Canadian Statesman, 14 Jul 1887, page 2

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PIS SDDLI nue~t ne l) i. Bir. iil,Hl""'I 1', ,i.h'. bit. 1 . i - r1.9 91- iuMC wlb Odl-i aisi.M.h-* i.l. hi 1iiah , , t. M eO poth Mgr, h10 ied I.AiCh t l. i,, i Iii bitiî ',iine -'u iOhh 2z â ini ILj liti i-Tu il, i.,. ' Ahi -- 1 - -4 J__ _ _ _ _ _ _ .FCOE oha.. -,. -hhf.hyh.h.h __. fl--.. - - ý ". ý ý l - , . 4i G ~ ~ s enf__ . -";. _« ohý ertePanhoil o;Taid __eo ,iia__hh , ta O. -oao 'Zmoi .p;plhiY8 '- _ -'onh0b"S8 I N D'Swba !ý ý 1[hctea Mhn hoiy .hih h',iibil 'cho o i lt.od oo oaae ohi , 7 1_ 5" hii'.. ï-_ __ _ __ _ __ _ dîrngbfhte n ohbP ho ,s Hoe&E, d n ai - jwac .e0b aio-ciPoO-A -h i wht. .EW p0neL -1 -lâii' ont Ohsprae__ onoeÈ lIas Ach o- sg _on1 - fM, ""M______________.,e- îoetieeoctohoaildofhi thhinfi bonfre bzDs'taobl O7_52-gav vn nmsmo_ ;.-"' copoo t iao1 iooht7 ffiîraofoono toplnr.-0h1fadrOvro1soiyhg Is oa1- dhbr__ s0 .O5,. 0. * ASf0ll4$2h àhh uphe h0&ohpO 3é2p55O .~Jey nhiglc io.h er rsOsh'h'_0~0Omsi. aa ..o~ioU.tbo OtbflOhO~h waadoh1asag hn tico-,:son'tZo h,. -vemmotho- ,hI"n-iO.-f efte Sf.Pni. ffna55hihhO&Mn l"li'lý' 1iiiie.aos'l iooO'é4os.ji 51h0,mie jî ±? aoeh: 4a.hléor noagnho fo tp'.0haeaOihd LE ba oo teoihydPrtOh5. hýLNZO < * * h 1 150A 1-- ,-,h riohenénenemoflilfeahe ! ObT 625.000 hais "o!be'st pOh tesoda iOhalih O. h.1-ý hhi, h , "" ý _ ___ __ ___ __ h .0 oho ai M-- ixo,ý,,""ý,,,ý,7"--ý onolrO arh topigdae pra o00 00 hfarpyioi So1ot Onnymsto . _t- x .1,it-00t-o...01h_0 c.,oarljiah' ua ri o tie h Ota th enosConolla.eaoenecthl o thir ol5 ho trsah h hvsl'sunry.0n& hhhf00 Ih IpNEE0sJÈseinel ... cic eeah te onh alçacaa.I aa iohec, 000 !ohhg . ad 1e .a r eofctixta «fo . -- o l iasn Igbhor ad oh'fflnon , ",' - , , lihnba o eci cotahoI Ioi-aabutýe the otnt0 t ra.M5 re1 M hhaheesP-- - ý-1ý:-J LI -ý1Lf ,-_ . 1ýihi' i. MiohdCrepodnh11- oecavoaltr masent- oatea o eeIaO ehoahoa, enedavo e»gaý,', . -ý-- ,- _'ý rsnýtili botnse o. f it ineoiapma d mos blnneing mbheh eoeaiadOtasaeaccalee u ln nt as-ho-lane dhrfag Anghet, and. Oho fracb 'cMc-ii ' -_:ý1. . oi. 'a Sih tenetc.heooeoheoh nd orinOe fa itly . a rean ie0. oiofh hehoioeae .0peio . tj1 , i-- :1' aeighdfmeit la icLbita!e pro* HiflrHnboai& faord a sh ret aid a tha emehftgh e mi tî. ibehmiiholt. Mo.ahe'Uhhf.. _ -w 1- 1.hiee lninlî ty ashcd Ob eibened o n Arb h ro l n ofo aemanthctoh prioo.théan al nIatojfc tn ha.Ana1ýaér1 " , ý, i, .--Z,. iitO z . ý .b laao eo ah apaon xrt oi ht r. 1- - - taed- hh cnhoh o th o ca ..aipeod'iixy1. E iwodaiaila.Smes Tng hcc nd ea . ov1 yli n oeirixmn o .d bisen eoter5ý 7- .too I. ,l homo nai . xnthec 1 _ , - , - rhachd? bi. d - *!the' o"0"lO.. e n., tboinhoahh 1m a odhAlLn ;M u int ra î «' ào oacolnltepomd ycard alt cîîheteledaaekoeotR-o-BcoagPaederhwbllicph-hs h _j, ,UTa careopnlntoo nf ontnîcohvtgdaegr P i! P . .0OheOixi man ýmosotn.acb the a ito not cfih aaeaa nei b aahnltecfnolehd5O!We73tOi.Iheem "d n ëropa oacnh ien on faa - '. ,%as 1 frtb& mps ia -zô- dB.,IL o ilho0the ...'