Canadian Statesman, 26 May 1887, page 2

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et Il ' -II hil1--st- - -- . ~O.'~?011/ Sool i lb- - e soiL. -toSsati -I -,-<- c '-, ;tO i0 MC-,0, l aoIl oho. P.eO5s -o OsuKI.,oln',e frol mÏb i-. - l. %V«Il. t blsesosýL- boy 1 i2; b4,55a - l" - es "bf' - v -- c ' - % a O e o O l s - 50 ~ <5ee"Pli halbslO -Artoeio, - : laS V-~ -hioie Occ - cnao a,;; r ss si<0d0e 00-Mi .OLT 5 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ -MLTON. MT2 87r.. rilE OAKVILI.E SÉSSTIO1N . Trus Quosos c. W.BL YoeAin -C W E L P .E1;Z W; D. BUeUese e We ivebolow tle sviencsslandpo. cedogs t the trial of Poli ce touate Yong uado-Cadids'tloswt-- we.isied inspecteronosthe clsge of fES EN B-0 - * sseosit pofeooel ue.t tlono5o Nieles uMphy, laotr f Torite.- As iecoos eublo te: seed areperter -te Oshilleono the lth Stst., ce ge W e keep the lar te«tstock'.and best variety of desi u on mileseoo Oakeils ts'oceais cariaios in the town; any :bcefr cn5.. per rolupth mý Froessthe helloai ef ofllocos g eu fu t*t É c' 't 1.n th *evidsene t wl colt ly sucethatthp eau '1g tgonds, Mwi ord'ers t ath ever oogsiotostte odoosd ta eoloaifMr Murpoly frossetdisecour o 00:;iesiclo Ole was lseot as qicly oseocsd, V *iety., W e lead iu the W AÀ.LL PAýPER -trade and ooriller tied te' buensforodly Inspecer Brotheos. ist iheos àgond- deloldiffoesice in obiisseista useeu -f tawhtocure.Frinteeienewon'st be i.mdersold. Cala d se u fy u w n ipVeon M00 ay eening5, ve aI unesd tetcelieos tht Mr. Muophy va viôlouly,>ubd, an beLu frosset hmagistrasete loussetheourot. Se fai.teovsidnsss]csbeaoessded, tlsofoe ie -arcs stfina pstos te jedge vclose-se iglt 50 closvase05 L L P . P JJ R loo.rson se helo sîdes on ý Sturdy nsst abotteropprtsity sii! he giveesfo - f.PlssMsooy WiIIiarmsý. 1. O.itgan sr t >- o. an ih al.W:im ise inem . <L ei thée soselet Possileis ssspssio. - -oplygseos epaaties 51 lIe Bsfoe lseoisg M. 7Msoàply sud afboso the ssees ossh sdeshidhbessoned - sys, ot. SCloues sesl M. Msorply if lis dide;t thioi i cestes bls-te he tios meosatosrisg tj il coe tovil- aJOI liH31001G(sIo~gudd0) g» gRs *t OP out te se olG ofun;. - . !- -. Mo..1iloly-Olo1I it mses e e-~ I o I- -- o Tlios oogistats seit]tiost I-Msophy- -olosuldnet cose lea te istiSidete SE)JUD O o5~isepapî lîAequ nnsiu a~ otii ossd gi ld nil 1.el thé 'b-ot o poclodice tloé case..A - sislrri akvscsasel!itlos bail .U[CIITQ Oil SD9 ll[USflIOId I SIIINS R{T -- os Mssday ly the ossgistote nthlsé Co- seofth"losWillimosssses.' uliers ~ ec~c o iOo~l! teidoissos r ie s ieossigtheocnh loos01îlo - - xvm 1! said I ud6 ie-sloyysosdfosslcaQrne1d q15 5tliS d ls< ni1151001fSqï d.15ui liq50 55151( te usdoerissnd Ilthathiscot ceoild soeillos o bslsiitlaltcd «socasjsleid, ss érecp î 'gC38'soosd teopcSslj * . Te-a- essld ilbs teosglit as it looecucsoi. - tholog is!tssowoooetiti. Atssnces azpiJQ 1 ql c ;SPtMT,'5D a s lolssogisolocte, sor ailiooie ~ ~ lY..