Canadian Statesman, 19 Jan 1888, page 6

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* . . i 21- capital tOsren 7usd - - -. . » MILTON .A.GENCY. - feposits received snd inter- - st-allowed at beat'current -rate. Nô notice ofwithidrawal -required, Offichor-Fronu 10Oa. m. to . a . Saturdays s-From 10a. 1p. m. ,é7 -Baine's Orgaus-- $225*. $125 $65 20 13à. 75- 275 140 .80. 32,5- 150 OIL100 400 175,. 125 iVesh otimonlahe. yc. gsioncnna T. J. BAINE. FINE OLD WISKEYS Gooderham's,. Walker's, Gfub. t - 3, 5 7YEAURBOLD.- Ja -- - ~ s hill& C o. 198 20Tenge S., Toasto. i MILTON - - -Planing MMi- s - -. - . - OZcERVILLZ S& IsITOHIELr - esmaocoO1 t $2-'; S R OU SE FURNISHINGSI Sasis, Ooor, Blinde, MoibOdiogo, Case &r Lumber, Lath: and Shingles. -Altm GENERAL BuILDERS AND CON TRACTOS. a, Vo co p.. tonOafiassa is 1 -.05or a I SI ichreliîg. c o ntmor fo 5 2r.0 .of PIMCESODEHATE.' HARNESS &SADD LE MsANUIFACTURER. OHmS dser ta tho Thompsn Hsoo,) -MAIN ST, MILTON, Huonsah.nd'agostockbof - anosaddleo0 - Trunks, Valises, W s , ombe, And su 1o110 1.500OLT& II.-f.00 IO 420'. -d a101 £0.ý70 s..oo.OSom 1Loo u100a0jA -=k. 2.011000O 0' S Il o0M0ý o 00. £1 30 0.106 0aotieofs40n0hoocm 00 .0.0 LfppI.o -'1500.- .00 01 k o..5McOry 0.00 2050 Woo520WI5Ol. 2 .00 10 W.osc5l)IWOOI.O 10.10 0.10 eC. 5. 0pIo*. 4.0 4.1 * 710 10lOpsOo8.0.0.10 3.5 Tu. 001ii5t O R E 6omo * Blondti- Ihl- 40o.oio Weak. &na050011 lbllily. Pooiy Vol". table. ilighiv ICooooatsated. Plo1.ý Elffetoîl Sale. Dr. 1Iodder's coapound. Taire no 00h07. Sold oc.cywrchoo.Price, cool, per bottle.. Dr. liODlDER0S £.COGH, & LUNO CURE b7aparbotl0. Pr0prors anîd mmulaî0 TIJB - UNION MEDIC1INE CO., TooonoC CAO on f Hamilton - N.- - - theAepresIcar Iybdy U O.- -kioO. 141nea. - Chescnoo .7.0baàp moICsnr &-r IeOh IcoIt a.1 , qoiii 69I udapparnt cabota 'c $2 lbt en - hepIu boISlear shina oleted in tise Domnion fer he.fin goiosnlceo. - por aiogJun0 0th lOssot mas 04. AbsnthSie, 'tise fviei iisnt i Che ratI e s i anco 88 the Frenh, 16 imsooaimayps monou- 1Ho decîs ioas voO beanonta InatoceS oIth alcosonc indunsteTIt tisnHailwayteommnitlae oiftiheDoala rectifed,enderedgreenofl boniUi.too Peley Caocil binîrader la ttise o hif asuphati3 ci copper andS enratacton cf tha Hlagisco Contrant Hattr mith omsins monte giva 10 thbesutOit for1ero osneucroson he traoahcf greesnii.mwhila peipitePola cU000bPSM.elila N .rHetbmesiere Hall pnnalrg molar os it,. aSIih ali drlahCampany ote fa machaiqr. > TCh~ h. dooito in .hipsicp.10000510 b" etierirerlaiqrm, iSn~shso Maritime PsseiscooUsrng thopot1 isyaoolorie or slenilole 0 nnro wu avengosalor thin- in M06,. ting laiv it o poulgont teste. tmi' 'O 79110iou mm ooou' cah admcreme extrac trc 0 Chlavenof the cherry- prevoisn2.1r o f77 iceanda oios esonhonStmaty Sthranseoe 6 veauclotruoktfrc1therd tme aentigranieofipreonicoacid pilrem.trp 1.05tcaof he e YFc«o. obilo bstonS oiive or six cmatigenons. Hma pear 908 rscio cr c lcohoff. Thé ln manoatalred ealwaysmiti iai olcue or a