Canadian Statesman, 17 May 1888, page 2

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- takke loi il pu tu bsfiage, deorate' u liu f thiWoi.fl f l àM load f bara' rm t' N g lIti. -t,'3 Gà vrIlializsl/ i is ashi.hst5sy blisselies osiussd. As té 7000 1 letahsysei S iL At ih. eotîpst:ý t laIssiedep isacoseaioty tat.i e.. e. eiid hsre, 1lit i, 1- bliees, saisohseg Smso evtisu (missu es lefeinsstisse àttifWesit mWi5isa -sou- pld lin .dhiisesfsnis:eoseo1 psrde .uequaued lrpsdity,, usmregladhé tieÀlaUb adse!ftise eotteent.creusée 5f.-Botsè' pspsfattâ adaiS ilJ.H .IQE et. . sdinsiessse isdltsCusoâdalfts.sstsPn t the cfefit lowis. Pies lbisisftttise riy H.ossssa. fss --sTes 5,1 .1cSci5,faiDas,! -Dsstsr ornal'&. ldy ' us ldsthessuustiliesgaverai faut dase.pofuSeshuoje isisoosd sirportttesSibs 8jcojeus.a ilo"ssu.sos . hss old 11h, yss q ifuSseStliobus sstre Tiésuos -ICes eSsoos-lceràiS ué 5 0 t1 ust eiut 5sd L.otsa.. tse so tuhse aioa assiS isisisjetsssaf lst igisrisas su - wl -nm - ASTIFICIAL ETE 0 ERETc. pssdsraoearallherand -more uIdiUâiiustsPcfi oh!rsrud htmS aa ___________________ sehseteS ai.îug bids .aî ,tsttucestsrErp.Ctsasemsuacatanajsam.asy -oner*setèce TacOss.sst sh ~ sias ~ mtteraof limate, MeefntseseailU ight. *oton& Escprtsaut pspe-itiss -s!û Ccsssssssoz ~ TisuS ereif reqatreSis easten preeperose isyssf ail ahesr 5a5eoasse ualmyou ..m-t-iig-S5LTONdeaAYse f A e tssra.patos ofte cntinent, if properity raohitetmaslssumssmsamisèrsiaûùt, )a bkigpoda vae ss Puple spie sralSy. Takisteis Btte for spructie neu csppor cee!e teie qiceec ors ss*osp ued u eiseus.Tihorsare gavrat thsosaund e P le SsSatees yeor. uhuw luths Écoute ýoîueacy 'ucoîsg pruseretisu uS nomeie ethe bomt lste iser etseemptcems h iemiseetptsu spoots ts .tamùiesss :adf Ctotisyameud- s! te.sufleur hi acime- destroyeslin this nterdats a prera osteid a tia stsS incaa as djuleaostia soc meute itae Stthctm'enrourssgisst pmolîstetisô h aoiiaid guu sy tee- tii n hirmnhywgstinyo taytunaefrteftr is,. asasittie. Tirs sethi sinumsson a s-ymt, suda locha sietoca eitstymseaesftte stiy ceotstyustfyleusocCslac- -muote iers add, oes reoss iceh 'u0ueu, iot au -dtesetiitg ss. er avrsacc$1 tiseparsoxea. Evssysao! ouf d ithths eausitiofse !uvérls !stýsitùss 5tis lsuea,- tesctsei sa nulsd mqti.isîflisbsaabte hose emon con pold s bitefomiy itis sdlisodsjustigisé tise hié! thattha - crtsteli ombses geat i tapr hhs selrra se horsesriloufalsucds Chmssifèseast ThoraSa sshi l Issu étheutrs - -itsissosi, usdthe éther proviatiaf uSicoy rsauf-lr . ,ai S adssliss pssâlsinuhighear atilo ccspatiosupse hr eceeuyn ts On heststppes sefluSott httir in-ead saca-prepélouete pr. lesmhieaflyoap sssephbesiiles. tomubon thesrstuor elsashars hat cns oatisse lltseacorsde nSc Act, odre dcfter 'isetenceder ftisaThemséuss mis hoaos