Canadian Statesman, 5 Apr 1888, page 4

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r' * 1' NtO '7' - r o i o-'; n" "i-nu 1'0'" h< O-ON s--P e- '~. - , - - - i - 'lu ut (o, Oit La Cr e t ~ Il j~o ...... ..' * hs erbe"oa Sver hse%,jj1iun >Ç >-~16 271q 4 iberere, sad the ixioifnnluO . e t * tbafiea)twn verrosufr!to-daaleurra. AlN . '71à8.114z60 .éelufthià pretorsuef bigwbntrone ir20 a S .4076. 1017-f' .:Mu TlV rot~Tinerr' hé-Plncnr'nre lgon. Lambite nta(i> :2B0fl,2552 V215 * -.WSîlcd;epifrr."-Tbeee ucoKi~an B--- . 70~5 53 * raieragrueru, ihitewnoibrd-oern NB. ...... '816,-78L -184 ,JO½ ý * w1y l& tordbfr e Poroe<vri Wrtonrrlnd,Ntl 1) .......183 -9 -71 O t1r tongusethora, eorvoid polltin.i!rtlouoruaN B 1875'078 204-1 ....2.lé ----"lOiOlthe sorueleforeoo/i t e-0 îunodRua(s76.41 . tJunrý- 2v pet.-A portion nI torotepleo rfor., Qoer, PI157 6 11 rp jug erefor thut* puepuser. erodeS h nqoîo itobu ....012 1 .54172' = ben- rolîilit rtVbu )e-dBeyS144 .4A2 1>04 Nov S t"heo e/.tcoeot.-Adorn wttloqîienlaNS; ý............768 82 681. Pur ' 8,188 sculptures. or ba-rolief. TloOY ruer OeebevyN.B .............-176 4 .185 Fnb.17,.. -tbeir ournoîroobyddoogneoueot1 . elourenNS '.............;j87 1 4 055 Mu31 4ate l mnmn Ot o leO dnil" o.Liegar aioa ......27-0 totoool oonorn eor Surtoo 47 120 127 Apr.,7 steeldofr rcrriug sr oiIlooi,,egt HarmBirltorOui............I 1601 2311 1ss *o î living worl.ý-Iî1llY u yer 1(io Sng, N................ 1478 10157014, Areforeoeto.wbnt tlîry rorlorotte 80lnIe, Oui. (l). . 1488 1102 S. .' u, do. The coreemmatiou r! tleeeiehed. Arnapolis, N.S ........... 1111 114 997.... îe- clsitthe merdier et the groteut peu-1 Wrrteeoruo. Oui .... 1111.22509....5989 e 22, phoeto!fhr l.'Oepue'--Thie Coleheter, N... ....... 1418 18t 1234.. . Bo My 1, eue tho erort epitll o o lmud useo, fov rpo eBlueN.8 ..........789 216 5285....Ang Il,, * tloenerpent.werre ite omthe emohedt.ÉNuteN..... ........ 108,2i -.02 105. sept. 15,r meou t Stloot eredoeitfel, Mali;,- Welland, Ont..... . 1818 2078. .68Nov 10, mn, nd hyportiel.-iherf.o-c. Loorloter, Oui. () . 5817 2002. .-102 s Il , * 2wau beurrése or! improvrrmspiritIne-erness, N.S ........... 10.814..ur ,21) iloothlýtrd'brootred thoro rom lho- Pile.NO.S.1515... j 9: girrtrg te ruer; brouse o! tiot lby St. Jolhu, I. B_..**-" .. 10754610702 .. olo.. 5- ereld do -in thé preîeot- nrd !futur~e Frderitn, N.B. (2)......... s21 252 41 Ot 0 coo hylr étepe.-T1'oojhorî.'Cemherloand, N. S......... 15g0 262 1s98. Oct...0. .. rcooaerdoy innuaurest ot-doy. Prince, P. B.1.(2) ... ......0991062 1874 .i 2oli ,71880 -Zrh gon meofll ohe.