Canadian Statesman, 8 Sep 1887, page 2

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* bý Il.EIl f Ialn * Cla~5.4 uy..Ieme *s If,Via- s hun 17 Afe 1,, th. eIl,' lsaIr I.l, 1 crokedaeeiamn ieop'f-gutseern els. uo. ' On An Saasiferst , 17 .,1.7 ', _ a . - - , ti-,. ilaNi cOf5 in~fa tion ipaer deasied iLet- a1 . .tgn uui ;ni t remgtf W ases ensis isâ - 1nifsis-a1i f, .fa-s ,d C ldj :. -1è i1e. ý . 18 7 - tCshe sl ~ as. rails *11" diissëap e-t:iys .1 -or, 'aganat " I' Csuil&' W, iaass.eesnt- a tie ,, "' >cfo 5 - eseeessamf . , ' , niaw p sas t eff ets a o naats. Te ise canf aend -:Of iràà m-teýtheedfn, n lum .sne - - ,'eebUqý' a ifn atitbut a" eWs.csttisste,'lis.:ssaîeJe.naa. 1 eUt segownto . ao ise couent-...'-s , ý :, - " -i e------------ -a> , ' bouteilesslmaaOas 7iiand fvaln-Final aifneu nantru itsaenttis es TsGssaderelezises.a . s.aaissheafeas.iisasawa-. atnd ftes deusdina seapedbye ii. raiaorne. , 1 ?x i -,, - , jsry. e s e .. C, ,i M ' ' ' » W ile. .d.iles- .l aim e- p esas- . - . , c_ - ý .. . a a. ifi. ws' al , <, lana- f:a s . s f 1 m rh l d. = 10 a . . tt ei'ef. ma ac nd . ... . - . . - .- 1 :- . f oe nut a d . J g d ae A o r u e a s â eas . I o n s t u aa y i l n s, . 's e, S e p t . i , . .'lf a.71 .. f a r a e s . n i b-s ' , . . b a e D, i s n f s l s a h y n s s c . s a n . t e fegavs is'e cassplafatin , taes reliit e pi e ia a e he as li ne uean Ts an'. canes.en..aed s«e.7,deng .iis5 * Thahn eseass si.e&bue .ea . .bas a eal. ansIi b.,a- t __ ei.jsrn-.ent._Tisenicasabisnntfng asanan isanepeneil-, as . p l . ha dia net Base] ta srneasu hla anaLe se.sere a Fyte -t f,. , Eant'OUM awtCaLle. .e-esal, TsIe.estafan te sf11 aitisnn . Yo L e st th e da embae iten a i .ttu' e t ildn of e &a ri tesses= ise .s ta - .ae nrtf c aes Aàee esn an E an ftn M .taee i tuair teisy sisltnstat tarf' eenehMaiexeira Vaille. -sesuar. s. lut ts* 1nfnfsodlarl the es..hi b. est,.ihi . ,t nt. c snt yL.r[nes Coenaiasfen attise ex. Isetisepast.tisa Ssnilayandqsliyere T uiis tiecfn ne ge.tof en l a ta seea deerd tise atlss.te o spîs " of@co rd lieu 1557-5 ,s d aosatenst. h onh nigs so j -lý .E Y r aies di lesisa anà iJase.bris.pfta% an son in teheacnair. 'Oetatises. yean ne 1i.tas aise',esolallue p .iMibIN efaean atsse slafeiata.t etsneseaes.efac yiee.etiss piavny aar. at Plut me;neu rsona. ue t) Ne aau oý at'o i a in et hv o- t e r s e ti e e. i a s, s s s a te a n . bs î -e .ttes y s t n- . a m e t g a e s e a it e u as. d G r ti eans ti se s ie.sti.s .