~~ A TO IBosliossand s d "P.UÉst tot siallo et 5000553 Ulio ttisppAt lno5 sloot. tocissDeissi it Boos 100et Scsps mic~eesCusooeselîedceessO ssj o 'Isî lsi-gag pîssosiio~ se « suse elliasI ssgi ronde tsoooossean"ooal gizosoiosousy thénoeofis oose saudeeocsolte I100011 Soe offt Iis *ioo«'oil u isssîd !OO og 'eoîtd nîîcSe1I streusiAio eîOio hk5 p tlsosm. - 1 ssol od iso liebs Oses Hieoosososooocs: 111cini sscs itysot lnosscchésfsae:" riost-iseylbond te "ULRXfIo OJ, iJ1b iff la [RX\. IJi\IR - tiloiolses loieo théodfee n o unge -Msolsly" i 1tiooelcd Brotstisf los cees osotehîs ?, YsS 1VuWEO,.Z & osîeesi oislàs. Wlilssvaslooi.g vite lie cas blieota.oil lis lold osete ____ islotoly.oslsoooolt Iso s i l eloss ts o for the (her, -betosisosol fso ybot! sUdseig-oSotostentenot. I - M,-urluiuura p1Qpents. YÔinSg oslorotes te t-oece thé csott oIe%-ldiàtonclssecocsplico1 cillo tios ocspet, t 1 eas olys"eeotiga -HoviSScieopeailanIosplestM'ae-oosin tlo'ewosbuildig Estof tli a bsooifioloh l is ioo ciossiins thé o mpanooey -Wels'8 tIsîsI, iltss, je osp osd lSirl o 0011BU isds ot arisosoo bs. oftsitlos ofeiloum. Tlet 5<5 it el- o-lsesesotsseesfactsosdloytlosloedngubrtotess rovinece, csoisito - oe sSisdlyMo loleo-The Massey Steel Iinder, Woos ott locoosot-ot ,M.Ifflevy. 3100a -"lie llfsaeyMoo-,er, troubSle itbo toosCourt ootlceaot theMeoos -i)Miv oot 11o.1 trouboléssitho Sile. ThoI11eNoot.o er oibso I: et- vs etue sostosThe IIMse5',, Bînder, tgnorance oflslioofooilliTe Massey-Ralee fsso ofespoer. . Th os sesond Chaeoog -*Osoîaci,- - 5- sliriot thés eStooeesoivsecuove e5à5Dril *see is cot* fo«thés lt*titeoo. liscl - 0~os-\Wilkinson P.V net boal lirvoti8ly-inforoooel hys -maiols at Isoy offis e Toooho, *iwitiosO ii The St. licornes Soi-sel llay Fork anîd Carriers and ail kindt off otiier Irnpliets willians knowatlythig abou thil3iScdilcg Cord of acl ecitos Z.Ucstete osrtooscl te Cooily icillo00ioz.z. .&ciy 43 chargolooOe, whicto iftpooislegino.s * - te ý misiseOSt. "io C esois fhdIspossolb e!clsAd-lt.Ye arbtrrypo%*o wasitILiiiilmpuiéd blr.shltlsetd, "Bi ldowesir.'"iThé lolsoSseWILISavsoeissid-t ses Notice.. oooéfioooytes-sgo se ,"loethé1-lob.o . Bueh'orleoyhatM. Msoploy standing sleor thoéfserdec sooets eofy iCiétt. T'rlocpiic ceolstald si) dsiug Oexauioeisi. oethtabisle eudlhuard lor. Ysusg ssy 5OICE i, ioeey thehoo i5itate odsdsorenete sit lwnonssu lo.?lurOiiy st %dovse hes bsie t csieoste "Taessoit tootsemas st."' LN Is , IIooscsIe.oti eoisioscosoe lotsIasde lie