Canadian Statesman, 15 Mar 1888, page 4

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w soi-,rM c-e "S i-eSte O ~ ~ ~ ln Lclcrcroscàku idr3ift cuoyr w!ICIcchwqiýbhoavilyce nthéo bot nsu weiin~c~ s aicthcsujost.Tho foitowinarc thofo6 oec fondlu a cosdl'ioni cf cospiett f i j e i '* acd seacifot droohdsieos in a pohhfc CetasuoU.CIBI 7 î * lace filbti o fised a aun otcoxci .. h eoeto ho habituaicopan CS biificted. If the-o lenero de 1iýyecrsotaga, tisa athor or goociion ' lo:to ho repriseaoded and. directeod ta look afforthe youth; oaderpecselty, i 5 eaooo! soicet, of iseprisoumeuot or a_______________________________ pariod sotoocoodlgteos ays. Anyoie hoentathe publie, ýinalIiouIooy Causes p a a ErJ supiés* drinks or eticrA slt!P r sbtancos ho porionso siady htool. ar,<'« n ot e0 edo t Idcs f the perojon tatIc crykilbS ncoeb ~1 te wobosethe drink la sopplied i ler ndo eoSf.Oee0ein l t 'ai' 0 des -Gan *tho aga of 15, or l b oloy lic ce A. vo. . Oo eo.o -oosaGo.,,c-étQ o é,stootry, n cormali tote.og.tOo weatnec of Cds. .V ec e order cf. intellec,,' the iseprmoment - $i'U -. -lit* .c~r o bch ofr05 'ten daycla oeth If TbhO liccnopufen ooLý.e a _________ * the offocior ia pocs o hostradeit r.~ --e o trtcccics i oEc * eoeeetioocci pociobsent, ferfuit ISio ail vor oiteuferpaidScott Actî benu giIîy e1- rimiclest liasotile posaibty huow aoyt1in bcutct, tit ll*s Ç pseualty resitteul on the greunul tht 1crne ovor rel alic ott Act bas vcrhod ',1 - cou ruh aes hocosesitted fleinlu aiton. tish dlo ftioeth ~ '-o seprunsseok ercleiecicc u-hooThlchehdre ofabitbth ')V L I. offere, ho choit sovertbcteee hoe hable ilootlüioaod'feosdl'ù-oha cCCdInl;Oe cyuxrOr hoa alfie. ic sobch !tenccptaces ohorslilquer oece soid, -fur W cise tcte.posiesnect sicol ha. and Iheso piaces oersest béelst. The Has removed to i evSo' ett e Andew itihor iceliho tocli, c-ortqaseocct, tiquai ScoSi Actowarisu .poalitai. telavcrs.C i evSo nx oGo ss ta t wo.tlcic-du eft tat whieh wouid Ihave tuepero. IneMliontteulisc owersocibaelat butcher shop, where -be ii prepareto.îhow hors jiufisted bad AItco oeeeithod tle oerseioeeiy oaelohd asd proszohodj the ioirgest stock of siec offertsouio in lice fuci ponces-. oiesocver oppotoily afforded, asdc sien oe!hic e setio. t sely lie rearh- %verc, ntos hiod butors thoeseaoishoate O A cd licet the expressiocc"dricckcuor elhor cc-es ccu case coul iseodeout * bt lOI HiVE air lotouisto briati icigcth eoftetoi.hobooo.eepe woeescer icctrntugsuhîseee bdcanio0( ts iteen , Wy 2 lecacaticoi e ttndmug eerhroclo icte, clbtoepceci ocseta ,§dy o s cste. coeur a secocvier aiwayu bc dccesded uoseto .vsofsr yuoosl.oh2luosuinoiacqshpiebSoc~os½B l fieoti thaÉ iuhoxlcatieg tiqor." thu ScoîlÂl.t A ioAc~uct. j, .. - ~ le"igbe. tlicoseooiiohey buises cielt o ce - c î - 'l~ bec-e ~lit -focvoudo-hos reineai sd heai- to-fit without profanity. Tihe oheapest in tw Il br ilTise lIobe holie i bitionieho vers otiefieci.