MILTON! til V 1 ytdit t tiioit f t 1îîiiiî i i e.d...~ ....N Cir1îit...air. cltt cctrfft Iciiet doil nli5. ox. YOU donllt wst 1d oosfraQuarter!1 1) Black and Colore , , . Vili a epr yard., orne S1 CI1' t e 25 Tlii . î Strlits iliic h shades c".u!ail iIllesiDLtek Gros o.ii ii*îi '4w Tweeds Neuvnarkets, iîghfý r citve sctrel soinespot lno à t f i 4 ii ti A ospeetal ilieOof Lde C .. i 1 i . is ac, is'itai ft iy assorteda ftià 20 a-d2 in tEast, Hailto >t d - ii' s o îciiti doci ttumon (I l aii vt spjii.ii file.-,for exitnpie,«,' foi- 'rt). '0 n ~'44.ctîeltx 50 and 75e, worth $14 foi î i , ir ei. .per yard. *iiii ,foîr 6c., N-orth 10e. per yard fil). i rn1l iits .11td Giiighamnîý a.tilsiiiTiret'ilo al, extraordiîîarylim 1 tt cli t 25e. jper yard. uts. Lo fr 0eworili$d vitiitteiy nuit .ry 10W .Priéis t ý i m u ait lîrniiîg mit grods t10 niVàll ii qii q iiitiy osi, merchit \VM M1-cLEOD &0 rin 4: 1,U S". PURq ISEHINGS at, ~'}\~X\X't.ù oppoite 1Dewi î à » t: :,, i ti Street,,i 'îii t i ii ltintiit of Sýtves-ofered foi t t i h 'i ii~~~ st tii i tifi jde froirse t ii i tun.4 tisLiethinj 'tuu iii tiiii Liii f1orc thpe y t i by'ý ii î-ct ztiocleerLiecoid weath l 1 .~t.v etio '~jz icS ail kini-us FrOtîtl repoîrts tticlitle te litftîd frein dsý ily àr il uîpht'eLlt tt ic uefarîuiîtg ceone i ve, tic reIîsuiit Lu eoiooi i ,auîi .0100 tule siiortiiless of dise crîîps. 'frite it ums h it ii sî ofie iiîîc of pidîîe ie .ti 1000 iii te li rinrlialuiiy gretit,' bttto, view1 É: ilciîtry I*rot eIL ottiiii o tipint doobti Lý11 zi-iitr tlC. vet lhiii iii vi c elîlfiiet r~ INOi...lîLct tue iboc. oîs o)te ciai ur frooi lu i Iîîrua y cleeî ýfîcîn theit eropi tcut'tî egaocier ccery fiuîeî'around 1< ç b . l c e ~ r i l t. 1,- ..- , ,0A H s -sn . - ..l _ _p y _T.O o 'Ila t _r--. -,B_ .' b O d à S i 4I ïc 7 a 'v .m n â Q- ù àb y a y o Fauoy S-birt,ý,ý 1- 1 -e.I.gs111- , ie1 u. l 1ga, . isipo 1. -sdSal coapot(seps ta t alcui aiiaiepiidi yse __o xod 1:-F1 ý - - 1 4 . . 'Vn !,- B o_ G u -u ! iauo_ _ ,1 c auev ngcf__ I I L i N - u B , " . .i . h - Js ne, oti l s1 a. - _ ý.7ýid u wa ts:i i7tat c M nu s el a pt. ~, _ - - c, rcCso.- .li ci 55805iniuis 0,0b -lc sba isicai -uopp-Bga-1fe11.- e'ssi.Bc.toauo.rt;is ,rtsoa p's-c. tisom ilo ca ntiecoesiabeoos o iusiulouaroauiu f in eoiti ttaor a uto; Ocaitie ,p o'ui12di.,:f "Th Il-, ading and-" sf ittra edady utsst. f.îtuu. ' i1.0 r. fttns a .0p1 nrctis islig d.aa i ', . ,te a Treya true ic Br r ua nhiuintuaoa t-iour stoGOO0.-ins etu oU soio leiwuaàu * f i, -G ýýk,,,. - E. Bý' o i, p-. aicb ist - -i 1ou. - - o i As cis F i ia, t U Bi y autig Cni. . Pe, O o u F o o y J to o '4 w d ,-' LBsis, B.- . oI , ,ai eiifse ei arsu Bcsd !opeie tess, uesu o Bngosi _.Ps1- - -n... swii - , -G ar s'B ueBrano - k. _ , , j-noua bis., Usoue ' , u ý-!1edi-ttaun ý'!