-...,_'-..*ý.. n.hIl. o tîr edayochv1Osolo lal ooh phl ii irecréiiph ofdo,~l.1 en1m. i -- oie i -.O -1da Ia "b -eeeco- lej ----ooéDHoFi----ea*m.yipeico ba h'càiAt" mold hein co ta o nod h aataraid mui eror i c r Ealmrtimiigvo0 mpayoe .0 iae hM Oh. . -cPm - ;hom mfaahýaý' ît... '. ,-,z8anly noh lath a t al or y O f ù, hea li t hI pd a n t anStni' fnt an I ithe a ,indh alies hO. &v oaanc on lb. hîifl emor ,o .M.ath"n lie'o.0h wToo0.ooSa0cehoPa1aibantbonh1ha1,l', .,ýfois ,Iin ard ltudr tndcow tai deon Ma -hâITS h: . ce f'thrlmerixyes, . ivirmixee nhaleatI5- . , h îoln _ale _ohn -ts&xasai.00ledda-O e- oo nao- hui nîiheadin0. r nîa Ul b ' nvaldà n bi a t * u at oe i.h--c - -- Forai .iA rect i xoalFt îhan -oro 'pariog ...lmdaiso -eot faco ilaih'oo.a pc :hhs -stalst, . Sý e o raUloy o olo nlinth nAc. finCal haas mn ceiol h u .ntor- hart*ag. ad'. eh-hat lii -'..nIhatuc:-,oetenerld S i bo chi' ici .t bo tho long a O cha o, h i .a nd m b h ç ao r ô irh : *iO tatr:th M lon Loiwmr into o ll om i r t oan o JaSe t i ena' O ovii roba eD Ico-0a tl, lne mU1c-a5 heohhThW hbotrse am S5kt CIbt and aCno ln oo b iîraah tixa aopcriarogeeom panccél, it .- d tamt tîr-o oro 21,110 peaple raed -FMsaiboenbyCbsmli...... a O!asecosni m dehpFm. abdl boIrlicine o ietpo q1îîhnddîcrobqnîirv ttoralîoédo at on mr.s.g oet to rcstr thadh t 1 UabonliRneolbaitoihhoWn, ffa 1r1emh .thi lia.No oa lia dnc a nau Ipodmet Mbi mnee oof oixep1 dmriad h thaFarlaad.tdmrtinr: bn tac]. Pooieofroo liaOmo ohbocatma.n- ohdtbraenthoogssshiahod Miiopcolicete. tacsorh ix Oaîi~~~~~~~.. hé,i b lthhillti idh'u.u. io aaohpudh-u o h bb d n li' io i hat oibtaFlle paî vt eilouco Octam s &eod otm U*ad.nset eralhndag iîh benfo hafrao c in ept ixàh baoonc yCamof']-!. O dtnoolhueamnhiîhecobseoosonon.!....yi...h ae ohulii busil boh ' e nc a or, atopaac.t lhottlcaMiaelarathe hacaherFrde hoes ypcalotionnaeoa. imcnebley1 mis ho eis er osa ch na]cîîcu h cio a' o gb i i o i', n foihd ohf o am I lm ih r onI ho a rbytal a- -oo .o c pHo .Ihh. emnr, eanénsiO!.mh 1 ,ix er, oM o Ui O 05 n-mtcil tr a ii g t e s ýpc a c d a bI n , % bi§ C r ied a t n e 4 ,% n a R v ou a er aluci dn> g n gu t. aaen bcr uic Wý t- ýGj L S . ..ý. h .b. tiiohoo po, di- 5 am iî,cb1-bt bth1te-e >- Ioeliileoaen tae ng d i liu bail n i .ain îhanumipe 0durolann*t Dcrio'nOnh 0O.pI ixc' nfI ho-iiS ff.. 1, aido.aei Stree. i mnea t ; în oe o outiollr. ba recnl i vol, cantnes i oalap tha mbea of îtae einc -; 3mnatras fa m & W .2-LÈa . c O tiio ce O 'Connor u- abcnîden tableiiinotedf huaI1- I ho m in en-ara o rociti euîlort - i. . nS 1sacceol n acar n e fa d onaho . M . .-ai. . Ch aicaJ. .