Canadian Statesman, 2 Jun 1887, page 3

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our ùiilTiiilueveryconeëè -, oilize, wýho.want to buy -tË~ Stuheoua pries, low pries -hoq.- IE IOOST wE uns ýdnoit lrgnnil toin Mtme. igi A rOUIT * A ST: 1,t=iin Tibia MnetatntPaie tt nOoO. ther gnnnval ni SlLED .STAT AM wo oui n Zesiiiianid Ëinte, intg. ii,, MiS LAIl. teaonn Bnetn i , 1 ion , g mho lirnne We gn ds WE uj .1uWr., imé nd n colora. VDLI> URTMENT. a mil to ,Goods at-I 50c. per Yi n9 at 122: i. per yard, ail cisoica colore ldren% Iliats, etc. aded )olria n pWraîo froîn $4 te $'10 'n' Lt order ôf tiioso splendid $1Surah iiy.special isovlties in tlîia depatos anid seiiI-g tiese attraction.W s tli hat ae. over-bofgit, auJ .whici' 22 KING ST. EASI Al . j.tq inln e te., h ;1111c .1,-id. . I q,-r 57c.andA nul lin r' n a l fi..îor Ladiesanod DUal ion.- Nerk.emrinaniieî tu N il i ,Ii \ i ooM od*. The Ce III Sry! .id: ,le, t he ritii , rd' in . q.. , ami Al. ol, ihîntare S i .1,oot9'iietil thnyn3 rid 1 :c unitil.cO o ulC e te King'ître *l -Ilr)%IAS.C. WAT In, ein tii f il i tlcî dd valuîe t 12ice per.. se ET EASTforIL il a ati1 MILE., BAINT lci *Winne, FORd I.e, ,R DS .. MSON'S PSTH LEA e,, . slibo ad, rshes, j ( nu ta gi WoLe AGNT F10. LARenne. ~ h \ioule e n-is 3 porteoddirect, nuî iaýCeipmth, iRnt.É 0.t P cnoitaîncennqaet TrnolOesnonner King nnd Jdm ,p-l.î n ofnY a ser* - i il,nniHameiten. :0 o tl ci ennting Mi, JeoIn W4Onva, 0e!tee'BFoàm Aci year bn 1 fLibon niuloinnmovedfrein ee evniibali'te-iln bior ao caeinebyyhl'nses0iilmlSone o W ni tiihen5t bu nas ?'ýcb ilcaidnanîOýt DioearBilu nconneruao. Mate tid a. iit int pLVano11d1,1Matin. ,tEe las 0g frooommion sd AÀ ini CALn-tl M - 0M-O.Caindrai 'n'a in bi r f nxaatrihr; lo a 0ai nm to gatatcninda ciifaim Haneintevwii,,è ça,) b ideforçda a fiamay if.811îas * tltdtbnigIa niad fanema"nne. .. 1 [, sal oi nniibdan.nnmL sdon Cnienst nuol ainoOalrendy ci gr ihadegan enmn et teOei;oleihntoolndIemiemartMnan$Ti oulooot t Ontetea tnnin imaoprinei arce aidngiyie.. IhnLno fmoi. iti- -Cominat Kingand Jamns ntreetnmHe tl neioeimet b1 li o nun1iyMilten. 1eis itlttie p loimt r A meeting ifaeeFormat, Insittie me-Sn BOV v . aidcith Ceint'fo altn wWbu hiiti f teio tonn irCe teon 1, ito, nSatiday' 5i lIonthe onitio inJnne. .inubjet-itenipciiity on z On ciiiim FOLIO oitiitiiiJiiiitea ttesnd Comiit ElIo4 i iihnloni. m ilea Union. *V. E. Pilleir aid itern *m y rid taie n oimnet lntpof adrnns tliimeetteg. Cioule, dicnna nu~-ui he aias abnooe, e. üLt tuad id 0odueoi*tOtiii. :Ne nnolemwena iif tii tanda -oine 1110b cto i olua. hi ooliiiiMinie Trniilm'n dont cniis mne.lui il. Cîool îNraiÇt1ioi yooumvwoon nflneOmmi, net Tmlbsm .,r ofgK nid naJamen itreet, Ma Mi .uoIh. aidioOehOOel:goo.nmîlte,î* ,it orov 'n, oLîies fi 5,bletiltilinni Hie-i CONFRMATIONcIMLTN AND HMiY. ihiiOLoOO Psu tin inOO ~N n ndîy, eaGresOn u, ieniiMil. enImin