bsoliéh aolieot tiig qd y, oosevrllsse. asd od utissisd te Brothessjssooped ui eedfisuesssitely Os e bold o, Fsid.I, o,2i thos Nfaty. I0 -, sod s)ssoSIjttoog btfo Cssteluofss t.i t st ltîseofi l t stehy 261r. Slote. sesglt i yithe Br ud ued hiseB-I, 5 inî e miltIsso sd foase lai= es usseoteIovios 01csoloisgM syioty teosol: llsslslyooefoesteeyyclostlocolos tld aselold ocsl i, isisstly. itscod Mr. însGeS 50-c s psso sîe a 1,ss f sîolt oo tyisgte hédsIosoo-thoé sogitats 5or set thsot oliese Mlethly sey te Brothrs "ossayios tLdssSsm.cso.oetseodoh rat osoe ec ecaond ose! lis cvlo Urhi. eo-ectos s lsiers, os. ehétlos .' id OBut heure illoe M. Yeceg lmPl-tYfJIhlos ISsdie. E.q. , iey iii. De set kloe wlierltls"iu edgssd i h lsls essot c rlothoo 55 ora btM. lolsploy te o. ic. BASTEDO. lgitcssl tong. "Ysb ost Iotld tlse mgi'e lot Iseti uld Icvsthé Cees!, eslich osqssst seeUlsi Bslisosa, cec h5log Inor<tsedtehcteii ii tîsst nstsitdeoseulocstoldto. . lieeos ehvebeloo c malllscosse iviOot my hoso cst àîî. 18n 48e4t vrai, or net. I hoe ieo salin575555 e. lig théoectieontbost theeadicss. leg it. Broeros jssed 507as qsiclly -- thi1g etmh-tl urvussai làal 1sai] 1nelie- uda otr heieg tIsdbA ly tbh et fer o ootisidtics ti Vus se e i e v tise setieo seseouaist soegstte, te tel oka i de111 o lrphy. sossot. lso ossli5iohios i1 ofthouiouse0etsseou s eserinwe-liolo RestardlMr. Young Uniesor 0Say .Pst &;,Ceort, tihs posidisa p oeosîosoeseas alns,05tooted a!t théohit courot. thstmnO nteose." anidu"l- o srthoes vus. Jedgs oCKeisic. 1solos t t ~tils, Asosl WooccssBON ises es id-Ws a Conostble." 5ac noesoflilogs sl ois 11.Ho etteowsessolebiiodostus Posoit lu coert t-sy. iloeoe e-se se sethe bPart of Mooplolote goout fiss at-b apebegized 1 et thos siuestiso espooosst ly doeodasts Yoesg o -ostissei su Ibiosd puceo). udssittioog tîsot osesse istlohe vog.S' tAses afo.oleoply ts se v. orini Nuéhe eudo orPlce neseitioo!s eain.-Hocod Ml oIrs g!sbsse*:os si Vtisntslg o 0 sao utof c our ls %. "Thg - l l e rsicai: n eeootoo! es-oss! t oscst. Co.Gel nnosi. "slotstcaoeecer. 8toi l3 .. - oI l kos uos AOof.: theus. 50sssnuor5sput ose o! of coout, iesedboads ced about t'volve footesudoiabohhd otplloo1iis Ses oloot. ssod fiee the best asy so-go aterocations itb tIs)ex-os . lino ly ti5 resos.,- Iloeo bo ete ti.sSf..tIseon orsi.klo -l-se , osbhli,-uinu ceoties sfte toiiac o, eshieli oooosoed tises te loase theoust. tiostliosetloss isdiecoios, 50. ssdiuelsoehssA sbu hei s tsIisoh et ti se atb lth ososl. toiisA te toeP Msooisby oift iosplottoce ulls h ssoooTeocsfailese. oheisoe' Hoatcsossletùcol cvas, iglt eedsaid, bilcdl uoosXeotlios I ses Testio LivssePila sii podooceUlseit 0.sH re ~ ant& aositteeUtOBSssosstPcoîtilieg