Canadian Statesman, 22 Sep 1887, page 2

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lisg; r~ ei1{ -d b 1101 Aoottt0i, ol ' - ' 'Il m a otoOot*t too, lool - 'omi.lOi ) , at.oL ij hea ac5 Lu tiit1 au cl l I CIEkI ýl i i 10 o~fl Cooaiaa.Ctiattt fi. oNalaotliOpl. :031. Ul l ~ oat~j t 9 O~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~oni Žimo iohioima.tttbt:p P~~~ waadèdttàatha ouitaof alatoaal, and bo hllciby a taotrl)ooist am offioorothéoawain thé rit of toratdiÀry la.beahor lo :-Wta. Shilotds, 0 aa 8; t .Thwootloolay. howovtt.whona:a ijoLittle, *otraahoJoOoOSholdtl lot totta appntiad for 00.ioopGoM i one:aii, T.o o nateedOid ment Oftomh i;Atorn '3fr n a.oBanlo , t ho totit a t. t errentt aiolrao t t t uer t udt ut gt , n m otio o U. *83, t h otîo, Joaaaooaaate' >1 ailthooo h t h ora.fflooto h aodm ge , ta .b id nub thft ttrans t ho got li0oya$7i8of 33. Lidtot,-for5t;Pas. OgoOltal.' . laid opioa thII atitorahiain rsht. 10rot]Go.Mllooo a. ,aaTaottMb at *lO.5th oooooetoho tac e prluta ho tha Scta ïtroomoilaa m.otioot u. eau ilcu -rt told te.later ".dogot lis sctalp agaiett H eroforv. hohyaltaoolotttatioo ..ahrtdgallo.Jg avo hopprtach ta . tOouablO ta otfoe IL.-A la a bic odrtioa of is Statuaent, Mir.Hat Saooooofl, tmust lhavatho gara topy. 0odattho'nio$7bcpd Potrt of respectableandoacihorahidtootLien 'a fai ail daa -ointhe « pto, ad tho L avé. ttAoi Nltoire. Harris, Huchetad Soleil toaoehavo.i... ioroted trait hoé. toaoipgin aondO * Dors theaSltt At lrlht 1 tdiviionotNo. 813 hd at docaIlhyeo. . ,.»- ITwitand onamotion f.M. Peur the DHelnfor ttot quater joot ocolotaohupaGa. Tisor the s0Od wOat ohioh aptr lootohora in tloto lotte O(iiattio oMr.Pet apéttion 0. otto ooroausiscrait ha question. lta a<oBeach rond ad sigatot hy No leutChan on ouiratarcoodoota tlh il.G.lantod t5lthersWOOOTctio.- * logtliit O onvictionsoof lqoor allors cdsud rendl, siedH.Éooor, Eq., sud fo ioaioot <o 'At,. atnl of ith(,Calt. Camphel tara howd ia support blot. uion ateoaIitetlooepors anda. thercof. ana'ota oooootaa, thotaohpctor, as Mr. Harttry moyedtlitIthé couacit fi aolhvt ooooaohot m poasible a ato a acooitl of théo hota at for tho ltrloasud gencaltty ignorol tho florlialttca Beacho Satuâduy, alo tt aolitions, ohich ara meait, <ho matacdoot., t 2oloatoI.p.a, taSothé end ollc0'. Si wavit4patfor dofai. toforrd ta uthtittion'of Baiter ratoaoaad tWOtof iaiâly coodoct .ad h.h.