ý --'ta mengBc cuiy 041 lna te --'ý ; a i ~ ~ ~ -i - - 1 I - . -ioi nyp's'e ',ta . .P esu-:'.r J in Ou s B s sus"pusa e sU> ac ou o iou ti , s d h nk G n h u , - ; B,ý . B s iOii e iu. u, o% aue; e by- H . aia , e H . Bu ia d B.O- -in ea s a Nu t nr H o ne t o i nsuam s.l 1do oo he k h r Ln p oý.1 D 'a srrco1r t- t rpiei-er ta isclis e th ,_ vi e l ii H uis. O t a hl :, ie uto ia'tou, _isi-u- o1ouo, ui WB.',s u0 .L-à !d o "- ioe.-Jh o k 1D re u T . .: ýý' , - j 1.,a e U à amî ehurta. s si ix. syn- r d- i e ing sr' he i.'H tOs...u gus ! e icos cuoo-sual i ' oua s- - - r .i , - t lam ý,,tipg-T1ti uing. 1asi - . C h o i G O -, O. ; uas e .-.a.t. eluep-e S oaa t io suuiiî o . ,. -ý 1ý I ' ý ý . ýàf uta - a sl i oa lo ' ibe u-"Bi J1.0_oi1orrtar.- , .» : ý i , - -c . L ti, * c;< ., ._.. i 4O seuO ,u - lins a -pr ->ao nus- ou. soti Bic il ii.,aui oiii,-,d5_ isa- t i c eth t.B o>i.isa i-O1 O h Iý - r o r pÈ e -c t v ' . >; ScJ u ashytoL ...2S.nge ove . -- 1 i s .i: C .gu o ,s f or- h n us uf bsn ou-;>0 uc - Oi s ! 7 . i i-1'.'-Tii. hois soi! * oa du.sis-t 3s____________________________-__,nis 10 an's,-d. - Couse Luîu'a. - Hr. Vus. .hieti. ___ ___ ___ _ .z___ ___- __ __ ___ ___ __ r1o1cre8i a . u. 1. uii1.d cf-ou . il&-r T es c ë otise-Sqouane .Iu l, - ý Il ý ' . veray2ý:1 à Il; .... !.hsev , ,r -i-%s uikenedivad .e:Fu., e -___ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _lTi.apt L sptn s mopsy is ras , B s.. i.o ' .. .. . . . .ocaÎ â ,e iui._.CI tn,.aur 1u . a;siu u er u . ro s ing t s or r ;a i s ra i O uia h ic c i i e as s tu s s ul n i e E e u t a l s isoni voO li ~- c - u .o î n te ui u e s ,sti e àmt i e u r... !.. O s e su gB o t c uuin . , -O curi g o e; iscr u ui .u t .sy , i usu- su a s 5 h u i s u. «l is"-% ;c- W e lh s i. '. .1 H. :O A P. Q e.' D .5- , in"e ..a u ur c iir1iit-tun c 0iii a . ou su'iflu . t.t uo uii o g c , u c l ie os ! ii d nu %[ l;j . r . .01- ,'55' . uin1 ve tuutJof y Lttir 004 e te nuior. m; O uoii' '._ý - -i. 1 L- Il . : . " ', ,- _i , , ý - .B. B u ol, . ' - -&p . . . ... . u. s B ic o c 'Ouf. - ; 3 ,ut o t m t . o u is , J o B o .a o i T i . o u«ep r o u-1»f i e c t is t is - sl"~i ~ is H. TOT C US. L.~ ' a e. ý.. . .. : -ii ut . Liiuy, lse P6sfoonSireio, cd' ho inpi -u __': te J*ý< . WI. Boei,.ltcutin iotcliolsuiu1.4 B r L u dq S eps ~ îîu inuo du>oÉ % n uosy evniilnu sduu'I , . . . 80Oemd'u-chatu u,19-.OtFoi. - 2Seattleiee.. ..... 1 .Q1 O~>osuuîîîntuî uriio ppu.uscuegftnseaO ouîoicuoet. .Bîni.