetso tiPssrm lpi taso e C ho o ri gsiSib o ,,, i 0 sonde vr« h ý ý lý bahyeimiialýý. _ ý !I L- . ielu, -ocvrioyetti-uia Ssei ,aFooo r s !sst siiics ca .t h giviog c mo i Claou i nsTeR Xlg I hoî o ii s jisd s vrsiatIr iay. -ees as. it o v. T1. o0. i..iauCiciooa Cc tieo ,hniitas eestsJvocciatisi;;ta I l r Z .1.i.e sîs.l p o c iio s s i a s tie ro c il b ia is a C ita s aht aae ritin o .s01O mn SeaaMa y - isoe.-Tlioey ueo brout tce a.' s.'.H1ow boa -' * o vssotiIroso giatus sov os'uel asa a secaaei e.b eSota - - .1 lý, Tis vosca iesamsrio otCssets vosir~aooiomis salotse ih c a . .1e1evnrsetie;men milsrcuta l ic lotodie CIorrs s. îesvoso.alîos ime tia csepaor stïc.7trtsesOropaut as ih sep1ai1 octt.i. îspits t ts Cslsl ooogoov.Wlea ecoCicia laa esimt 80 rueîtseeuaoa tseioIis eorsar-as e SiCioiii 'a ,iili, sl itsit s lo tuitasimo Wiatcpo ts 2i4. o gi aco v ie s esiaitye tstassl--etN s - iols - ssîîlecor Tiigi saoivisvo tC -tia asr elpo do se ~ il.u o~ a p userhsiseseti ,esil ý' 1-.ýl, ahcrilcncCsiioia tio esisod- orieeaaS paoimialabis h-,s1lralsitm aatty snss .Auto.l i so lo isns t lssv r Cslp o os on svo c rI vu o.- ýb n. 0 d -'tn. yoslîoî- "oc.su d1s i-t ,io ts -is s esc il10 ai. W h oa , toseooii r.Iaaotatt - S I hoII S. î yircoa:- it- ime saa tbutlise t aas os s ocacma n s liea Ot Ituc Ib Cieao SOissm tstly t aý.. I icrisanoli oou" u ., at I iC'.IOCO .I, ceuuooe.. 15-H se as Csc ciO O ss .Zaaoemcitleo a siitoae hss .b e c i i r t h o s s c isi h u1oi o c î s il 5,'s i o iaau el t il p T s i h.lu a a o la so o s-vt o , s eae o l t o n s " e w I t e o i o l v e l h y h o . u.t c-at e y -:s-iMotresiuit lo oiile hsiitl s ansi Eandsota eoo oisiuend ais . oposi beu mhliiisuash opesu ieratbo s icone. Ars ois tsivcc1, - - - 1 _tr .uiilocisisi7 iscassos îs.irîoO o.reuire.iVssittii hsc 'horosi0stp hoIl st st tioreas lrosisuititio le Dalcoshiaaleo st oe hst u _ _ir o sei eai ls h s h o reaniai i a nes Ipi Cots ote? f 10 . 1- 1,1si , as ,11oo -o gIo sisisi o. o toh I lo- siu-i.i.hvseiIesncoa'e' huosi;t1.1ion et. tii railcT tcsaVue t«cv hiea sto. itie t pc st n ao li ooidru ao . osli t tt l cs vOaH esi.-a c y ur vtecruseOl s it Do g i is. 1oe os a i!e , .ý.- ' ý ite b2n is.-. 15 etmbr .c;19 . ,n oc,- bu i y e ai. cflnift etoi t e réutas o lomo I. t soilee wcageot'iii u thsiiuoioooai. li agsiui oft? us.Ciý%e ast.0-loootîeorîihoasi S,'so. lo ?,roheih aisootraianmine.ywîsissoe itiytusropoviose.:hsshhicssig,, ,sat lm? ;a',o-':l,-a, tise tassade-iss-i_ .a1sTonoeto a 1, D_ ios-hes sc relîseuepaeponit.