emSceia.0074 scoco distieie m bal -cal, la mieh o 2,511 lasîr. ced br Nom Brunswick adUeS rter anS boroicela-U.ThO eoolo o et167 0ea ý'bonqeslaofIbrandies arc maasSoc. TheOO uulie7est i..10àon tocoS by he otiosn oslpbuo cia ono,=Ird an il., puttiogiiatao oethe, casor cili. TheoaoioriogonIaOm eoiattes m .."Siomc ftolin pipe ctrctd re ig~oa, bcdi.trit. Of the FceicarTh. Act slye re ctatafon ioWot elt.fumeroniauryloi, and theo00, cidar,soreel, tuchsine, aSd COOL.SnocbsîSheci.peo. too jesthe trashmbhich ladey consmd hy 'n'nt bave n po iisW-,cy He7oSk the Pocriniano. Soit SIc.. -Coir, 15-c Alaea; John MunooPort Arthur, for POooUo7 B.. f ,H.sssiroT. ilsm &Co. Siop-Rsec F.McCurep. F.Par Se Wiînle .i iDero, Brockeille. -yO- or OPuFrc><loon.diatotsd nS;Zobo I.A hoco umed Tamsraa Eliir 1r .8-ecola Bucerdîgo or Mioheho; W. -Dc soU coob. o.ieh it immedialy IrcoU HocNoth Bay, pro tomu tscHipi.oieg. and csrd. Christlino "Tempersnte" Se tro- I»Lg' - SODTIRE .6eredi. ki - Oulurn 1000 TW4I'0-0OOCO. se j moaoren, socoomm Atirones. I oy c tc. i A comahiosodb bomas,. . olll'immoo0oOs gmdîocý,os Mr. Clemets wosogiven qitoso. e.Wm StI. oilpest i enle ilàths.osth ovtioadisremarioi obîcîs toloed bislte *ie a Omo frotisbou-alinicoîtbe ows.cîiIl mecsodoliillscessarceoO dOtsslonng. Wi, iosaed tanbdIre1îass h 0.0 montrer b inicb Oboy. mccc delivcoed 0i-0' 1syiclaco trem. drire 1 grpc lieahi.tlsoc terribl biat h eoremmarekeptapon obroaor t51000hmbtie aidctos _ed ossioî,oo oeo a h c colioormtbe5sotto'tsooot. tmnwo dOtcoarsahob ds'tserdco0a stsg.sssim. bssaimnt impossible te coovi osoy o élan onofm a aoeela h. Is cs 10ts I pope.oynhmug St m ould psce morc ietwy-adpan otf a tan ohnbdicatio oftirhor intense etSomy-ndpo. nnoo tcsroconticsgh filseiop isumïor, which msdaerived iocgei f mlivesosmaexpérience ondoaplomboand ce'or Iryiaofth1. ysem, lalis the pcnlinc geabiros n letiaonsad ohthoil halars .bo- en a mec rbody rusb. coohlau o pportoity lar octomonswicb oeenmpo.iod tieur. Trisatcncd'mn'gotth osdnot. o 1h 010ss2fposooniOnstflac mooporticniaiy o'fotbt ecraiption et [Great ionoÈster.) I 0am jnait m g Ti ewg coto1boooeintsard, by0s 01filons,.s. natdons o.hOhm,-,5,1005s2 oi ptentutoic seech."*oIl cou gt gon s b ua is r f hislà he id , .oo-th 'OIn treotbsl f trbl-o tusa. nz o.ety ftamon ho mli Omw hiisenooropott he et= pcosdW o q sla7 g laooyiolalmîci gis tohimedI ci th.oviebostasoe. ., asu]go a SbycntelecuelAnd theoninis,,ns aches pili oc~c 0ne miUt, and msybe Bonbmlave,onÙdbcie o deàn io . bio 1.îb alseo f oS-onexpet in ohoocola, n .0res i 10 t t,ý of 1 wih t Bayfilt a l da priesfigbt. [Grent ionghtoc and ap olîbor. Somotllooi n do 00 o. eembaoytéot,0pubh le. ploaurs Wdlie, t thn coqneot Dia .opmpoc.dtodnthisaosrk. Bot lirla thomot Seiti tilg in the Onc anon, noder ire=oeos. 0000, nphe blosod ndospin. misolo mocîd 1tehieolots. Laghla.l oonea smon ga l p 9St godd isooitho .g.p.Oooo. horoMc Thst beonnietSc, aoShorsoilanoothor semo-aShoy:.o1cngtoo o h o o no oinelatems Ido I am coo p onîdoni', ir bre oeoorcitir galgober op s.01 abshe lla in lathe mhomcd ae C vool oice trembleadibly Oui050matar.Stalaeds000rod o thegapt.