Canadian Statesman, 30 Jun 1887, page 2

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,- .- ' __ 1ý 1 1 1 ý _1_ 1 - > 1 _. ý '- ý_,ý1:ý--',-î 1 _-_,ý--,_-,:- ý -.-""-, --ý,-,;.. - ý. -7-- --;ýý__ý1ýw - . ýý,ýý ý,_,1,ý - - , -', ý. . - ý, 1 1 1 1 ý 1 ý ' ý' ,,, , ý - , , :ýý, -- , , V 1ý;ýý;,; -1 ý -ýý-iý ',11ý ý 1 ý > 7 !,ý;ý. -_ ý , - ' ' M _ý , > ý ý - - - ý - ., Il ý, '_ ý > ýý ý; 1 - ý ý ý '_ - il. - ý ý - 1 _ ,_ ý 1- - -_ " , 1 1 1 1 . . ý 'Il- l 1 1 ý ý, . - , , - ý. ,- , ,ý - _ý ý. _., .. _eff ýý- '*ý ' - - -, , ,ý -,ý - 1 ý - _ ý ý , ýý -, ý ý - 1 - . ýý ý . 1 1 ý ý " , ý;ý , 1, - ', ,_,- ,,ý1 - ý , , ý'. ý -,2ý,. ý ý -, - , 1 1 ý ,,, FA ,7 _, --. ý'e .- ---_ýý, - ý. ý 1 ý ý: 1 -, ,ý . __ -, 1 , ý, -el % ,-Ïý ý ,ýý- ý': 1'... - , -fý -ý,ý -, - - : -;r2e- , ', -- ý -, _» ý , , _, 1 - 1 - -11, ,,* .,,ý * ý, ý.__ - ý - - - . ý - - ... _ý1_1 _- - 1ý-,..',, -,_-1- ,,ý ,_ .- ý1_ . - 1. ' ' ý ', ., : 1 , - ýý - ýýe, -- - -ý , ý _ - Xlià -ý -1 ý 1 - ý _-ý , ý 3- _. - _ý - - 1- ý ýý _,.ý'ý ; ý-ý1__ .-, - - ,- -- -ý-, . , ý 1ý - -ýý -ý'-e'!ý, _ - -4ý !,-, -ý ý ýý , - . _. -- -, . ,ý , ý '-1;-:,,-ý,,,_ , . - - ý , - -- ,,, ý -ý --- 4 1_ýý - - . ý 1 ý. - _ - .1 ýýý,, ý ý- - - ý . , , ý, , - ýý:ý - 17-'l - -: ,,ý ,ý ý, __ - 1- - 1 ý - ý- - - èÈ 1 ý - - -_ . .. , . - - ý - . lý11 .. 1 e', . 1 ý .. _ _ - 7 , 1 ý - __ * '"" ý.ý _i'. __ ý- ý, - ý ý1% . ýM=ý1 . - ý ', 'It .t r, ý _J,-_c-ýý,ý:i ý _ M. %, -î ýýý., , ,ý ', -ý,î ý, ý-. _ ,!7ý,!-1, -_1ýf-'ý,'-, -11 .... -ft .. ý, Iý 5GýVII ; .t :ý - _ ,, TR1ý(_1ï - ýüùiEF.iàW É ý1 -ýý"-.--. . , - cîîàDcMý -l --ý ,ý-, . àJ"cruý1qor »eý,scva -ü . - -lu 1 .ïa , , .,a.4aý _ý ý11 , - - , - -1 eÀý" ýý, li lý-,ý,ý,;ý_- -7,iiý e ý - . - .. - - - . ý .q«ý pàI = 1. -, ý .,:" ý .l __ 1 f-, . ý1ý mkàiîxcffënýrw , - )Nqt.éplytestallý'. - ý - -ý, ý ý - - ý, ý, . , >ý OF "1-l- ý Il t ;_ .. - - _ýý_ýý_._ . est a e-,e ;w- ý, - ý - ýý cr _ý7. ý --ýý-," **ý, ,,,Orý1.9.11,ý-.,,Y.!r.v,ý 'T'D' t, ý .- "" V .ý . ý IL - 1. 1. '12 _ ý, 1«_r;_ >ý1 1- ' - .- ..- .- _- ý,ý-.. -Z llTo4!.-'JýU14LbWlffl.ý,- ý, - - 1 lire tý CZ :ý:z - .1, citir£nsý reodyed, à.'- ý:' -ý - . -- 1.1 ý týiý g'%i§91 'erý ., - - i - . Ir __Ï1 1 . 1 t î: ý . - - ý _ 1 1- - - - ,7ý ý, âîgýthý.1>r" -e ei. 1 ý 1 1 ý,ýï,,-ý -,_ -ý,ý - - -, --, ý 1 1 itl - ý , Imo iiir ý"y . . . ,ý> ý ,ýý "'ý, e ý ý ,-, 11F.-', ý - - - - - -- ýe4umýc4ùI4 _4 ' '? ' ém - Il. - ý 1 - - - . - - ,7ýt««, ;lîý _ rý1 ýr TRE,ýw!ýýý ,ý>ýwÉýiýretüxïýedýf'rom Ir- "W.ý masxý Ér's'i .- ý - 'Il ý ' 1 .ýNiagaràlcaznpj on-, Saturaàyréport t Wl 'i iiief 3 « _èf . 1 . , - - l'a ,al, sa 1;iùv = , ý,t , - , ý ', ý ý ý-_Y_ý,, -_,,_,-,_,'ý,4.;"",ý-,ý-»"", ,ýý,-,'ý5, -ý ', ý ý -,«ý -, 'ý ý., '. ' .the lu - , On op * W . *ýpq:lM 3M ý EE.- ,iàyý.t6.;6ucûect-iti. .. - e . . """ -I', -ý_- ý 1 -, -_ ý - - , - 1., > ý . <.1, twl enT= - ' - ý . , z .,; ý "' ý - -';, :ý,* 1 ý . lr 1.13-suppoeil y on ý tp -V - ýý isha towiiàïat - 7 , « --ý . - , ,, ý . , ! -ta ho on - - , - ,V ý Ma Xun , ý - - - - f " -1ýý.. --.--,-- ýwl1 -à ýi: , ,ý,,e-ýý,-tO.eredu0ô ý:ý ý i 1 ý ý .ý ing.of . . cevi _tg,&ý the linteau . ý ,ý 1 1 . > ,ý, ', ý'1 f= "elt-. t> 'a , 1 ý Il --'-,ýa, ý - ". -, ý , ' ý ? ', - ' -, . ... - ,ý,?ý - ' - 'Y - ' Our. imniire ý : - 1 . . towls, à compléta ill.- * t it was. net ex > ' ' ý 1 - - -> ý -"",, 1 , 1 ý- ,-,ýý --ý'Y'-, - _,ý,,* - ,- ' ' - eý:arèý e urmiàed' . - ý _' , , ý -ý , Il ,,, t 3ý;ýo:iýýaviicé ta ý.. ý :', - ? ý:, , ,..---- ýý __--,,,,,Lý - - ý, -5, - - - - ý, il , * demi latter filera. -.'All kinds of tiquera au .. ; .-,- -, - ý ýýý ý ý il - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . ý : ' ; 1 ý , - . , - - . )tuw. dorissi; the "Os ". - ý,ý ', , I., __ -_- , ýý - -, V - . .1_1,ý.ýý,'f4..,ý- __ Y 6', av 1,; - - - ý ý1 l _,ý_ ý ", - . _. 1 ý . a ., ý 1 ,77 . . . 1 1 ý ý- -.- ý', - -L'ýý' -, ;.. ' p * - ;-'ýJ î . . are sold opeuly over the bars and arc end wu% go nea4:and aveu ho -were. -è.-i..u -relsu_éd-ý- iols , 1 . 1 1 ýý -ý,ý ý -77-7 . ý, - _:1 - __ ý - nntsatany,-s&cnfce;-,- 7- ,"sJtý2;Q0() yardsýOfN. - ' ILIIJ , ' ' 1 ý ,> 1 - _ arran e " , ý 1 1 entertaffin of * nItimate:r . . , efrarlisementýtlust-inithent 1 , ý .- . - - 1. 1. - 1 -Ét , fff0rý'10- , . ý 1 callôd for by theiiE.Opernames. How. 1 - ýJsIr. fý1 . ý 1 . 1ý 1 1 . ', , _--_ý - ,ý - - styljshlPj:iiït'ofw t dffl Qreid*,bést Ehgijih,,i lýý bmtOs ofý !sst mcctýog Vexe de . . ,,,ahtl. ý - - - ý - , ', -, ,ý - 1 ý1 1: ý 1 .'l . ý 0 . a yaid-. -- - ! ý' , eu Cameron ad. bilan ' ,for . te 1 .. ý _- corer, as thé bute '.are, u6t interfored judgo Coancron confissassied. - . X.n,ýý, I-ýw C- -W-tluu' 1 ', ý-. a ý _ . 1 . . ý - mti-Di»Ua*ajia' rescla n wu ý, te hé ý ý :_1 , Wèý»,îwfH siâùg er o ý.. ý . - with, ýhere are no allebeens. and there Enlise time past, altbough it vu only Moirait by De. Bà'ek. séconded by 3fr- tablée. naturel méridien of the 90-& W ý ý ., -, -4 ý _- - ýýý - - ý--_» - ý __ 1-1 l - . e , ,- - ý 1 ,ý ý ithi a week cf bis death thstýthO Reinhardt, Màtý#7M be pai r,...d".d«,d 1 t- , ,a , Pi-' e ess -G e, :, ý_ ýý ý , 1* . _ j1p'ýèZ7'ý , -> ý Pik- . 21ý Of thessitfriiit .ý 1- , 1 > la no auch.demoralimticn aà in Milton. "' 'a 'ti O -fficietjy o WT4 en - osant; a yeàrly . ý - ilýl"-, , ýý .- ý - , ý1 - ý ý ý . ý -1 . ý 4, - ý 8. ]Is a, argain. 71 . 1;ý . . . ý Au that the Lustra han. ta complain of hi inaispost a allemand a Leaver for workperformedin thiemmii- - the Canadien Padfie r&Hway. ý 1ý 1- 1 1 - . 11- . 1 ý - 1> * - ý L ý 1 1 . - 1 ý ý ý , ý - !ý ."n ey. are, sold -at ; , .. _ _ . . 1 1ýa: him te . . r ,-, - Viëlliv&th 12ýç_àyi , . _ ... -the lm of revenue, and sa litths inter. MT" aharacter ta campa ý . 1 ciPaUtY. as Par biIL-C rriea * - - J - The Angu= , Synod -of the I)SOCM 0 - ý , _ . 12iQ 1 by'Dr. Buck, second - a ': - 0 _ý 1 ý -1 ô ù4 ,ýý,* ë, bis rousse. The Brut sym a tretl, basé ,nanti a résolution fixing . - - . au - ý - l .