&i . . . ccv getlenao àou o 1eisvCrtiar uthActas, crue .outi-eeuSautuesT T.T ,TE a' N o Ois Ani0ý o>li< is.trtc I.eiautdA.H tr . . eoiug. - -- ;oi.,eunuiiuita os a 28 P .uus is'-h- - 2Olbu go do nSg itr 1; nue~~ ~~ cotd 1etî ia.leiii .u aa russto , sgivo - - e .puo ulsiui t-iu Oups O- . ftheV ivd 1 . ii.uiui nnrioo i t.. .t rurly tin seat us,' u5. g y unu s! ui o ter u ri tn o thete ta of urlin tan,;e-auhoriz 13 is et a uu.. 5ocoar .0 >.i hua . esltngi avhlo. i ovr0eoOY3nieDO nAhésîsot e uhiu-' '-isy'h"Setionthe N ýzz.i-: ..ýýlof 1 -- - . se r l te m: p id t vt isi i s h . .oô .la i o o a. O- t gicue romin a sty nrn th a o t D uiie usuotre . E v" ido a ucu scua soihuca s pico n e f ,D o ný itu r eo ta - ý- . L' -ý . .io î' uit i.L a ru su e iti utn s nIe i r. l .iru , ek 1. .ýý . O per dint. he iro t n i et iii ! pou thé sud tina de a qt .tti tyst ' -eO Th 6f ti ids . .. .,.,. . -. 11. : 17 ou_ -ct-sie , 0 a cbaatTo bn o.CLiga a i bscul usuvied tîtoaofE. Hr.' On-t'ti0J.,_O_.BXO . I tinsiiiotsuerof _Qouiiiu d . u b. AB u , ihO....... .... . . Boa. Lasesamiltotnes. te RAend 50 t a Oueeprinucur suiT W,îoîîîîu c miii h i b.......Vu. ».......i.t5 hFAEWEL uonoory' A B.Rusuaurot'ea tinol. .o utttir 4,- , i , H8Ithisea sock I. to nos.PimmsT a h w s ana luiteu 20 -Bu, w Jpueb...... ...........27 s i aoel emni h a.C îîîi. u i a g . . L O i it lu- - s O e h o s u p l te u t B :os i S o u e s n n .à .,.i a - c u ý . l is s îpa, e i d o u t a. a i t n u t s ua p m h e s u i a a d b ok i 1 ï t . 1ý à p t aD"R - :,Iu....u::::ro::::::1001 TeslouteetlmBuen aruyieiM uta e usc inunisécil eora iabe, nfrmaio lu'0 . à A N ouaS 'nsiinii....rgu1 c u oiseni BisAromis of eme r.s ad H earetOOO o! ehsounry Bive s esso(7£rsàéaBf oDa tu -; .- .'.îur uV i. cu uec a cra ru- i iuanaitu, . uuueuc nt.* hoblintiske iotr nS.Pa ,Mnet i '. n . ausunlil.', oui - .8 us . ' li d Pa e , . u ron liiuOu pae . .....o...u........t-s.s sCiniatuaps c.. ait... w ù o p fi $tO. lv r 1 , ., , ate hitYuetetmdrt na a aamnse. h 10 sd Toau l Styttle, utucintcfds'cWuiteuo .i t t o i A. L u i i o t r i u n i o e t t ' , i t s r t r - C d u ioC at na ib i s ao, i nuq u r u t u i l . a r i a. tt.i, 1(1uMLATN -. d bttr' ' a rit' -R .Walu eiGon rgeit ow.inad cutinTerior. ý .îtio siy.riuo1 - ti.OP B en tu S nor iornu b esuueisi uro oe Miiu a adsu tsi tron t s avingte o riaih ln o 1ýji1 - i . u - . s p r: .g'F a llui eT a c o maa nd_ _S e a ttle._ irt' .i =t ur ieHIl eusr t h prein cfil inuteuin 15iyààa akDetG os 0 a*Tuu-nal ~ci u o'-'luih .H 2oiit.i.suuii o u vnueu Juyld tiom.boi lto ain. T cinr9am eatger iin.I raiar i isîs iiHuir.u iion.~ îuint2uiuts aTeo HerisiBgt H L N _ýý .u iuci uoctt. I TBucos iib u a........, ihsid rogumsetis o i gias au y M.ait s ni LsCSu. nog d ondàSt o acicdrtt.nMneoaadDktMn l'aa àac kS itn - te ci iis l ic ausiuurby iiutuiu'ed ti usn tc 'rnoce fet nunaite tiud cu -- Nînuao Cuao&L-- het iagruavei ateluo ram 'luvuseilin esnitotdtT.uiV H -nc--.