%. Bmid tho hniii a otibooceeding i is uPCý O h 2ho ul h ota t . ,; , lacé hceOc1r1ed.. ond_ . . -- l'.iohc al oi' l u r iioca iiid . . Ocani dti' înad Mesds t dri h lgu n dy Iainh'oanneodu..t pntc , aotn aoo o od îins ux. Mbiicr.aî .. niyiroi vca botocthclimtitex Raganuîcîiir copiMcacar -aiat p onsvi i i eehpolo ah Losyciii' rig vc h i ý Lb ' tumri o tOh ers'ob oraîondicg qSor ideor innIswlo heCntn a, nhem owbe mcn h eai.trinaint raixntng daa Frcs plinolaia otxeApobecp. Tua latieatahelo arailaMandae nigli heamr"de ncouShel Adrcostp.inbanad igbhrhaOabat nallhoroy'a-inixla. MbsIca..m1cint.a FY1nhic-..n'tuîa h.reiihiimou- ln"lictiip"ia-n %vibnnmintuito th poice urmg i s t i- g or -Ira ia oo n a ' fbt IL .o . c rUtmd ebl' cdwaIwî pe tao cond ra Ib pyoascenofia lao'c*$oidmotp 15c eroce, fuii., hhi ioee'cUfaboît Rfl - ofea dri.2k, but resUI ca ' . cri'tlihah .ro gcl ilbaoromeutc, Mo coc:c: . 'ee). -- . , cîy- ngu uuooOP" -, , , i h uistue iilunt lbot 5... t'.,i.noi u rOn tîropoohac in cca Inucrl aîe iiu aa n cuf. -om Ar ciM ibAXcîbî Àai.eo asl. ot,: aa ihoo OIoec or0.00 Lcoh lbu lri joubal ac,.ah 011 tiifi i-e ustrdofthey c]i1a;t Iibud 0triii - iel : - hecg o eiclico tienta Theacdmohstahananc . matin iéfceighr ten i gnc S0 olt u "13'3 ae. ., muid iurrci] pAct 10 ta cei-oh- Mo maph-arnii -1acr c,., iué r a n n r ] a t Tu c i a a i ti' o m Sic h e s u e wil cc s c iera n d. th e j le èt h e Bl . B lfi a U- - ýýý .'1"- ' l itsol . i1 M io.t*L-aeontcI ooco l tii o t e-dli.c -hu c .e ~~' i ooeM nr. B rd e t y o h - retiieù c n co.oOb riti e m illc cilb on al s .iît icîa ,21. - - 3« , q D ' cnu laiion h-ouc h t ch le 1roaodnnadci mtfmn ih am lieil ha ffye b ig 10 and0 mo e.tce: -odiuoft - ; cer, ,-.ah-.t ac utui-ui-inhg L-a ,uuei'ro huaibaa c a bluoef 'cS t; tc-p r eninfastc ore iI.litcclcd h i' th o cna.ifoi 'la..n doi n equ db i2scara Sbchona lI.shîhuî oecui ---uisi'n tr C p-a miiothe o vtmhd a a ic- atisa- ec uino il . If . t ciatt i i hor e neachii ction o painîlictombr Thm oiicmca? -hi .'l airi fo avétic Ier accr îe i iihA ai-cul ch oiiiucihh cîuuît.,l c byasrdsic oflu rlcdit in o hai'as im-bsnlatrIcluii'iouglu -Museesathé apoiaixkbemrainc th drdtlin miîncaid npaidcotrImiai hP h he aiteerra- aillacicihsor" .,icti.t.A piicma hi.stryd te icame vuolutbve tahnîc br h hiabuibuLrvot l,-ft o c Ibprpralroc .milaylujad r it Pacin a ii-ieave dtlisukîhc g Oua cecî-ctîa:_ltan .hi..liiacir.Tic uia s-,.or .k c c u c, , . t, B rp , uII d p , . y i I a v e tcl . i rb a b i c h î u l o a rn d -bu i ii l f s to n h b ic i u p I i u o > n t he r a c t o m n o f ah e l i c i a t I m i i i n ilgu ere c ' d . h e neSa i c o i c a î anmar s, P L D & e 4 r C cid m f S e l s T tc o r c h l i e l , î c O h ilsia tiS Li lic sticapel ritmciiu'uuclruucu-i.tnfoaScee'ofofmenueafAornehwa îuecstcdThean'nhicli'tibaveaanS a fic iaihiîs ml pc ic obo md icilOhi i.ii aici' - i i ii o c- iS b e bo o i e r . ii - . oi h O h s u l .ea t il O o m a o t d b t d s r t h aS- hi' rousno Ici l ftlels a eA z y r £ & fuinu rpe n t ,hC uona nac11 uld niM ,ccouîahc]iOt tI hc d itlar00oto c cc c aceonS lic tcnrci cpthenin Ut aO ftr cm Duhal ' cmo.s7ijhc i~scefo' If n .haio chaii. iviiiî,flinc éiton Di, . qihe opi0r11to l0 ech 5dc- th e fitun for bl aîh t u ioicmPindos. o t, aoîr .rcod ro nacraoiuîibel îuueoucieu u. t e co in lisa in ieilureliu,,uoiee enr nscou i ni-cai r y su tala on h c h cootlb g ra nsmcn tei i tul i la ncfilT h u odC o knu o dr 01$ lc h . ihc -% ve a c con c.ulhtail uuciorai oiyr t nc Thaanhm cr0 aohicip p-rntactmhetshecobcrmflranPhinladelphieicorI ch fiet theinS o cluum ent o. t m-iit-cG alo uthiîon,'or tmp neoa ndthf c uiScriir og h soiiis niroyil.h apeelSsrîc. bheah.