Canadian Statesman, 25 Aug 1887, page 2

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ýK1 ,drea-oiot ng in Our lie héla-on, ýý--Iià,y On Friaa- n ana Y. Outfil liàmeg.MM '«t lis an 0 et: a. en satin ton. S for e ttl- - :f oe 'soL àWS îo n sud x -ary 0 sütfirétýcIa8s a vx£GP hî.,ëý or ' jour Kiu. drs Shannoi te re in town Jolin jolie Dewaree 1 - villuil. lis, acafr%, ; a os jobil is la ait i, réUtO-,!ýn songé or Il man. - - * te bc lication* made app ý lie secuffl lies force. Ipý0 irom a number of ng 011. tioi bilitY and integr' te bis a 'th te & Young Mau gLven cou. May lie Succcell. encin th t e ï, IUMZ --,Bu p- ýàreBm. ponton, Fox, ana oth-il 1-ft heve te a' eggl4 écritmatches f th-, O1ýtayiO lý megiea by at Toronto, ana It 19 W leurn frôd TuesIlY"-C ic j"B:hu èiUt %vas the the - - f ilk gean Býýy,ï,uppIy o in . the Gilmal. cbrnpeti tythe WO14- &Bd th«» LS In etitérs, with a sci loi oce'ai -ZýýI, - comp .1 üljratýý f: - - $15, and C&Pt- Pautouil lion ý - -ý' t BurHn9ý Bituras a do. of 8(), pruze 1* ïWage -8 -Mre jet wanting et the ULW' MÇ éfjj'eý8Pý_1: Monday. A bOY' 111 -C 1 wheeling stoue- l'O t, ý; su wai haa-er iutO lu iee& .,l Mrs. somas the crock sud change of apparc'l. lui aüdie -an namel -aows In the saine crib witb a On'Mon., sitoncs. HO alsu 'Ot Il but into tIo riter. 'y before lie 'vas il 'IL' te 'ai as of bond ana get out 01 ZLOF, 18 tub.-Oaiville Star. ètchigaffl 'T Yi, - ý lui - ai-trictle, ACCIDEN .-the'cat traaQ* Duncan, YOU"'-L*ýt th puceau, sud a ilillu werc plavi,29 sround 1 thè cour au' eligille. wl OP n.or- turuell a tal, 'and n. - ý . escape, caUsing the - ' S* tville pus each et ler Il e tbatMiss-8 cordingly a r, and in crowed 0 -t 0 high Wighborh tly Bluet a su brea 'ing Ilis à as it W",ýlday ol 0,,r and rist. roten ODes il" Mar#, Oing as well as COU, il, dig. . 0 '11;e. C. P. R. sedý - 1 li Onaltio. et the. Pest-I!W bri delivery of the, PaPe 0, -D orr bu ýrks- Our 1, re mail ci ille were d(illOsitell lie of ou ThurAilaN-, the 11 k di'ýng -net relleil iheir de Toron je following '%VedueF-di te travel 4eveu m'le wa wore a«,Riii (leposite e,.%Iilton en bave canal, in riber cal the fflo ' ent of day a oh r hall 11, ýfý weei rail as g f. oz U'=' b.Sun- bellville. 'JUDGE*s n Sun-* a,, last à W e I.dansau, a to un ju(lac'.Nliller aud 1 tilt 011 The Il au Ossau plu present t clect'a te lie tri * * . From the evilleu limi th, a's-allIt IVILS _An iutelligont S tecti, ware ivin 'the rural lier the, in m-drds Robert, as a x IL fdendly toi, 0 Cwwn, arr 'V, 1'.. et th. ono'r'l'C",ý",iti ý ý, strong lot 4, U a%: even- TnE Gallaglier Gallaglier. being Ès fu;uislie(l ýhi,ý!ov nt Iiis C 8 lu Procecd 'ic anti his Acte Sabbath cOuý, stitrit iction comanctor ana stâà ttafii.ýiihiéb met %vith the' Oditor lissi tlié iv te' n r ,ý,vMpatIIr in the is ie- Patrons. Tof McOabe bas contrite for the ada P-Po tonther te $10 es. Coriiei*.s Pl ýThcs. Best, arc as gooci fill' is, tockand caught. a a Gal urchasa ».i pbell 1 sid succcssor !il Act ýOut ion- ýbilo a fine trad( . , th sl'OP large und risk, -b Mre p 1 in ilÎ bc ýure te IL er orpri %vill ý,et il it Uia before. a . 0 il 0 h vily TUERF is trou the water' joage ait Burli ýiisa -XE1 Mmid with his instituted abou iieîgëîfta arawn by prospered iili t i t for 81,8oo. For F, or beau Malle to i sud the Origil, un wve ti&ets outil cilly -, AVEr _M Milton thi@ vear a nie au as it was propos 70; sud divide IL, 'M' maining roumi this scheine, il up to assets beiug of the Illemlic "but W.. ana Mr. D. NU calmer Me- consent te thi Deputy P. F lity, Nvent te - ha elly. En charter i -.Y"m any been able te 9 88 of -the loage. te the aavise uf 'foule bas deciacd t ci ' r. covory of the ber who shar of the repudiate thf 'c-ÏnTùéâaay and say that tien they can do à, was Globe. -sa' hpve PoIsluilig Il ana is %vite cithis towlà purchased a ýOn Ment lie garduers au 1writýh took of it. 1, Il 11-- 1 -- ý ý 1 1 1:;ýý - __ 1 ý --1ýý1 I.., - 1. - ý. .. - iiýîbiiE?!M - _ý -, ý . ý: a . .. ý ..àý ,ý 1 - ,_ ,,ýz,- ý ,_-,- :- 1 __ Il - _ -- -ý-.-"ý ,--. - ý ý;eiw, -: - _,. ý.. - ", ___ __ q àr:eï 1 ý 1,ý m t e - , l , - __ . 1 ý, - - - _ _ - - . ý- Qý 1 7=__ - ecý--ý_' - - 17 .1 ý ý - .. 1. 1, 1 _;.- -ý- - " --,ý,ý,ec4 7 ý 1ezz1ýrz.ffl _-_:ý. 0 ý ý - -., ý 1 ' - - ;1, .ýý _-'t 1ffl îýýî;ý ', , , MCIRIOLE - « . -Ii7ý - rý - ',ýeýM -ffl ,ot-"., - 1 - . 'il -_'u-:bîcflfflý 1111 .- ý - - TRà ' du ' ;1Ô - ' , e - - - - _'ýicîa .fflili, 1 -ýlï-ý1- ý . L41L - ,L.)i&N BAxkèeý- - ! ý ýýl.-.ý:1 d4ý - __ i, - i. _ ', _ - ý ý: - - , ,_;ý 1!ýý ,ý-z,--,,,,ýýý'ýýý= . . ,. 1'lý_'-ý,-ý11__,.u1 ýL1,ý 1 . ,- 1_ ý ý .i _ I.-I ý , Il . - ý .,---,- ýý-,,-,.- ýýT f" l 1. C a R sm 1 . .." _ýý 1.:: ý_' " 1 ,ý :àIý .. ' f,, ,M" __ - ' - - ,,, ý,',,Týýi--' M - M .ýonqýý . ýý ýý ,.:: ý_,._. .. r , Ch-0 lot. 1;. . A.waipo.ieuumier;ýïý r,'2basheio ândîZý 7ý 7.___ :: ý 1 . .-"Iutiledu$awýjý'Y ,itfii.:,ý in .AUGU 25,1887., ý , < -i' 'n1ý ýý Il ýý cýý_."f-7:7fý1 -1 a ,ý, ;ILTON, ST _ _. .. . . .- . ý , - Another stop is-,being takop in thé àf.wl"t 9!!-ý3ý acres. 1 Y ' ' 1 'BiààtnsWàÎaià'ý _ý, k.-Vu O" - . 1 __ý ý--ý - ý , ïhý,01 " twtwtbe-pkl-,,-,4..- légistes tbat É ýwîII r - tter. 7bestate'saý . The Shitf6ialliterma,ý se . . ý , , & - iýý M--W%'AÇý'-.ý,ý,ýý.-z-ýý,"Y--'4ý'Iný,lýý -, ý ýý 1 LuT, wèek the Oakville Star Dentaire. t'à ' . sourez; - - S. M1LFftIce,ý, , sasZý" ell»e,âmulawoý assistantEýitiaitateel"offl t ».odlerMcGan-gkà'.Diiiý _- - -"", - ',l ticun Uka-,ýiJ ýe ý%«ý ý -1 - ý «7 . - 1.ý-ýý.. ýý.f-1ý ý -_ - 0-_-1 early ýdàys 61 lest week in .. ___ , "":ýL ý., ; 'z l', - , , ... 7ý I!ýsü , ew edthivaL4arwtS ofkala Pr priétér; E t ,'Ui ""' ' ' ' IrPo 1 . r. M ' , ,&ý.ïeff..ï -,ýmsZ ï. ï;ý-o X" ý -,ý,Z tè- , & î MéOftudýbrc% S ififfi . -bulky dmiimetit-tu bu usea Chatham .ti,,,C,èaié-- 1 ý - - wut 11, Il lý r, Ida biwînêsè,ýý ýriIl criaà *foi. ther diédt paria - 1 withl@icý tJý"- filet«. M torrentielles eu O>xq suut- - - - a., ý - ý - ý ý C __ m .* rhetorical -. backink for an i 'chargea' 'th thé- méritent of Méleà-h' . -.. ,ýý A ý 11.1,liitel;hmt, uraàyý a * t eti , l' 1 ýe, 1 .3 ý Il West app . . lit ta riumorea in Mombeal'tbat Mr- . - 1 '. - .. M - 1 __ --ý'.. ,et - ---à . 1 , ý.,ý'thoý -, 1 ,,, - _ . : - ý.aýG - wal probabl na noxt -d ,---" -vi 9 - -ý_ - - - 1- - . & Sm lication for the extradition of the winter in Calcinerais, aor lis new alippary MOG décide ta retiré fro. ý ., Jéhu MU of D=du wu è&oý - ..:ý" . 