Canadian Statesman, 1 Sep 1887, page 3

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Wilb ble b ou dth t To:OÂY. V. ive %VeoffNnothebo.AU. mnnî buouol . aiunla si , You Co boy sgund ia, Iobn nn pnd îidîn, 5 fWec m griao aungfnni mi Wni. -Vo oon .hp.rao,.4 ,, nn. in, nitoOOiOng to & . 000. W. ntn seliiig nooTb h 05,Inwà tim nnlnnn i lon. OistlA. ndound in pHon,'bt wra,~, ms )F A BUSINS inonti,, wewill1 digood~L .e menieciusiness, an& de Clnotlîn iway dciwo i en, $5.50; Worsted L Song. pl onear ii, ci i sloro sins .,LY inOi.iIJIT'D. Vu m li be.ooîioilllc( t , 1110idno o m 1iN TAILO MaO Marc. "!".~,n Yeats ldld DÛNN'S1 BAKINC' TH PWER s",E ;.%nL;K1. B NsTFRE L I E oITI* ?~IN ' MAL'S*m F. Ii. IlO,-ino.oin1 US onu t.o l"o.oI .no.uL.O, n .. 000,I,5i,,, Son ii. b PdoSiOO "w Conwlay B il Jdi t.]Oo Srga ýlb0a -ÊSugap or à( rablts Larg Soa.forI 8 ' Wia1kt r Be~t Spi r piteCoton Shirts. .E .CI Gs or v" taiie irdon, non iesof-Mm IEn -Y l Âsuu*tn ~ O sns S D ., B.- P.oobi~~w ,~2a&o~aa. 90 Cottpn.ParàsoWfox.- FIN SURIE NIfSX1 üStk O nUdnwa nmnnsd A Z.-Tn foiinmg pdini - Cud onsnv En- ulluîon t. f ini ~dooiuion~oio~masB5dLgmOoi4n S 0nlun aainij --Y~n, 4m0 pda, 7 bile. ss Fn. WIv, deetielp#41i cor.bun1aeo l.. ar 1h b .. ilaoys, Snl f ft' MnvI, 4,sone 2; 0ooid score o 80 te 6 in obole, npludig, di w w J .cw4 do aoewo i'erg' et. ht, o ta.o1 L j j nono sfO locolutatablelu oponodon ATÙÀ' ggnuen0 ni Gii-81,ôt Cp. Punn, , ri acroo o e match nonaliq... ,... ne. Bit; k 1 Soe -odiý Wyra,7eos u n session*.. nifei- . fse. - . d, înbloexM , 5 Soe 1 c ldnaien on îoes.son. . - Gnuud; e FyOld14h i, .son sii, as onet loty conàNamoon E Engt. W est enr du Ln tfm013 euh~ i 8~, 1Mh . loi. ]Robertson, $i,an isono 10 (lrlda e Ootauwin M-of dmir.Sone 51;471in Csps.Monr,,#4,score cul 000 C mOionàswee npih0tographnieestablishment l inh illï iF00o Onodc se0OOsË,lor on mounh i n an enp r 45; Tatsi y D,50adC U 115150 uluylo',0*unn 1m -s net ys F05 rôEisI 45 sd toBsktevim, 54 500 oliono . neaonlilus usons Etraies, 6 'l .J eadiog stylon,. cih ~Troill êk.Jon SI, lelu, rn.a.Mnube,î'cs mon0 ý.Ci ui d qp s n TsszCrIIc OL lu h *ais e .,h ipnusShoswood lu Sengs. obetsn, 04, enonne29 ;Beu- l ib(; ont s s Wk *'te .dri tSacn u sfeSd og.A obnuo 5 io ng 01 y . . Wallpronlamod by .in'Mayosu& fMII n ïo niti wcte'ý 2n'egt .-Rbr ni.8 « no.