-Carir tetoitY onata thar . ttoof taeiliit Onl. tien of tir.Prar thé fottowtog liquoto oalioog, a larger nibeth hao acocottoovr orottred tuahoioai, vis: tiresuoaltain -thI davisof icoasa EA. (tiuboy, for a plait raoe orondl, buht 00ta to iti tua onoe 1 50; M. Cratoforot, for 1laah, lsa 24; ne 1 taulthtaf affairerootlrthoeCpt. A Uoner, fot mitha butter Sicott At. , More thar, thut tirohor cf ocplîlIcdit No. 4 Co., lOth Batt., Wciott * druoha It if tVienotoulof Milton steo. lu camOp aNOlamo $1. heotototahay, coutl Lave hbeau arrctilt*Can Moiot o .Or. t'ttit ho tolltowoog atellotintéoin til- aigth)rhoootof ho acooaatowore oraterr taobcîIniia, viz:, C. P. IR. satioonallfatération recooly, V. H. Part, fortý.lttt tot ptaoto. $8621, asud thé record coool Whanctouoin théo t ctray & Son,or 500fectOatk, $7. t%* tooY SotorooY or Sunaiy ooitg. George Twiss, Eliq., acicsirctl té la oPit of tito. Scott At, or rodité om lanitooi atodtut a groco he maode aod implartial Poicermacgitrate, unor taonot (oIoaa bill tli rotai division N. dionLt' inopecter, 75, aci on mootion f tir. Pour. he iredrolorao Sd'informrera, vigtlace roaootsudooooior Harrianaitrt- çomatttcro, allai vhoittt faotio, lel oyrro oppo tlco ta examine the 1oa t printtaling ofur trfuaver. rusaianitreport nt téoilttmeetingi ÉOItO otoiuito andt <oct ploaty- a hlrhbcotottoh ortotoru rody t ooîpyth<oa. Aud 70< Camotionotf tIr. o'tti J. Ziatotr. * aiton t ii h 0tooacr «toiopLaaco -au owa pid6 toc ruavt. cutyt'Pl * M.,Ptttit ovedooolo<t&Ce. bu itaid $lit28 fur htehoud nci ttaio0date. SCOTACT FRIACAS .<T'BURLINITON,.. -Cortot. Two ONOTBLESOOOO Potcoa O oion of M. Mrttay $5, poy. TwoCoNTAnFs xt A RE.CITn aletu h odrof J., BOoaooo.oHoooca.ta grantci ta 0Mn. Sharp, auttindigent. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r . i.Harris renvocitot $25 ho pat. forcre a eattrinttmrt-oJuliana Bcut. Ca -tiroduy tut Motoi. Lév ai loy ta the City Hopital ot ailato- Peter-Zinimormax, .Lt *eouito of airricc. Bortiogtoo, oho t.ot and rail a throo. tir. Pttit fateui that &l117 bu pea tog machtineo, bora torstiog t thoéJîloTc, 13, M..forpato-oiit forme of EdtourdIt homuo, NqJP., a Oa moton ,îtM. Hartiay tir. Pttit mita or t o utobotoai of y11ittago.. oto cptoicicd tc gt a ulcot rohilt Vaileithoy sud atooothor ofoailierono. inaLunditdivision Nu. 8. o toro hbusity ut oork, Mr. We t1 On.atontioaofIt. Pcro.aloo-,cr- Cracheor, bîiidcr, lfit tiglito, aouroo , tîurta loaci 8110ta oitsoito tih accoLaoidhy tRe. siooolilCiLawoo, atothtrfurr ooaty tlotîodit toiliiator,aontui ot tiftortior ti ovras ttrotitot.oferai-ttclit fin , *Ia of a whuîoiotc va .ortisocotaoocc it dtri ttoointu iao. -o tooo as ouLtoiogod nt thé 'Urauta o -M. ort a hyla, ao bec. Thétoïa ruenotluooocco, Lang -troueoband raliic irst, seondi, *amoat] tor a w telie lto cuLiooeandaac lirdti tres otpoiouticg hRobert Mo- fropotot Georg.- tIll aci ndwhttitiy-Clenouhoo otlooctor c ofoteainthîOlt * taormerJolîo-05 thrlèy.