-.Nist t ic . 1 1Ze. il à 'ci uiir lauOuostnv gers u h une Il.<upuý reuso1 ucutu o tune six.dBy, foro sgvrngpormesttio ...sp I Ig heco ueenrie rin uipsi n -, ý "o eor uril iuulueets- Trieo 2dsuopeS cruo, h ia n i iugrand it u i. ana luauoe a . .tr5iigieuuiS poa ý. ,ehy mvm = S ouit . oresi i DStw rtue t li rtu.............:.r,8 ciur liugtatnBahs uiuiu ad î ooet s J asdi enose for u p O uB: 188,1880 is00ao 1805 . H . o. i 1ttu ' ...uou .aia!ide îdt0at uufcornluusee t ofi iionn stnatygs"ru ati .- ... - sn.Osh1'J.'O r. IV. , --u .-- ,-ui'rSeore iosu tcoungasga due Lutn apriforb. Inkes lutetceouas b'a contearcatiti 4 îol h u a bl ntis buD0 seIanap4,-. . .to by os irus pipu-uu. h "rlus as p seit rs uihrvo-om i. - O a-e as *- t9 suit ari a r iHe' ebcoiti. s n a 09u..'pu..ut ouldh t ilrie is ta ni~i~ ! .Brcu usuisuo o aruuu ted i fiV. i ll u i n 3ta t'..'snalIOuJmo. B -r o 1 O 1sfuisa 4-1 l ..h.ti ho, sudOurriri ticslm-J. troncs.OOe.iiillibut,1.80 P.rM.iOUuWeupplies ioaiiuzqta Lueia'a q..nShield - ý io . fi uinoJuin scoluKinge frodtiJanersB'inna OoloHaminlaton-sO- put' ltqueuiug, u nitrua. la uliroomiqTsesurur>etc*;le laiureiy a quirFiustosuo d ., . -. T e rp e L aetnuu e, oy d s ay u l M i t . V l t u m u g dc o T i d _ a n î ileS tîo aso t ui tI uue r MmitrG bas to td l or i ou tchuo n*uthueb i t u otosl uteli e. Tiizcuiis ut od frthe p r 'u t iuuh rlit Boineu o a u'vu h . bot ntdsu hu ssu t.e %,Iou yaurr iksAiV'..fl ed ir ex . i n tuiStoedny araiug itiam- cti ui ans. su n arit iuunoin , ioircrrui3oot. ra u fhuiduga hesi ourmel. Moiso -e Klicuria n oxtt. hu piobHisi utonsit ty umurrar lsa ati hsns WlimJ ryu.aeru'iuBuuaiTeent yil 5a Oliu to p o ti li n and rmS ' edl.outuri . * S', Io a;Prin iou.tre Dv Iemei Cn 0 SlaHuroptat, goal;Ro bcflint ul ucand iniso!eHa tui il i 5.1S ,afbu iue'Idiodts; M.ii B.orilt'O -S it orsir y .1,ari 1irdi cisutt ui'd as5a.oderovoir tus'iouu au uny nun riti!is o H tits alicM ilslue is t.mcuuuuatore.'= trthetuseouthe o nippud islen'."'e18M0 .TON. 1-. * . ,. ý ý that a . àsl aier itrnunentre; 1ailla pircBrunitl ituk, uer Te tere asiuhu Thhrouupluetseco tiso o ' isitcsudauraisuitdf Bs hulu'dor, i .i.îeot 170'1. 1' a- .Bsr Steol 'ot W. u iuO cuu t iim ioar .1 le"s~innd ! t u y r .cu o rs f.G e * SHO.ade h m ; Ed i d ay P-W.. .cott, wl le kp o e uil ý.. ' t -ii ,t ooiibt a i r-O rof usî0sn u ' huit' l . . ion, lu&1 Il . .. iiy Ilur re t e a crI en tois. he Beu J. ury at ni rufuel ataisu t a c . îu u 188. 8 88 teu1t uouu's h nouud Wrrat bsn heu ascoitso.- r iuspuit'avli orUrD tht' lufsin ea tiaUR .