~i N inenl exi0i onathé X lmg.,,osSatamdasp emglas sorn neil is basAni albeOnnNVé N. . ts'Goniny. udRa nsCh Ve nt doms lu E. SiiosoodoIsforntheu Osn oreordu-theoanethalsidtth àIs inlngiul5 Y sudaay soinoi enn.nino e c Gl ot, glatiugIith lie utu ei uomdtn etn tli ai unibO iu nmmmeuC5 lina C 0p. wVsu gLaoly altn dnd b' dnve on uSnislda * ud ld iIornstinhe of CI, 5i.niMesTii 1O510b;~siii tin elonC ioLsdiiostasea l ubn uSnmodisdy vso n er,ltidadngiter o! S. . Listes, riuý h h r n dlt]bulattnoidXSoO OiiMsday mrnsing. Thincoltluot.intg n u5inlil. A u , Aio. ACz, L ornIthen Al ojsynd tiemuelones sda lie iundesodu apsm Mn u tsîlsof ti yphoidd teo, sun ho Vo orkin ou afoiv bue atos tino d&Ype O5utg.*1 dY onmgT. Siermood mnt tl u dliau ons, iLfol t er nilno upthdoasas *d t EWePl nsuanki Ihnme. HeMedeplnmlialduo dosfo mar, n,îbtb duogoton Iane1 Lo'osaTn Ooco ch. - .1 )to45 isfalino, sIlos ntsn oidommoeIn em o Y luinou a numiron inMlton «POe (T. n, Srog id ubIllsudbunlugmeat,,th y h'pai o O ý.l ain tetl mlamui, asu E. mmes The usn d to. tie no baa itou uoo et r npintu nté týhfe 5.. msut use L hm Sq wor mo mmi ertétin péince tnuthe als j qo~qoun nI lion tondus Pbore iu .T inne e]naged a binlg file, re juea eaimal fortinfh- hnitno osdu utn oe 1. i. ;r, ons aPi unI sCooie Vas tuno nuilas, gBi*6ind esd in. InnemOntimO Srsug came wylu onoe largst avrsm in h -'u in l toýn O lo es~uot .ncumtoWnsbYl Oolu uMillun suddhbda anrrnt isusnd muoen ioiogloe osl o lety ai,. n our i n ,..,1ong t oto a bo ys mnine Iesuule Tnups tnlaidtn mtngborond, lino ommnilnembrua- P %vlo ot nt abotarum'lugeatheIbtis upotuity n omf eglinnon COLOn-Mu.jobons Ho daynilinsncb olioo su, noinluabes hArnng Vmu e lhave tilinsplace on lIn Sol o onotlaln1mmo K[LE d onsn nc t ot thénotulY point settled, sisis Mneap uternsm, u t li trinog, o~nI on terdnpmelddienud. Ile nodoain si 'V. val bo ti O dndd uinn qunuamupg ut eonsn a rRIn a s ,iohe of iesu Lister,,CampbllivMlges ueo în t bu i.L N. OIV. IL.on At it by mont, inoningca o 11Easi tirmeie u idam I fmg, he at o it isyougr ctnen. and gonouth poiylsdol inéo, Mr.obéli wu advlsndltedo ttby aparly. Case olmiomasbelidieioigbmetenm buy i te n l p o ~ ilo u r.0 lÇ o u ~ E A r mst t rlu o n o i n . a E n i t ,a s n b oa l n in a ueu ut. 'rdî bosstlnon lben dove , -Cnuiecs Mevnnn-Tineemoulura nf suce, ber géni dspositons sud diy goEsonA talonnoinc Milemiand sonioeg. museni havie ndaaed ibnrtesalange ennc hi huoihiîlouiL cnnapot plainleCanada foMla ineaimeeting latmeni e dista utoe iole ni fIr tai s ng îd ni, mb n toosnou l;Cs~ Eyuu, Tobeio, cor. Mlg James sM., Hen.prspriety o diuoni' sa inses-10 deply:tw ent iss- is Atrngin nlu bn-o inoi Cumuraunvnd Yonng' c ,are thé iogInOlspn us.Milton. mgIlieeW eth e s sdKsuom e n ly on It les te a is IdCoîbinli u TaasnMnsn-in suoa Cinoh. onnn egiaisus.Tbe onoloiteen iadi ainsa pouunl lchool I od enoniebtiphto# dJoue-site l Chutinoend uellamuS buiidiog lion on.