nemint.nno- on iithonravoiloddivine iervi.ati8a. ,an ofthe boieii nciinig if Miriing Fe and 000 ~ ~ ~ ~ Y tione- * Ltn.Anoter, nemnlne milihbiti TinE enornon Foli nt 1i n. ne. mien neyerai peaneù, mii no nerhinil donoOit lent,- , nodmed by taie Bisop ifNiagama. lin ls monilonil irnvnry Ai St. atepioin Chineni, Mrniy otebln aii te i. b e .dinln oerutnn. vth oiinirmation,-nt eI, .,.di 400oCh, te lhi at Sp. in. XTiiBi1iipwmi ban iii soaun bmeotnicinprcei t Milton in theentiâmg; non- n inliioOen~o~onllod yieuwillnnn iipercent. ibnybu -,jdofl i i. Tlis nihîleiinn - o oni ndoovnam a u t lZ1.1. ol- iiil i lioinc, ocn Lagnt sok.cia tgnsi-h i 0 treho5ethnilooiiOO ain lie riSe Trehino. ncorner. King a aiea il 000000 n teonion t.iltO setnetn, Hmnnilton. ,,, i nd ooloont oh liieing Min.ITAnY CAnin-Tic militaay camp tll. fer tio distrint mii ldiagara e ctlr.4ioltiiodots inthe installaiofet Toronto an mai expintnd. oocdou sconter, oln5il- ent. iiOmiandmiii commeinnce enlie iLQ. .1 lii.' ia tin rioono11 mî. Amoni Lion rgimnet talit Vi foondroo oer Cenot. ,ihhput in tiroidrilitloonevniiiibcMte beV r tiro ncooltao$4.0e10Loremî Ri . Lient.-Cni. Allein, me et ile rincipalooeilcilohrnhii un, -ien inpoètnd.frm oitiaiS a noie, 1'il1,ondiiieons onav;iunitl oi nov stere,Olongarrini. dcv u )Lnebtnr edooînof25nidynr tartan &o., aleno o ei thte IMalten ooel. 'llien oiceSIIIoothlion mt baya miilpmeot n cmidilcile appeaur. ds.iO -tonotn o. ooid are nîne nie ossnnetic Inhe.. Ù11 i huoetcaiti distant Vin nena gel a gond heavy undomtint câsiet Sini.- fo12)5Mlccnte, botter qonlity. ilimneol, îa Ail-.1.1ýNG PICES cente; Tonle', famnnO.K. teint et-,75 CeOit bnnintie tade. 'Oeil aid coz1nidiiMcot t il new. steion ock aten ofre.peonletnr 'ion-y ney eIy.oeoolnOv,loiooo. Cerner ilfSKing ainamn, ;1,tiieli iltllnio %vna 001, Stoeet.Hailtotn. iltIloinieoot theiocoo, aà iosETomnilNTNCD- Do sif1ioidoorchlt-agttHaut)-onoy Snan. the loee.ieffeilnv- nu io fiet.gtoie-1 Mesr.icott ad.1exider lnein , Lt oili snin trioe, Mtn'eaat adeet i enet si cooiv telo mc loiorth tieinoChitiContable CîLmn, o! Braitfid i olloo. initeihoni coi atd hoaeaJndg e âne t ant al in aioio lcnc ulots inomoveo ci, nnd nonlmmnod te tiore pyaca eon. oolilocf %Iauitei onalionhePentntiay.. Tiere vonne roi,~~ ~~ 'dnon l fieS ourmia idttnante aginit ' 1dm, viz.. i, t icyon senucliibeci te lnnae-etitollg, stending t buggy, hinte- -~ - u:>bzeakitgooad Itarneny. *HM aaàa emp ce oncieeoon WmcNn.D-iiSS,000 it,. ofgned, clen hto l n.iccdcoooorn laxe se(! nnaoloioonnhlWOOL, Iafor luihtee oooat ls iiweillche trnusoohicioeliorie incmih ortlade militec itint ndolintanaenfal ivgto-Mn. hîaoe'a lnrge sockel, ceep. icooad Ilhion tonoeoootermnlal nf varus, hlanlota, aimnl, nnttenudms, once .oe oailiviloibc tellioos iitiooge -î,oSgomenai drygoeodo, fia t N e o-q netoiitidnconntleoo. wonln, ce iohi iebgliad te tende fia toi6fncilhreiemaoocitne Weci crellciirciashci.