Canadian Statesman, 1 Dec 1887, page 6

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ils l EN -1.)I7II Id.1 M 7IÏI777î77 ï77 .Mil777777' ' th'), 7771 177752.h7-. ,1 ]P sIS. 7 77 I ii7777. Ille2 .. 7.7071Il, j 0,777 . 11 7 P~77,7777l.77 37 '..-._ -. -. - -- _ - ý . . 1727 , 1 , .. fi . j. r - 1 . E _ 11 7 2 5 t, o d a ogoo o SIt o 2 5 0 77 2 "0 77, 2 7 22r2',tJ 75 ...7j37 0_.- 17 ~ . ' T11 Rotootos(N.Y.)OiSn spor0'2 - A 7S .iSTOO270u ,m2_ ,ne 7720 * . throoogh (o 1 5_1 10 7-7717. 7'77ý 'r! ., 2220 thosgonod27721005 .7 Tt0~p.70i .- 'eotero 7! t10012'-0157#ý t '~12o~ussesà1doeoO?' 7<" ~ '2b~1ft77O2 ~ : ~ r.. ir~57L7 3- 2~37" 2. 21,io.10777071'Fiit. TVOI.-bo ro qsokO ,f...7 - .t 1 vr2572 ý 57770522 IESiOTI..'-". a I. triltnaý,Io7Pt-ffý .,rý1 Sevo ftoo }MP-7i.- - ý ,m o té4pS. i t3 .', - P -, ,J3 M 1 ;t77~ ~I dS E V E IIîo o d ' 2 7 2 2 5 7 0 0 2 1 2 5 0 0 0 0 c oi;2 2nd af %n.. 5 - ' « - -.-a o o o .deýà , t rt .'T lo e t(i n! . _.s7 5 o ts fl00577202 ' 575773~ 5(17(0 12 ilo57055 st 715122 te7ad 071252770 î ~ avemusd~ leaurem anotoingta herpatonsandfroad' . T i s e irn ad n t d Fas o ( a S Y 0 t 0 0 2 Th. t t i2- - --50 02 2î s ( 0 1 csp o d i . 5 _o _n . t a , t h o l (e %5 7 9 s r i à -o - .. Il n o a b t t r i l a n We r G od.~ TheB000te (d' li" 5f. e' gsleaot sioseuct o t Pa,87 . M. ._ aSy. ninreota r' --- rtsapd lowa i .-,_ý. p «csdothw rf1Omto tt7k 77 10771 saog.'i ~ 'eco (u sroo s m.dif.So ei .o. no-tt e noo joh rs ik.]rs im m n s ateGo~~ ta 9605 , 200 - 2 :. -70 -; Lig2 L 7 "Sîot0Y 7ooitauafld 75 020a 702577770001(17 7ao ,uadEuuo u gtn " O r rs odSsn D e: aetl ...ooO 0 2 1o S u115 771707 5 5 77lSItysoogl lVrpitf5105070a71 f2slg E ls~ xX1I f ~ saQ a~ [ , V f o gtoo îî 1 dialog71 7ue fut o you n ol f5î 7 ct 20 r qo so ho':oono, __M T. - o s f i ooho so qe fore i or (ho orm o _ _ _n g s flý Us a k u i , st l .a n- , ls r-fi--T 5- 8 __ ' 0.5172 ,o s tîu A t oO _t.o PoSo oote7psn-1.Og(oiaed " c M lneys s peb oh t.7 1fs1 e vs e A y ld.1 cs'be cisf- he soc s o deý '1ý -ý cId m-i y II., utliabeUn : ,-ý i_.ýý 1L ;1 O P 1(îb1 -o ph71cSa . au1 ,vit, . o ee o ooo'1vit goadîoCn(th. ol oofosdinotafhoste o r- .. ..Esl. fjaTtfl lelfor 8e- 11>î' _e .d 7 , 5230îotytmutso i (eo2 5 n h focto27250~ (Ç0,715~ fqu 2(7( 712, e ue;000 775U O. q s tt.n1sye1c ta l oo sse o dops s n-4 e lrs s d eies.E ver7ofre . C t fsesi e di htth cof1oaoo(<7117 1 1, uutrdoo2 hr.