-rr n rdsa d f a K fl b st 4 eU . - , d _ thiseutm tise tel. nauaranecae sbaveeoissen ana th;le ta. fesse.) a not iesaciadiateise teane sian. tonal tbrn. is th onfes Thaef dentues 'o sf o A e lrssitsi lace, a n teie i et t hi o1 .C t Oc àril 21l>gwre0. ..r atw ltaeilart ns OeOThi s .fdlnta s as -ure ettsa tiso eti.y CndlcsseqssetsegMisionnInytanos.ta. il5s.s.atfans.t1seise..-n.dlia:a wuuhi s. aro iestidts nysat slts isre Il tnde rtise Ces.ty qi Hll«p.t.ale;ayearousller i. Jh,1 * uè; uý . .5. . 5.1J tss fis sas. et soiieiy slu, top.-is nens stssta aitt.tst is....i.ld Te aall aisro , iseiarendide duatheWli issatutfis c ieatyCsuieseforseofc is. Staasnsti -,p ab oie, aiet se eCommisursindieisf Ii e p rensna ietse aàtsralay. se . .1. pou~~eep ry s e o-t e. .1b caueeptisissrev inte.s..unfs.eme-tofaestoecletsros., ...yge psfn h uft it eew u rs i i e, io v ea . ep o n a u n se e fa a o i fnon et7- , th t a i c e 1se. r Aivzàý- oitheàwain,-tlh. ip e , .cf atpptee i té.sfnJll, .fisps... e te p esise y e rday tiaiby alin g. er e l; ste i e t iy opflia e tht h m en aly a 1 d 'e.. altesse .ý 1 onnd Terndaybâtia yfiei, tieua ssasnte pOas.'~i s era eds.svedsrrendsaliWvo . Th"f.rSt lino ,P i ts700 n toeurohrfi ,ydapit eti O noios-a rsfr "M' lai thie nsoi e ail us is. anl Thecn.ln l reo n ott rli se tlu s. eî cl eli is t î vre i sen io t f ne ies si A Uet o lly G Sali Ciet . t us rl e e tis d o ta s is s e f ,l a s f a i e s . e ) a l se . s o r fi n u li o n s e r d . sedoil lt e e . e y . R u r a D esinM s e i s s â. .. buti Msilrtorn aYao\lusen ntiepr eti theistarsti n aieosm e d e . 1 asaea t h.s.;e oi- llten, prrtsy redise leet seul site MCKAY BROTHE ý ý . igh w cna C nd da e f r uw coin and ed iatsst t hebi e n r i y i se p *s idé e elof nth e . Wsedenand g .t M ,.' oli ye ase..î 1n iai d iai sa b ie s i 1 n a-sll r le a nta 'r e is ne a l it o i e t io I t a s s e Cu e o t b i lâ tas t e a i ae l T e r e q ti sg t ai y t o i . fl m a , o hti ea n l l. w n . te. let. 0esesliaildirtisataiiealrtiba holdisseeaerris tasetelti.ejnalcsdseiis.Basaieeir Sooe.arhrq e assMCl a isî ss aeirl tlse oteo tse t or<th va' fHllesisecen; tias ieilras.ou.t GeOree.i-ur. atid hen est J nuar ho pt in a e s er puoiienoax tis o r 1 im latraf ian es. . Cau b ,ta eals iserai a nal it e mait e draseul is wsît t o"1 ý N S W .tees sndssi]oieftiea. uai re lienis ohet5 cot ctiloflere, ha dieosil is io R$2,500 ta - sielehoa. e r.l ý dur for the aliée of county cork et liait ousft ose anal nse ui fthe nas fres oii h Mlindht fVlie j thes al neds ai si -teispoesnan t.on. e anaesrrain sas araexcie aaneootecrn aantofile t la os hoefaMf. asate i syIlîf S tthYetCofanilseasal teil, efsais at . ai11;tu etathb pro se pt lo al p.eeo ay. .eiilfainetso Bnaî ialIealdnpataaa 1 s' c ie te a s a s i s l a