-McnLme, AmNm-a m1't, 'nulltes es 'toft.ll& C., Georgtown,Ont. Si-St . - . Hernie WANTn.-Tiie mifinee il ofte oinex rIl aieiencliillntli ynii iaamy, iio are te Canada ta on iiioat nliooioog (sictn, ploienCavnloy fia .te Ima 'al ofocSlaticolncnilanoliMi e r%-tcoo, tll be at theo Waiiace eMie mi~ ~ ~ ~~~br, d.dnocc illmieiiaon Joie 1511. voheai tey il ie 'FlCn, ceels ninho at-otaan iomiamod te pnraeimittaiile innini at lio th'rnol el rtIces tion mont god yntes. The iirenmustlte fi r s-cl OnLu-e eiOhiiiocaigo inardinig ynrpnnnc, stand mot hnne tii, tin tao a aor, -as occl ac;to 15 bands s ocîni nr o-mer 16ibande ericoh1 e nd ccypceaolanmotin t,;bcn loin tlai4 -more ntau 7 ccd ' tliocetcte, *miii b ycna.qolnd;iie ,oandha i a iet.a i tio0 FaStllo. iteilig ill bc n'ar eytoblrin, iiny,niioitint or blnu i u Vil teilsnol ntilbeou mina. Fnmmeo aid ',teea ,ienld d.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~" ndihlieionoonllc e o te oi tha dite, aidteuan loih 'Mecînn. Centrali miii ion tnd iti thi oin iiaie . - Coîhcebine nntenoiî Forn l i rset venty-àïe linge por- !it'colil blon builing traLionaspalol) teIalie e a granit id iàbiomg. ogeid in n enot ion., Tii, mace anmit.aid oildtli",ghen.v tduraule poatraits,]mi aimle. tIlednotiei lmody gourou. Bamidi pintingn. 5,le tmoi ti eibout tiet ticai mii nnnn fcnateenortiiedoznie ni smeephbten.' ltbheLcnd w mn, - aIÀmiraca gym, amay miteýOnnl8.i5 a ioonie înlanada sia style. Eoy Bo"aai réitp enn Pnia. gnie Mvoy Î168lam- ýI0,00j Fini1 atdWienlta Inarte mnegiven amep Vasi Corday enein. 9- ;Tiie leat ine Lt Otal naS be tiO mSotr mn 10i. Wou. Farmnri5 iatleetin miiiocneilbRinciSt. Wet,acenrManab. non09 laien cr ivr hoIn iver AcONTm,-On Sittha&Yas.a sn fna le lion ora. IL drains aabout 12 ynncm il age,efa.EÇmiu anc l~îl iin eo-siCian niNmengavaya, aidabtee ahi. anclnol lionMari-man vian meteroîmg. mite 'ain ,ePf ha toe te Ln-Cea futnre. wagon r ta d ,a In caload mO mi î h El,, Pîî omili cnonfanSav oeir -deicendiig iOf.1tee tad no vo11ainntIi branci tem on i thiey vine aioi lierylun, ia ii thelaann iun if, lio mu'ua otCity at lie thoa, t na ae. 0eng bP boiiof eccinil if e otaira, e eea d aid theolea cnit andSfashof on, ofie oommnt marnifc te connommation kmme mnîry te a nntep tdleno 'qgon£t Oings.tînet ian promis- Dr. Fanimai n - Monnnetad de ,est Fals, -1 arn intnmmned teat aniedram the tan penoaèéte mnai tiileon o!flinhen.etaniltedbnateputin tta -to-ova m ortt Onr$ ,' ~ eacIl, elitaien. - . f imvviimg t inenta1v Ti Sapanhn&Opnst!. nn ibti. Tieem theaiaelin&-Oc.etWi8a hiomn.Wvo.. ,îATmiIn.oai * Ci Bilt !Oathàk tiaild- on "anad nlrged vitin anotai de 'oRMtiiMmunveý>f manite,. eTi -HamlnonnTh :Atf èpea e ting . eFaim,,,' nite iteCenY e! Ontrio a ieoiiidn netg efaneor of the noevlifai end setictioni be- Oe,n aauaideUnited States mn a udn annnily. -* a Mnyitday :me,,ing tii,-benne