[Lo~lc.iTh orl mtaanoa t0mb o mordl ad ingobrion apoint.and thon bl a ciod olf. Son L mmeonlail ', bt I iii sopîin. acnt. and am,brascs, net pceaoed. F yte agr019âtl Nom oh o pubslie' inner: oben 0am0n IwmoneathexMeallasta bc odnp, ic. aa,, con tiOfor . thohînr hnoomohe inpoing la ûS allilDirpon la bt Ilolli. oib whot effet 1IMay,. dd Thipoonh otiuai. the boc, peoh. ana te thocoogiymall pccporad,tmp shot-cosa lamlienlationo iSs mu;tc met alo.c g oU itby heut, -sund thoe Pah' anop Cte h, nig grief.[Lngtoblar o 048 laccelo ooohdop gohke inhshs lteàlue d ent , , c.lalero.9the Fl. VoS thuntbinkingp ysrcttio moe jobs ho.-od oluoro thoS SPLim id of Or sopiritual lihertin;by , the idoopo AS ct Millo importer tepenela-mnoinfinei. ht apooisoolippeobicaos ma. b.thoy pao.a todriva, .0.ho man la Simpy si o1o it etn. mSlaCenoSmotsa Sbleaendisg. .o:r rcator nceood ls the va -lLoba]Hemott'aorilbeoo tôogtls.] AtisntwMay Ileothrme hrlitilccbancs for hi. %vieao ls tis s J wr0 ho ai l teocrc,olî S ho tcaobc, omrgncis mancoophavn, iroosol ILsoblai Bi ohsl I opn in msin noandouct tnnla b Pcgrif, cmedy, Warcoo5.mie coin abiteritisa etting awayroiongltoards oniioleohbyt ro.~m ppîis ho cg soh tire enS o thing nd Saomas inS ittin o l nlec fltcent 5)0100. Tiqbsy cte l bo oveglasaofci mie, oc biais haso! intereof aimn, thclcooca1 tci dc o Iroîllea ie".s net0rteilotO. a onilîs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ltin fioîlcoeodo aSh iU nc Whii e oe velite, obin Oclsrro 01 nnlhpS Ol~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~Lv seqoi s o itigtco01o ulo, and in0tchât sot wtho aoca wtocoiS 1,1 eau canthe 00th mdttng th dangogsfiit, itsaine anlotbsilomed sntimcnt oS getlilards isoîle fclt.hcyeod hipoinrt bey aS hisncma bcing *lsim m its ceitbsogeno eroni oscood 01100e ou A t,.lt.-ot Wsscr'.uslo i k. Lht.h k ab sot ootlin .b- sne ece; a, pccnaleont. Eomoec tues wal oico, ire Slok tbst fletla j1051aoneaocciniletîo eor pelanShof thahagicg fSacfinit mont tsIlo, thocohy oîsolag ahonli t mcliet"p t'sg nby mhich me spiituniiy .yteam oth. poisonosuoie ci edoo o h con e-tso mo lb ac stav, byhicb nar othecmiaeel allé sîtein 1ta crruptie on ta aIs pitied. alnoela.] tapt ibnexistenc asmade rctbondcBtcong nd est Partofle soystole, cnd Is, Noiceiehouela sad tepi ioftn imbued mith the mighty, déloissIl oo as he SI tcc ntri peope or aoaute, bt bturei 0 oU gneondbesno sa coos nap tedm, micylnthis mold iet incompad oig ndotlocman. Aoseot eo ndboeoo, mmeo eetoatod01 ta the oe souac5iylag compssio the Icont di on lecl, hoboSien etx ed ana c 0cm.b s vrhi aie.WyI da obc et oegnus (hueoMr.. Céments ept fare Iake sons 10 so grolîl net airchi.. i alther wl cuons arco (more mort, bt crse in oîslaila ie in is mlaacp and 8olammoiesot tefu-. a-u t he L ml olUtin ba oteila Sothi egct ictihhbarrer.