î nntrhe ol qunne, hi'. nhrPoitiuol in a1îeMadl oucehas _hi i 'hm cu coi sio ne hb ui'appoini'aiptbCo uin inaesceO ioffathrioei-thna leteC cl'Ccoi ciecd. itinpciinieor acnth lfuaaiertheaî ea n cr h uiewla Y.ork, and I ri' rimluuougbUc h e iOu- iochiiuu b é o i 'i c c o i n 'c . u- h i ii cn n t e ch it io l hc d . c T eh e c e h dcrt -r o n uh e br o li u o 'f . h' saod a l d t a r i r îl u s a c o f pe c h a am ti n c f icy f o. - r u a h r o r ' iof u n I o h e c e' , cu s u isu i c c c ahu -89 Mostrcîlhî hpa creitaOliteuith amaiesorn- .cO hnl o le L awFreitcoetto'ii . «ig vci ndreet ri tnaiol- îlc o-cir.orlcý cOsaln aOuuailli. etuiI .Oi. fcuihoic. pîcîued ctpe doîtîrîîalOf!îe- elîi",,lth eh onSO x a Onta farcthe on tGouLaw iainucf oigandrhtcconducîpoClm ein onaiieuIbt a "Ven-aort ihu hia. ora. cm. -ou. ; . ha Ofaiie o taihue oslitio h e tbeI iruuu e uoy eson.oLîi-o t. hton ci.tii'. th e ro yd ti' inlen*cd hconsTeiu a preDuct:Illhcoici. he m adnwr fvrcsBk . ho. %*àone bas onc Bo alch in lega1lYanadlînra oh wilînioltoro mdiodeslmcriany thelortlandoIclrtishr-cth"anr ion tu mille theAtctraicolhia andioha1 ahoharmme brlah tamntuabahotoo, ellenfaceuhhliethePdrcieiihrainLet nené ofioichsninla, Ccnatll (h 51 oi n. e tcci-ic ucui -pie lus sppihnh àlotof- ,fu fioh-anîe ract'aod. î ion ye iU oe h iaha aesonfohe Idi p odcouelieerulri.i' white hO Ityobservntmic rnur cioifuthe o af Os 1 auteloict ofi a cireurtoofntrstlit..aiaict Tiîia ci respondent-cO i li lDau olvrlliuteuumouica -I so a istnejesc - anhne t.p airi oiltic dd psicfc otaii tsjio. au. C uc .cî.-:nl r "O.hl1l . luceuu îuui areigoiii'h ig î lu i' i i t ul I ýCdtoia pîs nbenfha o lcliidpe. ofjprsoftcunoion theoes vmlie fcn e -cac odo a'nifoIîuOî-oo__titu hM.cto ac.ise 1iaic 'luheOuG Cite.h lce.Docîiuu, D Oiihiiih Ib t i i iînan vohe Io uc'"ctliii actcl.itepsolcruaui1,GrecatoIlihi ostaissguccoOclmusc iîcicend cialer.fPi articles. onrtle uoîo of tpaioii'tcodtnmearcaoh -acb' - - . 'iuiii.naic1 ...u ritouhesnhe uooiin thicecuuuiiif vas, sc î iipc ueici sri-ii ixrc,îhoaannl]uî icphonaiaiîiciîcbthiuc u'aracbc vhum a goc couOo ý -1 ou oul u ceau iefnu of eLuchlr esai Cuocui dioo l c P-fa yItem ihoeattana mofliucci on, n ocave lialonahca.l.rc- orti0 chou haccwa haneitoh ilicetntonu', A ntctenCsthecrus l csir wnwoy hava o1,00rc01 nccofuflcic ouill icinehcca - uomir monets. onaihini Ih GocirberatanSp foroiacs mîdur inncii oc sîciafieraI Slisapteo nrilni nacrehheoAlla. dlb alcniî'ncie, ntul Lsoal , uc plgtte iic or i rerpael rabaii-;.'croogii, the nig ioii e tîcI - oc ha aya Juiuîccahl llîîî ci tuonBoh a