Canadian Statesman, 28 Jul 1887, page 4

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tmti .7F:n Li lAc i ,ut luit.ais. t au s toi lttttt .tt<ttit . .....t. j t-tttil 4Cte , ~th tt t Mîtot-tu Pm--l bI i ..........toe f if lit OUR cGLU IN LIT. P7rIt TEDU LD- t .4C * ~~' euavtqteana :ti~ Gtl obe, t . tt- ei e -àwh h h e, b , eha e n 4.l t dat tt. th t ttt 'inerof a. I-. tOAsItI ue let-le Ptth.. Octitiltd ttttttttttth3i. Pt ittty0tt o thihy tit Mtttttit tte lt'Au .1 G oltogitec . W o tt i elO uoî "tt. Aba tt ,etth tP 1ptl leve t h t t tt i t P t t t th . to th c ~ & D C O U Ojtt t. t!Pî L"p oit . 18.5 ttthtolttttttttttC gtt U tttlitct tit -Coctitti. 2.0 V b 1[lutitottit o th t I' otuht ht.cttr ttt S nt t ' i. ic . 7fr it-d ttt'dtht ttt .0 t iltutttt httitc o t t. t t, ttpi<ttt o>. T t m 5 e p t.f ..d.,itt tCut tu th. dttott pohj ctigiettt t-t t . ttt tt htt h 80.2; tt.Fiottt gchi no 8.0 A R. 'Id uthhttt.. Tttt tttt utttodtth tt otitt tiht tcttc. mil0 u. . Lt. ttthttdt ptt $d , gtt o itheooettta tttt- h ptt tthcb t eiWo iittutvuhtti t-t.ttdtgott. t . .iitht .co et ettttc th t h t! t-h e itu.tho t ee pttet-t Ac tttttti h0 ttptî h t i tooretttttlttt'. N. 80ttdttc dht Ittthtttttittttitt t "ttht ~.ttoeethtthiCP oi tilt'.St Si.ttIotll-.aWttt toto et. gicctCt Att Atiot Botiet't tttttt « Ctttttittit' toti"Jtoo't ihoptiER cttotittctttttta. t~Wh!: lat-o,1 it- jlea tc <y h tto T Vtttt. hpii !ctt mo it. non si fur hiitt 7 . sa dt-c ". Atat. 'É t"ictot."ho eo t biig le te A pe H ttstttiti ttu t't ccsete tettc. .»Y ptetoett r d a O ri ît t! . P. iit T e itiicc t hTiiioro to Go .t e en. Ttt it uA ropt enh.s ich a t itt. . ù t e s - ..f.ambskilII b -dogt, vz dome.the .mhr.'aicyittitée. t<b =tntie l-r. h cott ggittu"tetltettty ittot Cctîe titi t toittot i it of th n'teiutttt teOrtr t o lt ait ,Coti't m PhIWalc, poa. -tthtiheuotta. et ite ri.i u.itcoîtkiit Tt i L c riit iti etcto otto t lieIild>adO o iono.ýlioteroci s .tm ot u. t éier t i t ire t lot 'i at in îtoc toc,ec paidtol eottiz:-hoWm.tPicoc ttO tottdtg it o . tg laititl. Aohri" el. 38.6!;; WttîttGpllctfotïtt82;tobti iy i octooe.the sootnio otthn Cit ' Stttt Otg . w ri 2 e * o1ttit Ite t tt. H ttO itt lotttlc S acctn .titt t-t."a t h t Aull ohuto}ancpct. hiogo. 1e woî'montec S pinet',t nd h citt W or h i tt-t- punc h ;vlti ti Hitle cititt eorgtWhrt on titte ot tt0tttth o cit t ,otIo. Im m en "e OL fm agei ut i lPe ote. 'OthLt 'f.t&tF.ttGreenttt o v4ua fer tih o c Olu -tot-pl Ioto"a liws phVt't for TttttUthe i hocti en Pes od Ice bc84.23fo Itmbe sppled t t t ll tlt ShOrisis te li ottooftJ- 4otoci tbettt. àtcoapit L sîtct, litium; rit, -o c i cil act. ttc ;ath ctemottebvei'yit ie c cheaâ LCotti tlititîtio htdtt't u ntocy e wt dettt oLoottCot t ieibaterttt tccectNra t-tiighttoi ht-at pr. tt Mr.'Hae is'o t eilttci, t ttt'-the ttt ooitto.ctiîotd thcptit-t e - t.sliýan.r ad tt bals c.ttt1tt pcatithcton te o. isteitto00t-ta l'a tifotl. otoee'cA ot. S.O.S. ndi Ymptthytt in t si.v . itti4tg tAte. on.