- -'wns u ebG è.Fall1~ 6'~ hswd, l'o lt 00os0722 .0.oooeosf,,t2777il ful lo- prc.sM , n aguifeentSIL . sadSeuts- FujiT i o gtituponofoc bo a appelo-T, h hoghPlonno 5020 57 .o u e tsm n w a ux O ohs S 1xn e rmis, .;îl. foin- 0 S O 770h.p520 edeH s71100i- dotfrgettr.g11vv "oa- jg ,on"O ý0"s', -.1joon trit yeragglndFoIDS10 - L .rgos -Fo. io-S;u, ý a'hyae dprokrtsv TbMoNaù (foors véàty fui blle abut ne-SI m7 d ro ooo o o h 00 ifyy or h y o o s jl o oîo.. . N d r00Iapit 0 10, 5777705002700 7*00-r10, k ds 7.c sty e 'fin h Dm5712 2700003770 d oot tao (ois527070777mou*fiIoih alfodo oioh_>l________________ set o evey,7.ono lgh eo rofts, to It éen desm ! hi Uno2 sl 77310 loflel5ytoog 0ti5 oi-do (0 fson __g( 1iau Sno 57ower"0oc00sec f15770 oe.o e x o stnl ffrn aran n hoD potee 0007 07711 tooghtho may fîodo. k( mse t > !,7, od oroofo' eSheSr.vfSn.pobio toboS Som Coes t loto cd bfoos w;i 51 b o o n o o o u e d o gek n o r l d S lo fo-d , -20 5 0 f o b cîje o n s 0 p f d i h o c 0 7 r00 7 0 e a . P 1 m 7 n lP . . .-dr a . a 'd e o . 7721 7 O o- o 2 (0 e o S h o-7 u 0 0 7- 7 7', * 7 .I ý j , - r f ï - L ý 1 _ f,*ip oe u tdd't t , m fa e ly . . diIiof1ih t ,1 h oo . 71 mpn t ar , l5g057 a mlrO i2 Co..ol 72 ooeoo 1t,0O î.r s (71 ,, ov1a ogen ot(re rmossor f0527505.2bu m So eu fortble; 'eave n e oa aiiin 50bo h od ho 117 r~ 0 157...t o ol.mldll s1um _.71 7iM _ - - -lttC uo O -,70 50 pis dO t 17 75 70 515 2, b2 ft si O f ic go éy C î 7îy i7 r71 i2 0 f720 f r Iîe pç o ',, 'I î, ý ké ' avete t i t angoSou .ooo-Sho brhon u b foro tho à fntireo-XCh Ot 'e % 575so2csspr51l2f17n0i0b.7uet - .S7 ao hso h 62 d. 2 1: oli1vod 517 t*4heMayosIT yeOSoelfy.Go ds n l .m0205'77(ptnt tghe, ! ohOitydy Týý ,--* ' .a M'75 lco atC..pOC, fOfy,,a77571217 57<o Roaes. - 1 l77ioio<vueo u h O O o f e l'. 71( 0rt i o n t h S otnte c tl ue Sc ort e d S t tve ler 50 ((71220 uih 5000100.- ' soi f (fîoy et- aro i'csg d, t o fud tm îtom 7 f ro sa iuiff ieusdiaÉLIY 771002 Oexo.. o 27e . (Sea7.- ý ý -a .ë àf ý i .à l B a .rmp i 1 ana I hav vno cty 2 To P537 'II m c n 70 Smt e o nd. A(l ufo additi2S o 1 f 77oIl e 11-020.1_;ý àïat g ' .1 I.... .. ,-uos 'g u f l y P h y sien .o S" P ortel'teop asageo550 fro o t e c tO O gut h a p oasc i n, 7 0 7 so s î u u o co t m l t 7 57 2 f 5 2-dO , 0 'f C t e s f t B y 1 'G n o n t o e r s a d g t s u e c ie a ts( hi0 np wm b52e ail aS ea'- u> ..7120 - 770«ILia ofi0.3s0012]%02a et ~ tbim on ie aots7fous'r 10775 d20 070hr.teso'(.Seo"roebs onSu3't eu,.tosptto ît. S m bn u hrbedadsm ý A getlema . a )sort fnewaitYU-h it277non, -esirg peu m l. 00mpBats Fr o ui e 2u d Portiund, and a"i-sp .C..otyuf Frout-e-o7- btOttbOocsg0e&mrY ce7f e ulard oi$oSohysooaout a o!yrbos. Roman' (1177 oospirs.o ofes bSbb 'Forau fta't.hing 0e:2 the 'kI ,_ 1iudtu hemakes,'>ïés'ilo,-býýiïý ngMatl Goa y .. 1. The exréufenceg. ;K , th e t or r o d . f f y 1 . o s o o h r h -o f p. ,nî0 1 0 ( 7 o l sd E ste rn 1 , -thioio f 0 777757 57 li io g is m e tO o S f o s u t9 M.e t y u f-y-on te s griot romo s cto iy Scu oi ît oo7osoeW r h *77f0r7*0 hu a t hiof m trary i. 77700 e10 1150202ff 07721,g177077770 Attet77 foui eul1s2 nS;17-. refl',tSon 7.1_0021. Bauds o ObuS w jffo1t17ed *b tt.