-Q eut in taken la the prédlibition question ta - ad byMre'Mon 0 . ý - Ë- 0 , ý4 s1 - . ai! ., w àffer'thè-.-entire lot'of 2,000"yàrà,r w . 1 carburicle on bis noclr Ir= ou y, as lame . 1 - . . , ý; , -, -À Imar onepf thé -iit #15 bu pecr,«saliziu of Clergymen 0 ad - , _ . ri., ý ý . , ý ,., c 1 ý 1 - ý .- _J_ J.. L, that it in hard ta work op a discussion ,thal; tfié Oum ý - 1 ý ' . 1 ,,ý«-ý- -ý ý , , . , ý -, * ' . . arteriesal This wu& iS O on SM* per , , . - , ý ý il keci as - Company No. - arisses '- :;ý,ý ..ý - _tU ,.ù ià . -, Ëý ý 1. Il ., ; '. ý , ý _ . - -Sta é; iÏýli'aý c ance, ýto bily- prffits Once in ai on it - ý. . . .ta to-COPL Fox,' ta ide . .mfoUowoýlPoreuco -, - - - , ý. uivw,.but>it sabafflenuy 'l' Laisse imeý4 .ith - fer piiesta goder ton 7"».t.ud. -,* -.:- -; .', , , ' - .'. ,1ý> - 1 - :-ý 1 ..bauer:ând louis: -nom, ; ,, . ý 1 . ý . .. ý . in 5: - , ý . ý.. . , . - par aps -ý - ý - . . 1 ý _. i 1 . . ý blond * * 1 l la while in SýMP et N ai Ing, ; r.,pri . or te. yetri'B-d- ;ï' - * ý - 1 ý 1 ýý ý, . _ .11 , . ý' ý meeting of thé Ralton Tempérance ' bis Mm--Carried. 1, = 88M a O ive Comissitteultais ý-J ý ý 1 ý ý1ý - . . . d ý , . ý - detith= geâ7tt r « moveil by Dr. Buck, secouded by Mr. , - . ý . ý . .. Alliance, maýalled, was advertissed for 1 .. ý I.. ,- - » e'É:iý,* - . - ' -we hùè'aliý-ëuîi do*li,àu - ý ' Tuebday faut, but whether it came Off i..tmatued conseiller if »06-PIRn >1 aident son, Dr. Irving IL Cameron No, Cook, thst part lot No. 15, coms. 2, N. S, . . Our fine Erigliifi alita, 1. . ---O% 4 forisa ta encourage lý,en* ý ; ..;d ý L AU tbýIt" civisme . . :- .1 . . ý ý . - 1 amis,273 Slmrbonmn strec a by Miss DeImPsOy,-ýIie attached , . . J. 1 1 ý . . - 7 e - i . . . . t'a týo"ýý-r'e - pnc>es'. . V sa - msant 'to cie, ', . i or net we are troublé ta Bay. We did sus -""O% 4 l"D'a . . . . . : -' U Pnn eliiii fikill coula do was doue for the ta rond ,I 1 dourrierstir. - . .,ý ý P. net notice any deleptes from, netské, iviaion No. 44, Wm Ilamby, - . . o. i-, 1 . ý . ý - - .. - . hé firàt.6firùly. . We ' .J ý ý . i - . . . .là . . . ý , , ý ; .- WHI Mah-é Biti ý ' Justice, Dr. H. An 11ý boy, &essai Thos.Ha , . . ýl N= ý, pathrami ' . ý . . ci, ter, and thast the détail labour --j .-, . 1 ' . .. i'ý' : -ý thingl-out b-àfowýt ,the Lowe ait our streets, and if therck , . .Èaséls;ý ,Il ayijllch.lelto Dr. C eroebe B'idf., N. Y., white , , .ý Prints,:but«iisîivîllýîurn Üiemî:Ôýer aua in iti f suspenstiot ý 1 ,ý . . P .. -wili gýt' il ., ; , ý < weïe "Y If Ta were very ý fuir. It in Wou of oui lut ho parformed'on the nom, "1 ' ,ý 1 1, ýý lot unUkoly, holn-ever, that withhl the tant attendance. ý rasta between the huile lino, Esqueodnr, i.b.thi.g.tolam.1de ib.misti.naintz. 1. ý ý . . . ; . ý . ý ý ý . . ý We ýQ ,ear etb 25 ind'.17o.'Uam Our éustomerà si . . ý 1,.witli -cm- 1 . 1 1 ... -', ý -!. - . a rrintq 'nt 12le. a yu ý ý ý - - ' ý . Vithabîý_*'MlireinJii Acut'ofrofaé*.1 . ý Ilext day or two We'inay flair of white. Mr. Cameron was for. many yeus the &Dit Martin titrent Milton.-Caimied. - a' Suspension Bridge, si . 1 . . . . 1 somethilig - - . ý. ý-- 1. ' e ivaltiu, resolutions penaud witL gréait béat known Nisi Prion lawyer lit the Movecl by Mr. Savage.'aeconded by pluyaustes, got ont tee for in'the river. & -h àe.ig,,- : .% . ,. .. . ý1 . 1. ,ý ý ý, . and wissi cinght ils an eddy ami stwelst ýB O>ots ' 8 1 . ý -; natofourIcarned bar of bis native province, and Isis par. down into the ,iihiripool rapide.' Ife Was ..; , 1 . Y . ,'. -,-, ' 'f ' . 1 ý . __ ' Uhallimity for the bc - à1r. Cook. that $12-50 bu paid ta John . 1 - ý - . 1 * ta e lawii PriýtS,** Woweil * like tb e 1 ý L , . ý ouest appearance ,waa famiIùùý t'O a Chiffon, for work parfumait on thé seen by quite'a numbesof people, s"Im ý 1 , ý !. . . . ýý. ý 1 and esteurnell Police magistrate soif lier graniter attacher of parlons thau Lent of -re pow..,Im ta md.r hile miel="- ý 1 1 - 1 P S9 . ý . -1 .Waal Delaines. 1 ýrhcle ease lot. bi 100, piéce's. New neat,Ë didlu6tamow-it.ýV&4.ldaded inspecter, Town Lino, botwoon t.hp Townshipri of ý . i 1 .H ats ý , a . . lovely sheàs.,- Jpaf týn1thÙ;g ,"for the.. arm. days, tbeÉe. ' À hall 4 ý ý nul man in Western.Carla- Trafalgar - and Toro ' -- ' & 0 - . , _w %vitli the object'ut burkin, the propossell . ý . tuyr et . été, S. D. S., Te- Hi4bodYbuvotbe-fomod- ,a, = . rtohiaclevatimâ .. i : - - ý. .. 1ý1, , - - . beauty.. ., : . iistluiry by a commission foie thoir ý rontp Township baiving pela au equal Judge *Painieý, of New Brunswick, - . ýý 1 ý . ý . . . postýng little, they iah*iipý.îne and expousive lOokioUý . tot the bench lie was, idissa prc?-i4-t in ssmmmtý_ ý 1 1 . . 1 . ý . Ccresud. . ý :, ý ý: liractieno here during the past year in ý bas dimm--ed an application for the ý . ý. ý . - W ,, .. : *1 gave by 4 - . . 1 ý' 1 Wë meaù . every « word > , W . e* are. writing On prin 1 ý connection with - flicir allegadeuforco. . - al 'Pa litical Iifeý but t W ! et the box th# .. . ý r, Cook. seconded by Mr. retenait of persona conunitted sionder the .1 . ; . . l . ......p er, meut of the Scott Act. - . fid gfflnpsý Luirais w a t 01-00 ho refondait ta M. ScottAct, hissait open ý' ý ; ý . ý . 9" want tu sell ý It 'ý BELL er.cru won, "a iý i4'S the con ton - 1 . l i . la an'à not.profit we are àft - .. . . ý by . ou sii.ln4l 4chievew!Ùta that whicil the Taira , , . . ý . . . . t - - ý t . 1 - - 1 by jje do.;,iyrongIy çss&uc,4 in tbat as the'Act open "' O,]rgQýfeý 1 - , ý' ' ' ' - ý « ' ' * Île L %à lopgegis reiýémlÏ,ere'd. iswcarritýà. . . - ý la*ssw are, ýarockorýÈ i'G roc ' ' ý N e -Will part with a big lot of pýi-îS_ bétý11è1. . 1 ý . ý ,. Tiim dismiiLgalý with colda of the op, oui mat Douane, ip'the Court . of .. 