1ý > - . ý arigle train the fond of C jU.UtOZL6. Tu" y',d Immy,'ana ;PiiWàt£utTýÉ%iF;', lich--, "*ý"-'---"-'-' ' ý - .1 . zu"64gement. that. of Mes m. J. M. . . ý __ . - , _ - 1. ý __ - - yo , .. a. _ý T'th. ' .(,il4z- ' a e Contente - sZoZksýý1Êuvu ledý' Seo, 1 ý . ., ,,haw, and CatupumH Shaw, 1 the Concilias. This,«r a t tlaz :r 1 - i - ,,ý«M ,at-ýWÙZzir,'s -ý ýà W :- , ý ,-._ý;e or the a CaJ2idigil , 'roi Frtmom 'or a iimeu -Adaiiiiý , - blé-1 .,,>,..-..ý,,ý . -ýN'Ii%;" - Rte John AnderiiDn,- bnteber, of West Filon- was aient bC ý t'm Cý -- Itein, bief 1-ilora Exproasthe Star, it idannouticed. filet in expected ta il. bénie will bc fiers, hall men ont of ni.. bol -ý __ ' ' ý . bïâd iâàkht iwi ý -not': - . ,ýý -, --ý;-fôÎ , iifdàlWgiiiÎïie lidie ý' ,Fiill ha indepenêtent idpolitics, ma will go! ment t . a Iý - 1 1 p.uiàtruck Y=- '- , ',ý,: ýý ý . - - , _". :te" «hich.11p 'Crieur lié . di ai et t1c , -2 ýd . ,ýe-.-- - -1'ý-' .ýÈch IN. Ile - ' ce - .1 - , Il,.' ý' -- .- 1 1 -, Ï -1 -, - 1.4 -- eu of a de itions of about a Ons-IlOt daY I&tcli- 1 1 - l el.iâIý,rMï6teonàýby-laie. .-."gi- - bibitýýTbiu ..lie .-ý - 1 1 -1; ý ., , _ . ,ý -'Will . ..t«_ý. ý ý ý, , . 1 1 - '. ,ýc. aCekto-advancýo the iutereicts of the dýýC. , ii-ho, love basse Cournot- .NominaUonalor-the Ottawa Ocourdy #M fer the purpose-of ,'a, Il arfuisfalle ýý-.&àà-ofuï. Lepîtteca ýà 1 - vea net filet the W scat ont an - . ' , ' _1Tý i ý " ' 1 I" ity in whiéà it is publiiibed rather à on wM bc lield on Sàt" y, Sep. voile with a 1 vicier. of obtef, g -a ton wu.-drowned-'itTtim'.»Àvori,;'Ôn Euttbat; it-biWuot:béetreufôrcecL' 'Au - a «Cutoriati"iionf ' ý - . 1 8-mý atumeh. pàrrbm-.4, réices ; * one a or:sÛother, directlur clecti ý .;aUit te , titi in -ddokingýitis not a tre....-dltuo thon lainait of an incli il , wi the 1 o temberfira, .and the chiction on the: sufficient imppli of.,iàtir. , , - . Siturdsy, Whilc du - . - pwentiLilvi C)Iliqnëé fralieýu0derlthi - Idesac èQmo-1ýý_ ELý , - - - ,ýDý;- . -1 =111 wcrMI6 tiens clescit; and , 1. . y party. The doter. O'r rtho - - e ý-, : - , _i - g proprietors express theintention . - - , __ , __ý; " ý -_ .1 Cite de. lotte. . 1 - . 1 - je.. A. Jéhâssen 01 Bra ' . 1 ý .ùceew:ý-usà.wh!rj, 1 . îicg" mmbw" ,ý elusive illiam. lu ý 1 id.. m. - 14, le" a;;ý -il r., du.thýSccttÂcL - ui " kiz 5M2 ilb. - 214T. .: ?f ab . don , 81ar's t in Manitoba this yý'is qmëW Bran on-, roitaeýt.,K.Ilï. .iiCdïiD 8eà liééiàlaw&et ton !1 1 -r;.ý, ý ýý ý' ý ý ,', ý - 1 1 . f - ý ý. equiètiyiantro.*u ý, ,,- ,ý ý,ý-1DýU rsitio sheriff Maison ffla Ide utury. lis hý« the la préparitaà à a exh '. 1 . . 'bit as f, 'art , -, , ý, , ý': lives ug i 1 Theileciýuitî, ore .In ý .. ým- ,C-àrr.7?y,,,,ý ce PI en'i 'le' "faithlessoless of Mcaatigl - Xluaed in o *ut -0 i a killeil ý Jacob Rcpr!ý'&,buîruTu,èOn . . ý . . ý E ' , .1 ., -_- ý - , - - 1 - ýý --- _ .. ý 1. . In . gýsZCr -ýd .1-in.. Mei th. C. in 1 . . the- - i !rit. »hîo..,ý_, Moitié, ,.- , , ý_ ý ý.ý T!uZy ..a theilr Peut . a of lobent 1 tim.ted ut lm' ta send ta the exhibition at Tarc, 1 nt 1 6 S.Srday moming while ho ,iai,.ttemptilig ý saloint il Orns :0 - Il ,air O . th a . un, la th. ; - - ' > - , . - fita tý - _- ý --: - - .- ý ý ý . i 1 et ý .. nà - and éther faim in the EasL . : , ,ý,* ýý the biir6omdiaÏactable.ý]ý m. ý av ýuo..ýnn SCOIIpIeýof others, two milliers 1 ý ý 1. go rab the Officie. - ý ,: pý m . Tient th - ý _ , .. Edward - BIakeý tell flic story of the cla t«e.ty-fiý . bulletin 1, nom i According te The Pea Banner Mr. j.uldw.,aisotoriiùidïspemdolivinj-C em.tiv.ù«.,týthe Yluf0rwhCmýthe ré. ý7 1 _ - - - . . . - 1 ý .The Dominion Ex 1 any fi utile- ý William Rirk, of ýlfuttonvMe4 recently. Doter St. inactifs, Mo. -ta à c on ,pectablehot.lisýthelint station :on the 1" M"ý:;î,ý,_ý,ý1 ý - 1,ý. : ý - - ý ,ý- 1 un coÙdnýcnboard of that vcssel!na pug su. f 1 _, wu. Ifni: ho Ivajoithkeîtratikard.,ýBut-this im'àllthat - . ,!, 1 - 1 1 l i 1 1 .liq" titi 1 àAýLAGuýft, flic, Ztcln illebeen maci, . . 1 titi ca"D"d "'mou ' tbr.hd a. Mr.,W-iUi,ü Aibètt's faîte, Saturdai by*depiity.ahiHMi ta whoul ho - ý ýý .. myst-crioctit nuancer and et a mvsterious ira., Rri ,,hi& tocard »ci the .. , , ýý in zood TùthoýresuIta Cf- the Scott ACtý Tt - - lot 1, con. 5, Township Chizigù=nsy,,- - :ý: ;_ - , ý a nota riférmingagént-- ý ý _- ý ý - - 1 . 1 Garigle's article Ton been roduced in ildS; in comte- , ý - - It bu home use. - ý , ýý : ý11- _,T, - .- - . : ý . ý ý 1 ' fit'ýbicsuii fte Pu"g - - 1 . - : - ý>ý,ý.Imlh, , ý. bas, lit la rpported, Inventait fil comme. tierce of a man answering Me . ý . -1 0.,.expreued the ,. " :ýàà?;1àý_ ,zuence of aunilry diarges haviug boa" description.* -Instillanotherdeposition, quence, , 2W baobab; of whcatt 487- bâillas of - Mr. ana mm. AIhm'AyýýjWa child uni ,-ý -, - ý . . .. ý. i Gate and 840 bataille of barIey, . in ait gmilton.weri amons il --,F---lâ--- - - 'ùlî,t'd.hýand for preffinibition., Thescott . . , . 1,ý : ý ' ., - a.. 1 - 1 1 Il rought againt film for violation of the Herbert B.- Leavitt, a Clerk for flic firvu A married man .Z.ý Homeât, of City of ontrial. POP .- no fabition and lis fallure in lie , - . ý. .- 1,057 baobabs of grain, in 7J -honore. tend train the steamer ,; ' - . ' Act m 'ci . 1 . - .Sýott Act ai. hie Crewson's Corners of Crandall,,Schfiltz & Co., lumbermen *Ingersoll, is accueilli Of Ounimitting au The work was well doue ana the gram whhdts" hersa at,;neib. , , - , - . . ' 0 i?ý,Oimpààibilit;y -cnt.reing -,a . , : . .',ý- ,'. ýý pienicg-and et Acton. Galiaglier lias et flic cerner of flic Thir - tv-fifth quel outrage on a Young girl assuma Webb, nicely cleaned. '- ' _. ý ,ý ý r--"'«;»ihicg ..E.].,tbii'.wslListrik thé rOOtý W: the . ý :. , ý - . ý;, ý . . . - , . dème M ro ring traite foi munie finie in uhusn siiý-tai telle %v!àat liciemembers li ycars of age. Ire is millier arresL - . . .1. . ,T.IluiadgO . X Lent 1 . lerocatudinge ta jet 1. .oit ont thé brancle cf- the cacil in . ý - .1 . . 1 il, aJiag of àpples .t.b loyer bas commen lie , A Perth fariner sol ton la _- - ,C;ea - q . ý . l ý ý ý . ý - ý ý . . 