àhcilump iiogr ist o - coo'rui hsr-11.,inîn, Toie Cosuticîr eepo, ifltondoa-lI =aîsbulîo rea t u h al elaPs i sa Und al e o e lu bs ana a t - a e si t ýe p ts eao mehbsaý .. i.m., à >. , t a r s l o o , h v ann'y - a i" - t h s o u iS C lb uor e r bo b-P l t oi se w f o .I l h o a i o i t e t g o t e es s ot t .o«to c ut a s s i s -h a e__ste n c a B sctuistocooisocisoor odooioerotsed assecriée eis.lua s loiasusiiissn- teili -ia ,a-t, _i a5c"; 1 1s .a1t-,l'ut.t-p i _ >a-es--hoaros test.bo il e su p ll o is s lc a tu i M o i oi tw o ta s Ch e ir s is ioi. 9t a ir 5 4 g t h e eo l ves a ais s t a s a th î.. . 'e>uso w_ eic ostn.1.ptiIoe uih o p tisas. tsiiya.t îosuole Clu îoiuhisel T S a sisoLI ero;Issuoiu.TOo iowete-tlrî 5Ca 1oi1 :ue, nasessit a olliInsit.0 -1vsciý .).ý.,ý useiiî gsoa' ailis 1 sceflintsohalao.i. 6.14. A tIs mol. aic o ruc asovCisc o aliptsosao! a Cheeso Ch als aueon s tmlt ybtis bse - ý--l' I1 ý_ ý:. ,, ; ;. .,' . t - ý - 1 gnto Lo tguiau asu itl tfe icoî. t .iVh->i i ion tvr-yuwn acl _i suaeiloch usla'as, «etCus st? ihîlieunoqîsira g 1eS.atgsalefgusr.ls rlo elsW te ociteethsnu, iset wîth-, t1e ' e ... ro.. a serhCi c ulatie bsac.TiihOiOCrH.sep rm io pas L Isu and steeh.omebesnootterstschc e aca!! sieies . hm - ... eý ,l1 , .> l tmhh tr lloccc-T rc e eon thess ordcs.oiofCsctheapro, , -.- th îosicry lio, esKiooro hey..e. ..Iu.,s.,.asppcn1sc- Timm tagh Wenfu Wni t lssa. - s - alsod lad liosihuat Otoisssutiulii etsoisTurstetisoih ovrhosii sot 'cehI1,miih eil, hs toIt spo h . . .. . s -- - - - i tc as os tuîc r qaide? ml i e10d5. o rsla ov1avui hn,_ic-ot iot 0e toli 1_hisy1at, nio. Cloneomphiu s Sarep Cred w t . itand uid oPiasssag; t Ioirecc us mitr o folu pcseccsi o u erausai sni l a g shoot sahee be11 s-aeott-- bave-,« Fa Cn. issdurt<sl __sol po taîc aih i d e gtasuiio li c o O by h traielm s slie l a -1Jb -iia s tu nire-ih aBaînstbw ahsav .,rý.e a t . -1' i p l c a l u t a l t le p e hg l U ait? cinàatch.. b shle i11itroi C c o m isii. h ssa h a st o p a s bis sose.tA hetise-ai , salit tu - hall b u ramesiso tr oto s a ses ou la Cono eniahiiabMm. emiy srsiier amnsyt oillrlon, sot: : . -1... :,ý- .ý a1..niein tiesroioto theuea fooCont isort ua iuaiiuoland ut -. oe acliesa tros i. tur avel o iebils l lysa ssg upihe l îslp-nemaiaa.Y '.ýip1Y - .- ' n ig sfie nh ua "tiso eeonuisirate 11. %va r o ce; g lan os od iaean ms l..a hsso as r;e iroaibo Stp.it mo 111e wli, ie Iposuecîl.n baabll1lashahe-1 leso gis1a ay te ieabuttiisCa. or- l4 a- ii t his i îp r. * i wuf u i hia l n theScst? l'o d p ti o nuusforshoranteaet C.wlay îeini«eoIl . Ahi.-2tus some Ca eusse« me'-.met psu oir aoa t us is p auriosuo? rcithas 5. ou t an F et I as oA is ai co soelofO moniho esys déis a a N Wbeavy -- 1 i ý, ùwa9 tillVaryarun.. is o oti alleeis T h p e'aopwrdîs nes -iiht selctu Ilt h sad if ou wl' D é s i6 s10 1 1g15 2 , 5 ica» avilica corn lumaiidepeasntl as.bpeuoeo eretahstPiie seco te ý_ Ms.ahirtit d fsp iteea nttaaop se . ,àIh t- itrosu. ta iehaoolby, n t at c éthr;t o s p j~iOs. oilr- -i7ir . -scsid pe I îou)en