1 ý 1 . tri thé vannait eue of Regina vu. ý.7 et . G 1 . & eriLes..,s Moved by Dr. Buck, second . . nue b the Revised. ; . ý( ; . . 1 . Il. . . a'-ýz« _,_ý__. _ .1 .1 ý . - _ t .tbd 1 -J Y. wé',will,*Ëëàý ý , them , eheàp. ý we * - Id, . - ' mul.g'and Braille 18 a.wôrtlx,.on the 2nd pr OcWmr, . . . q- ýý ùl - - 'ý ý i ý 1 . Listes O£ ad;t j . i ý ý ý 0 01 Ta must.disgnât the lm a a Bain 1 t !S S, ' neces- . . . . . ýi dier. ý % - .MI,, »' e sa ýýVk>rà 'K - QU - 0-VING.aý :.; 1 'q ang té , F. -v/é 4ý - ,>%lie '. ' 1 ; - « blétjlodiitti CE Milton district Who pu. 22. Hia failier,. the lutte John Me- fort êUp rt of 1 -Zl « , -7 .. ý j» - . , ý .-W 'u . .RE Èave '- IL .'Z' ....-, Alpin Caruoion,'woi Ho P96P'o -.TO IRD 0É,.lýTH,..E ýS,.T0CK BEFO sert the resclution-at Burlington in .4 vis ýiiIs'hdmooim-- a a . Dun fil s4ry. t;sý subrqit the Act ý -y . . . . -_ , . rïdjtýr. béfore it eau ho o ced. ý ý : . ý ý . ý - ý, the reeve i , a , . . . . ., 1 . . , - . 1 'l", 1 1 ý ...ý! .; . ý . 1 which they endorsoil thé practices of plies, of Utie oîtock.ý lisse latter ceci. a bis Ob ne ,t a- Camp Jet il malle of the cascher Of . ý ý ý 1. .ý , 1 . . ý , , ý;1 . - police gistrate ïCisa our 9" a r fat 0 S . ricant. IL butait billi in .irculusti'n lu .ý KI train the Highlaids of goûtima r 'râ *, ý . . . .1 1. ý . 1 ý 1 / J ýý>' - - . 1 .. . ý - nier erudite ma - Canada id 1819, a in f ý . 1. . -B A ST didu't-knoiv-it-was-19)mlc(l inspecter in ýo'Upper and settlud Irenc and filet, hère er e. a .un Igontreai. Iliepounterteit3 Pro principally ý i Ji,.; M - E D O . * 1, -M eIL II M iAff -19 & M éM A S JL' ýý ý . . . ý l ý bullying and intimidating -,u.n-I, de. in Décidas, where ho engagea in coin* for Qîd qua cliotliés 0. r 4# . of the *2 dLnomi.atio.ýffl il $2 culot ý ; . . 1 l e , . ., . . . ý 1 1, ý- i , . ta IL 1 ; ý . ý . . '. . . . . ý , ,; fondants and witueffiRes Act marcha purstdts.- ýCarricd. . Dnxniýnionot(ýa»;adaJuneXat.18M.ebezk 2222!n .: i . ý ý, . . 1 ý'. - . ..--,.ý j". .. ý, ýý .. ----,-i ___ . . trials, and tendered ta the precictis eair The 3ubject of this sketch wac the -X.,ea by Mr. Savage, seconaca by lutter, -Blý Montrai ammthor $2 of R., Dr. Edwors! MoGlynil intfmda**toý . J . - . tugest of Isis family, and was the M, Husband, tbae Philip Il IIýib their support and sympathy.' The Te. YOI . baignons a X.1eht et I;àbor.'&.d ta «Issus, - ý. . . 1 f ? ap - lis. Dominion ofC.n.d., d.tod Jan- 1-t. - 1 * . . . . . of pointait 3pathmaste: jnteý«tssf thât organization, ,. Ilitilt et flic Ziniaiermaii case ý là whicli lullattr Of itburn on this sida r or .Oâ ,ýJj . ]M check letter -C.I' ni Toronto firisse, " A' - 13 A R'^ A 1 N' Brothers irait ellong- HO w9s muand citer Mr- No .Il.: la plac of Was. lira rtin who Tore Il actes of lits Doplistion of Olinda baratter" the . ' L 'ý ad acoording ta the lt>hll. lussi Je .i,,ýo.J,,Woo. out in ,fat., Ottewal .XKI devote a *pà T H R E E S P E %0 1ý ' . %à . ý . . > Xatthow Cinaks. ;, brotbar al the Han. refusons tO ouf, a air %ýrt cribla time, et 1««t.' - ý . . . 1 1 ý . . 1 i ý i. , , . . - ý. -World,'witli auaulting thé complainant, . iririt, with â*v! 1 dissinessuinating Isis land . . . ... .. . 1 . - . . ý : - ý---b- - drallging ]= ter oral and uhing vile ly .4 ff' - lotit . ; . ; . ý ý 1. . .. , . JaMe.3 Cracks. At the tient of tbe re. Moved by Mr.« Cook, secondod hy Mr. cjhgecki letlto&qr -l4tFO OtW lion theorient. 1 . ý . . 1 : . ', ý . Janguâgo a ber.and was fitied nouvel a the famity from Dundes ta Savage, that the aura of $115l.50 bc posid . ," Mont ý irid. badix est.- Williamm'.1 ý . . ý ý lumilto 1 ho was about font yersurs of çut.(I; i 1 larphy ý (Natio-alist me 8 10 or thiPty days, would malin a first- 1 . the Wilkinson'Plôugh Ce. for 12 No. 2 ', terni Puitament) h%à ........ mi id'4,g, ta steel scrapers itruisfied eis municipal. , Thé Indien Department is'finýIDUI ý ý Il.. FINE W ORSTEI) SUITS TO -.C)PvDF-jPu . . 1 . 1 .].ad - sshich Sldiugs Aplatissait the lasq atibject for au6ther whitcwushing agu, 4141 le once RtWrw4 à . %plein of El. à. S; ' . I.. ý . - ý . . - 1 ý 1 . y ý attend. bis firsIr satinai, which was a ity.-C.,Iiel, ý ý ey malle, of %Visite Cloud 1 . inca fur soitinir bis yacht la ry . ý ý 1 _-ý_ _- - - resolution. ý. . will La laid out in 20 acre loin Imil Plaad ý"he Bout ' ý 'Nè.ýv ëolors, «new patterns, - ROgilIFÉr price, 1 $30.00 - presssnt price, $2.5.û .. - 1 . .., kmaU.estahliahment preaided avoir by a & ad by Ur. Cook, seconded by Mr. .1luscinsis ile,.nied a. grenu 1 . ý - r 1 . Mr..Rànda.]. lu 1888 ho entered Upper .Mov in the market roý Th '.liait sateil Bay 'net 'ïak ý ' ý 1 . . . ý . IL renioml)eca thot telles, the Savage, (bat by "le' o et 1 Pirtizs wanfin.- a Fine-'Dress Sait sIio va -law'No. -, rend » tiret au 1,a.i.,g bon.. the &o ne ', , con ,ýî th. foi. , , 1 - n1d Bas this line. 'If. yen aonteu2pjate mati-imojiy llo $j;.0&ýy .. ý . McCaithy Act wal, allait ta bc nlira Couteau, Collage, whero ho remmena Lime et meeting befQro let, ho xegd 4 htaaverb.ýd bettrais the nid King Otto of Ba%*aritt bas diveloped Il ý . - ý ý . ý ý ý ,ý 1. . noarly: ton yenrit. Hia «lduçatioiml encoasa tJmoýCuriod. 1 pasis. . . your weddiug outfit fýom Tîus. . . t ý ý i-i&es the Dominion Goiremmentrettiru, itý,Uý,ý19 of Mohawk - ami Ch pose Mulatoghýt .11, rite bis .. cerner was ait short in 1840 by ait te, . - . . . 1 . 1 . t ý , *. ý .. ý ý ý. .... . .a ail thé rimneysi essillectoil I for tiquer MQved by Dr. Bouts, secondent by Mir. judiers, ýh...w. ýNQ britvec Vornifillud, Distrais et ý zýpL..b.