-. ha ctuffofnt i rprd aaSdo ln et d pan u. [Great . aitlflo i no .sy, rae :lsngltec soU opplanac.] Ziomanlk% obbeh oSaga ing and tsmbing and gottine foter - 50f A Oà E 'ET. Ch.o5ic1.c and fpther lu, Spd ol htis mns. 1 1BO im.C-.e1t .Sn happy, ondUnoSLentbhelieouotaouna. IMr. 5H. Watsn, Iargeima abok Prince Bismarck. ina tilli miséeoble, cippled jolie, aod la hi. ogooo, hut b he Shoeosy t in Miltoc orriebasrebe. oilthongb rnoso gciciand confusion lieîa ogbo t i10 lehnossTori.Bitters, ohich lie coun moed hiemla Ccelin, soU ameil, ad tIse theschmasioci. b.neilycrecommend for 007 otmpb StenVinna,n sce of timesi 010, ILaugholr]. Heo omho laodeeat. msicis a foule modicico h oppiclole.TuIfsrea, ta hie ait*court cd man,ooud sado theoéthecs. Now ta clsohî,osodicinelbu boonmed wittiont aitar the tomàus laterview aobemceapeaithfiltioaoahootcdiae .otoishingIy gosd remInsiehn' ero zr et acthish tIse Ocicoalt opac. élo. t la, iodecd.aTsro ct i acoi ebl5S, moeake, fhanguaoitics osploded. Ibbonba ruha1 onaltcosgt lboboped loohlaJpculins l fatesl,. osroo,, onclad, tna, hat the mon i nSdtarcoiaoniyonomoytooeconlplich limp obes, os f a0, hîccd, a focis .a Ucalthesliejnet versS 10 thotI cnt inso, ond flti or i ac nts ber oale, i opooeeingla ood lta nSt aWi,hormer. rctire. .man ta go aohos p pcpsd, awsiresyn S eautlaorosi eo soS n ofh atoe, occ en lands, smp edy, wmether lbo ss haeeercoieoîodoltheooomorot ybc ofrecdad la ly osdleth iihchy Lla.ho r e. uTanso iSSo ct. cenU-51 potcbahiest st oatu. Thinge saeast qsila mart deécfu ht 1 &IIIyen cnt pity Wtsoss'o scostoce. - that, but Prince Bismarceo' im etssal .- gréai heeoonleg ceeo, an Mp schéma la iis -s That hobsl Tne Borai t Part EiadI a.orllaerhoolîl hbsecbecome cry in is bond s anomltad, and -isnaid. In hesa elcesobntos SieS aSathorongbay anS giihy cmu. isr. Mcdoaîd.of Fort NacLeod,i1 n mnotlly lIkaficfu atture te pboiood specsis tomiitévacy . on uintercew im tb s reporter ofiTho o:ndisdeelded open tha ceiabe ocasion in tisIlle it iScl; aao Wipeg Fre Proe, Spoiamohiaofthe obitlhasttnserve oiomayvhE dot, and in oBeccriaand oppanose Mrmon ln înn oieb mon Scuded cn bandes, i bae'aappcd ti ovecytfine. ftsngltec.] Nom I bave Le' Ccehk, twanty miles sesthf power, tYantHatcfledt complétudea speechtiettht isd, anoS1hNdacLéod, lestOJoue. The Mormons at prcosant.Geomonasmhossond haveo sconebî 10on lacghgolcitae. droveaitaoontho Continesnt ram Uah don, la flic mon. Criant IHO ibit il hers la on exemple. [fltoecd l tst oprino looaiog ecthéoSoteaocia nosm, min Lonoa owome( maciment.] coooy tandS ctlibl at LeoOce. AI Litlemore thon 50 ponce oi Wo suppose that it he a gcsogac liongis 10 mssislaebluthc maisono obroLSmi, mith Sharp ecaOfstila gstisoriog, sud bible man te ooddooly iheY accvl e ay mont la morkeot appeidliron.grayhiai,sodeclos coheS on; iebommeo np ioStO sie enea. Thapypub np s10 n afileythav orabigcgry nustoshe ieoip hesitanesnand deioaencico, r. thcy orire0owsppIice Ssothé asoad ng figure;,onelacournnant