-On n dis'. " 1840ar5.u d y S a $ . uisot 81 ' atu0 tierii r . autt o ucro avSalr au soi our hna ety .f ......... :.::::: oLEDITC aalareoubr i i mlofulitbde latsdie- t a bcsuTheisufr005 in ep5iort dto% N rentent ts.cifo* hupa-es m'tehoi t v rsduou t . . oa mna luu aru urngov-t... uo u., 100 alld. ,atorteoei L oois'ocauuiu Timne. - en1, Boqfy", .PAIRU., cT T u Wrnni uy. Juti 2t'i iaru iho thueour n tindrcudis s îu>îeî . m1. s 05 6Êso p1liiftt i tuuoo.CurIci. uoeu sglltaices .u4Ilo atd onthesutrat ususie TGnuelp r..ti OrvoydOr.0ti siogdifutnthe ise yBY LilsidN iOi-,cnlO oi11 tetIl' d.S light Oil Eeu IleLMmc l ý yth arp 2 plcto s fr srviesird f ..........1 l he ou l a ingsute ni. 01te L ie as ttfle csin ie » o u, siilto asout at e..1 bcon pid inta Sotk'co 1 -Ac n, asmuide unibythe iidena Ho. ut* ca to ,spint; t heetui hud u e tailt, souini usi cf hussu te. ec..tio........r0 noi. Tsotheoissueuofppliei dunouuB-uo i.u.s.ual île in o *21 . a ci u a p uoti t xier u t S n ar p ia i n useutie ...................0 o s r c i n r i . I a la e n a " t E i o c ata so g v . : e ît- m.ur....l......t.tis..f..a.tfr t vureassi tth 0 uoi 5lutOo ud wt t e p inuenos O d i. H us n d s evoler fumtitior goaoii Bc euc itest n n Ou usllsc h ul 1 ont te int . u oi l ta r. sar v iceant'vper ouisrsd al" s uu'som ed at on ................. aithraibru,,.tluryceeldt onucfu e a lerntfieio inro in -crai' hu ou ud I ainr îprent- -ItiuT- nui i ita. .< aboutsyear n ".. I4ew th sprin in tl&ttb tende of 1iCQuinute&oC .rforunitleteder, utto !eidtlC o jinhate ieat2 ets ProfatJ -are r0 & .t 1 0i, o! uucgoded us h iullueithe gsg i h u rc6; ict iiin, Eciorn 0. tiÀ orasthtno 'htue sm uf aspunr. btOuiuim rt oa vs. - d a ing::::,:::ci::::0 t*èquirea t'oT t's d olarstaOi.iOeOa_1 toise iq ' coter saluee r - font Dit allin ci tCectorasositrOuesh ...i8 83horn8:Bioet's2ohuit Paoatatoed le nhe ourseelt'eutrmadurusc lie issuc, ana iuOl>rdo@ý . ,,, Y u Hed. tot are .Cti WI -., 5ho.iu vi of t Gh lm s o o ic s u Ba iv t, aiu sn r uof t en wl oeu ec itc ar o le h t ui Stt'. i s lao s adi o Ce t 'ia s O .P . W saa nicrd0t ob ouse o rbtrd inuo nnalta t i - C o. 1r0 '-i r0 0 - - à o t h a r u ten îwyt i n f a v u r o f cntiCus u .oe ît heo ra b le't u a . fv i e tO u sp a i ya t heou no s s t o ckno f ri tMenn i t thesie f he Garen- f de inth tre b J lin o vo osnu h ot uous yui urrouuiies .uiidt t i' rc. outOra'iOsfOSin ai creeot à, , 0 s,~~licOohiareet i a coin rsd' eStru paOni hbat resu 8 o ubegacntn tt'eAala 'i f t H um tn, Oea it'n.'oi Bt eî ta n f ,,. tlioosura ac.ra usil i 't bt iltn avu ssusfhtur uthhoe cbtiia ucip o!lBdiul Rahi a tehiloin estimon als cf eau theRmlt w 5ice n ., uotdueibeno" rnuîob. tu.,enituauerrIl esloton atooi th eothgaor hteaisune IbZl11.ý--. ,s.ý,ud11,at,ûIohe oiono cn-tebotaalu nch. Mt' nitoal h...iIl. 8.9 &Bee.i wFi duns fuiroBicrpearaellse, Centssn 50 i an' lus sanrouue le O-:11 1wrto vislt boo . un sueotioc inhet ta oinutesuofeeuxdean ouqure'rusas'ise.a:nuhlhouoravril tutryate '.