>urg. Th' licansell céder finit Act white IL wu in aident vvliieli.wis destined ta affect the Savage, that the court do now mffiurn --a Imm lot wbich'ýý.911 bu lou On the ginstiffisa by a Io- Il ing hien ta iný,.".,t,.";." F in e S cotch T w eed s-ýS u its to , O rd el WIWIC course of Isis fýiturD lire. One ..,shunt pluies; il cavoond .with -a light testât bired for the puisasse with - . ý . ý -7- poration. Now thist it hai bouts de. ta meut on Tuesaay, Jauc, 28th, ut one . u . ' cided by the judgment, of Mr. Justice bile ont shoating with two of bis 0 f.mwth of thriller and .dmimbliad-ptbd cartrisigis, : . 1 .- . . . . . . ' elýk,;ýCmr.iea.,,, . 1 , . j . ý . . doy lovl-follows fil the -noighbýliood of The b t ý0 r . entasser rc-rt. IL lia nt thq entr- ý ý ý Yery latest patterris. , Regulû lÈcei, $23 ; preëent ýriccît, 620- ' . - ()'Calmer in quasating thé Parits Scott .CIO . 0 o urned The London standard êtiý>ngIy censures * ý ý . ý . ý - . ý : . , . . . -t at coumiy the Dod finis, one of the latter, who J X A once of 'Cklpayo Bay, leur Wiartilz . . . pulicils docs net score to*have buste il very skil. .. . . Tp. Elerk. ,AL éoàvictiuuq,: th o P.C, . ' - th. Ouvertement for cojirthig a deplam.t'e ,Business men should leà,' Measure ' early and sebure -a ' sit.4 ý inaglittrates ]lave na jùriKdiction t try ' Manitculici Expédier, . . 1 rkfesst et C..ati.ti.opte Iry atimding th. 1 forýbusiness live . Scutt Ac fui markarissau, carclesuly tirait off Isis - 1 tissus of the Sottes, foi ratilie-tiots of the ý ý 1 .. ý. . t canon in iiicorpomt&l totems; Tke Boundary Reached. - ý ý will Wear well. and loàk well. . - . . . 1 ý 1 would it net bu Sily lest liait right lion ut ou inopportune moment, aria - Foreign Items. - lino convection, jwh'wlt it onyx is ý . . , ý . 1 ý . 1 1 ý finit the*Ontarirs Govérument aboula young Calmerait rcceiýM the chargé in . . - , ;,.g.y.pled a fai . 1 ; . . FINE ENGLISR. TROTJ'*: .., ý... 1 ý . 1 follow suit and enfer the roture of the fils Ï7ulile, Part of file joint of which . Thý Winiiipeu Sun finis soute op . flic ys,11ila, flever 1. ,pratdi tr la Key Weâ. ý . - . . . S-El RINGS. - . ý .. ý 1 ay Ho aid situation in Manieoba:-Thero la, a Ifr. s'Xian 1. tà al ord M.yor of Tiso Rome Italie .talon that'the Pope lins - . ý- - - - . , assistants paid for fines unlawfully ira. wu completilly Notre aw . boundary beyond whiels patience cocues , ý . .lie L asisesi Mgr. Reliait. ta ,pep.,. . .irsmJ.ý ý""Reýrtila ri lie ý 1 .1 . ý . Milton, Oaliville and ] y due ta the ta bu a viitue, nuit thist boundary han J_, Sh.,p. the X.rT York bý.dlýr, bu stttatudours thè q.enti 1 . _ 1 . . .ý . ý ý- po.gerl tinder, flic Act -by, comty police net ratura ta coilèàc. Hia ciselée of the Dublin. . . 1 u instructine mincies abrad conSrning bis 1ý 0 r'TI ce $8; present price ý . . magitttrates in le-"al procession was largef ou. In' ý » - -e «..= (,=)-= à:E Jýý: , ý 9ther incorrioratéd towns ? Thé trolleys faut that bis two aider braillera John heurt resched, - Tite international Lý ruun(lguitty. ý .. ý if hi - ýiII déclare tlost ho will not r o ce 1 zlim-T-ILC-7-IMIT'Z '.ý W -a.:C=.C)M lmq»(= . . - f ! . lis querdion were oued ta imý the audDuneau, hall aIrcaIy emýraced boumfory w'l' bc fcached aise- - Tite Amour Jiu ---aiùel a decisivc victory bis right ta temporal po'ever in Romen n ý . . . 1 . . 1 . . i .. ; 1 . . - .x' Ho entered the office of arer thé Afgh.t. kTb.l,. . . 1 . . . . «-S rs Blook), Èarailion. .t) >. ý> ý pauses connected with the enfermaient. that caJIing- . IL Mokas lis Suffle. ' . . 140 King. t. E. (Copp î . . ý ý 1 iMessroý Gamble and Iloulton, barria. ý lAril 11-rtingte., 1. a publie addraa et . . - . 1 ý Il ý of.tlio Act,,autimed hy thO Ontario " - Mr, Henry Violet. of Johnsars colinty, B-",iburn, L.indadiire, isaid tlint the Vision. .- ýý fers, of this'éity, and served the terni M il lieu ... lsui si tour.l.ggoil chkko.. 1 ý _ _ _ fl ..verniýiout. includilig the salaries of IL mokas us moite ta Bu. Th. Cuesta. -111 fids . . .. . i . , , ý tilts policis magiHtrates and license in. of bis articles there. ,Ire studied with ý 1 the were se.kiig ,suppint .aýu!.ý:.i-.», [ . . - . . . . ý . . Citizen berating a ruivispapec for pub. Moulina offi.1.13 in 1 nextelention. Theform ý " > ý ý' ' « " tîJýLLtors appointait by en, Ifonat ad- grcat diligence, oeil gave ovideuceuf lishing an advertisement of liquors, ami s.uténccýl ta t.*G*vns in g.ul for élection land party equilly. remolisil i.nd ,,, ,di.,I., . ministration -in Scott Act conntie.4ý The greabnptitucle for big choseuprofessio ; . r 1ý - Lisait tant ta lis; oý'columna and rad -ud,. ý ý train th. old .Cý..civàci *. A 3 1L gn èu1t'ura1,ý* 3-E m pleilients.. 1 . .1 . 1 . Ouverninent shmild notleavoitsolfolien lit Trinity terni 1848, ho was admitteil au aclvefflseinent of ý1- - - Bitters for Mgrs. Porslieo ami Gurshli h- fiera revçlutiol.ism, ho thoiigiýt,: inight po.-iibly , ... . . ý 1 ý i 1 1 . ý ý. 1 . . . M, the ý-liarize of payin Maints 1,ith lis ait attorney and solliciter, and in Indigestion." Tlie'imoral la ta look 'rdered tu procced on their million ta Ire. 1 La nemissay. . i> . . . . . : Whot'is the ILilary terni, Iffl, ho %vas called ta t'lie Ive . à..,D, one .,lfeth.,dlýtfends illegally 'eltain", ils a Luss). . 1 z . ý . M-":CZ-T«T' - éL= . C MEMMMM(Zi- .. - Ila. bar- . . Il arcund you boforts gatting unduly "» 'm"'-n 'ter . . . . i ý, - - . 1 ý . . ý. . 1ý Int eýe . . 1 .jltt.rnay-Ucueral. goiiqg ýto sac about . ý . Mr. Justin %lcCaLly dý.sis tic roporta , ean,11 oýttb ."ýt.h.eepnl.]Lýbed '1ý . ý Ravingopenedanlmpleu2entW&re-roomin bunewbuildingEi in circulation that.Mr. Parrall is a ta . ý demim tmýss th.d, the color lie thi.4 ? . . . ý ý Soon aller comploting Isis legal excited-Lüjiclon Advertiser. bout .r -2 , la ý rn't .. . . .1 - .--.--.---- studios, ý Mr. Carrerait formed a ce- ý letbre. . ne y. à.d fin, th. bect in 1: . o_ . Lis . .O. 'ter . 4wallace«"Onotot..Miltqý,isprepiLreatofu ish ail kinùsýàffoI TIILI iýB0(JXCFR18lI HARD LUCK. pourtour carnifflait Items. . ýf Jýtb . .. ý . 