-Ions innidgn d -ypolted et A fmuser mDOnlinte osiillm t muetnsu Sua bi sb o in aiti llnlo Sbuton frel n b rn sdnInEsu hoi e oe-smivget meonintoats o a sud mn,ineeber ex- Iln rlleonhbe bonsgi-se e:. - 157in . [0in onne uabM sdootalenla to;nlinnuMiloeCgn, onepniltad 759.%Il cle tyeuvm g, naTusanudsolridloy, tli ton t a-i cCMPee é subscibean, tout #5000 Dnenwumei Il einpsip nolsi ll tnn ,:dLuif c., blc -boprio, Buffa ir5n audWOiiboovinofsog u- pamPinth curh biioooiidb o Vifou unnin, the EHamilo nonsp (y è t xV-n hotm yRes e ot l.n y mdetep i mus n.n ainudladditionspusuonlinpin a o~ ~ n 'aonesossene ~lu intlme voeenî eaiairuîenioin. ao o a T uvn-oull ntîhuild le inoidgnniu nu ~n~d.u ntne ssesnlinnh udlr nunfa liuns vSnum en l Tnheîo oolsa n Cusd inS tonHme s nmub Sm siiu ooitineaaIr 2.* .sumont lu toénesiginlu w.ei, e for IdoLeoupe hsumu ook ,btIl HmltnCoPayo. ,, tg ltmuing su aleivaseof ni10% ni.eur n o rlgionsaobjecta, Aleému va. émin fe liéreno,,lions monlld ars ens uin A spiot sud iendainsiplug Nuol iga.s- a9- Y olnn IO i o-O nuV'en n SaH-I ain fernl.Iigntogensu onmhioi n Insud ill iSe muupdY sy Mosen cssnuo toi ns-lt Oaku HoLnpi OFF0 ORn dpntnA e go u el smieiter or S os ux Cinincin iblanalediybereariy datmlb ooohiololontly on dsoons 'anoy o 5 onuto tirne dnoneIau oimtio tine report Vmu inoivendu Sl naudber pounlianien pnnalol . o, miis ind Lindsy pad aen Su. ddpd. The tloinig nenolutionunmill msebotoen l ac aon suduy zioa jn ain is .4iocui v foe10 en9to o o nlinitin ea on *aoni .ahtns .... ... niIaObuofpthe youthfl OhOnOiiu l'rIl a prngtaet ôgr d LLn.yiir.tun a .ea .. b.n tPSle Onn so rny uoor I )C b. it fl ruO oomenlyn oS olhuoday 3ins. Ynnmanussufaidn-"1f empnsefe, ears iiei;tha hitu5 ltb wt publuioiu spipe ai als mnnnhadl Shouinfliction dbpnoîinumu tO u orom n puuesnno lntt*aiuo eadln iiu o is ons. albi ino "sonopo. to Sullsu illuins, Il oldbo lus tir. ]Roeron, 50J. W.'EnSsu ad F'. taincrolumintteoleinuof seoPuloi.,uI n o ae t boy bu.yeorS otbn fr45 to nCeadl Bglu i snl o poitddeigaesitelat. leoez'lUton se sd inn nson hai n jub.rl tioo h onýft&zzteoorpleron.lsmli o io psn nnpinnonnme ne r f o r i o e t heia a io V n u a isis q n l5 n d a i a gin s a - m edt o u l h a ts o n a la , in sty e - l m e ý v l o in. u u s t 'cynis s o t u . o n o C u d W e d o . s o Ii M in p n s b - o n , S t e - l u n i qeb u to e d l u g n s n a . M - nr e el l i b e rO i n u b tools'iuivnu béa aleasopI tnn as iean e spCAkinlodîninthémdente