Canadian Statesman, 26 May 1887, page 1

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,e Gngha )NEW HmitBAYS, NEW MATI es, N~ew Embroder I. Spcial l'le; grat brglij lie:h' iac. tÉe vt-,rvlooit irices, mirlnge .orge00 ice is ij)lepIýiicdto MI l al oï&t L L îD CIOFFEES aker to theFrn hi' lirrrie(t M i t T') to t 'r r1 o tiederen"P l,,DETV, 1. it.i A pSfî It ITO CA 1. LON sSpades and ShoVe9 TRACE. HliA'1 P lows anu. Fttn g s, es,,O.ft I.ii, . -et p . ,,,, ii'. t t a n Ctam t Itll sete 1. t e. nta o;Y-, d Lte,_ n thic n - l. et i sc n om JO )k x à . loti I f-fn1 l,%V,01Il pt. .0 1se .OTe ab.niu q. ie;iusuces peT . . . i e e..u laroif.un he. i ed100 Ois ilu m 1 eq MEMITCHELL,,~ b O.IOU LLIOTT. LW >Eu n. THE COOK'SEST FRIEND Or d-.'Eon lîe net nf iaot. i. 1 PÉIItLE, D EIS1 lOnfoe po titdotheh OCOnnsmpnpn Ot.t5S e. - dCee rnePplts ..0 llwtii- os. end nloinnillsnt .u . srO l.C At 10cst rtes f iliemaAJ;.e0 1 tUgCes,« iseim eà-.liiu AINL'S $65-0.0 MRANS teit-- Ier 1 .13Soit.34 Viol .- i .Ihieieie - t-le ..eueI-lae.ty mgtGu sbi-oti. LoicOl nge ô O. 4 e;blui-b. 11q, . . . - *1. 1 1 ns. L . . inei0. . 1., a d e,' eit ealIl toi 'n e Aee '. l,.,. 1:clsips.. til be11- . î llio thi-eeuPlti.Tl-i--bIl.up Di' ~ ýI0F D.1 J.MN ' RIEN. B. a. esnu -c. .413'-E 113AM, i Gi. t. ,odtc hi r p - LPRITOC, lOF. C. . NEbWNeoit. 10,On0 ',H ENTSTOup.l.t.dloe tL.noppe > liio A "" ..1.1.1 . . e thoiile-is-ob ejl'.oce. . Tii- I. ýesi-' i-ii aI-. e pili-e rci- t hmi1. el11tye 4 115ti TOW M LL iIîi- , ci-.ii-and ui-b 4, ci- ceStaie e t ' ie0Stas'o t uoeSCetfAEN ican en i -, ,niu avie!..Isi-ol Oonnsut cEý'rnr 1 nieii m n i. l i,l ti-i- slo.otio. il" ieueeb i- ~ 0 0 ,,oieîo h p0i . pi-ersi- 1.1 Ighosc C1 ELADN cHOTEL IN TOWN ~ :-Iei ,uoeoanienltOi ?P.IP RTYn. SPEa -Il.i-o. rwI 0,-."' ~ -5'ni-inei-u- i -e.. In th ei,, 00iie0,m - ,,i>.i-* O~~= ft--...î.be istbW.ed. th.iI )-l...f& ailitliîLoIil t,e 261 B-ýd-Vson. YCOn Nilembiso e. 8 ', E5,i ll',u " 55 alaiaiPel înwîth en Oso s ,inpI-ol=ec0-.I=o, W~U C' T10 1qE0E P ofelinPee, #otwothC r etiiu srb sno lu. OI.Oe, mIfeh«ee ouepii o ff l nsad.el I-e . u-sIe e.sentb d T .. iiet'.tto .&NE S V ~ ~ ~ eu vOou1sroe Nx pmtrot. t hnpoan.?1B ut liuosth. », ... M lIN ST.. ILTOe tbtehrlobOoof14=2l ..c Obe Dfeyee . .. C . 11, , -à d hon~- -.h 'lemo t &I leg sl mol VË ~ Osto'p~t Oto - ESS- ' . -e. 4 is ýýý "1 . _ UNiif.J.- i __ - _ Mi,_ Ais. - ___ --i. - onvD a - ý > -_n --soA.L, roi e _ -- . *. ym, .sO-Pa' - roon hors.Thls -. Il 1 2 - , * T=inoL ady ,ory ý-- Cmvo, - 0la.1, ý .loto.aoototy, IoIoOheaud. *'1 . anoOdE n - o : 'n ho ,1rllgh ono W o--Id. loo OO*IOâ.Wthot ho m.oGrsofog e"' , 1 ýj ln..Ilt;i..