thesaisios laisa ceo. t-recalade. h. ionebr- or milr. se oshoosjtyslsriog tbu hlebissetcoeot. ste. Msorohy theuo tl oit tte 5iÎL50 -tI Oblospebotin,'0 out Bii.lerosras.7:t'ye Tut.. e oFgse- O Fce acas "Lï0 -ovetilate ht ect ls. Ns oietb ojodgeIlis bossAsu0Off ood coslosi otsse o' H. 155< soggossd 1 eue-I 5uid 10ys5555 soeso:o-0, bussc c. I oO -udoeogibty et seb grosesmscesedos! !ssisg Io iselait. Brotherse e- YIlosdsgst M s1g 550.?5a.s:00. e sooseeosloieecs e ss Pe le iloce in tryisg te pU I Il., miysdet .-Jousiat ce'. Moglo rau oa unsecsi. t'I sosiecgd pitfsos, "losloIAinet Cosillso ciis eces10hfseoeNesu sesese 0eOe gelac sss, d g setuo asoyeUlàt)o icu mososil ecesate. Tiéseusoses laaus oteA hect tIl Uto Ctheiseoil ilase te s to SOPOes05s. OS usE lcS s îctojsbsooboteoosloboeue I l abmienute. - ushee.Hlon ceof loe! 1000POPCE triteorsute onthé edissbO ofOliOsf ythste8 .000 Oee 1- 1s.eOusreef. nover hall maisDnteisetS fesesico ebd pReepisesol chold anes " inpth oiscbarcesofsle sO r. ta . - e' siy.Isj'ttsce tA. caeriyostusyteade. n kn- -sbit i- sco - H tlheqssollstiosle!9yoo10 ssSooo ittisoihsoklusethalo anebi sesuea-uit- îesep0d rtLsoi . 1e-or ee05110isOss - Beoul ssooe or soi) in oesee lt- i s 0 thé9 ase u. As-ojections ese 5h1, rfrtsese ______________ aise ooleseho aelo un i r.5libtes aiseoihy Mr. Mmspoelod.5litvisstosO lsy o,30 vvlstos e00cosin sCe HsMur.aseaodtsoeitese"A oyea SettAnt ioo-bdeeil 887] -TIA'PsosofledItod sulad 1887 o.yietiies u es oSs.A st eeeilsset or0 sti.5èoitt As!tca.' .Tho elo aaehm r ,,O.-.sossbc slio tus sethd bectonu. M. cteophy N ~ - - - - - aooeSobo,-- oioseoiaistosteleo t 1shlanod said, as reura1eau essosessaeos, that Lie z EX N E rfled ie tcuselsedthsuitssos the court couldot 00e!tIiglt ao itltsdsoeosoiusnte ifsst essOesOtis.tos ntthese s ial ue oeaie-. allis, ofGeS0!l Rosn 'feD. 1887, eet- imtaeais ctcýs7loOsr so aocschots plion thepieoung ettto Bots taquentMr.dorsî bls]i-p5 et es e 018,st ~ tbes arMo. netHal"li sestceecg !Os cehoP ucucso ssc uusecee.0o nteate ptti solo; s tah elaeColcsIleso o.Yog O' sssKe:O5SCYtOol5os the'. on.-sse co -sdtI-l o to l o.ethMurytcioetefof - iciAd, et 505esMooeniii.Y-L P.. ue577, - .- ossrply-cse iglt,bht!1I seod t! Ist tise sosot.DiA st hoearM r. ohpla c o 05005eeeoOlt S hsuT.-cooe0.sco telednao coedas tt etshet IMssphy maleaMy cpl', lierodidi oosueinsettoheosoe tEelIf6i1887 .FoSceSos.Yes.Ssl. uA1sthcisefor Oe pro. Iimisoylo .esrns l clOe --DANIEL tIXER-- 05iÂOssf05i-o.e.e0 'ho k5ntlS0 *usth ea th. issue oojsotise cesd te qeeties s,0'1cii se:the des or aUche olot, ~Idt~hePzh.