a -assie Inn stsui t rcn - in mseaara &o~et.,hunel o f 'o luoi t o kandn as t uin uays Ibe Wue i ne talusll d y M ie u a l uP , J t a dg h o n, m ne t n nios' Wsn,! . oTahev lu Ie ao te EWhie, .A. Fiazer, J. W. EMaII suad tonr urnunouvreent tIloatlt nysa. W, Psu. oolnitis al -: . . E.IdColloranmess ppoiteda nom îo IIuotooonnelmn.l M drivenaltsoeui t o i bealn r nOPOu SI tlen os ifr s pi . Im n Iis IneI e b o e i oiai aee Cncnn.I00ls îes. iaq-pouts toos an byEn.oruppliy e s dod mo oleag oIinInhtose mhn mnp." inc COude u n a r bnSs ls aehituL isefiIu yMn iin otutnoiIon nIf Ovoau.-Mr. William Buainer, oS lu .nnnolni~lt uSton MILt iuirun, OluO he a dn eehy W ieloto onoot l e tusInoi innbot Ssteniain, eon.iP. Hatn de bn iub. ion CE un c nE hu ac in tallio off a lin . oigasrhdlteiltol iooltiosnIf Ine unidon imi t village u1 Ti, a t n 7 o-ullact i an i n ubnl u laosndyinoelcîiest til C onenostoln aad 251h it.of honie inurt lo n l IIddin. - j luI nossing th Ho y -111 ff' onnu 01uud abD ond in isononnilnlalb noesunlomuo, agna 78 peas. O u- cs o¶ ! S c b il iii l tin o n Sei n ,,, de nn e n y b e rétofe esu i ton ens sas te eP laou e Doonund m ore t Parbial uo- , lin re nd.m S ns ,en ng oo o ouay dsei taoe IoIFUIp on n dpar-e .ool ,hnlmd s d am to an d inontolon n gt d ti - nilY pne u lndy on g i tony Dm he d pA Seueborn ia tn u ousý gaine llln 11 mioenii orloubil Hw7. ooPoe h kay elngtoy nteWintitiFbéuarete o.d, tn io ouepiaoni flooa g vnis S o Ism h lmnutn ols y uul BU.livng le Nieguaîfor Imo 5,1 n ob.intnlisu hie d a d ae uui g o n Bà f I on sg ee b e ut i en es t n f ao- hn 1n ne e'- oî ao e t m oolenins lun olo lllunlon e pori fis oot ing'lies.- D.Té twàdsé ston uSSe t'on itan a itemflu oyou feltn C-lia Vii onpesi lInS. aidndtone hue adossdliotuioînio iemay lu dhe- o l., sai te n sinesas eron n i li c tins i b ous sush -ta n . -ig fa e c .i u t h n e lu n a"s to m e m i ons h , le.naa.y m i c n o n c. . hgD gfustir e t - Mobi, . tIe S O lio m .te o i t an .e y - V I o r y r a i s ta n s, l 6u o w s t F&n - -dn d w iat vn e u li-d- OstMse d a p . I b e an , - ' r n u o n . r o u.,m e COn m n o d in m e ,e l n ela nce&. .nth e aie o lo s l in o pnytev i thn l n S odi . iaj o nv a ic inî nsi n s u s s t;u lo ton l u b I e . » àO n t o la a ýY -j a e d f u n i o n ' g os M a yl - adme s En l o n u l a o4s. A I ile son lga ,In derinn patoinsi t sl; o u os ied n. ine ro ng savnis c r' e r , suds ree bminnibs g e e slo ii Inoneof b agn.