Canadian Statesman, 19 Apr 1888, page 2

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S L.cdsey- is seing a forlOc. Tise Centrai Consntolteista Cossrvatiso Assoetattoh mtuneS (Ili ouisalltoit se oday. Tisera mei ai uet= U, and thes prineipal laptn -1 thessnmasSio sesto gatssstt ectisanetofMr. Daid Henderson ah S. octse. eosty. - Italid tees- p vsossiY roportcd tiseS Mr. Hebid sOnintended tureait5sattes thonfa thes mus, ibt tisosmiswo atteodédt roetisg say tisag tlece lusos testh 5 this, asd tisaS thss prestet ml te 55, osded. Ttey*proSsstuolils esfid. LiaitMr.HRendeeos ml relateniis e AÀ trus tilt iseatees fseoagatý Manager CrotigtonofetSl Emptre, Silo eharge et criminel itel laid agaIr b ins ty Premier Mercier, os i buisesararested eaSTerceto anddàm ' ged to.Quéecfor gris]. ItLesaatd tt M. Creigitos isbiemevery Sies, mith is uspeseecetor, w mite metS tise trais os un mway te Québec,,an tise ategedlitelI. Hmvrtisi e * nayeami tise ovecnsent soeld Is nuestime te. ieelaating Se prereet ti cLOPotts= ttise Sieppard aod.OCecig Tee editore eft1ilieBsscmareet5e5S OFriday,,oues.fthet isn arle5itie 11seaP r tisatstiseeterliedtIe or rstedscrdletcomdu fise Ses aod tise Statesman are lot etf tise gOdy.gosdy. ScttiAct etti sudethitor et tise Statesteao iseXai pattisiler et tise 2lttoetst Otseea tOn Mersday tles editors appeared tafi Polsco Magistrats Homes Sec tris and a it wae proved tisaSt eSun mei strack ivho e as« 5ied $t2andcoati Thue effarce 'eeiges gpesaisamuseenoti eovnseoilte, patcstrly amogti Riisaso, w edukwskokdeso on'Paitey treet, te Guelphsu ad et let of540 Tise police ases wrkiig s bery tl,ý GelphMerurythéleadiei SttAtorges stWr'lliegtss, sys T]cetsle tise tact tiat isisecomisl scaet ef àsimilae natursesbtaee sec . tcesght tligist .cecentiy, seictettesn proeýs-e, eeset loestait tgialesi grouind teeresisia." ItboIs ais tsoglis triosSctt Acttes Setted Lu doei Guselphs miatis ts edesestes Ipromise( eri .thtse ay et pttig ns, end t, druneoiesss ld erime. ise Wrld Gires ILltrielise. Tise Globse Ssses absot Scott Ast cesstty noscisa Tise eteters deoso tuout snSlencehe elctiosesstisey d dseteg peety soeteets. Tlisossderae osas sisys et toule, -as a rmse, asd miods las omnsness. Ho dose sot cuesmietiser a smptoeey tam cerrles omet. Sstfaeasire gluaseofale iscon- cered lteeas taise it oreat tslose, and vstd.est ftest if depicerd etit. He s. nsorcoerc, asses tIsaS SilsScott Aet sel set present tisa tror tilstatng Iis celiar isoùld liese osses Sit, ad cda s nus ypattyta cate lspos theso t eteeesedsssrving gin milie. Tisere- * - ticsIe gsneeally tay unt ltOoesan t'Iots thse cmspass, asýSiateapeae b atil; t wSvss. teho dasthtet Scott Actdoes otprevot drenteonesoi as t tas sloe doces t, vise te Suds .it aourceoftexpesssive andeeeeigtispe. * lylitigatios, sospled ithi sceeset asatîse. as it tas oto tae, tise tediffe. cnt rmoderateocees ecemnes aeOsed; il sets tise pInce et pollisis and't, Srtimils Leurd teses. Teee.ts no * myetryatet it. Ho e Ply gela tireed .Yd",On.y alot Bnea8o. Tise 1Wsldsa yeog men have ivestigaied thse ie. eserstescessofthetise uesadamegtin it ta yonstrai.