&rlaoownttva.Simey. andt JaotnZimmemacociotor altiotmale. ttuott plcarauoc. tltaoh tuttotNew v.Scoey, lotr1t.7. vienata wohtre Petr Ziauaoemduu toua ly.iula atidAnd 'i tie corîoratt * wOriag. acijuooin -ou hi;hait. srulodiocold.. * uiiog htOI arcuoc-tit aouo'llaoh CaotoiiaIjooroeit; toia ct on '.%Moa. titautotol ta Zimoaraoan, iYoital ui, oyduy, tatrot otol of Octo, t 1lia . . - ptoo. Zioooeuan hohIto t Dotooc. MLtttClark -ucdemade* thtsechtwarranot ___it. - wtih lteoàsociru ig rretud. Btuok tNotos rouat XLIOIL tahd i htatltecoohiée mil uflor ho hait hantaîrlire . hmZimuoooaau dofloci rmgn.ittlii,oh .oooatoautWaet Blacku t ia itti tu, n.ttMientthe A l'or )'l0Y0'DetetolO a t.. .1, ot tua n,. ootooood, . BlaoIojallopel Oooo d,.Ut,. tooitya ioit0A 10,llooe - ieuoro Peter att vinso profiaitly khooohoodota ooOIoo e;o la o ber.-oo0ito hyuatrrmaodaaahtIlintLis y, %tallo oeu salI,oto.oltîoolilt.1.W, rocILo. Ol Ê h0d0.rtbot0 lintaduetl) aaloiig. th- 1 loiiah. oin .btet-oo.aIt fao m uo t l e i ,atto .lto u..c..oîo lt. Motrt ,,- 0,ioo tl Saona ut théî ita tuadetu ahke ft-d i Lév ttr)ii ....e.raaoOlîtiOoo O 1. - ILy hL didit ;otloto iubruttor. H 000 llOio.0, otA ,iio ,,oi .000 ..18oJo l.oJ..u..ouo.o.oJooo.- t tota, -"if Puta dots ot ouiciosl tata000t00i00000ronldeue. tîcomen byhimsolft1'11 ioh heiu.' Oa'eatO0tI oorq10 potor proooclit ta *icilo ho, uda-v otît ioalaaltoi alo-rth.lalloi. théb'proacttaO, ootgt10%-Ont <hoggit0<'Ille T., .. ia 1.Au al.llIaaît A ... th.........oor- toi ha hl roi wou gubag. tid hsldadhtooo 00 0 5u010 lutteaooiiirl Kna ira trou 00 , ,0,0 ta ialtul Whi. a 1,k..d H RRY A.COL] thtohiag thro ta oarta taileororcothorob]les%,.rrt*, lrbloOoo ...oulhtfortihtbrailr, ilioiterferet 0110lail. tà u-- .10,arâ; * *tatittgti, in6fromocMr. Ctaotr auitidart 100.Ot'oor.00ctOHouse Furnishing Stol in ictiug aita llaa iescalpttvicarortrrt, ande i 'e.. 1 e r oto t oolc dinh .T thét a,1 ito 1aoiipo,,îd boîty h bi<rlSl rhvover..tlto wtt odotoug fr.Toéne o lt * - ,..a-010 tVilaFototaltaot.aHoo.-ia &rItio OltoburT. Sptagir.hotoaatahach soo)- roi Tue. * * .atahallt Curoaoin twao tttit aot <ur Zotmroorot, bot oor otuy rî~ toarrtoItty. ortd o atoî.yt Ohdersrtcaitbrotth ltttoîaooo h brut octoit ,toLti pioot i nt h trott utot P fou-rLPo. ao ooiatndlt ooagoatat i gbiti a chitrge by atcourt loi hi . amrg tîo <htootrgA.taoT<.t Ptrfvinciallo Exlbti a i tt'a 'D aa~t.att Blacktandppootot thon%ou a téatytloiiamrtaWOl *<of<t eue t a i uarrtoottah. wtltul at Sttty o u.p)a rto -Over0 T Srlt<r.t oncltelitait i ooooto Say lottiartotttha glaot ia --O4A0fiAs toiMO. luutathatrig tot a Barhi tirtoy it act<lteptetohraretyrd Ot. a ao o . B rutht o ty ia str ta taaC uta ltcltd att. piatb oo cp ale ta utîtuoaotr oirg ad <Ichtvise bu. e.pooiltly l-bo t. 0Sot t or Saofrthi" 0utsitrttaitohe feraipo proaotooei otl thtaaiy orooso rutabub ut 1 a roitita liit. ebtr h ootaihay uout.btiyiia * rouas. I HarIrhéotoooioia-tfbthtIrleua. ro ad C.'oghlio . locr. T ordit Ja ThéON i .1 bout a otrLat d o he L vi P sarato o tt A t Poi e Miiitrto r tl a o.o li rro a v. - o o - -e* C a uw) hi Otota ara o flamck t4avormt iooood tiaohattith eet ort. - * - -Vauooalert. .