în tvif nfla . bId0 - fio -~thé i blan o e Cleu h o sO longeCommnuefcd apote ong a o S i t o lco S , o î h mign e s, a n d o e s Y5 0 y j ýl t h e5 ) s a tiI e e ia0 l . kb u s 1 e in e s s.u Oi m s l i i o e v e .i n i a v e r c e l ei n n P i ani u u s c i e d M b enaM . . t I l e S e s b o e n a n a . i a nuit bid u ni c ro . glib-tpeoiMrne Inn suneil lu i84. a5 nieptteInp'oR O is oiu-Mn. C .SMa Fyi e ai nnai g id CS eonp m o tbdie iua- .. Y a O ly pe r r B rnln( uo en tr ua Elcnlo Iî PnyannS noonds n bn unniinleo8... t e. se off 8 of ocm .0 tonSa ' ommn oi nsr lWn tf i nssnra Maonlgino à tillesBw- e e V uieaEa =0 u san 1 . - - ts s i o igte intld li uie O d* e ttn eg B~s e - ailt ws îhef cny O «'1 5 a lol nor, fsu d npostoo u r . . C, i Il o s; m tn pnu s l an e n s1si o n in lso :nn Bordier u mn l - ai , Su 1 fargenewibuiling W"ted nd toi ti in sn p fn hae ub pe , u tym nz-,- émoS mie i a spu a d es o yea d5 tir . mo , a d wilic &ta ci ie bi w u~ iu - i ics ion ountons. ui hi -lfth. inag n kg nino lu i àobef sportsié..udm udedoneof th e q . e o eni liroetboys on l civéun LFurion ,-Ebanh F t 4 Maiso n 5 I5 n g e ty- -w P .- s M s 4pici. 3a ondom theso±y ll I inn aosu set sammusteytbetafug the bM toaleton SF5I Thi bisa YoilunluIoS t u ngsîhdisu M.eIvràtg " . lo lo oo T i-ooig iniîcnfn t vi0 ues"os ¶ tiiSuirtnlx eu81 begeCa onid am s t e o u Th de myb t el tg mi i a e e so i "h o n r b yts neenat M mins .nI lue ém e nt w n aI Js eph Su n i d ntg t ibs Illlos ennes5~<5~n Sfln5Vas5.W te05un, 5nGaré oDiictie tzeaaenngutemn i o ounil e-er" a871 W . D.H .- - L ynse I sinAt ot0. fiài loes n UA v R . -M - & M iii _ theat tiney w P0,H io dily oitd oCva l sm iChab tmp ty ;ý- y !!irde offtoIbth, Trns o -P h. m Ia m hWuolu2,0o, 00 lostorme Sl ie hod nuI lgewo.mSy vS, iuti4.Bsin o ietS.E "C Ba*y o 'IfomuthtolaeiiM A jM ' jls ae missiat minei mOp o f n, SS.-tinmCafE oi then -'mcs, anS Thons- r aut e ragandlimee. uSe a 4 e c o end. "k ;vO i th f ysuin n ,nines cones Muons co anaesI i y mvtssliaeg e.tiniliSi on . .nbS ail hd moarelulheib- nbiayCi have - »Ulm o i . et.4 . the bn l SOn mpl e " lu as. e SSe sd esS yts -. .~i bvn uid svn te ~ in eae'iî d o hi mis nnuimnnanie linemam1 ois Moe.ACoin votet L S u d i ln up u r O n g e0 0 . P s io n , Sg l une ize nioà <r eSd 0 9 , iye1 l a r gedO i i 1 5 e é n M r . buEn4 niio : E q a is P ~ ~ ~ s e nti..utbMiluo al$1,ep , >,.i.ka.Oi .1 w- t, oito'Gvm , t o yis o g 5 k e-M Iel e cti o nec iud n htow n n 0 em1 toe 1 ao Ç __ _ ___p__ _ _-w _ su .nuds.