s a s l ul s a d p c u e i n r e aSo A cfi ncessetrain .W in.niesalton e t B d f ero l f dya s e .. îl printing tener epimolehlever, oposnosoeh5i lwiesetisett asWarta a etio f i ;sssv is e. . saalisfaaM r.tMhleeaealfn a/iarteeieaseîfMt.sseisa a it S t.iG esrre'eîs Alsefeisty Man . ý et'n usdy- hyigùrè he- a iorgtÔT"eaùgsda ei eu iffte-a esit rt y w.tOSSSlSION 0ý h flPI T U e i rNTS,-7Ô ti:i: *loi ne ye s es veth e se po nd i se tndthe ! tseyfedif n tla e li ue t is is ts e i 's on e isetieo a,, O aargs eeieaarrd ý , ý ataks n te ouny cer, bt Dvor. wa lst n atisseistfo ful itlior 0 oue.--apie ca i. re le d so 1 ouue fsorise f ca ie T heRI CULTU aL COLLEO e. tl eisa ea t t r isala s.d a e ein f orm a . sl a r]tou r. a 1s ie ie ao s C ni d ' par. M a t e s e i t Lr e a S os. n dattieniluans, M te lssan assstear Soirie tushSaisie. i r it1 .m. he o itons sadd enlanahse luteites. Aiiroa.slitsaoes 1Ysacîs.s Breset eWsyhite.wih iin a serl IjhI eî a gt ae tis exbssieugiad e iiog tain tie ap praie.Chiat e n nrd sono. tlisefsc1 _ _ S Tis sh ha 'ICnoe us ea F l a allser y ii thsr coa nisai ta tsttis asth teop tise. s essesesiail is..sianaie L'Or-ae-f.Ieî:gosestaL1 t - Igée u ears.aesah De clouâta.ife t e e. Pubtiseceat. -Tse n o aluise tas . Grahis a mdrePet ieutve r ss ntee sair s t e s , n- d l ayse . , aas . ie e.'. . 1 arc om m ittei for tr al it w il 1 th. a r,8etomsos.ow heîenalulyaateeireaaalbetorisialrutises. bar.ttoeesehd heaitn R e Vin a manh e . ra. a ona t i ts th itutiÙ&feth * p in r s I.,o ntef th ,e éit Vll ise O tise ibple aise av . era e's d acba.. ý . a.scoignée sat tisa ssio r y at ire siCo . tofrPedlegs tiss ce vesai d ss. t t sa sniiplteaie.àhn c s an hu ft r a ed 5lW èif talpriee... toi aprahida aeere ne u o x.woexoincdte dcpto org od h umo wet - -oaie tnc n sele, isot elas. taU ý nsbleeanelo tgtdspos aseiiyfil osaîsaof. --g te o lig tios o h 'I inaa a d,ar s ae .nri-o , iSm e o un esh anit oaf to i sa îd i teea t.a i B Uth E-fes t Ii e fgi a T Rcupe. nabt sa ti e ss.nis e ap îo aa sosî es * t'i . o fLA r.. a. a s. l erii. tie cos.nte holts. se ae. Ti bosa itn lela d. a t k o ietio tsrsi eo n ia tun t eof t e aag e y a n t i g o fal bisdl bo r a a e oad il_ __*__CRU___ __ sudais nf t bl e o say ons e il tran i i esses har >ý,, S p . Atisseise ed o tE nat o tis obt e ie s t e t x sa erev ise eo-Nono iet tiss eraif e sesef-na p ieseud iathe fi aaneîl iss at im atesiyienprstus th e k o ey wr as il ,Mr, ouerssent. e? an ceai ihurhot esthi fn brgt . outiss fisoastrer as, afi oe Dofa.Ir uti ti e e in larnroas b. ere anses the rls siepse. . iplandnlan,?isg asatratt-oAfplicatronseeravebnsni. - i. soties