-Th r id rThe t Htal.aata W ittrabt hi aut.fraE ta aoru tht~ttmornuuioctata ItalMien iaat noomartt. hastrtatty tii. ra ptrt,' Talo ntatooroorto W' G c iaies tCIt amotat, tbb.tRo l -a rdsot t t foup r cait an hu a vat acw tab rr ai <bu toth % oto. Q. - Co S d. fer a. pi seOot btaoto ta otorel ghtly 'sotho , a -fa itao o tile tor lite o nls o urieit a fi rith tor ti g o ta payW a .ut.Sco tt O, tine oîu$W . ilels %aita ih.coin, attathopaooI1 t sro<ituar a s o utarh aiec têeotaaitistl9C n Tha.juryadinooCUL, i0 t evenson- < ht a Unitedlo at e nu dou h . eciatt onîr o f a oiauce toaut<h PaiaitrfsdteA - uh W tttt ýn o w t ly otota cia. pto iaraa oy. B ak l ay u itlt lrThe arrvil . V ntu at eFoieM gsr t ooha ,a tat' tteruh gejot 00.e ut n là iltig nb - gvenug. sd tei hb wh nciily-el-4%ayb ct Iour at . T t trhott amotjt olliqu r 1ttOO otrtif t Por- - blarcé rao Faùclaro. rep fo abggy o ed2togtt, iooltin. ttia ott ;biL'y Ooota, ailJcato, ameith. e toppaatt, ahit Longfdls ad h ,oucby bi. aolaythohoatotott t cooli ta front, îlot -att oil ousL.r o ITuriti a.oog < ahm aad. to oa.oa t. ""t s tt ttr. molnt oi îot. ifaio a luoaaart'"c\Lu sic.bitttotalttl cocrabtb.rcaoghtttta ta tl-3alruttid Wt t ;art r ahottd. IIW mde A rf u c!fi , nà itot jdliez - - - - a rc allatate VrJab oi>trt, 0for otale. fl.tha Go tataaoati tototeafo tyta ilsteBltoad 0 rma att haîbtaetoit toythi osa fooimTjo. Att Haa rc:DtNVtaG.ooujta i taa.oruott bu . it at barci rta ticety ooaatitasrotid t arave ottaTto-nd p aïrpeat ltdofi.Q.tot ot to-tj 3 .apa at t h cot afthya tim t, opaltrdisf ta httllot. h li taeatot t he pro-2 oronitato foi.. .I tho lloltot Mog. totoinftutî moto-à.<han.rgoonaoath0andtooir < s Ton townta( oithaPotaona,îftidoffifahdt 0 lttttt. 0ci~tasre o oi ofibdýirotie iihM.Themoroot o akl.aiuahé..a Iii'.y-O- - -T pu- alcTRATaaoi3 faioutat art to aoppotaan - fotc.ohih i oyl s Th. ol-ut.fiatad* rt ttth. hboat. Tht0 a bot. aataao . tbtaots vàýc bu lita dta,ico alto aftlem, Cuelpt haiafaoton«hu ITha Btriao as t fodrtthaa ojtuotoib-.aILI.,aooliejcottte C taiag ta 100h . imtac.r ootrtnhal0 IoP-tht -Kirnar-i . aa I l . ét5 fth td i o h'Ju t tat.thia 'ti -- < t ani on o f 0 A l«. *iO beoal o, ttoPrattaaI tade hé t aat iuri h Mtoo.-,T.aitta'L oaatuobavebocoýr.-itq . Wtdi :toio bo t thttolkii us.1ro to MI elt to. iOf 1887. lvt oui M .2 O t,- -.