u svryssiamfoastisseihsubssteatlréuiosoouqr eluctionosthestotdtascoateg geAt md'Saure ducesassdtosseâ.ore pri tei lei, andf 'ogosst thes At"atgentîcsurs itîsas eei euid ]oshoeamissorii s!of cmorteaicdd gruiril, ouf tise Ss4s esteut e! siisis.ih lase et tise esuteats crmiti o amoéokste!d enousdiffltyius tnhstay mssteg csoutey se isoresiug ecrtnd&dauarse iss-sictl "eO Aou muélt -à osiderablte ite pepalatianugas rapily tisaS BsCSs'u CUM CODUCOR,ÙFÀO.l, f te mxedin he ktchn, 6ug vil a Y.proportooftiùsoe,andaamsbis whsase trsdsmil eaohs rsshsseiu Came<tossero znso, ottessstud l Sia hioisit "Oraret of np- <Isoodtrs" of th eee"ohuse trdise'tedons tonuer tise oefssarsumiue, hesomea Sesosr issportancettSe miiug indussties. UstcelStees sf osoafris hâe tisor et tissssutnesesi predoisste emure o! mines,. and nest lésqsestly Saieashtewf captaliate ace -glisen - sa h5fShteesso mvetisa T-mslsgtasd pe55o, liîslute% ad- smais 0 sis la hserass ha vifae uS Cfhir cnencefaos lths- rsuetudese ts oset ueissh ateso slese, thaeain ut teter issune or tacwosse. -Ts opo ssah stoîs hp taoastete à -r te aslasid udtCh Ceatsirio bscSog-sis hacLepomred hy tise iosueheeper tissas isoiy indivduoesîuasfsc hoir ahl e sty ! ooSCms is oo toeBr n* ametlp dteemtod, uddtate u u-. mssea s sé0555 s t gs t, ht tisa lotios. Dsrfsg ths rat muter.tose tes & QsuoYu5litîcy, anf as Ssstaibo- eeetty othlise nste or tise uashote. popdlton,os tha e lisjeryonu- siiesu ses-t raissoa acea ompited ef hby i rhe in lsdoteg uo. Thesoeasose e iane-. Aithues dit5el- servativo, asd Sthesesam mssy rishsso anf put iote oporatios, cie iotihoraeau - utet anf bis order esgit taiusm a ticsearescvoidd intiseueoapare,,prap- hefsrlisgsteisg *ibut eslectrogthete aafuBtsam mstem. Tis arieis hisg or twabohut OoOîoy tciseitnerl>-made aiuio essdr. rs 0.crss rcoPénalsaoés ýes tisoy hy herose is mors mors proftanble gosoca, off thes maits o! tet on tise isil isskisg poîlera issapi Boasloue 1usd tisi t Cstia (ardes st masy hasiras sutcipatef saboust Cieo 0. B. & Qis parttelr,asd it is posi- sult iey hisst siarssgtis 5'aeo.Oemn hobgnfl mlso rckt uaeatdb tto hetht thsy cormrect insteetcon. " rprp ast ombin ser-Ayarso usmswsaisa il ase aidtroinglia &some ytan detosation o! theslatte;botI hs et et a isin owdpsei-uato sise- utt usmis2er, crhisilscrsgos, mS oltSdo- suamr u -esltenea dettacaiotes e t ast tiesutreop!th asis poasar terelatisiSsmnom crtis *S5,055ans somo mors iii hsommeassf ummafoteiy - hsr yts et éess, teer *eaatceii- yRiipteràse îcrsly ates iissy ts doubltabis ealtb in tise mortosuasaisis rod tu Wtalesfilo, seaciy union bstegoronteeto Ns'the eisissabbd .si fis sceeîry preriteent sintu om pes; andf bis satyusoofstceottral w mils a othe ts ite. A oseofd unonorue o. li atocrdet ciea preant stauegois, or lan baesmllioualreahe