sesisese .Mc. Mrnlad ssrvd, aieained b rdiyO. tug ,.du uwon, sa5hayfelies '.tela i . smaio ext tse n aties it aa nt oal smaegistals an ,fiea Sînvly or iss * ts iirisaaril tS I pisstylere Je coÀnsocat e, seion in thelua .asi 1aRaobinias -islsa f is o a sr s tnvrl Tse - s oeasitbisconil ooner.e bila s selp« e 1est neireîre l a . . .isospi- aisealelg teSotarsentsec,?taitieansi h " iceledai aaetuisî peeite. .ntertias ludts ai c onor iejoc aav eontetise Lset .aad.srsa5iSMsa sbut atempor l entie.ei __ _L_îai -ae -ndieleeiedl.11 ag ten s sis yhn lnci ies usre iouhei taI.Tlisoyeergteli ithaettane,thoui .li heDo inoncAl met, te ls in Critay Disra se n * ,e ,cseol'ie C . rcea e e .iis adr ho. Ttee nse set uitpetadpproptiationatforatthesornadaeshisotalratro tua1tisa set ' esci.. oyWhyuaaiuc analeth.d .asimati.e1s 1-rs.,! exils ela ssassa oSmailngIYtist asy %sto asesd trraes seit , lis . viitasaner ;sa t he css i rsaaas the ur . Thosae i sai f t he at ay o rnehc a dsi fe nttam iassai. t. esiai ".fb IlCeclie tai lieom a e, 1 e,-ieensialal aayis s otiegfatie taetefo sfiastht jokgs heave cit eaetieiT t, 5 -ti f rean . .as tcZse .nyen 1n iu,? lss. s si ca'ceisaa ceycanala-proaiuythDouafoisueeieeiSe. tias iéstand sasr o ic ae asrale s a Esonee ruthieofsitis oa rie etuoeptni i0sc nto a tteiseeoand So iesetau.s lsaeiri e abi th se e se accte f lo caeave'ss te - qarat f ier60. e ts f h e ssierIf-let-o iff . es? prisaey ii5atene . * f i) . . t~~aa h ies c Iai i hta eab at siglstWaalaetheyisia ans ail effiWsÀ fl0 isisîn p euse tas te uisrn esies.i *eetio iris. pthe5 u leep a sis asr el sis u iessslî maie ..w . P io. s ps tasiec anadusienilacc aao ie es ie r csi h ,t rs ite mo i c . - . i ger an iz yis c ae il, anal tiat tse y nsfa aro stiIh-ci, ni ais u Idéal .iie it.,e - e.iiatl 1M;c ails. 1 a.hjsiei at e o asetes.vniton ijss Np .At owra pyf b'ebchéret Exe eti,?asa isaithecaio ieas t a ill oiue ntesshppen5f ~ iiaa.idelbia ai tihasa diesiîse ler isa 5îgaîa a S E0d0a soýTusa y*neg -.M r. ai s ei h a va ms t o k r hs m r n a n e ro - tsa iar f O t o.,.arrie . M r. . te -si is l cs sis uand is hal .tn i sa- Jassa c tl.elr. aunaleou. t as uge iou. uc o te ý-omfnhtlsThrath suss o te apenr cmn oiet r a i e D. fie e us. Sgland iueme Son t tea a su l Il sera e r ifsia.S ors waî e 1 tisac. siasrr dette BlIe . aneh . .se eets a - Sanl da eîl Ate * t Ok.tlsirs. nlepr . rptop.ilfi ts tieTrases tis te tia Lits's isl'Ofstk5 '5 iaad i, Ae / f't * . - l dteahî seu 'Ti as o rsesentba e pni up1issa eras. eieiaosau,? ia ri5 A s.t a n a . - le as ie l e anéi. e oft esn a ivs doswr es u. ' ix t dul..Ceso , attf out epr fiTh.