§2 .oetitc tto ifi p% ec.thottitetIeut 9,.tioc!Cijitlt fEîo t u ti cc e ntcttl tettt t !tot .:ict lttttte mtnS tic . s n f 5t150;J:t . c toniot' ooîtMt t te t ut l e, tc otitittpubliectttlt ingftttt'ttttt Tht t ioty oit t otohi e. Thtec andH. etto ci uri'. t l. c , . 50;t"in'è itt ut I.h.ooctt.e.therito tht C-oa lat antttt otitt o te tct locrttt fth0. tt COn tii miitu otino t.Itease i oatoovie ti opoted tditi iti Citepftoth o cId o t . .lotly ! ii oitt Ci o c C. t.itt t hott Oi.l ltth to i thep t - eth. oeotctotirh. e tti. itttcyiIh o-tilet t-letbcit otiteilte heto t0ttistu C t»ttot otpoy "ittcet ietot der o tt tle ow "Satie Ant ieeins r tittoto tieb Ltu.itctttie It-ih tc tttio et chuteto. tt ,tiot tttoott tttt tot ti t - Éùotein tt t-c ut boe taticntettot h t o tcwiot. ltcciilimtttt thic J. C. on50 pF atèý otctpothto tt tttthtettttot plttttnd"cýiid rot mi EV itt t I toIT et "Att iCt ttt inpttytloýuat hétttt. e s O an ntan i it! Noi8t e. exp. ' t t tetot' loeeto ot e otottt tttotex-t'u tt o " Oi otn'C othlotit - h'fD e a iX s 5 eiet,5. Caponitic ihti tt it000 Oit .t-to. t! Steitrit. ctunci t.ethe iccoto h tte dCol Pylemteiit-ct to f i d fM liey Coinci ajouiid L st a a out Ptu Tie.a. 0ot-.e, tit, uth " lty S ott uitttt t n eo tti.I att tht tAotioti et boi otit itoteput t ienot oa f "Ailbtpi hCbt ti t ttW. K1t3. rongo. nittntofailet. Tli t t t'iC e ed al p r S ] ttaot let ii oit. Ctd tao r tti the c ttu pci lieray tit t tottytu tpt ie .tthnSo' w rh 6 c itlitottttiltheCo ti t-tcttît,,Oîtîîti . .tietts!. hJit .1 ieo".ttt c! to it t ht cotinua to cl ht tinno!Sin e Coil reio iottepht-itO\ sint..ttch tetauttoî"h e . uitct. 'BtVhc ntitthletii, oteitoA ne fB ak oo * Attooot. iclootoe, Cootit. Ot Vihit-t 9 t nathitCig myitat ti" oi sio n"le. t d tto. tiy tof tcorse y edS:i er e -itath se% e t etfittt i tciy. ite totttce htc . .a oncitt.t ti00.i.D ti * .Permtuti'loinittit' it 1. pheto< e Ptnp boet "ttandtgJuantitn" ctttit t r git ahtoiih t Il15frtersrie. C tttie. t .rutNlilt.n.. of<P t-.« Gros .Graink for $133.78, efor titott-cupio d t "pat. Te H ctry fVt *Ct lodt" t < ever tu.coli xe V t thi eti iotto ers Ctteicdcio. i..aThts;ttomttt e. nettetpctr Oi nttt !o otto iotth eht ît ttti oc u and jlittfothri. Tht u al Wio. bteut,<nim SeHartr ott ttis %t! tgtitetl te V i tt t h elnty itoc o ttppoitely with' into tt-tt. .o ooettit-.oeo p ii oitgin o t hldo r acp e îtti td eoeattt hte o n .p r o t'sitig i tcttet. Tht itcctihav e tre et (ieg C httoiet lt-oyatue. pncrielitiyii . he e teC tt.