Canadian Statesman, 21 Apr 1887, page 3

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t. PAPHie LPAPERi ~MSTREHT ek anÉd best v-arityfde fror 5c.. per ~ i h [th .Bôrders to match ~ WAL PAER tadel aland Èse-e-us'if y u w 'al' opeud îiîîîîeîin,.W n ;. oin t1 s tiniseEss,k s HotU ~lîlîs U) frqred i nh al l.seds o!fesl ts esnaf*t.teod lthe lnisnîg rniioef theti.Pce, àMassc.y -teeil Biider, afssey'.M'Iiwér 1,ILS01Ct 'M~~'ower-id Massey R1Iie.. wa Piiil, à 114 Coi-:rier, îîîîd il kîîtdi(S of otixer Iiiplciiîen îd oir cl !déscriptions. oMn', Chrstîce A siaios floci,cr r sJ ae ijojjnh tise .q' sImp o leaiton te cifflcad se&Pz Ilîîî o oeiiiCop'e flioci, King ,t.-East, Willrs ca't se nT nlTors ecorne to Henilisad ,ce evea. anadian Tweeds, .E gilish Worsted Coating9 ies in .TrouseringF,. ils, id t Pirî(!ýs .t1h¼t viil hoar cri icis.j miTl'oronîto. AIN STEETMLOj yC7etroýng -a g.5S Oiity. t Down~fa.11 tTHE PRIGE ruertr5W sifisfor Salse tlii, WareB5its ZVENSON' 1BLOCE,-XMNSTREET MILTON 4 W'sl-nesoreil sihet of Fureitture et prises lorner thn aii So;1ifs l"ro11 $21, and upWards, :uclr Silits froin. $50, and upwards * and. Springs, ater o pnirclied fins the ledaing manssfeterer 0eis thcs iigcoe H)fg. C., New .Yoei.* Machins lw ork. *Mahn -al r.s ttet tisce 1Ilive5 otil Btrookss. *1 sco'lissaisn Sos aosûtes. lytei. I. t ceete for iina MeIe ey paid me -o5cagsa i e-is etlciave ssci seila t tiieta cateetiteie tis- 51h55 is isy ttsy ill.tresi e sy tettee theYeod .end anither stik. Ties3 BrteseNNoclistrip tiee dst Gtt me0 se tise buee aiea e liu iicor.ewhsicis 1 nai e,iliat 1jt etlotopa!tise aff eeigit. Tisemteeste n Iîg gt . eenincd sente5 Hies sset. Suer»)A tises, boit tesoecstheetsnii sitil idfto. 'Sieun seins b tiîîh ,authie Cloiig tlîsyce e ,nsud ou cr jieces. ViPile 1 tbiheis - 1 ee sitie habiti ;id,teejith a 'oî.0esou V nà, Oil Etcin . n Mrd yo David Ilender Son; ESqUirO, ictdieg peynentsi i espedi et bis pu,. ucne fos tis atoe %ut fHIin t te isUs ei Cnsn01itCndhaa the 22ud daîy nlFtutry, 1887. ohm, 4T. . nBi.i.cenon eu ile Litn .255l555'.hO.5i1*1525 .LI IL 0t.Ilüic. t. 4 91S~ .5O.ool .. e. ies o oi .. . Si. em e . ScA. T25.. 051 Ce- Co IL i .. sn, a 3 lis 1. . ..... 1C UTe. e*el. . .ee. bal n . T . t. .tc... ie..... c.. i. b 0 telit...... .. 1 T . .............. aî92t e ISAAC CAILTMHR. Agent for ifDavid fnsdeesos. EZn. LJ.IU.J elhl preauMe 6 on ano' snok. modeýi't listeat i-st ye din e ; fvs Vidistrns iusaa ettt rasIsu A i qsu m a. W amte çarrythee 1. ",n a O sI Bu s, l il siis . slessle a ýJustliocces .hansesrlospateiselDrm Gboes Liurke, I&'Son- The anWie so thie depeten re cfeng raptdly. Why? èèBes w si l e peopIe geode eo cheep. No wodrth. r e nh for our Boote & Shoee whenweel th'eanebat 20% heepÉertbansotheretore. Pronella"aterà, 500. pr Binss trang ieced boots, $1 pr.; Ladies'kId buttoniedbots, $125 pr.; Frenchi kid boots, froni $21i50 up; Misses' kid .buttoned boote, $i*pr:-; nise isced boots for tbs baya, eat $125 pr.; stronger ýones et $1.50. Our Geste'lS boedtots nielie tise yng tellocy ieote sir eye-n fine, îclid lestiser lecid ibout st jin hi p tep'style, sely $200. Ouîr $2,10 and $8 boots ciic"iesisyen. For dtsstry oer cee soi a fieny plar botsfer $1.5, wartis $1.50cr long tente et ,$1 ada$100 -oeeoiston. Eoeryisndy inticg Boote à Unes, chenil net failt teeesrsckee. Fermer. moltînie ons ateeer yen asTe, trieg yaer tnteily alssg te foulis. reiscm itya met te gt tem oda hacheapy.