___________________________________ Theco 5c-oo nenver 'giosh" oeuc-r - * Oc-cnrsA, Msrclic7,-is 0'otcc j~te ciotet of -c.hoseooc nc ; u - floseisios Aiancce je Ottawa bacs Il lcinlitor dieposedt oiohpiecsed whnces, :ans impiortn ubt otcl Fisiiecauco. tise Scott oct-a]a* - tuaI dou ctl'à e t Thesalliaceappearo te bcinocornât ~posohoe pornce-.. dehoated. SucMillieV y .i.anuuie.LDepartLLm nm talepet isho llafftarooolionpsceod ea Incieu e îy teaseuicopeuple al b ileth the ad ulosns roiibiton onvoc-hiceLord ities the Aide oftuflic ishey o tie inTooto, liclethecouventions elen iurteoob oshhioA~F c~.UNN OIE waofo pinliot licepreuestjueelcroe d chose thés pc<eibiiouistsdeiigiit lt *____ le ecoiariy faorable for the ergoais. culs,n0ir thalle who soi -r tlioos cinsof asoor parlycilh prohbitiion octiohry lenSfcthoà abeoliiseunt voe ce.a chiof paobuispatorse. The for the Sott.oct. We huiovoihal the ff<tndson:cShoW.&ooms1, N * ubjecclbasealliéeubeau diecuseedineflice sajeri.y of hepéracee scsbetovu in cannelue of holicaliancece d f nlce ehofflcney of tlico SoIcet, ced Ihal Slendid Lîeki, erancosjomelerc .of the'u Heu !of ie thley pccy foc- itÀo-ooceeo ley i'ooticeoottccve bàeciicreseil int h es thntuodeunecn iflieir cses*Eveiytlting .7/ew, c eswpcrly, ircoIaritqrecOeniccod tey are msitue. Wo heecc-that the Low :P,'ioes. *for ditribulios lbrecioelthflicDose- Scotlct dons icr noseceeot iltco _____ * icioo, ceeteisioglifolloviegasepiccc4 illîceotruset il ce wu do ail n oras- of the picîhooc iniydeoidedos ie cfol tIi iela oiflsaneeVéry econoot A Manufctsurers' Stock of Mantes wh violesale prictis.I 1. ilighloouceeuoand Irclhinule oic aed siscr e epéraceeo plonpinueo cfabm scWoeit au ln privch.buieue, le heiovo -in itî-SPcctuslcr.- (hildren's Ulîtere $250, wo-th$M,0. andedccucomepromeoiiccroccg.- *- ~Ladies iti8$,0 ý 4'0. 2 . Dcjnai rigictu fer ii Cc-elde, ýEic5 *ontInth o l ed wortd. Lad .es' Ulaten 300 ck t $0 ot 75. I ou ifi siu ancd cctioeeliiioo, tiut ciccoie Pivo pec ne- issutiso co eei Ldesonde Jcet p.0ioe-ti$75p f or thtofiD hlos tletese., *- Coic-cCrcc ei ieLoi ccuc adies' Knitt-ed, Skfrts (Gec-nian make ite 0. in iefet ginsie Wl O . 1 ý Chollp't, orner faufl icir rcatlamnsper. ýe 3 (. Nationcal seniment, naialîeoincoe butesletcccg, litercîcces ced b in i iaf ipohic,. ria rv ab itwill ccepr!ccio Newest Designs in Cieipèts jîtt eceived. poIie3-.our centy lest. Wnte -ut.To asadTapestry Oat-pets 25c.- - \Tco promptclansi abeoiltopreiibi. ccp vote te cdc-cep 5ecy tise li0sser to70c. ýLiu E h u rlest he obJéetiýo illccecs eoeoce io..o- rîsi apt 0 peot osepeincle hoisitios -n lele Aicol a uccori Icccr-.big and voenc-ik -a -cf70 * cetsseisec lice toes.and igercesc en.s Iccdh-eil, flc cetcgcijecrclhoa WooI a-ee 0 forceent ofotet ieScotAc*aud et ail 'oir Corse cemiy hince 1. *- mnCres3~ olicer oics fer ftico represson et vice 1trcc-o iir cice cp t c i nici.and w ry :c ( - td Cc i $.l L- ci t cc0. Ore out, i . tclreliceiseot andd ecoesey ie the setu t t 'rscrcco cslu eCuccd Ctrrisin Paies cmit,4c . pcubiiespoecicore, oc-ilc a viece of!fiu- rstcliicceetchcbor ccorecce ntisesclcesci *taîr Rodn 75c. pet-dozen. * -ctcicgeoereoccc ntionaedidot. al)pecrecicnt unccic.îiccwicbow. ri. Scatcood suflfrage, oilh.the ode-*uie. leetce - -* / îcoh100.e yr *cetionci qualification, a ivel-tho c-i'orotto sday becail cslflct uecry freosenno! légal agae oeacon"Ail c-boise.ay there. yTance ceioncoe SoIe Agents- for-Perfection CÇarpet .SWeepers. fusil. daud wriho, * otctccebepoil tscfolle inté 7. Tse exhenoite foanchiseuta eigtberlcoed. Tliianet acbin]te; ScotteN K - B Ô H 8oc. A ieie e t.As ho edreciocJocnrily o i itasTene 9.CvlSrierfri ig:sces ccp. Iscc-su o por-y trirutce c ***46 & 48 KingS. l tt.