Canadian Statesman, 1 Dec 1887, page 5

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isday beliontheir per W'elc iCharlotte. cbyaraa ieo (s.a y faýcoun. a hanila cahe 6el in aile cf - a'eieebly- lay, lise hyr n clu Stcn..%yc ct--n 4; ciSc 7 c - T c ast.week SantaClaus ,Pai r~"ei incead Enigland : rý *alc-, glieratiçinS:of this jWèster' eeM t an ýe ifiediý& ~ t A lips ndSaucers,.C ia1 âes§ - V~e r -,es, apianeSe Trén-Pins, Magîc Money Baànka, frâeBan -3. ~14 aWool Shawl[s,,Tamo' Shanter Caps, anid abou o, t H ~ii,. baya Cnp, a1 Saucer and ib Tea for 45 o.I ~- t,. 9etp A.:CH-IN A.C P I.Io~'rY ~- ~ ; * walit naerwer ouecongcît ad quality 3,byc e eet10 T'~ cone ci Kin &'Jamie St- .VVs2 MU Iehleetst tof et nc ErILII J9j Fcy FîncelSliot, ecleli ______ l th n l iTiaz s u'a largelit ciaorGlevea u urgv egsatockin ni sciial i neiig ooy every peraon byngasrGirls'-Boots,:Rnbbers o cir7ec lialla.rctlecoddÉcac: *rLo,o vershoes, no matter whiat.piiçe ,çvül be.given a Wax flu_ ei.g &ta boy t a:,s1 famithri e t, e eettid >odr aTweedsf, Mctoce an o rs eontd, ricice e. oe - iio & ec o w fe if t he rsn hi re -Laiet tyle uan .UmaSo goaailsbetieaock. Pane aicc.tlc, i ,Oon et nWecaleî t a point teeocc, andhaveno keaitatten il ctlT h;a onehîc a.eaeaoT- -oitliag, fr qeality, acantty anS chenpneoe.ja SItcka. lclt. Ho îceL Fillins f Men's, Yoîth'g* and Boys'. Tui 1 e sil ia. ave Icet recoivcd a job lot cf MENS TWEED ont nicaenule boiwe are ellag et iewe Ihan th6odi6a actl,;the 'D.iiy Globe and G o as - E;MM l-r. iri ittIce beârer buys' 1 pair of Girls' SpedditfQrian Jaciret ans th. itaaît Âceicace Net., Bots, ùbrs.or . - -ver- I Grad~5l c aacornet flicii,& l .nccUncw 'a . - . . t , s110es.the ime. Ne trenble taehowC- Inca hcseoen _____________________________ , Ot0r Stock ef OENT'sYURNISHIINOS ta cmpietÉ petroieurccy yonog s'en canting anythiog inta -iotilleul aat ltl l n.y tee hat ne foc vonecty, style,*quaelty nuS cbonpnenc. .1 casuel 1 jk.h ~Fine linof Hcalecy. SpcciansinuMerinocead Cod Ilfael,.h s tock cf Neciwrcen. lsve e! al kiada ia stock. Oc ccac ccl lebtcnL b, t is -eh know lat We ssii reliable- Boots ond SooaSAnipeBls.1coSitSneoaSti li ossclaic-iecd. cheaper that any other firm lin Miltonin -faot we can Save tocteu. Magiltoont stocke!f SilIn andloeccktfu. Pr r te l th. caaelj fie peorî a ti, onB-. pecisty madeof CLOTHIING and ENT'S caiicliccat. tIc aALDlîîe a a-HOLLINRAKE&BSONS, MILJTONCLWE Oppoelm MeJ b Ictcl. Oseorc eostco t~~A Teacher -ant'd ChOld, b e sac r cicd Stay.Y' VtLjU wb, h a c 98,cce lg eCuoe, ataea.,5 al Chud-ee,h- ,. cth. Casiorte. * tîayed fcsuc cy farce. lot a, Cec.I, 'Fer S. S. N. 7, Ncàsaegaweya. efe, - Apply ha Ilseanou, irar anry brocn, ca-hitaeipots on Il4 aagwy .O lier Saab, ead ea nl ticierlettec. ý2,4 asgw .0 t-ny informaetio tîct ocey Iete lier * M C. S.Ilace lias receescy %vill bcldcndly receivcd by Fa i .f c caeleJl'ie O-15- S1.4 *GEORlGE AGNEW,rSae c.erb lofîi~~c Nelon, Nov.SS, '87. Lesviie,PÈ .,*Te ntbl vfteeet balle!f ict W tIl -i. Ladly M.. aad -l r webacee inctheseceond Concession avl LIl om .ha5tfo **6f the tewsahip oc! Naqecing, cvlt uîcece Estray. ** a-coeS a Ahl.gocd sndwooed and oedar. Fao fethe peelicalaca apply ta ac0SOllc rae-5oece en Ccd laIe tîce peectaea f the e- I t ALEX.RIoSEltTSON. dccifi -luc eci b ". ,Ilfý seetce ltl1. cIL se,,., Nnagececyec Eqeia e.3 58. S ed c-c cin beltc 51.