1 file nort end of tien Canetti-, and as lie of the conversation batwoon Captain W. B. *iliýn, formerly chief con- liabed'his sitIe,ý ta 478 acres où the th. aloom-T-1-9Ta-- 1 1 ,ý Il ownea tic i)Ïoporty in Actýii, %vlicti lie Irwin and Dr. Si. John, while city et- stable of ingestoil, bas commenced an ta a Strafford citizen ab &'gond i - . _ _ : - ý , - - . . . Prie"' ahsjýé of Laite Phalmi, MIÙný * '7 - 1:ý - 1 1. faiend flic %-illage foc flot ta hala teint, torney Richoltion deposes filet Dr. St. action for 810.OW damakes for libel The appleq exposait were fine,'but on - ' o imiglittroins on . t ý ho Pittàbu 1 rg'.Fort LVrINýO"'j MONTIM. MACAMSE, , . . ý 1 1 ý 1 lie wm able ,ta get &vvay ýýitli'lii.4 fil. John 8wore in court * tient lie was a against Mayor Buchanan,'of thattoWn. empVing the bag the puresser tenait Tu il Chi PUiIr-oad'wllided Dur f . or .. September opent, with a romance en- . - .. ý ý . . Il . . . ý 1 ., ý ý.. . ý - ý . . 1 f,,,ttejl*lIrofi*t.4 WhiCh, ZIO clOtIbt, WerC citizen ofCanucida. IniLdaitiontothpse The Salvation army Ibarracks et filet thalle ware only a, few good apples MU& Fil.a., O., a - ý A locomotive tithel I'Tice Red .Moutâtain Mium', An . ... . . , .. . . .1 If i.,; one of the, beautiel; Of the depositionsý the bnndlo of documents, on top. The buWof the comtenW , n tu -Y a;- - : - .. ý .. ... , -ý - : 1 . ý . 1 . fou, $150,_ article or timeIy ficterest in Monoure D. . ., lagersoll wore sold by publie auction & the a Aix Dira W,721. . . ý - ý , ,_ bag ware almost nectons. The fermer sa ý Soýpreued *StàtonniW." * * . ý. . S - ý . ! 1 ý .= ; - :,ý , : -. , Conway*j- i-,& ý .ý , -.1 ,ýî,iAct.tilat tien fluctuer ofthe.rcý willcontain a trouscript of theevid- a n, power of mortgage 000 - ý . . , ý 1 Mes un , font week- sucSeded in keeping Out of the Poli If the Belea regalir It doute with the Tite of Edmond lUnd.Ipb, 1 . 1 ý.. 1 . 1 i ýý_ il;cctalýle Iiiiiel, Who. lias l'ici caPital in- once given by the several mifnchq ice . . ý ý . vtltud in ]lis ]lange 'or Jurniture; if who ivent before file grand jury. Iï la They ivoire bought in by 1 micheline 01 Co - cou, Duenchert c * HiS criti . . ,. . 1 of Virginie. -hurle of the Con. , . . . ý , ý - ý _. art by taldng ý5 conte for the lot FWithtenbisceri'and forti pýiVwt*s . ý . . . .. ý CI;.&'rged witIiý violatin-g flic fair, n'net stateil tient the shoriff will transmittlie the army. There bas bénit, missing from ber ifmthe Balgiau G..-à», will attend the titution partir auticipat.d thalle of Mill, . ý . 1 ý 1 . 1 . - faCc- th. futulic, ana if Corwicteil j'My, the application together ,ville the documents Attela woman naînedAgries Heatley, home et Millbrook mince the 8rd of inilita socampýiect,,atChica * î 0 Bfflho4.1car Bund'. Lýllo-Blane and . '..;. ý*_. .. ry ý gO*ýý .: C«ý Other Siciliens ý . ý . . - . 1 - 1 . - ý , ý - - ý . , . ý : 1 . : finnalty, ont lie estimait, afford- *to'iuii naincil to the gcý,ýor of thki state, genera of. Eur G is HoltV . - .:ý ý ý . Ily known m liCrazy Nan," lias Match Test a girl nanneil Hannah Nuff- tocante. , . . . - " .> ..-i ýý-, 1 . le county lot Brant for* . . '. Meyer (MÎ& Sidnu M uefultit) voceri- . . ' .1 . 1 .. , q away. %vhich flic dive keeper, who hali, mlin, in terre le ta transillit filera ta flic beau képi by il man, a . > - t» o_ . ýý ýý 'illico ta 1.80 .Xccýi film ýstOck Of president or secrotary of milite, %vho le over 20 Yeats. ged 17, low set, live tact four 'ROW Pavillon ,.a the ' Spray ;vie butes -an ainueing lut or ý aut-biogmpby , ý - 1 ýý > Il. ý STIO bus coet the cOunty inches in lieight, dark complexion, Hot.4ýAshbury Park. N.J., .wue aimait infiltra --Bon, an Engliab Girl Scught ta * . -, -, , '. ' '. - - . , 1 . . !iiuur. cati play Gallag er's gamin with. .Xpected te malle a format demand upwards et 88,000. ý heavy dark brown - baie, a acier cansed bylightý>à*Siturd.yaftemoua, -O. Moite a Üving." Fmnk Cerpenter reporta ý ..ý .11 1 ; - . . , 1 ý ý . ý impuuity in one county alter acother. lipon«tlie authorities of the Dominion Heavy shipinents of arme and am- by a burn under flic elàn,'cUrk'brbwn aing a pacte amoDg the gonade but . 1 . njuricg M conversation with the man selle mptitied, . . ý : ý 1 1 ý . ý : , 1 ý . 1 forilie extradition of the fleef-fouted munition were sent fréta San Fraù- eyes and haviiÏg a mole about two' no ont; . John Wilkes Booth- James: CummiDg$ - ý ý ý -ý 1, - _ ý . . . ý. . 1 ' 1 p - ' ý ý .1ý .1 . 1 THE IYITEIC%10ltKS. .. ý cisco ta Honolulu Test weëk and there incheuisquare, on the left arme above Ai Terclyvilis. Corn.. on saturday-Miu. ,citez of -ý Lits et Johns Hopkins - - ý 1 -«ý . . . . ý . . ý ý .1 ý - '. % other signa of fttrtherltrouble in the the elbow. , ý . ý . . ; On Monday ]test flic b)-elaw ta mise - 1 are ý 'A. A. Andrews and Mm. F.'Ul Smith Issu, Univ.ility.- ' The p.eme "&tue by Alice ý ý - . > ý'. ýý . Illint file lïlrkod Edilor lfants. ý Hàwaiian lUngdom $W 000 fer a' sycitum . of waterworlis - ý . . 1 > Oriffia Packet: Oir.Monday morning otruck by a train while crossin -the New Wellington Rollins. A. Lampensa and . ý ý. ý, . 1 . ý . . ý . 1 - Only four miles of Rràding remain York and New Eneand Railway.., Mm:. Bilbenwil Troirbridge.. . . . > ý. 1 .. . ý ,.ý Mr. Nowland, je., white quietly 'fi" , fusil. ý . ý . carriéd by a unajority of 10., Great ý , ý Bolu H.ý.1d. : utilise M 'River VaUey;on*aiog sunavihe,13 T.Z.1.5, = pudiii -sa metantly , - . . lis .Îd.ti:,.-. W«7-1.Y. Who ab. 1 . . ý . ý ý ý .ý . . ý 1 . ý . . ý . intere4t; was talion lu the veto and If ive wore net familier ,ville flic ideas, railway. Tite Provincial GoNerument Zmusýâi2ýn Iý sied aoking op sain, . A terrifie hall stàm- visitait Kansas Do '.. SOmO Oit' 1 1 croit! ail ettoS lay tmvelling'and Who look Witte ý. nCàrIy Overy stviijalle linte ,vas polled. 'en rorrar'on Su'd'ycawap.pen, %telles a ý . ý . 1 . ' 'ý 1 . if wolild tenant strange finit flic civil lave are ted *fth the deticermillation ta no foiver than leva racontes op a trac. Saturday. Eait.niusàrinu aime a ton au, Il . . . ý . 1 . , 1 . cilictifil ha calleil ullon ta regulate what completc, the rond in opité of loge[ Or" Cornmoncing with the. lowêst, ho ineb"n cirentrifemace tell; Tite Ion in .. %Vè Intime ,eu%,- ta nue no delay in t'le WC marcottent if the Poil M-11 cazett', .. . 1 1 .ý ,ý l'In . t'ai now accust6nietd ta' this fillant of the .. 