-Yrmth;NX.............1287 Ma18 Sre 7,O This ia the luà icorder reodetUie héOxIford, Oui............4078 82190 77520 Hebreercaomur er ltorf;Ahl evu Arlbubrun, Quer............187 25 1252 ...... 00 1, *th.o lietThé difllerlty eilthbnioste000 Wetmorrlerdl, N.B. (2) ....1774 1701 78......... 1,O îlot nill mmi franhly reuoegrto. Il Boiter, Out. 12) .............1947 1767 160.... Augpt1, * arer. omoaeo! Zucbarrtoe outIxe lmunSimmne, Ont.:......1.. 712 452911 1830.... et 8 f oldo, ehilo loars o isent timed Sirrolurd, Que. (2) .... 1 1 175 225 . Oct.... o na-thou sor of Borrelota. Bueueliiqr Charlottetewn, PE..21-.701 715 40 ...... 0 maiglt bovebemuhbir grrodfutliertuuoeud Dordue, tormui, surd Gîro-10 r! lits alcer and orllee rophiloovehoro grrry, COnt...........410 2084 1706 .... * nrwn to .Toeieh troditonand acmord- Pool, Oi .......... ....100n5 1609 1'28 l, te ouge on tîé "Soune! Bnroilio." fruce, Ont . .50t0 88151 * Wlîther cliii ruploooltor te occopted lOur, Ont::* .......... 4197 804 165 O12 or noI,it cito beoeflyoand Montruîuo. Defferie, OutI....ý- ....... 1080110 701 ...... lly ouplaned ao uo rernruthéoport Prince Edîrurd, Oui........îio 1011 ....12 o!tumeorue, théerucrbror rarro,* Yerk, NB. 21 18*05 58 .... ter;I bot wc urot thirlo itOu ho bc0auItentrorOOt.............104 87801 .018..o 00,. 7 o - Oieeonete.-opa irrtt of --YirovNrfollo, Oui...............2781 165410007 ..o... l 1, * 1otie elleStemplo uni, riîy.-. Comptait, Que........1102 1610 1o 28, ey-ledenonciation Brnt, ont ...............10000 8 602. .e e!îo~ e.Brontford, On ......1-L...ui -012. .1 .0 il: paon andcothe eup oe titereible 'Leedu0andrGrevtlle, Ount 00084884 674 . Ol 18 andscthngéxp*ý te porue rlo. KnO................ 4868 1975 23938 .Pur 12. 1605 4litutin- s u wOLenre, Oui..............453 2 12Il 80 . O 1r, . rotea opjout;eo neho prétendrtoireh ore24 01 0 O 12 nelonlhe té rot;- ooWnhoe ie do'oblo Brome, Qe' ...... 124 i759 485 o 15, l'oed; ore ho te fale w nvlmod pet iouepho, Oui........ 614i 010 168 . o 22, . tries te riogtroe eithoe oeS'icie-ced Cirilor, Ot ..... 2440 1747 O29o, * tbosa ue0 Soviorcrerd. *They aedddDurierm &NrîmirodO6050 8008 187 .F1,. 28, 2601 t* teîyiug hcpecrîny viperorlo mlîgoty Drniomr;Qe 1 0 17 1020 . usr 5. ilt eolitiîîg ood lkil. 3a llaceiute ui . . .414 8518 47 00e or ts irethé fototeit lretof it, te. Luer , Ou.1). 4 2 47 212 9 ioeertty ao ucI o rooi l e o d, Orr Sb. Thomas,. Ont........... 754 748 b 1, brailth aouorselvn1 - I.Btvuoq*o ..........1142 1167 2 o * Mttohll i!.néleuotwoo oder. W'loîtene, Oui .. . ****'4516 0Bia 0 . .Ap .2 fui cetumpîe of, Criste réloquoence. OChicoutimoi, Que ............l 7i .025 620... :: , ThéSemo outh 3101,l ir '*leloonston. Oui........... 7006 030 58 IMoY 28 hppoctteo, hjob"%Vues-" Iis litOUonrLincolr, On. . .060 1400 070. .ure 18 ho peurs foriji hie nrolo lot ord con- Pertho, Ot...... Oi 516 168 e 18, oomtgaigoithélieîcoreot oteouo! 