__ oha ongapbtnn;on .i ,bo ~ ~ . .11 t 1tim- it =ansaditefihw mCatoëimtiobandshiay:el as mm=» ',2t13 8 93 .Oýij 4 ltis1:ons', and a ;âddty1Ë -ns.rS -0.1b - _.%a, _o,'.ty' ., . O nOndoocohI no. rut, noýtsw onnhioooung o l"' tisotooti. Cansio 51 -j gonty Lady a on. _ ons t y ab àt Wi ' St 'd1 - 5nrn' " the, olsnhsf.I ta Lid -, v m thoh. o hn odatolv_.,ho.. B t 7-moi1 1 - tti1. -7dn . nç ;jo - -- sl _ n .~ n'iU sý ~Làoyý ùèÉàa h . . - li 0rouIon". t-nn fia.V , _ n od. 30 -Pt1 1 stdoOmO5td00too I 1 hia omaoah.apsmotaimn;hadnttlorsd 'oni L2 - - 2.v510 a.lud aiighing .o. - , t4ùbodWal . - -I- 1 _ « V,,,o... Mh'd,. mss.hta -no 1galo. t 2. ADVER ISÈR 00na.îO.S Ote. ? P n t r n d yb'$'-* .b , ýý;, mhia th e. édi aonle haî ,on a d a t h snlo n 1 a J ohîo tsôs n 13 . o Ont .Ido nen iî npnod I .m ln n înm t to esny. W h io Do a o -,ton ' tshedens o r 1 ..ots Wmi> th t s h u n mich od o. s wiilsnalloo * .rn h n a s tg,4e o a I &M rs l t - t éhO mont 5h. 1l5o58e nons aha- VeM h 001 a d . o ,6h l u ' m av i ý &à 17 , _ 6 A5 .10-'. Io.,iligortrait.oiho a haàiînoo1 onz , ,o!ouiat Yalo. long ~ A.NO TI &.. ,sC n's oondntns - pn estnns ,la - olo 51e onod amin. *t .;sld ulor ad; h~o. notnytnsIs sStio odt l 1 . .ohe chl mSs mrý,d ng te t e d.w u oW ng ra, '.à -- îsa o tinoi dn no o t n s.I m da o d rn d st :mo t he, ns 14 il. her oua eks bcktaGrenke Hàýl n aon . l M hsmpilIneniosdndon 5h.yIÏUtdi-h«anni M hmdo ' ath L ittonoS A nv 00~ n o 'alI 4 d..v sl9 s li .r1 ýe51h : .iyAv a on iime a 1 ti 10 m ý71 h, Who on omt o j i'e'r L i - ý 3 I . 9 .. i W à à p e a " d w i t h 1 t h c o m i s si o i d w d ý - - - : , " . = -a s ý v i n g h è ,i m 'o t h e ,*à f; . . , _ .o- 2 0te s ý yh asim Îoi - N a I s s e oi td sef t a à 'hs b a i. B u boOOOOl00nlnoto n~li sisenn' eolg sanny 0 oro onI at 0 ilt snhoo. ' lilo]m h.t, I on; a ions tiëoe onnyn 011 hoonoer, o . . 1sO eOntlnlos fncisff "P54 -4 b_ 1 .o i.o inu o-nenerd Siswa b in m tsn hsg o . hel a oi élvs. u he int .dn ieyjomas. 1 - n -,n tiàto1n.a * . il hon o l ko , noil - d ' . - ains 5W" , in he,- - «.ý1 tngs ooinS aneV po br oo. s ti oDé o ra'. viecùotodilhaetons othn. -ht it i ons fus,à*hBor ti avedstis.O Sons pitI n fr h eï spto. ilont o ov . .ahns seobi 7ll, vso. - ,L0nto pü.taflln i ctJa . ifo, kd 0. touva.ans hn msaoIWhs=v. nvdn tI ilIit, on-alv.hov 'is pt tn ply»wntld55as 5.tan vnd. ho3 'I 1 :. .o k C t Pn o îi an_ nersa thoDs.a'jh s io o f e 8 ,pa e ' vs loBu sa ; dt lb au . h ve ya fali n oad te me .a ý