i aunme . er rem s . N w0 ekD sWGocd 7i1,20 25'. Do Sruc n ot 'lîciuîu. bistene anchirvailFessein Eoug ; oa s oaý r vos. .s aiwen ron s o6sr.tsi, aise0, 1FhPciors .a gistgaT, sit ais.d. 1 esesmliiub ableoas .ltroodt tr eai i pa- bVes Chtmilc IdoBilseilr e l s ý1a.jeDiron tis. l i ar s e1masgo. - - Cst siso? Vuuus Chu poaph aedto S s ta t possg lw ac e ts &oraccaino Iandiln ineo l ieS nto as d eeilCstlsuikeà8i 0,1 : ,ý - Ud 1s o 1angle'Song ot on.astih ay it G sho ba ýon_ arn- e-a-eltai gsloîý Fhrtiwai , itises l - a lv. I.) 'l u tie aiparraN:heltaicoiss tce is 505 pta a ersei, - . u ssie a NwiestyC îet 2 ,90 5. 0 0 7 -. ý Wr . , nata ctcrtrt in the sOecc - -Sustsasa eteo tsihac Oil a ,, tm isri elî teqsmiltatc uteaeiactuhsm, $i $ilI On Smirlut , nEibe wu tlssi orp oit . au elabhs ndys 1.eaa1Nellomsl Capetns5, 0;75 -sy1.0.m. p. opeti ýý 9 aigel y ispay o rvdlsn hie dngrs o onu tS eai asen pap Tee . ., mti oi ini tai t , ote tg ewh-lC rýt'7,5o OI ,ne iagtaisutcetiteen masiug40.1, Ceatlu, mss caca o reofsahne ' .boso o ac t oodcet s wOse d tsi, asitgis tes.e5t se storatnd'"'-e A.Ciotei-tst_ crs. tanA reoy eea?(sb i ,9)' a l . teetinsha, boîe tee tepler us ,is s tos cre t ape tinsta 0 lioâ 0 9,1,20. - - I euohgteslei ha tertmt ow,i et hriv tes aCh te n o f scoo t eseteCh csaass a e s alos bgnig" ý e uti oW 5,*5 1...olP.(.. . laf s esmpddIelsCli.18.1) 'F1 ,5tuilieîsospceNpoilJerseryid, hC te ma in ierolu smValuee t$0.re50 G Waoy hY X souessuvest ai beaves ofMei. eCPas, od calaillai tc ,te e heitl .oetis L fi ik h s' ilc ne f wicl bi a nag ldy itHh ae h x v 101 i g sate landtaeihv . s a l isspectio aan din pMasoSt. epai 9, . 1. : , ' a 'luJee go eiinDeSi"sbnexrest . averely. oma-of the t r i n osnlratec mes? g toiuoy r ache d atiso lection nd'esl ga Tioro .ispi ey ah Cime g. . IncaucrudaeutuossSIaisO. ictentiosa ah teebondybat sg boite- - . Ttmeh gct,Ùclo h eP artP cae pHITS. -ment.- L unset l a eg ah rébellod. t 0 a "MssOoeoiypaimate o vncial 46n ti su! aasqerisl,'et'H u e T r îh n casdépuogtion.ia'bu. - sysepregastce95 sepeiaeee, nitbia P7te&1rfrmssud ad iiserd-a e - w IL Atr'o avedngte pontel ebas. e e e tanapc mvmcu . 'IChas Atmptiati figrsi toe 1Atehîl.setogt__________________,__4__________Hamilton.__ Béne erab oa155luleùausaess in iiq.EL he tee anoo s ai scenreasd. a ltnausiague a s roti£ ed the5 h,., re« .te qnkijî.e bsi.ni1 hatastepdi sCeser h-- bsoOts tee h e o r yniter i9 ai.. --0" Ca . ý ý . l; . le. Tas. 1 IIIt iebîicll ae oliclung e iOtaOte esttinn of ;g&mfeds nth O W db Y ou are amas 50L0W TujtpSTr 1 itling Authe lft hé ilage aleragans'- ileapm O ih nuj e emino.sna t ebn eCtionl<s1s5.nesOý u. i. 'lC .s r . lie'Nertalsaiedby oulisWh detr W.i frye r tsis.sentenl se s ud 55.t te Tr Gutom et lasO. t an d maiussia s itomelsp aetsgin la n-t,.a..d1 t' ucie!es.iD55ssxoeCm li. . ~S~au uon t'lis trille tle-aN*t'ffimtpwne01o . 