(5.1- f7 ..el,,2.. 1.v tb . ooe IfI amud ît s n71 ring ior t s7000(1701151 777u7lavr7p lt sr 5 a 7 o*o 77î.i O rtlant c ftmer(«ou*c7 S.........r .'diemooote 25.00503 0775 lS '. r os dy of othe octtareui S.i5720..7 O îîro 77d Th Ol ieee-e1dooposd-70.50'l S4someOioo 11 25e 0o(td 752277.tho féadas'2affcin "r lyotrc ui te oua sIo. thé tosin f07C of7a17IlbO51f5,07157 lodee h220.71t-7fIS0'70572 &11p7 tî. 015.(7550.oeDrsIi .7 212o1 737 oOf5lt77 ,,iie020 ijO P(0 o'eiu _wi ..27 S ID E-nlioOulfioo. Ur_____ -PoPORES>10F 'ovho 11o.owof etifoeooo intonounoity. No eduP&00 0.0. Stf0 8*99 Ilotemofdflarg ïy 50oude oudel5e b,2ntdtesanap(i77d . - it ooe o h. goohoheofiefle sStiwooItyca 'héoedofsfl l imaoî on'. . freolmitntSfiiioe.isu(Sot7 oS euor71s qui lbyAfOriPous'toainsbhil 7Sf 021 oboeoîhotiOn e tobopsi lotid , TIAý,ATý _Y1'-f1... à etmsOcfyal tec s aan bbet em t o t of hrot teu-ftlq ' o b W 3 f. p77ho ylef D. 'th o2i t e sout "At bot WhitMoLead 'Jaei ie , Jap' * M a teïè. No. 67 xgs;ü D und s tret litNDOuniÊ h an r>ba v a,0 7 20 h cmno -u710 l ait fliq toor eotu fooF ar o u 7o 7o '2 ' . l. 7 1700 y b y ho bl U M rio i . eê - 1le o! . - ,' 9Ë n* "' D ý a r m n a t l e ' n i i h s ' s i a I. forodyî7g(lyt5d~tC~ ~ od500 toeuiifeg p my. ...u e tib iu. 1 :d 11r57 51*0051ut 12iny e T win.e, . f0l01hautiméth72000f0cure.7Grand o r , u Fll - Ihud bo2. ' ,hSetbo(70fepiie ,-à Oat .. méiclseo otrio tetdonc Tbo. .pldg 277h Th N rt50 . e e t faite tt. r 1 e11toman772.î oon 'ase217e Pfa t 777a 0 T2odc e.27 .107250P .7(10 1071 nectrs lo sryc 00.77p,0 'afnoîca7 mo uk-tioth , fr77770le! ((pulicmkr th oooe d 1. fu o rk ad S imone21( 2 5.07 St 71eW o e wa e e stig, C Ar ontntyofein s H F O i hi DR t W O OIý. .. ssein s ;nh os e loo i e os 207o s (f o t ov. Jub Siîos0lis sock an g 51i17557717 eot bc iono o d octiog 25a Iîs 0ve. yO70S0F oîo be (Io 1e es î tee771 odofy e fi1cmé à-iehv b t e y to e o h o Sufpa uie sts P ll anpa ac rt noon ad T o R ilN a(omt . uis , .u . Ile, 4 -Oa ue' ias , r a , ... 1* 1 . . . 11 wit pisnou lng, nirdothe bon, tabtinence157721 if oo ninue(11010ars, n 01k oail- .ohoitet bave &e jtge Stockrloo'iîio,,ouieosid orp.o.l1 .î.olO5.0715770721 771011077q75777f obossjt Suo fifos rttoo (bu (uhooopbo c2 eot 7 , bl s e7 ad1 or ué5a o m e l . . m su t o Ch ao ttetîo o w rou num t erO tai d y o he s , b ut0 001 37277 hicag0oS (l' o m . 