imafe aiStete monoey oyf.m ecrtemricsva sf11 hosina- Tos Nui JscseyIbeesusbm midis dttcie cquuooy etr lfsrte nmfi bigisteég etly e wCrs rtaisésdiseules lisud it - - - otri- i~ey dut-syd p Ssslu thisscamp. Tbh mse eso mosfmitiisy i meis, osfre cotetNetsersseflingueslerc c ddtinS aseuttes itesso flu aprtisaednsssss u se ss eeqayi t firs tes ssasmartelabwldtle spe- s Wti tbs proisions. Ctoiseo ifsiciashiisp -isteis 551h tisses qualittes aesinlust tomtooiseuvnisote itisteiOu uftiostos bahissbusiness anaofeidosn seslty toc seitig iqisseauSsaday r*aetl isth isstre dres prudences tisa h acat aeanine rpryrvry tv.hnhohn ofosr tia ais 1artircle, ssii cistI s latisce lîy nomaa' toescosehaassm.poat vcyéîotoesshs aisseturss ofice orsthefiretoffeco, Ce sussgssdrelate* fortunssibthes t o ntyes! Cfthe ahat tbay cli hto csmenthe jie. sud prpetsailoratiror tc sondss, p"Coserisstnteot soobaisbo terisscamlps esteceo. Ose mus oS mps- A s-isopsmatiss At, îst pdae asdthasose îsolt tspretecelCorpoderr'qoistesse, w m lnisss a sotersinéiseýe5vogrot soupe toc pshlin impesse- stlitsgtezmisore, or liseîist a dsaf' - Uurietet.a ammaoia esurstassîLodgaleigo eremugo, aafttosmocds moute, osd esiaiges tha stp litaits te ip bouge. Th ioeasée u ata0sin sua e n ti ishestglanosnoS aissig spef hl ranches in Btta sol soyonsi cuvec threcatimas u m rondacsufas teos o et mtcsres thons 5u15i)bslaitt - sie." thesepince,.istforme ma lit is i aso ors. Ttssfard astate niasset is nots. $50t5in tons etf8,00btot0,00, ' *laiS iciserios esosr otinessii eeoaS ficos s ttention te hoioess oesristg sp, adf mlii esmisato a to sodS$f505in towius oet ocre10,0t0. Vin-a. 'aNeure, I Qtta tise cotrorpr.Itelins abs sccsmsiotod ($100,0. That as croahtbbnses n boomsétiat iii net tieîs ofs!tisolawi say Wbis sas beoausissadfor gmrartis inthefsesttmii, disgtaielycreti forsaosmaii starttsn a loBt topiaces aitlas a shoreri pefs -srmtinaooLca, tisa penslties hotu0 It iesaeery voatleagent. Hest estireuiptoms s 1siséishsistist,sandisoh,;put Socrisis OsetSsisetu b-t ml ho mais- cfine ris $250 t fta 00asdboprbeo- sCeoives t ita gas, eosg us 'reidoso. ies iona psiation te sesomaits fmaitis tnsss, au tosraoinabnsdantb ladttss - - usotro-:rsstuaoemîvs tsesie. u-rîtosStafscerto stty olcte omotsi rapté!y-in fntur. Bustness t oc i. Atogtir Btteefsiot etr Ittîsomainsutttbcss et icroSislici sas issrilad ottia a Jrep as-ic'i o.hoiits stael t assaisiliesi tsofeîeaesaî eoose oavrstossstsreop1 tssssto -oeri, atiansu. -ftéNwJre a wllebti ta mO.5eetts sgsststsé sribsr-ae SB.speitos.. &., tisas asy dososst ico-hotie sststietisiss Ise s esttireconaisa sexclstive susetl a trtsetote il n flesso- etsp uvent oS tiso Bississippi;,ansf ssev crerhaiastise aloelStîohistttory iasr sCier blidu ot isaaes. 55t inuu sacety Hors bu Btts e tetol s!umeso peafWiat sisecraute msst ot al us alot o!