Canadian Statesman, 14 Jun 1888, page 1

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e Guide. "S P. lt fo'.I31, it octl -AT TE-. TILLE "o 313ne13y 133333333313, Ch va3 't 333133 33313333 133333, 0333 533333333\t33NI -W,,33333Y11310 11d a . Vr D: fiX EiM ds of? Prepari o:L i ý- 3;. :1 A NA N'LE Y' DE ers e Olians IFenlci 'A , ILS OIR GLASS,.3 àacna -tej Cloeand R bb -Wl D.7 jimpo-Je -a XS'aut 0~ ~oôj~~fhj.ofotnh MeTiféf~~tePoI 29 28 83 2ý30 393.3 0F ~ ~ k îL LTi3QE . t .OA. .T.tT E . j 0111 ..L om r.. l 7 l 1 i(o eedm F g re n r-h orf ON TIr sbNi.f et. 291 0 .33. pib00e, .6f 1 4 " - 2 930. C o r t o 1 3 , n 8 - f 6 M6h g 2uB o i .o 4 1 0 i* 7 ' S ' .ÂI s o a .v.r . 1bl i n-c W a n u , s '-a n d . Â n t q u e ô k ~ CooOyCoo, 538.s,33133 lare slecion-f Sdebo rd UjCetre a j& 'ýIsen ion Tablescii Bo3,43~. 0..No33W ~~13. 30C33c5.ti.~~ ig Bkets,-,iétts.n and i4eedRocoÎ,ng Chair, ndMaiitlei ont W.BEni I QT 3. *- 0d11&Cb. X11 ..oaWMTo. u pi,d and303431333 .04304 , et e*-ro- 3100el fo ca -~ rno-h oopjod by Da033Cau Coo lP33.o...OdyO04033,34p3 o413.5431303beér we dothïe lading _tràadecf the otyWe elfrcs 1 Til LoSe 3.ltM.l E. MITCUiy 3d ELL, . $,l Aff ad . 2l i, light, miiu r ltzd. LA. ui«liy ïaopen tiliBP. lm.Favor-uswith a eU.- solicite" cOoovcynlcr, .8e. . .P i oft ,fp Â! lo3n3et 6 pa cent, 03103 Eln EW, ____ Promnethe ....1 00'I th . 0 'sth33of at3. Be10.uY IO 303 1<r,1.,Sliioe BZoalIU33 uILD»EI4Sý& ANUFA31TURERS, 5 1. ,0bc t 7asm .e315."eivideS llsUfl 8ooee0'3 loN Lheplr oss aig7for thi3s; tbera i 3S h33 nt e la ta. Righi; ut i"3>ffor the th aoutslihr fece orsDoleres 1liehefr bort, 3NEWEIsg0OUI, alï bindtoh3343R33333SA431 3nd3the Oseh e 33 3 i.g1 o F3 t E30033.- 13003eo Fooj.-33Ir0eb sa333?-Sie tslabcOtO .g îeîeîe e B. 1 3 3 hl) Le h DiûeP ls l o ess dh 5ae P g lis d t s h if e t role t . e t h e s s v s ue , a l o n, t 1310l, fo »-c hrom d, ssdthe osgn s artsl ir n o 013 0 33,,3,er i e rial 3 33 3caii s ii l 33 h. BI t o r ol33578 h e h aut0011 o e 3o 01î he c 336331 33 ch it sp i5 t 3,,, Trot.3goW . len33l)333 t orIiee....1 \ le fIuidý as ar\NPer.siee,31sdbc3 dsIoSSobo sbcshos D . LZsudEIUMAN,' ForeGlockrieis, aoufecmallaYith uni et, 3 olooewouae1051 ostho -hor h wl o. .dden- 03 3335333 sho he hr h d , al.1 B u t la.L3 ED '78 beut a c rad na ei gi t s m at tornm III; S'33~33 . tabeilavr a àparimuat felig St hoa i3 s s31 ao5 te~ stlelir lu lir eyen ..n3,333.3333motts Lier oa Steamol.Il jo Eurcru. 3333333333 EN IIALA V.î ..M I TOt~he be a Iter s o ioer, sds L on P l cÉ, f 03330O 300etc.'3osoa.03.03 3 thora3. la30133 3al33 1 r ec re. lomal3 3 seî.-o- Cndinowtoloeeb ossîY. bc.,ra sutluldsomaolitle sb p1edil a 3 33N\, LA E 111.S 8%dprtd oeed,.k. the Yimes E3llc.tbe nta rfqnad Ameutotasome Z s 000 ltb e!163 s 03301u eufrbiooh-3 on1 t au as 01331p3s in0br cola 333,3.331 3a ti33e3 uo th13e n stof ey lse33. 73and ro051331in3i3ora.ealits, bu33 TE pA33tG_13L Geel..tebermaka! lw drîg the il e siIe 33,sî 03r3133 Ijer Ps- train of t o g odsho -eil S .)oOleti l icoaeasel w u loko a a, uu tenad0 nla- - O. .ç 1 . . 1 , - TI 'STM 1L N lavlous baut. S oteau33l is n a no3 itbasaibler31ana. sdlta& ,3I3,j331 351A17113151-T O-il o é owited bco a Oy ___a_%tbepsssao; rm h lad 3333 - 3 333333 T . eloe I Â .T N 03 .33 33 ~ o o~ 03u3nieosoo oîs,,aileed 3340. 0oùh, 7 3 1.1 3,33 '- 00Wotes el 3 naca sp a-os o1ie te13f03 '6tIor.ot 5 3trinsoit. 