1 ( p qooîl..Nr oo Otiogibu O 2,FUi eoyveo17t. - e e i ù u f r ' or t 1 -b y o a a a o b e .1 Byr&n laina, itisojoiSedo ba'Shof nfcSotoA mc t ui uE ser ,ist PrlnOe.'eto f hi'rsinse Sl( . #e70. vr o ean e sp 'Lt tw.pyt . il= ' , ohioS tend the àas(S7dey ndibitht(fTheîenfArTEE.OLDES..A. . yO77o H O L -E A U G ERsth at.trait nt a, do!gmdg w ll C. oo, d " fs, :mauen..S1iI( w ne systoin peines th77ru0 thésS1 Act oiasorattu the law in ChaCor.tTubeneandsta Helent, and Placqueure, asA.The en'oveda ioodinuthemmarkoS chatt-i- u,- - - -e20.,I Il !n Ihitu (bb.Tb 5205777 lo'ow. oA RTsilNo;o ..7l.. 1Bui OýS uo.tbn7075 1t5.7e07'(' iu. otlandouoondeped un goudsoooo-dThne oréau> u(IistSf e ti-i KI.S. i-hooticetho 'bac, b'ooueut775re-50 SeiBOO7-(7,- i1,eSf7,70 (07-7'B.stoSy. rufoo.71f-Mu.Sudot. 'fineitie. ehoCoounuyp773t3717cobov(ido(lichei.otooelliont0. Chancellor Boyd . - , ,V t..îîO e. î5..Boyo'-od gins o ! S h S c o t t A q n 57'&-f-pu h f u f o .'-W-v i ' e u o d p o p f o e l oanogS l .o 17 10' 777. 'IIf '(loyiu Os ,. mo*o(hon F t oBo vasa rgs( oo 20 cti zo Anc 72 720 Sata7o70.e en au Faneon&aln teCe . 7707102flou oo er ie«ad (i ionol.s ted sise afototopriol(ubSoiety ins fuloCse y17M 1ounains 7 v ia.te cttt.Te r0700i0s. no(fooedattr. m3.. Sf, G0ITSFisTBON . . . -!.iFor ' a .Do te idlie nks I b 52021'7y7f mn t. oo? os C ors71g(beD- --ita rcols. Sili.lp- 'Oboudneof17777t 2110ili577 flntht.rro52oom2Si tsoiuprTcà n h g îeo , . .rd m ho 00( he177 ull2(cuit. enuioo'1. aol . '-B i.e s Or an - 1 .~PIC pleccy rheuni 'tisr o nyo ho onso 'v ug i g n n o ld d u tt bu h a s.- 0 Y E S N : 1,5. . .- la n î ' r ai e t l f a es f v r l -s r p i n . r t thy.id7ko~y57t. 773 1 "772 o-o oso7 pre0101" ~' sieo iefilosti'1tIr .vtory'oh uLeli' 1521715 t giîr 15f2>'.Se'ooeosoo77fled popor ow C toitfood7.forrtssi(s 't'î.iolong7(1colline7107017 Isollis 1.. Th 05.aom .s f(77e 7 îft. co rin o 7rfe oupr o tt or rly cam oo, 5Bands ieo o o i to ra i p o u i n lu tr (îy ý it la ea e .Iý ' y t e ,1,fD l o i s i = 1 .î tre.,îîfrcfomrglt.d .5 71,, (foiotios ooyfortéooinofb 17 ~ ' "Ol G aae5710.75yP %" ibdgt. i oclclt fltt e." 0"0i2Audi tIi"R7,1 e fis (h f StIe ord.$225 $125 $ 6 C o ., o l a h t eo s o f N e w Yu o o r , 1 d i v i7s o s " b od f . o y p y t obf Our 721 7 7 0 0' t he7, tig h u f pO i rif11 1 7 0 0 5 0i n w l ie t ir î M ll o s1 . ,,ý ~~37h'l 75277770.0015 71(71 lî idr(.00 l c5hlo n 757707 of Fniatseloi(the l77571of0bishe ofdollas.717.î._ _ j7.177'..77.7.1717'0.. 07S. 1o. 17 f 03r 1 77 (7 o5 S. 775.(!170N u a t iSorthro ' etuS S e(Ad ( la iid. Cîsol homlia. 'h,7 'e dlance enten d ne a7 IIibellent' of t.0 77737777010 77717 0 Hie 277110 a7(17y772 Sf0051.ii..oaîth.f rouaosdescr2ip1t5on' in5 ent ei .î..w ei+ouoo.ed1ote k ef 'crni ore tF - 77 -,1'75. tisde 5 ue 77,777od ttî , raint hé oSisoo.ko t ido o s s o s îîn.îl fl s tp fleofeT e tly o ne o telîI lagso f 7sti 7iülu" City0 a V e(sp FORîie . Iufuo S to>77 . 27 1 0 .. 80be n fes d (.