1 plernents lùauufv;éThi., i.'alleg.,l ta .pply i . 1 1 ing firins of the Provinztý a( th ship with bis former principal, . . - Turo tlý.U...,d i.lýalit..t. of, -il ... .; . . ;- ý ý . ý ý. . ý - , ? lato Williain Henry .Boultuu. Di gtsy or.atirin tube. place JUI), I6th Wirs., w- toit laithim ahelter by the in a1loged not Lu fëel".t Illum- lis illev chinois . . ý Steel Bilider, . . a. Scott act fi. Save situait inte - . .t . . TÉe Masse, Brothers, flic Ifilté rat yeurs lat,.m.'-be a receut lire. bat hi. .-. and noixt'd cun.-reipaiiuw ans i 1 rËë Masseimo : . t - spectoî and cbziqtab.lý, in liaviig lots of partinershils with thé Hoi . N. B. ý . tersse. th. p.lie. and a MI, Abricot sm1:novrýý -%Iiltim Nie. Baird will raigit file scat for Queen% A .Ili.i.u be 1 1 . Wer,. 1 .. 'expérience. Fiist ]ka saut a bàllct iota Cayley, who hala thé portfolio 01 Mini8- ,a damagngtllaclovern týkl)lý ,,si St. Stephen'a Green, Dublin, ý . . ý" 'hé*.Tàr*ý.iito Mower, mais witli a didti't-know-it-%viý9-luadea ter of Finance ifil the Governoccut A massif worris o T il . -S.. faire, Mr. Springhouse, (tarit vols .. . . 1. - - - . ,ý ý ý , -n.*J, m. . ' "Ir- . krissits, th.t-f.11.,W-kili a hie ,,if.?" ý l 1 M ey ' ' Bifider e . ý . piste], and hall té par for it;! next hé fumait limier the auspices of Sir Allau Punissait tolvusihils. ' - ý 1. - ý -.1 Nu f.'.ig..,%Mccm - siris tg bu invits,ù ,O 1 a.:,; W...tilè6taectelearly c.tàblihahed . ., ý .,., : 1 ii 1, , - . . . - . sittempteil ta Ii a lawyer. in Uak. MeNabitil854. Dr. Daniel Mc4hUeliwl Mr. Charlebails, a mamb-r 01 th- Qu3bSc witup.às the Auatrian. and R"jian sirmy bythe.vidonei?:' 1-1.1souhi .av ý . 1 - - . --, ül BY- , -el .. . . ý ý . . . ri,,., .os, was fined .fur ris,ýtiIL; lie was sùbsequentli, admittail, sud the Loglahsture, died ai, Mcmday- massontivra. . mortlem ý a ber in =114,il.*1 -«7Èl-- - - __ - __ . t iiii, a n ý . . nlpealt.(l flic case and hie alptcal, won firm of Menant. Cayluy, -Cornerait & Th.,il police lias. bren in.t,.oL TliaAm.ýie..N.,tit Atlantic .;Iýý.llm. disiss't you %,et. with thé Test of th. jury eu ý ,"P\ . 1 * a nt la'Nvs. *- 1 - . ýý . rIcuied and lié hall ta pay thé conte ; MeMielmel lougg badit business ý second cd ta pas in force the black tient lair in stùted. on Tuelday un . ffleudly ýàiL ta Lang Ili.? You ato-d out For acquittai - 1 ý"ýAssvcX. iir ý Il . ý ý . . ý ý ý 1. - . filon liu'arrt-;8tecl Ilrâý ýUmmérman in ta that of no rires in, the Province. filet c'tY- . - C.6àdi.n.w4iten. . ýk0 and coula the jury Ili ' 1. ý . . 1 1 ý 1 1 ý liffll . . ý ý- Il [oreillon, and luti bouts fined for aa- Tite Lt liýbtiry states Vint the Angle. e!olfey.l.i . , . il "g'c"'* - - The St. ThomaI Swivel Hay Fork and Carrier, and aîll l'inds ýof othâ luipIgme: saitit. It 14 %volt that thè-mous il& au went varions modifications. . .Pot. likcly carcaille ta. the portfolio of Turkish Convention in tu bc ratiried Le ,nibye ý;th it. . , 1 . . Bindin-; Cord of ali dèscripýtiOns. . - ' ý . - . ý partuerabils subsequently undui. Mr. Thermale White il raissoured ta bc the rit Sn rýe 1 dia; 1 do. t Intel, ta .Dont . « ý . . . arskint piohibitinnist. .. If ho vrerc, net conserva. l' ý Tuk.y o. àlond.y. ' ibili,,,ie, * pr.hibit . . '. . . ". 1 . ý. 1 . Ho waa; very proncitincod m.nose. . . 'D'alot camps ', le * . ' . ý . . ' - . . ý ý . .. . . . , . ' 1 . . ! . liatuifflit bc élit ta groiv. wearÏ in file Litre in bis views, es Isis father before Twenty-aix contesteil election. mes in Paginait lia. conseutoil ta . postpnne. 'm ' I Eh .et ai, 1 ilyilýU eu" .iàhi,,v it. . c_1L_1t_ý *.a.ll= ý A UM -1 =L.=-n=7, go)(I caiise.-Sp=tator. . 1 . lifin boa beau, and nt the general lits Quellec and Threa-Itivem diâtricts are ment 01 the ratification CE the Angle. p mhibiti.. or il p - Vý--Groat . ý . . . - ! ý - ="V;ý ý . ITW-«ý, Puits (M ... Il TIJI Othil. si, . . . ý .ý, ý e . . .. . . . . ; ý 1 > Tho Spectator forgot ta include in élection of 1801, lie offore hintsolf ta laid ta hare, bee.ettled; - . Tufri.h Convention. . ...s., - _ . - . 1 . 1 . . . Lit. li.t of Billy's misforttinos the Camp. the clectors'or North Ontario as a une. Ti.. coronor's juri irs tiie8hawinque.t A rerolution in the S..,Iwtch lil:ýnd,. A lirteil r'obel chiot in Ta . . ý.ý . . ' ' ' - bell vit. Brothers el tg didiste for a scat in the Assesubly. Ho nt London have brought in à verdict of i., the (leposition of izin., rceeutly, capturcd and exocu,,ý.U", 1 9. rrea=n, M.D. a W. P. Freemmi. 'G o. ;"To *, .1 ý ý ý .1 After It - . . ,... libel suit, «in . iIstox , 1 ho.wastaken ta.the questions put ta Trip ý 11'ý 1 ý which 'a judgment ýwas entend lent Ee2ured Isis rature, auditatinthaHouse nourder against stervensipt). Z.22ooo, peeté.I. ý . 1.2ý->h.,ide ... al.. qu.ils-rý-tblu.. BrI.1.1. . issu 'bot burnuq. aledleüse - 1 . 1 . . . . . . 1 . . 1 -_ý Our by éminent againat the dofendants outil . joursal .ndorotsmas tint, Mr A lire yýýt.,.I.y nt Mi , o lac oeuvrer, and ,>,,,ýýr""ý,ý,'!."'èl.'.ý,,ýýle,". di., the germent élection of 1863. wlien, A Quise ýÀbotht--u, Ky., bloc. the frisotter Tirailla giv ýo-q ...., 12-1 .. -y 1. 1 C. i1ý. ý .- ; , ý' . , - - 'l - 113,11ali ' - pressenting bilerait ta hie con. Laurier, the iiew Libéral leader. in ta lie sweptawayolle-futtrtli (if the biusineus port. land as notre lis lie vais capturcd lie F-ý--:ý..d s.turdsly Arými- (Do T- . . 1 . . ý . 1 - . for $50anq full cents, flic %vitale. in. épais . eu Il.... i, 1 eliilitigiluiitiff',i and dofendants, cent, stituenta fur re-eloction, lie wen do. Imighted for Isis p.liti..l ' in. of th. toren , I..$1700.wo. tried ta commit suicides by toaring open 1 . sud 6-7 P.... - . ! 197 ,ý . ý ý . 