- _ i - .tii17~tt1t0W]00- [4 byyJ wawîuutaeaaoertmmtaa»docaé in ahiohn . .~ T I faoya o aaaaoaoti o t h a7ottaya aMlttt.j- d7t.ttl ~ tf IsOBO attlcitaavtyttsO5t 0 1 ao h.BtaGth obaoatttttadaaIitoayeaM tlaaardyîha ra motott a<t.tot.WaaottatiUtagadttahlttdatta o.oaa0atn Th rooooa fttaoaah.AjIOtt aoaaatPaoaoîs~aO0a<hî~tat naa ho t th to.h- rt' k tattiraE ar rlbthei .fc wtlta70 aa tpipen tah baoduloohaat io yahtg m daf "atttlu atotta i.b t iot tts l oei m-vn . - w. ..boit pq'c* "odt v 100 Pcarei ilerin T eed iveEffeétt oooinooooo t o o»a the'l 'Cmoad niattooego 0 tyhetb ai I o atragtu TheOatm Aarg o ott a f . Son ) faotlo o r w M00 O ur tl v cda0&h twStooNo Oîk.Nc trotooOl000O ItI the00t artîtoaga ,k Plaihot cool. . 2.1Z. oooootNewBlsohosd UolordDooaO FntOtio0. New Beodoci Corda, Crnaioeoto ad Trisiminga, NaorDroaoBflttofnlîNetChif Érioges, 3New Sivaoadooooo Teoomiaia. -A mag oilicent lut of Newo Kidci(lvea.. Ladisoot oldigéo the specal otooop lot of'rocor cliaP(. 1dGbý ooewona so. A. large osoootortiiie t nfNew][àoa.Ouran;Lol,ohri ,qp,'Foooy Ointal Certain», Orientaatl rble Covont, Si.lebpard h'ootta, ai tables. A large vatty uotNew Cauie Hocooteoryinla tairo oodohitdreu'a olto. A laitte sortnot or New Dtkoao Lioltgo. "riia.îtrt'of Ndc H aboula ho rend by all oooeper,hrintin mlind that t l îpayyootwolttosût;thei.A' eoocet ooortoiat tNe.o BeachodlShtiand une of the brt ooa.era in Englioad. X oEglah Outonoo clredShirtiogs, GCocto ToteoLlliosga,Torkixh* Bath Tiooolsanod Relier T.ol aod Tor tiiol and MweilltîtoQitto. -CARPETS-ARtE SELLINO QUICKLY, tho redoord prico oit ohtoh tanot'or thoot are ootiog >ot oooaot tt ii bÏ and se iteocheop Coopets. A lorge tôt of Newt Eoosltoh Floor itotlotho mi nMoito. Elogant Now Slllirlln iooo Sofaooittdor mats. ohé.p.- and Ritd. A hoodsornomentorew oa Potéot Wtotow Shoota. Coratro Policé, Stir*Rodeandto-Bltind PoIlio.A frisoaorttcht oft ho Ilijoot Crpt Sweopara. Eoryoounottloohm oarrotidta do thoworkoootl.. SUMIME R G00ODS.WI LL BE OFFERED AT REI UEDPRfOEs Fr: ooNE- WEEK;-LC Býitl.smita and ci al tiottht RightifrsoootaKing atreet at, 0onedoir neat of Hughon troot. 'Andi tht nome ta TH{OMAS C. VU NJ TO* A-3ata0tcNI OL -1887- Oar arraougmntt for att.incjeasetl -volumne of trade are complete, oand we are preparedl to show the- NEWEST STYLES in =e1 l 1àt.-Iti=ÉS4,- -Tet6 otîr niethod of doing buîsiness. 'Our oye centres on these words - §ooleeoneO Cand lis infliteuice wil.heîp yoni." FINAGIN'S TAILOIRING HOUSE, E f Hamiluton. o Travellers Guide. -NJîîTHER' i-otTH.ONYESTr.ILN L cost -oa.o74atoO asa,00P. il. JIbaa'M r 3a1ynr;old -.i .INS'S- 1 . re, Credlit Sales. 