l-q--bwi h iiýa- nlt aio in.gfo ý YSndPs ed n-oi a;sd e ietno fhIst h* lvelequeclS as lts1aoh n t Ntgn. - .. d dl onjntes heoi-g. ra.l o so ho hI. 0i ois EnIdtntd agnl itisvis tsns It h - so thn & wliod pt togiinC. an-aa G otu .u '. . iiud t eau% elia t ntn 1 -,d S 5 . fn -l r o f t he li me v n t air n iti sotiong* otto. nm-o - ntho, ti m i o éo s. ,vsm ssiil'- aio li e t T hevauns ..hani . on*Or lo a nltaynoodo s. Ba o i aaay f ons times. S e .tom o! tWin ao nd hit t s. s e1ý «Ir o t dovo rosdes . 7tL t, aiio e te.. olo oda h a F5 e7 L I n i e-1 oibxco"dU ontsyfun jin ber e ;, buaio t&r. 16 ',t Ion.~ glolî han.:nà til fnnn1o nd tti, I -to . . tha: -gh t i- î. ,. . nxb p1oil" o ncL hgimin îso!ufaonth o notlw -:C2« <M&= S0oirANY. Boslt ned n at oln he r.o nolont 1 niChetorI rod e sl tinemmenouo ~ aittfr nséL apnsd muto-àto p n o si trnsj lieanestty ge os the is, w 1 l,i FFI ,1 ae., lsnod m s ioeiths, .1-'- 50.i.dA.....i. ",JS "'" oni th eaS 111h n a o ùtmon .slog ,, - .z, - ý p l v r et r uilihe timo o h o;_ho lh djtmen ho aSpa tie a d hn i os to 51 toap sing. t h ieranl, a f ofply f r nmo i so, oi d -avo ol.- -,sag -o.11, un, i- i t'ran., ahn Stin m lt It kingsos » hls. H m I hn tnh yot h4 .~ 'îh ' 50501-0.0010.thag loin;r.SqietclElY ron n 1cienfly itonoovoo Pavédoevhasiho istsolMehr. Por,£nn. oos-% tiean0 s -aine cs I tim e ..forhon oth t ua t ld 10 to ilo~e n ~ý $22rgoa $1 Itiit derwizýwu r = 8uis . y a it uslre ohnber;nurthry. Vosotr ve m'it tio . l onl &aD so ods or denltte s'lie u i n oa a*sttn.. .n h h ons hn h es fni lf i 010 nuAt m eo oho BLU t . A d ag h too ivin aoy. Sth tn t liot it tihe muet ghe.utneonsdogotonr.n o ans . ti2Mt1niahornond the jth e atraads té eisnf' oohocndon ntondtohmnelnII hodre o n l0 amh a r s l oh m oaoeay. te th 6OieMmnnto 1T t m. hts ana. 'nnwnvlaeo!lsa P ,IA. ICOCA. JCIOAL.On _ge. the tnyheow os 000 molor no BI .eetoo.oit_. ! stndfrooneucô!iein -- s--- s---- o-- asot en th *ti ; teno . k n bo. etieraionostheltonna ciestin me ne cosÏtt hm nl onghso. th . or tavasn e rid snsi eetnto . n t at o s p e. A a.. Nog io& C. oci tus con, -utlsuitoniait vbeo. oit snon vteO pes~ 50.nnit ashny.goe 0alnig *tnso !topoeelgmmi hon. onooIdlmous ob-w told il@h ion,dlpX1pý -ai 1 *1senu n soie. sjo ut-i . . Ttaht . 