(O..(v ceSe ales__________Nov._3__1887.__________ ccii. a-i.-4 =yc ae end 1. tveyeee ci5Ë. *.~cceccnSc'O .Fellcie nered sudwhilte ced 'THETINEWXT 1APERi c~eJaiî}cccscIt.c 1 w~ite. Theowniae et sacne ilL l1JVC I(S- -' li.,5 If th ecc Sor-\v.P.PTTE ON. T sIsoatyeaebtols lit.__ru. W. H. PA nt..* OO 'eo. ,itheasdO ced eîîd ice ctlî c 1 ai lier. ete te hyperea io ety aoub 'Staf of rillan rcl .te ai lccccdefaoc i-c ccl J, o N I6,IOb.u* . alle.nlm-e o in.lii c nae t .1,lhal tebee t d Co . 5'b ou f ].Iqa. L*o' au o ,f ie cii iaî-aco ciiccae ceaia Nt.12 85. teAbia Edassos-l. :, a , - la 3cd alie nccilaicec. - - - -- y--cAconelrucou' ccl ill 1;,u a lJec ial)ci baritîr - ct.posw d. oj 1sc 1.g5O5NIO555'îse. acîci l td p .caîo Sec ce haIi e'iect Ca. 4 dca il eOhc DesI'eei i.a.OuoO. c rllri. theaOotiMlî a lNal ,e he A .î yeeOAna ielc:çaet o IiV t ule i I. * c l na tsllec N . -2, 87 . Lccevilie n P. O. * e, reuo0O.11PqfýO.,.'ao'po~ h..ce t- h liccclccceaI ec cpaslbtaly LentIS urgaiey.I elcin alliin eit lc , irlt. t'n cIoà*a -. i yalii hier 'rýT E . n i l IaI.clecctuaistaIi lc nytcsly icers e =cl.ce, rd hao o e1ccoiiaaaîconthaveclbciiccisrt-Ot, ol prn-ca îbreeyrLaekold. The.cencot cc l celn h tnar.erjeIid i; ie tt. ned l. .IWI STEEmaoc aatdaccoca yea ,a24h4.cGEORGEa. laina. ec*-il7,.Str ahiccctalle t i. Ietces rcg I-lsn -No. 0,' c.ttwie, Oct- te rla . W.staticu, "Ilcdoiei WSlo I t lEye foe bepecsc t ncaoofil -- ettht t xa, chece ier, lareI s, tGon. 2, ancut JaZ e orC'h a, tha-î cae eil aentrldtbi fZii eral a..novcr aha e t iIicerRl~ Nie .1tbc- nioson ' Ied ice eiln- a e lace f aIle-h ui itee llm .In ila I u ,c n .lcl e e 5 cs iatî ca ace JerNy . W ..I rt atalaon-ad tise athn la-iP e l Wo'adu 4s ÙlO n- t h t sersiQos 'ail chcccapccpe, bealci alaoaleo rltheîh hclcaa ena lty Guo s iusta cci t sîlnicî 1 cec tht aht ca eleed Ay ec itind., ece bina ihth e st.1 Zali fcd., iccjy iiie corr eeo..scO elY I15atc ha ejtaeeluteic oa - c 51-01 Wrie lo 8. . 'onCL naIII illicialsa-, .1 velIns.c-ai ece lt ieiialo te- e r alaaFi r lacca"lIstanil ..ic it.teat etr,re. lgtrilcloand âé obe. an uaiy ursoa ullscsaacc plup l lotcn , l le, ed nd hit,_ i-o sot eE- - ne1,ei etc0 e 'ach . Onrfoc, PifrorddUCvhtSadn Ga o hîtledAr - _____________On Ml.i' lf aruFr.l t 5ati.t. illndteBA -lAoLarpebke thi e b o ccc tao rngit lb utaihaccaocl a! - -d.ONT .0E A RRION, cnllc ece 7 auctioc aers hwtz(aay!asto~. ell j cc.,î iclc an d lv e icseif r -sT E th disuion ota'ilfon.1,tN D.R-,Y__A.T C - .EXIIIBITION CAR se ON O tatîch iit Dental esa albsed.meaeO0 1ttoo - O . ac'i C1eS of M.lltnCPRittoB.~SratW ue "Th. a sud .05a.m . TC O 2.05. PNsu..f» h c, ortà Man i. MI TO . th-sla o iSsIlsIw oà ?or Sale GaF, =«CTaton DSC ndihthittesetlaP-o oo-a' -- Woic d il" k ie n tton - -8 tontaîl -lc Sicel, ct1.Aur ecemnber n18 sdorno py i ol haîa fca laca OOSta - ( fiD c S Stbcs a Mlts\Dlcci 1- aie icA lP.c vrêx J Ah ~.WP..TO 50p5 f c-:.a.g55. .,At - For S.aea -2MaO odsyettc.D eitb Vhe-f'05s. lu i. -- y.0y 2-ce, c . Saotai I5S.OTé C ra-ilts0uc a - jaldwefl's in saying that oar Stock 0 aet eacefldintaMilice. Sits-Goad Vallue. D UUBEIt OOATS,ý s lu Stck. Lai. Stock ta 'piclo franc and pricns ta suit ith in 017 ydepartaient, ana id not!fan taesecOur Stock, be1 excelled in the ccucty. lehnere oa. .Very pretty anSn vaine ia Stcoey*a Napa Eandkeoclcta et.cenabie