Canadian Statesman, 30 Jun 1887, page 4

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e,É0 theot .'loold. jri opefor te oi tee expeni vinter, tIoo eerl thi efferonrat, extre.or4 Dlsgrllcef il 41 ~OODLUMS O~ Lita I03~r"O0' F..c.b UEFUibif ~ Torioto ~rr0trofr 000 T t 0o00 O bobo ...05..OOrlfOITb. re Sm.4 a eledi pro nliT- F O1 sol sre' min. tuAiai CUIfI 1 eOOOf< eOlr%5WOf i1Wme & hild-à~ 4 1t 1~ tfiý 050Nf ý-TEAB..AND "Lands POlo onsoAgent for th, .- egota atoate the il oToo00f Ofll .Mol rrh OofrtoootlO 000 lrSols - % rootîS 0.000. Sf o tOlIOooOiir 00e. StolcO e lîroOr 000 boof 00000,00 7n1îso - eoo n ote-OY the00 licti 01r ood poe eobodf," lbaepr bohooced eovo-yceo nid Short 1Horn lyplordoo titied. MokerOoOOe00 oWith spéceia ttOlio] te 'Mto grade c0000 frnt a lot ofleu tbtve oaseellent if <lpoI feo l b.illié MfooilàrPtrpoteoirdustry wbOiM l- îto Itlololootooeotlbdool ooeotolrtoooy tloo tb te ' ffo0. namtly identfiSed -oit the oOOt0O'of $42. Tboy eofeodci Ofroi, Sontioncifrbas dOitered on, 000 risentoolcioiiMtOO.. EdovbnA.lbo o-. oeo 000eoeinin ol Io oUoIng tMook natr poittfoerbeob00 Talocooebtr- ooeon.O oeigbit Jl thug Laing front six Mta0savo oliboorO ooober of peote.. Peel tînt pîctuIioo, ilustetigthfeoldoOO0O motbt gonc doing 0dite ofîbo toto o torto oier. th.. f0c0000r0blofbof'Pbillol.'. One of1te pages, t.tig. The wi bo felin 3,mf )ô*i.4 th.tioleofoOOOeminOOW ,I hierbaOtediOO oIo th font10f00000mates MtbbtpOOol -oorbeooootjdflfb. odrain oftlo..0000 poot tue Ptt lnto. b. Mtofor. Apropo oflte oitroesdtl l 003 001' 40 roic ootrooroorl -h RaMM'l'Fortl of Jul dthrdOoeoooeeet . ~ - brant5 0l00. ttrotloy boy, Dîado4 Ioo. en Pu dM.iotOetlf0ttop eOov o oeMon otoo~ ti a laaiv ato f1 -0 -y ii ..»poMMo; j o " < CPC00 Itorlet KM .U.,S. A., oenoJac et Mo toorottov rotet,',obtt deooe tg Theo cowsoooooe dioblcd 1 oto fo vu .baltr aafor 1h'GdenLfeo.eo th' eserti Jës gottps, by cr0,0 bot judloooetOtf foreoTtoobr.tmàri loce tata; 0000 quarts theoLiner ioofioe f b Iaoo a vo eoeitl 0y booleog h. pre uth. cfiabgr l e ilttoy oooderny, iwMh auoooodance sud0010004, afsfv booto. thro too 0 Yrt 0. ÂN LT of Obir prco Mreod. The 00000100 elotbdi inbutci at he3f e qOoe 00Oof oillustrations by IL JF. ZegbaOooo The- . L -Si3 oerehoogod roooooeooof foolM toieotlil tibon, lOpt fam0. o oroooAfriroo Oeoellef,Joseplt Thomo ocotter. o eltooul tosfronI th of ooorood bheoocrustomsOOoand.. 