1 1 oviii aggrcgýtcI 84000 or SM . ý "wOufd fightsbY Of Moud'y's lune of t'le ý - . . . . , . ý ,. ' 4ccution .of flic works- liait 1 ciblai cet and driuk. But vie are other obstacles. ! - brought them CH clown in succession broken window. Illa8s at'Atchison, Kan., . . . . ý - IliIliillafevrilonths Ililton clin bout Tho upper suspension bricige nt and carried tienne home. They were . Recorder dia they but know . . ". ý ý . . 1 :, . Cf Île goeil'fira protection fi% any siffler question,-aud content oursolves with Menus, Falls WITT bc retentit ýto se- balf-growncubsand muet have beau Mrs.blalvinapLW. Payne, lvidow of th.t t 0 printers were et work on it on . ý . . . . 1 . . ý 1 ý tovnalitqsize lu"tlioProv« eu. The. luiploring thoreformers ta confine ficeler commodate a.double tracts .fer- béants. boa assistants in the market gardon. . W" n S. Payne. and ber daughter Anna, oncle ., .ring flic Conference the Re- .. 1 - . ý. ý . ' . ý voie wati as folle ill] . . d suicide noms finie on monday or o je being publi.heul d-ilz. Th a . , :ý ý . ; WIS: . ý activity ta the tiquer question. Sa long The Coty old part lait will lie -flic -À consciente cable despateil transmit- Commette ýý as they leave. nie tobacco, and a fair towen. Tuesday Test by takinglaudanum, i a . , es OP iction, and.-t epaptml, ' 1 1 « - ' Thowork la expected te bu py . 9 Fur .%..Ilt. ýotllëroutloW for the depravityof nature, finisbed by April 1, I.M. ail froin ibis aide of the ocean bis basé tellement bleues in Charles-strectl ý W a by early , ý . . . . ý . ý.. > . North Word ............ go 2:3 we ivill try ta > pull througli, w.ith an l ýubâshed in London, àttributing ta Sir yuk. - ... ýý . .. t ins Manchester. -à . . ý - 1 .. .. . . . ý Soutit .. , * ........... :1 The Prollibition camp et. Simone was 1 clin Macdonald the statement finit ý . Any eue who walk i. 87 '21 2 otrýqio.nal horn as zne(licl*uo. . . August Warmbold, a well knowil cieizen Ira in le-bar ta dgate-circus on Sun. ý . . ý lý4,t4t ......... ý ... 21 83 orned on Friday afteimdon ana witi 1 1- rial troops have beau demanaed ,da i htrand early in the evIming ta- . 1 . . *. ýý ý ý . ý . - - . < - continent] titi Tuesaay ovening. th suiptreulon of ofDaiýenportIA., drove ta thscerrectery ... have £son the ý ý . - ý . * Julinsouls Ail ilealhig IVIiite Mutaient. - - .,mime Recuder's apecial ThaProbibitionist are working«Oner. ,. 0 la Dissellowance, poli na"towno. Saturd.ywith bis ,vite, and force 61 wmpnsitom huit et work lit the04 78 . ý . 1 - . ey' wheil nýrtlie grave ci hi@ daughter ha ý 1 1 Majolity ..................... 16 The wonderfui bealing and scellant; committed suicide.- Excessive grec .. Actically in view of a probable Contest The despàteh in, of Course,. digerediteil -E Io office. 161'.0t. If la preaucoeil . . ... Il . . 1 - ý . . ý pr,,priie, of. fil. .1.ýc't..Mcl .... liens; for the repeal of flic Sroi 1 t Act; in Canadien *qnarters in London, but .upp.ued ta have catoud. the deed. ý . they wu. plitting the report of Sattirday'a ý . . 1 ý . ý .Ive, lova 4.n f.u.d fur mimy finit Illlât as oni correspondent points out, may . ý caýdfiZgoiotcctyp.. I:toývseth.tIý,ay ,Ille ocorgülown camp. * ý - Si ThomeTs Jonrnal: Tt in reporteil do serions mischief among the gencral Ceptýin Thomps0à, oit the àrîti.h st-mý Un Sunday- work is ourely a departure . . .. « . ý . used il folle mont elUmcijun luths treattueut ' . ý ý. .ý1 . of .Il: rli.c.;., pi ... Pl., I.I.telýu, hall in Mrcles that thé scat on the publie, who will accept it »as true.ý Ir M.Isy Balcon, bu a ýarkal)ly nagent. in.conicection with an exclusively religions . ý . . . ' . ý 1 .. superlor éourt bondi, rendured vacant nus retriever doit The etenircer wal; In 1 arm « .à % 1 NOT AFR.%Iý Or Miýci.Nra,.MATTéusý ..Icri,, hnIls, .hafing. One Globe. . . na- vewepaper, and esplicially in conuc.ction by flic death of Justice Carneion bas ' traite cf Gil:e alter, when vith a Methodist journal:'! ý1 teint will h. sufficlient, ta ýr.,-ý' th.; .flot 2g. o, . ..Dit a . . ý 1 1 ' t'cou h "OS Tite Warta in rosponsibhI iC'Tuéa. wu chiiiiifie it la correct. t'or sale nt 25 bCen affama ta flic ColInty juaÏc of tituruFLI-11. AuR. 17.-A twýdaYe' bond . Incle igue of ruil....c.d actif --»-mý 1 ý .. . 1. . 1 * ý ý ý ý ..ajentbg.. baie t..ýl.y. Th. pro. 1 fio.ý overlmfd. A ,boat 'w.» , 1 ý . ý ý ý 1 ý,- , ý . r1aý,S incline for flic following ndilriýs.9 au cent. ker box by Wat.orl'a druggisL Elgin. Ifiebewilllikely hZýývsd th. , . ý ý . ý (ILli"rL-tl ut flic collet) 011 . . 1 cenclings were a heavy dog w.u.liseoeed hala. 1 L ots.,fo Salé. - 1 ý 1 . .. .. ý 'ilmillny, nuit - tielph Herald: .Jolie C------, the .FdIver of min lie th- aftemnon. Tite pro. ine elle dollar of elle cent of. a tiroir - g ý . it ivill ho verv hard for our -btjjsipei-. i Tns; set. N'ICHoLAS rOR gl:nl:31BFR upelln Chienne soulier, who liasleapeil ta the grionterne - r--,cime-1 lie driulin,, ràiný illan. whoNu Iving acrosx turc accru. Tite 1 ý ý \ . . ý . .. 1 : * ai.i:e" friunel.' , lI;tcli..l lit, lý3--tlIcir.;rgiýit, Ivitit a 'l..Ii;" 1.,.cti.pier., by Iller: front raidi in alptatic circles, lis a Cati., ehich'cnntictiieel ta fait ail lits attemmn. mais.woo aiterward 'dicovered tic 1), filai Tendenwilli-e'melvel br G. foilitte op ta elle . ý * . lit (;üorgLýic,,,,ii. tu dectv LII,..4cat.iI.C.1tâ Il.,I:ý,ýk Flint..,,, -l'il, Tv].I'ý ý . - . ý . of PU51ideh, Ho watt boru lacer ,and evuoi.v. The firat prise $275. wn4 Indy ànrviýor of . Spanimh revenue felucca cal, day ofSpletitxýr. IK8-.. fi;r tir i;ur,.Ia,-ýri-,tw . - . : Bý.utifcd .'ýi.thcý,.,,* . .1,.,.,*ii,,:; tshý ut tire Lesisuls, ana in a nobhev of Mes. *on Il ý y the %'c'manv'lle Bond: .Sarnia which Il beau o' Il. 12 & 1.1. lumk 10. Bunlh -If III.P ancre, Tht>e ý ý .fLiter.v-grtitleiIiiti.. ..- ý . lot M ..teri.,,,.plne. Ay N,;Zý 2nd $125; Witerlu. 3,Il, S7& Th. ,a putt fqur koure prueiùuà. 1,,t,ý.".,,11,1,..g J..t.,, býi.g.i.]«,ýlletl..i ý - . . 1 ite,. ' . are .evêral se;ý, ,,ai Robert Hamorsly of the fiera con. - ]y. . . ý - ý " ', , - ýiýliiee nrJ. 8. Duence. Writ of Co.rt BtfteL J- IV-- lIc(iluý'- Of (;l'01,-'tI""Il, 1.1 -rrv. 1 fi,,. 1 Pecond clan bangle.will empote ta mnmw, alý,ý,l icC.,,it.g the ,tLi,,I,,-rtýi,:e i.i"lf,,I'iv. httlo. moral. to.kect almy ce, ucasion 1 . Trou. -h. . 1 , il% addition ta whiéh there will lie a tract., ce ,lieu Florence Maconghton. or".ilI."i. ,ý, . .ý . 1 HENRY 1 \ EcKrR. - , . i ' * tion cepart front politics. Prollibi. 