- T f!llt~ eleor0 m.yg- 1 1 O o t1 0 r ,s i0 .S t t he p o l c e m a so t r at i d s nat . h e u r c h it M o . u e s s iA o < -tyt ' - 'h é ni t 0 t s o s :s c ssso e b o 0 anItq tito Or cii Slbre8Goode aven0 loyanmeose lot,-lt theola ren t .e cs cfmau fecti. e ik ebt i thée s D yards f Al 'oc i fines an prcnoonced 9dngof confidènce t( c at a '.great,-sacrifice S"electione early. be maeFOR EEÉ3 .Clothing REPWhIIe od, ans ___ ~Bindèr Tie nu'1 of thiis month 1 Ilewi Ufl offer mÙy stock of Ready-mýade Clothing T OST. suiocessor to OUr OWN MAE Eeypr aTante ogise satisfaction. These goods- are madle 'cfthe best înaterial and by com-n- ptent .workmeni, great care *bcbg taken that every, pair shilbe perfect. A stock of theseg aod always.on hand. LADIES, FINE GOODS 1 Or assorinet off Fine Boos, Sbo:es z<Sslippers is now lerger than e-ver. Ladies o îshing thîs c1gus of goods will find the.1srgsst assort- ment in Canada et H.L C. BLACGHFORD'S Nted Boot and Shoe leuse ao & 32 King-,st. West, Hamiltong ~. Oderel orka SeCialty.' ~ar&e~. .AND SÈÔOV, STEVENSON'S POSTI Arfistp' Canvas, Miboares, BrusI ' --Tube Color Genuîine Ptuhble eoùd Adaîîans .S SPEOCIA5L PIIES TO. FAHI EH s Great Downfall -N il IE PIIICE PIlieSoîoilori osso .offers for Sael li argé u ellund cseuortesteclof Foreitos .-beosra sIdllilets itesTecca oo Bed-.loom Suite rôm-.$21 , and o. u P;IzuDr S'lite from $50, ai, -Tables, Extensioi a-lSpnin Att gssJloo puroloonsd fussýI e tsbic5 ce Aies Aget ote hSisger; Mfg.. Go., 'Nec Y GO TO MAIN S.TREET, s JEfl Ii-ý- ' ID KPOVE R TRiS ADVERMIEMENT Wefles 60 toC ÔlYur A.t.te The frtline is-P±bdts;700 P iecesloechoose mpres ~Theeeènd lna s Ortdces. e lanaimmense rai MAYBROTER, 48 RING TfltfV<n-a s-er i &nnvig ilth tm-Immense sock of;ScnnmarzDrei - Gcod PnnfSGloesHâté, &0. --We -Mia]ae .itapon keph hiet goodaýthàa ien beot. aa,id s e -then We osi 'tce a ! tht ane h orlo HOLLZNL~X & SOIT, Ai ITJV éady 0 des te go « htsophy telesc o 0!b g1t .ndet bctae bîQPteitepMr. t- roi t* 1iclu fII 5 ~ s or . ci tho te l t B érf y Td e lî'e cl - - oloo i ls ilslis stt s its i - f oidgS ploy. olàOfs eMor. Ns so dîrevo 4o ,,,fne.,,Thooere l nse0path sitth-et igsox tie oylauoîo5M -certiu e asan osotbe c aec!Do tu. Hy d. hoceos ld-urttehc-ej.1 vns, .sh 5' O 5A8otrat'a iat e sea cMst'lye qu- esAothoPsieMabs Trat te /~ J s 1TI~ ' ét- -utcooOot isrosroot e ylaintids ito c o urpihtlociiet otstooso be VoldhýbaO'"Oeust oyilst toicidt i o elotîsse Botisii.a De ct ceecel.s. los Pebi o i-du' gl050&00.0ceh- .