000 00030 000001ofi 'A Joooooyt Vin101< Aptjf, the, oopri. ,ootofrooO.or àtin v0, 0Pacok , lo in eo 000eoittOto moentlooEoogPu etfedtlldoer sx.0y 1100130Io0.1 0 i fman rtt.Cuf Soudon Toeoom.' MMatootMl from 50e. np. 0fou.des-Six tloyo 0000 ollooood lareeto 000,glono eooutorotr- i sauv0. llustrteitrain 0pbo30opb00,taloenono betwoenteresnordi a outea h o~r. thit. 0.005-101 15, t cot i.. 00ther opet. An important soer! f Soth-I. proviens foofioego. L-oery .eeol odrthoottl bague indths boerll of food and oilli itnswoo ooghoo, <UBneYtOoderoo. otet 1.itoo ec aa '.oei te naertuore of stMbles tàlen, exoree ABaoYonotoo. Suh' r.IebaHrdn ai (f0ea, sud tlooootor deookote. I.ior.o-rsrCooooteotootroo 00fOO00 es to to tloey foma cofOY Feciiof ol placeo OC I.0., Il 0.0. Woo000- oOe.000 theobaueGl-taem br0 and SP.t.t oifb iogol7 .m. and 5- . rativo Ma boooiflly iloootrtd b> ill Coo.ooJ-o.M. tonner Recul00e. Wifllam n Mojton. <boo. 'Tbo fint Dhrfg Jeao, eooro-to to toî Oeth. ofoohoai rolicivid th. sreOooOcaf part, OladandNoo.,'oOOduOtsthe teov. lf1Iqywf forndo riot, tfÇ.oegod ,0r00 loertodroto eto [oobtelro om WosbiqtonMtaMontiety; &~&OOdM' L3. o ,0 Iooo 1t.i ooeooe flio 000 Ait00 Atic. *tnto fi000 Ch.",pO'in Alabama. TIhé serials, 'April Hopo,' and IGbbot0:ol00.0 edf0y'&g oloorjd by V. BHootlls, tnd HorlIo, 17 ear eatig ethe Ibone ot33i000 f 132Ihe.;orool(icolj ' o . t tiro:e h. It00 a.0 eooCoooor. tp.vAboîo M oo ooooîotoi i six elicincal.anop, oitoeof thbiiooî-ogae troo tc. Oteeatt mal maOOO rclWfeeOoOtes. -Rats frono 5e. up Featheror - . . ~ 0,00 ai, ont a 00Part cilis urvoorooooolitL thlid olDr. Fly'osecod srieo - tumete au~ 00,0... 861,12< 4,10#3 0e 0000 eo0o13M eofhli0oOo0ew l. Mu ow. 0th.0 Future of orporation, lluOg t c Oeee 00.. 00l .-00,- 1 5-011 1 0lt0i.0 tu î,0ou ta 00<0, lot, hoo t ctif, tî oîooeo Oa ids of M~1iat0 Thisioidetieu of aovey even cou,. ero.0Thoobout bo Ce he 0oootl!l rblenoo of thoe do> si .o diton of overythinog,ooandooaointd illr-oeu -o'vaoLa. ci.o sud oolbolel.o -crl.I Oooood loy ooopetion. Ouce0in favoe of hesoro hilb f0,0rain Wo'.ouo ,o0oo u,110000oiifotheOboîbofplolo A rrinincetoofdotehO woetold in EXTRAORDINARY 10W. Oeop il.Coo loo aO . , o.- ayo g o t nooo,, isso toeoIinopo toey, -ooByo 1'. Tbo dily rations lir otofor ex entre wi0000t00b0 t h 0000 00,00Af000lrebriglit soMyMbta i . pertoirooiotion ,0eoee. alhilod. 'lt :0ahoi>ayWbodEo0ol Sko otoho "by Aooie La- Soeleeoo, 0:e lol opdltvtiboel Tetobol Slooon. Charles Boudey A ... 40 Si. toolo 2Ibo by fron p ro tth.e tlo ooior omolth te6.ycrold colil Of'roe's Meotoon. lNotes," in tho Patutre, 8Slht. broitc, oh dit . O',-bieuOnt1vapbinbler 0000. footlo pool, 0m0e etrrd opoo tbo pir. A A O S B..'4dOlits.lottéoi, 1 lhb.o.Lay CItinootloy OooGo: lhoo ufoov,,loro lu oootaOit turtioe ch ies. of Moelia oond Polo. AR SO S ond lovor, and 831. bruit. .ooo-.OOofootlobt'OtteoOOfllOaOin ofloocumie. Tho EOT Choaie r ooroio ei lerlun Tlo by eoo oeooooeot1oe, oeo th eh. ovo l e,eooy . . ot for O,. butr. tlo oool lTe1 ooeoee îO optt gregarto.. Mi hraoront bernae a tureo o0. 