-t. * Ffeela or satt At Bsdge. A itsbmer li%-isg os tieseonod co- cessineid Nassagaseya iad quileau esapade ecnsly. Ho ramesLta Guelphl Thureiday, ansit in epoted, andsàtarted Ssc tome cossideaily mider tise ta- fiane or sliqueur. Wieoegot tuEden * oman.tes du.lettoommt-athewma *dotag, andpeoppletoreaiuaa t ard jet b6agetismh ma.Tise y eured the s evcessfcILtey ta gideo is tsOf teçilay, tbttisthe oSt tetogiltdid X sot go tfe. As il o toscy gcsa, eiesi- *iitsted lasierces ne stsisst N.,4; abouttsaorimilosarosisEden, and tareed lscm lone. Wlseecrienpet t1 tIse s isne m asseow, btStîsiolses tu,.,,rssssiteilmigat Mr. Jamo Eltietis, Oopoees5s. te a sad loolstag pligIlt. Tlsep ers t ed and vatered. -... .Aftr .amIetethé eone fosrmidtisom, Lotras ism ,tastutawmheré tise wvoa %yaue and hitesd eles op. Ho0Is buylagtS isetison, and Ivan us *freqsently Bea detain thtseditet as mnxaltisead. ise va m home 0nos ofettiseanimale depeddomesad died, tlanjests of et aSomr .liad ta * ~ ~ ims Usse Cadag tté dead animal .awayInud a .t...tvesaprasced tautase avgea tome. * * lale Ssat !eSt .ssly. tI *e Psn as. ae, AcSl 8.-Ahmuen * latlp v.iorkëse a Pcins5ield, mras tise DiiinaCooctai Sntaogoiaseno *os Tissmday' let. H , ,purd4 s w ituestin suo, tut mes taitasi. * estgad la gise ttis evidenso.Ho tartéd trons tonte'_massis oe.obt esisedid mo * et tara sp seitda aisecesmode tue hisinspstecdày, tiset ILtectisia ,us t.e ndteg e slof a.sài? Sarcuns soie *. * er , et-cf -~k09- a-piocé~ ~ c'ô. ,es c. i .neeistsee of thseSat5gaolaePreàldme'Dlte ;5X-1x;telVsoeSHai. eq=t kldnot Bwdcm tise a t estsinaietisheue t9d teen smnt;Ye.eo., naS.CbLmapt. ea-ilth t tnd narod Ms. dlstded open te qestio;.esd ta CaPtai,,W~r5aS SnW .tndtrast ieSaeseems cs. mostd bte satts5ed iS te 5 uId lte tMsCleoan. Atera on aaos'-1siSe tédnse acie4 ,d aalynnBt r. aison tis nateresen. - Wlie-lunmay r;thcentStbors areluta animiste ronditiân P0t.c , iCiaderameïnsier thlie s nections et tise'countryte Scott Act lnsd promisse te t atlSsiseri. et ns Stat eard *d penet «otie Hem, tise ta erteaadeptrd, hte dad1net cenaider ntattygeetilitp. Tiepibave a tettery YorktCity.aed e eetis, ated ly, I in tisat At eattaer eogt, ileceeit scoend te ansointhe coestp, andte Prot. Edma rd G , Love, teseweli tnmn de. did 'net prebistit te; manufactsure as fSeldnern ranostise osceesa t tin unitedStates Goeernmaestelsensto ntS meilius tise fintietiîg liqoore, overytbisiginte considération mith a meis Tise « IsSrepo b, ilesnSsit anlarge es. ansdis