0iddlesexOui. 54 !4,ý 1 ' .... peelinlîne-%orld, Solo procei G, o rA', N. ........ 175. 8070.805. . .186,' Premupulmotoucher. TlIey s in-ohoI frmath aie stnsOn. .............28 241..X 62 ,TIiy 2. mort reci, éther. '[lie aile wervr and Hcloina,GOt .**...*171580638... 8000 - 6O -'ee résolve; théobrlier evonoe sodoe .Oilsrie Oct ............. 8s12081 1811... Ir lice fronm thé ie of!he-pmrisy force. Vicioria, Ocit.....*........ 249281477 101 ' i Victer Hugoeoeurr.u(d o 'Micro te ro Petrorîregl,77Ot .29158.1507 411. Set.24, mrt sorrrltgu elo4eîjice tatruiortet rceicîc,N.B. (2> .180 **** 2 802e 18. .Nov 152,0 trdigcotioi' OiChritînvenpaerrmore Sb. thoioru, Ouii.*.......478 12651. .71 1' 00verigubilion ulorolie lird aleo- Ruse]] und Proocoîl, .2 70 o 26. thone ogauosi ili edrcilfol. Vitit ArgenteutlQue .........0... ' .8..e.518 ble ina wsu opreof ef - eureve Pootiac, Qoie............. ii M 815 .442 Ja. 7, 18 ce-ostrc irdigotion, for iti lîd o iglt St. John, NB. (2);..........1610 2007.I.I bruir. . Portleod, N.B .....7...147..... 67j Ar.ý 29. The indignution of o trlc. ltli- t. StJelîr 'N.B ........ 2.....09.7 holy Clritiso mou' euoooel ot cfncdff. Chalteown. . ....(8 8 51 1 .. I Il rcerrerre inî spirit. -Tlîe grand- WetmPe0 P, .S.L (8) .0804 60111 61....... No. 21007888 - loqeout irdigostion c!of loppcrito or Ijllîconui Ï8) ......... 2460 68 705. .. eo 0,1000 o no-ouehulî e ooocvd e-r nelote5h -. . . ...0007 . 107 Mar. 1, amoothintllOrrlà o. -'ve - l b ýN. B-_ontteéîîrecediîîg isble r ploce ilialouevoterd more thaonereahoutho mTihi otnhstmlr eirr.T ilrtte-toid-tdlo i lsr 1), >,(8) cfter tIlie sofo!place. fohloîr omuein-ho ppeore bolp ond truc, te oceepi llo i fiocuce, tthibib --ie upsirit,, uud tiur ird oui thot hoie B BMrkoTwulib'oJokr. - j leishiglit lore," verut on lMe. maroypaeleve- cutr,oudcieeinoafoel -pIsstesseion, te h rotolru . Ol I ie lor of lorp ltooa gire god ~ Clenour, ert6o onf.pouomoieu ta bcsa balon i. Oli1 'th eueor lar seior Tie-argtod at0 tntego,*t iiueha terrible auesrtie." The obeioloite truioand bhor fromn A, le Z oeo ak wj' eL4l tg udec vlugeglrdoutriglot. and -ir ilie dIivine rîlplooht o!.Chrtsti=er tiesior rs o te hvtoeeiotilYn- ourtçapeywlrsoed 'l ho 1i'prriv doociPl tludelîlie 0hie ces', ef -tiilmit thont once, ehen o 'compilai. .oe prceît e« ne-eehypcitoîîe'-t ie ctPaefosd h ieOthé87 Tnm5oceeToeeuenr ii rncocýon tba iehéLéeortetalment, I dtd reoly are. -This is Waiîy fri. tsOiilblisev-os