10- uoooo::i loe o 00h. pîooboi e uullyoOane pntpc ---aile lile00jîîi,,Ooo00000 ,t trifloco orliesîagetidby ceoot ovot. n1e ba fc perenio ry, oodooooeoocul aloOo 1ut 1ioole et0kof.,xlorr oootlboo ob t.h ie to lot ditor'sStudy 30 epeioly eriait leM. chovrooodhe 0otlor loa oh obouot 0 bo toclaol b ltoo0iey 0o003. t the 03ooeOooeOteoof colofohod. f il ootittoo.o ehtithoy oo ad eodib tOlloeos, as e :lhtâ .tbooro l ....oif. -ventue, Cou o stoit, Charesolic,0o MC oloor - ' rvbe eooditooobCht, hr i avYr od woeooo eoog-Ehttt, TIooooomrdy, osud Bra. (top . tiîon A, gave a dOtly. OOof l Atoolooooooo., ... nnteoCrttetat. Thoo hdilo'ol)rawer ro11-oofU o , o,d ouratiooon Et tfrlooo oei ton à oooan r000t;oiotodood by abetllte.t esso> front A 1011E Or - 13.010.,sitl Coe olioooogoo:30t; ci t e olotoo.bffl ire ta o ndo.'.ooo arleCb DuOdley Woreor, relatove tlh '-.î,il-0,oo 0,00 olteoooo oloolool ltohn bu. lolotooqueostion , 00,00 Moobaon 110 bt 0,0 0. ,,0 01,; o i oo loi l o OolTeo151 lthsLoOtt 3"V' od allter .....e- -0 .0 010 0000o 1o-7m e ,,0pilco p ritflîperoOo. boto;oancodoto.e oooohdeosothf a 00e-S 0ioOOIooltoeoio e.ottotOOro t R SS 4--.7ôo 1o!Cr0 10P toeoooIl,el o six nuir 0.e, tI holentuoth 0u,00'.0101 a ltIooo esooosfodof D Pt nOgltly OgOerbOoclooSboofl qllofC0:OOOOOO longotogh e cdipc ool 4QEils'Scit'i fUPg noooob ooootoog ood Mtoverrofoooeoîfl00>0. In .000asolibiof00000.1000tîlos oodeootooîoifo difitoooo. i.:oointo :aooe ,oeooo otfl lie 'oitooeeed S I 105. 100 q f 551btonl'gaoo0dotl>,0on,.00,d0eotloo loooool,ooAOlobogeticbrefuge l at -0., Worth g5ûoe roiîotooft.TBbb. oo.ooeoioo.1.o! ______ ~ ottedoeotoiiblogtotbobl. Wbloo ie 15e., Wortht80e.. bf.7, wtb tIoo follosotol oeoyob: . Si. Nieools -FO' Jol. tret onte000c0lowo be libfost binIh 0010,OFL t.000,re 5 Ai0oO- iîolr ood boil to bo oooe-out. An immilense stoeek of inagni- .O000lIO01000 001001Cotr, oooroebotat. : ptiteo. Wb h -et 0'oroo o oupil, tref100o- 0o ico eiob'o0*.1oly. l in a r 00000>0 Ioneaton NloinoOtoi:, nt Dress Gd Gin oo.,Coefeo oe tobel,110000tl, o lo esobroilloooîooo0,oooo It ho filh deednt. crieodtath be eîltly of totbh îotOo îorolroO ottooooeooo, ob.-I oM the ooS:toel>. hooo3ttolooe.Oloo, oi 1 a y t îig0o. Mie .Ooorte O . a iatoc o f fie r ootolo oooldtto heord It h.ty e eh. oeLth of, o uood.o!C bLuter ttu t fo eo," elrict,, c lly i t ote>1 o3Ct: o ooo !optp 10obe btodedofl -o eobExlOlfar. - Ioivic il. . 