maswsiSisa viwo se anrcc tg tla a ffci505 eesra a eussplate téiinetterteo*d'ere eminedmere addittenalpiti(,itios teathSil Hsuloi, se are ais ta aaying misen Stho tond tcli auns or lime; t n ns5 manom aiid eta giseftia attentio ae tall csen tf1888losaes..teo-hmt-ua xeta arne en again tetelilqeer qnestio.nHe ce.Hallenacce~net wM iat' oe t tem sueis an nb"oaSseaternr est terced Sa tisecmntention tis aneoise:. - l ?S.Aung. The etut militeu te5pi'eýpoason oaI tenafood.- is tarer, abould tavo conspe stion if opea ter etalleogeli aterte let May. alnma todtamaSiio eg teir bilassa*as pcstititeflt ood Qito a noster etfeueyeung men suiTe.Sits drsgaSe npluyed -in saS teld itSiey lsad lad oasis vsning are leuiugeus and movtagteStlma S slaciespenteer eoe. ,hp as tak emay uey lairem'fer eompeeoa. eupestimp te rolliop meal moenrapid. ITise preseonce et lime ta atruttsd te n ten. An3nu enueorSucdividtag tise ipin varices ltes oethSe nrigisterags teé impure e ofnsettacta oteensm-erco cdn ona s te quetio, M. Jamieson Stepii. a He to s6ceed. mlse intel, maufanture. *Soult ereid Sa est fiear, msente voen m ucJe Tnselep tas remsed ea HnIlmi- r ee t inctot r mas aisesanatyaod ani. for etee esegeamnmm tonansuegasSoo iuto temanufascta n en citaiu lime and ,eciler ins 08,er acs lent, andisesa hsud as dsuoetof"emadosse limet.. We sisis purites;tItasaime saanples tthe exteat th tiserseeten a considératle ceaneo ins everp aeeesa. sf 98 per cennt. o e ieir eSeegtt. glin tisepersannel. ' A nad accident iapseaied te Mr. Wm. AU tise ilsing usCIethtie mer. Mr. Ml t t tt tisauMc. Jamie- Tudor wmitie engugedab a ii ae StkeS, meutise esgteeuepttonstStoyai, sion vasnet prepaced'mitha Bll fortacobestPages. .NHemigisS lave ibeau (neStciadiag lsm and phsphtei ;u Se arryingeuSDt te spirit oS las lalled, bet lseily Iho gt oSf itt afesapsdrmittaantSeeea t1au 'esulutie t mue s aedly èsusctetmwitt trulees and au ssjotsted ltese. et aveu an impure ereans ofttarber), are re Puliameutecy practies te divide tise BilSdngopérations Ihave cenenoued n m ot ualteraîedremamoSf ta cd Nous. opuu te astracis priaetple. t tisemanne, and isetoe slong vo nalt fcommerce, sud ceseqoeutly calntatu e Whteoalvayu un taver et thle prinuspie tave e tundsme trickl meas oSur clime ta aeureepding exinst. Bre of prohibition, lis a masever la taver et pste .. . Tise sly ilakisg pesder pot eud et. 1pStste ein prattua legsiatte ishwisis Wiu aod Wittisave a geetamuiet fipcemicai anatysie itaileeatiresytfrc .tise majartp efthtisepeaple oSfte oco. ruemig tswaeds u Britins esonSundaytenliesdaeotiyprceie Fitr vsld netSÙappeet. Teenastmeet sesiae.Wbiarcrou0egtt sa dtete. "Royal."Tiseparfoes. puity resolt. atti ois ofutalamesuc tat plupr.ttsmavmtyiy.acece tons téexclusive use of reamioter.1 r.pasesd muld do eaamit tteveey cou.'testvn teit TopMy 5it