00 DnSotr oda on svlsty yinsrsaa nob0e1 gti , o togt o aIo pnbrfm vit eont roanexrsson.h * gray d.dr . â w.là ony. 8 oaa samal hii t dot a>_ . Bî O uI m.conen gooerui n hm ooi than. honitu.?hais.vé,h. aadseh e brer graimandey tloottomsi c lu.a 1.le dlo i i ole ni vm s ntho pidfolthso .Pnte, mlos s n t hulstto a h Io. u u nCobk ndnoin.. b 1t. . lno ,ni nd hol ons.oillo ida .i t. t tuoi un rd00ey* the boa girl, mn ldfnoye root te O the byon.vda u b nit oseSo abopula -avé 0 leu t Opaproépicésthéa*.ins. he o »doat &U Dor so.. .toovW «I 11u À L io-. ia. ulnacohr . sendgfctins? CsM, ol thoszsun a i a u là toIntgtoo h oo.hnhvp vnathiteoleuh hns t&ns.tuotstusins tisons . . Vs nor oNt e nontonpmttt 1 l sre unighoit 1 ain vas thin ý ý hlo Inoilgd re vwithvndrl D.o r a tin sssoi ua tott .tos an. 1 kU :aiCY,, bc 'O e tifs dtuenit< stoph n oa llédtselfvi cclfs a is 1 ' t! Wôgroop, ont tis TMNToligfa tadi , fa1o. - oY 5 lalm ah it thor toSierait M te:étie , i IlhssPon steinom mS orenslie wiet-o-o.vaE sa,'llotinn Eh.a; O l ou h,eo , * W*u M idsldvnyjeeIs1or amadou hnseto. " ome otgr&$t e ansoti, D à oua btoa leovnitntl otsri S.holoonam 0 nin ~ holslottaltscensdl ', svutoeittsit.'srshsiayt lsshr ,- lthlo ntus».. nsg - sthh n taeen edvit'nlati I hi- t,* r vonj .t M a b -ontmtal ad mea lasntdvlano~ d o,. sosole tue, rsoo linfBolini. osit*8 ninurdlt sf Y .-- epiiflhn ou. Valentituso to dlio fnnohsferasDorals.. [wllr .etCIFUé0 Ht Iihatra lyo"ommittn nW a nla t ft di ton sot m b , Sols r a Ldcant t ona ' vs i a i n t bqit te. ay Unemit&i erfiho n o'. n o! vomît. -ney. fot ésre b@w c r tin s. Hoglmb ilde erh. n. hon andtioo tu i ,; boa .T hes Sthinth Morso astf al' vers 1.8 n.ooropis. Omoa os. W . pdt mol t Lo'va. ns tsrhdat'nioon; oins ven ame lidI. ooaonn o is ansur tg »M sa nt mnih k sioi lo te anla . , a.1 . 1 ton1 1 e, a nep sr vntte rus l e tss0 J.or 5 sthGbM e, D ma ths olhslts as r &tisg n rvo m snftdinhaslss nn;ooaet eloe stn s.ret o p ,salo th0""' KbeD, tn »h a tt fa nrt r. Sete0 nit o lha e d ns Sol oit a e mi 10theL t hme t Otsbesrmdr o m ith oIoloodgmOl si otV la.e.t ai t aritils es on a u ai . Roolit.rptyfiondiotat, tI thone nswunputhing as f.osiBos CItiscimis haithiseoit1on oloonit sot, nt thono mofans 0 chias » ulla a Wi . .m islhslr shtsds llftitentt fo uiifsgItc biataîl Dtis yhn tnhe i a tit, f0005g yi j flalthd IliErlscega.nna utIgIrlci, r1 llnio. t o w dm b sanieb hait, ovatinthwrto lnowo lisa it i erte. --1Aumy sem.antErre he ntoeoS. ohe .t h ontit &.b..rri c l ra' -' hesel loo R miicis ame nd eowe aln o nald Etif I e s ot it lrsme hl font ha tog ho.imoi t s tielore o iiu it foroyat, e guts esWavl - the. . -& -.pou r irtohir. oiston. Eithaitnoer"u more usl site. .'b ert intbis o re." * rt. s Shovetit on.mat, ai o tet oin.S ldarIloon airt for1. hia, tew 1-N-. ----Z -- ROETTiRSi ntitmaits\théecange-or wnfmameyeatthondonts .