îl,-, u e i ug id ele uy c. p tth LesorjuxGo- . at o h. ..ý lattero ansi an andMe.dFs . - re. ml. ,.*,ly atie fol , ihii. u.fl el ..h eî oppe sise as pese l, orr esusu sy OsnAth.siTseiWiafycNrei1isy.s Le tisde mis iai t hls S e s hoossa ta Ws etls t tise teeso iasie sst htet 0. r o 1 ierisseon raed sesMr popes7nulteI liavisg lstepala lean of c eai yasubat haahsng o isuabtt.iTes.stuct ls d stisa a eail ra lsia;tel t'm aties a coan-nnd Ju a eevtec:w ater Tes,, fluors... perpas fe l .tfall.te ieeal * municalaiseslrom the boary hylsisieo * I ' .ýj b. .d f is tio ais. l e ai siy raiea e 5t s a oaIsîsas uilt r tel i stcde.tsasaosiaitsefue tyail0n th Cnsiu tion of as e t an.t.,s t t i the a elitiy îson. * uatiaistAiitasepsin cis cahs asei iy psanes s o a sîr oate a foreiel o s of -tn Uie iSaeýs. y a îAunislh Ail' he.((t )dta f,,ta it te.d f iss saedeaeuifeiea b e ile s theisîi s irs.lsf o e i heas es a t iesnsin the18Bval u e i ed and *t h. y, t . s eul on t i ui n itaea ai isiey m, a tos -..itb il nii.t..t * ihe as ttea as i S l de o iS s Dnt is se se . i fon g iiee .Tore w a. T is a le ta "n mg u i te ho a cw ha r ,h - h y .n s s e ra abistiviecieg ý que~~~~~~~th se asa ia îo Sels st t s t rnPn8.8,iad iern ietI n se tis (Set . 78)a dp wl lut tý h1th .ltý,tllt .d.. pris ieiss ii Caad Te prac Acttis ofastcppee aa.ndos e o c .-ni 6as 1878sbccf teh. sos Tha agosieul rus se nIet . ; a i eS. Ties ég lch aes ad s te- n, h n a ar sôtie taie n a - ran e y i s e rt 05 na .ti c ih. Os eessof t e "a n O eý 3 t .l u t u b d . o .i . ibSe t o emtaa r.i on st a tîttaeuifai.tsmomenttise wile sae is as a nalMys o .e5olîee miseai5,?is Potif aphlie o 4en GRON sus îs.iî a*senreitii ctaesarefnsta.ts nae s ie samon sisacal us L cii d iet sifaess'y.ig ads hs ignatursea hy leSs i te s55 M es pariera isg cseisitise die sesty syhafe s lsuais tiA aild cpirtiedocarin. The lieuth~~ien iai anit ansaâail "T5a Mils. sa1issd . i1 viyifgesp aa is aees oars, f e se ndiie s t he ,.Oigia Sicsa, h y lei.aee raith t J. HU. HA RION.1 'ý = U carraiL l fma i Srtap, s.l.anltsfr i sad, ianda hess theuakso Htitlosn yteu ndasrer ssai-fro, eSay ciite die4ts ai t e . .NSsIepI19 *1-t .; esif> essay id \au fotng Ucl cc pdatie r adebvo igg -Pt is ss ant W ovai, usea ne lssValiugn . nte a es' of issrs l i s . eead uopé ais e antssfalaanfor wat.s. m Th egby xa isates. e b h f'- adcm 'inradcntsi . otn,-01. fl av ir onc s P ss h r u s dth i cb . e e rag n ahî ct fll e s go i a e c " f ta ses id M I b e ti u o e " W .1 S m s e 1 1 X cs. : a P h«- -2-- -- -- -r a5 assialutaan ici iloapees fi re b a se-t asie.eselanmi u. P51 bm cth. ale ..1,?etiai.ecpi.Telr