wers capecisliy ro5ued and pcepaeed ty 5usideruisle restrititon usstiDgow ed0 eaemiog ssauog ideo StopY acsatler. ptesseeosslcsitlpemv iveuld putleeage sestieuof6 oS usnty ave. rtemace tlm Se muS eu in tise pesitbue 'at sisg ne tam t ail. lm -adalirmui ta. IcM. tamiesen replied nuS Ieegtt, de. * tcs. TisePestttiis ceeniealiy pure iu Seds isese setdtteudUI'ILL. ceam uoftatetar te mortgrenaiertan ie aenis 6.45é ié acd tiel and aeSéthe,andoaceutoftisoget. men t r ise esai edthécace ClcTh ndatelSto e t Gng or ectie oca ue o a nting podrbut tascho la eddeGergo e's eyL licee ta dispase oethéSteister ty disi-. terecmssts, %-lteuce-epeuea Pret. Love,sets modle tte analpete et neor etteemise tetsie ercees, cenS tou Sunay usmS. Tile Rov. J. J. Mie. talas8 psmdere tac 'tiseSNe York to easeeu grssd tisaistise treety débute Ses, pstee t S. GeorgesCUtsets, seul Siate Board nS s el ue tue nisajld ta thiseaSentrilder., .. acisungo pulpis itil tise 10v. Sic. te Goerencenat, sape etftepuritp ud P It iSa ocsstderld duststi setete seBecceetu, et Wuteedeseu, eu Siany. 'mishoeseomeneàs oS tise"Royal: àîrctcitittaquecattun seSI ces sp agacelé ie. Ose. Agneelias truaddfares "-u Sud te'Royal iaiiog psmdec g ueag te sess. -sitt bisu sen, Mr. Wce.Agacet ofNue. cesposed etf puce anddmissiesmne Se- ag - e. agaseya, alad Steuda masSe0 tueiv edieuta. 55tsa eamsoStacteepase. mewehi. dereGin bgsdicigcoeof Pourit, ud dan Mr4. Oa. Wyue. mso tes teu mtnet esntain ittor aime er phsephtes eu imuù2lày na .1.1i, ur, aevillage ttuctemtutt, Mr. A. Mitcl, oraistersazïàtEueg.G. Lavsi. o.i Wtnunse nnagisit, t&neoiteCns tSieesvenin polît lIeuing tisisrade. St l i lgiy oatietastsry inateihsee Blwhmheýcbid. 6brt1tarcsueS, 1 luit osdesdapseceil Sr Doilade, eepere nS tiss-ticiitp, saterceteé otWeuh maannte aoa"on ces is, verethoilu eocesedansituatien. Roya Beliisg Pusdèei oiuaecai as, Wtnliadiaaeneeeese, Mr. Ctaes. taseteys dsaeltzug ue, tisaitishe iveattgatioua y te analpe« ine2ac Nilteide, aud neacty aliýt-Steou- in MasastuoettNaYsanOi, !a - teir, ere ceseamed ,trSes auc teéeutv StaterlisaS Ihave tisufte LaPeiday veet. Th iseSe ta nspponod talises atiajuspou tius imprtetais. .5 ~ ~ ~ ~ t bedsLtrlrunn ieFd aaveeea aedilytestuva. Logs jetu gremie ciueeag t Methéepaeesi * dn ierignG téFd butaS8120. Tisoraovus an.inssianco aad mouut alliat tattsg pa'ssde Sein anausn To, oet$400 onte -isouse. and $200 one te thélmacet. Itu issuisttetut insetso otenatat. S geI itsebotaistaPulStSe faSels seMces ted esote. osetofsac masS x.- ' -v isWS Wrmea erc SaeuithticeScott Aarn etd htns, paec s lsathi$rst ns- e at couadbtedeatteil cn a ee uy.Sarday last. Iieceasted t eau NMat Yses, April itt.-Tise Suna Let PalitamenS legisiate tafor th ieg fsaestime,btaclad eeu aisle Laosdoucatie sape.-A triaitesmwpra. 