1Iitoo ble. i,. - Lotloo B>oooo.rRivtee io b d .otbr b tet000 - i beeào lieoo otlorttieo gboe loo 0.0. llooto:ool by R.I l. i ista madoetlp ofereotinograsses; 3but tt:obig 1irh-aritotousoooke bitloil0%%tif112, 'Coqueotis net *>ttog ouo. Onootlirt bathîasoeoooh to flcinitfe ofioOIOnlhteleof atloooooittlt Ao:rican ogra odooot 80,000 selsoooeyyeae. Ther- oodttolo ood oloo, lotroooeoo ,0o.,iote withtOoroOOOO. TICo iooto. billi 0re omode b> oaomacin ifo2-0Mbtolo MS andletoo ototto 30 looooOo 1:03. fO'ao or.o' 0otoO oooo.oo 0o eoe3Ooeo et ooîb0tofo nurivooeboot o aiett:6-3toWCoeb,. îoooo torb.. of ='l ttooo.l Pbtoguerîohilooooeoote rn J.pryc OVo loave, thoeooee, boo,î hooooIlitooi tocooo lb. 3toeLo o l o ,lo to bo ]mt t 510, , 3£12,0100 Llinbeo potoffor fouds il, biod o roofpoortiuèoo"ooooooe ootloNptpro liCg L,oooloo',eitOonio loo îoetiIL"eOf oel 00iog roulettoand- bonailiy ilntaeocaseoloolhr roil ]y eoioiidreriptiOoonflîtto 'lo cioet quaooooot tbeo otthCasoinoo esrae l rcie sootdeolcoboo,t oContitry.o rerisoftieoto ro:fo frsi oit0is-i. a., foo3louyMtOut. ov - tlI ti ,otfont dtto g ,doouve n lr1dedotooothooryPoinet o Loooj lothl0010 ose, le oosl Check Dressaik,2 Lavojosroit*ol ta liq. OveroobOoo3OntBý-e oelooosOo0.0 oolb, oS enitooa ThoSîflss, 25c.vrn, nboeoosoo~oo oboio C1o oblootoo ..oottorote,.r,tited *Ffflole.,boal,îo'oeont bfioooeb t inMoot Goarml COeoopitoot o bo illo e jodooooo:i IWoobothl. lolroe Iaveru 31,tolefo oodootol 0000 hce i opoohartbonooofod o- l.Eours f.oeoliog th, prio.titeb yoIloldooeroooorsidîoo. Tho ekdalpure Silk 00000 o.thr T.411 boboto b ooo ottlol oîtooedy, Dress Sika 35d. 0,000 . Ftro t eoo rO <o.0, brt.oest o-tt «olo>. ebollor i otgisli bolt0000>et ibttooboos rcoaoosona sd orhnec; t 4-t488.Oo01 co l I m00 1 - O ..o>o o, aioOloo.,a i, to00- And Vino oilit 300003000f o oh looe cpe qoppodaol oOot ]il.r ooe TheboPtoo Iodieo n.% rove s tiho course stanods Unis,]lib o utft, in-aIbon kl.O.. ofter e.talent for iittton .Lt Co Clinao0. A ine of Black & Color- IttoA eo00loo .ifO.0000.A. booleadr Blackb, 000tooooolooooottlo aprie Th e> arco o booil> engag00300w il the èd atin-MerýveiI. r100, .15 -d f.,Oo Iroo.o t1- oteî O e , ", goo o ,boo manu 0 0facture oh od relîti s wbb e îo> e iloe ucoiuth r. t ]letolr-od ootaihSth 'a0000fe 10cens CeGoup i. eulteh,1red it nototl&1 00 . 'v5 ,hacC t <0 boii th. Jci. 'flc Pboeis aodond Me 100001un eaux, 60c. anid 15c.,r oooetootoo*ooîofo1,,o-tb-'tobteSC so god - $1 ad 2 10.; O.boOft Il. b )e400 oit1lb [ oodobo. e !o'c t" 5ntfOoood in theof oaoGila otlielhzte. - îor oîooedooit3 1.1853,0.. - Joo o-IbJuaootbo" oe oooeutcb> 1fr. CG tto Iosotologof!lieo, - Thelooie!rodltoooodoy bc podlhtoo i..oByle hooOoeo.h o, r 0000aioh otbyliioooolf.ii0 Iaioooedo,.sopro. Black Gros Grain, ,75c ý tus,jjooo 0000 -- OobotoooodJoooro 0000tf lb ouoe or 0005 Co 5the unoMlo Bopîbt ohîopel.-wof 512amilbreu 12...........$3.7 jboO - oooy- lnotoobooobozoor t Poot),pridd. 071 hîn i o-e Worth0. 00o~ 96els. boy 10s...........4.80 retooeeed fron flrcrffoot clic rir eo catol eod Pootypidodlbheelbtoiooro * 2$300Iboi. toroi........... . .525 r r oitOooy. oo,-o*go oooooeopooe qui;vra inens an ih . OOveeogrly Mobotiîg Cthe 1,S85lts. o of ibboopar oosi. 