gnt inshoeasue Cm *6F. l irOttLAct. N. Monseae ifte oli s ease anaeîac. urup'aanda, f ief atceb .p 0 A L Y LI Tif1< . I AN oý,voý .bo..y -as e, aclci hio ..el ider, th-nales, ist les"n,ib -j /-1 Ar.NaA. . *ý - REiLLA I.BELpetiOt Fî u ie sse ofihe asil irii s udie al Sery MC.nte is esesan ecol s ypSy r. AnOimale T0a c. 2lre. O. Liers (Cn. W .1, a jja . .a .! the t ralaofppeaBets oetual t ei slsasa.tie aa e iWi o peste ts cliussrsc. Site e. on r "rd p5U amfssiib'efi. yavdh l aigseclanwCa ade .[ ctii bus.iJ e o n CaryPliea gitse . nt a l 'a rly jn t u Se r li tcisîy v e t hais thpscip eatiiba is tratenuta Woa tm .e a, aitb e t e teteX.e.ssttisaopele ilignta te ayss on de ua thes. nybienss .-setathua t fand e iseisa s a skes p i e gitra lsuesanispcs. rî New i iiillisricinndfnardns yhuatbrbs tifuiis;andsu ldci e ma oiss haiansmtieï réa.ittrsdpsisu Tsesfo a sisate hu tavnte a ms esofthgey Ttl h ose , ri .aie ssî' iqecs e e ta 11 P it es i trus an a j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c n il s e 'cv i ..,. t.. a y h uah e n dsp ers s a t aies e.fSond t is ly, havese ensaM s. S. lse, fer ý"1hav beémethoug l cfliscy. ps.s.îy spsaie lr.- - setalatea hue heo S cottisis t' s ign es. y ill ibt c sgseaiana .. ts- hmwis h esy sasai aitycurra-o n .ýte moto ansateaticin1 cire.huagsts l - gt e h n ntosn s .anicotaei oeh oshucfia and se is dsneish Ias l la o aiafîîf i, - i.h Janah.gror ticiBfiaeydo1 home l m on. e tesffoi1'd.T heti s le ins i hua i andseita m , osalera aer seo -The iaiYoungcPice f imhssisgly a sîliý et Ta u o a icne e t eeI.rsgbiispl, wats u.t 0 héâ e . 5eiri .t u e sta t, b e u aiilrn pasa-hu T, * esaai hal pu"as e Yorkiy Stbolaenkapla . . t a u re a s ls ea p o ieu i a nd ua v s s T ie t a i h u s A s g n t e .g s . ais b o otag u arti s e i. 0 d e s ,d , . s . s s i ii e c en . I e ks - * -e t a n a l f .p s . s a n n t ib .aYmttosfisea n DothsSaponfs e auaVs i , omnire ese the S oi s ta n uredin -* c e.ý ot . Wa es . thuaetief -tr f* AL RE Rs nscytahu ssct ay ba be rs ssey « esutm a esde.1 gaudencsae t a col 'uia t * Tsiqiah tsi Sa colo rsoe an re ndpslslfshsaliiie aaeri inl ie . pea LFDocttn i the wok. hee ia hiry-wo on ps Csil tace ckdPss. tc rsh T e Shtir - ei h c rSeasAsia astial.o, a, s.eplcsai . . sapiata MQslia'a Ca.. Tiee. asbgit oa unM att r e C e ortofnsi hClstig oe . cnisatas.isfsOtr.1aie I ST C A S i &tabldes uth. a ft ii btne f .siy flats, t r uentt sybulins ARseai s.aabs gcitlsara d i am lias. a .edshows ss n os.hcEllemCes ,oaSng SiîÔnUtheiriner in aietig ea. cinaisa csla.ineafa ase seoienira 1 i.sigatiug a ceà loto cohtl ffat'tl.1asgat onttheflCeasiahe