- e! Mafiv*aaoialis dtsnppoitef. odastird t bsaole siiisoase sd votulseoah mentit to emplioyées oS aiSclasses nusuehtesf is tîs mercantileo itus. Sa - -. . - - agsîtsiiuchrîst et repittos illI spproiiimantes $1,000,05f aouho al! o!watotaesitera 55m enwo oasýmisse ~Wbist te lat er cnrtissts oe ieitiscie. CIsaaco iscass iefg- ivhisigoes tatesaminera. Thseoas msssy os a Sgittmaio eaof.oftst, lsg nssip oS irent Betate bains ouin- te oIsaiedarend tsi5lyu chargss stof aeisareos igisfChtoimoast vey te. tniosths placeoS tisa sif-timo sroseftroot 55555 ta55575mo tistisaerciqoeitly Ibecs moda 5lrssti mas caus ,stlio sp asltissdetuant theoas ssieo is aut moitemssay os and tise eaîîosultures toc ttuo mosp iatsîiroues aotseenuacursseraiL' ad e ofstoois sssth,îsitrisuavc irip les tisa 510f parcent. profit. osf aven rsi*.iies 822.245.s000osa tqaa ý5,tea. se2that their soosfssersclouasou con iStu o! sentese for temcatisehe usas satisies isbtt om oft tîea. Tlsop NCa'îittticsosdhig ttslî, Lord MhYsislyi',»-_ ouasseoe largo dry sgoof s asf cothisg stores, ases th e m -lishomosopoiiisoflSiso cof o Adjoeottioeoui. s n otee-teas CsSa fit tf rjasesr asSe anst noms O oSrisas meeytug 5150.000 toao!faiso paocrcosps 20 parsups soiS sîseets dslivrcfis y lite ]st eo, saiî5 siýtioaiesomeaaxoesat Üisgrsdi-5(.f teiisnaoipsssss-sdatsemsyhygto s tiistise nation vas ttnttyuprotiased o."-unss, andfit is eommisuiy soîlrstesd csrnrs onosprovisios. Oou oS thsuss forisr. assd tisaS aulnesotiessspoîittore 'Sut the ay pitu riqinla bu 0tiy" . litSi!tise obst moini icCampiss uold ratisedoo rais o! $100,.1 tbois5bis lrceir asd 'issrtidatlty '"iteselrginandef itèl dot prpanoe ;or.cere to ais fose crédtt bu ose othoras Off par par osnlbis ows systesé. thon isoroef d.theoamou isiS anogieo!tain. n o o fitsy tisse are tishet is ii ndheoisiS hbcreussit,nus motter iom $1,000,000 nyens-osasa Cntens senis ot -- vase nb p elvaIsi opens pisaer. For PrePRIisg etfireo. Ail hie te t chot saii bs psrehass. Thesoata th iat rfretta. uts sytpetaysPOiistisora, tuis LisefWosey as ttecised onammsisétlnfs tis sesuipssder sof ste lisisy bt àavon oml peresutageof s!ictusio- te logs tabacou bssis-isspisg tisaslt Frtfsy sseatgisv Lord Stisuymosisoteiss-riàttrohlsh. Amanisdis- nss-soft isocamp sisul ho dons on asssire extensive tends. Thseaetera -uhu derinreo ie arisstte-'sisbaaloossis.saeit crédeisat;e 5 e oastsî the barvose luscapof ovocy day businsss mas drives thesomssshs a t monet mItoisStisatioo. OsnCMo- stets iess îsde cs r0tre sstheaar, rstnsdlsiss et tise acatisor.flic malt svocy tiass, ouf Btte te nsm ai day oeeiig tuslic Adiisat.tesirni esst is arrcthtis rith, or prsisfiss tise osfndasît evon day thsrs are large partiestoriy bvitisgfe ldiftocrsutura dstfsîec imcisissitin staageostLsnds.inorat orsuesnroibstattamuese st is ahipmrt.of!har alse oescopper'.businessumea luaoU tns e ccpt dry shes bliestsrud b5 ilo~provenos sattier ioastis or dit..Aisaois anoS sopperiatto, sotaisisg nàesssid- guds and laoisg, -wii reis s mo *peesh.lieo-ceai thistisesay' îssexsstais inte ry arucsisrethr, end itesrabis psrcenSags oftsOcer. -Thoaship-liasfieiseier.