- otboeeAMSsob<I0y ac trladoegM "eao reseosortt c- Mr BigsGi RrMID ,rployceaAÈs is go hme. Ns'sot ~ooo pethis 1os!. Mo. ts, so i oploy loy tbos ac in; M io re ctHsin.bheofocetôt imida- M r00 ~LS-' tlooPrly b s nopie )tus lp-oBt r !helo.ateohWèe iesotbsss10Soessdoi l bli3iene hsovet g bt, t'c ionsctsl Fol hndth booirihMr.M Ow ai o lite id sondtBr S~~~~~~~hr P eIssn 'l ebbt hece npiscisdoftus 100lol teau itmaeiuie tououby. :her an -h ei t'ot eiscmeb teooicet tise.M luîîe sC1 e saying "ait; deoycsoya olMr.ioar-te.go- Do tosrtebter havilsgtbodMurhycO el. s s IyGloye]tetlo.osMy lia te-ay.utSac dcot.soaatMr.o thersoc s oo isoAMrf Moplo y theos a m; uc iboio. iAl, chargeiltoo s oslo mfl tso Mr. o l ie ouse oktu sd 9botoisos oandbsplnes' so ,ubsl îbac ai, 'sioct. liso ix suodeosIbpssbyoad theud scsc ;AUG d , ýtime. o' '5toteacsb, "o c'te.Dd e drite Mr.coblo ' uosi e , Msîo1sycso Br chior sbotrieoos . T Ho ese lt r ýr S'., ;etas andasIcoliedssst. flelc ao r STE ~ ~ EýAI M ILOL py r s Hed b b1i e ime.olc 005 e seso toie ±~l"ie uo tuitsieo. I cavle oos t gel 1 cqo uss elst esoin d boiis,.i r c oloselssssbogotbocs. 0t11. do ds 0005 sessai'ae-iteeceoanils . sesei loySioigadh e o t e s u rp iisotol r snob i ot ue Pseo t s a s !bue -oot alact o f iiootbo solo ~ ~ ndr ssseouo g rcteeapuit tbOà b n s-so s e" osea!00o'leolan. te onh ur iioàlaoce. 'sose s o ie.e.i Jot On toway ethe totr. a tse soc- ne liborsnt. ed 'A cuiMo. Mosi- sa-y~ ýre 2 -loi% sesdise r« 0i 7.1-LO Shlesaai qsetask c .'%If.o A i- o fe". sce Wjo stec ei ees. coca rseos adaosotovolences 1t -n"M trss naCi iicsdiuogs. losSicailcIbncosonsiso. TO '-ont rog esssnto Cotbe."Lb - nast Brothers t or .unMor.%Msirlliv a00 iii a r o Ile ro i Brtiheo.cougt be ll of 3<. sos urploy il psied cns hl 1Yoeu ÏOIlos oovsl o etot ofib ri isl uso ltU C-ditCa lav esocot modeopby Is lit L àoot.rng fledoce icsj t A hurtadj eur edti i sat posbl er.a Onis tr O lse- ttetriaM.lo le, f Tor o ont Bo, v i stîssor. cll iso otiltohsc s l o Si3 a ns euitMb.sOli ai.jn"l 9is fi5lhteooils eoinslor e N e1ssd~0lqes!atiseotetoHAMi Mo s PhycÎlÙteardsibs orestb bdino- 110 feo t wesW ibotis , CELsueAC ulotsrpLoy t osec e.IaJs à ckdseetve Boa tre Lse- l Iiloepu c Yist"lonir sceO f I be ~ ~ !ý a s'talse r ha,7.Ssu is o c ion n0tJA55 -,mi. sUsnsu letss cse.ot î aTrT t Brother5.s t pnsot iss.obes tJJL c. Bror. tiOpod fmoo t8rhy i ~plndcsa t C'a siA isu. lora Young i the 5Os'yOccupo 'atof tho esois- I tMr. a-,- Mua toset Ioc tblocs r uttue -O. ns tlieMo ssoiiltoyos Ho~~~~~t a obe lbeynnehote IyPooMopuvsil bM i îsos'I ~ ~ h O105: 5 o ff th0e S'te sobooosgurli <c1Ir MW~St ~ 5r h 5or toa BothIrs id c peus Aoedte hoTa,-adIlild 9elloxklidY. tR ards; the sociing o mr. ose .sd to55rait te Cnstbl.-oo otion teic iooiol<e toI ncdV Pi t.55otU ête ad os oh-d loos srs4jt O 1,11 ý',Oapn1eig-Brotes lss êoo~~~~~loOt Wt-fii locces l i r.Murpuy ao "bOtoi.m. - t 0 ourto ' SO6 tPl 'Rend f ay e. 1Osl sensy %r osb- otrit +11ad h aisA clo A -c ..., 1

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