nicifar tuceuinlud loi- Iha"econisec.tioi.hSi'ioirifooupcntug loî îo hocîisoulce uoV7l0uo-forOmil emplyce wee abe t pr'1 ..lyt-n hcuond . a ieiî,c Muiace hi-o t o îr ooria lic ao tucioîctaGcrnitst hlhudr nshct umr, hcnaccabtaacia anS Irlai n àii.i.iucati c or il iii ti.' l tens ns-i lc a.r iuaid aeriiitoc mbchooot-rrqiiymiirîcr =. Iiholilail,90odileof iu I at adbig 'ac rcs er. an b ot rn ucs h ,ut monasoifl tve osSte lt iuiick iho for aitni-a do oiterh. chit ilînt lui'w icir" o i c' SI. ixonoo.huasa lim ell cho C iol ne ge ntleprincho baon a c prid. a vehonfiletf th. lic. .u D io tfoc YougBrthrsý u:TheGlbe- 00 R1 Lia.T.sdy .it lk licane pcndcpol btaitbifro oci g ie ouuaithuen bea . ' m.s iel a r d a.Ibp ànd , doc eir o icul o.itmýcgiiiigliio i -i- iol ii mar ie tholi uit ia bth ioleanifu l tue cupht roohi hîhico arc mari' rocS..Oaa ixzei' lic Ga ,A.Mathenro . clli-ieIAd iî aOl cri]. 1, lIbi naheotre otr i e bc Ouicc "tb"fo s e. aoîo, ol'.the.hit saierbn c 100 rm flclChoer . 85000i PR cRE i C u,. toi-moi- aiedixgg itt. rt ho o ir diet.g coon ho1 t oe Du aouom . T00e hi îdioues od d5 De lion. bat h.ouolirgfcfci o i ioq1atrst mal. odoeliouilaise mmb od the , outbibi . .occ ArlUhoibi IO pc eh aaado oheo îaima thhlc' aIbutxa hael. -H lm h -- bat nýn.ýý,L wlogl il aoteu aRtr, h rVi lta D 'i ip tib l thcT. ciac'y- _...ooho rgcsnuacelon fmai ilbato iasosli ntiocuadIlue Oouo.l648ffi-aporoc[lisfqlucaeotSectionoaaio a Nai gotlcai fcolte rdScOcSofpion, Maille . 1 s iti oid latjnhcglierb ip rd and od, m -ntho i.»),c1.99pjlbIooacn t1. OciSEhi'Fule flici mogluiho hiooi d npîîeotlutl s'itOnhR c]u LiacF' alifý-.nibrtiiaeote u i o-istind, naoiiioklyeC etaemai era a wite. Llsk1,7;hl q a baliz o 1nihthmecig.iai iiioaonaiceffcivetino.j oc gralemim rlalnaolm ng birut'*,aome ttanu Scaottm ccot. lh..abioneamcc, aimo t10ahucs a-fa cuS,000.amoh hi'.eAn igiî -fli -diii shet inProuo psc ft b a ie taieo lorl lo àk ý. eso reuSilbghoii, nS ccataFaîinli ai ' pmiigiul ha 10 mii' bo Mandhesaer.ixoro fnmme . . I io. Enficiri m smentpa.oif - giic SctgllAct. U opitingatinr a 0 br enbuh i efuypie,121 o N.%, ;129 n . ot lui a Miiuoncn o an fixo rcoafpsctablelos teqoeohyLookoilirAemo1crha* maYOcac n od tCaisociucthéscpton oomilesisloame'hta . "url liu*aii dllrswathýf tokan îlad a t lcniirw s a pe.1m tlue-cate oocff'prfitUpouollee-pusme.1 fio[melehOG'aboelef. oii* Msth pl ficamac alai].narfaux aoicd elcol .f 'iwhL bu h ataie aielote t0100 IrlaS200 o. Pcrhaps Itirra .ThpddollOofl af Mi e - acomiotodnoS.fîrd 00. hic dfttoo ' iain i ost tecîls.rcalS bOlrulMl11,h0hOOpdflbfThétix y tholoonl oaoaproa mieheIdwUa l iavcieilu.estooha o.B inaîcacA o tonfe AhSSWORKsaeofhretl wl ufrth rpitrso 'n.pre.i. l.BIi..A uiý. ro fbo i- c fra ic 'ssaleolor ieîc 5a s i itcocc it ashlA-ci no e a ablot t hîccProinle tel'h cl visewdoo en dout do h p I 1 -u~î,. oc.Lh h cliee am eenlma o ci tO mn, oft.tocoto. whrc anite llehonîbolc and hctc aprsit pi fan hdcathen$ t,%ad.fl oiecir oe h ý tue ,al.O ,t