* mek adthtisasu longaséit emaneod regcy Peaittasture e man omiesenst ofbar sivee estrdnyasotef Thesostiscru PaclfcMo utHostBa. asoIt aséftis army eoulf st Jinjaf 5e sohatsss." te 572,500. Butseproesor escep- B.Cos. mas recesaiy inorprtef isp0 biS. is fteseo ais mafbroaf *par thno tisa hoeterritryoftArizona, theo dîrecters s! the Notises Paitse, lu a baiSe nes ofi ns Tmtte ry BSiTP.e M5IN A. wailiisla o rsppec prsdsmer, or ficbusteisua stees et hrnuus isMiss- loreeinmsrbsauodtioorl noîef ouf -- chois idse régonts, mhieis losg mais- tensa, iseîsig a broocisfrtrsBiltsgs - 111fet sot n1 - goarastro *tise sntety of s-si ssesiidmef tistieiesfa; asd tis a ania pro- te' Bostes, ichisi li ilpraest ths tise'captali.The csndition' oS tee MaBsd. fistios o! Btte te bcroeaisetsédlp iyMnsitobaolirem sttisg offS of thei coustry uai sisots this a tfoo St 555 0- Tusofscot immirations svac tis andfvery rnpidtp. Tise proâustisu ot Bf isgs traité. TItis tsrsetisnofu 0s0 mens aeceCdef bun effctbsg, a issf- Nsetisécrn ?oille tissspisg lu tho tise samsp tocr515f8criSSprobahieo oceref tisaSbranso i-elfevelop a grisas ateot - top asf ers .proîerlv luosstsd tissa es isest n ote isspriag ost188.1, mbss C0,tûfCDthelb. TisaAaconfda Com- o! 'misisg, agriesitorai, anf grasiog msénoesoasscriytiy migitnettfoliette CSrfa'Abuoe ctetssaaiet pany aossars treotiog 1500 tos of oeocountsry tsthslnrp*ta Bitioge. - posaissiu fottise costrv. Ilo iedafiany thsosqado ta tise usuel Proies- paredap. aod tisa Bsio& lMtotan WtiTthe iaitaho is sdvetisisg is iso spted onsoceiant s'tLord Sallie-sinoft isasin thSe tr mes. tCompany, crisbavecoaagrosp othe boss Caadien papers tiat i35e ror o issepa, attia ktao sosiesD. Hoeibofat lBv or tulegroator inasber miss e s ppee mineos ioeicoamp, mil trissas sssismsansd niPasa Steoofýtoeoust a sprsoittheiGavecs- avnso!Minessota iandsDa go t igfilbc ho prerditsbanaoeas mue. hy tiséias St Pasi t.oo in. îi el r mou, bui-aSesvcdtthioasthcsseiSoOregonandsultiulsiseto oss oftheîs pcr. Tlsy aycu pssdsco a ssomu boiet haS ti' ondssfcultoSbh sf liteaositty, So serseallob socerigo smaal prcoitagu stopineiinStso Botisy groter omost aS fint-cisseors tisas rosafocbusinsos for menthe te comns. aof bis country. -Lord Sasurye- Hostais reeto. Tto hef eSeaso oSy tise ssmpanp sprtisg is thé Tise rond là ntmsstmsonstity bsock. p asSi miitelaist sflaStSiisstoSctuthis l itSOegos nd- Whingistenedisrit. Amentt il thoeefédctionsSaddcfby