îi .... 1Tc'wn- 77f HittoS Cl% oodtsl,770( 171oSî.i373" ou0117 0 201. ai c. y Afrdo'ot' citili . Il ; . .y8 0 1 0 o s. 1 0 B d-t o u ts n o t 2 , su p a'n 137y7th. luottfe. oofiabomine7 .dooid .0 117.2o70770ianolie1'o 7(h777o7 0t d0o70517077 Slcl-0 71'7'(,î. Fo a.sutiîe e17iii01li7s "'()IL Si"'1 uu7'7771"A NDoiIiuI.77IiS' Aeu ya hi te nts.7157 ia7 7 .,71,ri i l l 7111sbo ht we i quorn77 ba7 .170s pre ie rucSfei o uquet la .717 eue777 nu"e,707 7100.5b7O0Ih 15r W N Cîifr.Aua bu p. 75uot 15 ka>JRit 'oy $ 0 s d]pMr 572,7057757777i7 to .;7îi.i. o wiy o kasba'u(hoSe110772 e i oo S lnoî. 97rtti'.'l +7( .0 î1ie î î 77777.'ttth ueooEî1.2 1' 771 ,od 0 a le 2 E te s o T bt; .atfie tonsles ve uit tts..omllooeioeo lfo770lîotfos fî tor fte s . . D 1 1 1 . 1. . .. 'L'lsl *O. 0 ý7 (5 7 70 io, .i l,771,i1O7 7710,0'77. 7077 îolf n th W f7 r g d t ( o S t ot. ' 730777 7370 e c 1îo ot 7i' 077e le ai i li r e2777"t7lt57.W h te77777577i77. (077551 No7 u n la .S ree , O N O 1 , t 201. ' .S olo s fai eo r u r ti o naa l u io ur ao eW. M .o s o nd.r ra t W o h s o t . rot. te im ir lmo f. 'S. 1Ob, 0 .0 7100 ysootîCO 77o deales Th. i.," oltw' ' '..CIisiiueo. Um' + dl 1 ied.Onoosrf t. bet5oimuof. y.. aoot eo o(ious u0507777be l7x gi e m7.3 70 e. b o yîufth es b d o ot e o c e d eo otdO e T J B I N . u d p î î u S ,(o fT P n u" ited!igr e uo h cotAt -alnePvon'sa oefldaato nl .1 Fr îîeîs 777 .77737lady li hrfali r., and fol Pet oiy ofs 0'Ii7oirf iit 05001 5 tbr tob SO 07003 70 du010 ..'i7 lieW rolyOD bu 52'eau nharli t7071,«11A.. j ieHa itn Ag tfo te u ty f à o . , net. .Is "f u1Ilfiorblo boaeoS penny ofo Oit211eQîîn7îî t fiîîp 1 JC, v gla 0 tc 0 frd $157. t,.',ihly o , the(y0707772 hofi y 50, va (00Sf oolttlaid 1in a Run. ooî aoe h aiî ll. 5w.77 E OR. eio 77 Wou12 520 OeeWe i odoptShiu1fru .2 oa'ogmnofc. 2e trr uie(i.I l1 tieu7îeo 1 771 10onforf17071; Samef7 g50feo orkI...r l.trt.flee lc Ieoetw tho Eootn onr wua107777.1200178.-2 Tîîe11;., , 1 Sou %e . 1 . dssîîo(îî m r ohieg . T ,iioiliw7ilo dolooa.t onastic i ul -p570 Te a ge770777!070C707775 frBo' Cr177'17 00007Th otoissyOtt FusYuO ie . ' M I. L1T-- ---O-- N 1777711 0770.087. 'ISoIli r B proo 771121athtàfoîlohet 107CRbf50 Sortdteuo lady- SilobOwos"nl ur *Ia1ae oed'1 . i. 41O oodbo fi, Oil cîuoî77îii meil d0Boy.000101701 "2027 he l ltong ueodfs plat of .sr5203 ..,i7 07732( il5strati nfuinri ls . in7711 771717m d i ed7,t,'SfS 'irrf tio thoe . .1. .Sîtuo 5.n1tf dto 2 o oeoed 2hudoitdruf J JdL L L L.J. Il. ihave be5au f7 pio utî(Sotortatif21150art bice odroeo 00efl S . 