1 the ,tûry, tojtether with .culte lictinty Lu. iclay nieht tbo .ci, hue just perforined a, 1 1 ý ý ý. ý que, i t*Sun coregarellation procession, .perding in the ring sauf athu ý ortie of Irelai .> i - . . . titil was Only 011. of lI,.11>.,Ille.tiois aiduwing. by Aitet E.. Stenu. of Spallina, Avenue Ilethodist Church IZIL.q, to« colictude aille a grand displny of 1 swimming feat Inciter very peculiar air. - vot,!r.41lotil'icoit.i,,Icr. ýT]ýýiIt, A paiter that wM i.,t.,eýt L.Y. la elle Toronto, worthippeil forý the Test time ,vertu at*niLht.* * Tite attentistes to-dccy culnOtýne-*o. beeking ta TwroIc.dô a filent 1 NO TICE 'OF DISSOL U T'ION. ý- 1 0 .lu,.;,gll Iliitt.i.tri.;ill%- ,qI.oý.I fý fin. 1 I.,tith, .ce -,(!.,ri.t'. HI,,"-the famouq * m gnorLaud &II morrow it !a expected ta 1 fi-liertren ta buconte terciperate the latter! . - , . ý et en flic prenant building.! The erecticin bu iury large. lati..I,,Ilii 1-'itý.lI,,i acIý-ice oit Saturclay, '*Bllýl' "I'Zet Scic-bl*'Df L'Ildùtb--u'llee cl - , v ri v . . 1 P'o.i,..l auto ci.: provided tient bli., bloc. ' N. OTICE en L.rel.) gl,-,. licol, III, I.M.ý.I.Ip . . .i ý -ahlv. cilloiving, ".Ic--l.,.' -- w-r ].ai., direll. vrry or a r ON a il enlarged building ta scat - ..Igl'toý",.nertook t. .wim il 1 Y'be. 1.eý.t.rl"ý.c,1.ý'I'liýg lýtý.«..,I ci. tll,-cý.dr1- wu% applanded Coloifflui ý .-Ay a. il,. ho- dia whIn elle .chuol un, sixteen hundred people, and ta Colet KINGSTON, Alig. 22.-No barlèv bas t.ýI, Blýýl,,.nk .col Part. Dn'l'lan'îrnp, a uign,«I-.ý 1-.ciijýý and ,,jtmetom lu 71,,..Tlu-ii et 1 ý à - thut il, ici not M. Ca.3, ta ducach onGsuif fucIculed, Intudrid. of yI.,. .go; .üd have $70.000 will lie cornrnencea forthwitli. as yet r sa t ilintance of about une code. The yonosr 111111,D et, nu' culoo% ur llltt,, l'as eue[, this day 1 > . , ira , - a ' 9 vit. . buyer ut, 0 1 I;lf;" Continuel] quaint and eurion. cuetotais. Buth Nathan Gordon 1 1 - ,11ý,ý.'l'-i't I.Y., ... ct,ý.1 *...),..".t. . . . . 1 .,,,. pu:111clitical ties. 'P'loy il , .. DI ý W110 baie ken aises 0 1 S. Iga . YS lady 1'..Ptýd th. aient sage. .ai -.m. ,,,II,.,,,ý.,.I", tu t4 ,lýI4 1.,t.,ýlýil, art tu l:,, 1 Y, 'Il ni'. a IlI!f.riI.I!r nuit 1 gel bava wdl bu iutee.tld ici il,,- and bit; wife, of the crop about es. lig t in. pliculusci tics undertaking ici thirty-nine ii.1t,..jý.!i Ih..lý,. Inlfiao, &u.. 3111u.n. ut.11- voû, fora ýCoiîIscrvativc hucatime lie vvill lu B. S. isroulta'. 'ýBietorie(,irlé" Townsend township, Norfolk cotintylweiglit, of fair Io ( ont ait a ý .cicut.., with il,. re.miilt tient Liie Litirman .claiI:-ýý1-1-», saut >ImnPNIýil, ait t- 1-I-vý-1 ý ý. . promise ta Inipport, prohibition, if 1-cally "co"",f, "Christine of Swerden,'* who was were incarly killed. a foi%, days ago by yiela. Along L 0 la a situera lit ici iairly don , liait flic filles ribb .11. . .lot ýI .., th, ».[ýl J.1cu Il.l.ctýl, byýuIu,.n the .tu. ; .. Sir Johu Macdonald ý.,'u'ýUh n'or. Ille. . bey thon . girl ici ha, being ïored sud trampled on by a boit. flatta, but as aile attirances backward : «A 1 wililýl,111r.1. .ý ýoCnuM "d' g, ýOr , .vul tid.", -W-1 il., . _a __ i. ç-,, tý.ý.,ed .-RI.K, Tlao . ,!,- -.t. ..,-,.a -.1y ky - - 41 ,ht, ylèli, bal, . sus a,, - -eya.i."-,-.t,.p,-,ý-ý--.ýtii,ý -+mi.I,àini..ti.i.vuýt J()11-illuxTER, . .. .ît.ý ,icui: i a legs. Local; à* . .. U.,I.n ]',itl,: ,-tinti dcly or P-,Ug..!, Iffl. I Joli.,; EZARD. . ý ý llk]Plitusu, &41 mil Dot S...den.ý dog which Nuapped savagely et the , , say week a Croit of IOW busliels was 'sont thuanonQntiýeen' liait been very auLcy thnugh 1 1 wýl".: . 9.3t. 1 _1-1 -Il ýf_ýP l'An ta the-working of in ...The B.yhffll c»E William De.. H..ell." hall licols sud divilleil -bis attention. train Napanoo te Osivego, It weighed Frineq Henry of Battenberg rI-qu.eti.,q J. %V. FLI.101717. . ý ý ý : ý ' \ý . -loid. r1.1-11. Ill.I,,ý,ýIlli ý ,-.11, bufiliel. The tient Io aillent bu allowed ta have a solide. , 1 .1 ". .,C.ft Ad "Ir. Pedloy watt' very plulestently trýated' by « %Villain H. Ilr. Gor(lonla injuries are very sortent;. 46 pouticis te th 1 ý . . 1 Certifia. Ille tIllitified tient tllere wos ..m Iiiýle.isig. and will cavry en'cnum[zeinent tu . . - > '11I . . 1 .dent of ilWijIiing ' . tenny yontig literary aspiranb; Gencial GUELVIT, Aug. 20.-The petition for the OswegOniaus said they wantea no more ing-mom nt Windsor Caatle. This ' .illy 110 ve Acla;n Balleau writes coniprellensivaly and remI of the Scott Actý whieh bas been o. Cajiadiau barIey, but flic probabilities sInry w-as a pure invention. ne there liaigot op ý ,,,a en turc .moking-rocclus !a th. priý.t- ý coulity. of 1121ton. - , . ý- - . . ý . 1 _; , th. 1 Batela of Getty»blirg" .en the office of the City ralliaient, for nre.they will lie glad ta get it belote lie ý french liquor nový 'as Crer thoy dia, "Ililli"91 .o . 1 1 . ý 1 ý ...Il ai liýll?.,ýt'a gloribus*but (utile charge; , inapection during the lut twenty the section la aven alimente of the Confie for encurt than ý 1 .. miel this ,ut a 1,1li-Çé %visera 116 sacu- whIlu George J. Maumanliowa the yculng c;-ub.1ý, Illun to-day bilan bateau away, for thie-ty i,ý.tý pamtý and thuy or. oued av ý - . ý Loznoý, Ont., Ang. 23_4finics A-. ni.lit when the court la in reei.leie'y ADMISSION OF FREE STUDENTS . 1 ý . ý - ý .. .. . . ý tltndcit-,Ilte Scèitt Act ý%,orketl .botter ,osu lie - es -'Beady for' Business ,, and transmiuion ta flic Secrotary or note, MeGregor' of B EGE. . ý ý 7 ' . 1 thé àth COncessiOn Of Vi3it,,r. are .et allowed ta mil lia tl:c.?lr' TO AG ICULTURAL COLL :. . thalle in fon deh r Ottawa. Tt enntains flic noms. of 850 or Westminster, was visited by burglar. ' . 1 otjiei','I)Iace Le linew. Two % es tu become a "San saint way cl th leotorb of fin, cityvlýi.h la nint-encolier auccelulect . - , - . ý : - . . . . . . 1 1 . . . ý - , _ý .cý.",Pliel'i.,g Ici. ambition. .liard > 1 . . ý 1 ý , , 1 ý . ý -3Ivbzýen liait rt,éLiitlý-.cosuo tu Iiiin-ailtl I If '1j riy hall ut the avaita ý 'a.. a ..aller. ' - 'p'1I,ý'.1,1o;, ýh. I1ý, 'ý71LI .;yýD!ý1vn2aL lia. 1 - 1 . ý .'i.,Oenà'it lis, lit. on Sunday'night. They obtained'e I..tIý'.ý'ý, ., C, votm ose the liste. troncs ta the balles by . f,,.d.lý,m..,,,.ý an ,man notion, le. wouhl uIý',1. Io ,o oilipliaitied finit thuy Coula net ,,IceeiI Th. by Il la, B.yl.r .cul by B. -ing open one -nota lumiýdexiring Io ,* ,,.,,,iittitýi r.r te,, riýnd- . - ý 1 .4lia , Dits wjl)er.