crnîhoss,aof oSlotamansv su Lis 'os e los'cstcc-disnee speecis havetSusdafvantsgeof stte ad ouf oos corkinIsthe ctronx des hsbsg ssiurea, pasaners criss otemptef te rescis huliaioi tolSp wacrantef bt hsoispef boards s! immgration, rissofcovrtseEls sucrai oswa iseare o his poeist- Hontaaho flicBoaitoha route, iboa té tisaStisthlatter mioiSs*ottaoise fictiotrrito5iye 100asystentémoutr, sf. TisePanot %corcha, mhfis asnom go lesisand ai t he tssNotieru Pacci.1 mtter juSro sssssi or ifb!ho shosiofis hnt oai ntro mou np ibuccims tscs sut 105,0Sf omlsofssteooppor Ts Inliea pce 0 cos~in hf lac ioseevice it oslif be tho gsot- fasiliar cithisctu sisrsceoisties s! poc msnth e oifescocsossfse1os.proieais toSo1iefhi iaSot est isism test toutS -possiy tnl ns tise omry eisisty, anndmoite a taiécshiy tities of sopperemtta, usl i h léodparb lOeconfi a vay imspcsn- sslitrp adminstration. Ho promiseS îficei 1 sten*ufa!isefuturs homo té douii bleteairsgpoity tels nosmse, sord, asd ite lenlslu B o nsecas tise er IVisiee satastooso itcsonviBnghisiiolcene. Bsifoî,tho biobgmomdsd ciSSoreeontietherSt travorsetisevolystieHI th e m sofettise deoees ulosbu henst o01a tbrsseStickset te theePoulfes msnaas uel os esateas ores. Bsifos tiver foralong dlaeodoo, m .eg Say maSs hesshiesnt o! setions squey. onSst e So iSCe morettholnebt âo!aas dozosoor Saso ostha large, wattihnsiss ceosastgs o! theaivor ufa ssitg Tie jsae bas cossda n'Ir Pua"suticet to *otaa adCfaho poinsupssfsss!og mtnes;, tisserses bdssff ttise MBsoanSd oo ier.Tsé *in teEsanf. At a cromfod meetisg finit maay ot tiseimmigront s o0nthe pcomsésg PmOPecisé, tecaticsestageso stressas ail frais isîmesse -rof s sftifeus et Leâfo bdon S udsf&pptiueipto o! gttine as fmasis isonsport. et devlspmnet testre tessiisisg ores sastué pines, misse s oaietesice- reolutoigu~ s'wgesedptef scisgth ie ation as possible teertieic msnay, aouf.te tise mortsebr, as meusas hppisg ins, ouf tise maternesoff 6it fa a GOscreut tii- fn ffoc6sISp itisterqssntiy scrficeChirbhat internastat uorte la Cotrado, at Omahao, unSfucsisaois. Aisvpriseaas thiatsiondcios ilcitisaiSt ea, thcrehy. Tis a e atbeir -bsoot ~ersoachers. The ane!ts îs iu ati tolismef isp nuhfsséi issesgb te ouf-n mossmstng basteesnrrangf tonifies.,nsdimsésé aefiedcrisses o«saesos cth eifelspmsot, ondsine overt sle s01heosCteamiA bnoea -for thath oeîclons.- mesSut is ýstrsngercompti. s n'àtest usw-miflheuhospit for o tom roebs tarent,. scréef sin i t éoset. TSESKIePS!ElDSeyhl b rancosé e!tite t.tiasthcyw csiftissssanf dollase. M iehovalideait tAil the Manitobn'a% griison théee inufCle os It Mnu os srsiè.