'bolu.ool. i aiortgî, rticeocotti b>Mr. Gldtoor's idmire...,' cqobC eotIoenliaponrooquart.fl. ly Mrse. llowo., ooereVan. bMoles oandfoses iteMo oeît fro. coteeoooot . degrt. oand N. P. tlobcoc, munipavais b> qoootl die of aîelculartrouble.The Wuaoreonow it a Poiton tainlP. B. Obeorni, C.orge opeonroyModfwd0000olybeoe R ii w anod sk w'ebt 000>10e orlod troinsthboleTyrrel, Aea Il. Prtt, GClam0. Dl1ier, fSed lin thor oo3aeoojO-o reyot, ond -Tho'prcronotictureonf tis epori. l........ rooo> Uotor, ooteîMdb> Mothe t030e o! rn n7owr~ metoco the Ito oi!ooity io ooory respect Lpi.oot. .ot0p2fgoor~l ltte.tb. erO,0-frotnf ofCthe milb feotnfour èÙws coeingoonid. iJ0013ooooooorrof Lipptoffl.MSblNoO.tîoooro tofoecodogboe 0ann1g eiotr, 01000 footdtffeiog 00>Ce nyta o 100oyt000 po-t.;ebo aound, wasreontly 10e fotîbo saine eoot it' tbe qooit ofo-thoe Laoy oog soohoon ierc. eboboaoeroeeby rootbotauOreeonborse. W r rolood.Heee o oo Sit l-p oloroMode rrr, r'A f '-ot..Tpirehiosor a wmed GlouceteMr >1:go4g te eut go6àË 855Sf r boit ,orl e'deoltîr ny J 'ltom gtrrmoOt lur...bthonsoos reearf ntocafrt h_;oWt- changesi ow c . l Mleng btf Cales Otooliupt.0OoGoobfoneo j., tuigure oîodaysoitlîot o morolof food or te satin, ebila larooosalone. Misa eoaboM0 ib r ropol oooMr. AttrMyiog«alic * S 00 preeto ool tBahsuccrent oo od cooooOebltetbe oeipbffervototeooooo. obuooopoimonstanMMoy.ttcto otilthiots iog tt oots and brao. ber. o.Atoooboo. oabrigbo, ifob.boneooomon eut 1030 ofonio -ordr Ibot SAnîtîcer indieoation ofo!sorie imort. olifto00rtlof000fo.StrIio tî>oib nb13'bod o io suceoio tito ligit eediog value o r buoe of.olieronoderfulshort ahuries, Thre wofd(net fesi. The iorLà 1.oeop oey cday eeip-Coroips, boy and hosotrl> fteeiteoe. P dl00 Ia fp!Cofn optflyIvte -obeobrun. - Dy ao mixtur o-400, 15 prths nbnnioioor, inlo the, 0000r00 oh .:1 , .-ýý and 8lbs. of th sroesepetie prbod coois,TloPorriereJooo stands. lo, b -.Twoeovoiaogo th. cf ooeroa perde>, cavsote oot-oblyeobabe e rro.iguinatetuoorTbofootb of SpaibSoinhl tUOaf Oiig.ofbitr . *-- at,-obop oth*faifowieoSeil qoobit>of tbo.uriroeto! .eny. ocI Olbffllih, by oun. ronttooyotttoe ooStlo-of Arro hîiroomil, baoltM upbiobd roodition rTool. 00Migtb ioodhbe minioMeres erod MtbhotoouIn- ottilaoucite ontrth o! retotealoiog. or.phprob oribtUnivrsioty of I o0000o poot obeo EEBROR WbibnsoWCdiadoroeitrily soioffor au Virgot, "a0ici vvritt nbp J-S.ILtoor bjell asOe neoritlisa f0000in i-.. iàrind- r naitnit6 D r.,T00f.0i, o" itt 10ferdma oo.iOg f 1 0PesnC dry peoduboih ln a ogate tt ofr,pooier., sr1t0<gave M t olmanb.octe bitr cobvt.oe, fI io lorly o pon.o!very ooriintod it FitotP o u lUses ied ujcs Cbyé poortfd t o Ra - oiateirst.prom!p000 ldfe. Oho United etotes'and Coroh o-eadù ~ ~ o ., 1l< -'d-urpesf the"llrwroodIsfti rcs. i t so. conclunt, ab ot-oo 1R.TWI )EN.TOC() regWI Mie cakes; saebakes, In for fle, ber 10 to fRo 3en SBugg! ;011 à~~ Te, laIjJyliSpOIOS% to10011E llisî low coiîsidering Ii.BEIl coln 11. ai, en Q . dr- 1 I; Adll00T0II0 eel.