10 cessai et poeecteand eure of itec tagugoaaboat setilabouat a sagaaga. esedisg inLondon vtic ataitddEsin. pescslietd Iremtéland. M-seisloie ata itse ta isod. Msncis tte confidecesofoSreligiaaaseutss- W peracil illbc lft, allsdog iesua consitent mce ef ginstoeiteetarps mtepeey oen ttee tise Presyterien Cisucui, and vue tcatteisce. Franuis GeogeuWtcddavs, ý Ateadnsinetalutoeu dsceed onuthse Ïvudecected ty ailt oeisasse s aetfond ofteing called au.eeainSEa neusteis nnais e Siaoitta. ve- u. Tise Sunerai, asiet tanks placee u d misiss nasechsargedaseit evocui.ts -Tise deali sentenceoeNewton, tée -Tusaw segety attended. Ne top crime, to théisenes pcru vise i spg iessere.liasneaeseesied. Taelm t a ,eacesa vifte tameurs s bosgs, wset =ed ap eoteustsm teLondsu and : se &lutdteg S cattî AoctepealI "ss smpaty of aitantertbereae- teNeten nted Staestpecra de u nts.suthis Csey oe tantsteb enet. aa .t RomaCaithocem.eseerung o tea nsthistcd. nTise etaiug enetainMOnt et th isemtr e pretsndsd te dtstees varaus buepes n of Bises ue vesoner it a *Sci su onridap ecenisgmue ttiddeu mystariesa. te letpesigsg 0sa.tatnegtst ynt.00 u -uwrssd anuquatsied nuceses. Tisea u a a tomerptest. Tise ineeutcngaction- ci A godatteudanes-te htlli tetug pretty drel wsnsbre 40 ycars ugoite twvrt- irenr b ieStp lf otoa t- veII Stted and a lnt u n ntaret- hnsaNersicis Mis mttecsuam eg tiesonu tisetemnpIl e muo t e t ueoi11cdudectg tisaveeniug y boas vagabond Damnd Widdaavu, cte Th Tise asecentvi a ecsets te MeuschioIsou and Me. J. Me- enoueda aSliing tp treetePlauning aud dsty en ihaoceimpared for meutaacca' Futanons* th ivtsts.sit a.mests leg.danuisg. W'teute tey greemp à otitstés. ergannsoloty Rostur J. tB. PemiseeilbcPcts itndta toaie teoseof iid- *Hau. Tisse Whiste, Sitester o e Siloutpiuyug inteir usustaadotye. dams, Having aguod vice and sanee te nteriar, Sa;ii mwitil peuuisp sud Sanga vers gisea ty ts la linttellgencehte vuebalcen ita tand btpe s eongestiau et tlisa Scgs. Mies N. Tereteli aud M.a rlae elgios cant DanueadPatecguatts sl Mr.e Hsctpotrtiksntiti te etabiîtetect. CauSe8g,wmistet mers e wlrereised. womistdjeet net uain taNorwich an 3 tisocisvin.temciissg mes tilcosesout y itondingusaes gisen tp H. Nasbistt, establistment wvitui eeslied a Pros- a ch«e BanneofaS Gasees yenteeday. Sits. 2gieisset ana H. L. CaSting, testntis cesstcy. YousngWiddame *Tise Scot 'At eStdecainSencsa.asua reiten ispMisse, BetlbandGagued intg in te choirandocason. casetp, estt iet pid tisir fSue. asneectat raduoP.Att ere Wmlli ceadsrcd.ialyip esesiSte thinanet Saueal ut tim taveabien areeid and eoeseitted casecgingud n eeetiog speeeseî mrs milen madaild gattm tedlla mrcee te gol. . mode tV'A.Mitthet an MameMe; W. plap pertarmed t teé eamtrp, or IV. A. -CmerenttieéofthSe winip.g Seesu ou Wt,' and J. F.itoisdsenust a reltgaas processian teaset te ltit It-tivUosBsaéofLaueC.sdu aun Lascitie, ilener oissas dia- steecs tot e dlgtt eorali teoeattTi bu oSed teasisolasate aiesig tase nsud. taguesotitid LordDndrsacynsVisit. ilynbc- eiS hoTtmuuestree li et thr elat ise ueoeeni, t te Sidli ofsud Petegad Patience,* vlstst meste grief franstct oS Sanda, At tish naeffl0. 