- IiSTON. 5. Oc-lt5ercioe etore, .* tccclcoc-cccee cetincg iscg i rceccu eti - * boc. ioac-de blieriaeci leLinder- Ce-ose Oc cc-ce loiie (lccjc-_____ stchonditu bcenroelrhd oiti tho lire. itaithuneit dire. - l isinary ocorloof organisatieo co lvon.r e8. i-o ce c-ierSct itrc-icgSc-eidteby "Lc-A."'* tir A , is tm, oilI ttcici delAtce R os fraoicsTee u an n,55 - * erct ic-Pr in t1icj ea lcc e lac. * ScihccgVieSen ett~. - cliccce. Thcc3.f-clticc taiccb- l ot -" ecttaOý.iicu. Ric-cc cc-thess bioîecg ofs Tc-icociiccc,5-cc1c:10 Rosiecoc Seofn Il.cti- n A dt.Cctc ami bic-o , ~ * * andd cri-seul he gond occcr c*ie]ilnsieep Tlis oicccsmen,cccci rci e eles %r*ocr'lal m hrxecinýtie Cresc coth M LT,,farch 5 -Thoe liien A.aieoefrd eecesiiionuig .iococ, -ec:c. 1r.1 sehcchaC. tiauce ex-eotice sentlbers fte-dayR*Iec- cv eccl sedceig toee O~~c-c5occd.fd. * * c,ý 1,1-ec tlcn lt égthoe o ; eit te rr A. E. Itus pceideet, ileflice chair. Tcsijcrce f-rieccip, n cc--i 10inyesrCr T- thc,5io.ccC-es* - ed iv ir g e o T h",oierc ' The attentedsre ecevery large. - The o ceay vcc -Iicccliy if pc-e sil , i e ho' îcsî<uc-c IAic.e ci Se.ret5.e c cc.Tc * ieacl i nîtesece oece nobseithoci, Liait prc-per o-ccscec iac-bee on le ichaveia tculfo cc ="$a;- oeicsiecncoved thol Ihe oxeecciveo.wse fo-r lceh e-tcr. o tcthieccr I-c. iaNcc e s vc-i-o s ot ield L te niot i.CThe inlegoociulecciai cenition. Thoeeil caet e ( te eta o "n bce tcl niaictccdnt incie05u-clii ohavec inmue biîîc5îc. * Tis cc-icOfcr e t aic.iile W eite -hl à cticu epreeood ile grohofel apprs.ic. -W l e Si-c-cin vio euon hcc5c-mc cisiocIcjccoc1: es bilici h i- ces ii lse ooLccdeecc c * nbtien et tfiselibéeral. nusslcst c--nce lci.e.c-h lcee - cc"i 11 l-su): ara,- o !,ty. Claras.a, le caoct. ceiva ôusid thecouuy, nd Cve philiti. 1. alllie ive. , 1.11 oppip te csil'-01, ran e a !19 cuienc onhoie lio ceuel, ccdgac-r -~*---..%.d. te-nd. ma oi.scco 0u - i055cmpensacons fer tIbelàto,o!ir - peciol tihu ho ttise IW. . T.U. cnd -WlltHighlanod Ccili-tpîccc -abouti.-c-- ~55~55c., *OthirTemepérance rgcbau*.ona [and Baccttci. pricato gentlee;-Tbey beici ho bigb l--i c P MeeS-icer ieî opreteoprayerfcet sysepathes Tc cln ntrcnîo -!eciOfi Smc-e eand -- - Pokngfo rLte, Li.oroi, onid Mr Scij ti. bu rovred th intenacdi Westleseh ieeeial..ferti.nse .ic- r, c -Itneiunsce - Cloe Os 'Woseec'sc: Christiano Temepérance a-ttl., ecntir idrce e bb tîes-iprincipat p--lt. ù"iiubscc.eo oci1Daoetals ccci uc . nriiaeccce, Leccuerr - - Ucioc envcocleec--leeof le s fr roub-ie es. e A nt a eset ueofcoi'te o cctd trip. bc- cutaIi. caco ber et gentlemene ceice ddreo.ed pubtie ec e eict tc oe ielccceiecpnrteci. vocccieg tondese6c-m ,,,.c sesetiegu. t oas the ueihod déterrai. c Ccc-t tolc coi acotc cnaoed via to St tise cc-ciecc 5-p& Ia6 balon t ls eecoic teconinu orcico sc-ecic- .c icetoA etacr.oni tobua -i y. fronteSt. -Paut, Misse.. Cmae-liceaide. bfi, ihry'liboecieh * c ioc othe ern enrt rehacontinu e tci odprcoc ecmccytic c, feeeno teca1aeMooe, cc-oepoeicnOeMciiteab eisc tbepreiotitblai bas leteuatpooTickets utiîcc lc-30rdeys.d .dVary loir tir. rled tyildrcoAiegmOc-bn pulcdcuso n aiain adtethrirt teAtr cun te Wjoc h g ia tm gnd fr so eim.h o isor c-itis Metaen etbii h etcdi tc -e t c e .