'J'ented, A* vacancy occurriug in the Reàolutions-in favor of'Commiercial The new -,,-titutie. of the'Kiiighta ci bis StOniýh witil Iiii l'ails, bitina bis 1 1 anlountiug tv-1rom $400 ta sàqo,' . ropresentation foi: North Ontario in 1 Union wore carried hi, hcavy majorities Lober han bas .rpIi,,-,,Týi1- by a S'at. tangue, scmtcli'ing his a "qnd . - 1 the surrimer of Iffl, lié once mûre of « stiout, ý ' ý1 DIED. i in varions Farmen'lýstitntesonSatur. t.i.ijority ci the ]wu aluisiblia_ niutilttting« Ilimscif in vas Ili more . . lm li>w-a l i r $10 or Thiriy Day&' 1 1 . Oý' Friday morning, Joue 24tb, forcit himsolf as a annaliste, and vins day. . . Il in luppoffi'l in (,1jicàýZ'l that the qnpreme ]terrible ways.' Ho liai v y ,,, Bn . . ý - ý et hine 9ý . ý .. 1 ý el ' 1 _:1ý .1 . 1 .ý . . tintied ta reprenant North Ontario in intimate friendu thut he Il ait no ""dmin.d Aý,..hi.W .,le teint. ý examiaeon lié obtairked first planai t 1 Esq.ý vgcd Is jéýM BILLYZHE BOUXCE1 * . * Il iul occasion ratumed. lie cars. Sir Chartes Tursper lias given ont ta Ul'urt lit the State bu decilleil tu ait.. th,, influence with flic liteinti. At est .11 Normr n Beatv, son or W > C, - - . ý ý AlrD Fixzu. - . : - P wi . 1 MAIN STREET,: MILTON ._ . . . ý .ý thé Assembly outil Confédération,* whou more in the Canadien arliament.- Scom of the Impehil Ck,,e..e.t*.,ul,. and ka wasjresident of the.important - - . ,,% . ý ý . , -ils.- t"-. ore ta Ilýr in fulvur association Thau-ban. 110 Wus unsucccsgful in bis attomPt te GIobcý . . 1.,t«, - brio. l- MM- ýt* : . . 1. 1 Thé magistrale gaio -his 'décisi* ý 1 1'. ý ýiý ý .1 : 1 : , . ". .ý 1 ý 'a" accore ]lis returu for the House of Uoiù. fr. Watuoif, Il: -P. ta of th. Poi mail .,tWýdy Pri;-L 1 ý . . WideAirakef'orJitly, ý . ý-FOR- ý, - 1 _. 1. . . . .1 ysaiturday morning in the charge against molis Ho accordingly accepted office .1 r 'Marquette, binuy pertions in Grecrivilla Cuunty S . - 1 - - 1887. . - , ý - . . le 1 IL ýLeu. . î - - -7 - - - 'Il -, ý ý - ,. ý Scott Act constable Brutliers, of in th. Sanifficla Macdonald coalition vit - canallodis 1:1 fi . ST O V ý *Milton, *11 bc honored by the Winnipeg citi. C.,nreaiinitgilà ri-wof th. filrmssti.ý Di The July IlviIi. 'l..k. ocght ta bc put E S '. TI ý ý ý', ý . fýirm.ýtiltiug',ýlariýnZiminerman. Ho . zone for Isis action bu the Disallowance secret laber sucit£*c3 amolig the ceocé, , - . I . 1 ; - j . .1 1 ý . , E T C. ? y - . . ovot-rtileýl the objection thost the défend. dulinistration in Ontario, and.was Te- stion. . 1 . Sir Go . ý . 0 PrutuaýViman, of New. York, o native "' th. bolide of .vory y ý ý ... e' ;, .. turned for East Toronto, in which con. que . orge Tr.,elý..,t publi.he. . Iýtter 1 1 Ontario ami lund, for it bistessa with a long- elight .#_;Êrý* Eàve-trofý-l - a si ,_ , , 1 . ont liait lie puiver tu malle flic * Il b a financier of international oý,lýilgt.u,» ,Yh 1, . , .linc) .. ý, ;, . ý . . . . round that the warrant was arrast cil sýtuency ho rosided, and which lie con. The Canudian Paciffe Comparry are éDneéting luintatenients of ý r. Chant or. fui snnousstý1 ut "W 1 ..! net back. fillette ta c lame, in a millionaire. Jamu J. Hill, aise. Pur.tifta, nu ý a Coulpisisitoi.11 writtins . . i . 1 . Il t bolide ta bc imatiei fur'tho, building of the At New York. on Stuillay, John Wi bons P. 1 Cure-. . citin of th. old . ý - .1ý .. ý . ,ý ý .. . __ ..,ýeproseiit in the.1localLogis. "iÎteri stilb th- intention -fae.ui.orth, loin and utilité- 1!9-rdiý,z faiblirai 1...uuion* 1 a native of Ontario, is the nouer of the St ,; . . ý .. : cil Imforc the arrest, bit the distance lature h6 close of Isis ýarliamûnt- Boit River Visiter Roffura. Ife; 1 P th 1.11ýd of B.11ý.1v..* 1 lie'. the young -M . bLtvýn the place %visera flic warrant ý floconniez fat.11 .,IIin.n,, lyiz,.ý Mi.itoba Railway, Till ý . .A T ý orv carcer.' He liald the office of Pro- et 3 -t-ýýLd by a mou "bat, ory lier an- NuýnaulZittBOD, Walhingtosolli ýèoI in hiaecarly Yeux Tite A ýý ý1 1 I..&.W.ý . ý ý._.r . .1 ý, , wiLi issuedand the Hamilton and North. %Ir. Mackenzie floweil donies thât-assy lie preve cil Irons 'uleltli:tg in Ulst Riven of St. Paul, the pioncer stcamiiosst man of o' t . pot Il : . , istation ivas net lame thau liatory tritura halie han iinued Te. T ... nia va Xisgolon eut.ta. Miteh.11ý thil Nor1sbnut.ý a Min.eýti %,ho bas vlàcial Secrotary and Rogistrar, train ,et. piper il full of anecdotes and trait. of bu ôF-:-- ý . ..S,%Io ",ý . -ove July, 1867, outil July 25, 1871, wlion lie - gréait Pluide-t., It. bas a -,.go il. ý! i ý . . _ýý-_ ý . ,, ' . = T'a les.' He. hýkI, hom ri filet gading Amoeianss who lie. sinours th. lin. tow,ý have ,..I,,,l ta retint .vi.ti.,ýýe. 1 P!lt-drFds ni Illussansisi of dot 4 a.fali according Ln 66 of. chapter 1781 of the becamé Commissioner of Crown Lauùs. cad.are employed fi% Canadion border william O'Brion wili chortly visit the.ton. lin virrion. a ta 'cru "v"kd 1--tl-ttctt by Hùl'ard Py! A'atirrintg AI ble 1 V1ý1Ogý Pý0perty .. . .,,Ih.t.;",dý!.ý'.t'.hý-h"ý.' "ý ilý.:, . ýRo'iRed Statutes of Outil The latter office lie held urtil the full tonses. , . ý . . .. ý ' rim'ace op North, and who Fourth ci July stiny, -'The Ose of It," in , t , . ý .1 1 ..Ik Il nils .i. ý ý engl, Sio, ilsse de. a . auto. - . ý ý . la catisanted ta bu worth et least bix 'il: klars the pe4. of litre. Rarriet A. Cheeeer, In the TOWNSHIP Or NZLSON; PI-0ý f the Govornment in the following Th, Cý.»ty Couteil cf Oxford bas dmff, b., i , 'lion of dollars, came ta tbils; countr y ýl . -iendant bref né poseur ta arr6st'tlio Dgeoinber, in conséquence of the ail* cd n'pétition ta bo'pre.ented ta the Do- considérable monry with hi fOrtY--five yenrs sgu frons lotver Couette, Egbert (J'raddock, * fis i ery fronts, sied loright allie devskr, in the ba . - curry Itz y 'bout «.The Sth,îloi Keedon Bluff.," by Charita and VILIsAiGE OF. ,LGWVILLE, - - ' 1 ýý ý APIII (o .... . . amplainant il% ]Intuition upcIcrýa war. verso vote ofJho Honse on tho'railway million Uoveroment, the the Ficrinée of Quellec, wheil just là ita, husumrý and very entra un Connty, of Reliait. ; * ., JOIIN DI .