potitionsa* conta glveatheoidea tht the Polcea ; andthcy mra nt thsoramore .ny asmérai Ha le on oi e E h lsimpromptu. Hore, Ofimiorne, tant . ê cecaha betorothep huéls, eery fScalhabita. aSdbas, aster ho hon gotusoed la doiticring it,hsr thîound pénurde nI bstlarocsalh. lilaos la mrt imsoct. vcuf mnu vecotuecboïnde noSd maho a genuins TheF bcosght cttleaniog mith tren, toc bsdleeen. Shssdyin.isirs .impromptu rcmsch ta sabrIoff relIs. sebea they came. Tbep mode s rend diffreot tes regard ta hla Foc instance, if s Uitingeialied persan ta the mocdnS isac aehuilt tiemsoieo ahigstienýa a tanch risai le prcnent becoomake aeomplinîcferc- comotoble bausses. Thoy arco ecy halaer. andsbove, ail, possis référence la hlm, enp Mr. Deperv e Hred.mcckig pepe, aSdthe irbabit. otion la tho inlaen.est. t caMneakou hat ]isogroattaentsaeolauet htécotienorste ready la me. aahle the man ohose cpii >slotc. fLaghter]. Sncbatisng camasossnaony more oft thcm asomilliceBimrckslisgblaona e tfies im àesort oapcio,oandallant coue. The mai the cmmmsoity one dayowlhalott caol Iho tmeflicoaundioncein gstticg tlarecomilp Amorcno. mIila the wmocoleir otthe Germen empire pty tret monlise openss bla tiscoîSse acBritish..Ait the Mormons ln the valee aad gnnSec thaegcsgers. nttemenS ore monogamislal not anc HIVER PTRIo îuT Tiret pesoanal a bogorgeossly clo. oftt erjsices in tbe poscesnoS a s - quantl yo ant la Lire the Sscmerecnsd puse. Tbcy nombar abouta t ! Si fonostried .Johnono ;beurt andnstart hMISfontid..ononscrd necenty, but, on thap arec y *e ericl -Thm o da et oce, i1 domota bis chslr. '- 1peanad mith thoir loctio thete nom. tho baiem tule don tbo os Hor iet man 0 a nisaoleSn '- aS ilbec milihdoubtlima cceioemanada. ofetobard oi it hbut hoîslîl c ays 'I m coled DptosdcolpÎ, ir, ilitinso. Mr. Macdonad spo thret tsIho plcU dos flicsiof fisOleise and am ioderd ast, aet prie sed to-1 thsoghet tire HoLeed district thecopeopartoi.Snt flod occti Vasnetoîoeniiehg- labole leSnp.nair, ioan lmostooonimonossirstocr luS yon réeOommO0S iS.cebIlt bt I mil. ith ohat offat I oap, sUd CmmercialUion iSIs the Unilea i10altri. iDO no, it'a groS fat My rlnti t.ta he jubilationsofci bieSitas. The stomh.gcomer e crgnios plainS sno.hichah- oule eIl apir tadatirin won.Agiculture. flint they moulU fearttis borola un lie ralim 07hoSmmIe o C. i ir, la aller nl , tho paiîodinm oai oaciscy Scl in the Chico.acolartinstad oaco,1Millabiee H a -natonamilectLes. saghWr]. Bp it, ofisatiogltacbip Cir oirotlieta Liter. - appceninnly eahios. weme ny ha poolinm ener lasoi titrea. In. bethr. mSadta lire anSdonove anS have osr .ceiefoclaCommeo ceiah Union woold IThece iere Btmarn Si ale 1.abisg. AIL that 00 have laro, aihat bonoOichai ta the Nocîhorct. Wlih . 