-c tcfm Coraltud Toléaauionsgrccthlia ancd. th ieun ies mily rebc.ibeas cod;lie l, lOO nabe, ad - i-I o fonan, ci-btnithmiihaitisMii ccwtascre e encaPoesc o fstec-îsoecipaet'hWestHg.: £ne fc- Ifut. 0000 cccl mbbl-b. ce Ie netue Hthontrell.- Ati -W igoet icooecefo tccit, ac it I et the xocc-utien te Ad c-do. ejcisc.IsjobulaeAsci-ls~too escte eieerinficc ...i].iuce mc c -c * e li ~s;tifituei d adm.ct5htucn- hou, fcrl eais etoîp e t , o' ed ciis es eehc .-c i crset e tdrthersu, ise, 'pétitionty h- rdiose ottc i-c trg r Cpot o-c o t.Se oc. al in ce.1-~rit hocr eeyb c0r * c -: sbya ! fte -A llte e d ee v r le dtcmnaafor ce uri eevtc ic-ubista poo i c.t >ic rosno -lbteey ya- ei Ieci . pe eimclgtu elCcriiema - -- sent eubei aic ctifscor, edlie Eccficccd, b cnpihle be ot e obp oeiya c etd hose Tcuthis iiithe * of eopéaiornse gchrbstpooetc iue oc-.smiyttpoeoof then hedececodsbtferinnoo cor le wjerotaii- tuabe ftsfor theomilmo Hootoenicespriy ccd lath pie3thecct Otimiauleronsotbiclt *c- - cju- -i td, !-gtO Ooihcsecr-e ou-o- proe;fIrgpr5nin-er wel-le c-. u Cc*- <cc-cc-ci ï «P the Ba u-oJ rJi5r eclàebeDlct!p -cocuwtiii ROI), -SOmo, Luns and eI F oitd ~ 2pôct,Â~ ON cc or a'thing oc' tite 1, -- - -- .50 oce O i-c- -d'set Otir tbE __________ c cc~OJ~~ coudOr0aset el ce * ~ cov5 I -Plicnte ecorn t e'sc- fo e s plctaftosemie. choici o bsec ~~~TTA &.AlAÉf'U- - i c No. 67 Duiidus s~t agJ~e Ware. tEO80 VE ARE. AGEAIT6FOR-c- h rlnl aesioctineîstf Wose sMeltone &c.of lùohsgmferîor in'mîîatec-î-îi too0ýwil1 hofoeiic-Ito -Le. r * - ~~quahity of the roeiî ci pttred- eîther .by s. geOýr .by wearmig si tiexantie10sunt yon mn éeeryrepect. _________>___ -* Db.eA-ARSBLO",CASH F ba ai!encoc s i f alc-cscic. SIc-eeg.c bn e oc-bu ta- f orwcrr. .*. o- c D lccinieenuitaeeeicudoc.;u-ttsoFieC * ceUscicu-iWoeu Dcccres.cuOoôd, I.lseeouiiocafull lie-of sciscicci yd. Anci Ihece îscoden'ec-tceuteg:.ý ait double ccit-; lc eiav at*I argeiV&, Wol nSccctce subntitutetcfe iouit e tat sec-c cn diîceno o etnocc feectu-c. oiiccciccays foi yeur ouoNV - P *Wcvsogorclecind pc-eptIy doue.i 40' desit cosî Th b itoliesnelpoessie M9ANUFACU ES RICE< Thooecucrho rall t fer Cash ut tc -lu haocb et Feu P~oSu~ ied oom Sott O ilttras qun1y of a .Grais .S seeecy et th ue stone 0itoucethe SI 19 T88 *det -o! tise Act bunet rcgal ddeafcct tChegc-at Tepecai aiscithatsnoreeïent effor general peebibib *lÜ* in4 Chic. .tunlcprohbiiMcù. c-i È te jcr Oi cWitt b slt(h and Ihaport liîjîîI et.),s u ii ivalidt c CI(coc TTb, Oml~ Icia icciett.R] cc- uco-clêmi P. LOA ~T O N , P ops. - c- c -c ...... tf Il - - i-c-on c I- t eu c c -coeO icl-cc-cc m eicn' t-ÉIoc-ct èeoýce tese c-ed - i I- eueloi tdCdcdic ,hadeel ~ olit.c11- s3 CEN* Id.îh cr I r5 iOn -c-c !,, 5otcrsOceec-5O. -d cMYcle ce *'tý s ti -5 . . c c D - ,ttleEr c Ts.- pi-c-ci- troc-c-c estiO ccl, dc vllcc-c-cc Sic ccc i l cfi- the nec.s .t1cssci

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