ero-drd. Jeetul.urphl repeoffrneohthtno i s en lelisd giveu îhéeoraeyurd sele iat f re und a- îout trotAndieur aoooe t noenoen11(la d'rol -î11-0eurhefcirdeuioî m." rdThe tte hnlie By uilth tIle le ndhi ite tagdmorere tlo lomoriel thns -hogfl lpshu otu. le vr snue-tit tue gcave cf lits e-Ir 'uctiood*oddrotcrte thipreirs';' netioîhecotnoff li'trott ouad lhope ceiliothersrdilgoîtheeoh lsoioe erv j 4hil utrpurc "t boul tt No pooruel! if-3s'oe reolis' tenid tthéi paîloctie fereoel i hiues. A deles' 'ai ofit.', good. - Ot ao% elfoi!if e-eu uro rolly occîreI stoe lh ie rolie tîdéjThe rerlder s shuerueronvth hM buS. out 1v le eue»oetîor aysârreeole edltsoriîî rorcit ler thonurnd lho rover rend hie ToI0 hal ore t liearoocuioeiole !ro1ld pl-v iel. fneh Twiniiti v a-o ! irhetfe te u murer ppeccfoutve -iiatuooprenece i ioscviecsl>Y-e ecoerooasllif.rendIhidOooooi' îooboqeiltd rto- Ort lemilocunToiuleî4nief.Tlieolcvoenioud. ceered thoat Marohlrdplourediloh nr..Tise teeoulaitor bl Tehio llirirroesuniji odo evero, %viole schéma. - ealourtel, lvhthrhbeliéseritells thc thoîhiatueauîvuoed te ousoNco p the - teullo. Nie moral nauore te terpid Ocue '1to'le cesieter>., oei il110ba w opigieswr uecdt - "teey le prl. mlno7e(ld lie-ile htthec humloinlrolieoougLe ai iloc lut veel. - - erldsormoilifurueefl uiiC 5 TIorélNer Yerk StaerAeoemhls' luti Thr lodiesnhorliefl ta eerthOieApril Terrir Crs eteudie" utthé e cil0" nîrîil. -eopes h eols ogl ioo unmeer! ofrdoyso I.o4s"nBuoeo l toge o. ,-ad uoirsorehtm. 5 i)' losnso esn acdgO Mise r rieloibrutThe oodtrg aretiele, plltrg hMonder r iesta ianagementloooatondin r!eenu re ding cof hy îre. Crule, te ou 'TheBuineos eemel buottete rmatea .Huglo ionronmy, rmrre dureo nuimanedomoirS lu rl o! 030 l id.Jolooo W. Itydman neo lelo ugr jOrutlroggmlefo r ote hoceremeh eofe théueeleteinmenc,' eore it- 1 nov. Principal Grant r! Querrna col- eliemer heorun ru gellnn jriîr Il1a1 box etolthe elglol e! thérsnagelega'2Kigeten tred fer 'Arnîrlir O il - ea busd Oinesusoie rrlu forthé oeold plaliolyse Tcrin'u opparent ler , coor ner vulre Weru Sui;otr" hmaooru olo ole arurshlo The London Filueial Nowouansth riod'OniDoo Aillcti fo IVoer."fe>leîld thé seclOientea'Ortler itie ro- rond bonur otehie C-P. B.etllbar Thee-O-o or tloc nsfo ru hon bIIhfermuvi o l oev.Bot thloix,rreouverneorlgutrroter fer &-I O~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~tI tapcl-ud ouUo' Tî 1.uoo teqIrAr us lew tifrouglo the 014,000.000. noIr aod llwnruteoo Cl 10plo b lcduer 4lrh Trta ntepped cruiuels'The Supreme oretine -roùuder stylloohi t erufüruprtue j oo't1e ge.0Heoeoko&couplenofutopn. -tlodxortmtbu'rulr- as c 