00 3D rieisl eosL3 Impertience XAI- 8T. 31LTO, i hisp. 1 a patisencrclelie Mil ausi"gaysN yergoin 3333t 3333333333330033 333.-1 33335.&.,301 333(333. 33 0133s131r3, e l F tholj .l 01 o33 îtr. 13r3ln330 1 be r a bc oos, rsth rrofi3> ooIwil b e f uni Co. 313d3lu3the 31B l e 1. at curvs e r 0330371 fl oo ' rat3 la3t e eD 3. e - 33333333333e 3 w004t333.3it sonne 0R3. op as anlo ki s e ? B oa333 is. J Ilaltyofte33 3 iesll.43ogt ith313h fll h Bti osool sotiplo ? Wy33<1a3o pleaî130113 W3xo - sopart ana uV3e03 , tlu sp re. il. ury031lyigorh0t3033î dsIL acte leliers ber faceit no l ie bou1c0le.Lotr ¶11eof 33310333313! 133 533303e, 13110lin", S 3 1 00333 00303.I1n 331 Ž3Y. - o 1 . 0 o.. ateis.33 là.3 3310333 Ire 00t sla 31gse33.e53 1 S é e , I I I. , ,o a i1 I Lc r l e s o 0 i i -. .1 r r l ligo IEU (113131 l 13a- 31'.~b sev p o o 11 oo olà t Iu iegîl e lo.t; bl , 700 13031! e705 ON la nt3l03 3303 la310in33.-u30133be 103 O e perr.d1o33I7. fOuo wl00139 10.03 lb loti r037 33rx3 yg4cercueilegli all ,.,ticul. ai te dot,.1 r .,, th e lin u ti3,e t il3v5 C;n. ll', t',1- nor PeieO "se B 'S 1 1 1 . 3,f r I .v 3 . i n d u ti n çt f r...e. en w s l U n l o j.%.., 3 3 3 3 - 4 3 3 7 ." ' a l i3 3 e ylo e rs ta b e e s o o in , eta u !," re. n . VI - , n l A go. t.-o ha? Popry2 ale Do. 3seg.333nu 33Vary . ory 1 3133 -l FT te os030003.e5a 31033llot 3313033 01 nut 0met, B 3 .ar,"aie sslr .syeherea .Ur333 asaie em mbrTSa BoIil av t V ve; l ue tu yil ; leraafî e'od l.e,0r In33133b35 of 1 .3brejll ovol fo3031 Tr rIENDotlyCBuRRIA i a ecrt35owntrobleao te. Trihlme J&nsoo FileO W D E R ce30303y tabored th D0cose nd3aTory1 hule h te 031310 l 3 033 3033 3 0 0 .13S3.Cone 3333333 soltu.eNo, noFR au- But I muet et Îu3,,31y git 03r3uop it trouosi 131 ii-L -Î, I 33ei . ra 1* u hIjk ofme0 th e.b t io l 65 331et h iv e 330îlot e 3 i as1 31 033031 0333of b r s a s433 il _______the___________a ItetbothO li ta arase tr sodoC&Btle as 3ol3oust 37ul334sno3 A33-3333,330-- I 33.N.333I0 35(î3. 01ch30ge ths gDi o r mse .03ou i a etedi1Ct~ o c rick osfs-s .3. Mm.. 33troo toncmelae od ese330333301 astitto IÇ35In3300333103363r,33on ekl3 for gthe p10atron0 of 16,ueryinbe o 00- oils .8 uHEu. -. c1otspili of tbat, 1utybab31.30se toa toobis3ana337000. g o b e et_ _ 3 3a u p o ne t h e3 i o t a fi ti1 0 p 0of o u.? "0 31¶13J. ji » glo ute 31S533J usl r e en i e M eg N .t - sec, u , am netta bu0 n t h e 31 s 04st ut ond ée ber l3 o ng by le 33,33333311311MILTON GNY Deeit aeci adOnd inter- 33333etallowed 1ut best current il ~ ~ rate. -Ne no0tice ofwithdlW3 33313required. Ofo er-7D bs:ie3 p. HI. Saturdays - 3.5333~7333~3s'33 FreiIn'10.a1ni. tol'pi M. - - 3j. EUTEILD STE DVITALIT Y. 333.333:. ,,If once mor~~e smkbu osîorerr. veolde 33go uh bh-. Oce331 î1se1y-.. hs0I "Oh. .tt I seeos 10 a0110 3heeRhOtWeTC- er 103 ,33 10ogh it ,8uSits. We lr" nt{gtse hr - Also- a-s Perlcràtea iChiiâs. - A.splendid. l8no cf Ladies1 Sew- Al.û ot eedatuglîsotie satisfaction. -I<scilem-. ýtérefore hai'e nolcéses. ,-Oàrpricés arèlc we ,than îlf frm te .&N. W. R Station, light by the iôm,*iS) osd =Oro3h 333305.303b srftDevez te33 ' 3 .ai t-igt ies 1 sttelm 3Ma.a-lna 1eso o 03513est1 1.agb Yon mens 33331133. Ibat ..Udotlg go3033,Oe U' 3lteefl-03 .tt, a bt3133 -.ý dr t. .3l'1 ",reg f ORHODDIAJI ELnd-O î ý,rvEetE 3 I - 1

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