5. vucy aaaisise and more WetS ruceivedi. o entyuWiddavs mes tram an t~ à5aoflai t isiluisdeeied dsea tise Tiserco' mueaisoadebute open Ste aut. m-rld, and ils tuesincea Ssed ou lau1) *ailtney tif a Bsrforsi iltaieitiha ue, e, cc, esutred, TisaS Canada linatetter mtsnd tsecdaltSyetaimpte.cedd tacs q, tst Scue le teefaSeba tenat fSeld*Sac emigetioniantss te Uuitid people. Annunen ims lfas a eln-au aeo can ts tise uresf otestss, audposnteu States." Tile snject mas mati and vacs et ids ~ume .d tea -tact tise ont oS tise tanstb. sttdiaeaseed tp S t. iluand J. F. nan ofm etesr Aloaies, and ta sans- le Wittsýni esPttncd, a 5tyen etreser, nt SRichardsoaor actise affirmative',-aid J. pau vth aucté ccoesdâetWho ttisaisie anddissnonsSrec, est hit tinrent Aguesa sud v. P. PsStonn tactisheuujeae sBrSleSuiius, pe rued.ntaggeccd itatta uisnig tues. Ste négatice. 'Théuee ieavtpis wnbteta Gbtd tRMe, slece trueg wadrugerd sett y sans, ai5ttee and affirmative. Tise meeting eiseed i . Feane 8teC atctéc*ag r.ia5p o essy coneer. .utu g U AldIuicSn, ait gies tO iseotf misce . Hataud tanse Tis Hadimud em -éluetuiions aveoit ee,ont.onpulmit tlise tien Ovecymise tedp tiehim eaSfo e ns is eothé gseuspieeeoure snuaesttmetaSaiea a ii oan .. A mti ioea ta and tise meano tp vicisDe,.Sertegasie prState +,,ec elat I l, eylgiuadss.ASsclSsn earsd io aai stt aae e eti oet.advmo ee eaiscina uaimergedwsitas attsecrimes, c isitara esnter*neassa ii i se use nouttaP . uoatasSeemltet5aiamu dta ectggtaesst ig as ip tasee uSSncadMete- y diffstlu e rganLitag tise aeety tise handaoetjustsce itt t m i e17 ed - aug, Qe.ofagsca aStnc ersdMui. ti ise grat ecssitiehIL usToronto, - viereaiSeresuceastlSl tas teen.tian iter. etesofèr ecaeing, ilsvagitried, cee- Tise2irgeen Feit OmeeneAssiaioMase, visseasnidcoud csd. Su tva -peesa Stec1t osi tntic t s oeanmeut te paceniàrsnot n-evni o"I Supereptophates sd atr e Stilitr' gene Fir. Seispetaumeéta.n alesveg prisnGta nis eo lier Tteyo ametiatuc cmv isu (lerebmaene. mieSin Silstngod nastad5hoi.ed atee ilen %aecsoff leit fetieulsoo ets alo Te * rig atGidr t iaur. mikeOut ofil temuseau H tle trees, se placeties ue quai Sfootg i seSatgrngcaanidn t Scil tee .teSetae.H eitteAmeice Seit gesero. aé ats ftise Esqueeing.Agreuedtural t 6su 5a55gian as ouse Ca teltDasoneu, eetofthie Cuei u a et iGgtm naded Cigli clet.snota'a lee8.csf sdsngga Peloutn, tain d a 'ofis LndoT, guud,.and a large 1numie oS lecen e iot teciàasslyGessinas Seterée, tacomene eaaion n ehiie ontuderd mecs t euea ieSlima egtac -atisapaueeteu eqacnsînSuesneteRoe ise.It là prises mtre aeedjise .tempuperehomvi er,ý e peedtatrincosetene taamnd paner Dsos< ucea-s is. ieea tgoiSueectg teceseesoitil .Os0esitl eàs'andsepplp Cnccpeà Lyua Cinet lodSB.