0~~*W0 Ptottao rasoiro cony t uniooou-t Oh eer 00illtotoare Il autbtoiCocolaoam lro Obilaoaoo utlors unol te a, otm..otý judgaoent Oa gttOO ou ales :,c.. s. E r . CIAPMcAN. arior outayutaritoy Li--oo .oata s, fer Iton . WoVtorth, :uaraata ortli.ayoo, ait oid î sbuliay (a, boa e-bhiith, ot, Sllatnra -Ti ce - wsorat, e t onin Booh. g gjiocootooita th-lnr aaî-.itt qlt Itta cousy, iatrlay, amr.îtOo5,ua. 1 at.0lta-r ioahî nlotl. taî.i maaorl g btoOtit.te Yd«»l 1-t a l- îoihg tO.aua t 1t h, to ANTONOaLu tCoit -ihth Qees. rio --. For Sale cisn jaild luCaiahitd 2.tonComaoorià ti Sttt,tBti etabitiru fr001ttpoor. ottt gocors datiag, atahît amfi iil. io 11Ohe otifinitoa aI ALotostaCommercial Stroct, mith adoidiot arioru oa, tha camfartololo dotrltag, ottil, it îa ndar 'trot mtrIaaoucin ataumherfhaiofrit tr eo uhe Applto aol~4bo~Igtr Daaoatao. AcMooptoNô. th. Poti n o ues~~ t M lta, Sph 7,;'87. - tt.t It o oci.4 t7st! soor.Tltir.t. 1- -RETIRING. estodttu ..ty -- Poisa t. do ti, a s t r bi. sstaoaata tortlo t leo.r a sstaaut 0000 ai G; b. Their Entire Stock at, Retail, otîlooey, had aatag înc omq* mv==t= itan t r a tof dias. tOh.0Eoa.Oataaotaoa oan aa8t ahae a t-4tt bltt uata adtiaot he O attam a iod taa paroveat..o0 apdmtaiati, ' I astatla t t h a ho aio oi tttitll M .at ,thaa *atqo.Iy Poaadftaado iOotcoaOob trot ri RAILW.ÂA:oTha a.. - HUOD B SBER ,;'~ ;lph-jut. Joooaiao E toy Juta - !taso. gth tlcoai. (lIa . og-t a foO.z't t.tha nId aHt- TaPot Hopeiarimt taii oe Virtori a bidge.' t lt.Mm.nidf.RaIa Farmi Foilr Sale. nReiféer E:tray, rom,=b P t.. bte, FU i , O - J. . 5OLOs c o lcitab Cafa o lurtt anood .u.,o.,sa 004<th 1.îtola n,ýhtta.acaytarnrrt. Theo nto- - tOcOIOEifi ha pmto y otig percoty, aad poite - rrnal. (6-Ilr tiltS t. ALTON - tt-atli O,ý PtA ~ AD,~1hit0Aiiaiy aoOroO 00k ar C ~~ ~ ~' edcinal and Fami -,gtolyat Havtag etrtrl aa ncotai yardiat theo.& NA. W. uta<iaa, <ho aadmtugnede.I Y'li hio t tho ît ast qoality o a ru. LFL11 'U - Vlie for ttco n uesof oaa dacea bâtties, sud in .Tet aie C s. ootdfiti gallosi o-aci s apotoci - Agra .tafor Corby'a toobbttci qi ALlA GIDERS PItOJ!PTLÉ - M Wegh ac QaltyGarntiRYE W HISKY, 'aNa BRUt ___ Guaranteed toven yrs. cad Cta- ci. H. JARRISONi. ed, i1y&C.fLM ITtice ta Cred.îitors IuIaDaa Kiang 3îtotn 00,Fa_ 0 iiiaoaignOooAro. o0titaehu . d'Iudtotî luiita .«it toa Naa...,tam oatod, Net..u P 0.C c u.t o.auaa t.d rirtoarth.tcarohtoa.- tîatttdarr. le a O a t V drmaf teiacttOfitm . au .taibO u A_ AI < D>4 thatloOahlu- te r bi .h surraciag eoataytat ha ba, aOttcttt0a0i Oomtatasaacpa rettatthe Phabmgraph.G%andoc bt itoid. m oa. - - jusauoaico et o 0mory ctooc gocitoioi- - 0A 00Ilotcitti. Td.