- 1I hâve imestt $ctpnSTsessr r stsmshave beas septsnseao ___ tons wachIsgmen puSise hrespis Mon. I osteolpbth frsm toemine roocb Cis s als Sisfussry, ofSoueo 'emtu.. Tms sBE5i555 oe m 'tooroef e a îmi ose sscmficséfigures ssusultp, aouf Si et otoeip sovsrlroidiges, SuS moupan iwO oAuxne-ecressoa s Le- thbiss at tiske!.te Portlsnd, chaes souéaptissyisifosie, Sot, timir, du., mites o! smhdetonfasnt ers msotsfelot.'T mess AsoTReTeo son . oc0Cassis- tis nst esosut. roagit e yraillusis psoportioaCIn Tise mas hp asne.oràY,- teiasetouf .5, res c Ajsosuo. - rsaesudofWZssetsnnremagolesent sftsrme atetr C motiof tisetact *tosastishe elle eeéMestelonpeOted -. ; ise5ctaissiyue p tre.u- .cG te. enSbht tmats heofstht thesAnaconda;s ompanyp'sade that oser ss(1ies sthtissosof Crogi Lqasse? Sa s T5late. lisse sgsrdsd missoro lpoing tisras wiî faUteahotterhv oatffr soaa otn ia sik iser e sOs ase) essalte rleerepaSCeir cefitius if theuyhave thes pissi tsome aftimhsr. ,Tsstefdap asait as mvii d -lngstrthi On ho e'isi y sis- ff te 1 aSSstahuarater sa nergy tiss eoscosssrp b mretemnntosataree frestsait Lnke informsft assri. -h Int iStensttefhp sgeees PiýU mji teioaaPSPue snmyli s oér.Yttsme tbaS bis sosntcte hthesBlocetite Chat seserat biusfecifi, adlri;i e.eY1liue eda i n onr.Y h mSs uS theeronf tý.t .0ic>paemee Tueer wase lter-moostois country oÈcs reaersatnî iolo uito.esfsr 500 teusper monte, vilSbv ih cf uvslest su, faew sP% -s m irsro eprttsthf riasy tisr poriosn 55Tbs sait dst ie misstep sompsos; igiser, esd .teepis e- eptese tisai, osntisast.t. h-Wsgesarsblghepro-. scprmnts mscc 50 sb uhtseisnturensite Bte eu esi~cséeSihspsftîre mýee ai soisussero ptlufsl xgit chargesu ostheUteis&Notisrn s a~5itgsueisor erc taite * e reesoehigier; pofti us àiHý gasuon iused t fte a essof $r isgnur c isSe $45505for the sait, wihc ote scul; asj oIS Bepsi dsotoso!Chose *l.cOpscaindustrieoetarTise!rsigisthithesau f'rte ôh5éhe heds ttfats eitoti rnetenteltSe y etsIesoisIietts iesfà'-r estmfoi he iiseèu uSd ~-- uitSu(d~snî sptth e ' acerforitheprotehi oftis mIS 00 mes oiteehot, ho nght ot Cs o d~ees.k, a s. iftmhî.ur.a-îlty afte ouy b arSoSthw thasscu te al. o se-rto frs, ak2u .: is-.abouti DjissolutýiOnSl XrPXB 5F D50.POs. 'i ?THE-GOLDbEN.LION, TOI MENS' & OtI CHI Vs ar sh-ing this seaàéàntha e largest ai stocék offReaadd lothingve hî .Men's Fine- A11r Men's Blueerj ,Men'si-Fine.Bia, tyrfc.itA> as10 s $4.50 -thE ted Suitsfrom $1 ucats, from$6 upw& ut &7U, wei ad& 'Go. or Z sEY~4TE a ce cci eanS chu MANLE feaded Victtes1. Beaded jDelntnc; Ne* Wclldn Jackets, Nemarnrkets, 'Raglan, etc. cent stlck',tochle océfrem.- -- 15 Pieces of Puùre 811fr Béaded Grenadinec et $1.75, $2.0O and $2. 25. These are a Great Bergain.--e I DRSSGOODE we. are chewieg cerne wenderftil bargais. Ack te cee cur Ail-weei Drasa Gee 2.rO.aùd 8e We have itilla few Idft ef- thôce Beautiful Béaded« and Brecaded:Bexesi Dresst rgarpce frern $20110 te 524.0 a dreise. ARRIVTNG TO-D47-VERY LATE COrpellieg usc te ccli themn awè«y ewns in-price, 505cro. BRi $1 erpafi5;_80_ decz. lige Licle Hccc et 40e. per pair; 80 doi. Fine"Licie Hesé et 50e. per pair. SILXB3 SILS.