<te thit i ttét otfta'ltty i e l t i..t" n intebu <i .f i i Vct o c p .. Cle bu, A for tt blosns fMr. i tt te t h at ! teoi o pth tana ,i hmore inu ttstsin co.OCdgsiu t. nd we obndD an JsClit',p..,hoaponti t tilueal' onthitl. t-.t-tb. -cGl, eit. et oho i parti .ttentc titti. .: P U N E gtt. o. in rna? N oi Cett.t .1iothi tPib,,toý,I r t't % S itgh i,,TSli.. 8' i llao. t m-l" t, t in tte tnu t! tcttc it itd ctio ioot fi .Ptifi . u hétlt -'ciTt e ott <lai i..tJa ctttt b 0o. tVtfor . romffaert itoand tai he itt-ctt- a hhecd i KittC o , t ot-t T ' ctt< ttohtdt.V cil otCaett bto tnt.. . W egoin o Det *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~g ntttitttept<l Coegl -tto C'ctiyh.J WiBt' ThnOtp0cltotttt-t-QItttpbouléy uit Mr.ttoott7t oit-n t t he pt5111tht tttttlai tetioil oiayl t. tt-ieti y CeH ti<, 1 -c titiCpd . -.soe $2 . lie liii Uto te u i, tlca Atad cttc R JlL bsotcqrtot it oci- %t id t ii. tt h ot'O iit grti tatpat f héro il.ig oy Jc. PAthnuedfth. tt Jtct 'Wintotb Tt Soti' tht-ttpa ttazine. ce - the h -Gh n tl ones o i. tht iftathtt o <iaot oet tottita <tin Litt10oc.o.<oppnitt hy5itc b*,,,ýst- lts i andtt <l5, aiCîtt " .hi' te <. it iî t- tt' it- T h.ti uidttt rotilerottofPttitte. TtA t. 1 cw rh 0 . b08t-t' . pcotey dt e tWt. A Sc tit d il tocr ot.Ut î lC ti - . It " AT <tc t Dc-. tint. y ad ttmt-i u oite t Htped toieta tht p- ethiy cto srtiKCitt! unititl ttth pt ude oftttdr et<.tttttiot-I.-ore tt ttp a Pite..htlo o p i t bi te.m I- itil' h. itt ttoTit t - titcoeth l me Tte d e. red atttco uiction. loti!., .cty ,i .et if tptdctt oloptitil itt P.- et t o-! it t.itl o . Tbt h .ti St[c-o&t cr'og bttliy oittite d t tt t. tch e t.oc .ttiiitt. Po co tic l ' tt id t bd gett c-ttirr th t, bâot- n e t tttti. Bt *ot. Coper 1190tg j -t l litc th -i' t t.titt ~ Tteo iweve ilpcýýelc I t lth ltttb lt ht titt-to C.I..,a ote lti by.vets- ticdt-t!. btt. h ttttdfur tht itotwit J tndm J J and se o t-1eiils,'N.. t T ho of <t-dt: olî 860,ttt elt- dt--t- g li-b t.. s oouu t her t-d . 1<11ivra. A rfsin0 to. So îiu *otinhondftohbe olitt!E tto t i «ýeceotits "I lrsue lotli.ttt ttttttt ttt t uh.ttitttttith tttbtt-d tt forenC.tbtiCthsaio.h tt- aqrt-t uyh-etq . on aitgtih tr wth Li! tis ete Ti<t tteIishoPtytne: ..n nensr ad. Per t otlot-qdthtpt-oit-Itt'o tot thtn -lulju - t t ftpi5t taib nlv aletcittitb e - tdadBon ____ ht-W.G.Pttt Dl) iev, nthE. -. tt-ttdi. ty t. bhaiirtotieo l acr ft-t.ct-t <th .il ladin-hnth t ini n h ehmodtter t ft-tC 0.t 'ie oI<îe. . ..oit-httti Tlaoet,..lT a or IN tttClttlt~t..e~3lSoîsL~ 00,Tttt-' -t -...