-Hîilrab E StMtte. Mz W m w reeeivsda. nnd opsne& up yeserday 41J dos. S555wEs tea'tes Men's ced Boy' ismcer near, toegist attis lacent prises.- Donlt fait teemtisesgends if ysu vent a ies isat t*i âiemr Ws tises tise largest. asaset and stoicest steck efgeids in taon. i'ea'tbell vs tt comse asese 1. Noted' .Chenp Stere, Milton. qMBCIN'Mcaaj pAi 918, Osel ttie Maance et tue meàntis. We ililmsle ana lay evesy Tsipeats7 and Weel CaisPet frce o 'somenalè Stoek etnêw, Fesi ea ol snadTapeetsy Gargote newins steck. OtIMBER tIat o entsrOsepstmete in lta iefiana mdlinans calnor nlealo platteons i it.. -Our enly iesesofer tut ýt besn ibýis dJactieent, sewe muareeete«&en iu s et oftise Carpt trade inHasiiltea, even If e li ave t je nstisezai~ exipeCt .an Immenàse rush in our Garpeëts during this sale. SP take our advie,. .e the eam o. f 'thée tock Is piked up, i lO cEwexenlude eus 25c. Tapeitry free tise aisent afur, * , VURUAY & O«'. lvsTE5pLaIAL ATOI5TION TO THEirtS 5OYLTIE5 1H 'FBe FOILOWINiS DEPARTMENTS,,VSZ.' R Y ne Graedeit Steestiy o v vs spotd mride n iltise-leiesbstyles. in Bonese, 805 M ILITt' Feathers, sud a&U earke tisvey lwetîuhprc. vaie. is 1etdr iges eTeelgtfte matis.C-m Th eoa j cmloe n veydeParetsa id fl inkaet emil edvansotonSan Lc lasrin8 A.. IE MURR.Y R00, 18 20 B.2 id lmand st r 8 ea, f1l0Ao.ML'aie 5DALTT EI1îTirUNTWENBADITECU a. .aId Cee a1.n13se IN Ted E 1ces TEInesr OP l" W eeto Cali Your Attentionto Two Special Line 1511.. 51sCisatietieeloed ~ ~ (encoessear tai Mr. George Smith). ________________ ce 55 eC . ce. . illse eSte . cecli'eliils.iiThe firet line is Prints, 700 piecés tao hoose frosopricee hbegin et 5é.peryede i l 1-,O hall eise d cnc othe elos l. ec sIerell ii7 TIhe second lins se Cretonnes.* We bave an imme nse range of-these goode. Splendid valueaet l2ic. l o d,c In ssrcO.î,%L tihe.i. ll Iseiehd S ,s ioiseos GMeKAY 'BROTERS, 48 KING STIET EASTY, HAM Len tl. T-'là. pA. stsSci ':Si mlsss sltocODR)IY G ;,AND CARiPET DAES k.1 sa.Iltii is .ný.e.; rxt. dceSse~5lsis5si5The reeJ.1 so many dress-1 t . I ,iEsdssss- eao:Il . le"sic1e le e .11'. e t b,. ila a O lw '.0t 9 esis that we keep a v'ery large Adl Ihi -m eeeIilSSe .1adO 1 d .eliliiàitiment.of TO A .WATIIS HAS ILETURNED ro Tho RIGHT luli r . l i , stie .iIllu,, 5dmlosi f ea, Isu. tel,".id .Ssislitm=li seS les il tciiIligelot ptiaig theIl is,î 5hi irZila ,MiliereSondes ShoreJack t"" lildI u, u y1 . '-'i uASteHFi rri n eaaclissi aliéscttercfEgland, Irelal, Sitsl il Ste eitiesi6t fnEasep tLpha ecse sqlo tace itt1, c, is Isi.,,asise sie a msocth. - icl.ttseIl eîi5 dioand e greeât variety cf other ese sdSse? i ueses ietn neetylTs, or Paen E ntl C eeyant eatse teBonnesfor tes IimesyîantBos.icsJ Itels slei'lo.l i,. lie Coe Iee,. . - jemss scsn. at L t he ori l a i s, s ietteh. li Ncest Esescs Styln [e s! 5 attoss nst c l fit a d iusso, f r onde. ta'ss a ai Baai ewse 519i c e,,c e , iio5eetiSAuettie ___ Se r s061 lfM rNwEu aleis i-vr4A aia m âiiee amil . p aroia eoin os .