- ' O thé ed and throwa foie cueilli et calma, .. e. .,,ý .. Ta L of constuitildant, after the returu'of m, ta vain . ý - 1 îo*_ ý - /- bsidy question. Uptiti the Inondation G.vormuant allowgace as Cours bu N. Y. t 1 t el hie t-ens.i Dormi. Rysm. the coins jt. plot. 16 manly mouut.ii boit navet, il, . 'ý warrant of distress, wliere it N insulta 0 , ý ; ý ys .Tu o_ ý 1 ý . . . . .. . . ý, ýý . . ý 1 I ÎÏ., ; . !il another county. - *Un accoidiugly 1 a noir gormansent unaer the leader- illoressent. A Sheriff'a pause Laits figistintile Choo, owner of St. Paul, a millionsire serveral modela of :Aclinessi There kùl bu sold on SATURDAY, ý .- .ý . 1 . . and chivalry. The the oth dssy of Jüly, 1887, et one 0-elock - ýý ý 1 sbip et the Han. Baward Blahe, Mr. nie ramor alerte or a cour Episcopal Law Nation on Saturday with seveci derp. tissais alter, huile ý [rom a conaty loisir Harvard Aimer bu a long article ta itàelf . .1 . . ays.-Spectatur, Joue .conte or thfi'J'y Came becifmo leader of the Opposi. eh crois et Bousilla,, won ] Ottaws, the capital of. th. Détestable. train th. pén of one of i , ý 1 . .. -ath. , i 1 doctes, Mies in.the afternonsit, on the.Premises, in . * e . flueil Brothers $10 and « Ton 'id on Saturday eradan. . reins cf the lutter were Lel.d"d Geoige Meure, *theNew York-publinher, 2 .n. Pho o - 1 ý ý . - _ . - . tion, iLii(l confitimsd ta out in that Ca. alternasses by Rev. Canon Boit cf Niagara tissus, woundtd. Fronc, Mari. Brooks': - Oui. 'Annex the VMLAGg OF LowylLLF, In, . !'IL , * - prononce of a large nomber of lie!- the 6*à-r -l'th- largent publiais. virtue pacity for a perloa of four yjam' Hia Falls, iL Albert Terrier. ILI . Maid'*-'Bezàià berCýer.' itis falifil. ce .c«IBDWCZB or sale Sntaiued fil 'ý 1 - , -the TweIllh nt Hamilton- prirliainentary enicer , Tires marked by spect«stýrs. Je . , la a native lust-râtedaýà will beinttrutina ta Livrent rtaîdýMcxLgàges, C-I-"d mtmIeýr or Z-9 haisse-in the'United qtates . . 1 . ..'. - t 'grap , r- . 1 , A mu roue attisait ýwoq mode a fow n,,Io.B.wmn, wh- il ta 1 vat of Nova Scetia, a Province liber la prend ta ý . - . bich will be ý ý 1 1 ý - sterling limier and - integrity, and by in. rire . Pridzy nt Loui.ville, Ky., bu *.r.Ù-Z.llýtrm Tomýg woýùIcD> who duirs, a Harvard Col- duced àt the Sale, the iZ ýg e . ,, . . Himii.ToN, Jünô iS.'zLThe Twélfth of flexible aevotion te Iiiisparty. Hia pro. nights aile, on a family alluma Conway, with Ë(-4>aut trisomies& . ~Il. hile a - and ack-owledge thist hi. t go eduè&ticýà, and aloi, ta the geiienl perty, urdèr ilicortgage frous AýnDERW 13' . ý ,-, .àýý ý, l., ý Julywill be adeqýtely celcbràte'lin , _. ý very pi.enu vite ta' Dalhousie loge Thé . ý. ___ éminence nt the bar Trous ridisputablis renscut arrivais front Ireland, who, baye . An, exprus train going =Col publié. frant Berlin ta bave, grnatly laitefitea tho, Queen'ajubil-e Wcommessoor. CuLLopiýN -.'_ ý Il ý 1 ' . . ,ýý me ý et : - ý ; : ý ý Vý-.1r ý - _.- Humiliée this ycar. - A great démon« .ad b in influence over juries suffèred lie settled in Biddulph,' rieur the scene of Cologne wu titreuse edea-167 al ýrétty piper ai -anecdotes train !yns;nk_ý,pintolètà. . ý -law. -! . . ' . il ,. . ' , ftOus the truck et tducition domý by the - sonsonfing se& -4.hîffrsIfIodsý .1 b ' a. Orangemen dbobosotié,..Ba.ý,La been_,aýX issens ira en T--d.iO'.»d..y..t.-p", Xhmî nrs-&Îýw-of4hû ýottýonspi=oue . . ý 1 .W -Z.-- , Gn ý . Lration lu eulginrerrû . ý , "-hwpmau»;,blmltaymona 4,1.yu= W cssý -iyI.ôttw.ýltiïi£tp.r ,ý . #1 ý *., rom a aconit neigh ring cou tics ýv1It Cuunsel since 1863,1 a Beiieboretthe . .or. came or lm Injured. . . . Blibiiiïeli.-.. fi ., - ii , , .ý ý» _,a famDlmonystradgady.ý . -ý-ýý.,-ý-,, :Mouton ' the ýffl 01 nuiEne i siccompaided. by, a-fralf .'« t'Ibltýh-1f"",i.ýýrl-;blg- p '.Il . mGiigtho ýe-insfal Caundim-Americau, 1 ' Il .$ ý ,ý, ?-lie Pati in it.ý The negotiations for the lossin fur the pffer. cas, liýing. Though aimait in thé'nouse o - lissus plintestit«ly a"bgjtwà or wish . 1 * . ' - A procession will Law Society of Ontario silice 1871, and fanitoba Botmdary railway bave beau Thé Paris Temps myt, R.glad bu ý juge enkgvling of the remous aitting statue :,ý ...en-g rIssirs . , , ' .- -> ,ictteb train the Gare ta Duuaurn Péril, 3 oftheQu ai yBfthm.cutle;th".rti't, sortis th m the.ýpeopiè 1 . . . ulliïecessful in London, owing W ýan 1 ta Te. , . .1,1ý-1--Cth.,,dl.w.»- «ýý1 . . ) wlien ho was elavated ta the Judicial el, an thé prisitectomte .1 syti. uteïory micht bu -ma: saufs roau.y . 1 h-1(luit. th.%. n.rtb.«.t ý ,p .. roruui ielsGre, there.will bu munie fronatwo, Bench on the 15th Novembéri if378, the renoncement tbat the abject of -the t..,,,,pt,,,'Dy'a suppurt ut Engluant ici mntmctcm " the Gýrxnt», ci Faribaults; tu entit ssý -ýlýYýàry Inch a Queen." '4Tbe forroad In fontofîÀtdýhàI, .t,108 , =d tourroursaing courstry thi i su en , , . . ut, - -ýýý-.-- M -e-ball match by the nppointmont was rat; quintiors. . , -Mm.. (5t.1w.rt GI Secreta7at Bouchains » Til'Indian'ýu.qhcl th,."'..L-dyp«mil.l hi ua , , .1 ,:i - sinfit. ý jeague b larded bý.tho légal I ý Id ý .- 1 - -gariàn.), the-Morie, ibdk»r.ed.bffl.tint.t "I.t ý-né..u . ,renfila the ph.mgraýèh Gaul Irý__ ... ... bc déclama illégal. : ý . . initial ky Mrs. Catheý«..dý eý . , - ,l '. ý ïamiltgue ý.aud Buffalos' a drawing . . orst.ýPau0l'illiami Young. or nnd.,Inelýa --tension and the country et large as N. Leuria, liing ne" F -Pressident Modinfils ifille Ut.. ý the Western surfai nustaly puésuerelth -wd - 1 , 'Pa -- Maincela frorcimr. le ý' 1 .for prizes oggregating 8àO6- dancing P .g tribale ta hi. .b.,.ta Tiiar.»i..