ý ýýntti ; M . ut.%d11 t' ?dr (Biuh eoaout oiM . suiha- yprs y.Scala ratfun s6u. ýdtIndith;,u luos u teîr h epasl ratie e gu emen se L .ou bntunufrutuo Lcsbri,g IsoIil£-116s f Monuu.o tls *iasi ol tpnuo i'tioosu tO fa.a eua tthu r, a î teiib t~hi torin aisoa i Dia l asboe i uiu~poiustbreiaonogn uf trootui, uu fr in prpas eOof July 2d tsh itou- fa5mu n altH su diais i s inrk eu oeal lTieatre boprpry uBc a outaatL In l a r, uu - n u ' .nu a .eo o t ai otan opuswdita nvfrornigprioIupeuple ut uoi suehilus te Bn. O urcioso, icotu , d Dr V o.i a n tuuîus 'agJ.smHce. .'te,..tor courli for thes niuipsisty. f-barbugg. Thohors wae a. .t_____._ . tl bl . B o. d ,P] u s n i scusoca i ars ou sieo ru len , ' ý 1 - D.rouui nu te rupuni su eu w. s n onistai o rs. he b Bustleo hou li t n uvei r t -. an thr Cld..utr"dob eest Sul o heco.t 5. r. icia hfuiesd tisigBicn olas,.etDi c ML4 Thul tuila Bt'.iaceý-oa E satiiOfc sudbc,,. ur huell to Liteciîl ase frtUEteroalÔ th NAGni Luit'-T a.Nagraliincatiuisuin at iuuuu Osuord -wàty- .- ý:' hlCrii tie~ o a n. Drceeta vulinta'he C .Ro r a ve a'os as ngcdii- ebu du t ruh svrlgts eer i eDllr u oiw ihn lf utk a T-y.,sfL,:I llý.,i,çlc 0 te edes o lupi).l cd(y iA 01Beos r awLery rotin ' isrc s i-Cntaormyb s nt,'» sUranouhu 1rn5ser un lise tuana.nTo! .Bur.tugis lrbosite, iotu rn s ar o t ando iurgu teand Mr.Oosds-iO ut.g-il lsi lu a' uîîr$10 t.H0tt -'- o u es haOtr' pIwur large u ' me t e lluabvrn ,,G hu nte nui austl uo n us n p T1"' as a n avrclru onea tor s 0t)rq ing td ay ! Ju su 018 8a i - ' > - , ( . .1 - I-otl Nai ,QthL fuo venuerae toi - so J 11t Ternew1. scou1;b% oudnt os as - a b «Bttt thuslr O0 .i1 ilutel O. Tino angru uteenut teralin 5 tasl th'cîcuis.r, iofT Bus H u ruruano. 1un, .u.s. ul s euutuuvirusuio ofthu Ceiro Aachine.fiondu. -2i.Crid býr SiiaDBBTh100 . Ëuoite s t - - ef le oTis uod i OrosaOls' diuad f usbruldoltee -'.plsitDoll iars i uefns oiin o e : Pi d S*i-,iiu pIiu t ino t$8t ud814*88r.he vatc font a tsi'tab ouuai I osii oitu1 nit t» ocuO su . nsrmnt J.Bi uauioo1 t sicoi t iouaobo tnerMuila, uxabr. ,roapafsteuegi - hegill o Diie..nJMES ut Iui-setZs ou otottiidrnge the LOn l uiy açr 8n fed Aissrngb ý%U e.Tem .utHssasl t ieHuslu Bndo1O.av estcsp it . aindo iaouput. B itthrs asus utho, ,u husd il nihrat c Bu 510 tut ariss von pnla t he bt k noi d~ ul&Ls ue.b* aM1rishlu toast aisotu liga apaomm oit esi Tise T rtceaisuhO t'ma. nu.ot .y aitutt. - L. otouicuuuoute iustci thoeaaternectavustofVn.n our tlsa A it d t usrnuri ue iutrutsdu!tie irugolycTioolcileOah anaO IthlnuCetum lai taitetuu.e front hoil, tsispass e d o adcO<eope.rapate t a usMedb'cTs ccorrni ,. et'sul t. iaCr orti oofor soBi oa iuit tie e -t1 . ang volealie dtruronus.,10un arcBiob ui avut-iltr"rlo= , Ica in t L Bl'nqutr . £oB.euc u aa'. 