1rof!Mi. Tloo minor deparetoeute, arao ecoul, I trerurd, glauued uiji rttloepteiuu- o- PulM. P. Gltog -surdl oe t --fulo! nparllosd sm9. Therpouie, foiehit.and uopped short 'No ura- Iloreforee onfimod uinbis rot 'wolue'oiîoci,"eol he plue-ed .cd lit eacerStocarde ehencerho hlrd Premier (Ireenerubts' oecured. frot - niO o dliglot by overeplods' rli oe'sgOt came, rund Ihougieleehtrg fore the ntage Sti on Macdonald r erilten promise - rpiaoe. Tue onitiuiued terlue eomel utniioer. gave ou gonteteg gianeeIft titure eril ho nu furibor diorlîrer. attention,,sud prove te hie o! devtded aflipes, nuteeanmtbn 8 t od nr !SMiteoareilwaus' hartire. 1 ment.Thoe peiea ooisol'wteuihe tosof vigne, -butu t lbout erlt ol - -dolnrer 'eu, ccl oedrs otroci oid. Ne mule lirs' dy om tate o Tho- Maniteba Gorernoen hou the indocmonts inthéiiepremino linoe nud oligh lort ltng, uneee stiintepuoffreo tenlp o! r aiw n --in offere te lub. Tu lersnalohot uoteng lhi' noter boiweeon ber firgoro, terclnru na teale rce mol wy, ab the" nsrttetteOielehltsloeresofaedeplou mad casting* neevona louous t Othé nol et e ecoo t -Lurdv'aBook, 1244 AreloStreet, Plolo. nniemé nsigra 0! dm10 htbai! ne m da#tr, lPr. reendéraoo. -tloetoe goinsqnuael Thobouheof tÉe EPllre neflocdelàf leorte0 udlienr. Z6oiteto loe reianymilms. Boooooeda e!vtlqgou Srovpateeutee 008 - potesurnol-e *loiugqr,e-o rerl uobmerged. Au nomronurouunî ndma un-or- h loirlnIr t e! drourgo bre brrri dore, sun iie-ou't Freentie édition e! Gee. p. BRoeS thibane onï.olotteuhTh.eeur! rua- tort k-it à-bai«', & C'u "Aorricio Noovrgupe Dr 0r.ind rpoelîmou-Atbulhn-Ta ogndE ers,' uloieleuiApeîbr (teieenO i oed voîmndiehi9drcbioucs, ohibteoriirrrs'rS riel pry, ur).ippe. rit2 irNrepupr eu pnlonger dra 1ttncou, thete esuino u 'm-mire te rtapeo oeuml and Prioiml'îallokirdu miunen .e4aier midI- ' ' - -etmigeior Tbnche tu-acrksrn .10e Unted Stuteseand Canarda,«nrer- ¶Lndtcio:oauléo.tneo ailrr.tmea firtieebkd mto e ra;-debtia doirg theo hi 12mouth sud Qe11,1800 -ppo uis.ouo .-muln o enAt ooidtgblotéum inlpme.--- ttpnllouolngeIrdtdrt-e.npnfrra-le. -it The pobîteheh or! ta'eBlrotryris..y*"ie l erqmtur hNeteo tt-rtbtoi erlo solrtiltonjimresion Olibrwhu t nlolotxiveeloeuPothe'on&aubnrua'laWe'iaoitd fn,.oa; proeittr étfraoorerpper undrrluora S lolaudiué'once -e rth>e-? u-Io3brnu0;f-~ rellniin; Iopdre-rot dmen5ty tebt oit tot6- b oexpiée n Bl :1 roulil ,truthn alru rreouosOreo, ' ..-+eWi" - apc uoni ndae-eia fa j i goi reModl b fe nt0.eo 'tireas h emnr m O Tloo,*- m g1ciot o r. li' tla .e'ameeteetan 'MONEY TÎON_ ml 1--teaolpoeu medniumdtneo'.--eeitiul .0 ururo ue. uencoj fla.ocretrd worhmnninhpgorrtd.Qnruarie - à .id. creaîaoer .tOuce-ocrr,ne-lra.le-uDO N'T FOB RG ET T0 OA-LL ON- - t...