1. - oa a, ai fCht me hp ahmn aFree Trade bhaîmnnthe twonconalalen .00 ..U anS muentcoatinue l hpcoîàOooUy la prodocsoanS imnays, tise CaltanoaS 100 v as nuOhio lasen.Lu influnced by ChaetsbilmentaS t0e otilerc ena. mines mold Sofniociaret oi hé tae kre montOofilt -mighty intstalafaman; tirico glocos cla bohnd in' theoWstnlates, clleS Hans si.U tise girls Wgiolae hVileavec ie,wmideis on. onU Butte.oae distant oly o There vmsooame inet cur l=btemim infCht sonltho icm bundreeSmiles ftrnLatisridgo, poticlor question t issue alet anS bolaoS .setiment oi anS on exensio isftuhoon régions et oas tise nomberofréile 0grtilade, lotnvtho llsgocreos acord tise oC clSso.obih onSd prebabip certain sténO occred. An ,ttsoe Our clm ta Bouge ni praina iihomCmlal Unie,, "iua olU impîn.miiUoS Cernn s =p"eaai otpeolof thonkagiving getlinbothe Ssveoipmcnot he fr toc io. Ho baS novar boais 7 WCo mot pens boon, mhoey esp~ct. - befre,and ine aoLittle dl mc a pyilip hSteanS mre mode TO. iaopr ler Onductad i ric n toog.d n otesWhSOl8ASHOIlfWhie latent. examisathln oom bis oppe.l imbueS olth the migty, firarcohlog ~- badgoeS dhlm mith question anS aihembraoing roco,- and bannty, h rnef hoiiog « asd .oothiog manger i bisa o. -"Ho' anS purity nsdl ovelinon. Tis e 1aIsp aeatucifiou ohforoaednlote O!h0 rer ofn otnomn, thoeSet oi us foel,C oit r h eosinsd h oeoY ht bovoebonteoS brintog bis Ste ,honobletameoncDomi nsm Cat .oit sto fimei&s' heSroàtOt the table 'os tonùgh the iota mhecen-buthn hM oo a ot onU o -t thines, piopleo.. hîneols,vmre treotblig in helsalant o bnuttcraLe a hâte[0 an0di 1 Diriroinso, saide, bra.. ahoâUgsta..On. eciy os*oro Cthe.-it aintdpena.)TU- O b âght triai son hae .sffliio5 la poeiat ht o oe- at s ho and appluse.] eoaioise-iSb.cre0. PrmolontS bOs. Ibpriat ne os Nos, thon onppong àommnotO la nntpar Wstson~oasgat 9nlsar1.a ewe i cot.anaSSrieasepeech, tiet-paent soU 'Tell thejncy wa obi ansm jntable peech,,aso yen mop cal!U. EhaS'ioôS.oRrgnà-t (Uese& ocedthe-lmper, gatting finalshimoalf it à goangar, gthein or -tne tsom iC beueh ooedaisgbreakld ole ci oheuoagocoi limrToyciL ' andoe;e;91 -iVoro-herers .dinstrbanen [gréait ighl., ra The Ste dtie 1 niofthe oorid ooveobog hr, sonen lVadhe a an pliticl bio nan, o'luqe"s t. he postentaores ouldid mt:oeml.ê1itthoeomo. 'oi toma. or anymbo c ien srIS peu PhUMednpbia.s.591";London; 1181 Hem t *o iano, - moph .e chas lamni aa>S' a oddoly Pr,4lHmolan 0 hcsTbarre tanà-canré o is rallcdop, ale bu o ot leat cbnnge W0' opae o ion;" Pc monosoDhy Otonnooo.etn hmoar fanuiseroi&bonCat opeob, -anS s od qoeie.. . o. el o.ioso k -auc bbin.OLiveepangolisud tàý.tar -_ _________ ame min. lit, -orsr.cb.Sti0.bfan0 .ervddî ya0U0lS5Uà woeroproenon tsme n haom ,o.moooýl lsa oe sta oaody gontiemal a. I ch hove Wcd osharbaS InotleoceS h& tIse mmd mi t b. mOndorst&.ào ti-nttcuc0r.gte ,you SamnoiL CiementaC he imot itïila' hIo Hock «.Tmntr.5 -f[Geot ianghlar aic appacae.] - ý, lefaocdueo tubi dm1. sith; vell DButchart's, Y~URNI -A F1resh Stock Grocerilei- and Confetionery! tohand. L MANUF.ACTUF, Oysters byIBulk'or C0-an.. TOn zabscibodmtil BOOT' & IIOL SieBoRadt Nom 10tisoty0 i', ytb o Ilc MIaLTON. ie ieceiving. daily a splendid stockof Men, Womnen & Child- Milan, Don. 1,.l ren'oi Boots ana Shoeo frSrnsdSnuer wesx * egàombo a mode -by thoeS oestnulofocn btiseDoostiso, acd oU b. i I'h 8.1d nt iest poseiIîlepicCO. Boot and hoeia nade oorde.iî Aperfotfitosd firàt-olaoo atuok and woclciusship gsscccond.. Pol Son, copooro DON'T FO i GET TO0, OALL 'ON .1 ho Wslsi& T ese for lighi breaa '~ NE'LDET E~A~t8 D-smoke- MD R1.