__Nw b oleed Ba es iu n titod Fial Wesph. sude Taleoe aid chI«m, May fese !csse eitee Bc suds Dele Sh d o te ct ieil retl e nt.jtetF ehSes, t teiusssesNY'lia liseritpafes iste """ sMd" ascc l ute ,lsa rm ad iisanis, ior suem ent n eautiStyes. aImese tof Tawle Cee) il..cs 5.. e ieo0isei -o __UIt__ ___es ad eneie. ewBrm, loh l l amat hewide byalirelethrAni le 1caeeiSio..v Toeil e u irm uu. Dressdosare. al iaaet Grl,' cýteth__ s B. o. Vols uL eteal Creey ueelothocDeuil CULLODEN, Ofato'Li5theiseLitoi Fisduraeble tOs er midi CenilBelaellCes,'I esiss issBlacadtheu ew Li esa. i B as, ecCs,îOsC ___'.5ia-viFeilna ase Oeile il l ash O ieu , u Dn IsIese. BcfseCossis i si t idisby ietets st Fst~~~ ~~>±>.~~~~des and s~~~~~~eo,nd5oln,15esistdeSreBaeLats4figd Ftois.' ese, 'C.-Ysc i .Oees~oci iisase,~Bs plushes aitlLat!Fs lin s utaBs d isuteussS xsiisgWal l acism , îl ied Bec SknMtaesitor SIOe ldIpcelm ee e...ce c Li. ..ULJ * 5 ut s CIlGelt Sle , bec Guyous umiter Gtees t &lkbauudyrqie. bu8000wrho a OSC1sl roiueu Os.flsiseHalton and Province of On- ~TsslITgrB tJ.o M Lat 5 suta ..s ssriun elititg ff fselenanCstis t Paon. JEe th ie Chat.esat e Stleiss!fRoyel sleet5 Witen, Cresl enaBt1 aa.oeSc.teolo o Seis .jaz. ea.yAs-a d te. 'spetisis ser. Thi gitiell Huses a sgieseteat, osedur RHîgiaci street, clii à,tda thIl oo.T iS ls taria, Mrcbent., estc tdcueie t etnsdTsss .Wtss. Middl OI . E 1 b.e li. ba te f We, MM have ame Ue of 4 Clasp Tses neli.cuind rth iC5csiii fis ris zTONA C ae 5 lesSo< o He-N, it, teeS uesei Go~5,sifirshades. nstii. , eee . it f ecd e, ls onesnes -alà aOe Il, i nue05î hde iu tf .esieeeeeic l t e m osse te "OBAin W l ONIE .11 d -kl teisisis enesesueaeeU barrgi 26. Jintç]Vi eS <Jan Ot'ROWN MA t k.-'ilseom trese stoeiM' Ses.est. ysdal. ell lu, HARD GNTLEMNARE il elemeci uncal te on. l'laaeld. ~ ~ ~ B Culle~uiee o de lh4 et -MaS.etntwokne, r1tcie ienet"tn f N -forTIO ' iteeeu >t espaitis __ .1 t, e al lfiia lestu ' . U. a duo onit is tbue h h b e f c. A eo k c h s o d I dal stioiends a Osu,Aý tl seM.tOiseS . si iseis the '55 . ' aA, a p Theiaeg 5as areemaaesof tee be s'ww LADIES te. ypatte eilcietn okm ngratcaebhtt tk .,dte a.. Dm i diÈýep.iâtas'i -* 'ael ca suto. eeee cn . srlcs . 81 i gi eat.ttoI it o t ..VM ies ,.'..., vola__ s t eli s che a nth of n,lmpo 1 - tt .is 111sa- >-î _ _sa î- ,ani. _______ %k-5tt Se Oilith55ittebljYismiIl Ie5sa.selet. teee,. er, te eSasoleeisdae ,. B.altsd stit 1umtestolss"0 ioee )fWuttLjser nPiSs dur 7-0t so coatpa Oss. 0015 <eUMPTeuNCUM. ~ NOT M ::"WfiITE LEAD, ,COLORS, BRUSSES, s now lrge ia vr ,&e - j n aainie mentmCada _ f~Iu ~ I R ~. '0LAOff *1* 1.. v~e '4 t) o [td h 'i li~ i. oBets p.'.: lit, l'.4 t, I

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