17. oeeutepedd7.f.vrpdtd Te ki Oe FenciLLE MIT- EI. .R C ASH : F R , O L os.oNity. ThingestGlosIo.ts-(d R ' d,.SotoAt, anpî J mo n7ng th so ra . a on e fle a . fle tcs ve . i r.col at5,t5 p ck 0. .1 ,. cfhoho ffu oole a faillir ralliemer ts I in oEthograpj ___art_______ae ýb.prm tigth em é ance coîeiousu. B t sents.t ofot el.vitrteunlO- eOrelens i u . .oh.i, a. '.If afac-amilminfco.5rand etonsi 052525 m n o b o- i .o , t h e S c tt,îh 5 22or a - rT U o se ll a t .ors e ur o 55 0r g E W Y O R S S I W b&k s " I 5 (o ~ o S EI ô $ o l s 7' 'ý . . ý go,1buoo7h ohSo tSo 20' 2fo b hdw ad aasuo oto.5r + O B77SS21 1 e R'7,ocou R . uî- nhbt2 5 0k ur DebidoS f2' S alcs n h f rd..SrÙ ,care ur n n ,I, . 770. IEs57771E02AND071tEoMPue f So fEit. ubfa1. optoosS ap gsiobls a21100770ousone ' theou.iniu. 7o i2200or2.k.. 1ý 1 . m r l e77 manohrada p e el î, l'otSiv e a hi(gusEiebed 1.II1la IS 3 1 ý1 . . .. ý DYIot .o e, r' i,s Vicar 'f oa2fil't5t e a 'otof ur em 0e Stote ,atN. Beoooy. Perter y ibod e i . rAd THE Otyf( l S~75 5t AND',EST Te EdîtorfeleOSloe s Te. L - AUG15 . I ha' fo r geii stkofg la rge oo ruu -cnsisi e fro0. 7ifi.iyî 807. he Ar( , uao sfîofd'Sheiah, fl777121 So o.tbt. oupaleSftoOu5 022027teeSiOI So7eoFe. 07121u05e 7720sP 0g22271-5 Grey Unolnà' a(td5100f Lumbr, SerGeonds.2 1e . c77.Sf771, ro of o finit eon lo 177 -uu e 'eo. ourtsf7 1 2bs' G nv s h ilS o a rd7 mbs a seo onrn sea. .u j]. , n .ý .:T5.nhe r Iof 1 ae bc .. Ol ate rsof h utaclctolyo F301 mmM ril o uSie o gd tî,dh.. o Ss tscig,7121ruar' 21inter0S0 7Tweeds 7572778700 s7770s557fo 70 , 1 Thitk. oo sobs doin fi'r ta t bcio fwl oftheprue. biov' 7752.002 Ohoonin oare abcc s Ood0 tdy - eehhfTubEf2 br ebol r ,P let nd lc u S ý1 " eeiIBaie , Imm th. sSiOSf of tho bs r." 20i..i lontgeh . . s-. .Oui . f onndoIbaveunononcssorimesuonsS inlloc nsrn 'kbu iteApoodi.,70Lo se m oSW11i5121100k. ,Te r 5, R212775 Condnsait New. .A aitC o be wakh abi beaSE ag ai t onaitndo eoîîj'obat n . ltt20 ,vine in e. v. *- 0011772n in St, 515oa5770,lC_.00= I3. 0051217011ierhow nhire e.7 homsoemr l e sua d e ke li e20an .05rk 11. g ou f llr De77f (tor F rm r , eicosen.. 4.tolsa Iu e oim l 77esf r 000ab e w ihf w m i oa 2 h;f il t 5e . o f o h .o u e o l t h n 5 7 ( i . t heo( 7 7 0 i o a r e d r u l ( h o s a r s 7 , f a l r t , h o t r eui. 1 ý d ifa g yzi n t - u n re . e u u o n a 2 0 e n Si c r i o ' . e h l pf i i t S t N l ed e e n fl n b 7 O us a un2 0 O b oo r g olé t heGE N E R c a s ily coh otien eit ntaeST h is77(70 i g r onpfo 2 a n é . 7iO u s cate. h i do . ' hrstin ath m à he Ne b.d aS nh oSet. o S ilou n ets, oSt er poSos( ta : .m.Te nese ry, oe oueb y oar E e outifSCr~itoit.e îtiSPEC I s 7AL PIR uth1 .So. . . ý t7 - pevbgl estPo ib w h p e n e - o u ýà n Thoi pm t 211 oril ii s th.,052000 . o urono îîfyho 07177in07700t1 Acy a seF2r700. ' Cpt ai. se eot Clan...hà CSestiet . hcu nDetoes 15 '7>1 0100.00,n Ii1'f720,0 000sr07D. c h a il T e a oS tep basctry, edepttdtbnt ,s'Knffi a d heablet aios20 11 o et o n s wrto e y '0'I' 2170D153 eproiS &-,s 7 MODEIA TE. M ý ý . ml 20te on .U r m.,tî t iý. .. S .ir.'ot bu i ortin q u iry. Tios footat e d 52715toe 1u i a d b R . P Z o rl o Setes om e.' ill cont 'ft o ha i i oo a SPact e 1 0.0 " ' Sol A E20FI0070B I E . I - ;-ý + dfru s S 2. 