01 - -T G iseisrda'ce ttie ares ties ote a lay8 8 ie of u'fiaa il otlo p.11 . .te îr. os .,,tthiruitwisonh u S s uiasbfuseie atatbaosO ga ur.,bt11, n1isretafur oat t r ri.g le><~ orn'a s(uio.isoait-urecea us uo. us t s o a , s i l o vO e i b isD . io st b s guo nd bl ve o .O i t Jo t ls o uo a un s -'p oi ca u os 0 u uu uOu so m i Co t it n i5 U t a iss- . th lan. le oav.ros te dllagg Buines n avis al haE=ongTtuanislot', t c H oo.uahfoaOt rqI? lotn S Gua outu eaiseotep obabeuios a eroi. aoyo O s ~ TsOrc sehbtsi u'o05lure t a its 8100 o- . u Ocruiig.el o e'i etilerVaa amiduo usauslisme . en .aainsarnieisii dssat taqonser, te aamne a tb aews iog BO r ade-011 ProndTde ulty us' r beu faidfor ee riauomSitingOnhu uptoi r-V oftar e'liabuofuitsui'o 1 cu. teOu' apunaslii oonu cis 'oa ail Oc b pss niiuulpneissate le Btuois es aiai ANSisuIN S usddduprusaite ou valuenoseteeH Vr Oeyis ba Oes lOff , tTsosi1Osiit Bos.Srul.-1 p jesernt.Iit n isul Cam an- A Tne. Lyet' ruoherolit onc-buse, ir, h bor aos. i f I ubaaoiteetetetetetets On.iirlouss tas, aitouifofrtaoris, cdtiliunofisuBalcrn !S1te bu tar Iel pimoo dgsuG. i-rSm ith e !on eatdsBitn du!brn. oîb orois G.&renul she uee a cdauasb au u lfle u ard a o. 1sol N s i ae n eino . ittuua d t murk te w* :.Sttdt' Bi o r o,.T stPe ic r r e l.cdU e Kn ibto i redoitablo tmt'a , B iclni he _garde _ __ _ __ _ __ _ . i Pu. i er.' .Autsesuue. iac aacûýitJ". Isogis eMo. womssie ilve r cit§ a lgui&e tst mo acri soi ah h i has oTsusso it , Duui';- ot . .i1 .tn1eloeMrus.iyeshte aboulaabooisilrnaci borocOur haod .' ru l.easp*rscor te gru. on utc.e188...... $ cf50 neWnantia oras sci Iule .H ahe recuesaeuetoui ofiang Je Mao.o. h - 1s.g!sduc 11.0 5u ntu uoStonabo ' fno riat i tonson _____________rlusofarenc Pi. hu,~r. vutrtust' or ofn t hetiiè e ri o gh do epi e ot dus dl a y or ot, o un obo otr ia s Srt' dubaa eta lsalteBiaatt . floril Vrd Nslt as..u s . - 13 ier yar 1. frnt M in Sre ota air Bcre e uet aldy o ost iei s b Se alicuic ofup rothe avi H A Bsnoa tes two uo luw ..1 il Tho abuses ed V.4G.0Nut.c1 O. muf:the partiesflU-rlieteavuet tpe résiTencprofparai oBs teris, s...., 28 00 so Y, , et due tue ut tecu te iscasiat' appointaicBotbrtung Gye b G A.Huatec, sclde Sniahig ih th utllHâ Vafr ir. Eu.6 a 8c, oni- I bud oetiiteerrstol heraeaoniIN la.NS SD oI peuisculO pteeheo avoi fanuhesuseii heaalellrtpa abeln ualy al c la i3 nk. c5iiu asbocio ati T5'J - ulIous te uiwuiqgscane t e do iauuf àn.Ht HYo uc cray- rise DpiyBtrau Ofcu. duR oe;Vn h tm cctt'ý eeo ousuoeIgnti elmSri, aniladuo sraea- ~se oto, oavvaet det a laca. - b-'eushal' -JHNM.BEOL,4NCO tise r'rgulr--.tng f hiscunci s in ule out f b use inaud civet .1W. lu pavilies tesorn o ne ofugth e n S sozflgus.ellu give un ono 'oui ,bt1',unB,.