*' À imitait file !!. Boy.cen screlcouitinued, %ville jqy-for pr3 tmnslilie're which teir )ici ý .Itt:tti &cul Juantin." and zorrcw for 1 of the Windows but wore overheard by cure a liant fil a tell, battre. A French iti,,I.. ta and luitl'il, al th, Agný-,Iltuml College. 1 - . - . 1 1 i ý . 1 1 lircvinus ilightmaid tient fier tierce sens - Fiýlýll...I.h.ý'.',, u . . An ciel citizen of Chatham, mica 05. flic hired mon,' . who was sleeping in , f n-w,>,p.r ,.frais tlie romance aientIt ..... 1.ý"-i.led la -.1.ý:;,d.ýli,.,.,.ftl.t AIL t . ..... A t . 1 . . 1ý 1 ý i 1 feint .allie Italien' ilruffli. ,%net this fil . . . . . ,ý_ - . 1 .'i . . 1 ý : - tact, a 15-ýcar old girl ta a local smaIIrOOmjumt off thekitchen. The Prince Henry, wici, the .Iditi.n ,th.t ho Itl'yýtlýý%ý'ýti.ý-illý.ýtil"g"ý- Ag"ý':!ttl"'Q'll'g' 1-'l' . . 1 . - : 7 '-, .. «: 5 ' -el 1 IË %vos IlOgOlla IllinCing . %'ejý 1 the lutecon ai 188d.« . .'. (.C,;rgutoi, The '*Ilrmýs-,.its" illilulge la «ý'Azh.v"; m Il entend litre t marry fliately got Dit sud a hall b.ý.ý CompAlsd autirely * ta !e.,oucý ,%I.pll,..tï. .. ,,il île "Di.-d ta 1'. ,ucoullucultal : . ': . 1 iiiiiiters-tlio Scott Act was entIt work. thet o ard postas by fichue Ore)- Cette., F. III.Z. The elorgyncau preteno labacco since bis marriage, îvhich in aise M elle rtin..týi flitin ce eclgy,". neld a J.tir. or D. .'ilee,...., Làimth B. Comins. Henry CIC1 9ý ail an doit flint man inime ressed Ilftil le . 1 iliv if ivres OxInýCte4. . 1, 0. liteford, and Ic-hersi and 'Ore was Soute irtegulatitY in the return of the intruciers. who hall in the myth " . . C M P , _ . , _ 1, il Ilituself moisolessly and waitea for the 1 . . 1 pellet. rertiffins os ta t.. )..ý' -id.,.,. .11h A L 91 - like this. * M col; . . - . > Illum procetsdings, and sent the Dia would-he, . -:d ýýt1.. .cul 1. il. .gul.ti..n .l'P.,.jtd of bi. ý ý . - . 1 > ý . . . 1 1 . à l'iiielit(illIng 011110(ok.' A.t.,lui B...... Genrge Wharton Edwards, bridegroom, home for saine clocuMenL4. their way te Md. , Cholera i.nlwa .ý, . 1. . I-i-I.r,. -,a... et il-- IAý-WZàZuýo....r C ... ýiljý . . 1 Henry Santillana, ,Liy.beth B. Cotiiiie, 0. In flic memettinte lie persuaded the ri Gregor's- bedroom apparentl unob. wherc flic mortality train thi. Cause 'Zn 8.4t. ý. -. . . ý _ý_ ý:, _, '. -, . . .. increas- Ha, Ceci, ana C. L net ta mariy the ciel man, ,end the two wallabies train tilddreming eue and usually duos ita work for flic ment part in t . j Ce. Cllk- ý . . . - ;' -5 - dite situation in' blainitoble in f . . gi served and unbeard. Rare' &Y took 18M watt about MO-00le' but th- dn-ce 3411-c'.. Ilth Aux., W. . %VU. PANTON . 1 ý ý . ! ý . ilcV lin intürc4t, Tho C. Il. Il. have car- latter is«vcrý indignant. - ý . . . $1B ýi G .1 à? tic. district extendi 00 . ý ý - ý - - -ý . -_ ý rie ýl fait - their titrent' of ,LIlllllg ail aise abstracted 0125 la bills train Mr. . 2 enfle. on ,.eh , . 1 . . '17" ý ý . - - eu, Wimý*rpï.a Aug. 20.-The firat blow ha. A Toronto ýaloou.l,"eeper, Matt Evans lileGréger's trousera'pockets. As they aide of -1%1-t . .-A . C O L L IN ; the Rimaloof ,.tthw.rcl te .tics 1 ; FINE. 0LD . IIA R IJI:U'.L nution LO prâvent th tapis OfCàl-ýitta, sac. Tt in le Illuting bect, .t,..k .gainât tic. Red River VaII.ý hy liaec, vins in Preston Test week weire making thoir sutura through the a a urt,.a.injz.! .' ,;,.,ýL-I)II.ýýiiiiý"tl;rotiglt tlicir Iropertyat Rocll. To dlcy .. iIlju.,.ti.. ta rutréi. CCj.yi thersfare, that it ehoild - ha,. . ý 1 ý .: - - ý - ý , ,. .. ý . ý ý1,Ior and the Norcluay ( overiument elle enritmetor. frt.m crocuing certain Iota «iv. 1 eshing and bealth. kitcheu clone, which they unboitea, pamnon in the n«rth west provinces ducrin-à ý ý propose ta ilisregard flic %vr t ana peinte proporties of thomineral aprings. thev iverc confrontait by a self.cocking jolie ana july. Tics, diuise cippeurs ta W H IS IE «Jmejy s . . ý, House Furnishing'StoËel. ý il ta the froiiiiei. Tt ici u et probable sIe"'egvening white lie waa Ritting in rev;lverinthohand4 ftl'Obiredman, have'been apecialil -irulent in.the ciel, of 1 . . 1 1. i . ! . finit ait -iiiiiif.eti.11. viitli ,cet , actuel "ce who ordored them , . .. .vu 0 0" fi'" ""a ow"«' y a ' 1 ý " 1 ý 1 pItýsi .O u I ci .Ia.,ý, Il 'Ir -B""o ý, an frontal the hotel a black aplatir bit . ta disgorge. The Pullawur. on thé routier, Train whicla the ý , = 0= 9ç-S tý, . ý= Ç MVDaMT .. ' 2'ýa a. il -_ G o 1 ý ý _. il il , ]lieu on the aÏm. Since thon the main. thieves dia se, sud na they more Inter British are bàilýlisig a railmied iota .Nerf . 1 . . . ý : . i ý Cff'..ti'.ý. tient, . ý .w. -,o .M confine ... bu ..ait. .ý"-tiý..ýI', . The plague sentais ianùils. ý _ it. Ivill bc ait)- apidil. part. . ci lh. .1 ....tI... ])or lias swolléri very inuch and the in. neiglibors and well known te file man 1 eaucturn Afgh..i.ta.. Gooderl .11-ut - Il aý'i--p- -iýu 11-ilw." lus - ci., 1-! dl, .fi; -le- 1 . a.- nuire papu-r iligalloi". . . i _.:ý_ - . Illico. '%Vlson a vrliole coluilluoity,ý The bill cf enciefflaint auto faille filet -the fection lias spreaul ta paria of the body cy were allowed ta go. In the main. ta lie xelutratect train the ndt.-cicing Rue. . 1 . . . 1 cletormined tipç)ii'n" Object as.tljc.'%Iani.. lard wu greded within A ehort distallec cf and bis physicien in beginuing ta tout ing Mr. McGregor informeil the colusty -lent- Clay by il,. Hi.,Iu Knoll, ,v,,Cteiý. . 1 ý : . . . 1 ý. ý.ý ýýý . . .. ý . ý ; ý - ý tabous appeler t . 0 Il il,. lot., thrit, tic. intention of tic. c.utract. somewliat limerons ôver the case. Police in the City, but afterwards geignit PCýsihIy one celluit of Rassies ce . . . W alkèr's, : - ý*' ý * : ' a. logiel formation loge i ta c,, ... finale f.,thwitlý. ..a thlit : . . t in ý 15h0»t0gr2'p1îý ý ý . ý . j ý thCireffýctivcInusî. %Vritsivoii-toxLelite ', - them te ,faite no Central Amis will lie th, i.t.d'Uc',uti',, cf . 1:ý ,ý ilýillIl$el%'ý4. ý ý ý . lnIcýs nie inicin.t.... ,vus haind et ou,. Tien route throIitth Cuelph of the Guelph action, as lie boa chillera. into Sontheru Ruelle, . . . . . ý. ,ý , Junetinn milway h. ctow beau putty w.11 sottled satisfactoelly with the mon. . by way ý Of 1 ý___ . . ý 1 1 'l'lie talk of B;4iLiý4h regidan for set. a lIll.,Pi.1z car ...ýlýl bc cotent ... tell .$et , - . . the tran-bupian fine. as French aggreuine - 1 Chib. ý . 