&J.Huila anîd Vsddama-jmust araed ielits ly 2- tissu it imeetetanscka ltst Welstma etteidetgumepto mmiaieotten. Pics opece Coe.Ti enapmitaiesdeeep CeanEasPOMMEs ( eties-St W.pecsaýgo!he taued.u Raaeleey St th. sqe a enea.me1mine. Atesa niWton Hadottene-,:Sud MDunlduen setiers etLenddSr;anDaun d -poe S. e lai lid ne o sntoa M Qeeisnenua Cacmicial'ispssy'ond or udt Snbad~teglsa T seisil[ bc ote tlinanorEdman1ý-énes oS St esGlsihel lg.iaebced oead. -- m eann ( ur an)StW oyi vaieaesll eet e le o n Right Eve Smo uWBobnnumsua snadsrraigt~ Agnio keiSsn sott t ult SDeng Amter 'im15 tal hp!attc .e aie eue Soun Act enetailtre, nanrd Crahame C-a-Gddard Sn 5etaesitis tar gvel .e' mi Bnst droppedindtaiemeplt c d th. Wt;;B -ar,,te utpceteha ~:. ý T7 r. e .50 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . pseofilwoDeegst Stgray, rDwnd drab. 85 pess f I-wool Hair Stripes and Pini-he, 45 pieres AIl-wool Frenech JerseyClotl1 et 20e., silnew coloras 30 o"and8e., beautiful geoda. - 40piecWbElof Alil wool Chevron 'Stripes at 25c., 1oey od. s oseeoeir 5e aheeje ehc 30 P.ecesof.Al wvool Tweed Sitings et 25e., extfra vaine. Alsqoone .Case of ýthose lovely Germnan Càshmerea 28 pieces- of Al woole Strsped Beiges t 2es olors. in' al the newest shiadEs. 0ir'Stock of Fiènch, Germnan and English Dress Goods se one of the rîchesis and meet varied andxiS chea ported, and.we are going. to inake tbià a great Dress Goods Wehvesietig htLACE CURTAIN DEPARTMENT WIvesmthzg htwiil astonish yen sn Lace Certains. Splendid goo0de et ,7,$.,$3 $5.50, elp to $25 per pair.: ' Ceu and sese tbem; they are cheap and good. Evtry departlnent is this nmmoth. establishment is ful cf new goods. 0cr Presemàker, MIb Sa DALGLEISHI, bas returnsdfrom New york. A.MURRAY & 00., 18, 20 and 22 King t at ait DIS-SOLUTION_5*1SA Notice of:Disolutiofl of Partne:' ýe NOTIC]D t, erety given tsaSt t e etocnrtipliseretofore subsisting tetees Me Eigned, as Gentral tleroisseSei, tehtie Vittago of Georgetowno, ender t VJ'MLeod, Anderson & Co., ha, tee, tits day disolaved'y inysotaiconsent. 'Alil dot satd partnerststp are toto paid to.Wmà. McLead, aithet store Georgeowon,, Go, fad att loaiis agoaisat te oaid Psrtnershp are tate I Wm. MoLcod. p bcprcsested saud poid j *Dat i Gret ow, b s ty-folirtls ay ef Fcteruary, 18m8. - OH GBSON, m. Wt.cLE0. With referencete tise abeve I beg te intimate that 1 inteiid cetittngte aforesaid bulsineéîs tnder the WJM. McLEOD'& Ce., atsd Woitld respectfîtlly ask ail parttes ewiing small balance accotants and ovierdue notes' ettle, as moneyilereqniired te pay e tise