c cd haio lur o ti il'fiO, adlnr o u. lo' ihanhe fafers it %;onea1 teahtfl icdp ber e 0lt s. udtiah hetlo c in ot amgomfer - hniog he a accc olactamicen . tcibellaipilhîsl s. andiSed aboitys bcbg dgmApribasaccd loohobosî ebpcrbaciac bi lixe buohanmand rit ia o e licate i i thio oe - l caloridol adhOlibea o n o ces.m monderaOas ndbots , pioérhoa m 'nmars Oflheahtl.opcirt flictailhfî énmer uecycube.,NMr, . ing Miltn temld hae hal a rie fruaicacconaad ;eIibaccercfongt aocaIbicaanasudnoeo it t t "ic - doriog1- the - iafngmcb dat,-e ah thor ohigal off tif SDe- ot i c tiii 0teOab o cih. l n ail th sac. otct. heveo. orgrfa ubiac l.ll. o inhic a mopn]ior vscy m oviehin p l Si. ]lv Oa oiîcas-col i n ocg f e oc-.cns c fo reii 0ltc ale.ovddepodtr ocvriil caou s Jav SBno nt çdtetni ntegae - socittepcm.hoDenHlac UcB %%lisOnacOI .i odad ret Yebtshcé c dùn r aO!o!tin :o g f0.rat csiectolaSn uiee a bo vn tlmi iish n de Tu micie 'lat i bco iear-camsidcuu. us mbr yci ou ic ga i'muede cn ls h earS ahraai c cid ý ise f ctlcrchar h tcan -laf, ocrnrecll u -fa bjcto. Con'oi bt n cuiller,; a oi hol il mo a ui's ar ntrey a h ar O igt csbrci . Osi dWOio ahorestabha ixci'prof Da oaa ndo o fey N1Y .a -aiard ,oOneotn ,r 1 010 cch yt Èeen io hevr etqalt,%gigfor Ib, hat.ditxsemc.I ni;,,t . h hom. iic ioiai o.. lon i lOIegadpoptCe rmIi! andoneruetcifront A the C UENT. bo hoaS. mntB a mx itbymai Thc iixclio Iacn hwixeaunm tyyý sig% iSi).JI l.. l o oh...... ..uind fronl srcse, i-chila l t. etlfl bicpe ifo,ttoail ctOocy i'cliBole s'ILohuofhic intentin f he movcieccoie forcid anOd aoraeamapesetinaii otpraroelSatesilei UichI diia tauogunhin liiif atA]tii haond tuflSoaî. hinhgeeiuiedfemp~tadrl sohe ondi roa _______lic________- - - "file atoce ho elluiltand ther biisiýss as rhi-.0 inpticththe oorasaciLicenc rom.hmnt geneallY.ccatacodyinnodanaio . 1 doii diSf solrte phuro, a cemac c 'upl' enaaiac-tcri . * *iil. Mi, 0 Prm th ai hotocahrpctato Iac a n)cc j ) LL yfcS-J]I R NM E pacvcmhiags nguiierouainAdnna m Mi a s ei eini' eM rt . 1 nm aiaaio s tal oaid si cu n sta. a, i s ertearvai th te 07 ack h eS, i Ia a cifd utter; ci t ro . thoe Conty o n Oeil nrfth mos il baoteshkesdcc om boli' iiFiairieTs el q n ei 1 doeltci')lii-cîundco îohac..amao5nc pcla hImls o ernîs osi e ailurcidrofmm lat Ae, rsr~ alé ixgh 'poel o tel a ed s aIle si . . 7 .1 1 .. .1 .iCOT Tro AiCTiool l tic baiS A o liea oil st s ReportofIrrL ea maeisi.ihrlo c.bah .soui , k ba igopartioù ca i rh]0mi ba *ieed ai n' pco ddma , iad Ioa i - Poofs - .S ..n do11n 1IJ. iste lohi c-anMr. orAdp nihoiei a clcl im ltciibho _. hi a .p _ri aS. mts Ofîa etbe r otoh la alick m ifli' ttcIrtgitbtNud r Vilae oot nn ommnd uhn drca o a im "hohuat fcloachanstecacoric Lum ele p rs ofa mibatcohgar ioit hsio osoeaiyhoolchalmchmayops osumo toi nd ucein mtlinemfcois Foeli - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t 1.oétdoecotponAoofroh cbra mfc.-hihpiaiaanoaititiopbu is-uDii.Ws roihpilnih %31-1,a ha ixa1,iiOciim M c:eices ol.laIb 'orfnlacl aaleedasoictli blhtcoropps.