1 i .ý ; ý th. values of flic lois serioualy impaire . . in ,Tonquin bmught the vaine ý m .. ýcttI.I1 utilise, and w.11 bu train Goldi.8 ý . 1 1 . 1- iliýgtlioitite.4tilýdt*oll..ýofcli Doillinion . ,%Iill»-I-ug tien confie batik of the Speed . terrible . ý 1 . . ý ý . 1 '£lie prâver was tient Pramill' N 0 .t.3. . Idoine ta Touliuln and Mirs.illsý4 ý *, !c; illai O, tu Allan'a Bridge, wlien te vrai crois the. . - . ! . ý 1 1 geroils cveu am'a hi iff. -Ait a NIcnist.r of public Work, %%'lisait, .,% the . ý ý W C A D A IR .' - 'l - ' ' Britisil I-Cilcuats. ci, the Rcil torectractursi bc restiainel frotte building the viver and proeeed .long the York rond, WII&is BARRE, Pli., Ang. 22.-z-A fcar.* . * ' .ý 'C"I', ' eliculting clown c.l(,Ilietg.wolllIl gratte truesing file saine the second finie noter the --ý-Y - -14 WZI gare ber Cutw,'4 - lui iiot took place yesterday et Gien 1 31.5 &Y IMABS OLD, " d . ý . . * . . . . . ýi1 - Inving tics oý rail-, and tu anI ýàay Wb' . 1 . . . ta ýi.fCri. the Peuple OfIl Bien ,fil y ta constructing th ro Alinout couture of milway o- ab- asse ce ChUd, .lie criait lair content% Ly6n, five miles . train Nanticoke, in . ý and entré aing country tient h . ý -_ Il. i... wild a pic,ýe of ,vickod tell .1 ... rous tic. lot.. . town boanilary. . - w.shas : un o bas ,rCý.j. id. If Mllèh ai, ilion bhould 4ôt Tu-oight a mesaengei front elle scene ~fracture, lm. .1itpha.rts have been over Wh= 'h- b- Miles, -ho chant ta contuÉs, iviii.cli more thon 800 un. ., . 'o th te ..a when tendemareopeced, Wbughohmchudr..,Me ta" conteste. .g. - The.pi.c. -la Occapicil motel boa flic Photograph Gallery and u!Si r J Ohn'a 1 icail iÉ - %vould prove film fleur. the important ..wu teint elle .oti , voit il.. . ait . . ý . it, . . .utflý or contractors himed out and Il whi.h .fil likIly lie Thumd.y Dort, acort, y . . i insane, and 'if Jilin proposition Ivere . .. by it a breakers of the Pr' "" Jas. Shiolds & Go. ren . i-4Lüllcl te bY flic Etigligla GoveriiuiLýnt working like lisavera ail dey. Sl In close Qgures cosy lie expetteil for the work; . - Coai Company. The Susquehanna . business from Mr. S. »Ida, for. - ý : _ - 1 . 1 cointruiting the grade acrou the Iota for . ý 1 ý 1 Combatants werc . . ý . 1 ' . ' . :British cSinoctince in Cdonde woulant Telle death mie in the city ni Huit ý . . composée Of mou Of ail nationalities. . 188 ronge si., accordé. * merly'; o W«ned. sud carriea on ý h. i.ju..t..n lui, inued. ' . . ana, as 1 . ýý 1 - 1 lait littecil luintitýas.-Nows.' ý - wh'ell t . -Ppo-it-Otta--.i-tlý-hiizh-ti- Concède. - . . . 1 ý 1. by Mr. Geo. A. ý Tt agents that, it'bas bac. the Couteau of - ý 1)"Bll)Eni3à He- trente - - ' I., 1. - ýý Go'vemment hu contribu W Bevéral Hangarian and Palliai mer. .NO ENGLISn 8TABLF 18 Ci . . *811, fittea it uII.výitÈ. , .--- - - Inini 63 par I.WO ta 46 per thou-ond in The Quebn . .- . COMPLETE. WITROUT ..__ . -1 . . ., . __ýo o icle Clialienged th. uners. ai a lifte rortictilit, Other day blentreai, the next bighauL Since the $M ta the eulfeým by the Napia"Ble lire., Chante . , .. the latiumtp, appliatices -:__ . ý 1 nà ý ovem _ .- 'i.. *i.A Syracuse G-an 'W fil au Indiana outlaw 'hu W Gien Lyon ta sipply; cerbýshJ board., ý -, kvile f el. that for faut lire filera. a. in the me of ail province m ,le $10patauk te-of Nanticoke ta souci podfori; b, Ir, A N 'k9 '-'t%- ý1 - 1 rocessary te thé. . ý ' __ . r Oubli "'ai. yetc. fi« hall .-lerageul 25C alcali or .... a . ... 9 là ,v fiv,ý,. the bouleu aie wSd, of .ancre thalle, killin état reeyýýr old ing-bouse keepers.' The Susquehanna 1 . 1 1 . - I., . - ri."iý;111ý ileilw. ý , or .,,cet ,20 bar. an. la many clucelu si. huddied togetter, boyatRýkportIud. 1 . dont Co ý . production Cf - . . glaises of loger Des, citera il.. ..nit-ry conditions -m aimait en 4J An infant in Elizabeth; N,'J., which fat paYýndpeaYnyllaolwweavyear foIretchts, 81larsttmtime* i ' 1 ý Seule of tlic'mpýrtý of flic ,'village are - ; withont becomi.â in ngi-t.d, ..d,-r.ely .Icy Imter te 0 apparently boit a cela, was treated fur theY Paî« finir mai et Gien Lyon, and e - - . Twill nt work trIeing ta orgauize a rifle r 1ý Il la Th. jury b.lievedli..- Pr" ab" ,a a;;. what la dra-n lm. the thatailmei2tidayand a baitwhen Morgantown on Solide la . .1 : ý - . ý _ - : - ;.ý . SI 9'oting teste. I, rc, 'Ui.itioit ici being cetouSd Iz., M Ilon-intoxiéteut. .1 in Were it ont for the cevere winters Y, w tell Cg bu 1 J,ý er al oum, un FIRST-CLASS W ORK- - ' Circulated sûttiný fori flic Objectil of HAULw.%, ýug. 2j.-F,.ial.t Nu. 69 which arreste dissous and kill th. Serons 1/40 . .., . . 1 - ý 1 *;, - . . .1. , ý1 . ' "' - the nurse accidently discovered idiot always beau chollen 1 sois cruc-, 1 ý . 1. , C faune fluit those in synipftthý'with it - th- traire fot ,vidait they .pring Hull ,louait lie a the child hall partially swal]6,pié,l a - collections; - Thé Rov. esm £«# . Ha i 8 hall 0,ýor eleven years . . flic lait fer il.. wut et 2 si. .... nuit ta make theii . ý ý are boing Instinct ta sigu the document. %vos light "O Pilot wu sent aloig ta hall, it continuai est homo. 1 .1, ý . AMsoon as a sufI1ý1cnt iiiiiube.r'ofmigna. op the Iclig grade ta Cocuet.wn. About - th m Co Tart ofGlen L àmileil 1 p ý in. " -the o >par poMoà>-of Mr. Tag yon bas f , t'. - - - exporince file the business, and . * * a fly menu by looki.g IY etin the Deejardin. jonction CALTe AUe2O.-%V. Quarvie. -pastmute'r L îreu sa égaient what lie auch . il ý . titres ],arc l'cote Ise'eýired * tien club will halfmy het% Galt. died indilenly un Thucaday f ý. CAT a . . ; .. bel ormallizeti audin, groucul M 1 ailing fur . FOR aimons, Cure.; once spliit. ýihmformlug th,-- i a', month, it in a littie IL escutration of thé; Sabbatb, and lie - cemiithaftime, lýavm*gýworked : , * . elented feint aud the Dentiste statoin thé train coule ta a of ION that è abstraction wan; net fimdle, determined te put a qtoý ta it if - Ùý utimbýr. of the leading galleries in * . prectie vrill commence. 'filera in no statut owing ta the tact that the engins did D'Ord"'X nt 1-30- l'a boa boa' 6 ver Cartier. The mortaliby posai In, yèstérday lie cîrkanized a FoR ' O en isotfuniish.oùffici-ut motiVe power. The ýe 1 ho., but âtely hua quite iliproveil ' - ý .'. train wu ont in halvot'anci part went on in in hukh and was .lit. ta attend ta Dg childr rend scarcely 1 'ce ý' a -.1, op teatu éducatif net ()y.