-thc..i.f31d- a ---ScoîtAmI'uSesca FOR ALL.EINDS OF Wr lenre trainrtte Ponotengueoe Herold t toi ré rregetie cmp a s brou rtered opu beded by9 VL lr te oKa t 10e seu oftttowe fer rontpordu lIn Ibthesune ujor ebthtieo mrltec ce-out oni !mg s-u rtfaia Sleigh ne±Is, - rue-rutanoisue pîy s ubriem itoe Lurened Virtuollore -and Trmperm Axes, pos. oAn0reutior direlîs'irr 8 ma Ydtecs'erred irthobi1>eoteffle, hoba iviedth c-oortin'ofBuCross-eut Saws, grs etîonu, tu pur bIne verdict on the Suet !thirgs cîueh île Somît-Art - hou breeghtohbout, ordte nsyiwbtee - at liqonsreSUlRîlcontinue te h ldeîiheut; 6ienad cenrol." At. r meeting - - calîelrdeetii puepose Me. Nsuedlng - ---1- ARE AGENTS FOR- preuided, and ruptaied tnt loos' mre -f actoirdllbe- as hoeet and earest 3 tV N i i ,I,,nthatr,,,pringg,pve,," or, ond te rodoor. if. poussible, threfoîmful Bamosntof r!dunhornesr pretulIent LEATE~ After arueing île peroujdeeons.,Sorteg mhieh uamoot iteere.duie ueorni fcohvd teoInbte or ureojo acos, if pe=tl. le preenut fearefolStetu o! icoerrruior, r nuri r*o!oluions 0-te(e wecparerd. -Ooe e eordrero - Ootuseamrueerens-orkiug teerrdthe - enisse e! tomporuncerthe Scorti Art loueonc fl hecuarfîiloro. Tlutsi geerl iffroin bavehreundecioeolizingrnud bae'u mp4d itlier hyutge orby Weariîigin- ronsItèrool anys oghst deureueu tI mos' porfeot gbasoo, wo gurantes to suit YOD in every roopoot. lireomode fiootlur mle 'if lIqoor loy hetel-heopere. Tla iot e-ille ffertes .EWB LC! Plo! dîme0 hveîietrieilte enlirer the__________________B_______ K__ Ad lue-e buer dirucerd auuinnt lonelo hIfer Itie aceommodationore-the - traeleling Puhlie, r lrrge rur ofu siers for ti i of ot uuur loueo peuog op alleovelohe cntey, for Oie ruîp - - presSieon htul neaelisort ]lireo heeoo, mocluever, anddit nehiloIt thle' tendous' o! Oie Ceaoha' Act mur te culie nthosalenof liqorteuoBachobouses and placer ue ereeoueud e îlec ro.-, cormedotiou o!fitie to'uveSng poblic, - lbeauteleedenes'O[mroerae roder the ScottActîhnrîbouetehrro inoch - hbuesrand pasee pe-cesevethut'lire nuSoll'forteale of e liqàfr. Otllor ieuaeottoendcclamell Oe Croou' Art le -Yi be ote enperunrceremuore lIon a île Sot Art, aod plrdged i e nortirg- te oseIlont iheuld itlibe erudelltrdt -Euot Simeii tovoby ceide Iheir suts' lits, Mont te ne il duls' orrid ot. -a£ A Traveoo000cotti Art Eu!ee-miesb. Wvriire te Tbr Woeld, a Correo Tonvaepru 'VO--Tire nis' yfive tp fao-e ue a alt t eerbeHi.h lu rSirre Aeleotcoutiraersid crg" tho . b beuilr Ora oord lionlu hat lle if Arop mîhrcph ot eruInoorol. Tborodry te feeb-eip, ' theIlr Il