*', ails noIocahargeof hctor he u a m olacin aiCehm ivs Thcil oîîoutfa ipo hceJo.ici.Cof dlogec[I rao;iltl. IaroLh ,st,--Mx-fi . sg . maer; 5 o a usor e Rm, oti5 w a. votieo o lc $cai;ctloo i Oho havC ornersci oeDo îtcmi ic. 'vteral aittsip5 y e d - g o ie * OgPr o. , Y p5 13r. i ci8i l eiois akolootar a lhorcii terborsI.t."et.yE.. ,,.ýi Mie1vnaJchleFra. Ma iar a piiblhymampierpla vnesbs t at oe onumael nma .wiohavlo ofia d p afics 1Ihe hdi1g ý;i-,, *, whisey nfo'IIL-ý G Iucton 1 fic laboiilscnix uct theO frl i Ais re . 3 .'., m .-'- ,1,pacia o ;k.eGi l'oeil oosfaafaifas"-'--a filet olatinioe fo a n-ome '.t limaappc teIumotlfia toe aool1I. Gardne, a winclisqiococflint011S2auu. Fe fcnoly ala te rnelai'ep5ad r e adfaoa 0.1.'-. 44 I.I1ý .I A .i..aOPaatitiiîtao bofhocîsiopiefinlalsiog e orat od ah g th- the morwmla viI a iS nSliai S.adamal cla h at linl n iroin fhaelcic libioio pcOhom llaffe ixy 00 erL ymblairbpeep ov r a .l 5tcl O I l* accO! hl i' roos erregeoiveav o eui ' , xwoefietonli' tanUc laiccO ]nrhidm a]poSlbah500mis o drýR, alà tc I O W lhois. oocAi, rhmaos techy opsrrtSideaiix ocgxoa .e obceremo ol ic a tiraoatonbt ctorce, gaccelyanfcrouhm.ldh'i a mn o ca .ao am . o1ocird e .1 ,a:4~ m '0pmp. dnns ve o udVem dato10,Uait d iipdtu ai n fs~cciOctcaotrs i ler rter, the olgacitemf llroë5. ahootintebpoder e shoectt- imrbtw7-- etena aid Gea Fllps. à -aihh au ioclo f cid tev1 loaooem slnboy dimosa shapsadaeptdroll>m ifIiOlcsagthoohav k edinmc..,trsu ide Mr, SIltou of (výtàéno%-îiacto iàîti. Dsorcoofil n hhdOgf.ehiGlého, in- - -tele- min, - ' utes 8 ni) a o - - - -l' 1 Of mjoll 82- ier repo - ui ri. athé omdsSoi':lice aac 1dm iotv and rL.ap.etailcnaoird'ft inheno i C- ngh e r us a ImTaeh m - lihea areonhetafc liitoxicntci acommPodsaft eu roIbe c]aogpice teabîfîto W tho listht ndsr monse. doodail ianSddrmîsaila %rirei 'cibiet sb l o i k InS.factt sAc . oif il Thai' l4the Pbim ixecé th mjc ly. éJ -o! andsol, cargng hSnwit vilat ons r eteva(10Dlco speaiut hut drey .o isO t _shsi. . hav , - -t ci lariabe n etep itaexccaO&.Sc iprdemeai iesfranMrl.iDce or LIamo Prints -'to reeking thing ont beforethe firol Prutixp t m lili th oll ear, ont oc 10 an6d amsiog aitha hig drishh Wool Dalaioca. - Âànahole caci,, localyl aéee. Jeif thé tlhihë heauty.i Caaliog L iith ii Wé We an every..o nuit OsI ssi.of SELL aif We will part:iwith, a thqt o f.Johy. Ws mihI pà ctistémer *me havae cinHaaItea ý DressGoodilç Ca nvas Mus] Boots-&: Shc HatÉ GI'assware- Orý. - i "TO lIEDUiDE.THIE We purposo cloîung ý in 'Englisi;:-S0o1tcuidd supcîb rumgeý of NVorstcdîý Oontiniî. -Csistom Tiiloring iîo- thlirig N+i«rinfor one mont] $12, $14Y Si S $5, $18, $20, $22, TROUJSERI We guuaranteea,Perfi FINAGITNis -Bi MIAINSTfl ftN Eave-troughnicg s ';ultuat.~Hhltlhb. mug.e Museylinoweriý eT He tiér 5ntoiwo J~c 0~~ id. Ohr îtî tu a Ja Xe lot of 2,( %v' t jot~l air ".iNewiai Ilieais'oa ar Scpi, Ilucc, hof f0e hlim tP 'HING hi caps, .Wall. F 5y' &Grcië l3Lr,1z moi E. BASTEI - lthin uîtiî;e:Stoclu of D- an îtttuiifictIIrP, )y the icadiuu i i nsO mil hie lhte i2.