1. . .. 1 . teItIlisOev TO C'l ALL 0 ýs easstaetart of the mls asS ifdetyos vseh ~ LRAMER- Niw l use, go te ~&yese~ TEARI .iw 4 eprs eeeisn salslg the vation Jpssionhaaero ai ssessatios, -aiso emasteas sssahe se S7-by M.'iM 1er . l'arn aies prepased tea 417 JVIRTBOIJGH1-T eitî,in or esGevasisz ea ipàrices te sstithe tUs j gueaatecd. '~~AH FOR- ,WOO AT THE- wmiiay. eush tergeesi, ean eserehestahie .Weol, a .c"l aahaillrad. Stsesig, coas, bsssy aad n.w raede r is'pay feor o. have àýalare stock ef geste te chose trem, csistil lme ast Cettesseisal aise Fise Grey Fisues, Che vUnisse satWoelss Dress Geste.- 1 lave.aaiseaatll lise ai Somes ssda Wistsr Tweedls .Aet I have a geet asesetiesi et Sheetiagiti ILnet aouhie wttath; have aies sa tare vaste ty otYsos.,, aill DI agi selse sebatittes ter.Csol1labest shtchfew s et ys asdeiseet es goed sseToaks or sy aller xesalvays fre55yOou wn wol m'lien tisiret; citell.asd rsesptly donse*-Give us! s csi] ant ith.~ k highest pesihe prise asiloed sifer" D. VICKEflK IraPown.falw flÉ THZ PRIGES URNITURE. ýSebsorihes 50w osifor. esSais ai his Ware lies Mais Stel. Milles, ilis large sudn ssstl.ertcl et et apices.lew-er Chas hsasevss.hcs eliood Il * ths Tesas sf.i lten, *ceeialisg ef Lrkr Suiits, iled-iloom Sits; Lsjuuges, 1 Bide;Boards, Wife MattrassoS Of àail bue '-'qtiantity of'Sea Grasst.alldï Fibre 1 wool olibotl -or' on.ofés 5Ow ttiste Utise tes tamiles viso w!s'lte tesisisissc sy s,àtli Fersitueto me is thse SIEV.E1SON BDs iTON. -FOR- inest Brands o0f Prepa *STEVENSON'S POST fiOLE 1 18s, Iinges, Screws, Glass, Putty, etc., SPEOILL FlUOES- TO FARMERS WE ARE AGENTS ýFOR --.STANLE.' ýIf yourîighbt*ie impared sither hy sige ;ërfèotglases, we guttrantee to sutYOu 'ik - -t ure 1 -1 Sum.L D. eneci. 't,.o THOMIAS G. MATHlEý OFIE-n Pulileu, Mc. l J.rsW-..Cosliosas, Ht dR on Bse,-lahW. &C., lgsisP dim5 rio-sams opirt D sne .Eo1, lptaicol-Ilea M iltOo. oceovsYT oio. M. u tiE:5ITOHELI ..hO Se Solicitor, C ro sricr, 0% Orrsi'-Taes Hall, Milles. isas isu00 nrei 005 - Ornous-Netilair tle Banksv 451- BAiN, LAIDLAW Ilsa, Cbut lirih, bClta ;uJ" te Orito-ar Bantelus i5, 5 l ui tstu .9e tc, li ens. rac Oidriau5il uplk , Toronto.. - e-nliuuOoas.. iuti5 -ver ir .ail, aisaaia' udsss, , .,ssua.sc as , il G . N urIT C ra f - J L 7 100e t uO Coco e al o f Si.. usoss d oo5sod 1, WALLACE, Pu unes EAC I OT -ion t. ï.niioaT0 LOusSsa iti , W R T .. IIl>Ü illnt uaos.u cuc i.is s ts oins TOsi IL eDuoLOTR W. -n u"'O . ~ ns bisd uottr ia disiog ale utss CI iace5 notice jasb.e-d.5e.~ ± lit.it recel% Nosaisia 'e vsa of4,055500 . 0 -lo a, O. il50et .- cIn ý ~-.a - 1 ont. Id .ol 3tarc.tOI. PAN asO Osi5oc' tascis. 5Mai nessllusSiO wulLPO5 ,~DR.HIOD: l N o I IP IN G .