Canadian Statesman, 26 May 1887, page 3

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IREMEN-DOUS SA4.CRflio i.rer's Consig~ ice to 0 o ucstorners to 'dayt 3os:>oves o6fered s lii nenýe lot, nerly70,000 a e Wargou osilte~t of1 îiisefotre W bve3 'iii ithe sîmgs ha des ta o (À Ail7w oui .Cashetei o AIN-Iol asouroise Coth wosi~ 1,iifdcceto' our patrons We p-iî ' 11 iaiis for -spot cash ly Ll pa i ciiiadvance..We slb Vliese gii)oàs, is su we ivt i liîs U;i. n befose the oocos 11ITH. & McMASTg PXE, PAINTS .01 LeaU, Varnishes, !apans, Nils, Ilin;ges, Gla NSPTHO LE ASUGERý il bai'sI-B rushses. Tiub. Ceer PalttaandE-a t i 1 ldîit 1 Id H ., le i' . L 0 PcI ic WUî LDui u:.7uii.MILTON,. r clci, Mîttress i!'. i s"iy luw milwl c i ofu ie s ii' wtacw STREET, MIIÀTON r 11Nq- r,TE, ETC. wo -Special Lines' Sp h lii iii.t 121q. p& y 1! EAST, HAMIL.T ais. buac -ulit iilaud a l~ l ic t h e . ui a i S ic a . ,c l u l i c s aoc d b c no III- ii'iiOiisiccr eéi 1ueIIillioî I '.,t c ljuiIiec'uu uud ie DOIcot S-Io 'lcrchav ici urîuu u îa, le î%iucccit.itichu iicilRouci lleri h ililig Mr.icluici gcrori.'auiuil ne l.à fal' sitll s ni o tiîioiu ilia. D.iis,!lcbinaisnt.liau'o'Mr.cauuuîiar- t1e Iii cy. Mccil'y thesval; ie) 'c 'li cii Mr.uic icicAu t i liticili ' lic." ui lmiei oI A'e tbaiLiuî.,lii ,uucligo Oiisi4co'ia'lia duîiasit Mr. i' l lcu' '. - a tr:ccc'ckc. isi]logiliglidor I c, llFD- 11111! iiucine t ibia, iiticic'c's 'ic li ui ui[cI iI;f C. I r ccIter eccîS g tllasci ilzi ic1 'î Iiiif iu cuccvl ii."".io. ii scccilir olii cuu dciii iuc i ic i r -Aic cc iccacich oicé 'a a 'Tlicl. t iiua, i nc' ricc'cili frucihl'i i.'iocaru 2 Ilcil i igi iiiiciO'.d y baiMlr litcluco±cllooksola LIrci a .,,,.lin a iiici lc iciiî ic.,u I"Wl'uiciualtii"iiiiucuhsi tr. qaiau'isiatuc l'ceui, ii tqeicourt i'b'ccbigt ur.ii 'ii th îisui-iii suvat ue riqii Wiiiswiartia Ir.'i31uuuiirhliacout i *1 i icca ic aîcri ic cici lcither cic1lli î - nci c i zed iiu i i '. Irh cuicli caciius 'iicîacuoacl'itiuouîi ii-, (Iiiiiici'lla ciiiloitin a oti h o. micciloccuuc al e M.irituaii, SliCout.lii urilacI iolSaiuruouiiter. , i m u id -5 t e r îi a do f t h e a s 1iciocuca lipcueiLiIlr. et Occhl biiiiil'aiiiua 0 r. bsii iaMrc. icci. cici ccicas ccioueviorde. haiig cliiiiicuuou iv s ojcuiuoM PI'icig' j'cIl M.tuuIgLruor s af e i*cccsmq iaitcolulit""ir Mi,. iicr.ýc ilociccukell31. ouim g ta. bui sa i uc uui uiui1cst ut. Youngcu. Wh ii ig i la bisDr. jctiyon ki, ieL.tiu . 'cclrt.iret." e [,slccit r heciuuucta'îîitîuîMrtîmaî.,h n ri , t ruy eii a i -c i l 666ht t a m 'o h c r a o o o y ~ " O . o ,e o u s t u . s [U ,Y ud0anyiug ,have esaispocenu fluod neiddoot eccau.t .tde. i Mir.iiioiiciiy nait 0' a*irn"w emtmiicout.Shunr.4.St.e rotosvcho S11.60 01 " tint 'Up toi M r, pt t iOBaia 'ihelle SY.tasii Eh-'1 io'thotMr. a m..Il t i doo.