ý.rtin s énctatoit orr ststrapliator ort ar f1roset era hiofth ! 5 puao Hiusaa.ader v~olvr i l di n tis e luot., ouses.due theaeToap soi ssiieati cf tani.nueavaerth auon bra rsdigo Sy b» t te l ui hyuat a -av e anapo y. . itt ld btofB. Be seco i,et1 ý 1. a -usitaJIN oAlg. rlot,- ansuul r l ieed y. i ps'ieo H aeJet vero So0~ dupsouy cO -l usta en-, .A u r eentllri lca o cst o Ht.B t he - y.Oaar a u n a re taat . ., , AW 1uT . uau isgsagsutp. i e dvof 5 ireds I .an rosn ai G1 I.l t su t Msvsntlas eil un UEPHPou-2 . h berh n o t tuaste h e Aisistancer(8)ei by . L 7WS 'tg th -otn s sa t idn l.c o.euuut poT ar y T1engagea» sud o n tuhe la, st ad Sm soteusis anue eta Th.bIi.. lb b. .d.. tate lrka Ba a he'a 4ar u c II o h ebl goirondo o - ____ _______ ______ s seifradtise puashoteabthef _ .... a 0 tt A a aut treassip a orn.s.a'.".o.0. ' -- a rd se oo1laitonand. t. cc . . - - - - - -- -offIa apa te- m,îs.ce'.te-tc ndh Si lo a by G mth cr O dd y o-1- i beuse t s al ftehl st i d evD h eovadabtes - " buod 1% O~- E-. . ...- - - lt-u - - i . l. . ai cunote tesiaaeshem togotbs~ e,'Y m-r f --ecg Oroe-ortthra i-- -udii ft;- aki tly.c.t.cec L V'.Pti,tt"5r .sanO i soa oahrda eaadcinsc2 c .u3>t, ana'itc. -lu.abi . a 'tg- fn- wte 4 t 00. Iretand loue lptke, Hi, tiec-'t 7 's--lo-k t99s saine aboli u rais . Souillai igavv ipegt store àIeavy Cotton Shirt- Fine Zephyr Ging- rensCotton Hase [en'ls 0opton Som. fl' Pain or StriPe blheck Cottonucde, ta uisten JUstera1 Pirls Stylishi Leather ors, s y N tu ie spot, l. Hats, 13.1el relngoff S ..... .r.un . $1.00 aôooi.Japan Tea ( iT iiO)for 1-00 N. Pt Soap .... -0 BestloeGreen, kor J'tpai Teae.... 1.00 jiii onr[cfotiyaunId piosuit ths [itiit-'Lasuiiu, Ohamun ýMioiiu, Paits :stu.ff Oouds. Dres ~ SONS MILTON. andie iper , HanÜging, STï 1nting ,' ion DE CORA10 N.. 1 forl atiliied anci figurea 4u-roh perposes. *W. H. DÂNDIN. NOTICE. hosa of Hàsuitios iii shoDw 4 cut1iroiiuut .n u ouuuy depioiiu h. t oNveisuer iuit.;sad the, ioute fer Dow dutusilo. Farm for Sale. te0 . . ss.W.IL MILTON DARRIAGE WORKS. CÇOMMEOCIAL ST., MILTON, IeIauubsht oit thuhatitstocktn ùrntDuai MONir, IsAmeurePrgi ta4ofrni-eieuO urh-u "t gsist' runior. Ail vourk r isltucilie prOmiNeR, serviociu(is, t anditer. BUGGIES, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS and CARRIAGES, -- alays i ui ao ud. rads taordor. Orr aeraoPtif s»and4e1", p ll O 5 rnches. atlsîau h prsusptit' osennicd., r tèbssoiu firt.leO Joisguarstacous zstern loid fugieg 1avili =611u0 te speal attention. t ALTWIiPSCIJAIANT.ED. BfONi. iGPSIQW