ýRýbe.. Clopprit IIftIàý Wind 0.11. Canada, .1.0 in %ellester ana Èýffàio, ' re a. 'v'l' fi BI 'Vie .lie Possé of hie chuiëh* members fer thst FOR He Inactivons on . . . Pon illestenticinau in Nancon. 1 N. Yo ho ils co v ogo and cleighbor- "ce. ý a et in - Mure Tentant. and Infinabzà Prepared -te terni Icut work 1. ý'.-II-lý.'ki villa le. . Oint festin, thon freiglit con alerte, tell stauding on flic tuait. Wedisuday feeling au well as usant bot 0 . . ý FOR Bol Xilernoi Belles ri Incultes. whili the caboo,ý and four Inaded braineu et the ofli went home on , nde W of this special bit purpose. The mélà got vrilla of Tt and .. C.PW Rock. -. - . 9 .1 ma(Ip op titille initiale tu resiitaUY aller. FOR Son Efficuldeles son Iluki hil ý . "-that for harmony ana style of -, '. -- 1, 1 :l .: 1 Alter awhile they began cenoving clown the about ýi&ht C'direct il, wu natiSd filet ha - The heste of the liman eteannalip turcs of the kind.' The Cellule, FOU peut flot. iý. x.l.thD.., ivhynot Strectsvillo?. Get lipagood mmal' and the 119IL aprocielle. CRU, B.1- i. .et . , ,; ý , , rifle teatn alitl Clialfiluge Oakville. If liait fia.t.l. Internet boa net uo* . appettrance ýý . air . - as. tors mastic 1 *&à ,prade ta Haniiiton .estime and .tuted lisait ItY Of Montreuil" in Mid-Oceau by th . ., - - sea by.àuy other - 1 - 1 ' S. , - . POU . - ý c,-mw «=(D-'C is à1vrays a liard ý Iua'Ctýr ta down aný et ci speed filet inerýed',Stitinually. in. Medized aict w2eýat nom cousemained, fissbea days agit je te The self. Rebond excitement of thé moment Wall ý ý ý.- 111-ý_-"ýý . . rpae . ý ý . ý . 1 of 'flic Streetiville- clubs, bc they what No Obstroutint, %as encourteuzi 0. th. omy butuofno onnaiace. . ported. ý 1 > 4 redict for ibis rifle outil th. ccra ma ,iglit Op the yard within file. Mr,- Quande ores appoint, poutý Possessionand bravery of fil. o1ficors -t-gi-à-t.d by-a - mait ý ' 1-211 " 1 ý 13PECIMENiEbilidowiAu , . ý . galléril. th, CémotrY;. . ý: '.ý . ,tlléy cosy, and %va p ý and crow and ý . ý -, _ Ronce 1 ý t ýI many an lia or. afow huadreil yards of the .toiion. There master in IM. * He watt ý a lifé-long and 1 1292 of the, vomi m béer and w1iiskey.-ý ' . - . setoves & Til . ý, -- --ýý- _. ' ýpi)otengicebarmd îheIrftirtherprcqý. consistant Refermer. mode it Poss'bý:ufe - 1- . . t _ ,. . . -, !'Uol,,-G-»U--; Dm ý 1. 179 or te leavé. flic . 1 ; . _ .181--,-rm» . 1 . ý ý . - - - . vermeil the obi ----ffl-b-tl-.1.n.diýu.7 . ý ý ; .. .Aý - lit of Court. 1 ha cicin-se duhed fat.. it. 1 intimidait aUve. Coty * th. ày , titi t the situation _ .tables lia One- James MOK&Y Wu th. doulgernas ý . et ** ; t th i ukits*,Y.U»ML 1IcvcýncD ILL 'w6pýK- pTjÂRAký£'ED : . ý Ivreckhcg it and two tomber eau follcwi-9. ,Id num Do th. fat, cf Mie.. Eb. btl-i"9ý: and ditiobelliené. of hidiicg. The f fini in [«iérofBdý.ir-liý.t. : -ýý' ý ý;ý 'w . 1 1 1 . --.&W- Ici .-Ifi-b- n à au --s - - ý . ? ý . .'>. ý,'.' - , ,., ý-. ý , ý . .. l . one . . gel, ý ý - -!Velrjlneg limkemau sleeping ici the cola on the wealthv wiclow umr,%Vate portion of the Craw son lire Wall .' .- _' "Colot'l i. Ûî. néMI.rd.È6; FiFts-r76i:Àsa -- : -0c)nw ay -E 1 1 . lon,- li,.iýt. raci.c. '.fil tien. a -a lew . .. Osé iýitense,, h.W i t et 'it fin ý . 1 . -_- .ý. -- ý,"p."3,d,-ýI,7 ' . 1 : ý Ponstable!Hcffernau went ta arrOst mai of the debout. -.P.l wit, Dot injury. Mm Erb sud MûKay tous married. -sh. - t - . t me.; * "G..U..ý;- ýthOR-YOIC.b-ti..I.. "se W o lait in a , y ,ý -98 , W o lait in a Il 1 en ý minàtea in.a, 1 * 1 - ý , , « . ., - -lie, 'vite kceps a a 0 - .. 1. va Faune et ý.'lýe. qï , ,Ith-ih .Dufy every part cif th. car Wu died et 851sanl of mg - . Of -t-bl«ý.Id le .... 1% la, y . agents a 0 ers of -- , iles. - _ý;ý antIMCE&Y je ... , -the Jas. Walker. Elder - ffl aite natio 1 sauls.. 1 lusuaine ,iand, .wortai EM .Use prà s S ,MAIN lLnftked' into splinteurs. Robert Martin, 65 yms al himsdf. - By. hi. marriage ho eau@ .haine . ,: - 1. a _ - , fur th. lut tac yuccas ; . -àf .- .. % 1 - . ggery on flic madgidefivemilesfrozu driver of.the pilot wu rather bouffir ahaken mine intdpouconion et cortaidemble ansItt,4 eu I .of , 0, HI. * IL * « Tt wis met loùg bef.îe il , 1- - sý lu,.b.t. caca dianoust 1 ý 117, ,le 8 0 Mon l".--FUM séry uw.d.ý,W.g flý .-, . ý î . ', - : . - __ - "? gloýesle3-, on Tuesday Iastý; James look op but net scurioualy huL rite Pilot W" estimateil by the reighbus et ab . es a lie net .. . se, le )3 Fà.q, temps au M aren'a . Irréel, ý .. ý weré luli6ugly en iü ** , . : ri.' ïî * ý Il ýý, .. .1 ý ' ý - a a il: lýý'Pýift-U«t-&t'Xài.ý'efUidi..Éiiiiffiýý Ct&«ý",,,>"Iwty t', - z . ý , , - t Eavotroiigliing and Reps Ont $W . ? ' ý . t - aticlis, etoneiý'au ClUI)i"fcýr», , » ,ý-ýý,'?-IBLLIXilf%,iïd!Éài;Ékl3R&ATION"- ,- -< toithowoodamdýpatricktdok alter bide. badly ý ked. - The tuait wu cI;;ýZbY 000. lave atilt belli eau, in M .. ici a for- wea . .. ý:EFi2:1ýs-Mýc0_- ý - ý . ; ,,-ý,';.infirst-classstý: effet a bot race James surrendored, and 8 ce.lock, and no d.laX teck pIaý - bout, -ci lie cKay's bSn pi . Tà8friôt làgtýa ý 1 ' _ - - daexiiite. *" Dot long &go etigaffeil ta . . . ý 1 1 -.1 . .. - - 1 ._ýhàifl,àlutc, Our, and -ýý &,I'd' -,.-.ýý ,.. 1> .ý-,_,_ .ý _ý_d . ý iman' . ýbyChéi.W.i4Étài.i,.,à ' . ;ý '. '. .1 >1oný l ý- 1 - - ,las lugged alonà ta flic rCàdside, where ý a. Mi», M.Mu. whm Yeus m lm thon . I., ý . ý . Y mS:--wére,ý%tîùCIèý'aéwù- ýîJ1 ý _ . - .mp..,U. 2. . ý trate Vausýtoue siat'i. bis AMoc - xmu._ýA. yon dit I I > the: number.1ce hue, ,Ion. ou tlhla«n : Taillade - .4.8 1 ý . . 1 imeï W ' "' "' -----' - ý __ boit 01 . ý, , 11, ý - - - -',- wérâ Cairied ' :1 . ý777'7ý n= i cal ý 1 ,ciewing the mes. Hi, 1 sud bnuk.. .L7-r vutb Io eitn bi I Inm for 81g "a fi wu flauqu, cf Dm .1.8 1 ýimM _t- _ý,-â-ý- -«Q,-*! "' Y, .I.k eCld -.ýr'.8. ce m I jouth. carriale, - , W 'a - ý Uxýy. -. COM "ýTffl l£ftà,qt; Ee,"WBMM .-ý1 - .'ý. ý. ièq,ýoý,,,' -vm- . ', È . . la ffl bloc: an th. -et ,ý;,ý-;"- -diýffl-9-1 re--r LI-' ý - " . - ýMy fil.. k» th - Il j Si l (MISSI Sb,, y- -SI J.K 31r. iclil,,iýs-i Imr 'f SIL.C J-L an-l liIiý, Zltî, b-t. -I, i -f 1 ISIL ln th-1 CIIW', fth 1119 1 d7l pry. SI v'i I.SII f i , la, C- 'j, -d o SnjLý Ù'o brid. hot.1 ..;b 11101;1.1 1: fI SI. 1

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