7-ed u 2gnUU b asound ho, t d S oAcx o o nii 770 o ri th>'775 , atrlln toyo tuM Sc u.a nd221 t pr771102os e i nt r ds hos, uotosu, a m 7,7, Se . '. 00020020<G "T- ro . ,15t1-.10-22-10 osrî S.o 'eSeise .yO 1thoouh o t a ' t er ib oulp tio ny bmo ho sr ooo ot mi mo 1s o n moeilSi o S iencd e a ndotShelc n iet 2210522021207.C=0_ _e bo 7ns-s-iaut oSouo mOO e2( yeompe e ......ý th àIUai,ýftu utttl o stt roiOo. f . se Ste2llgbS 1 20 1 2 da h H n psninn7r071520.btbr.oe7M N 000Pru eon i . ' ins. e2 2772 2 intfu l S o r b . m eo nf0sprte51S e si u t i n e r ,PhiOf7S O dS lSdd frn ed277îf .eS.5f o u2 d P sSro57- d fi l h élM IS ee e s the o ns. 1 tke . 0. 0h2 su7 .7 7 7 , 7 7 3. j7I T E,.7E I o sf l.* ý iBrat 'edîoir(((70. nol u a~s a t s netfor te5251, au,, ose coi u cm tc,um H eo ý, e sto Ad et . Aneeit so 0 cve21055775520 e . 0m l oem r ea SrE ee. - ."as -bIpl ihhre ss' , .5 21Sec i t.silo igl ( c t il A ) . it s h W n ' s , 5 u o v o 0 oy e O > 2 _ _ _ _ _ . o A F o L s o o o a y h t e so.H d d O m o n Elo yt e 0 b . Stouhteu.oý A . -a o fo t s S 2 7 S s ' 77 o.Ots7 2(il, o n1>12).5 o io3e . . o Hi t . a i ey s w t i t c ek. 7 0 1 h d h 7 ri ,J... T . 1 neth. .. eritfthevn. u.lobte(For tphii ro t1st15'.. Ou Shadora. iou. HilýFteo.01i021 onoS hos.205021 pcO $3. a y7 . -AT-5SrS.fs.11Li'Hhr.u' Th.repy 1 1.!tr oi its h75,l5,&. S o- BS.JolySn.te wothilB. lin hulen, rclw lioofare,'FiDeoteho oii Rootonegy n, 2.01oasea . o O e ltt"araeoo na yablle . , F 1 .ku "tnd.. th,,,ý, 115u5 ..amot , modnet houh esfs"cted ' og'orthclmt's R A SNDU lï "ET77FOR7 188s fiio*-.b3AD37aT222270a2criblai,'round, . .ha nly.. mete.' . , i ite20152 . col fle Christiano ommf proehSraL .n o e oSi h sfe t g.h O o oii. osrf, Oce edC i 'h 2022077. hvo 212. nd .121drdiuey. 051enoooeo, n materhnwdgii>'thebotors Se Joost>. Too eniioo . . ... ...........-. mie, B..Biets,7WshSkte.O '~f'27i51 s'~~,. 1 1 dtru s Rail foc sote ldy 0 e for 5 a ' n eao d. af tl co tty 20 .I y fP a ii o rt. 20 oh.21 qm fymyf -T o. Th NEW O R7 1EI ZVnFt u hug 5 O. .. fan, e1t S'i Sd' a m10tf i a(",7rr h77 .77 s N Jal l -i eR2? , - eh ek e . 20 h5 h 2 fe , oomb. S s os soD1>' ( g-lt ve e oo o o t n er h t r d thu E o Wtt .' hT i c r rte oo ni si aMto lo n os e Sf S Ue . ,, .57e o i .sd Fron e so t h> . h tr, O tonetU t, n ( mi d s'. 1 ; T U , w j , . th a,.oS ldebyS t . Wrie.