il; re peeted Oosi iMr. Wtnruu tel- ir- seoturoue]niojenSotuleidle a "Il Ilorngl iu Hi gid, Il àjr d - ebarerd tlulthIe Bltimore ortbîtonuireeo baon frOed r rartrbole fer 00e-Ivre veeu, aorbs eeij ydecdéd tIot it tac1 isnettcrrto-,lte tehoetopeuv etorpîs'te furii sport te rrlmee and tenstteopbImired a 0ugarnie gî. - bort. Itierlroouggentrddbothrmup - - habassteneiouerel loy thednciaOf-- honing ho eououuce oegunioed deer ridu, nofel outîlt lielo ralmont ilmed ais rii-Beri e t l bnnoouî e cI luhae ptrdridriedompor ou loigîberd Sport ouals. sLBAN 0Io tolOus~nyrdrita2lt oTh uttror o,-u' ol 101 Iuvi oe aroh- SusihNalne udhirIpoorea'u Irtîr nbeblrfrpuuSer ru ue Bopeér tsBakej SoiOns asand oiîortbr .For- a't *iîing o' the le-ldli And set aur table cheeî Pîàn rurld Ornarmeulul Cae oeri ee- 'PîrrorrepoS C peur fuvore O prempi nîtentIon ., abonniS te il i re-It M-AFISHALI1 TEAS -AND No. 6.7 Dndas, Street,.ý A.Iýý PîllyHmilton, Agent iire- I F-STABIJ89ED 2070, -MI LTO, lias a.splendid aooortnîent of Canai WOrstods, Moitons,.&o., &C., anJdo othing inferior inu iîate-iaI sud'fi too, wil heo fond ta oberomark qîîality af thé-goodu ije oeils. CAHFOR I utîl pa asfelifr good, ceru'meelîuotrt orlfmcashrndbrifletale Shrorg,eoie, bue- luiteude orlunps'forns-orh. -' 1 baeoa lareutoe!- fgeouda Or elommr roi )enimonud Ctenodeo;ine trGres' Fia 2eos U'nionseand Woeleu Dre Gonds., ,ib eeulnorf lfl nen f Somm er ad W'nt 4a. And' I haeeargond asoemeut r Sbeirbi Ill dechîr vwidtio; hal iseeror large vnrieIs' of- Veel, ouI1 une ne olehbtlnteo for 'VInlO(aleoul otimI?'O poeandOendron od sound yeun'o orlturol, ard nînvupu tron rr rer centne-lo lere-eg men!and prmnpOs'doe.-Oieoun", naît cnth. SEiÊ>Ther liglorrt pionible petorua Great Downmfal- o! o, ?URNI T«uRÊEI The rubo3crihor etiluebllfer Casulo nihOMure, ?anar Suits, l4ed-ItOOM Sîits, Lati Bide IBolods, ýWiré Mattrasseo of oquantityr of Sea, Graos and« -waol -anhatli or Or Nuj o th tInImefor famtles eb eo te *fo 1one4'îoiture RBooms luhlbSTEVEN 19,ton Dr. 0007. Builcers. Har- - TOOLS O? ALLO P. e geàk, fertIv Ç, ONT. STAIILISE u0n0. :1 mynD THOMAS - e-o5 --jsCe ir 00S recolorer Iîr ..i'c 0' AINo MIN B r Oire- C. FRSuSu n. ». Si. DZ m'/i' vc.l. lo ecîn.' el .ae vi orSi a. Ae.L,.1 - >. ,ul r.o iW 11 W 1 o f- n 8L No ) O oaab c. In Z ~tm ree. eutver.l 'o ! SiO ,0eh- Th -Pjas viu- - h oîome A -i - i io ioauirod eti Ctdi e-Èe-io d-, - Iroi. lte-d 01,N Fa-O f hu $10o SGeo. Grir 1 h Zu .- nuO LOAN 01-iYAM~ thre Bankrof EHa tR -îrp1o MJLITOX AG ? èooots rocoivod st allosed at bu te. Nanoticeof, 0,guaîod. Oflcix m- ntoi P.îin. PFrom 10 a. m. I

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