î« s la-Lu.oooril haokitag&l etMa mas bsoitM. -tiarme sait thoomnislitya 101h.@p .O P ri lJ% Z B n H m B s a sey i t . n t pas a ét plishil tcpnu it,-,rmha ios ftts w beu ah* reo-'ta. 10thore na so&leo f for nosnsot c ueins thal o blénon s .thOgohoit yrnp0nrnt ". NONE 1 E t EN IN e asg, telttrt hé ails unn ppisvrsir' lute Vila 1'hnjnroVmlaolio run. on Hdahl alatin.s n s t t heolog . t hmot mno orilsn. o iti a no hoe. Oub léeofthe, O o r.~ondsiootomlvihhayntmnnahloSon-anmhsfrth teslim..ninwn inotheosa 5hns-Vlnoioeiharshroit ouploinvon; on"L-omoaoegaiaitlialoelloIsiî nuI a-ii t he brvliasantnynlooLdyn e hins to r slipa t , ns9te stc d rhit anoboigotes n t theat ti m ae .la nietr s ive t o ietsSsiitooc n. o lt ' hs oasow' og imr Fil 0 .I s1sinoncrly.upu nhho. s Iwo oëaInsas bu f ho unSaomi ot SUc ap. shoca n o oti.sOe otîtsfnagtofan ho hoitoae.. s ot ors mt;é el a d s ,thenololît Liet lanto cieat ptsnoo n an.fon md monore as& ont t hsaletio;Stmho on u Is.. otaosrtiabuis,îtyeto ofnotogl te. J.".1 t. vorsnsha1ojby iyst losm ig. porso . . auk 'f HamklSîLo convepîrsa o n gayio tas noqer poe ask Ihl f wat lm.s noltiface eraihIntdei5 alatom es t l. amuit avbale" oansYOD "olmonsi allela fin the eonsoiain. - Ahà-..- CaplîsI omanes ont sisiot 10 Jto ilom, as h hait t m c eoeo br fair gre"thn * t re. ioit vont e ohmsîfnil.mno t dct. flnoTon -O mor. I h oito th e fait, aim udpao toolonloocfsmoo .f .lOOO $ll .00 lni ii naa o tn eandao toiis a a d ouclo o1'o nîtiy it,' t"valeytresmlai u l o olstsoof nonltoSt" .ý o b uoa at petoimit. opl.. oo . e. hoa iy tat a se «fNio na dnwýth o sot AVIOIE - plooEN nte one tch orail froaor n t aîî.analoDibm heiesn.oiidbar hoe.o n -s iîte madooe eololandilbumviia. i Th. îte snoamodasmomptpaient ollit-th sl.mvm iSaf FO'aitI) oUPsl.Bon loe ut ilnber.Its nblesci in '.1 clrviirodont oain h a jo o' fu, g &h'i o anit So St iyo ntIho a o .hZ o noitsongretnde .time~ns t wcIt gy t .r ase t o fing. .EAý FFCE - '. P on i l oi mn taslai in toerhOt gGte ear;hiia.tetb er a.iioi a rluttédsillmor . sgoOl-Uy uInn ,optyi e a u. o, od e ln o. tovong .!stt , .' D potH O S C O VOItP- 1 int h vnoisa10 blooro s i 1,. oie. - lHo ilio hven. . a D oran a id 00e diioui et It-lso o f e r h.fonilaeroisoa t.hiiyofa sta l ingnà lifvon t themvontanf .. "I es lo e 4b est NEurre .nt 'Ivi llyo g, but aha noyte is e in b rs- i -d ' vween oda o h r oton p001811, s ai on o e t iuin- the oniae oe2' âý air? h vlae.