$22, $124. a$28, $302 ë$32, rÔOODS (C, orna' sale..- .floring i Ilock), HaitbIIO - MILTO: RE, ÉTO.Ii hi >R f Dut', qihàto bava a mammth OrS hi ritgohbc g D jàc.auiS a.a Il sthoth saiv Oe.Mnti' usc. c. hos io hat iecha sieclti Mi ciy, ~ilhclac duitohav eh ot 1aein.anatalfe its go; Ah ê. oorhiu Jame SOc., Mfh b0.Oms ao an, u rtn aveags hritre abycO, aITaiao or iu fte. }h aiilt oO 5 lmehay' en C taha piucichra ci laos pabcnt ls a e ur* ca sSae, - naic nb' MociaI' aP-ud A. c-nc bîam gedW h i rom ih Wo aciaohC. ntu 0Msto,k f u roaSCiffo i in l Illeyié, cl Trtil ,cor doC laaeést., Mamubni. un beOdOocréoc hueso.tec olu amilla OWabi- sa' oelool.oidai us"YaS hi.oefiIgliosf he' O lai"ahtrrcOu. icinmi- Tontlg i -las iI o ha aield0 the r Phuof hccuil ieore ,.oh Miloni uit prii b o p thslil a"isciofi a C. . l.ii rmadncaiciicucilnîthe SI T acica-ocbilcr.- Ihuné,Cupet. cl7.0 Mi. hb i ci.à tsldcn' fir hiuil ih bu ini' lruugiothHuer uiilnau pi.rulo i uelîuiu llicdalda Mhitlucliceoiaii-ini u , Cf al. anuS li Oîiii-utuii l oihoc anti- COUli.r ifciuu-. in ol i ilk"orui. yNiýs - Il soucrill &Scca-ici ofNlo, dO"i1, eff orî it hiuî lie liii a Cit'in cauindalal Duce hIfil.u-43V iuurig nli Il hpi.uii, ii.I-Iouc.the lt ido e chr iu Miilii ahia. t .30pi I .2t éblaneuryguit0 csilu cesto, r im.;goic heeuutu.ul ce1no ville cuellhlins il Ona.lienîii cii i.uuo-,ituoouuii - otfr ac. o-,unaoi Ur. hiliuîci mel':-'incmin ea'$,li(iucOch. Viiill'i oic nhlituu luai,î,, o i l h eu livin, alid %vuiil cu. ahi nii Nef olariitn. hih ilio î.l uihaiu u aohieclo, atrutci, the iui fic Q hfehbdi, h o, *t h 8haci niemfn 1 iui-1 cu y, IOn Tirohaipc.rofog 1v iiuii'ui inm;;co pc oa acuut , . 5 . la Ve ouIcIld t Actu.h.nit ounhoSledartcc aoFut Ptcu lic est'bjhinen inth.ity iiii- ionclcicladohgi aicu. gihe t Cbinots, aai lcouu-o En OnMe Jmpei Po tî n iii il tenPr Thur ioto ceul, td cirhda)-:Iscico m iii aiorh m Its homars liIl.tro t'neofhithibs indna,,i.,iuiu ahttmalitAortgae. to. LSý mo lbocifrd d] ne rthirgecha lad ai ca Sclichgrli o r the'0 hciitin og ilieno ?tio. Se- th-ia bofIldig uclh' r &naamdtuctce,'nîîing hu IL ioai seton tireuu icuofula j;, the :ti. i,1 toiia id a mareet.lThes ciuuis toh ri'yii laad10 frs it ciuhi ui ccci d i wri edîrhi docuuoed alwichida cicc'ianicc'dhavc lo ac llut mo ati.rgad ciixh --Plaasecia asnoonlhéG. T. IL main 0 -V bg cithor apediag a nofotjfa 11c 10-a bcoog.c, bchore Hua Hooa Scrm ci OthIa lproO Miller.- Mixe lithoe pcf'oaei-'e a nSod.anS ns silo moîiS - - ilV hat lbe ah9,la hliecti ustinriol soac tMiiio, toc o ffaîdeeai m.svnieait omie aI. n oslé allumaS to Iuibohiai 0 thaj O rohuniate alow the o lta l- l.The.étole allégea en P ac nte tkb h iht Oan,. tid Oobdi-aif] 10 ohhigpriaied, thn chili ofote aveiui~ a sanbid; uchlix 0 oood Seuil Ohm- a -ocna ui aaos prhihl

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