__Oinid'bml 0> ~ dssd a9n~ o elees5uTuem e bo n o nnlet term, oEý SOI tino tirenooipsonon th tma ny -P je* -nu '-"bd thete lit Isglut sd Iue M l-s1eJWes sM S.IoB6inioanief i Bluin ddland 1ik, e ntinn 4V ls . Nn>S Ndn CId, àkuutbi~Ti5ip niestablmde, A large anol tolatqx .m uigu.yr esssuyOiemlCoSis ueu b.Co,, -iiSsb.uda mf ta oni,ilmig lu.0A bage nnsnî otEn Oibinuu Heierylu biSsesd biidss'asie.. A usenSimetdhSéWliJaaOi.TisIi,îMsSis0nîuuieCil' ni e sSiI I bt.uunnndslueoIbtIillsy~ucoiime lna AmuS miou niee Mnoài5ontu l lPlin sb~ ru n fln i-tnn Non in n vot C ,néne CointeesConiontbisI.engsý#. C rui o.ig .e ~ snSî aieadMle nîsl& slIoSEl usp opol~~~~~~ ~~ 'iler neyd. itumc 'an t oto okwb.- -aso ine e - irriva l o -..h w te. lambne.. mipIiS.1" C OUJR GREAT -SUMMER -CLEARINO-, SALE WILL SOON BE A TH1NG OF THE PAST. IT RAS BEEN A GRIEAT SUCS.0 ,Y Only for A FEW PAYS LONGER will We giva the choice cf our grand stock of Black 'and Colorsa Silks ati99 Prite. A few of thosa popîlar 25 cant Fancy Silke are.stili leS-t. We have elso a few oddi linae stillin a tookof HosIrt, alovs,:Linon.Collars, L(nen Sete and Sash Ribhoue, which we wl acleur out baS-are the. let Septambar at a gretAr. tocrifica thon èer.- Seurs somns of thesa GREAT BARGAINS AT ONCE, ana you.will mot ba dieappointea.AFTERWARDS. vhé- Baie will only last tili 3lst Auguet.- * A A.MURRAY&00 N. B.-Rem.nants of Dreee Goooas and other goods at nommnai pricea. ANID BKip oVER TElS ÂDVPRTISMENT WEEN ISEADING THEE CHAMPION We.Pesire to Cail Yu Attention to, Two Special Lines. The fret lime is Prints, 700 piaces to choose from, ýrices hegin at 5. pr yard. The -second line is Cjretonnes. We have an immense range of these poils. Slendid, vaine. at 12ic. per yd. ]qIOKAy BROTH)ýEtRS,« 48 KING STREET. EAST, HAMILTON. DRY GOODS AND CARPET DEALERS. E-"R'yTr-ff- Fine Ouùstom 01othing DrssGodswéapuÙpose closingont -our entire Stoekî of TWEEDS' CauvaS Cloths, nEnàlish Scotch ndCanadian. manàface.and. au 1Usfiinlns Continent,. 1V iCbijilrn oibu inss and we e mïaàtomiké -Dne thing WM'~ demnh Cu.ome-:and sac thes,3lis EnlsScptch and CanadianTwes. . . PraSOlS,. aZ7 =a' =O.a -m Boot & hoe, $2, $4, 16,$KS$20, 822, $24. 0 r Wrsed.D à '~d~~O&r -Hats & apsp$6 1,$2,$2 2, 2,$8 30 3,$6 Wal Ppe, ROUSRNGODSLj GlassWae OroèkrY & Grc~rieB.pats,-$3.5ý0, $4, $4.5o, $5;, $6;* $6.50 7 s 9 1 We-gùjatee aPerfec .t Fit, cornasaleY TO REIPC TBE STOCK EFOREMO! a oig ..liù j.M ATD. 10 igt .(op'Bckanla ~p ,'NOTIE 0F i88OUTION Farfbr Sle k OTIC M. _r oo iLs ud A~os~~ sm i~~~~, SMi.T 10 FiI dsoghlriO M.~ ~ ,muno,~5.Toi5i A'.nOdldOOOilOO CsI55L Man,î enne~, b5 010ide. 5im5bM5~ ~ ~ ~ ilo~ ~ thea. .« Cvyfor i I n Il I o y"n.:'

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