aciociindtisa obinsonf aiet a ArsImui itoNaifagitbai ares eleves1 - y .ara i somet -itai t . Mihn ,- * ,jc i I.C oe-t~aliontCrai te Widosey h e standige at hen5se ird e port oi s. sseeelsges ery "uy' ih T«. ay hes s ponenses. . ... ith.thoaid of Cc ay, Fred. Ecessil. bilds is b oes ie stde T dpto ait-,?i Bs i ne "bWgasèeaepfrdt e mt.".se omte n-ony My«l ay au ailîse-Th éis sos . ý ý~15 aigaesa Oc. inîleaiatse - tlaean t of I. Csé iOiJnp- tati sii n on e CarAdis * .'is uSso W re st a i a nssMm-ynosis.ctaaseo' dî gHAR ISOfN. :S nt arry * -gai -t e, ra if Yhuid 'aMr Roisonmved.E T' eis a fecoedn o aanse, jqa C n. n s!,5.Ma hra l bes, WiealSos Iulblâ ti d - ir a dseilias. hueei e tenla di istsanho ad---i . aIet eistsaa sili onaStes rk isa e ad taigeneteana Ps.hJn.-Lflif. eWalS estsa lin. !e , sal.Jh urvv ralnTis l se at es.fay in .Décaoteyr Ueas.fiu o lf tes efpi st a. -ph t g a-unsi aaisn she o eejgS notepe Etu esehn ntis Car asaerralsaiasars.l e . cas, e t e Apetfa .L ean t seaa 1hai seisralàyanl.tys. hav th ers.nvicion. hefsIt a m on. a ve W. ken I o laas T ih herla f ie iihaif m en adfaOci5 o~W. ff Griss . . t5io . aehiha fiiseas thuitte saiaîant e. ': T o isrt is a Itisi5 ned uea y n bs. s ia sn nifs ss Moîâ Th iarp a et by a yf se i fe r on Pesi. Icg aies.ysaes.stnT e d i ,aiu .i lili5 m i e e ntaiBas. M.Si e oes a.Il . . - - a alseITIs n. seayel IENeseF 1s oucl. o he i'- l cic5 is cifucs.lpstale.jais ta teeeOile u -- WoaDeic paser uaiafi g a a5I .anluni selefs. ADsONes ali. sI-maDia s Soult.e as0B. WaS 1 en.d l ist.. Tsa fS ,fo . -- - TO - ansrsl . >Th e v es&g 1 upo eisu oatfan a asesoa r ta trpot aàfo hss f y n as e se a . is ai id. puyfion, a bt1h tan iSus to Actnbta wfu t hti ,crgn fth t II ogbepéaration, stossuRnids.. - - s;ca e e. . . F s i.- - ,: t infrmethOe. popl am___o 1-.gc itk. hsuaaynufe Mo corn biâtth. id rk oti rpblselrun hbtin.It .. Bcaa 1tfe - -- adsron% on ryt a mi as aai 'itosm outm w..kow h- eosife'dpatoit hn l ls ant a the taOs. Sases. Ceisaco~ . n le USsema n;P .t.* ' 1e sas d w a ~ ie S lt î I t a d aItf bsepids el ; e 1-« .l-so Tn o.ise -. t -n rltelt e Sga hllg na. 1 1 i hu . Difasus. . w o c c p nls y t a vhe aaspécal fe gra t ae s t ecievn n tip s at i s W i h .cIs a t y a s gi s p e e S Fs s l y G s a n i f a t i ' is e u sî s. ess .--- - s t s . O i ' c t c p n e a s s e e n f d t a st aearin u ft h e p . s. . i . e . p a e i v c,.5 - ý "Ivok u - wasP- ly pe-ý' - réltai s heh'1* oUoitts sa:'aass0sa 1siaan aa a ait t tendo aal. bu'~sinefon r.Sc i es , for..1 .. if d eai Guae ie lt es.. itin ise 'y- - .i eý _css- fiss5m5, , alia sot s p i e u e thac asio ie foenn ss a "v-9' '-e* -- - ---.. - - u - 'o 1 . . lidtes'stui.huept ab T oslabe a ct loe s 1 > tasds. aP uliescaedUl es sh~n cid sro srs ,a d l5]. a iueu the a. a ocurc a dS th . by rn . G. . 