nf. itvia. le. Mtiindist- muntte, at Pan.o, ne by a miii ne. masiise lel ppne m. Mnyln nte. eteliins&nefte e niimemnte! the,1 Sctt AOL Peim eMC;itete Nebu,', qiantenly retentin egai te Sntt Âne enfanne- menttiuiddieneiateat adine me,, latdad ind, aid 110i'cnitnt. tiensi ,mnnd. Tiihe tline impoee amntnd te #5;itl 0 ine menn ne,,amed Ot5MOrG. arid,, orinIn nadCiu. iangl,, were aretedat Mf aifaSatemday, on a charge cil aiing thedeate Loi(Cynes ilnngitr,. aneinned main, mii, mu dnnwedtnaiuiiaet Presten lmastS. daywiae tent aeiigTiinlnnmmnm .ia a beat tegitiier,anid accord'n te ut aidYai. di,n. Tii, arneite mnwre madenet tiiinstamnciifaigiitenis ii, viii maiel, a mnnn tatemnît nen"iiigtii, pente, if thaii ilmd Tiieddty.nmmindmesinoniftii, Orange Grnd Ledg, viiiopen t-Bellevillen tii _nnh ifofnilanidaid the, Bîmrondai. Tii,.mmm, i nmary Lod,,,,elas anllnn :n rlaon, a95; Qiebac, as; NwmBrunsickn, 74 ,Nova ineta, dli.-Prine Edwnd Island, 77; Maittoba, 02 -Britinh Columia, 10i; NinmdianUd, 45;Bermundail; tetel, 122a, iwite a ttal mnmtennip Ofabout .TbeWimiling Bnny t y CharlesBBr. O, ao oif n 'The Tna Mutm"t. e Spmano,' .0.t i a %tory il niaeabiag t,. temt ando a ie teio.nt sala oflai, ,,,af ition, ,Itn1opnnnnenpnte i iiith Jan. nanti ilf Lpyi*neila Ogne,,.v whlii ni dînbtii d "o i f dL . l i.g, owdenmnd hanuOmni n cneaqine. Cea nimaercnitaine Ilemndity <na P'n-), b, Frandoriateînom; .inn,6 itOieninOf Phei, iniaoka lantin,* Mient P. Pan;n Tha piilndnlphun Wiitiii'naiian' Awi, Ml. Watei; -TioEiilaiuiad tJnnna' .hiiuetl. 4A Coin ni Lsos eSarahMt.Lpiti-SialniLif.e or gý,eaen"a dAtilntii..1.. WSSin, B i~. - Oua MeuiiiY iipnid j2k' .Pri- 25iiiii;pan....n ..Tiiiobave a ligemein emy adinoti. ,iiaa pills On n-mnaia, anid gion nia ansi ai.ridnila Ina ikbuiindh, biiucn.ine Lidiiien, net,.-ad mii,, imiomd mt jalimna Toi i utem, J.oa Tuba LivrrPille iii pnron w mmn àtue, mdiiiniha. dongtefoan fna niffnnn ha nitY., Fuît M25 'niaipa tnis. piitosoeufate nd id 1pa, bttti. Sld ty. . tea.dnnOtitMilten. Manaemd .1l adanatten. TfvIlr~ Guide.n LIlL'SflTEL. - Aer MOut-i8aài*y Nonsur 3uË niPnooi « . Ol ai-a!MC1-j . ta Li u iipdilar.- -.Theeî- three linuePs are.pronouied bargains We ofeér thein wet evryfeeingofconideoeta uipatrons. -We have btneitenat a 'great Sacrifice nIforsptash.:We wiIIl ssII ~ 'ý evr-ar tonyasml dvne We 'wifl haveaà treends rus frthdeegoods cband- we nvite CIl Who'can to mke hei seectens arl beorethe -choice of shades Wîe down to Toronto last Wéek'gettind fresli ideas, a nd lookiog through the wholesale .Müinery, establishmnents to ses if tharÈe wae anything new in,' HATS JcILNETa àShe.purohased quite.a nice asort ent. of-the latest shapes snd they are now on exhibition. rWe oordially invite ladies to cau and have aIo ok thiough our Millinery lepartinent. Work turned on.t folly equa1ý to the muet fashionahie ,e ity stores. An himnse stock to ohoose from. HOLLINRAKE &SON'Sy The Leading and Oheap Store or' MIL TON. GE TLME JLaced Every pair waranted, to give satisfaction. These goode are made of thee het malserial andà by com.