~oihh ~" ' 'cGidwt lop'~s and get.i _77 -on une 'zad- Jiortbread aî _______________________________ athiotýthe lfld he miak - aI th - -And set our tablecheery 0: I t 0eI oIý ban d a eefiSi .si eef every doter Eii Bon .. a. in L. t- t o - ______________ -_________ f stj1~iocko il,ùwoé &Chldtëb1ijm2l-ed. 17 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ u-,n su 'ewear. M RS -tPPES0. t-lt ot i<ttttt pt-ille prit-t. in-to nt fibote t-thtat- .fiýt et ott!l i tl Pr' rattnte-peu jotutr repattt. pttt ; G OýOT TO AL »0TE.. .AND' cn' * - ~ 'ui<ol 6 DU0B5 treet, LON~ :C WO 7" f' Bega to:intIimate that, hé 15 preparx COUNITY 0F 1ALTON. te.ttt..d . dt Arit- ,t - . th Dernocrats 'l itt bà ut<.tto.e toi lct ons of___mil_______ o craeu ts,<îotttt leh~ o ,S i .. 5 .<3 8' 000 tB ut cl' 8 2 _ ' otoM t-i i.< ritt-t, . "' C Ici 5 3 8T2N1 10ielot3Ot .8tSe06 ee1t e t ICt t "'"* ieo 0ot t10 t et 31 26c 21, fSt!f W.I . Atott lias a iplendid asaortment of Cianacdiai Woruteds, Metone, &e., &e., and eitu UEM~ ' too, will. be found' ta bo'reraarlcibb A K U ~ flJ~j* quality of the goeds he sell.' ,VWIR1E 3 STALISHED 1878. FO 0F.RFINEST 13RANDS - -ATORT REDYMXED pAINTS, OILS, 'pLVrlL Wyhite Lead., Varnishes, Japans. ,I .* ., . I ,t nt p y ý a th tti e d , o t e e e o i - o i liu uct- h um tti tte. ft-eeg. <eete, bht-tp Binder ±wine, t intade Ct e PtY tc totlit. A'nllealed 'W~ire Ehaveo s tt-ck t!gott cteot fret- AJ èaedW Ce Dttot otd Cott-ttde u toise Otoi e Graenions ana ooeeeDre o à- a .te. j g, tyUtaet-tfuldW. o! somet--r and tI Nails Hings, Glss yao i br.ovt a-d tettt of Sbe4i!gs' Y t, A 30eteate lt-t get--t S e ty 'iftt pttddouble tietdYohW 0 al' AN]) HOVEL. dotwoh ~éh i ogtoat1tttt D ce <rIil Geîn ebeaAN D amantineL .1 . 1'A'C. S. V STEVNO N'O POýT< HO E AG.S.z., TVNON OEAI WHI8Rne YSIIU!ad cl-t-ine iPEIILE1S.FabrTbes~tni ee tt tc ttcStoier t- te to.0S u t txt t . . HOU( Clb B=:ÂDteti, 7 Y ABS &D Ï E L L IM A N [ ~OIIP CoItt. CeStd tt I.O figain peýtt-- Ja ca X(,! FO Mb ROCAII ýýdceépet 550.0. Cotte. <t7t tpi-AI yFOI iSaOR.MEet .mSt o Ct-ctnct npeee it f.1ioto tittetttt tt-- t h-nt tbti A p 5tehto,.oo,.p mCHetI . e hgÀtt.i. l ettd.Otttb ST:so IOL1 s.M 'o CttoS- FMauels, lC Propu~ttc are BOOttu :ILTOtI tt iotiten ' y it f thtec t-s letOt hr0t TRis TOCý -W4 0lriÉ&LTON. ,ONT. »44TON, Prups. t if.î.t. ot.eilt ~ t iER_________ FfDETsNc sîtting te.n 00"""' lee o f et .t-,t. p_ t.t- Adh ........e.. 10- ertt-tot'*ý 4 %tn- - --- ,t t- l e .t let- ur l t-e 0. rt CL<tobtaf P,o -t,coetyl i ht1 .6 hBorlittuiot Li it.. t -1pt ~i.. ttohttd t oi. t d13otist ...!t ~ t- thtit-t-ty t tiB 1eft or --y t9t THEC o. ol ood, îeîesc, ,jetlor nytkndtt fo m.ot oo 1 j tPeh!tî ettt et tit îoi ttte ilort- et. il b -~te et e ot ' o ettu tcot So. 4 TEC ý,Wt c tt et Ite C a às; LAI)Lu.' &Ce c.iten toptit ,BoTh. dWtt liee T.Et-h. Lotoe, Et Ttto Otir -esoft le1 Icte I. " tIl Miltt' ttt cton o n a -Wooett "t ,o., to.'t oltitoott. Ati-On, pe - DETIt p,. aNrmt LAOXF t.& HT EL Inc TWNDi broto.Uc, r~ ME. . 1)TL. cotANT, A m1PRCE 0 NT. 0-te t o . âm to uop ttttîee CENE AttAGET.EtO t .hl.7,r 0 ~1i W.RUR OUR LI '-.6 fi t t., -

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