'fr5 vaa.i . tmetten a e5 scl a tina -an 1 S.aS.eNo. l8n-,,annda'efisotïthelan1a . li. :-aeln c .,sis. saea gi ll.e fe i oi W &a sis anr ý aee n - . _t_7 pana , . .â5at1 ssai r an thée .. ePasissI.s y - - - Cran iels arabs Il, 'asicals', - - - "ieIra,-Cliiesssaci..îmî simulas 5 uilsk lissa s - - - 5ialieaes -5 'îa/ Ilia - - aialîis..sdsasii.aciai A Lamp like tlhs-Wfflcost clàl.Î. F - s ~ ~ O~ o iZe O avetsougeisflanalID - - 5 I. c... - :tefetcte la re eadNew (Jean E!esh Cha~ ed aleblegoods now beý i1 god nwYVwhen the aisortment Is unboken d styles correct 9 ~~~hass~~NO alryrdsa lagongni daf~ ced tsada.ossinseîdria uns Cesas a'aw ah ' apet tin staehýzGeasa is. i. s LTWise l nTuaa.nae 2 pSaetaiys i ésesoi ., Sr' ali .sfpfssl.Sde Co La C4-iS7js ý the aM= twsnsf eg iit. il Cess e s u aaeassansa etssnfag it-un Uatctsyse . ihanny efaasdeea utfaao as nto be aaleie.. . .Now s e eis .l for yu,'naew émnlstions from adstne.Sssl sent on applIcation . Ail erders recejve eue ~TT & W TK N s. OV-ER TJIS ABEISnN HNJEADING TIR CHAMPION ECall Your Attention toTw o 0e ci* ÀLi pinces to choose.from, pri îe b egin t5 pry a.We have anJ mnngageoqteegodeS.:ýplendid value a t 12 RS, 48 ]KING- STREET FIASTHJ~ DRY GOODS AND CA RÈET'bEALERS. iEes'LIBU TcA f ceasese Can Coo« i's Friiit' Gas or Littoit aiciif -Ti.a ROY& r-lu pOCAL. JFWS" et Lindlsay. frceetes'138 I- W faciet boots tea scaseptLindsay ,ol as e i ai ccamite t -- t Plnce teCanada 3cee. .iogi&AJassi es.e.-Tiss Mates E t eand deidatus tI e8 Scoth Blecsa37 aiJbypaicrief ctfiive goand FlisaE.-,as't. Pat it Zeeland, io f ifita ussinion Rile Asnsii aie pcias ad te li i stoesciiofLsd, ia hfiy, at Treisîs 8Ste.,-Hai.lton. Ïuu,,aa flsia..-Ail hsuildicig Loteseui on. s Fafday.e Fac part ad c.u ta Ce.uess'sî 'MAvrosE.--Lirut towcifast weeiiSQ s.tsa thie pet2 stsU= stei i of h an ailfaabout ithe ý'Lsand, atânriloteo ,>fé biLt,,ed anal1 lgs. t Linsiya. ui'.--Tli urlcisiz commaneiiiufat 5.80 ja derlito te au shorit ganter. buss-T-hs Trasn i heavy tasse, aus: eyealthe Oly.uîîica %enct hasis ts air lînafgolîsonaf inaysnet bcfers. ief Me. Jans husbose', on Tiii se oc'lasl. No c, heen reniait. so,- as' Meuve.A A. Otter,D. A.- G. 8 of No. 7 Ce. 2 1, anditairifle, i mersts in thse bans ir tenhe eaot ai onar. iduyiOeiaig W. m Magisteutea . us' iavingSrtel Wrigist. ilovece asr Lecthir es'i 1 a d . ' n. psety on Tust ioncaset ofD. Fa s,?estan agiell 1 r-l

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