ý e No oithds ea toIlo Lay U rI , C noeslitclown oesis u b qit rlt pn vnfnats t he whiotieso . ruce T ashe greonsr ref nired.notlye, Valtenonnoo I haiber .autn solille od oan a tels hua.. '1trouhéalé, DorananuDroit to Juts Soh Thnohitg t u Officehouo dFrOm i s s inaioriShgomt ol kin Vt ouy. ponelsoto a àcasort ybesi ira wu 5h esonseos oof b a stehe w o oielsotand lyMratl onesst1oisu '4. miito$1p. -d'. 'atu elyrNOf'iWbrda onfidnc, na* tice e.ty im bof ail.anro 'io rItnt n noe.R11M osoavonadnshon a. OsaI t tt momyant ~h csaig o! ing. a hýi-otan ifl autelanhorthl ý H L X SU L JO R A .'mV-W. b r m o n orat n eesttco toral r e tiens..faiitii frou to ld, toaae S-Waboutino m to am nlt d ns a h . la0 - -Fro 1 .m ip . plint. -tbniy herouý n e ita = i er moo th on contraintabiutssNot ptofeI. srIwalgn 'mst o espiio hot hepnmit mfol m0o5hatir p.bhh1. h.J.-.. drt ,.,.ý,-Iu,'.d, onmld wg in p artar pî vlet. n ald s si n ai .lonotantespiontot s Nh o nnsdoftePoeaiy. "I ano r.ycjoltovr. . stnthadm t hevav of otnutonont es= ,mcn ; as -- biri. -1. es'oth ononnitm, at»n;Dcltot h tnthm n ntuanllts5htOw Boo. ý . ilanoOli r o tt ; cnssoanoma a ::" 1 ai *"à MIL- o *tfora n.o 1.byL tmn hita ot apao g wu. aDoanmflted ndeworm4tuitamets aFiersDoralurnuscsDnra. ateS tiene. me.o.e.hoqu n to 12111%st - a. ' . for 81.0t. he vrocg egnpotIi. inoo--sitarohonasdmilno'dgrayannto a onmataitlhm ; rmmfn -a, I_ aicles» cfRooistvowno cfa .ans finns t tope ci es th o l, ntiaun toIt gonea to f mtI tyoooCdn nrr hs nAienoaTE esaIV. fr ot*ssi >omooM . nuI. »tit.ý'til.f-U, osas es. . u6uWY e - bemgteohe y letlen. movry or e x-in thns snov.' iseirons hon enorrpraseolasleo . w , T aons s cottamgs, ac! a atnsto a N .. -ý4PPt:etràao...b s v Don.. i a sracet g aon 'en .ti ide . " o e oynn 0oa hi, b n 00tht Vimfo hattesgl tIb e il at Dite gan . vas fat P . .TI G IId d8 hP4«fw a forIin. li p vebep u inta 1 Tn e a jot o oujtnel o ito- replini;.utIb.. le orgs. lt'In. S oo;b., . tnlqynto!oomtonsstolt ti s n r our chopé; an ue omeu. thiohuf St,_ ,happuAs th tra nue r o .To n@vsd - thnvn..fnl diftIn Do.t. smepiol> a'oaiesssoiimoàsd l. isesmot»dIlbinantflmno f or itt.. dot1 t1sd Cn. ' iýkln It hý ou lu e u srhe a ieon t t eu.s .sllonlok "mwt o nald, w amlook. t otso tha aansl, ptOei sns. a.rt.otlf --0-me aS h. fol* 1 ano néela;ttiDora ge.oam.i Shco f h o i stmes; p ',o . . .n o«.vnio rtlo ioistvo vuet hssl nerbTu. .. . hat hn htotih Ipmvo5 g uIpna onrt = osM tn oi ab on lait il a tSte niworeIe&&AItfh. s mercai ~ 5 » . nmotg flot. a tiré hn hepie e hdht, h R u m amandluttou1 osetrurt.mehehenoon.