î,îîo..oeUs.ot. aiepuo d 'iu t .irii., t a lueh " Ir x 'i d M"r.,itg oieiliulàd,. M. huip.dordhu Xooo cc. l ph iii. Moipiy) uBoh0:'!Mrvdogai e ioidi o Bil t e dliuwele ao hfrot autd. uio. --. am "uuou re.sistcooihe"rMph , ;olis lte atààa te .'-1 .i.. wcodaM %aoIhcd iowsiod h ooc.gôo a outoiiehMaphh i, he om.aadIrisdaotaiM'îtocoii hadO.. a~us, - th of elle raiing, a tcollrnuIIou. 1Mulm, ' b Mhouklt1k u hot. Mlr. Siiioo sald 'YOUu Stie.' c,' dd, tnoaanml idI bt..uh.t.r ilooligiî." iii iiorille i'iuto.Yool ' Mr.'Ydouug, aid "oo beoit Il A. ih .k5too àO. Bull Oi u heooo,"mdvsidoU' tx. Dud' iaCo<ahoie hee wu a-auhghi oviim. cqitiud, "iitobeOtut1i nt, \îî~î ie.seMurphy ' Didpoiunghuoiaud forward. lMr.murphy 4" (.1 Ti.. uib ,b! y moiote M.Ynn skM.Ma y aw lke way nid.thou cam ornukhaidau ro P. miy- leae uîir..Thiol. fihtif ho hod'i goihihat;'wold uo ulS Iroiheaeîuu,.scouroBse iu caoiiuu'iaveid it, au stirnfrouibeaiiio oo5î. couidiihbemge. ban m e i..rL m ..OgoB.oin,~ ridaiiho oiiig. . truie treated M.Muiphywitlicôuieoy .autiio"eîmeu al' Çiocci.xuoîic.-Mr. Murphyr, in cmiiithéiuospook place; Mr.'YooiolS "ccmcjpur Ssci. off no:' ai1t .r ctee speaîuig uhoît tho udjoournouet, Sif 'uouoiaiuoopiy saluihlitala ie, ieaits u. ucî tiei o r mviluicuc /m M.Wiliioiuu biuitaio o ieToronuio tie7.0.11e. .EMuusSaivà 1o, .Wpilen tell hâite uoî taonte. ffid uot lheuiMr. -Cuor-esmunmu-Theo iee uM cuc.i.oou. cmcoyiea .Iirluiy ouy 11i WUo oid soituiidown, 'Yoaig'us oic u a v L .h did uit -a4ifl.1f M,.iY omcOe.oe Birothersopuliluai ii. Milleph'a 1d- bain:magc.uàtràte ai11irla;% lpi "ýI hwdîî,î,otoiiid ihuugitiried ta put hies -off tia paeIl .v l~hireh esiuh c o7,u. et t uîtoà, tettieoou. fote.î. Mir. Yousg oid: court 'cm ad- viroiiursn.hislm-I *old haiohéna f I joiui ti odîduuior AjouadiferO.Ilo bcuchiuuUiso ilfer pibieO to ii usîli a roqus a w uadeo . siii, Lbs.onlwto ittelwe clia Ue Iiciîcisîui on dSauay. Bothers govo Mr. Murphy usioime ar uwly te sud,.;J. Oi siidich. -th- il)M iics vLceliu (akiDe..Wai louvcoui Sbare .uieicg,- anadpuiHuglnIo5uust !is cienail ulceuut.itduwe pîcus ut u ctou il oudavi ibOi"jnt! e teia; did sot ihieli Brothers wou s.s., ml'c.nt uco uiiuiuiuof th..rciiig.' Tiot pIiiaivorviolent; hooued soma forcu; h i IluIca d Lo l.b O si.IuP?ci%.u uiiigitatoi adaleiiM. Murpiy io Solpoid adM.Muiphypuliudbhaki,, ouca."chys~.. cYcu J'ui ut n itiii1 enfui Suvies provionuiy rc.'d Boi etd noe en Iuie tia r iisa ,. mce.hco ., He.'Oc-id --Y-' Iîîcuti'cllii to îu ave'ucourt. 'Brother a itable. 'Thomou choa SIsa ho 5e.mcII i . Ilcu dOcciscOoo IO set .ank.hii uof Mir. NIiurpltcliud pulcd et e fiucd is Division <Cout waseea asrnudho hito. Murphiy îssictiui hérnuiu-:Renry Bah-oaie hosai"'If hat a it ciev-* . dusvhcmit, ooocacun m trie touS hiîiunituteo caiiis acoosiehlo. hie coi jutia," aid wu Souci $5. H Mo 4 l 1 %. Dut i no Mirîuu i. a io ta lswyoi. Ov. M .'lh iidlo7 . , M- -. - Iiiirn beuruiaho %en a ucouctimer upoiuo t Oa. e coit oa iju.. uonI Ph M teurai. ,%, ' Ilonday lait. Mc. oiai'piy wished cr. by Iii. ori n iii) u Gccîe.iucciuul.