retiring parther. I aIsebeg'leave teannosînes a Dissoltution. Sale.. a large atnd firet-claos andti ters are several unies cf goodo te be ýsold eut te ±educe theîsstoc.k Great BargE ive as i nsthve ienoey te squîare ssp tliseretiritsg p*arttser 0 tir Spring Gooda are ccîning ln. in large var Prints, uNew*Dress Gee'odas' nSl New Millitsery, ?Jes Parasols, *iew ."weeds, New Gents' Fur nisbings' -Made Clcthissg; New Carpets, iNov, Cottoiis, INsw Tomelliiga,, New Table Litiets, New I?'cotwear. ilLeiWP Worth dettble tise snesy; tewýcetteasa for Se.,great bargalis. Iemeiniser thte trderesl 1']otbing estisn Mantîs Maklng bepartruant, andI Millitsery arein first-clas workîts":ý order anld stoclced witli thie lateat nove'l aie la a gennine sale te realize îneney te p ay offtf- partbsersbip that bas bec dissolveS, se yen cen. cerne.wltisý to purebsos, tand yena shal be assiîsiy repaid. Altisooglthee stts rnaeted %eeyowatedyasoeneslow ot weSoes aaldtheindscmet teoysesa dscounto0Sf% .bor &pot ç )f5$.00 and opwàs rt o ýtva se edtsg Seat oSfSMay, 188. * WM. McLEOD, W1VLMcLiEOD. 1priltoapl, 1888. AN NOUNCÔEMENT. FINAGIN bas filleS Isîs store witb ais extra fine lina cf vwes for Satitin .go, emhracing tise neaxeat thinga lu Englinh, îtbsd Canadien makes, uaxd rsnging in priesfo 1 sr suit p te- $25. ur, stock cf Coatinga is also soînetbing wortb speaklng sîont, anS e;speci:i 1lins cf Fins Cerkserev Worstesdtuis usseet- ng ýwith ýrapid sales.; se mucli se that we have had te re- sat orders for this ess of.gcose eveÉal times already. Our'sbcwi cf Pantings c.éannot be sxceilsd, anS We cen erve our patrons wltb the nobbisst gutede for pents tô be ccùd lin;Caûada.- ýSpeisj'Oeerceatiugsere selusntia acsrycalar. qualtSy sea patien, naise devosnertiqal atteetison Isaill rdees tar Qecoats. W e baeo SuAi CaSSer;,taorsty ennaring a perfect fit ta ail, WC oea se iest trinmàngt; m*aensplay esly Srst-etnas auda. AINGINS -Custm::Tëoig Hue ~S Daag a- E.(Cepp's Blàek), Hsuiuiton. sScsS y saUltec ae ar.snsc. th0e . 50tasse a55,ith.dg I. Lumber, oal anid Wood r~,~S*~YU N, ý.Lumber, Lath, Shîngles, Pickets, Coai and CdrPosts. LOWEST-: MARKET PRICES. Yard inndofficceat tise C ,P B station, Multos MAGNIFICEIN T DISPl MifineyManties, Drefi Gooçis, Carpetsi Curtains, etc.ý MIay ]3ro th<. Everybody pisased wltb tbeir elsant dispiEay 'New Stripe ])ress' Gooda 20Y 25 sanS 30s3. ,NeW't Plain Dress Goods 10, 121,- 15;,-20, 25e. .New Cheek Drsss Goeds 7~1, 2Q, 2;eà., Ne bmbas10, 12, 15, 20r. SN!jwPrsnts 5, 8ki 10, 12jo. NewSerukrs8,10, .l2jc, New tTepestry Carpets 2,3,8.0 0 5 ruséffui 5;$1*, $l.1( 1.25, $3.543 20e. ~so, $2.543. $8.543. Fan' izaznag -IlnL -4 crdes teat5ed tes ýEMEN, -St WJELL'S u1p t ud h es) r__ùadierces ma vetiing) mituntCe stion. :Balbiggau .1

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