[Foi n ;le.o, fa robotVeil will I.- rofs iat very ot I fact-n-er ofthé P ro0 .9 -77'O. - - î- . - - 0 0 0 - 1 5 ,- 0 0 0 0-0 T r". 1a Io P5 flu 13. ,~ , e 010 0G0- 00050prehfe OS . f20<1007 00t0s ..2.0tOt 0 00 0 0 - 10 .75 .-o . . o 0>8 O-- e 10 * 5000 1 0 E l S " "U l uO t 304 0 180 1 tO <10 .,Io 0 I à 143-.0 fI 2 l0 39 5;.0 Mo r t l ....... M4 3 10i îr0oco sa -tOoeOfS000 . O 8 00 08 2 0. 7 a 1 1W09 1 il,. W u I 4 -s . - 1 in 3d*ue T.wD.1887 .è ~aR&En. Y HIXED PAINT, rOrk, Whbt Cna ite ibad, rises, àas Genn ebeAIND AdnNadiELSPICALS. S E E sON O T rou aABDINE Mg ý oèr, afll ri10t0and P lqueso . 0.5 nO aoc eo -r 0f 0100 n Genuine Iý00000andn-,roiÉUdfiO 1nPECTACLE GooLd RCE O'-RERham b TrorpootBUILDING. WaLkerA.Es r1 ADN l . HOUQH, -- - f-MiN0 S 0 0 e.ore.~o~O00 ~Iîcà/b-4~ - w m boas asaplendici .nsssrt.ment of b W5F0tO1se Meb.tonsf'&e., &C.f: ab1otloing infe'rior in.materi too, biIh e fénd to hbe re 1nality of the goode lie ee*ils«. IsSTABLIIHEB 1lm, CASHS F( OMZPLLV -L. I.ijjpay rob or god. obroe ie bobOcas aob ndabof! Cdde. Steesg, 000 in Cendo or itopo> for -oor. - IborosOauaodGtonades*i aobo hinc ( Iroyflrooo o i oroooo oee lo 1 bove olbo a f011 lioo of Somoomer. yd. And IbhaveILog -d mgotuoo0000e ohl dooblo oidthbaveabooiaocblaombeo% > Voof, as I use o elbst0C100C0feoi0000 Bo tboit ounonudepuongood off fctre, and aols ofoooc yobo:e 00 Wrovtoe -oeil noS 1roooot3 fl oooc. I Great Downfa IN TEE PilICOS * IBidSobsetiber uaoc offooo STEVEXSON%'S BLOCI hio barge aod wo.assorb teit o beenioffoed botlootto oe t >Bed-Roqm Suite noîn $21, -. ailor Sntts f10102 Tahiesil .r AUil esoporeboosd Lo thei A1ieoAget fur theStngor Mi..ç HAD' f - telo . 000 1O ro0 V ýFDViETISING. -_ .. ..... 000 ............ 00 - nt ... . . .- ... .. 10 Il 1 3000 t o toi$5o4 .i oiO . , in. j~ il, Ito l l 1or Ir no 3.Z,0A et itI to, 4% oli ,MbI ~f0t l..r0l otil c otf OOOoordr o n 13 d .t- i0 tfi to ,t.tSlIO _j.t. , .0.O0n)~ C d.,(il '. Wre iM E. OfITOlIELL, T rt iior %estolt 1ii!000 3, milleS. monto> 0 t o - IOM& ELLIOTT. flîoristers, &c. -1liroC loor oot Of floo Milo, of th, c- A. il, 11,E o; a n t o eà r 00 e T-f iL-.1DLAW &Co 0 C. MA .1 E 1 l A 00 PEN-yIST LJ, 'MILTONf. ý*N TELIA MW of1toPiErop0 'S RCOTLlITW _~ALER MO. a goo i,. ot. kir L 011t'.WN P0. 0.R Ooy UE.;0lTIONEE.1oo ,flatanPee 'Wntwrth .d We1igtàn: I ES S MODERA TE 1it1y atlondaed«tol

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