#IWNOOEWSAPW F CNAA heape, plosive Tjý -t.ouOE8 f~ -.o.'mki~ooT& OSE V0. [so ao. i n1cd -'ADT.VEKf8f8 . . cA s 5os5o. gI - " ~e ort, b F- or t] -.4. set', Piste anS Orooae Pt&.soàirl,nu rompt atention,, ais. TEAS. ýNo. 67-: A. Piisey0 -Hamilton bas a splendlid ss IVorsteds, Meitoi elothing inferior l ooi i ill l e fo uII 1uaI-Ity of the goo a Mill pop eooîfo toc i boIt Casad boit tes io trosle 001in psy toc râtRl.5&Ê . sl keLAtH othe oro-iti-t- g-0005000004 OsG 00557 0. ioe............. aOOORTARTS OFD .0105.01y O]. .orthred aomd or1ne -lý )tndt LieNDONke, r heeruy c O. n 'l,o !Iy. N « duni'.os il -, . ,làcclin supply le tise ~ ~ .;, Coynyofalts.l.~s low e...IloIîo5l 1S. - ilor, Vtpoi. * qo,.rO5,.Ii r . r__ iii tl.D & u= ,TITO ,- an'; r, .1ge and find Utonwie 'e~ MY - for,(tssss'sss,,s'sî IL of OLsILti.g I.I taiTscOc !eBWQÇLDofya." ai « ,.7 ocvehusîyaca ,i.n to. c soU Wpisce ocile Lî,ssî-,.î, sr-1 te\es. A l . Tll 'Ils s. an ele - l nfaetiio s lii7 spîisi If D. Vuit OHE i AM fLo I, S3ite:-l, , -sses ttrasset of sll 1.sssd. LD H brase cii Fîire M 1V L SILi oth or %'il enl Sl...o¶ 1Scoics 'seo h îcos eoflomst.i .steEurep ctIse STEVIS5SO'7 lILt 0 aoITEL IN TOW É; axe sti lalIMO arge rôom . :î éa he _ a.i~S.tor Sa e. ren whle 0do4pl TIhey a ..a asyto mnb3 Lcjb ÂT, ;P PEBCENT. à.. sIasm. . . ro.. oî1, TheGIs e ol a mn OfBOmn 'IIECu ,ild at b armonire.- TheSunoand )e- Sits ,bolc Cnt, are sovlag a COISINhE tfc a sdcs ro. B s ohalsg Cltu 1î~ thecdiarot otbpo eofsmtand- ypos5aSthnt tuatdnanosttesndlta 4RAY Fi m.IX.0 muand thles acmosiOnn. Bnon Tisa Stalsana hilalta auYOftthe - 0opls A0 pmmineot.pahîse man remochcd 1lut EASY TO USE. 10100th vekhSOt -*The lacinS sfMr. CimiG OnonO esorivosetaem ooon the it o aer foîr ther noof praerc tarrh. odbpDsltew.ortiO'l i.coicd do morsebhum thoenal ths tonos odtolpdSn,llsandIL .SddreuO raehezcm aulctomet i0n.six moth." FULFORD & Ge., Br,,kYiL5.. aSs man5 ton 'coaleno Chisctsanyehe.' a. IsoStrd 0eucoolU. on br ityot E6000000PEO I pucb5ohisa th.r delibeat. strbro t ho l.8inoL theoputS SonseeIs ouot a brclher, i Ulite.uît proIshoîsta endtratuod Tise CIsistiuo Staema aemn'la buveoits feomwmccsIi pcf the Sun wre tIseholohgica ir la leshort. ounntsroi. Cetthon hsyosr icdggist fora oeS cure Hoamearol. CisgkgColda, etc. FRi Mr om. Syousr, FautIGraned Mutermed oiSho Prcemaonof Cnada and Colleateof ai- eic Snlul ociion tm b5t. C.thocisn oeil osn.Or ReHerylio olsood,iofsoY psmco1r EdS'Ulid CE S. Ceriea Chacei hte ramerit7, E D ". hath lldut "e).4rhV. la. PERRY&Coo..Wind0iko 1 m 1 2mn 10O

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