-aft-o.htopsansaen amnoua8,moovahl ofo No 3 .C utn to ot h l d u i cnfPl. osd' out ocVals, anttiengt1ùsré'mufifiaiient t tfaye . ch of . Stmh, tTo vUaldu t an o nelîç I vsonpvpolltoîîntnuinsr *î5 andittho al aays 5On mh-. ool tom listoritsSto.. O .ghIIs iofnepaceer saithitboitilla theip, nos mo HQUSFURNîSHINGber untp_ h1lo aaié eneln-"ot fa U tthoaamsiSw Hoddntde l n t t isgta -on a -"'eýu n b Do . . esac-oM o al u ir I m sfey t n im" t-so i hotctm r elly. tbm tog elodit ato C A U T IO N but tmo&0 anontnt a h n t o b mns a -It utien th isoiet aloychi ." M s a.t s ? lytinyoIiic.tol o lo otoy.oe lilnt=7-a us otIt oc sastgisrsObltsoauothsebloobitaterEsnio on.loamnsuloevmtolame Slo iou lnaboutmedi'stdoncseriimintéiusthe svillage.,Tliesega u u 'n.Shsr .. le- usedm hâ a a pssi wt otetoý "'boit t u mnottolàtorulolant , B asef toton pa iofsI Ohl 005 !nttg .p - p. anteet ' , 3n,~ o U oge e ltwtin on, fn f ou o nt . usevso ata Lum er .Lah .nd higle. fdlng&&th poi ho5ne.i roitibsos mon ss- En, . - ý o a a itRa t;,hmieoni,. br mlsot aiionsvo r5dfhoalu o n o mn nnnua.tnua W» Chotot .t- ay? a it n oi a nSmsitI, .hoSa oounsoit ho. . "Honterow Ot 0 té àrd- . c, RAC LUOS. . . h .tio ot wurS i sanor 70e meiatci fea.i"ad nMihern.Shke tewytoh bnlat? ms, o Sef& aapr toSobe hon n tontonS'rf - 10a. noyrtr o p oah ai po-or. .I O nlonsy c Vaontos Concie boules ndtoutrac e % enCo tt5hrd noneo5.tna splt pno, tptnTss pss mtnt sn ' . Il GENERAL BUILDERS ANO CON analoat to&noteese; enoutomeable dns-»,iehw'n à.dot fa aofil'ObDorat ln. P ' .Or k tue atilto. X yrtle liezry i - 6 .0 Valie'ou amcnLàssongns For anm e va taH e yta ut osifoisvoie a, no necol m s -..theeon nn aeto. o! but.iy, t thnr oucthonid ord erthls oa ttoonves W, bat th visiteh ittoaisd on .a. . C. . It. sa. On Dr t h ,tiîilnth o ootno.. .iitthons.%hon itess es stio e m iers n. liacitdiy o e; hons pa an m 'ot, chab sit s m Coy "bot, ,'ei~o .e~Z o mosa rhnni.B geo 1 II s ots tho sitefthont fat - on roffleit-ot a oio i tot'ct, ottr bm a ut. enoo terl aiondfrtl.g ty oudfa Iutsoa sa tDliois dy a isnntYhavet nt he steeo tam ot Bietîtiatinois ne athe o eoar,van to funnIt , PRIS Si>RÂT.ED 1 n ooatrofaanl lb ora. . dhniog'tusandvamoho tn .' owuChonor n g, aono ovine ie mup i eaN nttsanostatoioaoDoa.goet" thoS ir ito f111 ltoleablen etietnogri 0 is.eayyn,satRonaldilah l er Man vissoee T a hola 1e t a nd meime efutl s i . . P5 tO O~0 jtwugh ndto ns,15 l y tant Oh, o pl anSalnin, and oginso obu hen fobly. me ho i-nsa mashomo o Emg la be B bite Tho v thi o aeso o n mlc h Mlnbtee uflea n lail tf il. lon.t t Itfn s l Bas.voniotey avemothens por an boit n.m'hi t ei it o, e imt lses "angil ig O nyt uma ns esty0 .