- patent workmen, greatcare being takèfnthat every pair ehail leperfect. A stock of those goodé alwaye on hand. f LADIES' FINE GOOPSI1 -Ou'r asirtment of. 'Fin'e:B.oots, Shoes '"s*lippers îe new. larger than evar. Ladies wishing tiss clasie uf guodi isaE fincl the largeet aiort- me - Carada at - - H. &0..-BLAGHIFORJY:S Noted Boot and Shoe -Hous. 30 & 32 ýKing -test, ailo 0-. OrdercefiWurk a Speial ty. GO-TO MAI> SIBT, ILON STOVS, -AREETC., ETQ. ir a8.FtShM oug i l mai anmi. BaWnIaMmt tne , I . Néw coors ~ 'Iat jfsùarpis 30.00, present price, $25.00. Peta aningaFine Dines Sit aioild no.s lnomaif yen eaiiemplnte mtttimoiy naye $5.00. by erderang ydnfr vmiigenifit froim se Fine o-cth/IwesSuits to Order Very latest patterne Regular-pice,$, presanitpnice, $20. Business men shouldf leva their ieaue aly ani sesure a suit for husiness wear that wiwer Weil anlookwIL. R~ue ro$;preseet p Te.$.0 his anigaitsvne, afiwiIelIlike hot cakes. 140: Ring St. E. (Copp'e Bloôk) HInailton pgr uuta ý& mplemellts. - * Having îpeîed an mmplamet Ware-roimain the nov biinog Eut u!thnb Wahnce i otel. Militon, l, prepaind te luineaail. lundi of.farmintm piementn maiufactur dby theendiîg Soin, if tiiProvince, am=p ng Th isaàay seal Binder, Tise Masey Mowar, The Toronto Mowar, Tise Maaaeyn Binder, Tha Maaiey-Rake Oesawa Dril, an~4vltaizv~aWilkinson Pions, Tise. St. Tisomas Swivel Hay Fork and. Carrier,. anda al kinde ofoCher Im plements. *BiningCoprd of ail dasoiptiones. Cearing Sale.Of Clothing «~4 1~isxuf XIItWr Iutirr~ liai tis se son eurp"a anal ormer efforte in' Prices Dropped Away Down to Bo&Suit'from 98 cenlts to- $5.00 Boôys' Tweed Suit $2.00 ta- $6.0, Fine worsted.t 4.00 C 7.00 Men's -Pants from 1.00 5.00 Fine Grey W-orsedSuite freux $4 to $10. Fine Grey Woiàitad Suite freux $ote816. . Humdres e f Mens and Boys Strawv andFiat Hats at cuit pries, freux 20 oints up. R. WAKER &SON,33 to 37 KinS.E. * . ~'O~O~TO. "amu niete alenitee piap 'oniSle aid - m 'rnde "mia"tn b i -bnotneoe frein M. S. ie, Ion- 'meriy ovnd aid narind on -by-M. 0cm. A. oeemet aid linfatted it up ieli - prôadui nif FIRST-CLASS WORK ixelnath eateetaessAh Great Down-fall flÙ TÉE PRICE PUBTZTUIE 1 Ti, e.îuhrerr nov offr, fer Sale, at liNueaBoiams. ii large aid ei-aiorted tenii i f Finnitire at pattse, fitelin s ove,. - boenioffered l ittiioi te Tome if IfLten, cnimitingof' Bed-Room Suite niom $21, and upWards. Tables,;ExtenïsionT.Ébles, Mattrèe es -*and sppnnge,at ,v.ary low .gureo; ýAl ggondn pnrimnaed frein the lenading man lrer if terovince. Ain AgntIo ti teîiSfg. ce.(4a Ym onoininlseA CASHS-FOR OWOOL J - -AýT THE- -M!YPELVILLE Woon IILLS hie j I. I -~ I t t1tli h ~ - 1

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