-liumgiuruiiui taiin ojectioostliu ddéli; hao ujeai ct o,. utiutonners hhio. u.t lMr Jiitaioait diin a a ougit touedi,,téiho feri, 0 utflic djouilumesi fronai O.E. MCusilur, Buocu-I wsu'ah of vuuu. iiili~ysid. hoaîaouid Saiocduy Osi Mods!. Mr. Youn oog otsmua.-U;Ehi. »d l.m, uutcii ~~~~~~~aiuihu h ad givou ýWtliSai icîu cssoiiielic ntstdoi', tiaia ucoc fileraoaipead suiiié'of M ,Iie l mliurs lold t iuemii.tiniu ils alietotcase. nostioliithernugtu. the adjourumut onoFidayunight. i. da or mim. mliertudle -gtcL ., fur ln taaic k'cud Mr. !Moliph ta it oudoua Mrhy objecedieafh'eiyleeOfcotiCoe, uc Bo thers s -aaimnd "iùie tu mont." ihus cco. 'Turo ciru soa d howdihe ber, orusomltter.ieouicita .i u e5o 5ia gnt u muyors bdu tenn.'Miiu3 mcgitrt, wh&usxpliud thi hiocsdcî,îîbîoutlOmuisfhi. -, .. lsis Scii iuiuid someihmugshabuthe our ajournement WasMRIaio îsîu ,,i y... IIi.d"Ir a 5i cc hciuisiginiid. iii. Murhy' Baidaceupu. SO. Shitou auhod Mr Mr.*sutsitcthe rutàbs+o7f cy h,.umoe.S ,II ..tlil aoitý mnsinheriphy frt hoi sfobsobjeciona.1, how i tî tue c utie o ;Ilcahà uhîday vho huoow ail iho law. I Mi Murhy qUniedaiul"taioary co cii ut scid ucs soude ut jjustiai or the poceueot 'ovItions Act, Ssii.,, M. Siuio »t. d . a th-m st iurr cttbS. nevr ad ai allait. I cooider flt a t sed ta Lhousawha iuociiun. M. o icu sOc. iiicui!uO 1il Ou tI l UOcco d whol Ac." ,. i s. 'usi . eu .Ir uilic T ngag s nuiio. h. urhy Mrphreplied "ThwhiA *ciieecOcOueiaOeout ta Mr:iungas Mr. ose hut ila i nt e M hy woniudah objectiontilo asoied u. owa. eccceran ue omoutth thor wa nouse hatell maigitratiet)w cihai lie acolaid a wiiern o etei;mOsio e- t11 each3--btLat Lc'ev eseryihio,.aud tho thuéragiuc examieation or uit.'Afiler ailie dis- uteutOru -~, trulcu uid "Put bien, eut.'* 1fumai gond caen, tir. Shiltru couia e Mrî.J.Oo urh ftuh mt Y...imtoutIl tait the gitrae.,ailtu si.O acid o oi i et er .- i.te S.i.ctt.ect roue .acs te Pie magie ul onoiuiiiid nheuu tcii Ocsune Saeii oSad dcuy ~ ~ "D imot.Haîdsvcyhig iatwa Ciuumus h MUi. rdth.- s uth i . iiwri a idhad ugu m 1il~Oi îd ea ai t., Mir.oi lyu og ur <omu ed ietihe mihaif ate'- Uicf u iito -IcLu rotes ' go y.Am u1i0uii i 'bu earso col a "pu tilo imu u t E n isra hn m, me, pl d,«ce7 tuh a aputout.1 aauqornttoniMon-hi'oarianuo muhbmore thon 8111 hy, uiorc'xaiiiufcOoi.icroe. day Hoauudýevuiting that wu 'hIho oBaci. Mi. Murdphyes.wMria M,. 'Cocit d_ ock oudou t outo audtblew iuutyhurugtoti suli.ou,heo wai-ome cuvtal t tinte 1 -t .h. - _____..__t___noeh-__ii oiuuc ontof iuredt, SawrSodesptid nnmoi galahesin et sMrprh aeidoi, ni gnosot Hds r. -YMuphy'ier bon lt cd~.tiii. u uguadBourst re' b m ythe aeanSotti AtlmouIu at oui bcpuutai. eigae td.ur uiýý ud caut hala f r."' ' u; . 1coli ar- c eidr ii iirpoytroS ow. i o dSii nyhibiS. Thente ue oittedu1he u.t moowtoi yhiuuonuit'dowm.' as oma oniloi thur ono ai oltin ooueumi fils aui onsM.elhitéeg-M. Yong ail 5fn'tr."ea Th.eulSc"ottd ca"gFaceacu, .i.'guaftec i.