-oedi salh n ieyWo .edicinal and Faforilar tube. mles.e- to am he oi -tavis. S o aio. int o hl= @ ho t. no .ttoe hor. berda on, h.e o tghrea oont o lavte g le cr a di h À- . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ a th to l vontony esot f î5h. an letino*ssaIlf temte'ors an~. D ongeacas,', on. tha.T t itralytoutober ano , sigt d ht ace - an aaiOo tescke h IN BROZED ETERS . hopeofuha hotth al, toit lalhoiishim arr loe. sI.tland mo itg th touol sIs the iems he hon it esm an y sto h ,efat. ns lips pou D O R S Ho s eyn d and patDen aLste; a oulastiyt boothn sutbr ri lh ifnc. ý - a y t Il oS'lopeiUaNg for 00=8 ancs tre t n hsita boio t ospars have lr oinS t a ihou. ergloopsoye't bl oi n a . h , forotthenofliint sh oe " ,"t ied -ti aS i.otIrntio tovod e dme bis hor. -ii e toonOfa hopion nmshatio lioitvo o lorslopictyanbowe mngt yen sii rhom . orst o ne O i iidbave enttn t t ooaat onas&hoiSoSEr s wmter samof -ons -on .- hol-S. t lisonh malt ir emimions. - s e-'4' .ire m oy.oatn.oldistnle ta C ht mo eti oit Vsthie caùtfoyfc htO . h aaa y. eaoua hosoo h.op nmtoecps sn ltolah's, Io. - ý -.-l el Opn[ 5hiýnature eiau to ffths tra stint vof full elOdeep, tnast eéoionmand ie- Loimfaceagi-h Otc ios an oeud h dcati' châ lt* vontfldnse* onconeopvnat th- Snght no foi. v s Douite; got o fu octn lnte th e om an loitrequeotes at wa aquare eps t ho *Lýtn ,%*lti eih et h ol 'emtoadimt - vona a w v e wu m icet i aad f c t on traonningsoi1 t]. . . OmomI2zo55lf 5dberm5i .Oi miihy5 ~~ ~>sud.,ber hiSm. ,tn.doS. yils toonaftelaos4ist e. Absa.p -.euves pleono d'hOU1IaftoWogdiesth i htnBaott~dild itei- Es ah tfingnedlt R~o vhs teclaite - m titlis isolot it e-yso io.e an faboliet.auwo 1oo , u1 xý 1,WUIhYo» ivfah.v ,t . apitl RéerveFun mmsdt jiet.heci, nh. obeua n at.h.g h.3t(8oe unoo it. ol o atir ali som s teE' dt h.haore&Le nedgo'eote'far, " n.P . . .plsan otsââjtan ' a 'i- t . 1Oû ahOnff at. no n e]salns . .f..nil'a ite w5sokey5giflo- Ths, t h tst inc hori td $0,0 1Teltenuread ipepi Omâ"dýh eg'Otfle h ,I i, s,. saut girm, ns smayon inlmuteieo o-.. - lý- ý . . .andety-Out ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~arh inte e Shoicutr 'uefon oe.ttym> otecn2tc $.smaty, alnio u, on lssns tea"Su &wA2qt1¶ Val . entio. Btw nthem0"" :.t4P wiv near ann i t p*s-g;- uo. ethn onw't-a hn'br âini tee t '" MITON AENCYwhorethe hildrn wee. . ntac &liaes o0y brken y theege' CORoi0, - .Toono~, h10J~eq Ate vos -i -i h. I I. ti-~ tUt jt t I t i.t tt t M t. . ~ id -'y dl

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