à,aw-'ý,,.r 4,CW signisturas ta -k'E'- Kv-, white il the 3Jilwankee Chercher of Commerni rft.týgtLr ý - - , - s« j)-"*ý tempoiu*ï driýged, yenerdoly %bot and sala Caffuray, lit.. Vie, P au ",.-i;;jrl ri - Ïbort. th..u. the petitmme for «th. reput of the Scott y m- CI " Y, th. , ' _-1 ý__L . i , . ý Act fer Belles ý ï«ia.ùb ai. Z; , 3, .rencY. uni delightfal-this . ; , J, 9 . thop & . 'ý,J mer y o* âna Damerons - Qther attractions. fessional standing. Ife wus noble. une . le total coucher Itý-h,. .- 'J"d Jolm Boulets -ad --uided -Doko reniffe BW.1w.i,ý .h6,i.éiàt, 111 - broies, ,Le y re. h- IlTss. jýý 1 1 the. aient -il :, r 1 bý Mr. Qeo. A.ýll,.B'ti . l - ti "]hl, de :QfAuthor» 1 in, about - Rirp'ir, -Part et th. 1- 1 ý . . -ý Y elèvatea ta the position of rqssi7ý .. la , . Il in intimilési ta . 'o' mort thé resseivenship et the ,Walsall, Rail. encous.ty ., fatudly. woundonI 1fn, "'d t' 1 of "S 'se- ýý1 ý: - 1 1 . ý. Tiso So(t Act la Lennoz and ,Lait ngten. m Justice of Ontario. .Emd recently han. . "n".,ýý bleue. . 1 . . ý . _- 1 . and je -Béa --B.1d,!the onslt.-ftiy. il. 1-e3edeÏ." [.., Z;. d - .. d! . te the continu atthe'eitUest ' way;, Somali- .&dessus, toit ýs . of ., ý ,ý and bas fittaa 2*it Op ., - . ý .. recuirait the faneur of kniglithmod. Ée . .. I.. ý-.- ill'thç "Cýgad. Alla a viedthý mine lufttmted Ilup, -Garrett, Tb. Township or Nelam; unir en Lu«. plat. cons« 1 ý - 'I'. ICI Z mt z-'ý m-t. 1.11-W At Icing -.1 Iliti. h-t- fing LI.-Il jlut th ti..Ii:ýrt7i g'.1ý lllw,- ti- mi 011. 1.., yrrk. -ýIth Là. hol-I. d- M.W4 vot hy. ho 1-1. 1.11 r3' W.I -01 li'nt hhý, V, rh- t whlt tjiir ikUrt.ýý' pil M'. hfflýI th. ouut-ié, ýé ho .Aft.l Dj,, »d r.hild, fille. drill; braered t.,éettenary Gf the a nýGfqcots, it'ls1 ýý,tpetsrbrcugýIh Ir, ýýj. , - rtmste, The exhi- n.the 13th of Jully sied. t soc: le ti tb. gth of Augui , & james a da of Qu'en Nlary*s rougit catetIVAI, The hër, Pa ne$ ta il un.. s ibis of eterboraugh da e = night infitienti.1 coin- bu bond il- liong Il. Cher à, -hwiig Joui boothiug congiatulz h.ý.Wvo il . arné-l u=ellellt, arth, lai fûdddýbv raeuy th.t have M,()ibbol) last 1 at TrinîtY etý ta proýe t et wh.11 dd6mbe - 0' ii,ëorracL Fýr sale se 26 EVERm Wjtjon'a drug il, drug N.b. lia the Iri eh re Ilotogral journa Of ucr one 1 fait iliglistateultuo 841é yoIý Ne Emerald per-doze lie W. Marioly, &uý mer- every tw . 'a rry in the dozeil e Ph'ic= -pt tU-' 'ira' ý- s militer. &% bu irelused the renfal 6 ta £M2. sud byMakiýng FATAI, quit Id jectiaffillits t harrit -reý, .u.c.ed il fol' Illait, yurs Iligleitar th. rent-l.We - 501 The bout hall lents ululer the ,, the ! le. ý.být-,they could. "I ala ni wj itato a . sach yur; .11.1 At this t tomber hale n inervieil became J .Ciment thlly rofflt il Je ait pMb.biliY pilles aùq W !l ah- ly 1'. strtick Il the il, ta log thein und the bock assis 1, pn lust arift a the WOFId. TuE P a ilirger iafe in TCY district. ment ta" nown druggioe, --tlool '"Y cage of ne market "il giýe the but P.",-dur, aiýk 4 aitait., biliousi eu. time ag, white coinbined Beach. id Bitteri,, oral)ta r UfFer- plaintiff elle 25 unis per b.ttle. (Jeu. Mi ïiend.-Si lier bottle. Sold cOmpau3 lebigist, Milton. powde blown ai Board .1 F.Veign Missions dings 01 a terrible famille qn a roition ai whi.h Adana town ye . The aillict-il e--tiOll eil- weiglit ( ).080 iuh.bitaut.ýof Moite coudera got* "il colinot be kýjt joseph 1 ý hsl.ý i. bt.ught tu busy or ..y ai lh eul haý.' lie ind ti.. Orly hy .Iil ng th-i, Howard ýooa ossini Vite tu th. tini. It ,a., ç ,ère. - Th. h.,v--t ton. Il- knocks t aliinitie elle-1 lif grain will tra,,-bl jeilor onti..Vli3- ýo fertile, - l'os' de . tifici.11Y W.tý Jilin suce Cre. tatur. îas- or Vitalized Air . T.. f., Hugh 3 o!,.t.mtti ai the Dental SuMM ur Lorne I L. D. E-i "'a 'a' was Col thzIt nal ýTh ... d.3,. ttýn' :1.t.- of --Illll !-ný, 0:1ýe bon. fre. -J inflecti( leil ta I 2 were al tl'r.,Iol .1-lat, go ta Dot l'y James Sts., Ha- imoi puits èOilà. WANTED forgerieral cveniliý '1ýC.ootl wages.-Mits. 'C. Coinmi 010 We.:rEý-A goot] geiieralll,,, pply et theliaul; oliý Pl.'Mrs. Butterfielil. pul'ils I*flrst-class Hatti cheitl', go eu illec %orfier Ring & Jamés Sts., l'Iniistitil flýl, ý * 1 honore a. simday Scheel etc. Clenini ay avoir the Fait bille ta ýVoodstock. Ly.ý'ýo ffln, ,Qïr-Tbe frame of a ler- Robcri 9 erceted on Saturdav dit r, Jëhu .-Miller, on the Illi, Rorubv. Paie in èauada for Hata is iurreil iti Xinà & James Sts,, Ila. loi Liu Jolin Rerr's sale ofIýlnLt'jV .guL%- ilarness aud ftiruittirc 1.1elit., llVMe'.0u July.1stIl. char. The 1 c loncers, t-Illi CI r a "Jimmie" She', '171oil la strect %VELU selling ai il,, iêii-as lar«-e as bons, egg, bi., la W_60 celle. k. 0- a ind u salltilc Dr. TI ut Treble's, cor. Filov il il. %ev. a Son have just orencil of DO( ni ri n ooliq, pur- Etiror J' 0 * l'a '11 New De, there David BoW of au% ýGf the Scotch thUt 'a . butted by - a, rail% il mies roccived SUCII serions are 01 recovery is doubtful. Will 1, g Amorican stylos re.« matcl et Treble's,, file botter, bo ait es Sts., Hamilton. for th given -an Monday iu ýPitef ,9 tenatiry cage, John Preju, 0 P cock, in favor tailla against the ili but tl àbou.t $56. imil t] il blieug al . Vu, lik et Hamil il prochi remov .ýto- ta the draniý cy, ana b replarca f 1*11 ýLuthVen, Who coulés flotte a orche MGB=ý Adam Bownian, e4c, Milton the other day wilir.] Mr. Jamnes ý,WaIdio plaveil bute dranghte Mr. Bowiu-tii turwon 6. draWs soif Mr. 0110111 edthabl=m publi bers -of -the Ilifie cciunl Iliattice on their - rangp on juin, Xt-.-Bev.mril-4)f thom, k.%v rg..ý ýr-tèh rifles ordered tary the baél;iàtè-d ni k of Edinburgh'. ti tu t ttle;.Blîgl th. fi a8t). -SImrtýand stout, le m facï;eý--liglit an d1blee eYè% frolaithe 0 110='»-' bien te -ith Me. tl, 1 about

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