-b tte _ _ _ __.c. Ifnooterr m u a o al a c d h , .. h lIucSoo " " t, rle , . ,. .15l5 77 . by T otal .st e. ia s t ioS 02t77os. . 0 ' ' " S 8 r E. W ofie . 1 sr ... I2. lAn y Choiseue Eoy'1....1 n ,.,pm. . Auuh i rc s' a he Sbot t o d W bO p i e . . , on' býi ib r n w of o a e e i V wu stls n e oe s np o t ited c ha p " " iu" . ' ' , "7s ii tc. d7't , ,., ý, : .,, ,ý-, l--,ý.ýs A l& rt,-i b u he n rer ,fo r...1 CA . S ..- t e, t'a ot te Sllr "-Bu i T. BiSusse. nhîoh , 2..1ti1'. o71t ie e,0lti. 5lord, 0 $ 2 $1m7 5 T V N ONSB OIM I T E T býink.. .. Sotg li»;fmsmdtes.edb n020u00u20t7.uatiO.7.O. 27051002cTloioosbma 1 teody . I ,W (a 51 'etr sSol 7( 1s72s. __ e...bttrmsosae nitosblu loyP citera t, 7dPa'hrtm, o'21Y:U55î'b1 s0 Co ib,'7Ï7 - »s s lewh.e al'o .taleb 21 2722000 15t... S 5 It W f7 b5. s1.. " 7P .' .V 0 6n c.7 0 2 . [7..7o aWo oA . .5 .5 si .77l . e ~ -75 ' bis . _ _ _ ,, oe.!" - S t fi. 15 d.). 1 oOncov .0 eor7h rdyeen el.uC e> t t. oTds<i. ir-:'* b1 'Eagi,1 'oAn 21 in file ot070ua5211lhb fln f u ,el11-_ _...flitt.Wit; 1 0; o11ERE oni,. '2 0 13 age ùl7elasoii sokofF7itr t i 77sI. ktt07.eul15 02 li e . P. reemac e>' oý 5777f'0022.n e Iolar .HITOELLOT. -fi'. Banoss, du iates.-0 os, O .. l ,ý, il: s ee t àtào f . intr I flie ' o.ur ros St., ' 34W05 tu b n. ZCN.b Sft .. 18 .N r,.a flR) Ineuasestsofonn uWood, fiue galos s Agooto for Co77(7511ce RYVE WH] GuarantSîd urvor Orldesuby mail pr07sI Rel&, flfrel NO~ EGAIIALEl>M 'Z MBROU vol7775777770.77731 ROYL7.1' 7 l7, IIL, MILTON, ToocSafet ueSuLmh777.0 Ste0e.a7p t urope ~t5~:~*'. tgSLO UcHf. E N JE bàUýSE. htor ROTELINTOWN C ..0A] 7 ' - - bosines lfroo Nle. S. S IOTEL2, mèriy so. d uc ERMO. ~ ~ b toM5r. Gos. ..S Oiteated uvishsy,sor 7 117.271 st 17flS Sesftg pvi.b . ad improoclo 17075.012.20 Feyoieol, oressury t57 fOrproductio irsale. FIRST-CLA&b i, t-kO an D.s 112 2b=e ,0 müe.O.'o RMI,. Hving 5ad 77177t 771 --a A N ANDLÂO ooperiosc in 5bhe1bus O1Nil. rwS5dse0n.0050 a uho bc 5fOth. Caada1, al in (o Restru 6% N. Y,,27775s2,prrd to 0fthfo smiony, a qi(000 ~~position dliat ~i77' otuerpsu by9 rA2-O TWN gafitry inatecou] TGPIeN. 3r7 5P702eo os i(L'fo~ f se 27ene.'.P.otl,.511T -C(L :nT 5A1 N. 77227025007707m71ni pi1702 ,02 ctuelb re of o spc a 5.00000.' N~>'o0ifces O ~4ùî,e'krn,~ofl. . (11 CLUBBINý . I LTON, ONT. &PANTON, PtOpS, .l,.lM-E xe.é n.t, dnel -t 7O th 7. 77 [ ai " k I l~2 J7~ jear . dý.l- o A7ttIn on g 7t 2 2.02277 FAvirRTI ING..O †.... . .41 00 lit. N .). 'le .... 7.. s 7717. ......... T. .. 25 Ss17. .0500 1 or te. Il Or 1-l $5. m*7.77I 7227227272In 75Sf * ... 7d1177t70, 27.7 atin. - r..d. -2777711 I7777277.hl777 . Z . --n t. 2 h-777. ,,-t. s j 7 7'I f. (7/ If r t 77' 77, 4

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