Price cigiot. ,S t I I I N I S I t I N S e t ' SlARTIN ST., hILTON. Cail and see us. HEMSTREET BRÔS.! DJo You Contemplate Matrimony?2 If you do, cai upon us for yonr wedding suit and save at least $5.00. We are showing Fine.Worsted Suitingie at $18.00, $20.0 und 822.00. If you want Black Broadcloth then go up to $25.0 and,$80.00. - Try ns for yonur ontfit. Wil yon please se our range of Fal Suitinge at -$14.00, $16.00,. $18.00, 820.0 m $g2.00. We daim to have the most compl etelhue of Tweeds in Hlamilton. Corne ansud 58 yon require ciothiug for yoillseives and sons. Nowv why not oave money bypiaomg' your order with us."-i .We made a speciai porchase of Canadian Tweeds sud we. got them cheap. *Nowjust to clear the whoie lot on01 t, we are msking soits to order for $2o;$4G n $16.00oi audwe wMi aire:pants off the saie dods for $8.o0 aiid $3.5o. Nices Fine Tweesaànd spenid Patterns- .. Briug yonr boys i for a- suit sud we will iusaatee to'satisfyyou. BIG s OCUSTOM TAILOMINO MOUSE, 1N.' fIN G RN STREET, EÂST., COPS1BOOKHAM LTO Ws~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dc tttyCsaeTnsaSccgllgn upocce R.aHisl OacoRSo EffOctui a Emeeau mpustlesof ahe Bl ch=a~tq- c, We isavacisienso esnsagtaon0 eccomunpaostsate - 'r Opb<.' W teksplace o, ci Tuc -j, ýeuda-.0 -c.c WhoueceelIt se O pedasisèOuor sock r!J1 Trunmed Hats & Bonnetsa Featers .Wms, irds, c s-Fhee, snyTnmguetp. c a N- c -aiJ "Ean GOLDEN: - ,Z FRTO0.R8 IP The-firm o .Wle oÔ,Trno&odoM eigabout to Di'sove0at 1es.pbyt heéet inig of.1à ome of the Partnes an s he rqu e AOUT PZPTY TH-OV'SANDDLA to settie up wiith the retiringones, they have deoided ta offer the whole stock of_ Readyr-Made Clôt hing, Dry-GoodB, Mllinery . Manties,* Carpets, -House Furnishings, At a red.uction. 'f 10 per cent. off thëir regilar pries fr roptCah As thisoficermpactthalr o ccde ct tuccethe Maufactureeaocf Euocpe, enaarU cgcec etnoaielesaole poio tialeedcclaocttio ep oicdat sucb prccoasano othioo.ieOeoedanBetasli et tin thecognie ovey etrtadc. Oaiythtootacdco circomstace causes thora te a ne this cffeo foc the aext tws o i tats. Doat neglcct thc cppouot, e#i 400,05wcfth oe! Dry-Gooàds, Clothîïlg, Millinery, Manties, Carpets &,Curtalins, AUl t Whclesâle Pice, ana a Ponent madie ye ef One Dolarteoc evczy Tee DolasYo-ia epead. z' coeeaciy anS meeocfiet chice of the stock. R. Walker &Bos TmG LDNIox. 88, 35, 87 Ring St.,& Colborne St., TORONTO. Dtrndas St., LONDON;. Whaereceived another lot of -those fine Satin Marvelieux, Dresso Goods1in blick and ail the new coloio, pnre. ilk, at priceo that can't be beaten in the ity or anywhere. else. W e have-also noWi stock We have the cheapest stock 'We have jnst received' i-;- a splendid veriety of Of Men's cn os iemt egceimca WOOL DES8S 00008 INDERCLOTHINO 0F FAO TORY CO7tTON-ý in grand value. In Flannels . i town. bôught latt opiog before;the we are away ahead. Our 20c. ;---aoan rc aoos.end nhch wnum al-wool Flannel is ail the Boots & Shoes Cheap 1 goingite aeil by the wob t talk.. -Evcrybody baya lb. 2Hosiery Cheap eéià We buy close, for cash, anidseil cheapi.- We make no humbug sales, but"give you good valge for your money ail the time. cost cccl i..llcc J 'cicicîl, J iclcyil J i - Icoicil i ci-e J c r. oen îItil aIî 10per' HERS d on Browvn St f al 1 in; bottm ppnces.

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