>Lice a aider. ..cdism aispeiitomb ta Doinin patia 'ie Starehnomasodly lit. Hurdait. oflutheihScott~ ore Mruc. MDid noier seaidohinDia mot irhdor mot; ie. lie tl7ilueii.J OtlOc ii. ~11cÔc3.av i*'auhertaci r huMd tsyuimaie one'-il rsouton ue& i-t Murph - . .thé i oto/s0 gerdrie auk-r. oewUuvtpron.hh mi.0HBO--àv ùOkiuMrb.1cm h Cnidehuoicave ourý n tt iwoi ndetàra Pofe. tahrs 'uoduiSe. M up. . N ùo Mli. Murphy 'ide vardl unttaili, emp ait'goe<s h liet-liai whoi bua bood aila-a1ie vau'dia' b f 7 tat rnîiiohlcor nsioti u ile. of our. Dd mt harýMr.Yom nihrsaw lier, hlé 'aminiaioni uc.i hou Mi Baina Me Bohy rs 'yen, usr'EiugaidJ0epar, Cte.usie. i'ot ,Mr urphy rieSotpci" wai c ' si.en..'e louuveoeiuinot .~ ..Il ylu- _____. _ mot ]leur w ut a nie iegh8iziesmgieYieaiei, or iginJ.uÏ considérable ' * - ,:F Thé , o.mtdtOean" Ifa hol e-Sept lB Bc Cholellm mri..S Oly 26oe Ail d.uggmi 'rin roiftotfi i Thetie Wlier. ry_busy Qlllin g---oiders, -and there has éwih teaditons wnioh we-are continual y makang 1oour..stock makes othe .assôrtLmenit- Very com!plete. Splendid -light ~ sto enaéùblee Ladies to"see the.,colors aadi sapeFs exactly. Ifyuhave neyéer p aid this departmentavisit, do so:" - isCmpbellwilb-e plA sed t o showyo'thegàoode « We wouldi simnply say corne and see oui gorgeous diîsplay ofý ý EQUýL TO THE CITY - Whatat aNw Dress rP Our stock is very, large. N ice new colorings and prices.ta sui. bthric ad pIoor--comecing at 90 uP. t.12- 15, 53,0 d5Ocents. If you: want -a sp.lendid Bl1k.. Satin Merveilleux we'can>:' sel it teyfo r $1O .1 oiur :aimi is to keep. the very Iatest and ms stock of goods so as te pleasevntem t fashioniabi fastidiPuýs'. BIG STOCK 0F BLK.& COLUD SIL &TAFFETAWLOVýE-Si #t80, 40, 50 and 75e. pr,. Fine Astortnient of Ladies' sud Children's BL&Q CASH. ERE. HOSUERY The 'EÉtullia nlSk nnd aîdGloves aI$1-4 button. The ceiebrsted Josephine Modlena, Xià l',« at. $1 25-every pair warranted. iGoS upHoarth's imie of beauty ini the female form divinie"." ]?EATB.ERBÇXNE CORSETS. BALL'S COR~SETS, CORÀIINE CORSETS. MISSES Corseî Once yen were as pire asthe beuo.tfn snow (in s white dre) Beautiful assortirielt. o1: Whate Lawýn% at 15; 25* andl 30c. yd Muil.Musýlins, sw>ss làck :ndFaney Spoôts. ;j SWIS AD CMBIC LOUCIGS difeorent widthsdgings and insertions-,.Biack'andwhiteBieLCe Flouncing.* c '~ . - iI'yon want &iiy white'goods, nee our stock.; We o te Dy.GOd5trade In,.Milto n.Topiease the people is ou6 am. Graud ispay f New rns 7.*-...:-,,---quietpa ej? medrumpattns eais and0locero cou/km.",., l 2o Th nwreibrte T~eritO1"warp,, wite a é oiored.-'This, is the warp the weavers a v aceac~~~sd~, ccii J' ,Eveeymmýpje &&eaic.muctcet PASSOT 000 5.-DeolinWeiaa ncnAsePSc.lEbo n seto,ùS,"IamB eed.ein~"a~DiFnyBl~OBroi .'p/upc'Uiis~li cu '-lain- ; ~ .. e . c neohogupeS __ 'c' 'c' a vo= Y lu" (t i. 'Y q

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