-A1ll 4ymirh'ço ,. emitret,- Lfttdltta O ait 11t0O .t da rp.Ottooaqoao-ooahaaa o Oagoatte 'tbéttta et a ahaaan c i ~ tiatoota.. I ~o au AtItoh etamta 1) amae fUa lbofigataoa toOtmaoIahalmtttD.taatatom~ot~tloBcta taoOpgaaqauoa- ty0otha atOFIRSa TOuilott <0,WOc:: Etttott!t C Ottt tao a to v OttiOttOci e ()UIC Atr ITlie ne-W et d G1f Ch niaizd 8 Ga or tt ta m toto. L. f S lh0etotoa ~oroe A. ltaai<ra t o i datto Ele.ruoo hou ..rageot rut <tta Lo orc it va i d atorm ou t 000 utlo 0 t t f. L hG. Hot .Pl gtfl oot ht o t hdut nCa tut *e0uvon tiI<.tulle lot P 'r rot o h alc tia band t-c li er in Sa ti 13-is zO, tsat riCnissi~ to, a a ru noas. Halletioyt owd O fo uto. raopeoais hL ttaîo. Va s 'inaRoot. j ti ta.o-Ot ataday outtia. S Israî<oriuas tooro hoa îas aH ta S tîv litra,'i -Jtt.Oal, ui ýd- Leo1)i. rof Scta <c twold 1 a ietlR Mtlod a o ar stto,. I h lotaTE OvRT.Sahuly<c0 I.lotoIQî0a ta he 40ôaI< h Auto mot. t ioco DTor t Plt ttto Gottila ooi autdgmott ota otrit ol lol o. oî sta w - i. Hnt c oot oiruea W or, toro g t~e ourt for tttrite bo t htoidu l6tat.t biatuoycr utotot' t i s eVra î ugat-011 tauutuca u it ninutu, boncor'i oetici i lsecooo booreuc-tPetino irh aIttel'G tou doa 000 .it H...l <1(afe taiotah.oft truoatoootr and ut i abtatvctto, tooca , ao stt B ua I o '.7 1 boiito R,.otl soof tuontt.cto fodt. 1 lei aba a ht o nbar < nlltoOltoco ot o A l' gprtat t r a tgio c tliot ti BSh ilooaiiO c o ltoOt O.tiza Eactrnlot ttbatoicto. aIttos i thgoa turouptoroi , itoclooJ.- ttî a1. lot aretcaf attr1t,41Yout t c tio iC n sÂilltttOuitTion t i, o tcia iaoh tati pai ftaorue talr caseooh rdtàQtattaaomho r ita l ay t trilrlo i' taoto aa drt i la . tu%* tihr Wgo îo tt itoiot t Olitimh s -.gar'ul t f uit p otat t iat t eado hto c p a n% ,at l t e i me~t ra ci l is p ot ou itbottatotittat orpi im o iroff, eh 6 nl tu 10taooth t voooiob octo WtM Tltrs o tiais ii I eX.i& ho oho ta IL<oivi y "ëýthrtiihq fon lcit Il0 u<ci, soingleotto i sta ecaiabataf. . th .illitt 'Rfa treact taiultt,,h 0'oot- afU t e, ta tin. Tht t oto atotot a, adtatri it n tthae 870, oood tîto tîlti «gool rgt m u oot tt otaI f u V aiito e i i a s totraèt cf osc t tOc a<gthiai TtbO a rntot- La Nt taadb itît îoaoo uf. ilti hll l !i@o he fr potoreut alObr oth POO ýý9ieaambertuftilaedbs Ithutac d m mitao. ibo m 4,00i f th. Wuh <ha ufir flze oot . a r oa tc. 000 iero litt uti h, faoiiguvolt tr ._mneýteupoc<lthelodut tmat , ,v n 7s mtion«ati . nlo i t h,t.t bc fqoovoad tai--tglotc oag t oooo ai t.natuay. Thebla iax bcyjafor Eh0,on cthàtt mIUhorsmiofo <til ocoor .B g.ltc'ahosathuts M'Otlia<oTùidoarHtoe Bf7ht t tlgoAssciation. oao Fi <bat hos1il.TI aho Tbti f aa1citaheu nu a 100a01 . tot tat t . Bii ut tay"* lot iu ta or a. iini hlbc Ythéà1a d Ttthaathe00. Ti tu~' orfohePI

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