-Lveiy vew gddcin this deprmn Libéityf-Silks, i l cloi eat>6.;Stii biack, t 750., $1 anS $125;. (leied Mrveilecux,- becs.quality, et 85e. and $1- par yaýrd. COO1Ete us if yen want Cheap Geode cf the Beet Qeaiity. Evsry daywie are'seaerîcggreat be rgaiùca depastmentc... a.MURRAY'& .00., -18..20 and 22 Rng St,,.-East,-Hai ~9 Notice off Disso.*lu ion off at te ,Aî.ose& COs-, l'isberts ts 1 i'.es l y iedymtos! ooiesst. Ai >j' ~ ~IN ai isîsitiiiosebui hilisatO Wu)sa eLeedst corgeteasn, A ii< d ail chhsse gasit tis isd iostsshsi sirote ho preseeted asud pis! ~Duie ntL;oigtoi.0n0 Iis Ts.sty.lsss:tis dsyelfsAbesss-y. c - JOHN GIBSON, }JWILMMO titi réference te tise.stseve 1 bog bD intimae tai I 'l'te"d centinsiug the afôresaid.busiates undek WM.itILEO S <J., nSweiid osatsfssiyssa ai 1ariseowissg srnaii balance ecceunta and everdsse ns settie, as rneay il e rqniied te pay cf tise ratirissg jstsr I aise beg leave te asseeusce a I)isselitien Ssll is large eùd fnrat-elsass d tisera are se.verisi lisses cf geesis t e eselS eut te redisce tisck., Great Bargaiu eh we mnuse, haverneay e ero'p tise retirisso partîsar. Ouîr spsing Geeds are eerning in in large veieti .\iew Dro osGeesis, New Siks, New Miis-rNew Parassels, New Tweedc, Nez Gante' Furssisisings, Neu (tietis. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ jji gNzCapt,'e etnNi esli,,NewTable Lissès., Nez Feetu-au. -New Prînte fi 'eli lsjssey; steveettesferSe,0 ratbegasis.ianernisr thie:Ordered COting Dapartrnaint,bro Mente ieperenet, ad Milîsoryarcil-s rt ciascs 'erking erder andseteeked zitis the iatast naeaties.. gen.sse calete realize rjnesy te iseci partssorosi ietalias bean disaelva.d, ce yess can cese itis cenfid clisse, as d tyen sali ha asssply repiait], Altlsoglthesstsolh sarkOd yO osOisresdIYseîoiîîhsesdssssa s of $ 00andup.wrdsfortwis.st5s esiiog frit of -May'5188 sI f Ossd jiicodstirW M. M cI.EOD, W.M. MoLEOD& Farm foýr Sale.;M .t1o ~ A W ITATTTfl- a sf~c "24 r- l~i ou. s-' k5 ~V r' k il e-j À- i i - k h. V inâfants und' i r-ee kidS «at.low( é3heaper tha: SMI1TTÛ_,N, Manage iery, Manties, Dress Goois, Kay kEeydypleaýsesi witb displ;îv q,5irîpa Dic s os 21 UPan Dtosa Gueds Io 1 hanrss o10 ,1, a rtnsao 1 10 7 )C -FetrCsu p es 10,1- W ssais C riietis l7-5. 0ee Csrist :71, ;50,(if), mLae Csstains t-eil i Oectasn Polos 50sO sîl inleay sety .riscsp 4>ce.y Jsckets extra vali r_ is in Dressail iin. YBROS t5X tise iest m ila cf Stc O silee tssssisl;sd d P=,.r.messths. It sili ps ~Bve yorsrevot.l for dit dene nec±îy tinS et s roc Ooàl andi DELER LX- r, i Sngles, tfdCedar Pý LfS-sMARKET CLain tion, MFa

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